CNC GuideWays
CNC GuideWays
CNC GuideWays
CNC GuideWays
CNC Machine Guideways
Types of CNC Machines
Precise positioning and repeatability of CNC machine tool slides are the major functional requirements of CNC CNC Machining Centre
machines. The inaccuracies that are caused is mainly due to the stick slip motion when plain slide ways are used
CNC Turning Centre
[metal to metal contact] therefore.
History of CNC Machines
Guide ways are used in machine tools to: CNC Control System
Control the direction of the table on which tool or work is held CNC System
To absorb all static and dynamic forces
Direct Numerical Control System
Size and shape of the work produced depends on accuracy of movements and geometric and kinematics
CNC GuideWays
accuracies of guide ways.
Computer Aided Design
Straightness, parallelism and atness errors in guide ways result in tracking errors
Alignment of guide ways as to each other and to the axis of spindle is critical Computer Aided Manufacturing
CNC Inserts
CNC Programming
1) Friction guide ways G Codes
M Codes
2) Anti-friction guide ways
Friction guideways
CNC machine tools has made necessary the rapid response of slides to a command signal and constant frictional
resistance to slide movement is desirable. The phenomenon gives rise of the familiar stick of oil is lubricated sliding
surfaces when the adjustment is needed or jerky action when movement takes place at low velocities, the term stick-
slip is used to describe these situation.
Flat type
All the four types of shapes have their own merits and demerits and thus some times it becomes desirable to use a
combination of these slide ways on the machine tools.
1) V-Type: Slide ways are advantageous because of the automatic adjustment the to gravity action which always keeps
the surface in contact, thus the possibility of any play is eliminated. In addition, the wedging action due to cross
winding is also prevented and there is no possibility of chips falling on the V-surface and getting entrapped into it. It
has no tendency to accumulate dust. The Disadvantages of V-Type guides is that it wears away rapidly due to lack of
bearing surface and is di cult to manufacture.
2) Flat Type: Slide ways are simple in construction and o er quite a large bearing area to the moving parts. Therefore
to overcome the disadvantage of V-type slide ways by the advantages of the at type slide ways. Separate guides are
provided for the saddle and tail stock movements so that any wear caused by the saddle movement does not a ect
the height of tail stock centre.
The at bed guides the saddle by the side guides and in order to prevent lifting movement the retaining pieces are
tted below the at bed.
3) Dove Tail Type: This type slide ways are preferred when location of the moving parts is considered essential. These
are generally used for milling machine tables, saddles and knees. In dove tail type slide ways, adjustment for wear can
be made by parallel blocks pushed by set screws.
DOVE tail slide ways occupy small space. A Gib is provided. So that it can adjusted to ensure that the two element of
the slide are a good sliding t.
4) Cylindrical Type:- This slide ful lls the condition of kinematic principles being fully constrained. These guides are
used in the pillar or radials drilling machines.
Clearance between mating surfaces of slide ways are inevitable because of wear and manufacturing imperfections.
Clearance between at ways may be controlled periodically by means of there gibs or strips.
Stick-slip motion of slide ways caused by frictional resistances between the sliding surfaces can be controlled by using
anti-friction ways.
1) Hydro-static Guide ways:- In hydro-static guide ways, air or oil is pumped into the small pockets or cavities
machined into the carriage or slides which are in contact with the guide way. The pressure of uid gradually reduces to
atmospheric pressure as it sweeps out from the pockets, through the gap between slide and guide ways. The hydro-
static guide way provides almost a friction-less condition for the movement of the slide. For the e cient operation it is
very important that the uids and guide ways are kept clean and also the hydro-static guide ways need a very large
surface area to provide adequate support.
2) Aerostatic GuideWays:- In aerostatic guide ways, the slide is raised on a cushion of compressed air which
entirely separates the slide and the guide way surface. The major limitation of this type of guide ways as a low
sti ness which limits it use for positioning application only e.g. CMM and other measuring instrument. The
selection of guide ways for a particular application basically depends upon the requirements of the load
carrying capacity, damping property and the traverse speed. In order to get maximum bene t, most of the
machine tool manufacturers make use of a combination of anti-friction and friction guide ways with
Turcite/PTFE lining. Such combination improves load carrying capacity through the use of anti-friction guide
ways and damping property by using guide ways.
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