Working Paper
Working Paper
Working Paper
Recommends addressing the driving forces leading to inaccessibility of abortion for woman and
encourages finding solutions to directly combat these vulnerabilities:
a. Many women are unable to access safe abortion, even when it is legal, due to urban centres,
where abortion is safely performed, being way too expensive. Moreover, many women either
earn too little or financially depend on their husband and are not able to afford safe abortion.
This is why governments should aim to provide stable job opportunities for young women, and
ensure they are financially independent,
b. Eliminate the familial pressure placed on young females to get abortion due to the gender of
foetus being a female, which is mostly not accepted by family, and educate families and the
women that daughters are not a burden and can indeed be helpful to the family as much as a
c. Educate communities to shatter stigma promoting abortion to be a curse or an unacceptable
behaviour and help them encourage their daughters to receive abortion if they require or want
to, thus helping women be confident enough to get an abortion if need be;
the Government announced an initiative to increase access to funded contraception with the
aim of enabling women to manage their fertility and to reduce unintended pregnancies.
Contraception funding was allocated to District Health Boards (DHBs) without a nationwide
strategic plan or framework.
In some areas, contraception is funded after abortion; in other areas it is not. Unfunded, the cost
of an IUD insertion can be $200 or more.
Many medical institutes have stepped forward and uplifted the idea of education of female
health care rights all across the country
Menstrual morbidity plays a significant role in adolescent females' lives. There are no studies to
date reporting such data from menstrual health education programs in schools.
There have been some promising initiatives to address inequity in sexual and reproductive
health including: registered nurse prescribing to make contraception more accessible; greater
use of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), which reduces unintended pregnancy;
and new funding in the 2017/2018 budget for contraception for low income women. However,
there is still significant unmet need for confidential, affordable and accessible sexual and
reproductive health services. For instance, higher teen pregnancy and STI rates for Ma-ori
indicate that timely access to free or low cost, culturally responsive sexual and reproductive
health services is lacking for this
Endometriosis New Zealand’s “me™” educational programme for secondary schools to promote
early recognition of endometriosis symptoms and encourage timely intervention.
The programme, which addresses menstrual health and endometriosis (me™), is about
well-health and is designed to fit into secondary school education programmes. The me™
programme is age appropriate and embraces cultural and gender diversity to encourage and
empower health seeking behaviors utilizing various educational tools, teaching strategies
NMMG and the District Health Boards stepped forward to aid women post abortions
Or post pregnancies to provide primary mental health committee sessions to work upon the
trauma experienced.
Urges governments to promote sex education programmes in school like the following. In junior
school (grade 1, 2, 4, 4 and 5) children are taught about the proper names and functions for
body parts, the broad concept of consent, basic concepts of gender identity and sexuality,
puberty and relationships. Students of senior school (grade 6, 7 and 8) will be taught about
gender expression and masturbation, contraception, anal and oral sex, preventing pregnancy
and sexually transmitted infections
Over the past five years, more than 40 petitions have been presented to Parliament calling for
changes or improvements to aspects of women’s health such as maternity care, contraception
access, ovarian cancer and improved access to ACC funded treatment of sexual assault.
The Gender Justice Collective has prepared a submission to the Pae Ora Healthy Futures Bill,
calling for a women's health and wellbeing strategy. They have done a huge amount of mahi in
this area
Creation of NGOs which link up women with fellow women who have gone through similar
situations such as unplanned pregnancies, abortion denial and post abortion. These operate in
order to let victims express feelings and confliction they face with reaching out for abortions due
to roadblocks such as financial incapacity or family issues.
Address the gender-based occupational exposure risks (such as the ill-fitting PPE for women) in
workforce keeping in mind the risk for families as women return home after their shifts.