1. (b); From both figures it is clear that numbers adjacent 3. (a); Clearly number 1 will be opposite to number 2.
to 2 are 3, 1 and 4. Hence number 5 or 6 will be 4. (b); Clearly number 6 will be opposite to number 4.
opposite to number 2. 5. (c); From both figure, it is clear that numbers adjacent
2. (d); Clearly that position is rotated from left to right to 5 are 2, 4, 1 and 6. Hence number 3 will be
twice. Hence number 5 will be opposite to opposite to number 5.
number 1. (6 to 8)
(3 to 5)
5 4 5
3 1 2 6
2 4 1 6
5 *
1 2
4 3 Clearly, symbol 'O' opposite to symbol ÷.
19. (c); If we shape the figure in a dice then opposite
Clearly number 3 will be opposite to number 1. side will be as shown below.
10. (a); From the figure (1), (2) and (3) it is clear that
numbers adjacent to 6 are 2, 3, 4, 5. Hence number
1 will be opposite to number 6. *
11. (a); From the figure (1) and (2) It is clear that numbers
adjacent to 3 are 2, 6, 1 and 3. Hence number 5
will be opposite to number 3.
12. (b); If we rotate position (3) from left to right, then we Clearly, symbol Y is opposite of symbol D.
come to know that number 2 will be opposite to 20. (a); If we shape the figure in a dice then opposite
number 4. sides will be as shown below.
13. (b); If we rotate position (1), (2) and (3) from left to
right repectively then we come to know letter E
will be opposite to letter B. Red
Yellow Green Blue
14. (a);
? ÷ White
+ – $ + Green colour is opposite to white colour.
21. (b);
6 2
× is opposite to the symbol
17. (a); If we shape the figure in a dice then opposite
sides will be as shown below.
1 22. (c);
3 2 ×
6 4
5 D ÷ +
44. (a); From figure (C) we reject (3) and (4) because green
and brown suraces are adjacent surfaces. After a
close look at fig (A) and (C) we come to know
that red surface is opposite the white surface.
1. (c); The symbol of the adjacent faces to the face with 10. (d); Here the common faces with 4 dots are in same
symbol * are @, –, + and $. Hence the required positions. Hence 2 will be opposite to 1.
symbol is 8. 11. (c); From position I and III common face with % is in
2. (d); In these two positions one of the common face the same position. Hence × is oppositie to +.
having 1 point is in the same position. There will 12. (c); In these 2 positions one common face with
be 4 posints on the required face. number 3, is in same position. Hence 1 is opposite
3. (a); Here the common faces with number 3, are in to 6 and 4 and 4 is opposite to 2. Therefore 5 is
same positions. Hence 6 is opposite to 2 and 5 is opposite to 3.
opposite to 1. Therefore 4 is opposite to 3. 13. (a); The colours adjacent to yellow are orange, blue,
4. (c); Common faces with number 3, are in same red and rose. Hence violet will be opposite to
positions. Hence the number of the opposite face yellow.
to face as number 5 will be 6. 14. (a); Common faces with number 2 are in same
5. (d); In first two positions of dice one common face positions. Hence when the digit 5 is on the
containing 5 is same. The face opposite to the bottom then 1 will on the upper surface.
face which contains 2 point, will contains 6 15. (c); The adjacent faces to the face which have 3 points
points. are 2, 1, 4 and 6 points. Hence 5 points will be on
6. (b); As the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 are adjacent to 6. the face opposite to the face which contains 3
Hence the number on the face opposite to 6 is 1. points
7. (b); when 'one' is at the top, then 5 will be at the 16. (a); Here one of the two common faces (5) is in the
bottom. same position, the remaining face with the 4 dots
will be opposite to face with dots 2.
8. (a); In these 2 positions one common face with
number 1 is in the same position, 2 is opposite 6 17. (c); When 3 points are at the bottom then 4 points
and 3 is opposite to 5. therefore opposite to 4 is 1. will be at the top.
18. (a); The letters of the adacent faces to the face with
9. (c); Here the common faces with 4 dots are in same
letter A, are B, F, C and E. Hence D is the letter of
positions. Hence 2 will be opposite to 5.
the face opposite to the face with letters (A).
Clock has two types of hand. Minute hand is called long hand while hour hand is known as short hand. In this
topic there are some types of question such as :-
(a) Questions on basic concepts.
(b) Find out angle between both hands of a clock.
(c) Find out accurate time for a given angle.
Concept : Clock works as a circle, such as it has complete 360° angle.
(1) In an hour, a minute hand cover a complete circle or we can say 12 Blocks
12 Block = 360°
1 Block = 30° [Q 1 Block = 5 min]
1 min = 6°
Note : The minute hand cover 6° angle within a minute.
(2) In an hour, a hour hand covers 1 Block. For example. If its 4'0 clock and after one hour it will be at 5'0 clock.
1 hour = 1 Block
60 min = 5 min [Q 1 Block = 5 min]
60 min = 30°, \ 1 min =
Note : An hour hand cover angle within a minute.
107 Adda 247 Publications For More Study Material
Ü Formula to find angle between hands of clock:-
(11M – 60 H) M
or (M – 5 H) ´ 6 –
2 2
Ü When both the hands of a clock are in opposite direction to each other, when they are 30 minutes space a part and
they make 180°. This situation occurs once in an hour, 11 times in 12 hours and 22 times in a day (24 hours)
because in between 5 to 6 and 6 to 7, they are not in opposite direction.
Ü When the hands of the clock make 0°, they are said to be coincident or overlapping. This situation occurs once in
an hour. 11 times in 12 hours and 22 times in a day (24 hours) because between 12 and 1, overlapping is not
Ü When both the hands of clock are at right angle (when the distance between two hands measure 90°). At this time,
they are 15 minutes space apart. This situation occurs twice in one hour, 22 times in 12 hours and 44 times in a
day. In between 2 and 3, 3and 4 , one right angle is common and 8 to 9 only one times right angle will possible
Ü Between H and (H + 1) hours two hands coincide at = H past H
1. At what angle, the hands of a clock are inclined at 40 Sol. (b); 10°
minutes past 4 ? Angle traced by hour hand in
(a) 75° (b) 80°
20 1 13 360 13
(c) 90° (d) 100° 4 4 hrs is 130
60 3 3 12 3
Sol. (d); 100°
Angle traced by minute hand in 20 min
11M – 60 H
θ 360
2 =
20 =120°
11×40 – 60 × 4 200 \ Angle between the minute hand and hour hand of
θ= = 100 a clock when the time is 4;20
2 2
= 130° – 120° = 10°
2. An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. or
Through how many degrees will the hour hand
rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the 11 M –60 H 11 20 – 60 4
afternoon? 2 2
(a) 144° (b) 150°
220 – 240 – 20
(c) 168° (d) 180° = – 10
2 2
Sol. (d); 180°
Angle traced by the hour hand in 6 hours θ 10
4. What was the day on 15th August 1947 ?
6 180 (a) Friday (b) Monday
12 (c) Sunday (d) Wednesday
3. The angle between the minute hand and the hour Sol. (a); Friday
hand of a clock when the time is 4 : 20 is 1947 August 15
(a) 0° (b) 10° ¯
(c) 5° (d) 20° First of all make pair
7 31 4
Since, Reminder = 5 \ Rem = 3
\ It is Friday
\ 3 days after Sunday will be Wednesday
1. January 1, 2007 was Monday. What day of the week 6. On what dates of April, 2001 did Wednesday fall?
lies on Jan 1, 2008? (a) 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday (b) 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
(c) Wednesday (d) Sunday (c) 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
2. January 1, 2008 is Tuesday. What day of the week
(d) 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
lies on Jan 1, 2009?
(a) Monday (b) Wednesday 7. What was the day of the week on 17th June, 1998?
(c) Thursday (d) Sunday (a) Monday (b) Tuesday
3. On 8th Dec, 2007 Saturday falls. What day of the (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday
week was it on 8th Dec, 2006? 8. What was the day of the week on 28th May, 2006?
(a) Sunday (b) Thursday (a) Thursday (b) Friday
(c) Tuesday (d) Friday (c) Saturday (d) Sunday
4. On 6th March, 2005 Monday falls. What was the day 9. What will be the day of the week on 15th August,
of the week on 6th March 2004? 2010?
(a) Sunday (b) Saturday (a) Sunday (b) Monday
(c) Tuesday (d) Wednesday
(c) Tuesday (d) Friday
5. The calendar for the year 2007 will be the same for
10. Today is Monday. After 61 days, it will be :
the year?
(a) 2014 (b) 2016 (a) Wednesday (b) Saturday
(c) 2017 (d) 2018 (c) Tuesday (d) Thursday
1. A clock is set right at 8 am. The clock gains 10 minute 9. In a whole 12 hours the minute hand overlap to the
in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the cock hour hand.
indicates 1 p.m. on the following day? (a) 11 times (b) 23 times
(a) 48 min. past 12 (b) 46 min. past 12 (c) 22 times (d) 24 times
(c) 45 min. past 12 (d) 47 min. past 12 10. What times in a day or 24 hours the angle between
2. The calender for the year 1993 will be same for the minute hand and hour hand is right angle.
year. (a) 44 times (b) 22 times
(a) 2004 (b) 1999 (c) 11 times (d) 12 times
(c) 1998 (d) 2003 11. What time between 4 and 5’ O clock will the hands of
3. A clock is set right at 5 a.m. The clock loses 16 minutes a clock be at rightangle for 2nd time.
in 24 hours. What will be the true time when the clock
indicates 10 pm. on 4th day. 8 2
(a) 3 (b) 38
(a) 11 pm (b) 12 pm 11 11
(c) 1 pm (d) 2 pm 9 1
4. What was the day of the week on. 16th July 1776 (c) 45 (d) 40
11 11
(a) Tuesday (b) Wednesday
12. Find out the angle between hour hand and minute
(c) Monday (d) Saturday
hand at 6 : 49.
5. How many days are there in X weeks X days.
(a) 89.5° (b) 90°
(a) 7x2 (b) 8x (c) 82° (d) 110°
(c) 14x (d) 7x 13. Find out the reflexive angles at 11:05.
6. If immediate next day of Tomorrow in Sunday then (a) 57.5° (b) 360.5°
what will be 3rd day before yesterday. (c) 302.5° (d) 190°
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday 14. At what angle the hands of a clock are undivided at
(c) Saturday (d) Friday 15 minutes past 5.
7. A watch which gains uniformly is 5 min, slow at 8 O’ (a) 57.5° (b) 67.5°
clock in the morning on Sunday and it is 5 min 48 sec. (c) 77.5° (d) 87.5°
Fast at 8 pm. on following Sunday. When was it 15. In every 60 minutes, the minute hand gains minutes
correct on the hour hand.
(a) 7 pm on Wednesday (a) 53 (b) 54
(b) 20min past 7pm on Wednesday (c) 55 (d) 56
(c) 18 min past 7 pm on Wednesday 16. At what time, in minutes, between 3 O’ clock and 4 O’
clock both the needles will coincide each other.
(d) 8 pm on Wednesday
8. At what time between 5 and 6 will the hands of a 4 4
(a) 11 past 4 (b) 13 past 3
clock coincide: 11 11
(a) 200/11 (b) 300/11
4 4
(c) 400/11 (d) 250/11 (c) 15 past 3 (d) 16 past 3
11 11
112 Adda 247 Publications For More Study Material
17. An accurate clock shows 8 O’ clock in the morning. (a) Saturday (b) Friday
Through how many degrees will the hour hand rotate (c) Friday or Saturday (d) Sunday
when the clock show 2 O’ clock in the afternoon. 24. In any special month, three Sunday are on even
(a) 360° (b) 180° number date which day will be on 15th date of month?
(c) 90° (d) 60° (a) Thursday (b) Friday
18. The angle between minute hand and hour hand at (c) Saturday (d) Sunday
10 :20. 25. If 3rd January is Sunday. Which date will be after
(a) 170° (b) 200° three days from fourth Wednesday?
(c) 120° (d) 150° (a) 30 January (b) 27 January
19. How much does a watch lose per day, if its hands (c) 26 January (d) 23 January
coincide every 64 minutes. 26. If in any month, 5th day is after two days from
Monday. What day will be 18th in the month?
8 8 (a) Monday (b) Tuesday
(a) 32 (b) 33
11 11 (c) Wednesday (d) Thursday
8 8 27. If in December month on 17th day is Monday. What
(c) 34 (d) 35 day will be maximum times in the month?
11 11
(a) Monday (b) Tuesday
20. Which year's calender is repeating calender for year (c) Wednesday (d) Friday
2016. 28. If on October 25, is Thursday, How many Monday
(a) 2024 (b) 2023 will be in October month?
(c) 2044 (d) 2045 (a) 3 (b) 4
21. If in any month on third day it is Tuesday. How many (c) 5 (d) 6
maximum Sunday can be in the month? 29. How many times the hands of clock will make right
(a) 4 (b) 5 angle in a day?
(c) 3 (d) None of these (a) 48 (b) 44
22. If on August 2nd, is Friday. What day will be day (c) 43 (d) 42
after thirteen day from 12 August? 30. In any year, world environment day was celebrated
(a) Monday (b) Sunday on Friday. In the same year on which day the children
day was celebrated?
(c) Wednesday (d) Saturday
(a) Friday (b) Tuesday
23. In a 30 days month, there are five Saturday. What will
(c) Saturday (d) Wednesday
be the first day of month?
1. (b); The year 2007 is an ordinary year. So, it has 1 4. (a); The year 2004 is a leap year. So, it has 2 odd
odd day. days.
1st day of the year 2007 was Monday. But, Feb 2004 not included because we are
1st day of the year 2008 will be 1 day beyond calculating from March 2004 to March 2005. So
Monday. it has 1 odd day only.
Hence, it will be Tuesday. The day on 6th March, 2005 will be 1 day beyond
2. (c); The year 2008 is a leap year. So, it has 2 odd the day on 6th March, 2004.
days. Given that, 6th March, 2005 is Monday.
1st day of the year 2008 is Tuesday (Given) 6th March, 2004 is Sunday (1 day before to
So, 1st day of the year 2009 is 2 days beyond 6th March, 2005).
Tuesday. 5. (d); Count the number of odd days from the year 2007
Hence, it will be Thursday. onwards to get the sum equal to 0 odd day.
3. (d); The year 2006 is an ordinary year. So, it has 1 Year : 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
odd day. 2014 2015 2016 2017
So, the day on 8th Dec, 2007 will be 1 day beyond Odd day : 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
the day on 8th Dec, 2006. Sum = 14 odd days 0 odd days.
But, 8th Dec, 2007 is Saturday. Calendar for the year 2018 will be the same as for
\ 8th Dec, 2006 is Friday. the year 2007.
1 4 34
46. (a); Angle between hands of clock = 180 – 30 × The watch gains (2 + 4 ) min or min in 170
2 5 5
= 165° hrs
1. (a); Time from 8 a.m. on a day to 1 p.m. on the 1775 years have odd days = (0 + 5 + 2) = 7 = 0 odd
following day = 29 hrs. day
24 hours 10 min. of this clock = 24 hours of the Jan to 16th July extra day = 28 week + 2 days
correct clock. = 2 days
So total no. of odd days = 2 days
145 So the day is Tuesday.
hrs of this clock = 24 hours of correct clock
6 5. (b); Total days = 7x + x = 8x days
6. (a); If next day of tomorrow is Sunday then difference
24 ´ 6 ´ 29
29 hours of this clock = hrs of correct between 3rd day before yesterday is 6.
145 So the day will be Sunday – 6 = Monday.
clock 7. (b); This Sunday morning at 8 : 00 am., the watch is 5
= 28 hrs 48 in of correct clock. min slow and the next Sunday at 8.00 pm it
Therefore, the correct time is 28 hrs 48 min after 8 become 5 min 48 sec fast. The watch gains
a.m. That is 48 min. past 12. 48 54
2. (b); Given year is a general year then add digit 6 5+ 5 = min in a time of (7 × 24) + 12 = 180
60 5
1993 + 6 = 1999, is same as 1993.
3. (a); Time from 5 a.m. on a day to 10 p.m. on 4th day=
To show the correct time, it has to gain 5 min.
89 hours.
Now 23 hrs 44 min of this clock = 24 hours of 54 180
min = 180 hours, 5 min = ´5
correct clock. 5 54
= 356/15 hrs of the clock = 24 hours of correct 5
æ24×15×89 ö = 83 hrs
= 89 hrs of this clock = çè 3
356 ø hrs of correct
clock. Total hrs. = 72 hrs + 11 hrs
= 90 hrs of correct clock.
So, the correct time is 11 Pm. = 3 day + 11 hrs + 20 min.
4. (a); 16th July 1776 = (1775 years + period from 1776 \ 20 min. past 7 pm on wednesday
to 16th July 1776), counting of odd days : 8. (b); Let at x minutes hands coincide
1600 years have 0 odd day. x
6x - çæ + 150 ÷ö = 0
100 years have 5 odd days. è2 ø
75 years = (18 leap years + 57 ordinary years)
= (18 × 2 + 57 × 1) = 93 odd days 300
x= min
= 13 week + 2 days = 2 odd days. 11
1. How many triangles are there in the following figure? (a) 18 (b) 14
(c) 10 (d) 9
Sol. If the number of square are equal in horizontal and
vertical direction, then we use formula
N = n2 + (n – 1)2 + (n – 2)2 ......
\ No of square = 32 + 22 + 12 = 9 + 4 + 1 = 14
(a) 6 (b) 10
3. Count the number of triangle in the given square.
(c) 11 (d) 12
Sol. B 1
2 4
Sol. No. of triangles = 4 × 2 = 8
ABF, BCE, ACE, ABD, 4. Count the no. of triangle in a given square.
the answer is (d), 12 1 6
2. Count the number of squares
2 5
3 4
(a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9
17. How many tringles are there in the follwoing figure?
1. How many triangles are there in the following figure? 7. In figure A B C D E F how many triangles are there?
(a) 16 (b) 14 (c) 8 (d) 12
(a) 24 (b) 26 (c) 28 (d) 30
2. How many triangles are there in the follwing figure?
8. How many triangles are there in the following figure?
1. (d); The figure may be labeled as shown. Therefore, there are 6 + 4 + 3 + 1 = 14 triangles in
the given figure.
2. (b); The figure may be labeled as shown.
Distinct Solutions
21. (c); AFB, FEB, EBC, DEC, DFE, AFD ® 6 D's
ADC and ABC ® 2 D's
The simplest triangles are ABJ, ACJ, BDH, DHF, DBC ® 1 D
CIE and GIE i.e. 6 in number.
Total = 6 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 15 D's
The triangles composed of two components each
are ABC, BDF, CEG, BHJ, JHK, JKI and CJI i.e. 7
in number.
There is only one triangle JHI which is composed F
of four components.
Thus, there are 6 + 7 + 1 = 14 triangles in the
given figure. D C
I L 22. (c); AEH, EBF, EFI, FGC, EHI, IFG, DGH, HIG ® 8
16. (c); A B D's
E F HEF, EFG, HFG, EHG ® 4 D's
K J Total = 8 + 4 = 12 triangles in the figure.
Required rectangles :- H F
17. (c); ® 14 D G C
C D DEI, EIJ, AEJ ® 12 D's
A H G F AJB, JBC, DJC, ADJ ® 4 D's
DAB, ABC, BCD, ADC ® 4 D's
B E Total = 12 + 8 + 4 + 4 = 28 D's
18. (d); ® 30 D
42 + 32 + 22 + 12 = 16 + 9 + 4 + 1 = 30 I
19. (b); ® 15 H G
E C D 24. (a); GLK, DLJ, DJM, HMN, QRE, IRA, IPA, FPO ® 8
I D's
and DNI ® 10 D's
K L DIE, DFI, DOA, DQA and GHI ® 5 D's
M N DCA and DBA ® 2 D's
ABGH, GHNM, CDLK Total = 8 + 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 27 D's
1. (a); A B C
2 3
1 4
8 5 No. of triangles = 8 × 2 = 16
7 6
G F E 2. (b); B
127 Adda 247 Publications For More Study Material
B 8. (c);
4. (c); B E L M N G F E
D J H 9. (d); A R Y D C
5. (a); A
10. (a); A
7. (c); Q O
North (N)
North West (NW) North East (NE)
45° 45°
45° 45°
West (W) East (E)
45° 45°
45° 45°
Perpendicular Hypotenuse
(Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2
AC2 = BC2 + AB2
AC = BC 2 + AB 2
B 4km
TYPE – 1 : Sol. AC2 = AB2 + BC2 C
B 135°
O 10km
A 6km 50m
C D 100m
BO = CD = 6 km
He is moving towards South-West.
BC = OD = 5 km
\ EO = ED – OD = (10 – 5) km = 5km 5. Raju left for his office in his car. He drove 15 km
AO = AB + BO = 6 + 6 = 12km towards North and then 10km towards west. He then
\ AE2 = AO2 + OE2 turned to the south and covered 5km. Further he
AE2 = 122 + 52 turned to the east and moved 8km. Finally, he turned
AE2 = 144 + 25 right and drove 10 km. How far and in which direction
is he from his starting point ?
AE = 169 = 13km
(a) 2 km west (b) 2 km East
3. Rahul walks 2km Northward and takes a left turn
walks 5km and then turns right, walks 3km and again (c) 3 km North (d) 6 km North
turning right, walks 5km. In which direction is he
now from the starting point? Sol. 10km
(a) East (b) North
(c) West (d) South 5km
Sol. North E
D 8km
5 km 10km
3 km
Answer is North
1. If A is to the south of B and C is to the east of B, in 3. Raj travelled from a point X straight towards east to
which direction is A with respect to C? Y at a distance of 80 metres. He turned right and
(a) North-east (b) North-west walked 50 metres, then again turned right and
(c) South-east (d) South-west walked 70 metres. Finally, he turned right and
2. A is 40 m South-west of B. C is 40 m South-east of B. walked 50 metres. How far is he from the starting
Then, C is in which direction of A? point?
(a) East (b) West (a) 10 metres (b) 20 metres
(c) North-east (d) South (c) 50 metres (d) 70 metres
1. Going 50 m to the South of her house, Radhika turns again and walked 40 metres. He now turns to the
left and goes another 20 m. Then, turning to the North, left and walks 5 metres. Finally he turns to his left.
she goes 30 m and then starts walking to her house, In which direction is he walking now?
in which direction is she walking now? (a) North (b) South
(a)North-west (b) North (c) East (d) South-west
(c) South-east (d) East 4. You go North, turn right, then right again and then
2. I am facing South. I turn right and walk 20 m. Then I go to the left. In which direction are you now?
turn right again and walk 10 m. Then I turn left and (a) North (b) South
walk 10 m and then turning right walk 20 m. Then I (c) East (d) West
turn right again and walk 60 m. in which direction 5. Deepak starts walking straight towards east. After
am I from the starting point? walking 75 meters, he turns to the left and walks 25
(a)North (b) North-west metres straight. Again the turns to the left, walks a
(c) East (d) North-east distance of 40 meters straight, again he turns to the
3. Aditya starts from his house towards West. After left and walks a distance of 25 metres. How far is he
walking a distance of 30 metres, he turned towards from the starting point?
right and walked 20 metres. He then turned left and (a) 25 metres (b) 50 metres
moving a distance of 10 metres, turned to his left (c) 115 metres (d) None of these
1. (d); B 10 70
C 3. (a);
X 80 Y
50 50
A 70
2. (a);
4. (b); 10 km
40 40 20 20
O 45°
Q Starting Point
0° A
15m 145°
30m 15m B
11. (b); The movements of Kishankant are as shown in
P Fig. (A to B, B to C and C to D).
AC = (AB-BC) =(10–6) km = 4 km
7. (c); Starting point Kishankant's distance from startimg point A
30 m = AD = AC 2 + CD 2 = 4 2 + 3 2 = 25 = 5 km
40 m W E So Kishankant is 5 km to the North-east of his
starting point.
50 m S
Clearly, Alok is in South-West direction from 6 km 3 km
starting point. 10km C D
4 km
8. (b); As shown in Fig. the man initially faces in the
direction OP. On moving 90° clockwise the man A
faces in the direction OQ. On further moving 135° 12. (d); The movements of Gaurav are as shown in Fig.
anticlockwise, he faces in the direction OR, which Clearly, Gaurav's distance from his initial
is West. position
Q P = PX = (PS + SX)
P = (QR + SX) = (40 + 20)m = 60.
40 m
135° 20 m 20 m
90° X
20 m S P
9. (d); As shown in Fig. the man intially faces in the 13. (c); The movements of Radha are as shown in Fig.
direction OP. On moving 90° clockwise, he faces Clearly, Radha's distance from the staring point
in the direction OX. On further moving 180° O = OD = (OC–CD) = (AB–CD) = (14–4) m = 10 m
anticlockwise, he faces in the direction OY.
4mD O
Finmally, on moving 90° anticlockwise, he faces C
in the direction OZ, which is South-east.
7m 7m
P X 14 m
180° B A
E 60 m F (A to B, B to C, C to D and D to E).
25 m 25 m 150 km
25 km A D 35km
B 20 m C 15 km 15 km
17. (c); The movements of Sachin are as shown in Fig.
(P to B, B to C, C to D and D to Q)
B 25 km C
Clearly, distance of Q from P
Bus X travels along the path PA, AB, BC, CD.
= PQ = (DQ - PD) = (DQ - BC)
= (40 - 30) m = 10 m Now, AD = BC =25 km
Also, Q is to the West of P. So, PD = PA + AD = 50 km
\ Q is 10 m West of P. Bus Y travels 35 km upto E
Q P 40 m \ Distance between two buses = PQ - (PD + QE)
= {150 - (50+35)} = 65 km
20 m 20 m 21. (a); Clearly, the route of Sohan is as shown in the
B C diagram given below :
30 m Here, XB = XY – YB = XY – AZ (\ YB = AZ)
18. (c); The movements of the man are as shown in Fig.
= 8 km – 7 km = 1 km
(A to B, B to C, C to D and D to E)
Y 5 km
Clearly, DF = BC = 5 km Z
EF= (DE- DF) = (9-5) km = 4 km
BF = CD = 2 km 7 km
8 km
AF = AB + BF = AB + CD = (1 + 2) km = 3 km
\ Man's distance from starting point A = AE B A
5 km
= AF 2 + EF 2 = 3 2 + 4 2 = 25 = 5 km X
50 m 40m W E
End N 40m Sun
W E C 20m B
100 m
XD = XA – AD = 50 – 20 = 30m
28. (b); A 15km B
100 m
23. (d); From the figure, it is clear that Alok is in the 15km 35km
South-East direction with reference to starting
point Q. S 15km
Q 20km
25. (a); A 2km B
29. (d); Total distance walked by the boy.
5km = 40 + 50 + 60 + 80 = 230 m
E Starting point
30. (c); CE = BC 2 + BE2 = 90 2 + 20 2
= 8100 + 400 = 8500 = 92.19m
D 2km C 31. (a);
32. (d);
Finally he is facing North direction.
26. (a); A
45° 180°
2km B 4km
1km 1km
4km X
(Starting point)
N 8 4 N
7 5
Obviously, an hour hand points towards North-
34. (a); The diagram of check post according to 39. (a);
direction. 12 30°
11 1 30°
F 10 2 135° W E
15km C 9 3
30° S
D 4
15km 8
25km 15°
7 5
25km 5km
30km S.E. & Time 9 : 22:5
36. (c);
N 100m
Starting E 20m
10km W E point A 80m 20m
D 20m C
S AE = AB - EB
5km = 80 – 20 = 60m
EF = DF - DE
= 100 - 20 = 80m
Starting point Now in D AEF,
AF = (AE)2 + (EF)2
Finally Vishesh is facing North-East direction
= 60 2 + 802
37. (b);
90° = 3600 + 6400 = 10000 = 100m
2km 2km E
90° 2
N 41. (c); A
2km 1 2
W E AP = 2 + 2 = 4 km
PE = 4 – 1 = 3km
Þ AE = 16 + 9 = 5km
143 Adda 247 Publications For More Study Material
47. (a); N
42. (b);
3km W E
5km changed direction
XD = XA + AD = 5 + 3 = 8 km
43. (c); S N
Oviously, he is going in West direction.
Starting point 48. (d); E
(AB ) + ( BC ) = (6) + ( 8)
2 2 2 2
AC = C D B
40m 50m 80m
= 36 + 64 = 100 = 10km
and the direction is North-East
44. (d); C A
Required distance = 40 + 50 + 60 + 80 = 230 m
4km 49. (c); E
D 20m
B 3km A 3km 90°
Starting 4km C 40m 50m
( CB ) + ( BE) ( 90) + ( 20 )
2 2 2 2
E EC = =
( AD) + ( DE)
2 2
In D ADE, AE =
(3) + ( 4 ) = 9 + 16 = 25 =5km
2 2
= 51. (c); E N
Hence, CE = 5 + 5 = 10km W E
45. (b); West M K S
2km 2km
C 10km B
52. (d);
46. (a); According to question
5km 15km
Now North direction is West-North or North- A
West. Starting point
4m 4m 4m 5km F B'5km E
63. (a); A'
9m B E G
F 5km C 20km D 5km
54. (d); From given option E,B, G are in a straight line
The above fig. shows the movements of A and B.
55. (a); 'A' is in the East of 'C'.
56. (c); Surely, he will reach at point 'E' first. We have to find A'B'
(57 – 60): A'B' = A'F+FB'
A B FB' = AB – (AC + BD + OD)
= [20 –(5 + 5 + 5) =] 5km
\ A'B' = [5 + 5 ] = 10 km
D H [Q A'F = 5 km, from the fig.]
64. (b); Clearly, the route is as shown in the diagram.
E F Thus, the man started his journey from the South
57. (b); 58. (c); 59. (a); 60. (d); and moved northwards.
Distinct Solutions
61. (c); D 10km
20 2m 2km
90° 45° 6km
B 20m C
C 6m D
D 1km A
A = Starting point
66. (a); Clearly, there are two possible movement of Anuj D = End point
as shown below :
AD = AE2 + ED2 ; Here AE = AB + BE (=CD)
North = (6 + 6) = 12m
& ED = BC = 9 m
Thus, Anuj is finally moving towards either
North or South. 100m
67. (a); Clearly, mountaineer is [(12- (4 + 5) =]3 km away B A
from the point A 200m
D 500m
3 km C
3 km A 4 km
OC = OD 2 + CD 2 = OD 2 + (DA + AC)2
3 km 5 km
= (200)2 + (100 + 500)2 m
= 200 ´ 200 + 600 ´ 600 m
68. (b); Movements of Sunil are as shown in figure.
N = 100 4 + 36 m = 100 40m = 200 10m
A B C [Q OD = AB = 200 m ; DA = OB = 100 m and AC
W E = 500 m]
Hence, AC = AB + BC = 2AB
20 6 km
10 km 3 km
2. (d); The movements of the person are from A to F, as C D
shown in figure. Clearly, the final position is F 4 km
which is to the North-east of the starting point.
E 60 m F 7. (a); The movements of Rohan are as shown in figure
(A to B, B to C, C to D and D to E). Clearly, AD =
20 m
10 m C BC = 2 km
10 m
So, required distance = AE = (DE – AD) = (3 – 2)
= 1 km.
B 20 m A
C 2 km B
3. (a); The movements of Aditya are shown in figure
3 km 3 km
from A to G. Clearly, Gopal is finally walking in
the direction FG i.e., North.
10 m 3 km
8. (d); The movements of Manick are as shown in
20 m figure (A to B, B to C and C to D). Clearly, ABCD
is a rectangle and so AD = BC = 20 m. Thus, D is
40 m
B 30 m A 20 m to the west of A.
C 20 m B
40 m 40 m
4. (c); The movements indicated are as shown in
figure. Thus, the final movements in the D A
direction indicated by DE, which is east. 9. (b); The movements of Namita are shown in figure
(A to B, B to C, C to D and D to E). Clearly,
Namita’s distance from his initial position =
AE = (AB + BE) = (AB + CD) = (14 + 10) m = 24 m.
A D D 10 m C
5. (d); The movements is shown in figure— Clearly,
EB = DC = 40 m. 14 m 14 m
So, distance from the starting point A = (AB –
EB) = (75 – 40) m = 35 m. A
E B 14 m
40 m
10. (b); Clearly, DC = AB + FE. So, F is in the line with A.
25 m 25 m Also, AF = (BC – DE) = 5 m. So, the man is 5
metres away from his initial position.
20 m
6. (b); The movements is as shown in figure. A B
AC = (AB – BC) = (10 – 6) km = 4 km. Clearly, D E 15 m
is to the North-east of A. 10 m
So, Kunal’s distance from starting point A
D 35 m C
B B 20m C
30 m 30 m 19. (c); The movements of Sachin are as shown in figure
C A (P to B, B to C, C to D and D to Q). Clearly,
distance of Q from P = PQ = (DQ – PD) = (DQ –
30 m BC) = (40 – 30) m = 10 m. Also, Q is to the West
of P. So, Q is 10 m West of P.
1 km
26. (b); As shown in figure, the man initially faces
towards east i.e., in the direction OA. On moving
21. (d); As shown in figure , the man initially faces in 1000 clockwise, he faces in the direction OB. On
the direction OA. On moving 135 0 anti- further moving 1450 clockwise, he faces in the
clockwise, he faces in the direction OB. On direction OC. Clearly, OC makes an angle of
further moving 1800 clockwise, he faces in the (1450 - 1000 ) i.e., 450 with OA and as such
direction OC, which is South-west. points in the direction North-east.
C 100°
180° 145°
22. (b); As shown in figure, the man initially faces in
the direction OP. on moving 900 clockwise, the 27. (c); The movements of rat from A to G are as shown
man faces in the direction OQ. On further in figure. Clearly, it is finally walking in the
moving 1350 anti clockwise, he faces in the direction FG i.e., North.
direction OR, which is West.
10 G
D 9 C
P 5 6
135° E F
90° 28. (b); The movements of Maya from T to R are as
shown in figure.
5 km 4 km
Father – Son
Father – Daughter
Mother – Son
– –
Mother – Daughter
1. (b); Since the narrator has no brother, his father’s 7. (d); Wife’s brother—Brother-in-law. Son of lady’s
son is he himself. The photograph is of his son. brother is the brother-in-law of the man. So,
2. (d); Only son of grandfather can be father or uncle. lady’s brother is man’s father -in-law i.e. the lady
So, son of father would be brother and son of is the sister of man’s father-in-law.
uncle would be cousin. Hence data inadequate. 8. (d); My father’s only Son, can be Namrata himself or
Namrata’s brother. In the first case Mother of
3. (d); My fathers’ only daughter can be herself or his ketan will be Namrata’s wife, and in the latter
sister. In the first case, she would be the mother case she would be sister in law of Namrata. Thus
(Monika may be male name). Cannot be answered
In the second case, he would become uncle. So 9. (a); Wife of Rashi’s husband—Rashi; Brother of
data inadequate.. daughter—Son. So, the man on the stage is
4. (b); Only daughter of my mother—Myself. So, the Rashi’s son.
woman is mother’s daughter. 10. (c); Brother of mother—Uncle; Uncle’s son-—Cousin.
5. (d); Son of Y’s son—Grandson; Brother of Y’s 11. (d); Woman is the niece of the man.
grandson—Y’s grandson. So, X is Y’s grandson 12. (a); Since Harsh has no brother or sister, so he is his
father’s only son. So, wife of Harsh’s father’s
6. (a); Rita’s mother son—Rita’s brother. Hence she is
son—Harsh’s wife. Thus, Harsh’s wife is the
man’s mother or the man is Harsh’s son.
50. (d); Grandfather
Because gender is not defined in the figure. So, R
is nephew or niece of M.
44. (d); J × M ® J is brother of M
M ÷ F ® M is father of F
F × T ® F is brother of T
J brother M Swarup Mona
– + –
Distinct Solutions Y R
61. (a); Anuj’s daughter’s mother—Anuj’s wife; Anuj’s
wife’s father-Anuj’s father-in-law; Father-in-
law’s son —Anuj’s brother-in-law. So, Manish
is Anuj’s brother-in-law. 68. (a); 69. (d); 70. (c);
Hence Lady is Grand mother of the man.
Shyam Ram
30. (a);
Hence Sohan is maternal Uncle of Shyam.
25. (d); – +
Mother-in-law Father-in-Law
Mohan Only daughter
daughter + +
32. (a);
Mala uncle
– –
Hence Mala is the daughter of Sita. P's son S R
– + + –
– Q
J is nephew of R.
+ +
R Q 39. (d); P + Q ® P is daughter of Q
Q – R ® Q is brother of R
R ÷ T ® R is mother of T
+ –
P is grand mother of T. Q R
36. (b); P ÷ Q ® P is mother of Q –
Q + R ® Q is daughter of R P T
R × T ® R is father of T
T is cousin of P.
– + 40. (c); P × T ® P is father of T
P R T ÷ Q ® T is mother of Q
Q + R ® Q is daughter of R
Q is the sister of T. – +
37. (d); from option (d) T R
P × T ® P is father of T
T – Q ® T is brother of Q Q
Q + R ® Q is daughter of R R is the son-in-law of P.
Directions (1-2): A word is represented by only one set of 3. Read and study the following matrix and explain how
numbers as given in anyone of the atternatives. The sets of the words will be coded ?
numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two
classes of alphabets as in two matrices given below. The 1 2 3 4 5
columns and rows of Matrix I are numbered from 0 to 4 1 H N A S D
and that of Matrix II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from
2 D R M S A
these matrices can be represented first by its row and next
by its column. e.g. A can be represented by 01, 20, 42 etc. 3 R M S D H
and H can be represented by 65, 57, 98 etc. 4 N A D M H
Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word 5 S A N D H
given in the question.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (a) 35, 42, 53, 21, 14 (b) 35, 42, 53, 21, 23
(c) 35, 42, 53, 21, 43 (d) 11, 35, 42, 53, 21
0 F A N C I 5 S E H B T
Sol. We find the code of the word 'hands'
1 I O F A N 6 H S E T B
H = 11, 35 , 45, 55 A = 13, 25, 42 , 52
2 A N O I F 7 B T S E H
3 O F I N A 8 E H T B S N = 12, 41, 53 D = 15, 21 , 34, 43, 54
4 N I A F O 9 T S E H B
S = 14 , 24, 33, 52
1. (FAITH) Thus the correct code of the word 'HANDS' is
(a) 24, 31, 10, 59, 57 35, 42, 53, 21, 14
(b) 12, 20, 40, 68, 65 4. Which of these columns are co-related and how?
(c) 31, 34, 23, 76, 79
(d) 43, 42, 41, 78, 89 Line I II III IV V
Sol. F Þ 00, 12, 24, 31 , 43 1 20 28.2 10 50 30
A Þ 01, 13, 20, 34 , 42 2 25 30 12.5 60 37.5
3 80 41 40 90 120
I Þ 04, 10, 23 , 32, 41
4 26 70 13 45 39
T Þ 59, 68, 76 , 87, 95 5 30 80 15 80 45
H Þ 57, 65, 79 , 86, 98
(a) Column I, II, V (b) Column II, III, IV
FAITH Þ 31, 34, 23, 76, 79 (c) Column I, III, IV (d) Column I, III, V
2. TOFAN Sol. (d); Column I, III, V
(a) 68, 22, 00, 02, 02 (b) 59, 11, 31, 13, 14 I II V
(c) 76, 44, 43, 33, 67 (d) 87, 30, 12, 42, 98 20 ÷ 2 10 × 3 30
Sol. T O F A N 59 11 31 13 14 25 ÷ 2 12.5 × 3 37.5
80 ÷ 2 40 × 3 120
26 ÷ 2 13 × 3 39
30 ÷ 2 15 × 3 45
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 E A O U 5 F D B G H 0 B C D E F 5 P Q R S T
1 A O U I E 6 B G H F D 1 E F B C D 6 S T P Q R
2 E I O U A 7 D F G H B 2 C D E F B 7 Q R S T P
3 O U E A I 8 G H D B F 3 F B C D E 8 T P Q R S
4 U A I E O 9 H B F G D 4 D E F B C 9 R S T P Q
(a) 85, 23, 21, 87, 32 (b) 58, 31, 12, 57, 41 (a) 24, 21, 77, 97 (b) 24, 22, 77, 97
(c) 77, 13, 42, 99, 32 (d) 66, 31, 43, 78, 14 (c) 24, 22, 77, 96 (d) 24, 22, 76, 97
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 E F G H I 5 L M N O P 0 P W I N S 5 A E R O H
1 H I E F G 6 O P L M N 1 I S P W N 6 O H A E R
2 F G H I E 7 M N O P L 2 W N I S P 7 E R O H A
3 I E F G H 8 P L M N O 3 S P W N I 8 H A E R O
4 G H I E F 9 N O P L M 4 N I S P W 9 R O H A E
(a) 12, 67, 21, 30 (b) 43, 56, 13, 23
(a) 95, 30, 32, 43 (b) 95, 30, 31, 44
(c) 43, 56, 21, 42 (d) 31, 57, 21, 42
(c) 57, 42, 31, 43 (d) 57, 41, 32, 43 25. Identify the set for the word 'DRIFT' ?
21. Identify the set for the word 'AELO' ? MATRIX-I MATRIX-II
MATRIX-I MATRIX-II 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 P I D S T 5 F P R S D
0 A E C B D 0 L M O N P 1 U N R Q M 6 N L M T I
1 C D A E B 1 N P L M O 2 D A E F G 7 A S N P R
2 B E D C A 2 P M O L N 3 B W V L N 8 D G Z W O
3 D A C B E 3 L N P M O 4 C H J K I 9 N C K E S
4 B E D A C 4 O N L P M (a) 20, 57, 69, 23, 68 (b) 20, 12, 69, 32, 40
(c) 85, 75, 96, 32, 40 (d) 58, 57, 96, 23, 40
(a) 31, 00, 23, 22 (b) 43, 01, 12, 42
26. Which of these columns are related and how?
(c) 12, 34, 30, 02 (d) 12, 30, 42, 14
Line Column
22. Identify the set for the word 'STEP' ? I II III IV V
MATRIX-I MATRIX-II 1 6 24 24 89 28
2 5 20 44 78 24
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 7 28 30 77 32
0 A E M N P 5 I L R S T 4 9 36 36 49 40
5 10 40 42 47 44
1 N P A E M 6 R S T I L
(a) Column I, II and III (b) Column I, II and V
2 E M N P A 7 T I L R S
(c) Column II, III and IV (d) Column I, III and IV
3 P A E M N 8 L R S T I
Directions (27-29): Below, a table is given. The number of
4 M N P A E 9 S T I L R first two digit shows the number of gas agency and last
four digits show consumer.
(a) 66, 88, 31, 03 (b) 58, 67, 01, 11
312864 457894 562354 278262
(c) 65, 87, 01, 32 (d) 85, 75, 01, 40 273572 596971 841021 592684
23. Identify the set for the word 'DIRT' ? 451234 272572 316824 844294
MATRIX-I MATRIX-II 847801 312525 459876 311864
275684 561997 594949 457801
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
568585 841874 277582 568234
0 D E F I N 5 O P R S T 27. In which gas agency are there consumers number is
1 I N D E F 6 S T O P R same ?
2 E F I N D 7 P R S T O (a) 56 and 27 (b) 45 and 31
3 N D E F I 8 T O P R S (c) 59 and 84 (d) 84 and 45
4 F I N D E 9 R S T O P 28. In the above table how many consumers are there of
odd number?
(a) 00, 10, 76, 86 (b) 43, 34, 88, 79
(a) 15 (b) 10
(c) 24, 34, 57, 66 (d) 00, 10, 76, 86 (c) 8 (d) 5
3. (d);
Option R O A D
8. (b);
(1) 04 20 55 78
(2) 23 32 98 99
(3) 42 32 79 58
(4) 11 13 67 69
9. (c) 10. (d) 11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (c)
14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (d) 18. (a)
4. (a); Option M O S T 19. (a) 20. (c) 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b)
(1) 02 13 34 56 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (b)
(2) 21 00 03 88 29. (d) 30. (c) 31. (c) 32. (a) 33. (b)
(3) 33 20 11 79 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (d)
(4) 40 44 22 89 39. (a) 40. (b)
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (c) L =55, 67, 79, 86, 98 M = 56, 68, 75, 87, 99
6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d) N = 57, 69, 76, 88, 95 O = 58, 65, 77, 89, 96
P = 59, 66, 78, 85, 97
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (a)
N I F E 95 30 32 43
16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (c)
19. (d); The numbers of all letters.
I = 00, 13, 21, 34, 42 E = 01, 14, 20, 32, 43
Note :- We can solve these question only by the number
A = 02, 10, 24, 33, 41 O = 03, 11, 22, 30, 44 of given letter.
U = 04, 12, 23, 31, 40 F = 55 , 68 , 76, 89, 97 21. (c); A = 00, 12, 24, 31, 43 E = 01, 13, 21, 34, 41
L = 00, 12, 23, 30, 42 O = 02, 14, 22, 34, 40
D = 56, 69, 75, 87, 99 B = 57, 65, 79, 88, 96
AELO = 12, 34, 30, 02
G = 58, 66, 77, 85, 98 H = 59, 67, 78, 86, 95 22. (b); S = 58, 66, 79, 87, 95 T = 59, 67, 75, 88, 96
B E A D 57 32 41 87 E = 01, 13, 20, 32, 44 P = 04, 11, 23, 30, 42
STEP = 58, 67, 01, 11
23. (c); D = 00, 12, 24, 31, 43 I = 03, 10, 22, 34, 41
R = 57, 69, 76, 88, 95 T = 59, 66, 78, 85, 97
20. (a); The numbers of all letters. DIRT= 24, 34, 57, 66
E = 00, 12, 24, 31, 43 F = 01, 13, 20, 32, 44
24. (c); P = 00, 12, 24, 31, 43 E = 56, 68, 75, 87, 99
G = 02, 14, 21, 33, 40 H = 03, 10, 22, 34, 41 N = 03, 14, 21, 33, 40 S = 04, 11, 23, 30, 42
I = 04, 11, 23, 30, 42 PENS = 43, 56, 21, 42
Points to Remember to
findout any conclusion
(1) Conclusion is a result that have to be confirmed.
(2) Conclusion must be related to the statement information.
(3) It always be related, inbuilt and connected to given data.
(4) Never use any assumptions for the conclusion.
(5) A perfect conclusion is based on fact, given statement and other hidden information.
1. Statement: Conclusions:
The distance of 900 km by road between Bombay and (i) People who are living in rural areas are not below
Jafra will be reduced to 280 km by sea. This will lead poverty line.
to a saving of Rs. 7.92 crore per annum on fuel. (ii) Such survey was done in previous year
(a) If only conclusion I follows.
(b) If only conclusion II follows.
(i) Transportation by sea is cheaper than that of road. (c) If either I or II follows.
(ii) Fuel must be saved to the greatest extent. (d) If neither I nor II follows.
(a) If only conclusion I follows. Sol. (b); In above statement, it is only about people who
(b) If only conclusion II follows. are living in urban areas. Nothing is said about rural
people. Hence statement I is not related to conclusion
(c) If either I or II follows.
I. Now about II conclusion, which is right because
(d) If neither I nor II follows. such survey was done in previous year just then we
Sol. (b); If only conclusion II follows. come to know that people below poverty line has
According to the statement the distance is reduced been increased in urban area.
between two cities and we are confirmed by statement 3. Statements:
that the savings on the fuel but we doesn't confirmed All students in my class are bright. Manish is not
that it is cheaper than that by road. So first conclusion bright
does not follow. Conclusion:
2. Statement: (i) Some students are not bright
(ii) Manish must work hard.
In Urban areas the population of people below
(iii) Non- bright ones are not-students.
poverty lines has been increased in previous year.
(iv) Manish is not a student of my class.
1. Statements: Conclusions:
I. All radios on that shop are of high quality. I. If A is beggar, then A is not rich.
II. In that shop some Murfi radio are sold II. If A is not rich, then A is not beggar.
III. All those who are poor are beggars.
IV. If A is rich, then A is beggar.
I. All high level radios are made by Murfi company. A. Only I conclusion follows.
II. Some Murfi radios are of high quality. B. Only II conclusion follows.
III. None of Murfi radio is of high quality. C. Only III conclusion follows.
IV. Some high quality Murfi radios are sold in that D. Only IV conclusion follows.
shop. 3. Statements:
All scientist working in America are talented. Some
A. Only I and II conclusions follow.
of them are Indians.
B. Only II and IV conclusions follow. Conclusions:
C. Only I and III conclusions follow. I. None of Indian scientist is talented.
D. Only I and IV conclusions follow. II. Some talented Indian scientist have shifted to
2. Statements: America.
III. All talented Indian scientist are in Ameirca.
All beggars are poor
IV. Some Indian scientist are talented.
1. (d); In statement, number of spinners are not 13. (d); Both are irrelevant points because they are not
specified. So first conclusion is invalid. There is followed by any citizen and country, so both are
no batsmen information given so second invalid.
conclusion is also invalid. 14. (a); Above statement are infavour of govt and for
2. (a); First conclusion is a fact and follow above following action the PM never be against it, so
information second conclusion does not follow second is invalid.
above statement. 15. (c); Self sufficiency from shortage means in previous
3. (c); Government should appoint expert director in time there is shortage of metal and increment shows
area of finance. Both I and II follow a positive result so both are valid.
4. (b); Developing countries's population confirmation 16. (a); Only Conclusion I follows.
for the future are not given. It may say that it 17. (b); Conclusion I does not follows because it is not
increase coupling so it will be difficult to give true for all types of plants & conclusion II can be
decent quality of life. true, so only II follows.
5. (b); Readership doesn't invent and depend on 18. (d); Neither I nor II follows.
newspaper so first is invalid. II implies because
by this information we findout relevant 19. (a); Politician who are already released on bail are
information on readership. not involved in murder. So only I is valid.
6. (d); Neither I nor II follows. 20. (a); No desire in the past to influence the destiny is
not valid.
7. (d); Both conclusion are just common, unrelated
information or opinion based & doesn't having
any result.
Distinct Solutions
8. (c); Monitoring is a process to check performance 21. (d); Due to lack of water wards should economise
and also to evaluate the development and they store some water on previous day.
programme So both are valid. So both follow.
9. (b); There is no information regarding the other 22. (d); Both are valid.
things, so first is invalid. In second conclusion 23. (b); There is no information about national norms
main concentration of women is defined so first is invalid and extra no. of beds shown
according to the statement, so it is valid. adequate care so second follows.
10. (b); Only II is valid, informed already that saving 24. (b); Only II follows as advisors have the knowledge
extention fuel. to calculate the market risk and saves people
11. (d); Both are invalid. from any loss.
12. (d); Conclusion I does not follow as there is no data 25. (d); There is presence of importance of money in
given of other countries. Conclusion II does not politics but there is no comparison between poor
follow because this step is not right. and rich person. Both are illogical.
1. (b); It is clear that shop sales high quality radios 12. (b); In statement there is a talk about education not
then some murfi radios are of high quality. about development so conclusion I is false. But
Conclusion II is true also that some murfi radios II conclusion is true because parents help in
are sold there. education of children.
2. (a); True that A is beggar so he is poor and if A is 13. (a); Conclusion I is true because Anand is not teacher
rich so he can not a beggar. and he comes on cycle. But conclusion II is false
3. (d); True that some Indian scientists are in America because it is not necessary that Anand is a
and working there. Clear from statement that all student because other employees than teacher
scientists in America are talented. So we can say also can come on cycle.
that some Indians are also talented.
14. (d); Flat will be given later also and interest will be
4. (b); Only conclusion II follows because other two
available also after 15th June. Advertisement is
activities are not a part of democracy.
only for benefits of interest free loan. So both the
5. (a); Only conclusion I is ture. Lack of self control conclusions are not true.
brings no system. But it is wrong to say that no
person do self control. 15. (c); It is possible that government will increase price
6. (b); It is not necessary only wise men take reading in oil only in case of rising price in international
as their hobby. It is right that reading can be market. Or it is also possible in that case also
used in spare time. government won't increase price.
7. (b); Mental health and Physical stongness are 16. (b); It is wrong that all good doctors are psychologist.
different things but statement bring conclusion Some psychologists may be good doctors because
that a mentally healthy person can solve in some psychologist are good consultants.
conclusion easily. 17. (d); Neither conclusion is taken from given
8. (b); From statement it is not clear that all adults are statements.
voters. But it is clear from statement that voters
18. (a); It is clear that Chennai and Delhi are connected
are not children. So conclusion II is true.
with airline. But it is not clear from the statement
9. (d); By viewing closely, it is clear that neither I nor II
that there is no other convenience from Chennai
is true.
to Delhi. So conclusion II is not true.
10. (d); No conclusion is true. Because temple is for
Hindus and Churches are for Christians and all 19. (b); 'Only' word weakens first conclusion. but seems
churches are not temples. in 2nd conclusion that there are two categories
11. (b); It is clear from the statement that people cannot according to education. Educated and illiterate,
carry with any particular trend for long and seek so 2nd conclusion is true.
change quite often. 20. (a); Conclusion I follows because modern man has
Hence, only conclusion II follows. more options than ancient man.
1. In a certain code, BASIC is written as DDULE. How 10. If 'DELHI' is coded as '73541' and 'CALCUTTA' is
is LEADER written in that code? coded as '82589662' then how 'CALICUT' will be
(a) NGCFGT (b) NHCGGU written in that code language?
(c) OGDFHT (d) OHDGHU (a) 5978213 (b) 5279431
2. In a certain code, SPRING is written as UNUFRC. (c) 8251896 (d) 8543691
How is MOBILE Written in that code? 11. In a certain code "CERTAIN" is written as "QDBVOJB".
(a) KQEFPA (b) OMDGNC How is "RELATED" written in that Code.
3. In a certain code, POETRY is written as QONDSQX (c) DKCQEFV (d) KDQCVFE
and OVER is written as PNUDQ. How is MORE 12. In a certain code "MADRAS" is written as "NZEQBR"
written in that code? then "CALCUTTA" will be written as.
4. In a certain code, GERMINATION is written as
13. In a certain code "BROWN" is written as "ZPMUL"
then "VIOLET" will be written as.
that code?
14. If "BRASS" is coded as "CTBUT", "AMIT" is coded as
5. In a certain code language, COMPUTER is written as
"BOJV" then what will be code of "ADITYA".
RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in that
code? (a) BEJUZB (b) CEKVZB
(c) MFEDJJOE (d) MFEJDJOE 15. In a certain code "UNDER" is written as "6152@" and
6. If in a certain language, COVALENT is written as "DEAF" is written as "52#7". How "FRAUD" is
BWPDUOFM and FORM is written as PGNS. How written is that code.
is SILVER be written in that language? (a) 7@6#5 (b) 72#65
(a) MJTUDQ (b) KHRSFW (c) 7@#65 (d) None of these
(c) MJTWFS (d) MJTSFW 16. In a certain code "89654" is written as "MNOPQ" and
7. In a certain code, COMPATIBLE is written as "1634" is written as "KOLQ". How "PNKLQ" will be
BQNPDDKAHS. How is STABILISED written in that written in that code.
code? (a) 59134 (b) 58134
(a) TUBCJCDRHK (b) JCBUTEDTHM (c) 59234 (d) 59143
(c) JCBUTCDRHK (d) JCBUTEFTJM 17. In a certain code "TREAD" is written as "7%#94" and
8. If in a certain language, CREATIVE is written as "PREY" is written as "$%#8".How is "ARTERY"
BDSBFUJS. How is TRIANGLE written in that written in that code?
language? (a) 9#7%#8 (b) 9#%7#8
(a) BHSSFKHM (b) BHSSMHHF (c) 9%7#%8 (d) 9%#7%8
(c) BSHSFHKM (d) BSSHFMKH 18. In a certain code "SHINE" is code as "FOJIT" and
9. If in a certain language, CLOUD is written is GTRKF. "AFTER" is coded as "SFUGB". How will "PRITY"
How is SIGHT written in that language? written in that code?
1. If in a certain code, LUTE is written as MUTE and 6. If in a certain language, OPERATION is written as
FATE is written as GATE, then how will BLUE be NODQBUJPO. How is INVISIBLE written in that
written in that code? language?
7. In a certain code, FAVOUR is written as EBUPTS.
2. If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as
How is DANGER written in that code?
NBESBT, how BOMBAY coded in that language?
8. If SUMMER is coded as RUNNER , the code for
3. If FISH is written as EHRG in a certain code, how WINTER will be
would JUNGLE be written in that code?
(c) KVOHMF (d) TIMFKD 9. In a certain code, PRODUCTIONS is written as
4. In a certain code, TWINKLE is written as SVHOJKD QQPCVEUHPMT. How is ORIENTATION written
then how would FILTERS be written in that code? in that code?
1. (b); The letters at the odd-numbered positions in the code contains the letters of each group in the
word are each moved two steps forward while order, 5, 4, 1, 3, 2. Thus we have:
those at the even-numbered positions are each ESTABLISHED à BAETSLDEIHS
moved three steps forward to obtain the
12345 12345 54132 5 4132
corresponding letters of the code.
5. (b); Each letter of the word except the first and last
2. (d); The first, third and fifth letters of the word are
letters, is moved one step forward and then the
each moved two, three and four steps forward
order of the letter is obtained, is reversed to get
respectively while the second, fourth and sixth
the code.
letters are moved two, three and four steps
backward respectively to obtain the 6. (d); The letters in the first half and second half of the
corresponding letters of the code. word are written in the reverse order and then
each letter of the group so obtained is moved
3. (c); The first letter of the word is replaced by a set of one step forward to get the code. Thus, we have:
two letters—one following it and the other
preceding it—in the code. The remaining letters
of the word are each moved one step backward 7. (c); The letters in the first half and second half of the
to obtain the remaining letters of the code, in word are written in the reverse order and in the
order. group of letters so obtained each letter in the first
half is moved one step forward while in the
4. (d); The middle letter remains unaltered in the code.
second half is moved one step backward, to get
Let us label the five letters before the middle letter
the code. Thus, we have: STABILISEDàSTABI/
as well as those after it, from 1 to 5. Then, the
1. (a); The first letter of the word is moved one step 10. (a); Each letter in the word is moved two steps
forward to obtain the first letter of the code, while backward to obtain the corresponding letter of
the other letters remain unaltered. the code.
2. (b); Each letter in the word is moved one step
forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the 11. (c); E R B N similarly:- T A
3. (a); Each letter in the word is moved one step backward
to obtain the corresponding letter of the code. R N N D A R
4. (b); Each letter in the word, except the middle letter,
is moved one step backward while the middle N E D B R T
letter is moved one step forward to obtain the
corresponding letter of the code. 12. (d); P + 2 R W + 2 Y simiarly:- O + 2 Q
5. (b); Each letter in the word is moved three steps A +3 D R +3 U T +3 W
forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the
code. G +2 I I +2 K H +2 J
6. (c); Each of the first four letters in the word is moved E +3 H T +3 W E +3 H
one step backward, while each of the last five
letters is moved one step forward to obtain the S +2 U E +2 G R +2 T
corresponding letter of the code.
7. (b); Each first, third and fifth letters are moved one
step backward, while the second , fourth and 13. (c); S Q similarly:- T T
–1 –1
sixth letters are moved one step forward to obtain P N R N
the corresponding letter of the code.
8. (b); The first letter of the word is moved one step O O O Q
backward, while the two middle letters are each
moved one step forward to obtain the R R U S
corresponding letters of the code.
9. (a); The first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh A D B T
+1 +1
letters in the word are each moved one step
forward; the second, fourth, eighth and tenth D J L F
letters are each moved one step backward, while I E E M
the middle (i.e. sixth) letter is moved two steps
forward to obtain the corresponding letters of C B S C
the code.
Direction (1-4): In each question below is given a Sol. (a); It is clearly mentioned in the statement that there
statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and is only means to get freedom. i.e., revolution.
II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for Thus, the statement is based on the fact that revolution
granted. You have to consider the statement and the can bring freedom. Hence, assumption I is implicit.
following assumptions and decide which of the Assumption II is only the meaning of the sentence
assumptions is implicit in the statement. and hence it is not implicit.
(a) If only assumption I is implicit 2. Statement:
(b) If only assumption II is implicit People behave differently in the presence of their Boss.
(c) If either assumption I or assumption II is implicit. Assumptions:
(d) If neither assumption I nor assumption II is I. Behaviour can be observed.
implicit. II. Behaviour cannot be observed.
1. Statement: Sol. (a); Only assumption I is implicit. If behaviour cannot
Mankind can get freedom only through revolutions. be observed, how one can say that people behave
Assumptions: differently in the presence of their Boss. For similar
I. Revolutions can bring freedom. reason, the assumption II is not implicit.
II. Except revolution there is no other method of 3. Statement:
getting freedom. A good book, even if costly, is sold.
1. Statement: 3. Statement:
The journey from Bengaluru to Delhi can be The teachers who give their best, have the right to get
completed in less time. rewarded.
Assumptions: Assumptions:
I. Bengaluru and Delhi are connected by air route. I. All teachers work hard.
II. There is no other facility to transport from II. Reward is given for best work.
Bengaluru to Delhi. (a) Only I is implicit
(a) Only I is implicit (b) Only II is implicit
(b) Only II is implicit (c) I and II both are implicit
(c) I and II both are implicit (d) Neither I nor II is implicit
(d) Neither I nor II is implicit 4. Statement:
2. Statement: Values of life for educated are different from those
If you laugh, then the whole world will laugh with who are uneducated.
you. Assumptions:
Assumptions: I. Education has an impact on the values of life of a
I. Generally, people keep laughing for a long time. person.
II. One can control all the emotions of other peoples. II. An uneducated person is worthless.
(a) Only I is implicit (a) I and II both are implicit
(b) Only II is implicit (b) Only I is implicit
(c) I and II both are implicit (c) Only II is implicit
(d) Neither I nor II is implicit (d) Neither I nor II is implicit
1. (a); (i) VALID: Root Cause. The government must 4. (c); (i) VALID: Root Cause. The concerned person
have decided to pay the compensation to the must have advised someone to go to the court,
victims assuming they have enough funds to after assuming the fact that courts can
meet the expenses. intervene in such cases.
(ii) INVALID: Not directly related to the (ii) VALID: Root Cause. Again he advises an
statement. It may look like a desired outcome, extreme course of action of going to the court
but there is no proof of it in the statement. assuming the fact that it is an obligation on
2. (c); (i) VALID: Root Cause. The customer writes the the employer to pay the provident fund to the
letter to the editor assuming that every employees.
customer has a right to get the bill of the 5. (b); (i) INVALID: If it would have been
services used. “impossible”, the person would said that such
(ii) VALID: Desired outcome. He addresses his unfortunate and disastrous terrorist activities
grievance to the editor with a desire that the could never be contained. He wouldn’t have
services get corrected in the future. been optimistic about it.
3. (c); (i) VALID: Root Cause. The statement mentions (ii) VALID: Root Cause. It must have been
that the management asked the union to call assumed that the efforts to control such acts
off the strike immediately else they would be are on, that is why it is said that no one can
“forced” to close down the factory which predict how long it would take to control such
shows that there is no other alternative with
6. (a); (i) VALID: Desired Outcome. The principal
(ii) VALID: Desired outcome. The management
warned the teachers because he desired that
threatened the union with a desire that it may
have some effect on them and they might call teachers would handle the situation properly
off the strike. and point out the naughty students.
Converse : Some B's are A's
(4) Particular Negative
Some A's Are Not B
Note : Converse : All B's Are A's is a Possibility
(2) Universal Negative : All A's are not B
Types of Syllogism
Type 1. All, All related statement but when they come inner side from outer side, then the
Statements : All potatoes are Onions. conclusions must have word 'Some'
All Onions are Tomatoes. Conclusions : Some cabbages are tomatoes.
All Tomatoes are Spinach. Some tomatoes are potatoes.
All Spinach are Cabbages. Some onions are potatoes.
Type 2. Some, Some related statements.
Sol. Statements : Some chains are rings.
Some rings are ankle rings.
Some ankle rings are bangles.
Some bangles are hand.
Some hansds are fingers.
Tomatoes ankle
Spinach Sol. rings hands
Conclusion : I. Some trees are hats.
II. Some hats are trees.
III. All hats are buses.
dates IV. Some buses are hats.
From above diagram it is obvious that conclusion I, II
and IV follow. Conclusion III does not follow because hats
sweet do not lie entirely in the buses. Just as we can not say that
banana mangoes all indian are Rajasthani.
(or) Cows
(or) Dancers
Cows Elephants
2. (b);
10. (b);
Only II follow
3. (d); T B
4. (a); E P B F
Both follow G or
5. (c);
neither I nor II follow but both I and II are complimentary
pair. So, either conclusion I or II follows.
12. (b);
13. (b);
Neither I nor II follow but this is complimentary pair so
either conclusion I or II follows Jar
P B il
6. (a); nc
14. (b);
Only I follow
7. (b);
Only II follow
Only II follow
Bo jar
15. (a);
8. (d); ttl
s gold
net Satellites
I follows.
either I or II follow
25. (b);
R C Sharpener
Only II follows.
26. (a);
only I follow
20. (b); R
only II follow Needles
21. (a);
27. (d);
Pencil ×
Mangoes White None follows.
28. (b);
22. (d); shoes pa forest
pens roads
None follows. home
s Buses finger
car or Bo 35. (c);
30. (c); Books
trains car hand ears
31. (c);
fruits red
Either I or II follows.
32. (b);
37. (d);
33. (b);
boxes tablets toys trees
Table wood Chair
Only II and III follow.
38. (b);
chain rings hands ears
hands rings
ears pendants
chain rings
46. (c);
desk fruits
Only either II or IV follow.
40. (d); branch roots
49. (b); gas
Either I or III follow. moon
Only I follows.
44. (d);
50. (d);
roads buses trucks
books pens drawers
train kites
diaries chairs
III and IV follow. Only II and IV follow.
Pots bangles
52. (c); V
I and III follow.
53. (c); F B
chairs computer
cell phones
58. (d);
55. (a);
Fruits Flower Buds
Only II follows.
× 60. (b);
buses trains
neither I nor II follow G
2. (b);
Only I follow
S 11. (c);
both follow
Both follow
14. (d);
6. (b);
15. (b);
Both follow
Both follow
16. (d);
7. (b); Neither I nor II follow
17. (b);
Only II follow
8. (b);
Both follow
Both follow
Only I follows.
19. (c);
pens monkey
pencil School
Only I follow.
Both follow.
If only conclusion II follows.
22. (a); 28. (a);
mobile cell
Only I follows.
23. (c);
stem camera
plants If only conclusion I follows.
stick 29. (a); Cottages
Buildings Flats
Anti Clockwise
(4) Total = left + Right – 1
Note : the above formulas are only for a single person’s (i)
position or
Example 1.
1 2 3 4 5 (Facing towards the Centre)
3rd from left (ii) Right Left
3rd from right
Total= 3+3-1
Same for vertical & Horizontal or
(1) Total + 1 = top + Bottom
(2) Top = Total + 1 – Bottom Left Right
(3) Bottom = Total + 1 – Top (Facing outside the Centre)
(4) Total = Top + Bottom –1
l In seating arrangement, we are generally asked to or
arrange a group of people according to the given
conditions. They may have to be seated around a
table, the table could be of any shape-circular, square,
rectangular, pentagonal or any other. To solve seating (People sitting around the circle facing
arrangement problems on the basis of the information towards and outside the centre)
given in the equation.
l These type of questions judge the ability of the l Rectangular/square Arrangement: In this
candidates to analyze the information and solve the Arrangement, people are sitting around a
questions by the help of pictorial figures. rectangle or square facing towards or outside the
l Linear arrangement: - In this arrangement, there
can be single row or parallel rows facing each
other or opposite. (i)
(i) Left Right
(Directions if the people are facing north)
(Facing outside the centre) (People sitting at middle of the side, facing the centre
and people sitting at edge/corner facing outside the centre)
Ram Sita
A 25 position )
13L (from left)
Total = (25 + 9) – 1 = 34 – 1 = 33
A’s rank from right side = Total + 1 – left
So, Ram's position from the right = (33 – 15 )+1
= 40 – 13 + 1 = 27 + 1 = 28 = 18 + 1 = 19
2. In a row ‘P’ is 25th from left end, Q is 30th from right 4. In any row zafar is 15th from top and Jitender is 11th
end. Find the total no. of students in all. from bottom. 23 persons are present between them,
Sol. Cant be Determined as there are more than 1 then find out the total no. of students in row.
possibilities (a) 48 (b) 49
(c) 50 (d) 51
Case 1 Sol. Total number of students = Zafar's position from top+
Jitender's position from bottom + persons present
between them
Q1 P1 = 15 + 11 + 23 = 49
30 R 25 L 5. Umesh is taller than satish, suresh is shorter than
Case 2 Neeraj but taller than Umesh, who is the tallest among
(a) Umesh (b) Suresh
P2 Q2
(c) Satish (d) Neeraj
25L 30R Sol. Umesh > Satish
Neeraj > Suresh > Umesh
Note: When total is not given and 2 persons positions
\ Neeraj > Suresh > Umesh > Satish
from left and right are given, then answer is Cannot be
determined Clearly, Neeraj is tallest among them.
Directions (6 - 9): Read the information carefully and
3. In a row, Ram is 9th from the right. Sita is 15th from
answer the questions given below:
the left. If Ram and Sita interchange their positions,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are the eight friends, they are
Sita will be 25th from left. Which of the following will
sitting in a circle facing center. A is second to the right of C
be Ram's position from the right ?
and fourth to the left of D, E is not immediate neighbour of
(a) 17 (b) 18 C and D. H is next to the right of A. F is second to the right
(c) 19 (d) 20 of G. G is not immediate neighbour of C.
(facing towards
the centre) Ravi Chandra
left right
It should be kept in mind that left and right sides are
always opposite, those facing each other in a circle. Rama Savitri
According to the question, sitting arrangements of Ravi is on shalini's right.
eight friends are shown in the figure given below:-
1. There are five friends- Satish, Kishore, Mohan, Anil 5. In a row of 16 boys, when Prakash was shifted by
and Rajesh. Mohan is the tallest. Satish is shorter two place towards the left, he became 7th from the
than Kishore but taller than Rajesh. Anil is little left end. What was his earlier position from right
shorter than Kishore but little taller than Satish. Who end of the row?
is taller than Rajesh but shorter than Anil? (a) 7th (b) 8th
(a) Anil (b) Kishore (c) 9th (d) 10th
(c) Rajesh (d) Satish 6. In a row of children, A is 9th from the left and B is
2. Banu is twice as old as Anehu but twice younger fifth from right. When A and B interchange their
than Fathima. Caroline is half the age of Anehu but position A will be 18th from the left. What will be B's
is twice order than Dayana. Which two persons from position from the right?
the pair of the oldest and youngest ? (a) 9 (b) 5
(a) Banu and Dayana (c) 18 (d) 14
(b) Fathima and Anehu 7. In a row, Ram is 7th from the left and Sita is 5th from
the right. When they interchange their position then
(c) Fathima and Dayana
Sita will be 19th position from the right. What will
(d) Banu and Caroline
be Ram's position from the left?
3. Raju walks slower than Raghu and Raghu walks as (a) 20 (b) 21
fast as Guru and Krishna walk faster than Guru. (c) 22 (d) 23
Who walks the fastest?
8. In a row, Ram rank is 18th from the top. Sita is five
(a) Raghu (b) Raju rank below Ram. Laxman is 19th from the bottom.
(c) Krishna (d) Both Raghu and Raju Sita is sitting equal distance from Ram and Laxman.
4. In a class, Rajan got the 11th rank and he was 31st Then how many children are there in row?
from the bottom of the boys passed. Three boys did (a) 45 (b) 44
not take the examination and one failed. What is the (c) 43 (d) 46
total strength of the class? 9. Sohan ranks fourteenth from top in a class and
(a) 35 (b) 42 twelfth from bottom. How many students are there
(c) 45 (d) 46 in the class?
1. (b); rank from bottom [(total no. of students + 1) – 11. (c); Number of boys in front of Sonu = 14. Number of
rank from top)] = [(45+ 1) – 12] = 34th boys behind Sonu = (14 * 3) = 42. So, Total number
2. (a); (42 + 1) – 22 = 21 of boys in the column =(14 + 1 + 42) = 57. In a
3. (d); cannot be determined column of 57 boys, the seventh boy from the end
4. (c); total no. of student = [(rank from top + rank from is clearly 51st from the start. Thus, we have to
bottom) – 1] = 15 + 12 – 1 = 26 find the number of boys between the 15th and
5. (d); [(80+1)-48] = 81 – 48 = 33 the 51st boy, which is clearly 35.
6. (a); [(80 + 1) – 79] = 2
12. (c); Number of boys to the left of Sanjay = (40 - 31) =
7. (b); Mamta Rank from top = 8 + 7 = 15
From below her rank = (41 + 1 – 15) = 27 9. So, Sanjay is 10th from the left end. Shreya is
8. (a); Ajay rank from top = 12 + 8 = 20 third to the right of Amit. So, Shreya is 14th from
Ajay rank from bottom = (34 + 1 – 20 ) = 35 – 20 the left end. Clearly, Shreya is fourth to the right
= 15 of Sanjay.
9. (d); in first row = (7 + 11 – 1) = 17 students 13. (b); Amisha is 22nd from the top and Anuja is 5 ranks
In second row = (10 + 12 – 1) = 21 students below Amisha. So, Anuja is 27th from the top.
Total = 21 + 17 = 38 students Also, Anuja is 34th from the bottom. So, Number
10. (b); Clearly, Priya is 13th from the left and 11th from of students passed = (26 + 1 + 33) = 60; Let the
the right end of the row. So, number of girls in
number of students passed and the number
the row = (13 + 11 –1) = 23. Now, Dauli is 17th
failed be 4x and x respectively. Then, 4x =60 or
from the right. Number of girls to the left of Dauli
= [(23 + 1) – 17] = 7. Hence, Dauli is 7th from the x= 15. Hence, number of students in the class =
left end of the row. (60 + 15) = 75.
Left Right
But since Priya is nearer than Natasha to the 25. (c); C is facing to P.
right end of the row, so only arrangement II 26. (c); S is facing to D. So R is left to S.
follows. 27. (a);
Number of girls to the left of Natasha in II = [ 31 28. (d);
– (1 + 16) = 14. Clearly, Natasha is 15th from the
29. (b); All except (b) are facing to each other.
left end of the row.
19. (d); Clearly, George lies towards the left end while 30. (b); Left Right
Peter lies towards the right end of the row. So,
when Peter shifts towards George, he shifts 3 Clearly, A is first from fight end.
places to the left. Thus, Peter is now 15th from Directions (31 - 35) :
the right end. But, Peter is 10th from the left end. D
So, Number of children in the row = (14 + 1 + 9) C E
= 24.
20. (a); Clearly, A’s new position is 15th from the left. H F
But this is the same as B’s earlier position which
is 9th from the right. So total boys = 15 + 9 – 1
= 23 A
21. (c); Total number of students in class 31. (a); H is immediate right of C.
= (14+32) – 1 = 46 – 1 = 45 32. (d); B is immediate right of H.
Q Ratio Þ 2 : 3 33. (d); E is the immediate left of D.
2x + 3x = 45 34. (d); B is the third to the right of D.
5x = 45 35. (c); E is second to the right of C.
x =9
40 Surendra
5 rank below
So, Sujit rank from the
bottom = 40 – (8 + 5) + 1 = 28 \ D is sitting between A and F.
24. (d);
14. (c); 15th from top
Amit 6th position
5 Q Q
No of students = 35 –(15+6) = 35 –21=14 Above both two position are true. So, we can not
define that who will be the second to the right of
N N Q.
15. (b); left right
25. (b); left right
15th from left 8th right end C D A B E
(15+4+8) –1=27–1 = 26 clearly, in the middle of line A is sitting
So, clearly there are 26 children in the row.
26. (c); S
16. (c); Total number of children = (25+5)–1=30– 1=29
Children between Rakesh and Mahesh
= 29 – (both sitting position)
= 29 –(7+5)
= 29 –12 = 17 So, P is third from bottom.
17. (c); Total number of students = (15+15)–1=(30–1)=29 27. (a); accused > deceased
So, garima position from right = (29–11)+1 court > police> lowyer
police > accused
(18 - 22) :
so, court > police > lawyer
Q > accused > deceased
M O so court is most powerful.
28. (b); X>Y>Z
T N so, X > Y > P > Q > Z
P Z is the weakest among all.
In case of formation of figures, first, a question figure is given in which two or three parts of a figure are there. Out
of four options given below the question figure, we have to decide through which option figure can be formed.
X Answer Figures.
Answer Figures.
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures ++
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
43. There are two dots placed in the question figure. Find out
the answer figure which has the possibility of placing the
(a) (b) (c) (d) dots satisfying the same condition as in the question
39. Which of the answer figure is not made up of only the figure.
components of the key figure. (Question Figure) Question Figure
Question Figure
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
1. (d); By close observation, we find that the question 4. (b); By close observation, we find that the question
figure is embedded in figure (d) as shown below. figure is embedded in figure (b) as shown below.
3. (b); By close observation, we find the question figure 6. (d); By close observation, we find that the question
is embedded in figure (b) as shown below. figure is embedded in figure (d) as shown.
28. (b); By close observation, we find; that the question 41. (b); By using all the parts given in question figure, we
figure is embedded in figure (b) as shown below. can form the figure as.
29. (c); By close observation, we find that the question 42. (b); By using all the parts given in question figure,
figure is embedded in figure (c) as shown below. we can form the figure as.
48. (c); Using all the parts given in question figure, we 50. (d); By Using all the parts given in question figure,
can form the figure as. we can form the figure as.
Direction (1 - 3): Select a figure from the given four options, Sol. (a); Clearly option (a) will complet the figure.
which when placed in the blank space of problem figure 4- Select a figure from amongst the four alternatives, when
(?) world complete the pattern. placed in the blank space of fig. (X) would complete
1. the pattern.
Answer Figures.
Answer Figures.
Answer Figures.
Hence, the answer is (a).
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures.
Answer Figures
Answer Figures.
Answer Figures.
(x) (a) (b) (c) (d) (x) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(x) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(x) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(x) (a) (b) (c) (d) (x) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(x) (a) (b) (c) (d) (x) (a) (b) (c) (d)
1. (b); If option (b) is placed in the missing of original 6. (b); If we put option (b) the figure will complete.
figure it completes the original figure.
2. (a); If we put option (a) in figure it will complete. 7. (c); If we put option (c), it will complete the problem
5. (b); If option (b) is placed in missing of the original 9. (b); If option (b) is placed in the missing of original
figure, it completes the original figure. figure it completes the original figure.
24. (c);
25. (b);
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
10. Question Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d) Answer Figures
14. Question Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d) Answer Figures
15. Question Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d) Answer Figures
16. Question Figures
Answer Figures P X Y Z
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures X Y Z
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Answer Figures
38. Question Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Answer Figures
39. Question Figures
2. (c);
11. (c);
12. (a);
3. (b);
13. (b);
4. (c);
14. (a);
5. (d);
6. (b);
15. (b);
7. (a);
16. (b);
8. (c);
17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (b) 21. (b)
22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (d)
27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (d) 31. (d)
32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (b)
37. (c) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (c)
9. (c);
Directions (1-3): In each one of the following examples, Sol. (c); In each of the Answer figures, the right halves
find from amongst the four Answer figures, the one which are dotted, which indicates that the right half of
resembles the pattern formed when the transparent sheet,
the transparent sheet has been folded and placed
carrying a design, is folded along the dotted line.
1. Transparent Sheet over the left half. Taking into consideration the
design on the right half of the sheet, the design
formed on the folded sheet will be a combination
of the designs on the two halves. Note here that
the mirror image of the design on the right half of
Answer Figure the sheet will reach the left half. Clearly, fig. (C) is
the answer.
3. Transparent Sheet
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
1. (b); The actual image of folded paper is 5. (a); The actual image of folded paper is
2. (b); The actual image of folded paper is 6. (a); The actual image of folded paper is
3. (a); The actual image of folded paper is 7. (a); The actual image of folded paper is
16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (a)
10. (a); The actual image of folded paper is
26. (b) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (c)
Water image :- When we look the reflection of an object into water it is called water image.
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2. Problem Figure
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
48. Problem Figure
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
58. Problem Figure
Answer Figures
(a) (b) (c) (d)
56. Problem Figure
2. (b);
13. (b);
3. (d);
14. (b);
15. (d);
4. (c);
16. (b);
5. (d);
17. (d);
6. (b);
18. (a);
19. (b);
7. (c);
20. (a);
8. (d);
21. (a);
22. (d) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (c)
27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (c) 31. (d)
9. (c); 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (b)
37. (a);
38. (c);
10. (a);
39. (b);
11. (b);
40. (c);
42. (a);
45. (a);
43. (c);
46. (b) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (a) 50. (c)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (b)
56. (b) 57. (b) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (d)
6 Series
In this chapter, a series of four or five figures are given called problem figure. In each problem figure, there are small
part called element/design. The elements/designs are changing according to some specific rules. Then candidates
are asked to select one of the figures from the set of option, called answer figure.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
Sol. (c); In problem figures, figure Ist and V are same, then Answer Figure
problem figure (II) will be same as our answer
figure (c).
6. If in given problem figures (I) is same to (IV) and (II) is
same to (V). So, the (III) figure in problem figures will
be same as our answer. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Problem Figure Sol. (d); In problem figures from I to IInd, two elements are
interchanged and one element goes up and then
change. From 2nd two element are moving anti-
clockwise and third changes. In the same way.
This rule will be continue respectively. So option
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (d) is your answer
Answer Figure 9. Rotation of elements with specific rules.
Problem Figure
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
Answer Figure Answer Figure
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Answer Figure 17. Problem Figure
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Answer Figure 20. Problem Figure
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
16. Problem Figure Answer Figure
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
22. Problem Figure Answer Figure
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (I) (II) (III) (IV) (V)
25. Problem Figure Answer Figure
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
(I) (II) (III) (IV) (V) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
1. (a); In a series, a straight line is increasing 17. (a); From 1 to 2, figures at the corners are moving half
continuously. sides in clockwise direction. From 2 to 3, figures
2. (a); Three and four lines are added respectively. are moving in same pattern but two figures are
3. (b); Elements are moving in clockwise direction also replacing from new. Same pattern is followed
increasing one more element. further. Also is moving clockwise 45°, 90°, 135°,
4. (d); Elements are moving clockwise direction at 45° 45°, 90° and 135° respectively.
angle, 90° angle, 45° angle, 90° angle respectively. 18. (b); Here, 1 and 5 are same so, 2 and answer figure (b)
Also new element is increasing. will be same
5. (d); If figure Ist and 4th are same and 2nd and 5th are 19. (c); Element ‘’ and ‘T’ both are rotating 90° and 45°
same then 3rd and 6th will be same. anticlockwise respectively. In figure 1, 3, 5 there is
6. (a); Whole figure is rotating 45° angle anti-clockwise element .
direction respectively.
7. (c); In 2, 4 and there is element .
8. (b); 20. (c); 5th figure is related to 1st figure in the same way
9. (d); By close observation we can say that the elements 6th figure will be related to answer figure (b).
are increasing in a systematic order. 21. (a); Element are changing as shown in the diagram
10. (c); Each time element ‘·’ is moving at 45° angle in given below.
clockwise direction and one element is also
11. (b); In every problem figure elements ‘o‘ and ‘·’ are
added respectively then by adding a line, the
elements are inverted.
12. (b); Clearly, in every figure one element remain at its
place while second is moving by 90° angle 22. (b); Elements ‘W’ and ‘C’ are moving in a systematic
clockwise after each two figures, two new elements order. In each figure a new element is added.
are coming. 23. (d); In every problem figure whole elements rotate
13. (a); In each figure all elements are moving 90° anti- through 90° clockwise and change their places in
clockwise and elements ‘·’ and ‘–’ are ending the following order.
with systematic order.
14. (c); Elements are changing as shown in the diagram
given below
1. Replacement of positions of elements. Sol. (b); In first pair whole figure is moving at 90° angle
Problem Figures. towards clockwise direction same kind of rule will
follow in second pair.
4. Mirror Image to each other
Problem Figures.
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Sol. (a); The elements are rotating in such way
Answer Figure
(a) (b) (c) (d)
6. Problem Figures
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
Answer Figure
(a) (b) (c) (d)
22. Problem Figures
1. (a); Rule of water-image is applied. 11. (b); In first pair elements and interchange their
2. (b); In first pair of problem figure, elements rotate 180° position and element ® rotates opposite side.
angle anti-clockwise, same rule will follow in Similar concept is used in second pair.
second pair. 12. (b); In first problem figure pair 2nd is water image of
3. (c); Rule of mirror-image is applied. 1st then option (b) will be water image of third.
4. (c); In first pair all elements rotate 90° angle in anti- 13. (c); By close observation, we can say that option (c)
will be suitable answer.
clockwise direction, same rule will follow in
14. (c); Only heads of figure are changing.
second pair of problem figures.
15. (b); In first problem pair design goes to opposite side
5. (c); In first pair all elements are moving in opposite and it becomes black. In second pair also this rule
direction with an arc. In second pair, it will replace will be applied.
in ‘¯’ element according to rule 1 : 2 : : 2 : 1. 16. (b); One line is added respectively.
6. (b); The element in first two pair is opposite, same 17. (b); In first pair middle four sign or elements are
concept is used in second pair. removed. Also in second pair four sign will be
7. (a); All elements are moving 90° angle towards removed and option (b) will be right answer.
clockwise in first pair of problem figure. Same kind 18. (c);
of rule will be followed in second problem figures 19. (b); The rule of mirror-image is applied.
pair. 20. (d); The rule of water-Image is applied.
8. (a); In first pair of problem figures elements rotate by 21. (b); In first pair, all elements are moving in a certain
90° in clockwise direction. 2 elements remain in direction. All three elements are moving 90° anti-
place of 3, also some parts of elements become clockwise direction. This rule will follow in second
black from up and down in alternate figure. Similar pair also.
concept is used in second pair. 22. (b); The elements are changing like
9. (d); One line is subtracted in first pair of problem
figure and also a circle is coming. Similar, concept
is used in second pair.
10. (b); In figure ‘K’ there are three lines so it makes
but first and third element after changing their
triangle and figure , there are six lines so it will place rotate opposite side. So same kind of rule
make hexagon. will be applied.
Direction :- Out of these four or five figure, except one are Sol. (b); Except (b) figure, in all others figures, we move
similar in a certain way. Find out the figure which does anti-clockwise.
not belong to this group.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
13. The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the (a) @ (b) %
manner in which the folded paper has been cut is (c) $ (d) h
shown in the following figures. How would this
18. Select the correct water image of the given
paper look when unfolded?
combination of letters.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) Literates, Engineers, Farmers 20. Select the number from among the given options
(b) Fathers, Brothers, Males that can replace the question mark (?) in the
(c) Grandfathers, Fathers, Males following series.
(d) Mothers, Aunts, Doctors 237, 196, 155, 114, ?
(a) 64 (b) 73
15. Select the letter-cluster from among the given (c) 98 (d) 47
options that can replace the question mark (?) in
21. Select the number from among the given options
the following series.
that can replace the question mark (?) in the
following series.
(a) LGV (b) LGN 5, 18, 70, 278, ?
(c) KGU (d) JFV
Adda247 Publications For More Study Material
(a) 1110 (b) 328 (a) GTQ (b) SPK
(c) 298 (d) 592 (c) JGT (d) PMN
22. Study the given pattern carefully and select the 24. If '@' means 'addition', '%' means 'multiplication',
number from among the given options that can '$' means 'division' and '#' means 'subtraction',
replace the question mark (?) in it. then find the value of the following expression.
48 63 56 29 @ 128 $ 16 % 7 # 22
42 18 8 (a) 58 (b) 47
45 15 21 (c) 23 (d) 63
51 ? 8
25. In a certain code language, 6219 means ‘Sachin is
14 9 17
a cricketer’ and 2646 means ‘He played from
(a) 18 (b) 19
Mumbai’. Which of the following is the code for
(c) 17 (d) 21
‘Mumbai is very famous’?
23. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which (a) 6285 (b) 2458
three are alike in some manner and one is (c) 7945 (d) 6246
different. Select the letter-cluster that is different.
1. (a): 223 : 350 : : 519 : x 4. (c):
Logic is → (6³ + 7): (7³ + 7)
Similarly (8³ + 7) : (9³ + 7)
= 9³ + 7 = 736
2. (d): According to Question
3P + 6N = 180 ___________ (1)
5P + 2N = 116 ___________ (2)
Multiplying 3 in equation (2) we get Kartik is father of Ankit
15P + 6N = 348 _________ (3)
5. (a):
From 𝐸𝑞𝑛 (1) and (3)
12P = 168 ⟹ P = 14
Mohit’s spending on buying notebooks = 180
- 3 × 14 = 138
Logic → Subtract 3 from the vowels , Add 3
3. (c): to the consonant .
Ending point Similarly,
20. (b):
MALANGA is NCOESMH Hence 73 is Answer.
21. (a):
⟹ 278 × 4 - 2 = 1110
10. (a):
22. (d): Format should be :
11. (c): The sitting is →
One number from 1st series
Gaurav, Hatim, Varun, Zaid, Amit, Yukti
Hatim is sitting at second place. Three numbers from 2nd series
One nubers from 3rd series
12. (b): Arrangement as English dictionary
⇒ Petition, Petitionary, Petitioners, Petitioning
3, 1, 5, 4, 2
13. (c):
14. (c):
23. (a):
Hence G T Q is Answer
24. (d): 29 + 128 ÷ 16 × 7 – 22 = 29 + 56 – 22 = 63
15. (a): 25. (d): Sachin is a Cricketer = 6219
He played From Mumbai = 2646
Code to a word is given as per the number of
letter in the word
Sachin = 6
Hence, LGV is Answer. Is = 2
16. (d): CROWD is coded as 23415924 Cricketer = 9
Logic → opposite of the consonant value , He = 2
put vowels in the same alphabetical order Played = 6
and reverse the number . From = 4
Similarly, FRUGAL → 1512021921 Mumbai = 6
17. (a): Thus
𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠 → 𝐼 𝐻 % Mumbai = 6
↓ ↓ ↓ Is = 2
𝐼 @ ℎ Very = 4
Hence (a) is Answer. Famous = 6
18. (a): Hence , Mumbai is very famous = 6246
(c) (d)
19. (c): 17 – 5 = 12 × 5 = 60
21 – 6 = 15 × 5 = 75
18 – 9 = 9 × 5 = 45
20. (d): (a) (7)³ + (7)² = 343 + 49 = 392
(b) 8³ + 8² = 512 + 64 = 576
I. ✓ II. III. ✓ (c) 3³ + 3² = 27 + 9 = 36
IV. (d) (4)³ + (4)² = 80
3. (a): 16
21. (a): (23 × 2 = 184)
4. (d):
In the same way
5. (b): & ↔ # 28
%↔+ (27 × 2 = 378)
@↔$ 22. (b): S H A R M A S H A R M A S H A R M A
7. (c): 65 is multiple of 13, in the same way 152 is 23. (b):
multiply of 19.
8. (b): 6. Accumulate
1. Affection 4. Antic
2. Appeal 3. Arid
5. Attire.
9. (a):
10. (a):
11. (c): 49 ÷ 7 + 70 – 12 × 3 = 41
7 + 70 – 36 = 41 Ans. 24. (d): Except love all belongs to same category.
12. (d): 13. (a): 25. (a):
14. (c): Except C , all others are capital of states.
15. (a): Insomnia indicate sleep and Depression
indicate mood.
16. (d): 17. (a):
1. Select the correct combination of mathematical 7. Select the combination of letters that when
signs that can sequentially replace the signs balance sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series
the given equations will complete the series,
65 * 5 * 45 * 2 * 30 * 73 f _ ma _ e _ e _ _ le _ em _ l _ f _ m _ le
(a) ÷, ×, +, -, = (b) +, ÷, ×, =, - (a) e, l, f, m, a, f, a, e, a
(c) ÷, +, ×, =, - (d) ÷, +, ×, -, = (b) e, l, f, m, a, f, a, e, e, a
2. Select the option in which the number one related in (c) f, l, m, a, f, e, a, m, l, e
the same way as are the numbers of the following (d) e, l, f, m, a, f, a, e, a, e
set. 8. Select the figure among the given options that can
(36, 10, 1352) replace the questions marks (?) in the following
(a) (29, 8, 882) (b) (13, 4, 552) series.
(c) (14, 3, 293) (d) (39, 8, 1661)
3. Four number-pars have been given, out of which
three are alike in some manner and one is different.
Select the number pair that is different.
(a) 15 : 675 (b) 13 : 507 9. Select the option that is related to the fourth number
(c) 9 : 244 (d) 11 : 363 in the same ways as the first number is related to
4. Select the option figure that is embedded in the the second number and the fifth number is related
given figure to the sixth number.
18 : 328 : : ? : 445 : : 22 : 488
(a) 21 (b) 20
(c) 28 (d) 24
(a) (b) (c) (d) 10. Three different positions of the same dice are
5. Read the given statements and conclusion carefully. shown. Select the letter / number that will be on the
Assuming that the information given in the face opposite to the face having the letter ‘U’ :
statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance
with commonly known facts, decide which of the
given conclusion logically follow from the
statements. (a) I (b) A
Statement : (c) E (d) 9
All teachers are students. 11. Select the number from among the given options
No Students is Principal. that can replace the question mark(?) in the
All Engineers are teachers. following series.
Conclusion : 8.5, 19, 36, 74 ?
I. No Engineer is Principal. (a) 154 (b) 146
II. Some Student are Engineers. (c) 152 (d) 160
III. No teacher is a Principal. 12. Select the correct option that indicates the
(a) All the conclusion follows. arrangement of the given words in the order in
(b) Only conclusion I and II follow. which they appear in an English dictionary.
(c) Only conclusion III and II follow. 1. Painkiller Parking
(d) Only conclusion II follow. 2. Passion
6. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the 3. Positivity
relationship among following classes. 4. Pancreas
Musicians, Males, Sons. (a) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 (b) 1, 5, 2, 4, 3
(c) 1, 5, 4, 3, 2 (d) 1, 5, 2, 3, 4
13. In a certain code language, ‘COOMEN’ is coded as
(a) (b) ‘291’ and ‘FIX’ is coded as ‘42’. How will ‘PROFANE’
be coded in that language.
(a) 342 (b) 345
(c) (d) (c) 329 (d) 333
1. (d): 65 ÷ 5 + 45 × 2 – 30 = 73 (c) 9 ⟹ (9)² × 3 = 243
⟹ 13 + 90 – 30 = 73 (d) 11 ⟹ (11)² × 3 = 363
⟹ 103 – 30 = 73 4. (d): Clearly, the question figure is embedded in
73 = 73 figure (d) only.
2. (a): 36 – 10 = (26)² × 2 = 1352
29 – 8 = (21)² × 2 = 882
3. (c): (a) 15 ⟹ (15)² × 3 = 675
(b) 13 ⟹ (13)² × 3 = 507
I. ✓ II. ✓ III. ✓
6. (a):
17. (d): Ram + 7 = Shayam - 4
Shayam = Ram + 11
Krishna = 2 years
The average of, Ram, Shayam and Krishna 10
7. (b): f e m a l e/ f e m a l e/ f e m a l e/f e m a l e years from now will be 33.
𝑅𝑎𝑚 + 𝑆ℎ𝑎𝑦𝑎𝑚 + 𝐾𝑟𝑖𝑠ℎ𝑛𝑎
8. (b): So, present age = = 23
9. (a): ⟹ (18)² + 4 = 328 Ram + Shayam + Krishna = 69
⟹ (21)² + 4 = 445
⟹ (22)² + 4 = 488 Now by substituting the above values.
10. (c): Ist dice ⟹ I → E → A Ram + Ram + 11 + 2 = 69
IIIrd dice⟹ I → U → 9 Ram = 28 years
11. (b): 18. (c): Dearth is synonymous of scarcity, similarly
substitute is synonymous of replace.
19. (a): Angle is measured in radians whereas work is
12. (d): 1, 5, 2, 3, 4 measured in Joule.
13. (a): 20. (d):
21. (d):
22. (d):
= 97 × 3 = 291
(21 + 18 + 3) × 1 = 42
1. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the (c) UU53 (d) VV54
same pattern and replace the question mark (?) 7. In the following figure there is a problem figure
RE : 198 :: ST : ? which is followed by four answer figures one of the
(a) 90 (b) 56 answer figures is the water image of the problem
(c) 59 (d) 62 figure, find the water image.
2. Select the option that is related to the third word in
the same way as the second word is related to the
first word.
Scotophobia : Darkness :: Stygiophobia : ?
(a) Heaven (b) Hell 8. Select the figure from among the given options
(c) Stars (d) Speed
3. In the following questions, select the number which
can be replaced the sign of the questions mark (?)
from the given alternatives.
9. In a certain code language, the word BREAKDOWN
is written as DQGCJFQVP. How will the word
MENSTRUAL be written in that code language?
(c) OPDUSTWZN (d) None of these
10. Pointing to Harbhajan, Sonakshi says, “He is the
paternal grandfather of my eldest son Mukesh”. How
(a) 46 (b) 40 is Harbhajan related to Sonakshi?
(c) 49 (d) 45 (a) Father (b) Uncle
4. In the given figure, which letter represents (c) Brother – in – law (d) Father – in – law
Psychiatrists who are Clinical Psychologists, but not 11. In the following question, four words are alike in
Psychiatric Social Workers? some manner, and make a group. Choose the one
which does not fit in the given group.
(a) 7200 (b) 5040
(c) 4032 (d) 5240
12. Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at
the gaps in sequentially placed at the gaps in the
given letter series shall complete it?
(a) IGJI (b) GIGI
(a) G (b) F (c) IGIJ (d) GJGJ
(c) H (d) E 13. A set of sequence is given. Select the option which
5. Two positions of the same dice are given. Which shows similar relationship.
number will be at the top if '6' is at the bottom? 5026 : 6205 ; 5197 : 7915 ; 8322 : ?
(a) 2723 (b) 2328
(c) 2238 (d) 2732
14. Which one of the following represents Food, Curd,
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 1 (d) 4
6. A set of sequence is given. Select the option which
shows similar relationship. (a) (b)
AA23 : CC25 ; PP61 : RR63 ; TT52 : ?
(a) UV54 (b) VV51
1. (b): R → Reverse value → 27 – 18 = 9 2. (b): We know,
E → Reverse value → 27 – 5 = 22 Fear of Darkness is known as Scotophobia.
RE = R * E = 9 * 22 = 198 Similarly, fear of Hell is known as Stygiophobia.
Similarly, 3. (b): All the rows add to 132
S → Reverse value → 27 – 19 = 8 → 43 + 48 + 41 = 132
T → Reverse value → 27 – 20 = 7 → 42 + 44 + 46 = 132
ST = 8 * 7 = 56 → 47 + 40 + 45 = 132
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) 2 (b) 6
(a) (c) 3 (d) 4
1. (b): 7. (b): The pattern is
2. (c): The logic here is → (7)³-(13)² = 174 ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3
(9)³ - (25)² = 104 𝑃 𝑅 𝑄 𝐻 𝐵
Similarly, (11)³- (30)² = 431 Similarly,
3. (c): 23 : 441 : : 28 : ? ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3 ↓ +3
Logic is → (23 – 2)² = 441 𝐹 𝑈 𝐻 𝐺 𝐿 𝑊
Similarly, → (28 - 2)² = 676
8. (c): Opposite faces are
4. (a): 4 5 1
↓ ↓ ↓
5. (c): Logic : Here in each figure add 45 degree 4 2 3
more. Hence 3 is opposite face of 1.
11. (d):
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ All the conclusions follow
36 2 22 16 18
𝑆 𝐻 𝐴 𝐿 𝑈 20. (d): Her father is okay = 6583
Similarly, ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ My father is well = 5137
38 16 2 24 42 Her arm is injured = 2839
Hence Hence Okay be coded ‘6’
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 21. (d): Total area of park
26 2 28 20 42 = (24)² = 576 m²
Logic → double each place value of
Hence option (b) is Answer 24. (c): Indian officer are graduates but not females
17. (d): = 11
1. Select the Venn diagram that best illustrates the 8. The sequence of folding a piece of square paper and
relationship among following classes. the manner in which the folded paper has been cut
Utensil, Pressure Cooker, Bowl is shown in the figures X. Y and Z. How would this
paper look when unfolded?
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
2. Select the number from among the given options (a) (b)
that can replace the question mark(?) in the
following series.
9, 17, 26, 38, 55, 79, 112, 156, ?
(a) 219 (b) 198 (c) (d)
(c) 213 (d) 225 9. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure
3. Select the letter-cluster from among the given when the mirror is placed on the right of the figure.
options that can replace question mark(?) in the
following series
(a) TJV (b) TJU
(c) TJZ (d) TJM
4. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which
three are alike in some manner and one is different. (a) (b)
Select the letter-cluster that is different.
(a) FINL (b) MNLB
(c) PIHJ (d) NGHL (c) (d)
5. Find number of squares in the given figure. 10. Select the option that is related to the third number
in the same way as the second number is related to
the first number and the sixth number is related to
the fifth number.
14 : 252 : : 17 : ? : : 21 : 525
(a) 257 (b) 573
(a) 20 (b) 18 (c) 357 (d) 375
(c) 16 (d) 17 11. Four words have been given, out of which three are
6. Select the letter from the given options that can like in some manner and one is different. Select the
replace the question mark (?) in the following series. word that is different.
F, I, K, N, P, ? (a) Neigh (b) Squawk
(a) S (b) T (c) Coo (d) Cub
(c) U (d) V 12. Two different positions of the same dice are shown,
7. The present age of a mother is three times that of the six faces of which are marked as PQ, TV, RS, CW,
her elder daughter. Six years hence, the age of XY and DE. Select the word that will be on the face
mother will be four time that of her younger opposite to the face showing the word PQ.
daughter. If the difference between the present ages
of the elder and younger child is 12 years, what is
the present age of the mother ?
(a) 90 years (b) 95 years
(c) 65 years (d) 55 years (a) DE (b) RS
(c) TV (d) CW
5. If 90% of a number is 621, what will be 50% of 10. Read the given statements and conclusions
20% of that number? carefully. Assuming that the information given in
(a) 79 (b) 54 the statements is true, even if it appears to be at
(c) 74 (d) 69 variance with commonly known facts, decide
which of the given conclusions logically follow(s)
6. A cube is made by folding the given sheet. In the
from the statements.
cube so formed, which number will be on the face
Statements: Some printers are colours.
opposite to the face having the number ‘1’?
No colours is a telephone.
All machines are telephones.
Conclusions: I. Some printers are machines.
II. No machine is a colours.
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(a) Neither conclusion I nor II follows (a) (b)
(b) Both the conclusions follow
(c) Only conclusion II follows
(d) Only conclusion I follows
(c) (d)
11. Select the number from among the given options
that can replace the question mark (?) in the
following series.
17, 16, 32, 29, 116, ? 16. If ‘A’ denotes ‘addition’, ‘B’ denotes
(a) 121 (b) 71 ‘multiplication’, ‘C’ denotes ‘subtraction’ and ‘D’
(c) 111 (d) 81 denotes ‘division’, then what will be the value of
the following expression?
12. Select the correct option that indicates the
arrangement of the given words in the order in 8 B (4 A 5) C (99 A 27) D 14 A 5 B (112 D 16)
which they appear in an English dictionary. (a) 107 (b) 98
1. Junketeered 2. Junction (c) 116 (d) 85
3. Junketers 4. Junketeering 17. In a certain code language, ‘SANCTION’ is written
5. Junctures as ‘TZOBUHPM’. How will ‘TELEVISE’ be written
(a) 1, 4, 2, 3, 5 (b) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 in that language?
(c) 2, 5, 4, 3, 1 (d) 2, 5, 3, 1, 4 (a) UDMDWHTD (b) UDNDWGTF
13. Select the combination of letters that when (c) UDMDUHTF (d) SFKGUHRD
sequentially placed in the blanks of the given 18. Select the option that is related to the third letter-
series, will complete the series. cluster in the same way as the second letter-
S P _ _ _ PS TS _ _ _ SP S _ cluster is related to the first letter-cluster.
(a) P S SP PSS (b) S TS P S TT PDK : QFN :: SJQ : ?
(c) T SS P T SS (d) P S T S P TT (a) UNT (b) TMS
14. Select the option that is embedded in the given (c) ULS (d) TLT
figure (X) (rotation is NOT allowed). 19. In a certain code language, 'do or die' is written as
'su ru ko', 'let us do it' is written as 'ko mo vo zu'
and 'this or that' is written as 'ga tu ru'. How will
'die' be written in that language?
(a) su (b) ku
(c) ru (d) ko
(a) (b) 20. Study the given matrix carefully and select the
number from among the given options that can
replace the question mark (?) in it.
6 18 42
(c) (d) 5 15 ?
7 36 61
(a) 45 (b) 53
(c) 30 (d) 25
15. The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the
manner in which the folded paper has been cut is 21. Reeta is standing facing south-east. First, she
shown in the following figures. How would this turns 135° clockwise. After that, she turns 90°
paper look when unfolded? anticlockwise. Then she turns 45° clockwise,
followed by a 135° anticlockwise turn. In which
direction is she facing now?
(a) North-east (b) South
(c) South-east (d) East
1. (b): 9. (b):
2. (c): Options a, b and d are correct
So, option (b) is not the same.
10. (c):
I. ×
3. (c): The pattern is II. ✓
Hence only conclusion II follows.
11. (c):
6. (a): The focus of the cube will be in the below 17. (a):
pattern. +1 ↓ −1 ↓ +1 ↓ −1 ↓ +1 ↓ −1 ↓ +1 ↓ −1 ↓
(𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒) → 6 1 3 Similarly,
↓ ↓ ↓ 𝑇 𝐸 𝐿 𝐸 𝑉 𝐼 𝑆 𝐸
(𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒) → 4 2 5 +1 ↓ −1 ↓ +1 ↓ −1 ↓ +1 ↓ −1 ↓ +1 ↓ −1 ↓
Hence option (a) is correct answer.
18. (d):
7. (c): 𝑃 𝐷 𝐾 𝑆 𝐽 𝑄
8. (a): +1 ↓ +2 ↓ +3 ↓ +1 ↓ +2 ↓ +3 ↓
22. (b):
(b) (d)
16. A is 25 years younger than B. The age of B would
be double the age of C after 15 years. The current
(d) age of B is three times the current age of C. What
is the current age of A?
12. ‘ A# B’ means ‘A is the father of B’
(a) 25 years (b) 20 years
‘ A% B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’.
(b) 15 years (d) 30 years
‘A @B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’.
‘ A & B’ means ‘A is the son of B’. 17. Eight north-facing restaurants named P, Q, R, S, T,
U, V and W are located in a straight line. S is
If ‘G # M# T% S @ H & R & W @ U’, then which of
second to the left of T. W is third to the left of P.T
the following statements is NOT correct?
is between P and V. S is third to the left of V. W is
(a) G is the paternal grandfather of T. to the immediate right of U.R is third to the right
(b) W is the maternal grandmother of H. of P. Who is sitting fourth to the right of S?
(b) R is the husband of T. (a) U (b) W
(d) M is the maternal grandfather of S. (b) R (d) V
13. Select the correct option that indicates the 18. Study the given pattern carefully and select the
arrangement of the given course of actions in a number from among the given options that can
replace the question mark (?) in it.
logical and meaningful order.
11 15 9
1. Open email account 2. Compose email
14 16 ?
3. Start computer 4. Enter email address 75 31 88
5. Write the content 6. Send the mail (a) 13 (b) 22
(a) 3,1,2,4,5,6 (b) 2,5,1,3,4,6 (b) 18 (d) 25
(b) 3,2,6,1,5,4 (d) 3,1,2,6,5,4
19. Three different positions of the same dice are
14. Select the letter-cluster from among the given shown, the six faces of which are numbered from
options that can replace the question mark (?) in 1 to 6. Select the number that will be on the face
the following series. opposite to the face having the number ‘5’.
(a) JYWF (b) JXWE
(b) KXWE (d) JXXE
1. (d): 5. (a): The pattern is,
2. (b): The pattern is
Consonant →+ 1
52 : 91 → (13 × 4) : (13 × 7)
vowel → -1
Similarly 72 : 126 → (18 × 4) : 18 × 7
126 is the correct answer. Similarly, CLOSING → DMNTHOH
(c) (d)
20. What was the day of the week on 17 April, If
Tuesday was on the 1st April.
(a) Thursday (b) Friday
(c) Monday (d) Wednesday
(a) (b) 21. Select the option in which the words the same
relationship as the shared by the given pair of
Pomegranate : Fruits
(c) (d) (a) Television : Entertainment
15. Five letter-clusters have been given, out of which (b) Anger : Emotion
three are alike in some. Manner and one is different. (c) Bed : Good
Select the letter-cluster that is different. (d) Cycle : Road
(a) EOQM (b) GRML 22. Select the option in which the number one related in
(c) VWCB (d) DQMF the same way as are the numbers of the following
16. Select the option that is related to the third number set.
in the same way as the second number is related to (11, 12, 23)
the first number. (a) (6, 8, 60) (b) (2, 8, 46)
18 : 180 :: 14 : (c) (7, 4, 48) (d) (13, 15, 56)
(a) 128 (b) 112 23. Find the number of triangles in the given figure.
(c) 200 (d) 144
17. Four number pair have been given, out of which
three are alike in some manner and one is different.
Select the number pair that is different. (a) 14 (b) 18
(a) 15 : 213 (b) 20 : 205 (c) 15 (d) 16
(c) 8 : 193 (d) 45 : 230 24. ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the son of B’
18. Select the boxes that can be formed by folding the ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the mother of B’
given sheet along the lines. ‘A & B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’
‘A % B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’
If ‘P @ Q % R # S # T & U’, then which of the
following statement is not correct?
(a) R is the grandson of T.
(b) T is wife of U
(c) U is husband of Q.
(d) Q is sister of R.
25. In a certain language, BRIDE is coded as 102 and
CAT is coded as 60. How will ‘COURSE’ be coded in
that language?
(a) Only I and II (b) Only II and III (a) 103 (b) 120
(c) Only IV (d) Only III (c) 81 (d) 87
By option elimination.
Opposite faces cannot be seen together.
8. (d): 1st term in the series is 8. 19. (d):
Second term in the series is obtained using the 20. (a):
logic 17 = 8 + 9 1st April = Tuesday , then,
Third term in the series is obtained using the 1 + 7 + 7 = 15th April will be Tuesday,
logic 27 = 17 + 9 + 1³ So,
Forth term in the series is obtained using the
logic 29 = 27 + 9 + 1³ - 2³
Fifth term in the series is obtained using the 21. (b): Pomegranate is a fruit Similarly,
logic 58 = 29 + 9 + 1³ - 2³ + 3³ Anger is an emotion.
Sixth term in the series is obtained using the 22. (d): (11, 12, 23)
logic 23 = 58 + 9 + 1³ - 2³ + 3³ - 4³ (12)² - (11)² = 144 – 121 = 23
Seventh term in the series is obtained using the Similarly,
logic 113 = 23 + 9 + 1³ - 2³ + 3³ - 4³ + 5³ (15)² - (13)² = 225 – 169 = 56
9. (B): 23. (a):
24. (c):
10. (a): 4. Sarkari
3. Satire 25. (d):
1. Sodium
2. Solution
5. Sophisticate
11. (d): {25 + 9 + 18 + 23 + 22 + 5 (No. of letters)}
1. Read the given statements and conclusion carefully. What is the number of families who have visited at
Assuming that the information given in the least two of the places out of Agra, Mathura and
statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance Kashi
with commonly known facts, decide which of the (a) 53 (b) 57
given conclusion logically follow from the (c) 49 (d) 69
statements. 7. Pointing to the photograph of a girl, Rajiv said, “She
Statements : is my father’s mother’s daughter’s only brother’s
All teachers are talented. daughter”. How Rajiv’s Father related to that girls
Some Boys are teachers. mother ?
Conclusion : (a) Son (b) Maternal uncle
I. Some Boys are talented (c) Husband (d) Father
II. All talented are Boys 8. Select the correct option that indicates the
III. All Boys are talented arrangement of the given words in the order in
(a) Only conclusion III follow which they appear in an English dictionary.
(b) Only conclusion II follow 1. Sufferance
(c) Only conclusion I follow 2. Sufferably
(d) Both conclusion I and II follow 3. Sufferable
2. Select the option in which the number one related in 4. Suffer
the same way as are the numbers of the following 5. Suffice
set. (a) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (b) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1
(25, 20, 45) (c) 3, 4, 2, 5, 4 (d) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
(a) (36, 30, 54) (b) (49, 21, 63) 9. Four number pair have been given, out of which
(c) (64, 32, 72) (d) (16, 16, 34) three are alike in some manner and one is different.
3. Select the number from among the given options Select the number pair that is different.
that can replace the question mark(?) in the (a) 2256 : 3824 (b) 3569 : 5137
following series. (c) 1502 : 3070 (d) 1568 : 3218
49, 64, 86, 116, 155 ? 10. Select the correct mirror image of the given
(a) 200 (b) 203 combination when the mirror is placed to ‘PQ’ as
(c) 215 (d) 204 shown
4. Select the option that is related to the third word in
the same way as the second word is related to the
firs word.
Ambulant : Fugitive : : Slack : ?
(a) Gingerly (b) Alert (a) (b)
(c) heedful (d) Lax (c) (d)
5. How many triangles are there in the following 11. Select the option in which the words the same
figure? relationship as the shared by the given pair of
World cancer day : 4 February : ?
(a) World Education day : 24 January
(b) World Poverty day : 11 July
(a) 35 (b) 36 (c) World Population day : 17 October
(c) 34 (d) 30 (d) World migrant day : 20 December
6. The following Venn diagram shows the number of 12. Select the letter-cluster from among the given
families who have visited three different places options that can replace question mark(?) in the
(Agra, Mathura, Kashi) following series
13. Four words have been given, out of which three are
like in some manner and one is different. Select the
word that is different.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
17. Select the figure that will come next in the following (a) ⋆ (b) $
figure series. (c) = (d) ?
23. In a certain code language, ‘CAT’ is written ‘E – YC -
V’ and ‘COW’ is coded as ‘E – MQ - Y’. How will ‘PUT’
be written in that language.
(a) R – SW – V (b) R – WS – U
(c) Q – TX – W (d) C – TV – W
24. In a certain code language, ‘VERBAL’ is coded as 102
(a) (b) and ‘NEW’ is coded as ‘39’ How will ‘SAFETY’ be
coded in that language ?
(a) 90 (b) 86
(c) (d) (c) 88 (d) 84
18. Select the option in which the number one related in 25. Select the option that is related to the third number
the same way as are the numbers of the following in the same way as the second number is related to
set. the first number.
(9, 36, 72) 25 : 650 : : 27 : ?
(a) (8, 32, 72) (b) (7, 28, 63) (a) 759 (b) 745
(c) (11, 44, 88) (d) (5, 20, 45) (c) 654 (d) 754
1. (c): 2. (c): (25, 20, 45) = 5 × 5, 5 × 4, 5 × 9
(64, 32, 72) = 8 × 8, 8 × 4, 8 × 9
3. (d):
I. ✓ II. × III. ×
8. (a):
9. (d): 3824 – 2256 = 1568 And,
5137 – 3569 = 1568
3070 – 1502 = 1568
3218 – 1568 = 1650
10. (c):
11. (a): World cancer day is observed on 4th February
every year. Similarly,
Similarly, World Education Day is observed on
24th January every year.
12. (d):
24. (b):
(opposite letter)
One letter starting from the last letter of the (5 + 22 + 9 + 25 + 26 + 15) = 102
word LIGHT is changed to its opposite letter in And,
each step.
13. (d): Except Lethargic, All words are synonymous of
each other.
14. (a): EJOT = 5 + 10 + 15 + 20 = 50
CIOT = 3 + 9 + 15 + 20 = 47
XFIH = 24 + 6 + 9 + 8 = 47
POLD = 16 + 15 + 12 + 4 = 47 13 + 22 + 4 = 39
15. (b): Similarly,
16. (c):
17. (a):
18. (c): (9, 36, 72) = (9 × 1, 9 × 4, 9 × 8)
(11, 44, 88) = (11 × 1, 11 × 4, 11 × 8)
19. (b): V E R B A L / V E R B A L / V E R B A L
20. (b): A.T.Q. (8 + 26 + 21 + 22 + 7 + 2) = 86
P × (P + 1) = 552 25. (d): 25 : 650 : : 27 : ?
P² + P = 552 (25)² = 25 × 25 + 25 = 650
By solving (27)² = 27 × 27 + 25 = 754
P= 23 and (-24)
P = 23 (as P is Positive number)
(c) (d)
(a) 8 (b) 9 10. Select the correct mirror image of the given
(c) 11 (d) 10 combination when the mirror is placed at ‘xy’ as
3. Select the combination of letter that when shown.
sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series
will complete the series.
(a) Q C K M M M I (b) C Q K M I M M
(c) Q C J I M J M (d) Q K C I M M M (a)
4. In a certain code language, ‘OM’ is coded as ‘84’ and (b)
‘PRIYA’ is coded as ‘276’. How will ‘SITA’ be coded in (c)
that language? (d)
(a) 249 (b) 245 11. Four letter-clusters have been given out of which
(c) 240 (d) 250 three are alike in some manner and one is different
5. Select the letter-cluster from among the given select the letter-cluster that is different.
options that can replace the question mark(?) in the (a) LO (b) RI
following series (c) HS (d) NO
12. Four number pairs have been given out of which
three are alike in some manner and one is different
(a) RBR (b) PBR
select the number-pair that is different.
(c) PBQ (d) RBQ
(a) (658, 361) (b) (923, 196)
6. There are two couples in a family. Deepa has two (c) (831, 121) (d) (687, 441)
children. Shelly is the wife of Romi, who is the 13. Select the option in which the numbers are related
brother of Shashank. Priya is the daughter of Deepa. in the same way as are the numbers of the following
Nitya is the sister of Ayush, who is the son of Romi. set.
Tanish is the son of Shashank, who is a male. How is (11, 100, 144)
Shelly is related to Deepa? (a) (15, 195, 256) (b) (17, 256, 324)
(a) Sister (b) Mother (c) (10, 81, 120) (d) (15, 225, 256)
(c) Aunt (d) Sister-in-law 14. Select the option in which the words share the same
7. In a certain code language, ‘ABROAD’ is written as relationship as that shared by the given pair of
‘FWSNHW’. How will ‘ACTIVE’ be written in that words.
code language? Radha nagar beach: Andaman and Nicobar
(a) GWMPRI (b) GWMPIR (a) Kappad beach: Kerala
(c) GMWPRI (d) GMWRIP (b) Chandra bhag beach: Karnataka
8. Select the number from among the given options (c) Golden beach: Punjab
that can replace the question mark(?) in the (d) Bhogave beach: Goa
following series. 15. Select the option that is related to the third word in
961, 1369, 1681, 1849,? the same way as the second word is related to the
(a) 2025 (b) 1764 first word
(c) 2209 (d) 1936 Arachnophobia: Spiders ∷ Basiphobia: ?
9. Select the figure among the given options that can (a) running (b) walking
replace the question mark(?) in the following series. (c) jumping (d) playing
(a) (b)
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) (d) (c) 5 (d) 6
1. In a certain code language ‘RESULT’ is coded as 9. Select the option in which the numbers re related in
‘765149’ and ‘PUT’ is coded as ‘219’. How will ‘TEST’ the same way as are the numbers of the following
be coded in that language. set.
(a) 9659 (b) 6599 (18, 648, 9)
(c) 5969 (d) 9496 (a) (19, 750, 9) (b) (17, 819, 8)
2. A is the brother of B, C is the father of A. D is the (c) (21, 588, 7) (d) (11, 492, 9)
brother of C. If E is the mother of D, then how A is 10. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which
related to E? three are alike in some. Manner and one is different.
(a) Uncle (b) Father Select the letter-cluster that is different.
(c) Brother (d) Grandson (a). ONC (b). RYE
3. . Four words have been given, out of which three are (c). NXG (d). LOC
like in some manner and one is different. Select the 11. Select the option that is related to the third word in
word that is different. the same way as the second word is related to the
(a) Amaravati (b) Itanagar firs word.
(c) Dispur (d) Ahmedabad Cercopithecidae : Monkey :: Loxodonta : ?
4. Select the option in which the number one related in (a) Donkey (b) Pigeon
the same way as are the numbers of the following (c) Parrot (d) Elephant
set. 12. Select the letter-cluster from among the given
(341, 12, 485) options that can replace question mark(?) in the
(a) (255, 16, 511) (b) (325, 14, 515) following series
(c) (125, 18, 448) (d) (99, 15, 320) XWP, VUO, RSN, OQM, ?
5. Select the number from among the given options (a) LOL (b) LOM
that can replace the question mark(?) in the (c) LPN (d) KPN
following series. 13. Select the letter from among the given options that
36, 72, 75, 300, 305, ? can replace the question mark (?) in the following
(a) 1840 (b) 1845 series.
(c) 1825 (d) 1830 X, V, R, P, ?
6. How many triangles are there in the following (a) L (b) M
figure? (c) N (d) O
14. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure
when the mirror is placed on the right of the figure
(a) 12 (b) 8
(c) 14 (d) 10
7. In a certain code language ‘PLAYER’ is written as
‘CNRTGA’. How will ‘ANJALI’ be written in that
language? (a) (b)
8. Select the option in which the given figure is
embedded. (c) (d)
15. Two different positions of the same dice are shown,
the six faces of which are marked P, D, E, F, N and O.
select the letter that will be on the face opposite to
the face showing the letter ‘P’.
(a) (b)
(a) E (b) O
(c) F (d) N
(c) (d)
1. (a): All alphabets represented as a number. So,
2. (d): A is grandson of E
13. (a):
14. (b):
15. (b):
1. Two different positions of the same dice are shown, 6. Select the number from among the given options
the faces of which are marked with the letters P, Q, that can replace the question mark(?) in the
R, S, T and U. Select the letter that will be on the face following series.
opposite to the face having the letter U. 43, 46, 53, 66, ?, 114
(a) 78 (b) 85
(c) 92 (d) 102
7. Select the option that is related to the third number
(a) T (b) Q in the same way as the second number is related to
(c) S (d) P the first number and the sixth number is related to
2. Select the option in which the words share the same the fifth number –
relationship as that shared by the given pair of 37 : 6 : : 50 : ? : : 26 : 5
words (a) 7 (b) 8
Fossils : Paleontology (c) 6.5 (d) 5.5
(a) Handwriting : Graphology 8. Select the option figure that is embedded in the
(b) Soil : Ornithology given figure
(c) Earthquakes : Pomology
(d) Human beings : Pedology
3. ‘x + y’ means ‘x is the husband of y’
‘x % y’ means ‘x is the father of y’ 9. Select the option in which the number one is related
‘x $ y’ means ‘x is the mother of y’ in the same way as are the numbers of the following
If ‘A + C $ E % G $ K + P’ then which of the following set.
statement is incorrect? (9, 86, 734)
(a) G is the mother–in–law of P. (a) (8, 69, 517) (b) (5, 30, 125)
(b) E is the maternal grandfather of K. (c) (7, 54, 345) (d) (4, 16, 64)
(c) E is the son of A 10. Select the figure among the given options that can
(d) C is the maternal grandfather of G replace the questions marks (?) in the following
4. Read the given statements and conclusion carefully. series.
Assuming that the information given in the
statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance
with commonly known facts, decide which of the
given conclusion logically follow from the
statements. 11. Find the number of triangles in the given figure.
Statement :
1. All Almira are Beds
2. All Beds are pillows
3. Some Beds are Bedsheet.
Conclusion : (a) 12 (b) 18
I. All pillows are Almira. (c) 10 (d) 13
II. Some pillows are Almira. 12. Four words have been given, out of which three are
III. All Almira are Bedsheet. alike in some manner and one is different. Select the
(a) Only conclusion II follows. odd word.
(b) Neither conclusion II nor III follows. (a) Lucknow (b) Jaipur
(c) Either conclusion I or III follows. (c) Gangtok (d) Ahmedabad
(d) Both conclusion I and III follows. 13. In a certain code language. “Horse” is coded as 125
5. Select the letter-cluster from among the given and ‘dog’ is coded as 27. How will ‘Elephant’ be
options that can replace question mark(?) in the coded in that language
following series (a) 512 (b) 343
OPQR, KTMV, GXIZ, CBED, ? (c) 506 (d) 340
(a) YFHA (b) YFHE 14. Study the given pattern carefully and select the
(c) YFAH (d) YRAM number that can replace the question mark(?) in it.
(c) (d)
25. The sequence of folding a piece of square paper and
the manner in which the folded paper has been cut
is shown. How would this paper look when
18. Select the correct option that indicates the unfolded?
arrangement of the given words in the order in
which they appear in an English dictionary.
1. Acme 2. Audacious
3. Abdicate 4. Abscond
5. Assassinate 6. Amaze
(a) 3, 4, 1, 6, 2, 5 (b) 3, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2
(c) 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2 (d) 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6
19. Select the correct combination of mathematical
signs that can sequentially replace the signs balance (a) (b)
the given equations
65 * 13 * 15 * 3 * 42 * 8
(a) ÷, +, ×, -, = (b) ÷, ×, +, -, =
(c) +, ÷, ×, -, = (d) =, +, ×, ÷, - (c) (d)
1. (a): 2. (a): Study of fossils is known as Paleontology.
Similarly, study of Handwriting known as
3. (d):
5. Study the given pattern carefully and select the 10. Select the correct option that indicates the
number from among the given options that can arrangement of the given words in a logical and
replace the question mark (?) in it. meaningful order.
18 24 19 1. Chapterlist 2. Bibliography
7 8 9 3. Preface 4. Cover page
8 11 14
5. Chapters
17 ? 14
(a) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2 (b) 3, 5, 4, 2, 1
(a) 38 (b) 30
(c) 15 (d) 21 (c) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 (d) 2, 5, 1, 4, 3
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
(c) (d) 20. Select the option that is related to the third term
in the same way as the second term is related to
15. In a certain code language, 'so it be' is written as
the first term.
'lor kor nor', 'it is done' is written as 'zor kor tor', UPRIGHT : PUVEKTH :: DESTROY : ?
and 'be yourself' is written as 'nor xor'. How will (a) DEWPVOY (b) EDPXNYO
'so' be written in that language? (c) EDWWUY (d) EDWPVYO
(a) xor (b) nor
(c) lor (d) kor 21. Select the option that is related to the third
number in the same way as the second number is
16. Among five boxes A B C D and E, B is thrice as related to the first number and the sixth number
heavy as A. C is 40 kg heavier than E. D is three is related to the fifth number.
and a half times as heavy as E and C is five times 3 : 17 :: 6: ? :: 9 : 47
as heavy as A. The weight of E is 40 kg. Which (a) 36 (b) 34
object is the lightest of all and what is its weight? (c) 38 (d) 32
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22. Select the correct combination of mathematical (a) (b)
signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and
make the given equation correct.
88 * 120 * 42 * 240 * 48 * 2
(a) ×, ÷, =, –, + (b) +, ÷, –, =, × (c) (d)
(c) =, ×, +, ÷, – (d) =, –, +, ÷, ×
23. Select the letter-cluster from among the given
options that can replace the question mark (?) in 25. Select the figure from among the given options
the following series. that can replace the question mark (?) in the
FCC, UFH, OIS, LLX, FOC, ? following series.
(a) VSG (b) WTH
(c) URH (d) TRF
24. The sequence of folding a piece of paper (figures
i) and the manner in which the folded paper has (a) (b)
been cut (figure ii) is shown in the following
figures. Select he option that would most closely
resemble the unfolded from of figure (ii).
(c) (d)
1. (a): 6. (a):
+7 +7 +8
(a) C → J→ Q→ Y
+7 +7 +7
M→ T→ A→ H
Similarly, logic follow for ‘SOCRATES’ +7 +7 +7
(c) D → K→ R→ Y
2. (d): 23 + 84 ÷ 14 – 8 × 3 = 5 (d)
23 + 6 – 24 = 5 +7 +7 +7
H→ O→ V→ C
7. (a):
3. (c):
4. (c): ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ⟵ 𝐶𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠
3 7 4 9
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ⟵ 𝐶𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠
4 7 6 2
5. (d): In column C A R E
1st Number + 2nd number – 3rd number = 4th ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ⟵ 𝐶𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑠
number 6 7 4 2
19. (a):
Alternate prime number is added. 20. (d):
Prime Numbers = 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23,
29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67
13. (a):
Similarly, code is used for ‘DESTORY’
21. (d): 3 × 5 + 2 = 17
9 × 5 + 2 = 47
(+) Represent male and (-) Represents 6 × 5 + 2 = 32
female. 22. (d): 88 = 120 – 42 + 240 ÷ 48 × 2
14. (d): 88 = 120 – 42 + 5 × 2
88 = 120 – 42 + 10
15. (c): So it be Lor Kor Nor 88 = 130 – 42
it is done Zor Kor Tor
88 = 88
be yourself Nor Xor
‘be’ is coded as Nor, and ‘it’ is coded as ‘Kor’. 23. (c):
Then, ‘So’ is coded ‘Lor’.
16. (d): Given, E = 40 kg
C = E + 40 kg 24. (c):
B = 3A, D = E and C = 5A
25. (c):
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
25. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure (c) (d)
when the mirror is placed at ‘AB’ as shown.
1. (b): 6. (c): SALT → 4² → 16
PICKLE → 6² → 36
2. (c): Arranging as per dictionary order Malicious,
Manuscript, Melody, Memory, Minor PRESERVATIVE → 12² → 144
12. (a):
Vaccine → 2
us → 3
Take → 9
Using option elimination
Safe vaccine → 25 𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 +4
21. (d): 𝐽 → 𝑄, L→ 𝑃
16. (b): 𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒
24 36 32 T→ G
6 3 𝑥 Similarly,
12 2 24 𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒 +4
12 54 24 S→ H, G→ K
12×12 54×2 24×24 𝑂𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒
= 24 3
= 36 𝑥
= 32 ⟹ x = 18 B→ Y
17. (a): 22. (b): 68 + 253 = 321
525 + 253 = 778
(a) (b) 7. Select the letter - cluster from among the given
options that can replace the question mark (?) in
the following series.
(c) (d) (a) RSIL (b) SRL
(c) SSKM (d) SSJL
8. Select the option in which the given figure is
embedded (rotation is NOT allowed).
4. Select the number from among the given options
that can replace the question mark (?) in the
following series.
74, 74, 72, 24, ?, 4
(a) 9 (b) 15 (a) (b)
(c) 20 (d) 21
5. In a class of 95 students, all play at least one of the
three games - snooker, chess and tennis. 42 (c) (d)
students play snooker, 49 play tennis, and 43 play
chess. The total number of students who play any
and only two games is 29. 5 students play all the
Adda247 Publications For More Study Material
9. Select the option that is related to the third
number in the same way as the second number is
related to the first number.
27: 576 : : 19 : ?
(a) 256 (b) 328 (a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 543 (d) 498 (c) 4 (d) 6
10. In a certain code language, “FOREST” is written 15. The sequence of folding a piece of paper (figure i)
as ‘GUSITU’, and ‘MANGROVE’ is written as and the manner in which the folded paper has
‘NEOHSUWI’. How will ‘REINCARNATE’ be been cut (figures ii) is shown in the following
written in that language? figures. Select the option that would most closely
(a) SFOFDESOBUI (b) SIOODESOEUI resemble the unfolded form of figure (ii).
11. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure
when the mirror is placed at ‘AB’ as shown.
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (d)
16. Select the option that is related to the third term
in the same way as the second term is related to
the first term.
12. Select the number from among the given options IVORY : ZWSPJ :: CREAM : ?
that can replace the question mark (?) in the (a) SNFDB (b) NFDQB
following series. (c) BQDZL (d) DSFCN
24, ?, 52, 312, 320 17. Read the given statements and conclusions
(a) 48 (b) 35 carefully. Assuming that the information given in
(c) 30 (d) 42 the statements is true, even if it appears to be at
13. In a certain code language, ‘this is fact’ is written variance with commonly known facts, decide
as ‘cuz duz ruz’, ‘fact is fictional’ is written as ‘guz which of the given conclusions logically follow(s)
ruz cuz’, and ‘doubt is clear’ is written as ‘cuz kuz from the statements.
buz’. How will ‘this is fictional’ be written in that Statements: All employees are tax - payers.
language? Some employees are farmers.
(a) duz guz cuz (b) kuz guz ruz Some farmers are doctors.
(c) duz guz ruz (d) duz buz cuz Conclusions: I. No farmer is a tax - payer.
II. Some farmers are tax - payers.
14. Two different positions of the same dice are (a) Only conclusion I follows.
shown, the six faces of which are numbered from (b) Both the conclusions follow.
1 to 6. Select the number that will be on the face (c) Only conclusion II follows.
opposite to the face having the number ‘3’. (d) Either conclusion I or II follows.
1. (c): 5. (c): Total student = 95
2. (d):
RADISH will be coded as 36 – 2 – 8 – 18 – 38
– 16
3. (c):
4. (c): 6. (c):
20. (b):
11. (c):
12. (a):
→ Male
→ Female
→ Husband and Wife
→ Brother Sister
13. (a):
21. (c): Row: (1st number + 3rd number) × (1st
number - 3rd number) = 2nd Number
22. (b):
14. (a): Two digits are same on the both dice. So, ‘1’
will be the opposite face of ‘3’.
15. (a): 23. (b): 72 ÷ 18 × 9 + 19 – 39 = 16
4 × 9 + 19 – 39
16. (a):
36 + 19 – 39 = 16
16 = 16
24. (c): -7, -8, -9, Pattern follows except in option (c).
25. (d): 28 + 14 ÷ 7 × 5 – 18 = 20
28 + 10 – 18 = 20
Same pattern followed for ‘CREAM’
20 = 20
1. (a): +2, -3, +4 Pattern follow. Similarly,
2. (d): Except (d), all follow +4 Pattern. +3 ↓ +4 ↓ +5 ↓ +6 ↓ +7 ↓
3. (a):
9. (d): The pattern is
10. (a):
4. (b): 88 = 120- 42 + 240 ÷ 48 × 2
88 = 120 – 42 + 5 × 2 11. (d): O N I O N
88 = 130 – 42 ⇒ 88 = 88 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
15 14 9 15 14
5. (d): = (15 + 14 + 9 + 15 + 14)× 3 = 201
Similar, Code be used for ‘MANGO’
6. (a):
(13+1+14+7+15) × 3 =150
7. (a): Let the age of Tarun and Saurabh be 4x and x.
4𝑥+10 2
12. (d):
𝑥+10 1
4x + 10 = 2x + 20
2x = 10 ⇒ x = 5
Present age of Saurabh = 5 + 5 = 10 years
8. (c):
𝐹 𝐿 𝐴 𝑆 𝐾 I. ×
+3 ↓ +4 ↓ +5 ↓ +6 ↓ +7 ↓ II. ✓
III. ✓
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13. (a):
19. (c):
15. (a): 8 + 56 ÷ 7 × 2 – 13 = 11
8 + 8 × 2 – 13 = 11
24 – 13 = 11
11 = 11
22. (d):
16. (d): Cube of one side painted = 6(n - 2)²
= 6(7- 2)² = 6 × 25 = 150 23. (a):
17. (d):
24. (d):
18. (d):
25. (d):
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
10. Read the given statements and conclusions
carefully. Assuming that the information given in
(a) (b)
the statements is true, even if it appears to be at
variance with commonly known facts, decide
which of the given conclusions logically follow(s)
(c) (d) from the statements.
Statements: No police officer is a doctor.
Some doctors are specialists.
All engineers are doctors.
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
12. Select the letter-cluster from among the given (c) (d)
options that can replace the question mark (?) in
the following series.
(a) ULYL (b) TLXM
18. Five friends, Vishnu, Chirag, Raina, Kavya and
(c) TLXL (d) TMXK
Surbhi, are sitting around a circular table, facing
13. Select the number that can replace the question the centre. Vishnu is to the immediate right of
mark (?) in the given table. Kavya. Chirag is third to the left of Kavya. Surbhi
5 16 77 is not adjacent to Chirag. Who is second to the left
8 19 149 of Kavya?
13 12 ? (a) Chirag (b) Vishnu
(a) 153 (b) 155 (c) Surbhi (d) Raina
(c) 157 (d) 151 19. Select the Venn diagram that best represents the
14. Two different positions of the same dice are relationship between the following.
shown, the six faces of which are numbered from Human, Teacher, Clerk, Peon
1 to 6. Select the number that will be on the face (a) (b)
opposite to the one having 4.
(c) (d)
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) 5 (d) 1
1. (c): The Logic here is 7. (a): The series will be
Hence K R Q T S Q T is the correct answer.
Hence 120 is the correct answer. 8. (a): 34 ÷ 17 - 54 + 18 × 6 = 56
2. (c): The pattern fellow here is 2 - 54 + 108 = 56
⟹ 56 = 56
Hence (÷, -, +, ×, =) is the correct option
4. (a):
5. (b): Let the number of matches before national
series start = x
According to question, Hence only conclusion II and III follows.
= 47.5 11. (a):
⟹ x = 10
12. (c):
The total number of matchs played = 10 + 10
= 20
6. (d): The pattern followed here is
7: 56 → 7 × 8 = 56
11: 132 → 11 × 12 = 132 Hence ‘TLXL’ is the correct option
Hence 132 is the correct answer.
22. (d): 63 ÷ 15 + 21 × 5 - 4 = 74
So, ‘lost drink’ means ‘gan lop’ Interchange 15 and 21
63 ÷ 21 + 15 × 5 - 4 = 74
16. (b):
3 + 75 - 4 = 74
−4 ↓ 𝑜𝑝𝑝 ↓ 𝑜𝑝𝑝 ↓ −4 ↓ 𝑜𝑝𝑝 ↓ 𝑜𝑝𝑝 ↓ ⟹ 74 = 74
𝐺 𝑋 𝑆 𝑃 𝑄 𝑊 Hence option (d) is the correct answer.
Hence PQW is the correct answer.
23. (c): The logic is
17. (c):
18. (d):
1. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which 9. Pointing to a player in the ground, Anjali said, “He is
three are alike in some manner and one is different. my paternal grand mother’s only son’s only son – in-
Select the letter-cluster that is different. law’s Son”. How is that player’s father related to
(a) IRYB (b) LYGJ Anjali ?
(c) MGHZ (d) NCPV (a) Brother (b) Uncle
2. How many triangles are present in the given figure (c) Cousin (d) Husband
10. Select the option figure that is embedded in the
given figure below
(a) 13 (b) 15
(c) 18 (d) 19
3. In a certain code language ‘CERTAIN’ is coded as
‘HJWYFNS’ and ‘COMPARE’ is coded as ‘HTRUFWJ’.
How will ‘EDUCATE’ be coded in that language ? (a) (b)
4. Select the combination of letters that when
sequentially placed in the blanks of the given series (c) (d)
will complete the series 11. Select the option that is related to the fourth number
C _ D _ _ O _ E _ O D _. in the same way as the first number is related to the
(a) OECDCE (b) OECDEC second number and the fifth number is related to
(c) EOCDEC (d) DECDEF the sixth number.
5. Select the correct combination of mathematical 13 : 160 : : ? 216 : : 18 : 315
signs that can sequentially replace the * signs and (a) 15 (b) 16
balance the equation. (c) 14 (d) 12
56 * 8 * 5 * 40 * 28 * 47 12. Select the option in which the number one related in
(a) ÷, +, ×, = - (b) ÷, ×, +, -, = the same way as are the numbers of the following
(c) ×, -, ÷, +, = (d) ÷, ×, -, +, = set.
6. Study the given pattern carefully and select the (8, 14, 260)
number that can replace the question mark (?) in it. (a) (9, 18, 410) (b) (12, 11, 966)
5 27 55 (c) (8, 17, 357) (d) (9, 15, 306)
13. Read the given statements and conclusion carefully.
9 36 99 Assuming that the information given in the
statement is true, even if it appears to be at variance
22 25 ? with commonly known facts, decide which of the
given conclusion logically follow from the
(a) 121 (b) 125 statements.
(c) 115 (d) 110 Statement :
7. Four number-pairs have been given out of which All Dogs are Pigeons.
three are like in same manner and one is different. No Pigeons are fish.
Select the number pair that is different. Some Dogs are human beings.
(a) 63 : 127 (b) 73 : 154 Conclusion :
(c) 89 : 187 (d) 25 : 146 I. Some Pigeons are human beings.
8. Select the option that is related to the third word in II. No fish is dog.
the same way as the second word is related to the III. All fish is human being.
firs word. (a) Both conclusion I and III follows.
Ophthalmology : eye :: Osteology : (b) Only conclusion III follows.
(a) Skin (b) Bones (c) Only conclusion I follows.
(c) Stomac (d) Teeth (d) Both conclusion I and II follows.
1. (d): IRYB ⟹ 9 + 18 + 25 + 2 = 54 3. (a):
LYGJ ⟹ 12 + 25 + 7 + 10 = 54
MGHZ ⟹ 13 + 7 + 8 + 26 = 54
NCPV ⟹ 14 + 3 + 16 + 22 = 55
2. (c):
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I. ✓ II. ✓ III. ×
14. (b):
4. (a): C O D E /C O D E/CODE
5. (b): 56 ÷ 8 × 5 + 40 – 28 = 47
7 × 5 + 40 – 28 = 47 15. (b):
35 + 40 – 28 = 47
47 = 47
6. (a): 5 + 27 = 32
Reverse it and add
23 + 32 = 55
9 + 36 = 45
Reverse it and add
54 + 45 = 99
22 + 25 = 47
Reverse it and add 16. (a):
74 + 47 = 121 17. (c): Except ‘Internet Browser’, all are the hardware
7. (c): 127 – 63 = 64 = (8)² device of computer.
154 – 73 = 81 = (9)² 18. (a):
187 – 89 = 98 ≠ (_)²
146 – 25 = 121 = (11)²
8. (b): Study of eye is known as ophthalmology.
Similarly study of bones is knows as osteology. 19. (c):
9. (d): 20. (d):
21. (d):
(a) e (b) f
(c) d (d) E
19. Select the number from among the given options
that can replace the question mark (?) in the
(a) (b) following series.
58, 67, 83, 108, ?
(a) 144 (b) 178
(c) 139 (d) 157
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
1. (b): 66 + (132 ÷ 12)–(4 + 3) × (15 ÷ 5) + 16 × (-3) 4. (c): 21 = 3 × 7, 112 = 16 × 7
⟹ 66 + 11 – 21 – 48 ⟹ 77 – 69 = 8 51 = 3 × 17, 272 = 16 × 17
Similarly, 36 = 3 × 12, 192 = 16 × 12
2. (d):
5. (d):
= 61
Similarly, 6. (a):
= 114
3. (a): -4, -2, -1 pattern follow. Similar, code used for ‘RESOLVE’
7. (a):
Machine makes our life easy ⟹ 75344 18. (b):
10. (c):
19. (a):
11. (b):
20. (a):
22. (c):
13. (a): 23 + 105 ÷ 15 × 6 – 29
⟹ 23 + 7 × 6 – 29 23. (d): g f o o d k k m / g f o o d k k m / g f o o d k k
⟹ 23 + 42 – 29 m
⟹ 65 – 29 = 36
24. (a): +3, +2, Pattern follows except in ‘GJM’
14. (c):
25. (b):
I. ✓
II. ✓ Similar code used for ‘DOCTOR’.
III. ×