Crime - Data-Mining-And-K-Means 2018
Crime - Data-Mining-And-K-Means 2018
Crime - Data-Mining-And-K-Means 2018
mining techniques such as clustering etc. The effectiveness of IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM
the proposed interface has been illustrated on Indian crime Architecture
records. Nazlena Mohamad Ali et al.[3] discuss on a After literature review there is need to used an open source
development of Visual Interactive Malaysia Crime News data mining tool which can be implemented easily and analysis
Retrieval System (i-JEN) and describe the approach, user can be done easily. So here crime analysis is done on crime
studies and planned, the system architecture and future plan. dataset by applying k means clustering algorithm using
Their main objectives were to construct crime-based event; rapid miner tool.
investigate the use of crime based event in improving the The procedure is given below:
classification and clustering; develop an interactive crime news 1. First we take crime dataset
retrieval system; visualize crime news in an effective and 2. Filter dataset according to requirement and create new
interactive way; integrate them into a usable and robust system dataset which has attribute according to analysis to be done
and evaluate the usability and system performance and the 3. Open rapid miner tool and read excel file of crime dataset
study will contribute to the better understanding of the crime and apply “Replace Missing value operator” on it and execute
data consumption in the Malaysian context as well as the operation
developed system with the visualization features to address 4. Perform “Normalize operator” on resultant dataset and
crime data and the eventual goal of combating the crimes execute operation
.Sutapat Thiprungsri [4] examines the application of cluster 5. Perform k means clustering on resultant dataset formed after
analysis in the accounting domain, particularly discrepancy normalization and execute operation
detection in audit. The purpose of his study is to examine the 6. From plot view of result plot data between crimes and get
use of clustering technology to automate fraud filtering during required cluster
an audit. He used cluster analysis to help auditors focus their 7. Analysis can be done on cluster formed.
efforts when evaluating group life insurance claims. A. Malathi
et al.[5] look at the use of missing value and clustering
algorithm for a data mining approach to help predict the crimes Take crime dataset
patterns and fast up the process of solving crime. Malathi. A et.
al.[6] used a clustering/classify based model to anticipate crime
trends. The data mining techniques are used to analyze the city Filter dataset according to
crime data from Police Department. The results of this data requirement
Perform k means clustering on
mining could potentially be used to lessen and even prevent
resultant dataset and execute
crime for the forth coming years.Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo and Perform Normalization operator
Malathi. A [7] research work focused on developing a crime Open
on Rapiddataset
resultant miner and
tool execute
and read
analysis tool for Indian scenario using different data mining Applyexcel file ofMissing
Replace crime dataset
techniques that can help law enforcement department to Perform
operator kandmeans clustering on
efficiently handle crime investigation. resultant
Open Rapid dataset andtool
miner execute
and read
excel fileNormalization
of crime datasetoperator
onApply Replace
resultant Missing Value
The proposed tool enables agencies to easily and economically Filter datasetdataset and execute
according to
Apply operator and execute
Replace Missing Value
clean, characterize and analyze crime data to identify requirement
Perform and
analysis on cluster
actionable patterns and trends .Kadhim B. Swadi Al-Janabi [8] Open Rapid miner tool and read
presents a proposed framework for the crime and criminal data excel file of crime dataset
analysis and detection using Decision tree Algorithms for data Perform Normalization operator
Filter dataset according to
on resultant dataset and execute
classification and Simple K Means algorithm for data requirement
clustering. The paper tends to help specialists in discovering Perform crime analysis on cluster
patterns and trends, making forecasts, finding relationships and formed
possible explanations, mapping criminal networks and Perform k means clustering on
identifying possible suspects. Aravindan Mahendiran et al. [9] resultant dataset and execute
apply myriad of tools on crime data sets to mine for
information that is hidden from human perception. With the
help of state of the art visualization techniques we present the
patterns discovered through our algorithms in a neat and Perform plot view and get cluster
intuitive way that enables law enforcement departments to
channelize their resources accordingly. Sutapat
Thiprungsri[10] examine the possibility of using clustering Perform crime analysis on
technology for auditing. Automating fraud filtering can be of cluster formed
great value to continuous audits. The objective of their study is
to examine the use of cluster analysis as an alternative and Fig 1: Flow chart of crime analysis
innovative anomaly detection technique in the wire transfer
system. K. Zakir Hussain et al. [11] tried try to capture years of
human experience into computer models via data mining and
by designing a simulation model.
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