EDE Practicals

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Practical 1

Submit a profile summary of successful Entrepreneur indicating milestone

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Practical 2
Generate business ideas for intrapreneurial and entrepreneurial opportunities
through Brainstorming
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Practical 3
Undertake self-assessment test to discover your entrepreneurial traits
Figure 5: Entrepreneur's Inventory
No standardized Test (example 1)
This inventory helps determine your potential for success as an entrepreneur. Follow the
directions for each section and for scoring the inventory.

A. Life Experience Index

Place an "X" in the box that matches your response to each statement.
True False
1. I have a close relative who is, or was, in business for

2. I have friends who own and operate a business. 
3. I have worked in a small business where I had close

contact with the owner.
4. I have owned or been a part-owner in a previous

5. I have worked in a small division of a large business

where I had close contact with the division chief.
6. As a child, I was involved in money-making projects

such as lemonade stands, paper routes, babysitting, etc.
7. I have lived in three or more cities in my life. 
8. I have been fired or quit because of disagreements with

my boss.
9. I have work experience in a variety of areas. 
10. I have had bosses reject my "better mousetrap" ideas. 
11. I am between 30 and 40 years of age. 
12. My spouse or family supports my work. 
13. My subordinates respect me and work hard for me,

even if they do not like me.
14. I find it easy to get along with people. 
15. When a problem arises, I usually figure out a way to

solve it.
16. I like to do things rather than plan things. 
17. What happens to me is what I make happen, not the

results of luck of fate.
B. Personality Index
Circle the number on the scale of 1-5 that corresponds to your reaction to each statement where 1
= strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree.
Compared to others.... SD SA
1. I have a high level of energy and drive. 1 2 3 4 5
2. I am self-confident. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I usually do not get uptight in ambiguous or uncertain 1 2 3 4 5
4. I set long-term goals and stick to them. 1 2 3 4 5
5. I set realistic but ambitious goals for myself. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I like to set my own standards for performance when I 1 2 3 4 5
undertake a task.
7. I like to get feedback on my performance. 1 2 3 4 5
8. I do not believe in perfect solutions, only in the best 1 2 3 4 5
solution for the situation.
9. I get as much information as possible before making a 1 2 3 4 5
10. I prefer games of skill over games of chance. 1 2 3 4 5
11. I do not get overly anxious about the consequences of 1 2 3 4 5
my decisions.
12. I view failure as a learning experience and am not too 1 2 3 4 5
discouraged by it.
13. I like solving challenging problems. 1 2 3 4 5
14. Routine and repetitive tasks bore me. 1 2 3 4 5
15. I ask for help if I need it to accomplish my goals. 1 2 3 4 5
16. My success depends on my performance. 1 2 3 4 5
17. I enjoy situations that require my initiative and depend 1 2 3 4 5
on me for success of failure.
18. I am self-reliant. 1 2 3 4 5
19. I am a self-starter. 1 2 3 4 5
20. I feel money is more important as a measure of my 1 2 3 4 5
success than for what it can buy.

C. Motivation/Accommodation Index
Circle the number on the scale of 1-5 that corresponds to your reaction to each statement where 1
= strongly disagree and 5 = strongly agree.
Compared to others.... SD SA
1. I am willing to make work my first priority, ahead of my 1 2 3 4 5
family and friends.
2. I am willing to invest (and possibly lose) my life savings. 1 2 3 4 5
3. I am willing to change my standard of living to 1 2 3 4 5
accommodate the financial needs of my business.
4. I see building and running a business as an all- 1 2 3 4 5
consuming way of life.
5. I like finding creative ways to do things. 1 2 3 4 5
6. I do not like to just do things better, I like to find new 1 2 3 4 5
ways to do things.
7. I like working as a team with other people. 1 2 3 4 5
8. I feel comfortable being the boss. 1 2 3 4 5
9. I like to profit from the work of my employees. 1 2 3 4 5
10. I have a firm sense of business ethics 1 2 3 4 5
11. I value honesty, dependability, and reliability over 1 2 3 4 5
making a quick buck as the customer's expense.

D. Business Readiness Index

Circle the number on the scale of 1-5 to indicate your knowledge and/or readiness in the areas
addressed where 1 = low knowledge and 5 = high knowledge.
Low High
1. How right are the times for starting your business? How 1 2 3 4 5
would you rate the current economic climate?
2. How much do you know about the operations of the 1 2 3 4 5
kind of business you want to start?
3. How well do you know your goals for the size and 1 2 3 4 5
profitability of your business in years 1-5?
4. How sure are you that a market exists for your product 1 2 3 4 5
or service?
5. How well do you know your competition and why 1 2 3 4 5
customers will choose you over them?
6. How well can you identify your target market? 1 2 3 4 5
7. How knowledgeable are you about the buying habits of 1 2 3 4 5
your customers?
8. How clear are you about the amount of money you will 1 2 3 4 5
need to start and operate your business for the first year?
9. How clear are you about the amount of money you will 1 2 3 4 5
need to make from the business to support your family?
10. How certain are you of the amount of estimated start- 1 2 3 4 5
up capital you can raise from your savings and other
11. How clear are your estimates for the amount of money 1 2 3 4 5
you will need to run the business in years 2 and 3?
12. How sure are you that the business can give you an 1 2 3 4 5
adequate return on your investment of time and money?
13. If you could make twice as much money working for 1 2 3 4 5
someone else as running your own business, how certain
are you that you would start the business?
14. How would you evaluate your credit rating and 1 2 3 4 5
financial reputation in your community?

Scoring Key (Entrepreneur's Inventory)

A. Life Experience: Count the number of "true" answers you gave and find your score below.
Number of TRUE's Score for Section A
13-17 5
10-12 4
7-9 3
4-6 2
0-3 1
B, C, & D: Personality, Motivation, and Readiness: Add the circled numbers in each section and
calculate their average to determine your score for B, C, & D.

B. Personality: total score___85____ ÷ 20 = ___4.25___ average score

C. Motivation: total score____35___ ÷ 11 = ____3.18__ average score
D. Readiness: total score ____59___ ÷ 14 = __4.21____ average score
Now use the diagram below to graph your Entrepreneurial Profile:
Experience Personality Motivation Readiness
5 
4 
3 
2 
1 
0 
How You Stack Up
Successful entrepreneurs come in all shapes and sizes. This inventory gives you an idea of how
you stack up on the factor’s experts think are most important. Your profile is one indicator of
your readiness to start a business, but it cannot predict success. In fact, no test can tell the whole
story! Whether or not you have what it takes to make it in business for yourself is ultimately UP

(Used with permission from Rural Entrepreneurship through Action Learning Enterprises
(REAL), 115 Market Street, Suite 320, Durham, NC 27701; 919.688.7325.)

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Practical 4
Survey of Industries
Annual Survey of Infosys

Glass building in Pune campus

INFOSYS Income Statement 2018-19

No. of Mths Year Ending 12 Mar-18* 12 Mar-19* % Change
Net Sales Rs m 705,220 826,750 17.2%
Other income Rs m 33,110 28,820 -13.0%
Total Revenues Rs m 738,330 855,570 15.9%
Gross profit Rs m 188,930 201,700 6.8%
Depreciation Rs m 18,630 20,110 7.9%
Interest Rs m 0 0 0.0%
Profit before tax Rs m 203,410 210,410 3.4%
Tax Rs m 42,410 56,310 32.8%
Profit after tax Rs m 160,290 154,100 -3.9%
Gross profit
% 26.8 24.4
Effective tax
% 20.8 26.8
Net profit
% 21.7 18.0
Annual Survey of Vivo

Vivo headquarter in Dongguan, China

 Its key products and services are:

o Y51
o Y53
o Y55
o Y65
o Y69
o Y71
o Y81i
o Y81
o Y83
o Y85
o Y91C
o Y91i
o Y91
ViVO Income Statement 2018-19

Fiscal year is October-

September. All values
USD Thousands. 2019 2018 2017 5-year trend

Sales/Revenue 201,014.0 196,082.0 194,830.0

Sales Growth -5.88% 0.64% -

Cost of Goods Sold

82,689.0 68,295.0 72,948.0
(COGS) incl. D&A

COGS excluding
72,725.0 60,577.0 66,339.0

Depreciation &
Amortization 9,964.0 7,718.0 6,609.0

Depreciation 5,433.0 3,937.0 3,470.0

Amortization of
4,531.0 2,690.0 1,748.0

Amortization of
- 1,091.0 1,391.0
Deferred Charges

COGS Growth -0.51% -6.38% -

Gross Income 118,325.0 127,787.0 121,882.0

Gross Income Growth -9.30% 4.84% -

Gross Profit Margin 58.86% - -

SG&A Expense 79,396.0 74,251.0 65,822.0

Fiscal year is October-
September. All values
USD Thousands. 2019 2018 2017 5-year trend

Research &
17,948.0 13,815.0 12,605.0

Other SG&A 61,448.0 60,436.0 53,217.0

SGA Growth -7.49% 12.81% -

EBIT 38,929.0 - 56,060.0

Unusual Expense 6,230.0 2,158.0 -

Non Operating
122.0 96.0 (1,020.0)

Non-Operating Interest
681.0 67.0 23.0

Interest Expense 1,945.0 897.0 -

Interest Expense
27.96% 0.00% -

Gross Interest
1,945.0 897.0 -

Pretax Income 31,557.0 50,644.0 55,063.0

Pretax Income
3.87% -8.03% -

Pretax Margin 15.70% - -

Income Tax 7,175.0 18,415.0 19,523.0

Fiscal year is October-
September. All values
USD Thousands. 2019 2018 2017 5-year trend

Income Tax - Current

5,358.0 17,467.0 18,629.0

Income Tax - Current

1,817.0 948.0 894.0

Consolidated Net
24,382.0 32,229.0 35,540.0

Net Income 24,382.0 32,229.0 35,540.0

Net Income Growth 2.23% -9.32% -

Net Margin 12.13% - -

Net Income After

24,382.0 32,229.0 35,540.0

Net Income Available to

24,382.0 32,229.0 35,540.0

EPS (Basic) 0.57 0.76 0.85

EPS (Basic) Growth 1.90% -10.59% -

Basic Shares
42,571.0 42,010.0 41,659.0

EPS (Diluted) 0.57 0.76 0.85

EPS (Diluted)
1.89% -10.13% -

Diluted Shares
42,899.0 42,393.0 42,012.0
Fiscal year is October-
September. All values
USD Thousands. 2019 2018 2017 5-year trend

EBITDA 48,893.0 61,254.0 62,669.0

EBITDA Growth -8.31% -2.26% -

EBITDA Margin 24.32% - -

EBIT 38,929.0

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Practical 5
Visit a bank/financial Institution to enquire about various funding financial institution.
Sample Loan Application Form:
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Practical No.06
Collect loan application forms
Small Business Loan application form of RBL Bank
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Practical No.07
Compile the information from financial agencies
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Practical No.08
Compile the information from Government agencies
 Application Procedure
One can only apply online; offline application forms will not be accepted. Also, below is the
checklist before applying for the scheme.

Sno. Checklist

Promoter’s request letter addressed to the Managing Director SFAC, New Delhi on original
1 letterhead of firm/company

2 Sanction letter of Sanctioning authority addressed to recommending branch

Bank’s approved Appraisal/Process note bearing signature of sanctioning authority with terms of
3 sanction of term loan

4 Up-to-date statement of account of Term loan and Cash Credit (if sanctioned)

Equity Certificate:
a)C.A. certificate in case of Partnership or Proprietorship firms.
5 b)Form-2(PAS-3), FORM-5(SH-7) and other documents in lieu of FORM-23 filed with ROC for

6 Farmer’s list/backward linkage duly supported by agreement

7 Affidavit of promoters that they have not availed VCA in the past

8 Unsecured loans raised by the promoters (If any). CA Certificate to be enclosed

9 Copy of last Bank's inspection report

10 Bank’s confirmation that they will not release primary & collateral security without SFAC consent

11 Justification for margin on working capital taken in the project cost

 List of Enclosures to be submitted along with the form

Sno. Enclosures

Promoter’s request letter addressed to the Managing Director SFAC, New Delhi on original letterhead
1 of firm/company

2 Sanction letter of Sanctioning authority addressed to recommending branch

Bank’s approved Appraisal/Process note bearing signature of sanctioning authority with terms of
3 sanction of term loan

4 Up-to-date statement of account of Term loan and Cash Credit (if sanctioned)

Equity Certificate: a)C.A. certificate in case of Partnership or Proprietorship firms. b)Form-2(PAS-3),

5 FORM-5(SH-7) and other documents in lieu of FORM-23 filed with ROC for Company

6 Farmer’s list/backward linkage duly supported by agreement

7 Affidavit of promoters that they have not availed VCA in the past

8 Unsecured loans raised by the promoters (If any). CA Certificate to be enclosed

9 Copy of last Bank's inspection report

10 Bank’s confirmation that they will not release primary & collateral security without SFAC consent

11 Justification for margin on working capital taken in the project cost

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Assignment No: 09
Prepare Technological Feasibility Report
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Practical No: 10
Prepare set of short term, Medium and Long term Goals
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Total(10) Teacher
Related(6) Related(4)
Assignment No.11
Prepare marketing strategy
Product marketing is deeply connected to product management. Both processes have shared
stages and deliverables, as illustrated by the method below.
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Assignment No.12
Prepare a Business plan
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