02 - Taxation - Chapter-2 - Salary Part-1
02 - Taxation - Chapter-2 - Salary Part-1
02 - Taxation - Chapter-2 - Salary Part-1
The provisions pertaining to Income under the head “Salaries” are contained in sections 15, 16 and
Case Study
(a) Katrina, an actress, is employed in Bansali Films, where she is paid a monthly remuneration of
Rs. 10 lakh. She acts in various films produced by various producers. The remuneration for
acting in such films is directly paid to Chopra Films by the different producers. Is the
amount received by Katrina is taxable as a Salary? Will your answer be different if she acts in
various films and gets fees from different producers?
Ans: Case 1: In this case, Rs. 10 lakh will constitute salary in the hands of Katrina, since the
relationship of employer and employee exists between Bansali Films and Katrina.
Case 2: if Katrina acts in various films and gets fees from different producers, the same income
will be chargeable as income from profession since the relationship of employer and
employee does not exist between Katrina and the film producers.
For this purpose, section 9(1)(iii) provides that salaries payable by the Government to a citizen of
India for services outside India shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India. However, by virtue of
section 10(7), any allowance or perquisites paid or allowed outside India by the Government to a
citizen of India for rendering services outside India will be fully exempt.
Section 15 deals with the basis of charge. Salary is chargeable to tax either on ‘due’ basis or on
‘receipt’ basis, whichever is earlier. However, where any salary, paid in advance, is assessed in the
year of payment, it cannot be subsequently brought to tax in the year in which it becomes due. If
the salary paid in arrears has already been assessed on due basis, the same cannot be taxed again
when it is paid. As per Section 15, the income chargeable to income tax under the head salaries
would include:
• Any salary due to an employee from an employer or a former employer during the previous year
irrespective of the fact whether it is paid or not.
• Any salary paid or allowed to the employee during the previous year by or on behalf of an
employer, or former employer, would be taxable under this head even though such
amounts are not due to him during the accounting year.
• Arrears of salary paid or allowed to the employee during the previous year by or on behalf of an
employer or a former employer would be chargeable to tax during the previous year in
cases where such arrears were not charged to tax in any earlier year.
In short, salary is chargeable to tax on DUE OR RECEIPTS BASIS, whichever is earlier.
(i) Due basis – when it is earned even if it is not received in the P.Y. (Accrued)
(ii) Receipt basis – when it is received even if it is not earned in the P.Y. (Advance)
Retrenchment Exempt from tax to the least of the following is exempt from tax—
compensation 1. Amount actually received;
2. Rs.5,00,000;
3. An amount calculated in accordance with Section 25F(b) of the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 i.e. 15 days average pay** for each
completed year of service or part thereof in excess of 6 months.
However the aforesaid limit is not applicable in cases where
compensation is paid under any scheme approved by the
** Average Pay means:
1. In case of monthly payment- Average of last 3 months.
2. In case of weekly payment- Average of last four completed weeks.
3. In case of daily payment- Average of Last 12 full working days.
Compensation It applies to an employee of the company or the authority, as the case
received under may be, who has completed 10 years of service or completed 40
voluntary years of age.
retirement scheme 1. Amount Actually received
2. Amount specified by government i.e. Rs. 5 lakh
3. One of the condition is the amount payable on account of voluntary
retirement or voluntary separation of the employees does not
exceed (a) the amount equivalent to three month’s salary for each
completed year of service, or (b) the salary at the time of retirement
multiplied by the balance months service left before the dated of his
retirement on superannuation, whichever is more. Relief section 89
is not available.
Salary from UNO Not chargeable to tax.
Allowance means the fixed sum paid by employer to employee to meet official or personal
expenses. Different types of allowances are given to employees by their employers. Generally
allowances are given to employees to meet some particular requirements like house rent, expenses
on uniform, conveyance etc. Under the Income-tax Act, 1961, allowance is taxable on due or
receipt basis, whichever is earlier. Various types of allowances normally in vogue are discussed
Fully Taxable Partly Taxable Fully Exempt
(i) Entertainment Allowance (i) House Rent Allowance [u/s (i) Allowances to High Court
10(13A)] Judges
(ii) Dearness Allowance
(ii) Special Allowances [u/s (ii) Allowance paid by the
(iii) Overtime Allowance
10(14)] United Nations
(iv) Fixed Medical Allowance Organization.
(v) City Compensatory (iii) Compensatory
Allowance (to meet Allowance received by a
increased cost of living in judge
(iv) Sumptuary allowance
(vi) Interim Allowance granted to High Court or
(vii) Servant Allowance Supreme Court Judges
(b) any allowance, whether granted on tour or for the period of journey in connection with
transfer, to meet the ordinary daily charges incurred by an employee on account of absence
from his normal place of duty;
(c) any allowance granted to meet the expenditure incurred on conveyance in performance of
duties of an office or employment of profit (Conveyance Allowance);
(d) any allowance granted to meet the expenditure incurred on a helper where such helper is
engaged in the performance of the duties of an office or employment of profit (Helper
(e) any allowance granted for encouraging the academic research and training pursuits in
educational and research institutions;
(f) any allowance granted to meet the expenditure on the purchase or maintenance of uniform for
wear during the performance of the duties of an office or employment of profit (Uniform
Certain allowances are exempt upto the amount specified by Government i.e. exemption
would be lower of the actual allowance or amount specified by Government.
House rent Exempt from tax to the extent of the least of the following:
allowance 1. 50 per cent of salary in Delhi Mumbai Kolkata Chennai or 40
per cent of salary in other cases;
2. House rent allowance; or
3. The excess of rent paid over 10 per cent of salary
Taxable HRA = Actual HRA – Exemption
(a) Exemption not available to an assessee who lives in his own
house, or in a house for which he has not incurred the
expenditure of rent.
(b) Salary for this purpose means basic salary, dearness
allowance, if provided in terms of employment and
commission as a fixed percentage of turnover.
(c) Salary determined on due basis. [Explanation (ii) to rule 2A]
Mode of computation of Exemption: The exemption depends
on salary, HRA, rent paid and place where house is taken. If all
these factors are same throughout the previous year the
exemption should be calculated on “annual” basis otherwise
monthly basis.
No exemption if employee resides in his own house. Exemption
is available even if the house is owned by close relative and
for which rent is regularly paid ( Bajrang Prasad Ramdharant
v. CIT [2013] 60 SOT 66(Ahd.)
(ii) Section 10(45) exempts specified allowances and perquisites received by Chairman or any other
member, including retired Chairman/member, of the Union Public Service Commission
(iii) The exemption would be available in respect of such allowances and perquisites as may be
notified by the Central Government in this behalf.
(iv) Accordingly, the Central Government has notified the following allowances and perquisites for
serving Chairman and members of UPSC, for the purpose of exemption under section
10(45) -
(1) The value of rent free official residence,
(2) The value of conveyance facilities including transport allowance,
(3) The sumptuary allowance and
(4) The value of leave travel concession.
In case of retired Chairman and retired members of UPSC, the following have been notified for
exemption under section 10(45):
(i) A sum of maximum Rs.14,000 per month for defraying the service of an orderly and for meeting
expenses incurred towards secretarial assistance on contract basis.
(ii) the value of a residential telephone free of cost and the number of free calls to the extent of
Rs.1,500 pm (over and above free calls per month allowed by the telephone authorities)
Perquisites are the benefits or amenities in cash or in kind, or in money or money’s worth and also
amenities which are not convertible into money, provided by the employer to the employee
whether free of cost or at a concessional rate. Their value, to the extent these go to reduce the
expenditure that the employee normally would have otherwise incurred in obtaining these benefits
and amenities, is regarded as part of the taxable salary.
Taxable Perquisites: We need to understand the valuation of perquisites. The table appended
below, summarises the taxable value of various perquisites in the hands of the employee
3 Use of movable All employees 10% p.a. of the actual cost of the
assets by asset, if it is owned by the employer
employee / any OR the actual hire charges incurred
member of his by the employer if the asset is hired
household as reduced by the amount, if any,
paid or recovered from the
employee for such use would be the
taxable value of the perquisite.
Note: Use of laptops and computers
wouldn’t attract taxability as
4 Transfer of All employees If Computers / electronic items are
movable assets transferred, 50% Depreciation p.a.
(WDV) for every completed year of
usage; if Motor cars are transferred,
20% Depreciation p.a. (WDV) for
every completed year of usage; and
for all other assets transferred, 10%
Depreciation p.a. (WDV) for every
completed year of usage would be
treated as the taxable value of
perquisite net of any amount so
recovered from the employee
Motor Cars
The taxable value of use of motor cars are dealt with separately, as it is situational, as under:
Where the Expenses are met by the employer
If the Car is owned / hired by the employer; expenses met by the employer & is used by the
employee wholly for Official purposes, there is no perquisite.
If the Car is owned / hired by the employer; expenses met by the employer & is used by the
employee wholly for Personal purposes, the running and maintenance charges / wear &
tear / hire charges / driver’s salary would be treated as the taxable value of the perquisite
net of the amount so recovered from the employee.
If the If the Car is owned / hired by the employer; expenses met by the employer & is used
by the employee partly for Official and partly for Personal purposes, the taxable value of the
perquisite would be based on the cc of the engine, as under:
Up to 1.6 litres (1600 cc), the taxable value of the perquisite would be INR 1800 pm
> 1.6 litres (1600 cc), the taxable value of the perquisite would be INR 2400 pm
If chauffer is also provided, INR 900 pm is to be added to either of the above, depending
on the engine capacity
If the Car is owned / hired by the employee; expenses met by the employer & is used by the
employee wholly for Official purposes, there is no perquisite.
If the Car is owned / hired by the employee; expenses met by the employer & is used by the
employee wholly for Personal purposes, the actual expenditure so incurred would be
treated as the taxable value of the perquisite.
If the Car is owned / hired by the employee; expenses met by the employer & is used by the
employee partly for Official and partly for Personal purposes, the taxable value of the
perquisite would be the actual expenditure incurred by the employer as reduced by the
taxable value of the perquisite determined above basis the engine capacity.
Where the Expenses are met by the employee
If the Car is owned / hired by the employer; expenses met by the employee & is used by the
employee wholly for Official purposes, there is no perquisite
If the Car is owned / hired by the employer; expenses met by the employee & is used by the
employee wholly for Personal purposes, the wear & tear / hire charges / driver’s salary
would be treated as the taxable value of the perquisite
If the If the Car is owned / hired by the employer; expenses met by the employee & is used
by the employee partly for Official and partly for Personal purposes, the taxable value of the
perquisite would be based on the cc of the engine, as under:
Up to 1.6 litres (1600cc), the taxable value of the perquisite would be INR 600 pm
> 1.6 litres (1600cc), the taxable value of the perquisite would be INR 900 pm
If chauffer is also provided, INR 900 pm is to be added to either of the above,
depending on the engine capacity
Income from house property is one of the important heads of income under the Income Tax Act.
The tax payers have been, in particular, keen to know about the exemptions and deductions
available to them on repayment of interest and principal of the loan obtained to purchase the
house property, if that house property is let out or self-occupied. The amount of interest on
borrowed capital of the current year is available under the head house property further repayment
of principal is available under section 8oC to Individuals and Hindu Undivided Families. Tax levied
under section 22 is based on Principle of Mutuality i.e. tax on income from house property and it is
not a tax on house property.
•Income from letting out a vacant land is chargeable to tax under the head “Income From Other
•Income earned by an assessee who is engaged in the business of letting out properties on rent,
would be chargeable to tax under the head “Profits / Gains from Business / Profession”
Particulars Amount
Annual value under section 23(2) Nil
Less: Deduction under section 24
Interest on borrowed capital
(i) Interest on loan taken for acquisition or construction of house XX
on or after 1.4.99 and same was completed within 5 years
from the end of the financial year in which capital was
borrowed, interest or aggregate interest paid or payable
subject to a maximum of Rs. 2,00,000 (including apportioned
pre-construction interest).
(ii) In case of loan for acquisition or construction taken prior to
1.4.99 or loan taken for repair, renovation or reconstruction at
any point of time, interest or aggregate interest paid or
payable subject to a maximum of Rs. 30,000.
Aggregate of the amounts of deduction under (i) & (ii) shall not
exceed Rs. 2,00,000 [Inserted by Finance (No. 1) Act, 2019]
Income from house property XX
Problem-1 Mr. Kumar age 45 years is an employee of Forex Ltd, Delhi. He receives the
following receipts from his employer during the Financial Year 2021-22.
Particulars Amount ₹
Basic Salary 35,000 p.m.
Bonus 24,000 p.a.
Dearness Allowance 2,000 p.m.
(40% forming part of all retirement benefits)
House Rent Allowance (Rent paid ₹ 25,000 p.m.) 20,000 p.m.
Children Education Allowance (for 2 children) 250 p.m.
Transport Allowance 300 p.m.
Servent Allowance 1,200 p.m.
Assistant Allowance 3,000 p.m.
(Actal expenditure ₹ 1,500 p.m.)
City Compensatory Allowance 2,000 p.m.
Medical Allowance 1,000 p.m.
Problem-2 Mr. Raj is an employee of HCL Ltd, Hydrabad. He receives the following receipts
from his employer during the Financial Year 2021-22.
Particulars Amount ₹
Basic Pay 12,000
Dearness Allowance 5,000
Interest credited to balance in RPF @ 9.5% 28,500
Rent free house at Delhi
Rent paid by the company 5,000
Professional Tax paid by the employer 120
Motor Car 1,600cc (owned by the employer company) 2,000
Driver 9,000
commission 1,000
Motor Car is used partly for official and partly private purpose.
Compute the Taxable Salary for Assessment Year 2022-23.
Problem-3 Ms. Sweta is providing her salary details for the purpose of compution of Net
Taxable Salary for A.Y. 2022-23
Particulars Amount ₹
Basic Pay 240000
Commission 103000
House Rent Allowance (Rent Paid ₹ 36,000) 38000
Dearness Allowance (forming part of all retirement benefits 120000
Motor Car of 110cc provided by the company for office use 40000
Interest free loan for buying a house on 1 March 2022
(SBI Lending rate of interest 11.5%)
RPF contribution by Ms. Shweta and same by the employer 45000
Interest credited to balance of ₹ 1,25,000 15000
Compute the Taxable Salary for Assessment Year 2022-23.