Mission Architecture Using The SpaceX Starship Veh

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Mission Architecture Using the SpaceX

Starship Vehicle to Enable a Sustained Human
Presence on Mars

Jennifer L. Heldmann,1,i Margarita M. Marinova,2 (ISRU) on Mars is a critical component to enabling humans on
Darlene S.S. Lim,1 David Wilson,3 Peter Carrato,3 Mars to both establish long-term outposts and become self-
Keith Kennedy,3 Ann Esbeck,3 Tony Anthony Colaprete,1 reliant. This article focuses on a mission architecture using the
Rick C. Elphic,1 Janine Captain,4 Kris Zacny,5 Leo Stolov,5 SpaceX Starship as cargo and crew vehicles for the journey to
Boleslaw Mellerowicz,5 Joseph Palmowski,5 Mars. The first Starships flown to Mars will be uncrewed and will
Ali M. Bramson,6 Nathaniel Putzig,7 Gareth Morgan,7
provide unprecedented opportunities to deliver *100 metric
Hanna Sizemore,7 and Josh Coyan8
tons of cargo to the martian surface per mission and conduct
Division of Space Sciences and Astrobiology, Planetary Systems robotic precursor work to enable a sustained and self-reliant
Branch, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California, human presence on Mars. We propose that the highest priority
USA. activities for early uncrewed Starships include pre-placement of
2 supplies, developing infrastructure, testing of key technologies,
Independent Consultant, Santa Monica, California, USA.
Bechtel Corporation, Reston, Virginia, USA. and conducting resource prospecting to map and characterize
NASA Kennedy Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, water ice for future ISRU purposes.
Honeybee Robotics, Pasadena, California, USA. Keywords: Mars, human exploration, ISRU, Starship, SpaceX
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science,
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. INTRODUCTION
Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

pace exploration as a collective has many arcs and
United States Geological Survey (USGS), Geology, Minerals, interconnected goals such as to find life beyond
Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, Spokane, Washington,
Earth, to understand the formation of our Universe,
i and as discussed here, to evolve humankind into a
ORCID ID (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3397-1682).
multi-planet species.1–3 A foundational step in this journey is
to develop a self-sustaining human civilization on Mars,
ABSTRACT which is the closest planet to Earth that is realistically capable
A main goal of human space exploration is to develop humanity of harboring human communities and cities.1–7 The pathway
into a multi-planet species where civilization extends beyond for sustained human Mars exploration includes (1) uncrewed
planet Earth. Establishing a self-sustaining human presence on landed missions to Mars, followed by (2) human landed mis-
Mars is key to achieving this goal. In situ resource utilization sions to Mars with relatively small (10–20 person) crews to

ª Jennifer L. Heldmann, et al. 2021; Published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. This Open Access article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License [CC-BY]
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

DOI: 10.1089/space.2020.0058 MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. XX NO. XX  2021 NEW SPACE 1

establish the first human presence on the planet, (3) advanced

infrastructure development to support planned community
growth, and then (4) transitioning to a self-sufficient state on
The fourth and final condition will require sustained in situ
resource utilization (ISRU), which is the ability to survive
on Mars using local resources and eliminating the reliance on
Earth for long-term survival. Extraction and processing of
critical in situ resources for use such as propellants, life sup-
port, power generation, and radiation and rocket exhaust
shielding, among other applications, can significantly reduce
the required launch mass, risk, and cost of human and robotic
space exploration.7–14
The most valuable resource on Mars for ISRU is the vast
deposits of martian water ice.15–23 Water will be required for
uses such as life support and agriculture, and it will also be
utilized through electrolysis to produce hydrogen and oxygen
for use in fuel cells and rocket engines. Each kilogram of
consumable material transported from Earth incurs a penalty Fig. 1. Artist rendering of the SpaceX Starship vehicle entering the
of about 200 kg of propellant to launch, transfer, and land on martian atmosphere. Credit: SpaceX.
Mars, depending on vehicle specifics. The ISRU of water ice
facilitates the development of a self-sustaining civilization
since the launch mass penalty for transporting water from to ISRU and long-term human settlement early, and they can
Earth to Mars is eliminated.24 autonomously construct basic infrastructure components such
Because of the importance of martian water, the charac- as roads, landing pads, and protective berms.
terization of the ice resource is a top priority for near-term
robotic flights to Mars in preparation for human exploration. STARSHIP MISSION ARCHITECTURE
This paper, thus, focuses on an assessment of initial uncrewed We consider a Mars mission architecture predicated on
flights to Mars aimed at characterizing the ice resource the SpaceX capabilities and vehicles. For the purposes of this
availability plus the methods and equipment required to article, we make the following assumptions regarding the
extract and process the ice to support future human explo- SpaceX capabilities and outline a candidate mission archi-
ration. In addition, sustained human travel to and survival tecture accordingly.
on Mars is a challenging goal that will require expertise on We assume that initially, at least two uncrewed Starships will
various topics such as on-site construction, infrastructure be launched to Mars.1 These uncrewed vehicles have the ca-
planning and development, power systems, communications pability of landing within close proximity of one another
capabilities, and human health and safety considerations, etc., (*1 km spacing to avoid damage induced from landing plumes
which must also be addressed as early as the first uncrewed and lofted regolith) at one landing site or can land in separate
missions. regions of Mars if in situ site reconnaissance is warranted in
This article presents a mission architecture assuming use different locations to select the final landing site for the crewed
of the SpaceX Starship vehicle (Fig. 1) for all landed missions missions. The arrival of Starships at Mars could also be stag-
to accomplish the earlier stated goals and tasks. The first gered by *1–2 months such that landing site assessment can
uncrewed Starships to land on Mars should be strategically be performed with data returned from the first Starship before
dedicated to resource prospecting, infrastructure develop- deciding on the final landing site for the subsequent Starship
ment, and technology demonstration before human arrival. vehicle(s) during a given launch window. These first uncrewed
These early missions can demonstrate the ability to land Starships should remain on the surface of Mars indefinitely and
human-scale landers on Mars and provide the opportunity for serve as infrastructure for building up the human base.
the ground-truth of potential landing site(s) for the eventual Launch windows from Earth to Mars occur approximately
human Mars base. The uncrewed Starship flights also pro- every 26 months when the Earth and Mars are optimally
vide the opportunity to test high-risk items that are critical aligned for interplanetary travel with maximum speed and



minimal propulsion costs,25–27 and thus the next wave of Starship Human Flights
Starships can be launched at the next launch opportunity. This Starship flights carrying the first humans to Mars are op-
second wave of launches would include two or more uncrewed timally planned for the Mars launch window after the launch
vehicles plus at least two crewed Starships; all of these vehi- of the first two (or more) uncrewed Starship vehicles. There-
cles can land at the preferred landing site for construction fore, on human arrival on Mars, there will already be at least
of the human Mars base. Starship launches then continue at two cargo Starships on the surface. This second wave of mis-
each subsequent launch opportunity. An optimal plan is for sions can include two Starships carrying crew plus additional
the total number of landed vehicles to double at a minimum uncrewed/cargo Starships. The human Starships will have on
with each consecutive opportunity, with a to-be-determined order of 1,100 m3 forward space, most of which will be pres-
split between crewed and uncrewed vehicles. These landings surized for human habitation,28,30 an 800 m3 LOX tank, and a
should be focused at the site of the human Mars base. 600 m3 methane tank with a stainless steel primary structure.
The LOX and methane tanks could later become pressurized
Starship Capabilities living space on the surface of Mars. We recommend that these
Starship will be launched by a SpaceX Super Heavy Boos- first crewed Starships each have about 10–20 total people
ter.28,29 This two-stage vehicle (Super Heavy first stage and onboard with an additional 100+ metric tons of available
Starship as the second stage) is fully reusable and can pro- cargo mass per Starship. Cargo carried on these flights will
vide transport to the Earth orbit and the Moon, as well as necessarily include additional equipment required for human
Mars.3,28,30 Starship will serve as the lander for both uncrewed health and productivity during the transit to Mars and on
and crewed missions, customizing the payload volume de- the martian surface. These vehicles will also carry fully op-
pending on the mission. erational hardware needed to support the human Mars base,
Given its expected payload capacity, Starship is able to which is likely to include equipment for power produc-
transport the necessary equipment to support sustained hu- tion, water extraction, pre-prepared landing pads, radiation
man exploration as well as the crews, enabling the eventual shielding, dust control equipment, and exterior shelters for
establishment of cities on Mars.3 Musk1 outlines how SpaceX humans and equipment.
missions to Mars will utilize in-space propellant transfer. In Humans will likely live on Starship for the first few years
this case, the Booster launches Starship into the Earth orbit on Mars until additional habitats are constructed, so the ra-
where it is refilled with CH4 and O2 by additional tanker flights diation risk must be assessed and mitigated accordingly and
from Earth (tankers are Starships that carry only propellant equipment planned to support this initial infrastructure. The
as payload); the Boosters and tankers return to the launch site first wave of uncrewed Starship vehicles can also be relocated
for reuse. The refilled Starship vehicle then travels to the and/or repurposed as needed to support the people on the
surface of Mars.28 Refilling Starship in orbit effectively resets surface. These vehicles will be valuable assets for storage,
the rocket equation, allowing for large payloads to be trans- habitation, and as a source of refined metal and components.
ported to the Moon and Mars.
We utilize the expected capabilities and performance of IN SITU RESOURCE UTILIZATION
Starship for this analysis. Starship will be capable of deliv- As a sustained presence of humans on Mars is predicated on
ering 100 metric tons of payload to the martian surface3 and ISRU, a key objective for the first uncrewed Starship missions
can utilize both forward and aft storage capacity.30 Starship is to confirm the presence of water ice (and other desired
is 9 m in diameter and 50 m in length. Nominal payload de- resources) and characterize these resource deposits. This work
ployment doors are assumed to be 3 m · 3 m and can be fur- would serve to either (1) validate the selection of the initial
ther customized if necessary for specific payloads. Initial landing site as satisfactory for subsequent human landing or
payloads will require significant autonomy for deployment (2) provide valuable information to consider moving the hu-
to the surface and operations, whereas future payloads will man landing site to a different location. Here, we describe
have more crew oversight once a human presence has been multiple uses of water for ISRU and a suggested payload for
established on the planet. characterizing the distribution and properties of near-surface
Starship is also capable of returning crew and cargo from water ice for ISRU.
Mars to Earth. The vehicle is refilled with propellants on Mars
by using local resources processed through a surface propel- Utility of Water Ice as a Mars Resource
lant production plant.3 Starship then launches from Mars and An estimate of requirements for water consumption in the
conducts a direct return to Earth.28 first 5 to 7 years of human habitation is needed to create a



notional water budget for an initial Mars base. Based on space Accessibility of Water Ice on Mars
station experience, the amount of water required (without As a resource required for survival and growth of a human
recycling) is estimated at 0.6 kg/h/person, which includes civilization on Mars, the location and ease of access of water
water for consumption, hygiene, and everyday living.31–34 ice are key drivers for the landing site selection. The location
This estimate will be higher for a longer-term base on Mars of the Mars base, adjacent to the landing site, is one of the
with fewer restrictions on water use such as using more water most critical decisions to be made as all other mission archi-
for personal hygiene compared with current International tecture planning and trade studies must be copacetic with the
Space Station (ISS) protocols, and/or allowing more water for characteristics of this site.
activities such as laundry and cleaning dishes. An architecture to characterize the ice in situ at and near
The amount of water required per person will also increase the first uncrewed Starship landing sites must, therefore, be
as the Mars community grows and eventually includes ac- developed. This on-the-ground reconnaissance is critical,
tivities that use water in addition to personal hygiene and because we must validate assumptions based on orbital and
hydration (e.g., regolith processing, manufacturing, construc- remote-sensing data, coupled with geological modeling. A
tion, perchlorate remediation, plant growth, habitat mainte- top reason for characterizing the near-surface ice is to inform
nance, etc). When designing water treatment and distribution the development of ISRU systems. Knowing the form and
systems for Mars, it is important to recognize that there will purity of the ice (e.g., massive ice, pore ice, etc.) as well as its
be various uses of water, which will each have different re- distribution (depth to the ice, and the lateral and vertical
quirements for purity (e.g., water for human consumption vs. concentrations/heterogeneities) is important for planning the
water for construction). ice excavation operations and ISRU processing.
In addition to supporting human survival, water will be Understanding the distribution and quantity of the ice in the
used as a main source of propellant production on Mars. vicinity of the landing location may be especially important,
Propellant will primarily be used to allow Starship vehicles for as orbital observations have relatively large footprints, often
return to Earth with both cargo and crew. Starship has an averaging data over many square kilometers, and local vari-
oxidizer to fuel (O/F) ratio of *3.5. With its 1,200 metric ton ations may be significant. These uncrewed reconnaissance
propellant capacity, Starship requires on order of 933 metric missions will not only demonstrate whether it is safe and how
tons of oxygen and 267 metric tons of methane for refilling to land Starships at the site, but also provide data to determine
on Mars. Through the use of water electrolysis and Sabatier whether there is, indeed, a viable ice resource in the vicinity
reactions, the relevant net ISRU reaction to produce this of the landing site.
oxygen and methane is CO2 + 2H2O / CH4 + 2O2.
This net reaction produces a mass ratio of O/F of 4 and Ice Resource Characterization
therefore excess oxygen will be produced through this pro- Characterization of the near-surface ice resource will be
cess, which can be used for breathing. The total quantity of accomplished by analyzing data collected using robots and
water needed to refill one Starship through these processes is rovers delivered by the first uncrewed Starship missions. This
then on the order of 600 metric tons, and equivalent to an ice in situ characterization will provide the ground truth needed
cube about 9 m on the side. to assess the viability of the ice resource at the chosen landing
There are multiple options for obtaining this water to sup- site and inform the final decision for the human landing lo-
port return flights to Earth for the first few crews on Mars. cation on Mars.
Water can be transported to Mars from Earth within Starship A number of in situ measurements are required to charac-
cargo vehicles to ensure the availability of necessary water terize the ice resource. In addition to the composition, dis-
for life support and propellant production. This approach will tribution, and form of the ice, the deposit’s overburden must
be especially important for ensuring life support needs for be understood. Depth and material properties of the over-
the first few human crews on Mars, before ISRU of water ice burden will influence the design and operation of the ISRU
is fully functional and reliable. system needed to penetrate to the ice itself. Local geology and
Bringing water from the Earth for propellant production is trafficability of the site are also important for general site
also likely possible in an emergency situation but is chal- knowledge and for planning of larger-scale ISRU processing
lenging, requiring the expensive delivery of water from Earth. and resource transportation systems.
Ultimately, the required water will be mined as a natural re- To accomplish these objectives, a planetary instrument
source on Mars to support the expanding base and provide suite is proposed that has already been selected for flight to
propellant for routine return trips to the Earth. the Moon by NASA. The VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar



Exploration Rover) mission is slated for flight in the mid- Neutron Spectrometer System. Neutron spectroscopy has been
2020s to characterize the lateral and vertical distribution of used at multiple solar system targets to measure planetary
volatiles on the Moon with the goal of helping to inform lunar bulk composition and hydrogenous volatile abundance. The
ISRU architectures.35 Neutron Spectrometer System (NSS) provides (1) estimated
Although orbital observations of volatiles provide valuable hydrogen abundance via epithermal neutron flux, and (2) bulk
information, missions such as VIPER will provide measure- regolith chemical information via thermal-to-epithermal
ments on centimeter-scale resolution over distances of kilo- neutron flux.36 NSS is, therefore, a key tool to map buried
meters that are needed to generate adequate ‘‘volatile mineral ice.37
models’’ for use in evaluating lunar resource potential.35 The The NSS measures both thermal and epithermal neutrons
situation is similar for Mars, in that orbital data coupled with and is active during roving and drilling operations. The in-
numerical modeling are suggestive of near-surface ice, but strument operates by measuring the changes in the leakage
in situ data at higher confidence and at finer spatial scales are flux of low energy neutrons out of the regolith. These neutrons
important to verify the potential for ISRU and required for are produced by galactic cosmic rays, which are so energetic
optimizing the engineering solution for obtaining the ice. that they shatter the nuclei in surface materials. The neutrons
The VIPER payload recommended for flight to Mars consists interact with other nuclei and lose energy, becoming ther-
of several instruments integrated with a mobility platform malized in the process.
(lateral motion) and subsurface drill (vertical access) to Hydrogen is the most efficient at thermalizing neutrons
characterize near-surface ice (Fig. 2). The payload includes a because of their similarity in mass to protons. Water will
neutron spectrometer, near-infrared spectrometer, mass spec- necessarily have a hydrogen signature, though a hydrogen
trometer, and drill subsystem to map and characterize water signal by itself does not uniquely identify the presence of
ice.36 Each payload element is discussed here. water.

Near-InfraRed Volatiles Spectro-

meter System. The Near-InfraRed
Volatiles Spectrometer System
(NIRVSS) measures volatile com-
position, mineralogy, thermo-
physical properties, and fine-scale
geomorphology.38 The instru-
ment operates both by viewing
the surface underneath a rover
while driving and also by viewing
subsurface drill samples. Using
different wavelengths of light to
illuminate the surface, NIRVSS
surveys the surface and exca-
vation site for water and other
volatiles, providing surface and
regolith mineral context.
Mass Spectrometer Observing Lunar
Operations. The Mass Spectro-
meter Observing Lunar Opera-
tions (MSolo) instrument is
a modified commercial off-
the-shelf instrument based on
Fig. 2. NASA’s VIPER payload: NIRVSS (top left, photo credit NASA), NSS (top right, photo credit INFICON’s Transpector MPH
NASA), MSolo (bottom left, photo credit NASA/Glenn Benson), and TRIDENT (bottom right, photo high-performance quadrupole
credit Honeybee Robotics/Kris Zacny). NIRVSS, Near-InfraRed Volatiles Spectrometer System; NSS,
Neutron Spectrometer System; TRIDENT, The Regolith and Ice Drill for Exploring New Terrain; mass spectrometer. The instru-
MSolo, Mass Spectrometer Observing Lunar Operations. ment analyzes volatiles released



from the regolith during traverses as well as subsurface reg- geotechnical properties is found, a typical wheeled rover
olith extraction via drilling. MSolo can detect and differen- likely could not traverse across an LDA given the expected
tiate low-molecular-weight volatiles between 1 and 100 instability of the surface and the sizes and frequency of rocks
atomic mass units. This capability allows for the estimation of and boulders. In this case, airborne assets, vehicles with en-
water (H2O) abundance, and the identification of and relative hanced mobility capabilities, and/or instrumented impactors
intensities of various volatile species (including H2, He, CO, may be required to access and measure the LDA.
CO2, CH4, NH3, H2S, SO2, etc.). The current state of the LDA (e.g., if the LDA is actively
flowing or not) will also affect the location of maximum ice
The Regolith and Ice Drill for Exploring New Terrain. The Regolith concentration (e.g., near the head or base of the glacier). An
and Ice Drill for Exploring New Terrain (TRIDENT) is a 1-m option is to access ice horizontally along the glacier margins
rotary-percussive drill developed by Honeybee Robotics and (instead of from the top of the LDA) if the accumulation of
designed to deliver dry and volatile-rich regolith to the sur- rocks is not prohibitive near the toe or margins of the glacier.
face for inspection by NIRVSS and MSolo. TRIDENT relies on Before investigating an LDA, additional site selection work
a full-faced drill bit with carbide cutters at the end of a 1 m would be required to determine the local trafficability and
auger to break up regolith and convey cuttings to the surface. site access as well as to identify locations within the LDA with
The auger is split into two sections: The bottom 10 cm (also the highest probability of hosting accessible ice.
referred to as a ‘‘sampling bit’’) has deep flutes at shallow Ideally, multiple mobile platforms would be deployed on
angle which are ideal for retention of material; the upper Mars to cover more ground in less time, facilitating a more
90 cm section has shallow flutes at steep angle which are comprehensive study of the ice distribution in the vicinity of
suited for efficient material removal. the Starship landing site. Given the large payload mass of
This design allows for a ‘‘bite sampling’’ approach that pre- Starship, multiple instrumented mobile assets can be sent
serves subsurface stratigraphy. To reduce drilling power, TRI- and deployed. This architecture changes the risk posture of
DENT delivers subsurface regolith in ten 10 cm ‘‘bites’’ all the way the current NASA paradigm of typically sending one mo-
to 1 m depth (or deeper depending on drill string length).39,40 bile asset at a time to Mars (Mars Science Laboratory, Mars
To detect deeper ice within the upper few 10s of meters of Perseverance).
the martian surface, a geophysics payload may also be con- The mobility vehicles can be made robust and able to
sidered. Shallower ice is preferred for ease of access to the navigate significant terrain challenges since mass need not be
resource, whereas deeper ice may still be valuable if it has minimized given Starship’s large payload capability. Easy
higher purity or other beneficial characteristics. In all cases, access from the landed vehicle to the martian surface is pos-
also understanding the ice characteristics with depth and the sible from within the payload pods at the base of Starship. On
total ice thickness is important for resource utilization plan- landing, these vehicles can be deployed directly on the surface
ning. Multiple geophysical techniques are used terrestrially without the need for complex unfolding or deployment ac-
to detect subsurface ice, including ground penetrating ra- tivities as have been used on previous missions.
dar, DC resistivity sounding, seismic refraction, and electro- Additional vehicles can also be stowed and deployed from
magnetic surveys.41,42 Both surface and airborne deployed the main (forward) cargo area. The vehicles must be robust
instrumentation can be considered depending on the traffic- enough to traverse the martian terrain near the landing site
ability of the landing site area on Mars. but should not be overdesigned or optimized at high cost since
Mobility systems are key to enabling these measurements of more risk tolerance is allowed by deploying many assets at
ice distribution. There are two different types of potential ice- once. If one or several vehicles are lost or malfunction, the
rich landing sites on Mars for Starship: (1) subsurface ice in remaining fleet can accomplish the task of mapping the water
the northern hemisphere plains and (2) lobate debris aprons ice. For the relatively benign topography of the plains ice site
(LDAs), or rock glaciers with ice buried beneath a surface layer with its easy trafficability, vehicles similar to those used in
of rock and debris.43 Each type of site likely requires a dif- many terrestrial environments could serve as mobility plat-
ferent style of mobility platform. The northern plains ice could forms to characterize the subsurface ice.
easily be trafficked by a typical rover given the relatively flat To understand the resource potential of the martian ice,
terrain and ability to navigate around any local obstacles. the spatially distributed resource prospecting data must be
Data collection on an LDA is likely more complex given synthesized to determine optimal locations for resource
the complicated topography often associated with these geo- extraction and utilization. Resource assessments are com-
logic features. Unless a particularly smooth area with suitable mon practice in terrestrial mining operations and provide a



framework for making decisions under conditions of uncer- tems planning is critical, because a robust water supply and
tainty by first filling in data at locations that were not sampled wastewater treatment system is fundamental to establishing
and then supplying information about resources in terms of and developing an urban environment, and as such will be
potential occurrence, distribution, type, quality, amount, required for the growth of a human base on Mars. Thus, the
value, and certainty in assessment results.44 initial system layout and design should be conducted with a
Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) is a geospatial math- long-term design in mind. Here, we divide the ISRU process
ematical technique for predicting the location and likeli- into five steps and describe the necessary activities to exe-
hood for the presence or absence of a mineral (or resource) cute each stage of the ISRU sequence.46
accumulation. The result of mineral potential modeling is a
collection of prospectivity maps highlighting areas as not- (1) Characterization of ice reservoir (resource exploration/
permissive, permissive, favorable, and prospective (i.e., areas prospecting). The first step to enable ISRU is to characterize
that are the most likely to contain, in this case, concentrations and verify the presence of the resource. The distribution
of water ice).45 The ability to geostatistically analyze ice (vertical and horizontal) of the potential reserve must be
prospecting datasets, determine cross-correlation relation- mapped, and the form and concentration of the resource (ice)
ships among in situ remote sensing datasets, and create pre- in the subsurface must be determined. Surface ice is largely
dictive maps regarding water ice for ISRU (including areas not stable in the mid to low latitudes on the surface of Mars
where ground-truth data are not available) will be critical in the present-day climate,19,47 and thus any ice will have an
components of the prospecting process. overburden layer of dry rock and/or regolith. This overburden
depth must be determined, along with the material strength
Considerations for ISRU Water Ice System Criticality and properties (e.g., rock, loose soil) of the layer to ensure
The use of water ice for ISRU has been determined as a suitable drilling and/or excavation techniques are used to
critical feature of sustainability for a long-term human pres- access the buried ice.
ence on Mars. With this goal in mind, early planning must Understanding the local geologic setting is also important
differentiate between critical systems for enabling a long- for characterizing the subsurface ice itself as well as the
term human presence versus supplementary capabilities, with overburden properties. Understanding the local geology and
an emphasis correspondingly placed on the critical systems history of the site will inform the type of ice present in the
during early mission opportunities. For example, infrastruc- subsurface (e.g., pore ice vapor deposited from the atmo-
ture must be built to be expandable to support additional sphere, massive ice remnant from a relict glacier, frozen flood
facilities over time. waters or snowpacks). Depending on the site, the overburden
Tools and equipment used within the base should be multi- material may be wind-blown sands and fines, regolith and/or
purpose whenever possible to maximize operational flexibil- rock resultant from ice sublimation over geologic time, gla-
ity and optimize the mass allocations that are transported cial depositions of larger rocks and boulders, headwall ero-
from the Earth. Multiple capabilities for equipment and tools sion, etc.
will also ensure redundancy and resilience. For example,
water extraction should employ multiple systems to ensure (2) Acquisition of water ice. There are multiple techniques for
that if one method fails, the crew will not be jeopardized. As acquisition of subsurface ice on Mars. The Rodriguez well
the size of the Mars base expands, we must also remain (Rodwell) technology is a terrestrial method for extracting
mindful of complexity growth. Multiple approaches for initial water in polar environments that is promising for martian
activities and installations will provide additional capacity application. The Rodwell was first designed and tested for use
and faster growth potential for the future. The need for spare in Greenland and Antarctica.48,49 The concept is straightfor-
parts must also be addressed, especially as there will likely be ward and involves melting ice at depth to create a reservoir
limited knowledge on the durability of these systems in the of liquid water that can be pumped to the surface. The de-
martian environments. Using common components between velopment of the size and shape of the underground ponding
systems will aid in having sufficient spare parts while also cavity are functions of the relative rates of melting and water
minimizing the mass required from Earth. removal via pumping.50 The Rodwell maintains liquid water
within the subsurface cavity for the duration of the well’s
Water Ice ISRU Process operational lifespan, and this pool of water expands as more
Water ice ISRU on Mars is based on terrestrial mining ice is melted over time from the walls of the cavity, thereby
processes and modified for the martian case. The water sys- providing a constantly renewing source of water.



Rodwell systems are robust and still in routine use in polar A prototype RedWater system was designed and tested in a
regions on Earth. A Rodwell has been used at the U.S. South -25C block of ice at the same temperature (Fig. 4). The 15 kg
Pole Station in Antarctica since 1995 to supply liquid water melt pool was created in *2 h by using *1 kW heater system
to the station51 and has successfully provided tens of millions (which implies thermal efficiency of *50%). Extrapolating to
of liters of fresh water.52 The lifespan of a South Pole Rodwell mass production, 1 metric ton of water could be produced in
is *7 years, which would be ideal for Mars since this time- 10 days.
frame would cover multiple launch opportunities to support Beyond a Rodwell, alternate methods of acquiring water
an initial base of humans. from subsurface ice include strip mining and/or the use of
A Rodwell system dubbed ‘‘RedWater’’ is under design explosives. For strip mining, machinery mechanically removes
specifically for use in the martian environment by Honeybee the dry overburden and then a jackhammer, drilling, or sawing
Robotics.24,53 This system is capable of mining water at up to machine breaks apart the subsurface ice. This technique is a
25 m depth and through up to 20 m of overburden. RedWater form of surface mining where the overlying material is re-
implements two proven terrestrial technologies: coiled tub- moved to expose the resource to be harvested. Another option is
ing (CT) for drilling and Rodwell for water extraction. The to use explosives that can be detonated in a controlled manner
RedWater components are shown in Figure 3. The end of to remove the unwanted overburden deposit and simulta-
the CT tube has a Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA), which is a neously expose and break apart the desired subsurface ice.
motor and a drill bit for drilling into the subsurface. To remove Regardless of the ice extraction technique ultimately cho-
chips, compressed martian air is pumped down the tube. sen, a backup technique should be available given the criti-
Once the hole is made, the CT is left in the hole and used as a cality of harvesting ice. In designing the overall architecture
conduit for water extraction. The BHA contains a rotary- for the initial Mars base, equipment associated with different
percussive drill subsystem similar to the one used in Honeybee excavation techniques may have multiple functions. For
Robotics Deep Drill54 and heaters. On reaching an ice layer, example, a trenching machine for digging ice may also be
the drill continues for another *3 m and then stops advanc- used for digging pipelines for conveying liquids and gases
ing forward, but the bit continues spinning. The drill deploys a throughout the base. Multiple use cases for equipment should
flexible packer to seal off the hole and subsequently, the be considered when designing contingency plans for ice ex-
heaters are turned on to melt the surrounding ice. After traction capabilities.
melting a section of ice, the borehole is further pressurized,
and a valve opens to allow water to flow to the surface tank, as (3) Water distribution system. The ice harvested from the mine
in terrestrial geysers. site will likely require transport from the mine to closer to the
human base for additional pro-
cessing and ultimate use. Water
and/or ice can be transported via
multiple means, for example,
pipelines, pump systems, hose
systems, and/or truck delivery.
Architecture trades will be re-
quired to determine the most ef-
ficient and effective means of
resource transport. A key con-
sideration will be the volume of
water to be transported. For ex-
ample, a pipeline system may not
be needed initially if the volumes
of water are relatively low.
In this scenario, trucks may be
sufficient to transport the water
resource. However, to establish a
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of Honeybee Robotics RedWater Rodriguez well for Mars. Major sub- permanent base, a pipe system to
systems are indicated. Here the RedWater drill is carried by NASA’s ATHLETE rover. the resource is optimal since the



The method of water storage is also important. Trades are

required to optimize the design of the transfer process de-
pending on whether water will be stored as ice and melted as
needed or if large tanks of liquid will be maintained for on-
demand use. Such decisions may be driven by the selection
of the primary water extraction technique. For example,
continuous operations of a Rodwell system require significant
energy to maintain the underground pool of liquid water,
so one possibility is extracting all the water needed from a
Rodwell (or multiple Rodwells) to maintain the base for a
significant amount of time at once, and then storing that water
for future use. Regardless, growth and maintenance must be
considered when designing each asset and component of the
martian water distribution system.

(4) Water/ice purification. Water extracted from in situ sources

on Mars must be tested for contaminants and potential bio-
Fig. 4. RedWater undergoing testing in a block of water ice at
-25C. Shown is a melt pool formed after *2 h of melting while logical presence and purified accordingly.55 The level of
the auger bit (center) is being rotated to stir up the water. The pool tolerable impurities must be identified for different uses of
is 10† in diameter and contains 15 L of water. the water resource, for example, requirements for propellant
purity will differ from requirements for drinking water.
free flow of water stimulates the growth of civilization. A However, the fraction of water required to sustain the human
proper regard for the importance of gravity in influencing presence on Mars will be relatively small compared with the
water flow direction is important. It is most advantageous if water required to refill the Starship vehicles. As is routine
the water consumer is located at a lower elevation than the on the ISS, 90% of water can be recycled; this would also be
water supply. If this is not the case, then the energy demand the case on Mars.
required for pumping water from the storage location to the The first step in the water purification process is a labora-
consumer must be assessed. Fluctuation of ambient temper- tory analysis to characterize the impurities and guide the
ature is also a significant design factor on Mars. There is much treatment processes. System reliability must be high for this
terrestrial technology that can contribute to understanding testing, as chemical or biological contamination may signif-
low-temperature installation, as there are numerous major icantly affect the health of the crew.56–59 In the design of
municipal water supply districts in extremely cold locations water analysis technology for Mars, avoidance of consum-
on the Earth such as Canada, Russia, and Scandinavia. ables is ideal to minimize the types and amounts of specific
The type of resource transportation system will also be materials that must be transported from the Earth. A priori
dependent on the distance between the mining site and the knowledge of ice characteristics will help inform the design
human base and Starship vehicles. This distance will not be of a suitable water analysis system.
known until final site selection and master planning the de- There are multiple methodologies that can be employed for
sign of the Mars base. When developing the resource transport water and/or ice purification. Physical treatment technologies
system, the number of resource transfers should be minimized utilize phase separation of constituents in water through
since any transfer of materials introduces inefficiencies in the density differential (flotation, settling, centrifugation), phase
system. changes (distillation, evaporation, freezing), selective physi-
Locations of processing and storage facilities are also im- cal barrier (filtration), reverse osmosis, or differential surface
portant considerations when planning a water distribution chemistry (capillary and chromatographic separation, ion ex-
system. For example, the system for transferring water from change, sorption).55,60 For these methodologies, chemical
the mine site to the base may, in part, be dependent on whether consumables are generally not utilized but maintenance and
the water purification and/or additional processing is done replacement of hardware components is often required.
at the mine site or at the human base. This decision is Chemical treatment options can remove unwanted con-
architecture-dependent but will influence the amount and taminants as well as disinfect a water supply. These methods
type of infrastructure available at both locations. are generally rapid and reliable, although they typically



consume reactants that must be resupplied and can produce (e.g., Sabatier).60 Electrolysis converts four water molecules
byproducts that must be considered for waste management. into four H2 and two O2 molecules (4H2O / 4H2 + 2O2).
Mars missions should prioritize chemical treatment tech- Methanation uses a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide from
nologies where reactants can be produced in situ and the the atmosphere with hydrogen from the water electrolysis
byproducts are benign.55 Numerous chemical purification to produce methane and water (CO2 + H2 / catalyst / CH4
methods exist, each with advantages and disadvantages as and H2O).
well as varying applicability to a long-duration space flight.55 The oxygen propellant is generated by the water electrol-
Biologic treatment options can also be considered to de- ysis process. The oxygen and methane are liquefied and stored
termine the optimal combination of techniques for water as cryogens due to practical considerations of total volume
purification on Mars.55,61,62 Although the kinetics of biolog- of the propellants in gas versus liquid phase. These products
ical processes are typically lower (hours to days) compared must then be stored until ready for use.
with physical or chemical processes (seconds to minutes), Many of the activities described for martian water ice ISRU
biological processes are capable of auto-regeneration and can be conducted both before human arrival and post-human
may provide a sustainable purification system within a bio- arrival on Mars. Initial uncrewed flights should be used to
reactor on Mars. Bioreactors have become common practice prove out high-risk and high cycle items as early as possible.
on the Earth63 and can consist of aerobic, anaerobic, or pho- For example, trucks can move autonomously across remote
totrophic systems. Trade studies must be conducted to deter- terrain to transport machinery to the mine site. However,
mine the optimal combination of physical, chemical, and/or one may not want or need to fully deploy the full excavation
biologic water purification systems to support the Mars base. and ISRU systems unless increased automation is possible.
Typically, such complex deployments become easier with
(5) Distribution, storage, and use of water. Once water has been human intervention.
extracted from the martian subsurface, it must be distributed However, some subcomponents of the ISRU system may
to end users or stored until needed. On Mars, water can be be tested before human arrival. For example, the ISRU elec-
stored in either the frozen (ice) or liquid (water) state. The most trolysis and methanation plant could operate with fresh water
efficient means for distributing water will greatly depend on brought from the Earth in conjunction with CO2 acquired
the state in which it is stored. Trade studies should be con- from the martian atmosphere. Such an activity would be de-
ducted to determine the most efficient means for storing the coupled from the more complex ice excavation system and
water. Some considerations are outlined here. could operate for 1 or 2 years before human arrival.
If a Rodwell system is used continuously to pump liquid During this time, it would demonstrate the long-term, high
water from the martian subsurface, then the water will be cycle operation of the CO2 compressor, methanation system
extracted and may be stored as a liquid. For safety, the base and catalyst, and products purity. On-site tests of propellant
should always maintain some liquid water for crew use. tank insulation could also be conducted to test different
Depending on production rates, some water would likely be methods of insulation. Performance of components common
stored for longer periods of time possibly as ice, which would to multiple systems (e.g., drives, motors) needed to perform
remain frozen in the ambient martian environment but would for long periods of time can be tested to measure reliability. It
need to be protected against sublimation. is relatively easy for a human to perform maintenance ac-
The option of frozen storage may apply to the production tivities such as changing out end effectors for drills and other
of propellant for Starship return trips to the Earth, which occur hardware components, whereas such maintenance can be
only every 2 years. Trade studies are required regarding the difficult to automate.
options to constantly produce propellant at the base to min- Therefore, long-duration performance testing hardware
imize any surges in power needs versus producing propellant should be conducted before crews arrive, whereas more com-
on demand in a batch process. Batch processing would reduce plex tasks should take advantage of the availability of human
the cryogenic cooling requirements for longer term storage problem-solving skills once they arrive. However, in terms
but would likely be difficult due to the power requirements of enabling martian ISRU for support of the human base, the
to generate propellant all at once. Propellant production also highest priority activity for the first uncrewed Starship mis-
requires CO2 and its collection and processing must be inte- sions is to characterize the Mars ice resource to finalize de-
grated with the associated water production. signs of the water extraction, purification, and processing
Once martian water is extracted, further processing requires systems for ISRU and begin testing out some generic high
a combination of electrolysis and the methanation process cycle systems in the martian environment.



ADDITIONAL HIGH PRIORITY STARSHIP example, terrestrial solar panels are often mounted on heavy
OBJECTIVES support structures that track the Sun to increase power pro-
In addition to ISRU considerations, we outline additional duction over time.
high-priority objectives for the first two uncrewed Starship The sheer areal extent of solar arrays required on Mars may
missions to optimize development of the human base on Mars. prohibit the use of tracking devices, and the first missions can
These tasks include deploying initial power infrastructure assess the merits and drawbacks of deploying the arrays on
elements, characterizing the local environment at the land- the ground or above ground, with or without tracking cap-
ing site, implementing initial radiation shielding, food growth abilities. For example, simpler deployment techniques such
experiments, autonomous regolith excavation and drilling as pressurizing ribs to uncoil large rolls of solar arrays should
demonstrations, pre-positioning of supplies, and assessing be tested. In addition, maintenance of the arrays (including
hazards to human habitability during surface operations. dust removal) must be tested to determine optimal long-term
Deploy Initial Power Infrastructure
The successful deployment and operation of a power Environmental Characterization
infrastructure is of highest priority for both uncrewed and The first uncrewed Starships provide an unprecedented
crewed missions to the martian surface. Since the availability opportunity to collect environmental data at the landing site
of power is critical to surface operations, an initial deployment which will be valuable for the design and construction of
and test of power systems is a priority for the first Starship future equipment and infrastructure to be flown to Mars. A
vehicles that land on Mars. For the landed missions (both with basic weather station to measure atmospheric and surface
and without crew), power will initially be provided by battery temperatures, wind speed and direction, atmospheric dust
power, followed by solar arrays once they are deployed and content, atmospheric pressure, and radiation levels is neces-
verified. A backup power source is also required that can be sary to minimize uncertainty regarding the environmental
obtained via battery, chemical, and/or propellant sources. conditions expected for future missions. Surface properties
Solar power is likely an early power option beyond just such as trafficability, geomorphology, and geotechnical prop-
batteries, but with the regular occurrence of global dust erties of the surrounding landscape should be assessed to
storms, nuclear power will be the long-term solution. Nuclear optimize future infrastructure development such as roads,
reactors can, thus, also be used for early crews if available. landing pads, and habitats.
Although initial demands may be smaller, Starship’s payload
capacity will allow deployment of very large nuclear power Test High-Risk Items
facilities. As an example, the Hyperion reactor design weighs The flight of two uncrewed Starship vehicles to the martian
20 metric tons and produces 25 MW of power. surface also provides the opportunity to test several high-risk
Significant uses of power include propellant generation items before human arrival. Operations that may be particu-
and storage on the martian surface, Starship vehicle support, larly sensitive to unknowns in the martian environment and
storage of water and food, and support for crew extravehicular require long duration testing have the highest priority on the
activities away from the main base. Power will likely be al- first Starship missions.
located in a distributed manner with a number of networked
assets that can access and harness the required power where Radiation Shielding
and when needed. Contingency power systems are also re- Radiation shielding is a high-priority requirement to en-
quired to ensure stay-alive power levels. If needed, non- sure human safety on the surface. Astronauts will require
essential activities such as propellant production and resource adequate radiation shielding while working and living within
exploration activities could be curtailed in emergencies. the Starship vehicle on Mars and will also require radia-
A key technology demonstration that could be conducted tion mitigation when working outside of the Starship. For
on the first uncrewed Starship missions is the autonomous example, outdoor protected areas to conduct maintenance
deployment and operation of a solar power system. Deploy- activities, laboratory work, and for transit between different
ment methodologies as well as solar panels and array designs Starships and/or facilities are required.
should be tested. For example, solar panels on space missions Limited measurements of radiation levels on the mar-
are typically optimized for high performance. Trades in solar tian surface are available64,65 along with numerous radi-
panel design and manufacture for lower performance may ation models to predict expected radiation levels.66,67
be offset by simply deploying a larger array on Mars. For However, existing surface radiation measurements on Mars



are at discrete locations not coincident with the expected will inform variations on future designs for equipment to
landing sites of Starship and, thus, the applicability of be flown to Mars, and to develop as much infrastructure as
these measurements to different locations is unknown. feasible before the first human landings.
Radiation models also include multiple assumptions and
uncertainties and must be validated with surface measure- Pre-position Supplies Before Human Landings
ments at the Starship landing site. Therefore, a long- The substantial cargo capacity (100 metric tons) of the
duration radiation monitoring station on the surface at the Starship vehicle provides ample opportunity to deliver and
Starship landing site along with different materials and pre-position key supplies on Mars in advance of human ar-
designs for radiation shielding testing are envisioned, in- rival. The Starship vehicles themselves will serve as initial
cluding the potential use of local Mars materials for radia- infrastructure at the Mars base. The large interior volume of
tion shielding purposes. Starship (both pressurized and unpressurized) provides sig-
nificant space to serve as shelter in terms of habitation
Food Production quarters, laboratory and work space for humans, and storage
Food growth experiments are an opportunistic activity to space for equipment and supplies.
conduct on early Starship landers. The ability for humans to The first humans to Mars should be able to live within the
grow their own food on Mars will be key to becoming self- Starship vehicles that flew them from Earth. However, in the
sustaining.68 Food production and processing is highly de- event of any off-nominal issues, the human crew also has
pendent on environmental conditions (e.g., reduced gravity, the original uncrewed Starship vehicles that first arrived on
temperature, radiation, soil chemistry, etc.), which are vari- Mars as backup sources of habitation and storage space as well
able between sites.69–71 Plant growth experimentation is as spare parts and supplies.
necessary to assess the effects of various conditions such The first uncrewed Starships can also pre-position stock-
as high carbon dioxide levels, low light, low water and nu- piles of food and water on Mars before human arrival. This
trient levels, pollination efficiency, and the effect of low approach will provide redundancy and ensure adequate sup-
pressure and magnetic fields on plant growth and crop plies to support the humans on the martian surface, as the
productivity.68,72–75 crewed Starships will also bring food and water supplies. Food
Most of these martian conditions are not believed to be is key to human sustenance, and water will be important
limiting for crop productivity and can be compensated for not only for human use and consumption but also to enable
within a greenhouse environment.68,76,77 Hydroponics will ISRU on Mars. In the event that water cannot be harvested
also be assessed on Mars, building on hydroponic food pro- from Mars in the time or quantities required to support
duction research on the ISS with the Vegetable Production ISRU activities, contingency rescue scenarios, including de-
System (VEGGIE).78 In addition, fresh plants and crops are livery of water from Earth via Starship, can be used to save
expected to have a positive impact on the psychological the crew if needed.
health of the crew.75 Food production can be tested to a lim- Communication systems from the first uncrewed Starships
ited extent on robotic missions, whereas human-tended plant will be prepositioned and tested before human arrival on Mars.
growth activities can potentially be conducted with less These systems will be established and tested for communica-
operational complexity. tion between Earth and the uncrewed Starships on Mars.
Successful communication is required to ensure that the hu-
Autonomous Construction Operations mans will have the ability to communicate with the Earth,
Additional experiments to be considered for the first even in the event of any off-nominal issues with the com-
uncrewed Starship landers are centered on the processes of munications system in the human-tended Starships.
excavation, drilling, and building by using autonomous The first uncrewed Starship will also preposition additional
operations. Excavation and drilling are key activities to equipment such as rovers to enable mobility of equipment and
enable long-term survival of humans on Mars. These ac- humans. Rovers should ideally be equipped with a modular
tivities are critical for ISRU as well as civil engineering ability to complete multiple tasks and maintain energy effi-
applications such as building berms, roads, trenches, and ciency. Rovers conceivably would be used for such varied
landing pads.79–81 tasks as deployment of solar arrays, excavation of regolith for
Much of this work can be done robotically, and the first construction and ISRU, moving cargo and material to differ-
Starship missions can be utilized to test and demonstrate ent areas of the base site, and transport of equipment to field
autonomous techniques. These initial construction activities sites. Depending on the Starship landing site locations and the



size of the human base, rovers may be needed to transport bination of parameters (water, energy, nutrients) leads to a
people and/or cargo between Starships and more remote lo- reasonable possibility of extinct and/or extant life on Mars,
cations (such as field science sites, ISRU sites for ice excava- which cannot be ruled out at the present time.
tion, etc). The instrumentation for biological hazard assessments
could, thus, also provide additional scientific data in the field
Landing Site Preparation of astrobiology to help determine whether life ever arose on
Early Starships will land on native martian terrain with the Red Planet, a fundamental scientific question driving the
no landing site preparation available; however, operational exploration of Mars.86,90–94 These investigations can provide
capabilities can be enhanced for subsequent flights through baseline measurements of the biologic potential for native
the development of dedicated landing areas. Landing pads martian life in the near-surface environment on the uncrewed
must not only withstand the heat and pressure of the engine missions in preparation for the much more thorough search
thrusters, but also berms surrounding the pads must mitigate for life studies that will be enabled by having astronauts on
regolith sandblasting of the surrounding area.82 the surface to conduct more sophisticated experiments and
These protective measures are important to allow buildup access subsurface environments.
of a human base with infrastructure in close proximity to the
pads. The construction of landing pads will also prevent CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE VISION
lander exhaust plumes from excavating holes under the The SpaceX Starship vehicle fundamentally changes the
lander, possibly melting subsurface ice and/or tipping the paradigm for human exploration of space and enables humans
lander and causing lander damage.83 Multiple surface stabi- to develop into a multi-planet species.1–3 The first steps of
lization techniques have been proposed for the construction developing a self-sustaining human civilization on Mars uti-
and evaluation of landing pads such as use of in situ materials, lizing planned SpaceX missions to the Red Planet have been
3D printing, and freezing of landing areas.82,84,85 Multiple outlined. The first Starships flown to Mars will be uncrewed
options could be assessed on Mars by producing multiple and provide unprecedented opportunities to each deliver *100
‘‘landing coupons’’ using equipment delivered in the first metric tons of cargo and conduct precursor work to enable
uncrewed Starship and testing under subsequent uncrewed martian ISRU for a sustained and self-reliant human presence.3
Starship landings. Highest priority activities for the uncrewed Starships will
be pre-emplacement of supplies and infrastructure, testing
Human Habitability and Astrobiology of key technologies, and conducting resource prospecting to
To enhance human health and safety, early uncrewed map and characterize water ice.
Starships could also include a payload(s) to assess the hazard Starship missions to the lunar surface may be an important
potential to operations on the surface, including character- stepping stone for reaching Mars both technically and pro-
izing materials that humans are likely to encounter for po- grammatically. The Moon can be a testbed and demonstration
tential biological, chemical, and mechanical hazards. This platform for ISRU technologies as well as Starship opera-
would include characterization of the water ice and dust along tions. Regardless of destination, this article highlights the
with refining our understanding of perchlorates in the soil. importance of early master planning to enable development
Instruments that could characterize these aspects of the of a sustained human presence on another world.
martian environment and evaluate the biological potential in ISRU is a key component for enabling humans to decrease
the area of interest would help inform mitigation measures reliance on the Earth and instead develop a self-sustaining
and risk evaluation for initial crews traveling to Mars. presence off-planet. The development and expansion of an
Regarding the potential for life on Mars, recent work has initial Mars base will allow more humans to live on the Red
examined the issue of martian habitability, which suggests Planet, and thereby accomplish the historic and unprece-
that Mars could have harbored life within the past 5 million dented task of making humanity a multi-planet species.
years.86 Near-surface ice likely had water activity levels high AUTHOR DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
enough to support life at higher obliquities, and ground ice No competing financial interests exist.
is an especially efficient means for preserving organic bio-
markers for extended periods of time.87–89 Multiple energy FUNDING INFORMATION
sources to support martian life exist in the form of carbon Portions of this work were funded by a grant to PI J.L.
dioxide and nitrogen in the atmosphere, nitrates in the soil, Heldmann through NASA’s SSERVI (Solar System Explora-
and/or perchlorate combined with basaltic rock.86 This com- tion Research Virtual Institute) for the RESOURCE project.



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