Field Experience IV - Gases Unit Plan

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Forms of Matter: Gases Grade Grade 11

Title of Unit
Curriculum Chemistry 20 Time 16 Classes
Area(s) Frame
Developed by Mitchell Vona


Programs of Study Foundations
What program foundations form the emphasis of the unit? What big ideas from the program of studies will you include?

Foundation 1 - Attitudes: Interest in Science, Mutual Respect, Scientific Inquiry, Collaboration,

Stewardship, and Safety
Foundation 2 - Knowledge: Physical Science, Change, Diversity, Energy, and Equilibrium Matter Systems
Foundation 3 - Science, Technology, and Society: Nature of Science, Science and Technology, and Social
and Environmental Contexts of Science and Technology
Foundation 4 - Skills: Initiating and Planning, Performing and Recording, Analyzing and Interpreting, and
Communication and Teamwork

Links to Mathematics: Data Collection and Analysis, Measurement and Unit Conversion, Graph Analysis,
and Solving Equations.

General Outcome B1: Students will explain molecular behaviour, using models of the gaseous state of

Essential Question
What is the big, overarching question guiding your unit plan?

Focusing Questions: How do familiar observations of gases relate to specific scientific models describing
the behaviour of gases? What is the relationship among the pressure, temperature, volume, and amount of a
gas? How is the behaviour of gases used in various technologies?

Unit Plan Outcomes

What are the general outcomes from the program of studies and specific competencies to be covered in your unit?
What will students understand, be able to do, be able to apply?

20-B1.1k - Students will describe and compare the behaviour of real and ideal gases in terms of the kinetic
molecular theory.
20-B1.2k - Students will convert between the Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales.
20-B1.3k - Students will explain the law of combining volumes.
20-B1.4k - Students will illustrate how Boyle’s and Charles’ laws, individually and combined, are related to
the ideal gas law (PV = nRT).
20-B1.4k1 - Students will express pressure in a variety of ways, including units of kilopascals, atmospheres,
and millimetres of mercury.
20-B1.4k2 - Students will perform calculations, based on the gas laws, under STP, SATP, and other defined
20-B1.1sts - Students will explain that sciences provide a conceptual and theoretical basis for predicting,
interpreting, and explaining natural and technological phenomena.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

20-B1.1sts1 - Students will describe how the development of technologies capable of precise measurements
of temperature and pressure (such as thermocouples, thermistors, and Bourdan gauges) led to a better
understanding of gases and to the formulation of the gas laws.
20-B1.2sts - Students will explain that the goal of science is knowledge about the natural world.
20-B1.2sts1 - Students will describe examples of natural phenomena and processes and products (such as
breathing, diffusion, weather, hot air balloons, scuba diving equipment, automobile air bags, gas turbines,
and internal combustion engines) that illustrate the properties of gases.
20-B1.1sip - Students will formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of
questions, ideas, problems, and issues.
20-B1.1sip1 - Students will state hypotheses and make predictions based on information about the pressure,
temperature, and volume of a gas.
20-B1.1sip2 - Students will describe procedures for the safe handling, storage, and disposal of materials used
in the laboratory, with reference to WHMIS and consumer product labelling information.
20-B1.1sip3 - Students will design an experiment to illustrate Boyle’s and/or Charles’ gas laws.
20-B1.1sip4 - Students will design an investigation to determine the universal gas constant (R) or absolute
20-B1.1sip5 - Students will explore how people who are connected with the land, such as Aboriginal peoples
and agricultural workers, have used plant and animal responses to changes in atmospheric pressure as
indicators of changing weather.
20-B1.2spr - Students will conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a
broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information.
20-B1.2spr1 - Students will perform an experiment in which variables are identified and controlled, to
illustrate gas laws.
20-B1.2spr2 - Students will use thermometers, balances, and other measuring devices effectively to collect
data on gases.
20-B1.2spr3 - Students will use library and electronic research tools to collect information on real and ideal
gases, and on applications of gases, such as hot air and weather balloons.
20-B1.2spr4 - Students will perform an investigation to determine molar mass from gaseous volume.
20-B1.3sai - Students will analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and
assess possible solutions.
20-B1.3sai1 - Students will graph and analyze experimental data that relate pressure and temperature to gas
20-B1.3sai2 - Students will identify the limitations of measurement.
20-B1.3sai3 - Students will identify a gas based on an analysis of experimental data.
20-B1.4sct - Students will work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions
of science in communicating information and ideas, and in assessing results.
20-B1.4sct1 - Students will communicate questions, ideas, and intentions, and receive, interpret,
understand, support, and respond to the ideas of others while collecting data on gases.
20-B1.4sct2 - Students will prepare a group presentation, using multimedia, to illustrate how the pressure,
temperature, volume, and amount of a gas determines the universal gas constant (R).

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

What resources will you require? Will there be guest speakers/field trips to plan for?
Will you need particular resources/materials/technologies?

General Class Resources:

- Student Workbooks and Lab Manuals
- Teacher PowerPoint Slide Decks
- SPARKvue Data Collection System on Mobile Devices
- Gases Review Matching Game
- Physical Copies of Assessments (Learning Checks, Exams, and Lab Discussions)

Lab 2.1 - Ideal Gas Law:

- Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Stainless Steel Temperature Sensor
- Blue Plastic Tubing for the Temperature Sensor
- Sensor Extension Cable
- Centigram Balance
- Graduated Cylinder or Volumetric Pipet (50 mL)
- Graduated Cylinder (1000 mL)
- Paper Towels
- Erlenmeyer Flask
- Two-Hole that Fits the Flask
- Quick-Release Connector
- Tubing (1-2 cm)
- Tubing Connector
- 1.0 M Hydrochloric Acid, HCl (10 mL)
- Sodium Bicarbonate, NaHCO3 (0.80 g)
- Glycerin (2 Drops)

Lab 2.2 - Boyle’s Law:

- Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Syringe (60 mL)
- Tubing (1-2 cm)
- Quick-Release Connector

Lab 2.3 - Charles’ Law:

- Temperature Sensor
- Beaker (1 L)
- Graduated Cylinder (100 mL)
- Tongs
- Hot Plate
- Water Balloon
- Ice
- Dry Erase Marker

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

What will you accept as evidence that learning has occurred at the conclusion of this unit?

- Practice Unit Assessment (Multiple Choice &

Written Response)
What is the summative performance assessment
- Unit Assessment (Multiple Choice & Written
for the unit?
- Lab Discussion (Long & Short Answer)

For the practice unit assessment, my goal is to

determine if there are any collective gaps in
knowledge, any areas of confusion, or any lingering
misconception before the actual unit assessment.
This way I can address these to the whole class, and
ensure that I have done my job in teaching the
outcomes adequately. For the unit assessment, my
What is the goal of your summative performance goal is to test all of the knowledge and STS outcomes
assessment as framed within the outcomes and for this unit before testing them again on the final
competencies? What do you hope to learn? How exam. From this data, I will determine how my
will this assessment inform student learning and students were able to synthesize the entire unit, and
your practice? from the results, it will inform me of where I need to
focus my efforts for future classes as well as for a
final review. For the lab discussion, this is assessing
all of the skill outcomes in relation to the knowledge
and concepts in the unit. This assessment helps me
determine where the various levels of student
application of abstract concepts are strong and
where they need more focus.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

For each lesson in the unit, consider the primary topic/activities, outcome and assessment. Does
each lesson build on the next?
Consider the following questions as you plan your sequence of lessons:
What events will help students engage with, explore, explain, elaborate on and evaluate the big idea in the
How will you help guide students to reflect, rethink and refine their work/ideas/understandings?
How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their developing skills/knowledge/understandings?

How will you assess

What is the primary whether learning has
Lesson What are the primary activities
objective of this lesson in occurred in each lesson?
# in this lesson?
your own words? How will you employ
formative assessment?
1. For students to be able to - KMT Lesson - Learning Check 2.1 -
distinguish between real and KMT
ideal gases using the Kinetic
Molecular Theory of Gases
2. For students to be able to - Learning Check 2.1 - KMT - Learning Check 2.2 -
convert between the various - Units Lesson Units
units of temperature and
3. To introduce the four gas - Learning Check 2.2 - Units - POGIL Group
variables of pressure, - POGIL - Gas Variables Answer Callback
volume, temperature, and Activity
amount of gas, and how
these variables are related.
4. For students to see how the - Lab 2.1 - Ideal Gas Law - Gases Lab
Ideal Gas Law is enacted in a Discussion
real world application.
5. For students to determine - Mass to Mole Conversion - Learning Check 2.3 -
how the gas variables of Whiteboard Activity Ideal Gas Law
pressure, volume, - Ideal Gas Law Lesson
temperature, and amount of
gas are used to calculate the
universal gas constant.
6 For students to determine - Learning Check 2.3 - Ideal - Learning Check 2.4 -
how pressure and volume Gas Law Boyle’s Law
are related to each other. - Boyle’s Law Lesson
7. For students to see how - Lab 2.2 - Boyle’s Law - Gases Lab
Boyle’s Law is enacted in a Discussion
real world application.
8. For students to determine - Learning Check 2.4 - Boyle’s - Learning Check 2.5 -
how temperature and Law Charles’ Law
volume are related to each - Charles’ Law Lesson

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

9. For students to see how - Lab 2.3 - Charles’ Law - Gases Lab
Charles’ Law is enacted in a Discussion
real world application.
10. For students to determine - Learning Check 2.5 - - Learning Check 2.6 -
how pressure, temperature, Charles’ Law Combined Gas Law
and volume are related to - Combined Gas Law Lesson
each other.
11. For students to determine - Learning Check 2.6 - - Learning Check 2.7 -
how the amount of gas and Combined Gas Law Law of Combining
volume are related to each - Law of Combining Volumes Volumes
other. Lesson
12. For students to understand - Learning Check 2.7 - Law of - Gases Unit Exam
where they may have gone Combining Volumes
wrong in various questions - Learning Check Review
seen in this unit’s Learning
13. Gases Practice Unit Exam N/A N/A
14. For students to test their - Gas Law Card Match Review - Gases Unit Exam
knowledge of the various gas Game
laws and being able apply
what the laws describe in a
real world example.
15. Gases Unit Exam N/A N/A
16. Gases Lab Discussion N/A N/A


1.) How do you feel your students experienced this unit?
2.) Were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing understanding, skills and/or
3.) Were you able to make good use of formative assessment for/of/as learning? How did this
information impact your summative assessment?
4.) Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did you accommodate
diverse learners and those requiring accommodations?
5.) Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and interdisciplinary activities
and knowledge?
6.) What went well and what needs refinement? What might you do differently next time?

1.) My students felt a little anxious about this unit. This unit was a complete 180 from the last unit since
it was all math as opposed to all theory. My students’ math skills were definitely lacking and needed
some work going into this unit, and understandably it was a worry for a lot of them. As the unit
progressed, and my students got to experiment in the lab, and practice their math skills, I could tell
that their collective anxiety was going down the more exposure they had to the content.
2.) Since my students had a Learning Checks every second class or so, and the fact that they all had
ample opportunities for scaffolded learning in my lessons, they were all able to see growth in their
skills and understanding all throughout the unit.
3.) Every Learning Check that I had my students write was gone over in depth so as to ensure that my
entire class was keeping up with the expected knowledge and skills needed for success in this unit.
From the grade data of these Learning Checks, I was able to really emphasize during review, areas

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

where the majority of the class held confusions or misconceptions, which ultimately helped them in
their Unit Exams and Lab Discussions.
4.) There are a few students in my class that have an IPP for test anxiety, and so for every single
assessment, whether it be formative or summative, these students were able to take the time they
needed to be successful.
5.) Each lab experiment was connected to a real world problem associated with the gas laws, and so my
students were able to troubleshoot real world issues with the knowledge they saw in class. This then
extended to the application based questions in their lab discussions, where they had to apply their
knowledge and skills to propose a new innovative solution to changing tire pressure in winter
6.) Overall, my delivery of this unit was pretty good, but there were many times that I made
assumptions about what skills or knowledge my students should have had going into this unit. I had
poorly assumed that my students had knowledge of how to correctly name, predict, and balance
chemical reactions, which was very evident towards the end of the unit. This was a big trouble spot,
because I spent a lot of time going over these skills, and every single student was having issues with
them. Instead of assuming this knowledge is already in place, I would really like to take a week out of
the beginning of Chemistry 20 and set it aside for a Science 10 review, that way I can build these
skills up early and not be blindsided by them. That way my students have the opportunity to find
more success than they did this time around.

Links to Weekly Lessons:

Lessons 1-2:

Lessons 3-7:

Lessons 8-12:

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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