Making A Pinhole Camera
Making A Pinhole Camera
Making A Pinhole Camera
Author: Nicole Croy. Ms. Croy teaches high-school photography at Carroll High School in Fort Wayne,
Indiana. She is a contributing writer for Focus On Photography, 2nd Edition.
the inside black to keep any and all light from reflecting.
Drill (or cut) a ¼"-square sub-hole that you will eventually
tape your pinhole over.
2. Using the smallest size needle that you can find, gently
push a hole through a ½"-square piece of aluminum can
You may need to sand the bur on the backside of the
aluminum if it is rough where the needle poked through.
Author: Nicole Croy. Ms. Croy teaches high-school photography at Carroll High School in Fort Wayne,
Indiana. She is a contributing writer for Focus On Photography, 2nd Edition.
ne of the most interesting by a glass lens, but they have a special The Pinhole Process
facts about photography is look all their own that is quite beau- Learning how to construct every part
that cameras and lenses were tiful. Pinhole cameras have a nearly of the pinhole camera and analyzing
invented hundreds of years universal depth of field; virtually the resulting images will give your
before an image was ever recorded. everything is in focus all the time. students an in-depth knowledge of the
The first camera was called the “cam- Making a pinhole camera is simple: history of photography.
era obscura.” This device was used Take a light-tight container and poke 1. Make sure that the chosen con-
in astronomy and, when a lens was a small hole in it to let light through. tainer is light-tight. If the inside is
added, as a drawing tool. It works bright in color, paint it black so that
because light travels in a straight line, light doesn’t reflect off the surface.
and when light rays are reflected from Pinhole cameras have a 2. Cut (for papier-mâché or plastic) or
a subject through a small hole in thin drill (for metal or wood) a sub-hole
nearly universal depth of on the side of the container where
material, these rays cross and are pro-
jected upside-down. field; virtually everything you want to place the pinhole. The
is in focus all the time. sub-hole should be ¼” and centered
Camera Concepts on the side of the box.
The simple pinhole camera doesn’t 3. Carefully cut a 1” square of alumi-
use a lens. Instead it has a thin sheet That light enters the hole and an num from a can. Using a needle,
of metal with a tiny hole in it that image is captured on photographic push a tiny hole through the center
projects an image as a glass lens paper or film. The film is then pro- of the aluminum. Push only the tip
would. The images made by a pinhole cessed in a darkroom using chemicals of the needle through, which will
camera aren’t as sharp as those made that reveal the image as a negative. allow for the smallest possible hole.
Processing Photographic Paper Exposure Time This lesson is adapted from the textbook
Once an exposure is made, students The images will be projected inside Focus on Photography (available from
will need to process their photographic of students’ pinhole cameras upside- Davis Publications) by Hermon Joyner
and Kathleen Monaghan.
inhole cameras are my obses-
sion. I am elated by the fact that
I can build my very own working
camera with just a few common
supplies from my artroom. I began by
making the basic pinhole camera from
a cardboard box (see “The Camera
Obscura and Pinhole Photography”
from last month’s issue), and then
progressed to metal containers. I’ve
explored cylindrical (as well as half
cylindrical) containers, and then was
inspired to build cameras that could
shoot 360 degrees with a multiple lens.
I progressed by building a camera
made from a real box truck, and have
recently landed in the extreme long
exposure category. In the past year
I have created more than 300 long
exposure pinhole cameras that allow
me to record the sun’s light trails
across the sky for months at a time.
important that whatever location you
choose, the camera remain stationary