WBCS Syllabus For Geography
WBCS Syllabus For Geography
WBCS Syllabus For Geography
Pulse Amplitude modulation and digital communication : PAM, Delta, ASK, FSK, PSK, MSK.
Energy Sources :
Present Electrical Power Scenario of West Bengal & India (Generation & Utilisation).
Basic theory of small Hydropower, Solar (thermal and photovoltaic), Wind & Bio-energy and other
renewable sources.
Electric heating. Resistance, Arc & Induction Furnaces - basic principles and application, Dielectric Heating
- principles & application.
Lamps : incandescent, discharge and solid-state types, their efficacies, features and applications.
Magnetic choke and glow starter operation in TL circuit. Difference between electronic and magnetic
Nature and composition of earth's crust; Structure of earth's interior; Origin, distribution
and permanency of Continents and Ocean Basins; Theories of isostasy, continental drift,
and plate tectonics; Earth movements - types and effects; Fundamental concepts in
geomorphology; Gradational processes - weathering and masswasting; Landforms due to
fluvial. glacial. aeolian, coastal and karst processes; Evolution of landscape - cyclic and
non-cyclic models; Global hydrological cycle.
Atmosphere - nature, composition and structure; Elements and factors of weather and
climate; Insolation and Heat-budget; General circulation of winds, Jet Streams and
Monsoons; Condensation and Precipitation; Airmass and fronts; Tropical and Extra-
tropical cyclones; Thunderstorm and tornado; Climatic classification - principles and
application(Koppen, Thorntwaite, Trewartha); Global climatic changes.
Origin of continents and ocean basins; Bottom topography of ocean basins: Indian, Pacific
& Atlantic Oceans; Nature, origin and characteristics of continental shelves and slopes,
submarine canyons and coral reefs and atolls; Ocean currents: Indian, Pacific and Atlantic
oceans; Physical and Chemical properties of ocean water: temperature, salinity and
density; TS Diagram and Watermass; Ocean Deposits; Marine Resources.
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Environmental Geography
Nature and composition of Biosphere; Concepts relating to Ecosystem - production and
decomposition, homoeostasis, energy environment, productivity, food chain, food web,
trophic structure, ecological niche, ecological pyramids, and ecological crisis; Ecosystem -
principles and components; Components, Bio-energy Cycles and Biogeochemical cycles;
Major Ecosystems of the world; Environmental degradation and conservation;
Environmental pollution - land, water, air and noise; Natural hazards and natural disaster
characteristics, mitigation and global efforts.
The Earth as a Cartographic Problem - size and shape; co-ordinate system; scale and
map projection; Principles and properties of Polar Zenithal. Conical. Cylindrical and
Conventional projections (all normal case); Thematic mapping - types and techniques;
Principles of Surveying and Levelling with Chain, Plane Table, Dumpy level and GPS;
Remote Sensing nature and principles; Geographical Information System - evolution,
components, and functionality.
Population Geography
Factors and measures of population growth; Malthus, Neo-Malthusianism, Optimum,
Social and economic, Biological and natural and Demographic transition theories of
population growth; Pattern of World population growth; Migration - nature, theories and
consequences on society; Population distribution - density and global pattern; Global
patterns and trends of population composition (age-sex structure and occupational
Settlement Geography
Origin and Growth of Settlements; Function, morphology, types and patterns of Rural
settlements; Urban growth and urbanization; Classification, functions, and morphology of
towns and cities; Models of urban growth - Burgess, Hoyt, Harris and Ullman, Mann.
Urban gradients and densities; Residential areas - patterns and processes; The Central
Business District - characteristics, delimitation and changes; The Central Place Theory
and the Ranksize rule, The Urban field and inter-urban movement.
Paper – II :
Physical Geography
Location and space relationship with neighboring countries; structure and Relief; Climate
and Drainage; Soil and Natural Vegetation
Resource Base
Distribution, utilization and Conservation of Land (soil), Water (freshwater), Water
Disputes interstate and neighboring countries, Mineral (iron ore, manganese, bauxite,
mica), Energy (coal, oil, natural gas, and Non - Conventional sources like wind, tidal and
solar power) and Biotic Resources
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Indian agriculture - nature and characteristics; Development of Agriculture during the Plan
periods; Green Revolution; Distribution and characteristics of cultivation of rice, wheat,
jute cotton, tea, and coffee; Agricultural Regions, Industrial development and industrial
policy during the Plan Period; Locational Dynamics, Growth and Development of the Iron &
Steel, Aluminum, Engineering, Oil Refining, Cotton Textile, Jute, Sugar, Paper, cement and
automobile industries; Growth and Development of Transport and Communication System
(Road, Rail, Water, and Air); Nature and Development of Trade - national and foreign
specially with the SARC and ASEAN countries; Trade Balance.
Population as a Resource; Relation between Population and Socio-economic Development;
Population Growth - spatial and temporal variations; Population Distribution and
population - resource relationships; Population Composition and social implications age,
sex, literacy, religion, and caste; Urban Growth and Urbanization - characteristics and
patterns, factors and processes; Population Problems and Population Policy during the Plan
Physical Geography
Location with Geographical Personality; Physiographic Divisions - structure and relief;
Climate - seasonal weather conditions; Agro-climatic regions; Drainage systems and
problems; Soil - types and fertility, erosion and conservation; Natural Vegetation - types
and distribution, deforestation and afforestation.
Resource Base
Distribution, utilization and Conservation of Land, Water, Mineral, Energy (both
Conventional and Non - Conventional) and Biotic Resources
Landuse - characteristics and correlates; Irrigation and Agriculture - development during
the Plan periods; Rice, jute, and tea - cultivation, crop ecology, production and problems;
Crop Combination Regions; Impact of Green Revolution; Industrial Regions - growth,
development and problems; Trade and Transport - nature and status of development;
issues of development
Population as a Resource; Relation between Population and Socio-economic Development;
Growth and Distribution (absolute, and density - crude, physiological and habitational);
Population Composition - age, sex, literacy, occupation, religion, and caste; Urban Growth and
Urbanisation - characteristics, patterns and factors; Population Problems and Population Policy
during the Plan periods
Paper – I : I. General Geology:
Composition of the planets and meteorites. Abundance of elements in the universe and earth.
Origin of the Earth. Internal constitution of Earth. Heat flow and geothermal gradient. Gravity,
gravity anomalies on earth and Isostasy. Earth as a magnet, magnetic anomalies.
Earth’s internal processes, volcanism and global distribution of volcanoes. Earthquakes: causes,
effects, earthquake belts. Seismic zones of India.
IV. Geotectonics:
Continental drift and sea-floor spreading hypotheses, linear magnetic anomalies.
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