Josaa 40 8 1545
Josaa 40 8 1545
Josaa 40 8 1545
Received 21 February 2023; revised 20 June 2023; accepted 4 July 2023; posted 6 July 2023; published 19 July 2023
We present a monolayer patterned black phosphorus (BP) metamaterial for generating a tunable dual plasmon-
induced transparency (PIT). We have derived the expression for the theoretical transmittance by introducing the
coupled mode theory (CMT), and the calculated results of the expression highly overlap with the simulation results.
The quarterly frequency synchronous switch with two different operating bands is designed by the carrier density
and scattering rate on the dual PIT modulation effect. Two parameters were selected as important markers to show
the performance of the optical switch: the modulation depth (MD) and the insertion loss (IL). The theoretical
analysis of this structure shows that the higher modulation depth (5.45 dB < MD < 12.06 dB) and lower inser-
tion loss (0.60 dB < IL < 0.22 dB) of these switches are of good application. In addition, we found the slow light
properties of the structure were excellent with a group index of up to 219. This work provides a theoretical basis to
prepare multifrequency optical switch and optical buffer devices. © 2023 Optica Publishing Group
1. INTRODUCTION flexible operating bands, and the PIT is attracting more and
Surface plasmons (SPs) are surface collective electromag- more attention [15–17].
In the past, most PIT studies have chosen metal as the experi-
netic oscillatory waves generated by the resonance interaction
mental material [18] due to the easy availability of materials for
between conduction electrons on the metal surface and photons
metallic waveguides and their easy fabrication. However, there
in incident light [1,2], which can break through the tradi-
are some unavoidable drawbacks, such as the difficulty of chang-
tional diffraction limit and provide a new direction to realize
ing the operating band, the spectral response, and the high losses
the manipulation of electromagnetic waves at subwavelength
[19,20], which limited the dielectric constant function. With
scales [3]. As a result, various optical phenomena based on the rise of 2D materials, it has been discovered that 2D materials
plasmon systems have been studied, such as optical transport can excite the SPs and support the propagation of SPs [21,22].
[4], Fano resonance [5], and plasmon-induced transparency Black phosphorus (BP), an emerging 2D material, possesses
[6] (PIT). PIT is an analogue of electromagnetic-induced unique advantages that make it stand out from other 2D mate-
transparency (EIT), which is caused by the strong coupling of rials. Graphene [23] is the most widely applied and explored
SPs between metal and dielectric layers [7,8]. PIT can alter the 2D material [24,25] that has many excellent optoelectronic
optical response of the system by creating anomalous absorption properties, such as a high electron mobility, broadband optical
peaks or transmission valleys when light passes through the absorption, and long propagation length [23,26]. However,
great narrow spectral regions. This narrow transmission valley graphene lacks a direct bandgap, leading to restrictions in semi-
is closely related to the strong dispersion effect, which can pro- conductor electronics. BP has a direct bandgap that can be
duce a large group refractive index. It has greater prospects for tuned by the number of layers and electric voltage bias [27,28].
development in slow light devices [9]. These optical features can For example, the direct bandgap of single-layer BP and bulk
be used to manufacture various devices such as optical switches BP is, respectively, 2.0 eV and 0.3 eV. The BP direct bandgap
[10,11], optical sensors [12], optical absorption units [13], and tunability allows BP to operate in a wide frequency range from
optical storage units [14]. Compared to EIT, PIT has simple the visible to the mid-IR spectra range [29,30], expanding
experimental materials, low environmental requirements, and the operating range of BP-based metamaterials [31]. BP also
exhibits excellent electrical properties, which include a high hole (a) (b)
Incident wave P
mobility up to 1350 cm2 V−1 s−1 , a switching ratio up to 105 ,
great current saturation in field-effect devices and a high relative l
carrier density n = 2.6 × 1014 cm−2 at low temperatures. w1
In this paper, we introduce a dual-PIT device made of BP H(y) P l l1
material with a periodical structure. Under the excitation of k(z)
1/2 1/2
2+ = A 2+ − γo 2 a 2 , A 2− = A 2− − γo 2 a 2 ,
A out in out in
Fig. 4. (a)–(e) Transmission spectra of the proposed structures
A out = A in
− γo 3 a 3 , A out = A in
− γo 3 a 3 , (11) with different carrier (n) concentrations from n = 0.6 × 1014 cm−2
3+ 3+ 3− 3−
to n = 1.4 × 1014 cm−2 with an interval of 1n = 0.2 × 1014 cm−2 .
where φmn is the phase difference between the nth mode and The red curves are the results of CMT theoretical calculations, and the
the mth mode. Because the proposed BP nanoflake is in the black circles are the results of FDTD simulations. (f ) Function rela-
same plane, φmn = 0. During the theoretical calculation, tionship n and frequency of transmittance dips. (g) 3D plot between
frequency, carrier concentration, and transmittance calculated by
it is assumed that the light is incident from a single direc-
tion, A out in
1+ = A 1− = 0. Thus, we can obtain the transmission
3+ 1/2 1/2 1/2
t= = 1 − γo 1 B − γo 2 C − γo 3 D, (12)
A in The frequency, spectral width, and transmissivity of transmis-
sion dips can be adjusted by the carrier density (n) and scattering
and h rate (η). We can take advantage of this feature of the dual-PIT to
1/2 1/2
B = (γ2 γ3 − γ23 γ32 )γo 1 + (γ12 γ3 + γ13 γ32 )γo 2 realize the fabrication of photoelectric devices. First, we discuss
i. the impact of the carrier density related with voltage bias on the
1/2 light transmission. [29,41,42].
+ (γ12 γ23 + γ13 γ2 )γo 3 [γ1 γ23 γ32 − γ1 γ2 γ3
The transmission spectrum of BP metamaterial with differ-
+ γ12 γ21 γ3 + γ12 γ23 γ31 + γ13 γ21 γ32 + γ13 γ2 γ31 ] , ent carrier densities [(a) n = 0.6 × 1014 cm−2 (b) n = 0.8 ×
(13) 1014 cm−2 (c) n = 1.0 × 1014 cm−2 (d) n = 1.2 × 1014 cm−2
h (e) n = 1.4 × 1014 cm−2 ] are displayed in Fig. 4. The results of
1/2 1/2
C = (γ3 γ21 + γ23 γ31 )γo 1 + (γ1 γ3 − γ13 γ31 )γo 2 the theoretical calculation of CMT (red line) are approximately
the same as the results of the numerical calculation of the FDTD
i. method (black circle). As the carrier density n increased, the
+ (γ1 γ23 + γ13 γ21 )γo 3 [γ1 γ23 γ32 − γ1 γ2 γ3 dual-PIT curve had a blue shift trend and the dip’s transmissiv-
ity decreased. Figure 4(f ) shows the relationship between carrier
+ γ12 γ21 γ3 + γ12 γ23 γ31 + γ13 γ21 γ32 + γ13 γ2 γ31 ] , density n and the frequency of the three transmittance dips. By
(14) observing the slopes of different dips in Fig. 4(f ), it was found
1/2 1/2
that dip3 is most sensitive to changes in the carrier density n.
D = (γ21 γ32 + γ2 γ31 )γo 1 + (γ1 γ32 + γ12 γ31 )γo 2 The evolution of the transmission spectra with different carrier
i. n density of BP is presented in Fig. 4(g). The results in Fig. 4(g)
+ (γ1 γ2 − γ12 γ21 )γo 3 [γ1 γ23 γ32 − γ1 γ2 γ3 are consistent with those in Fig. 4(f ).
According to the results discussed earlier, the PIT curve of
+ γ12 γ21 γ3 + γ12 γ23 γ31 + γ13 γ21 γ32 + γ13 γ2 γ31 ] , the structure produces a prominent blue shift with an increase
(15) in the carrier density, which generates two optical switches with
different operating frequencies. When the carrier density n of
γ12 = iµ12 + (γo 1 γo 2 )1/2 , γ21 = iµ21 + (γo 1 γo 2 )1/2 , (16) BP is limited to two fixed values of n = 0.6 × 1014 cm−2 and
n = 0.8 × 1014 cm−2 , a dynamically adjustable multiswitch
can be achieved with operating frequencies [ f 1 , f 2 , f 3 , f 4 ] =
γ23 = iµ23 + (γo 2 γo 3 )1/2 , γ32 = iµ32 + (γo 2 γo 3 )1/2 , (17) [6.35, 7.32, 8.86, 10.22] THz, as illustrated in Fig. 5(a). In
the design, we assumed that the transmission peaks corre-
γ13 = iµ13 + (γo 1 γo 3 )1/2 , γ31 = iµ31 + (γo 1 γo 3 )1/2 . (18) spond to the “on” state and the transmission valleys response
to the “off” state. When n = 0.6 × 1014 cm−2 , the proposed
We then can achieve theoretical transmittance values optical-switch realizes the “off” state at f 2 = 7.32 THz and
T = |t|2 . f 4 = 10.22 THz and f 1 = 6.35 THz and f 3 = 8.86 THz;
Research Article Vol. 40, No. 8 / August 2023 / Journal of the Optical Society of America A 1549
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