The Barangay Justice System - Seminar Research
The Barangay Justice System - Seminar Research
The Barangay Justice System - Seminar Research
Title Suggestions
The barangays, being the basic political unit in the country, is
1. Empowering Citizens with the Katarungang
in the most strategic position to facilitate resolution or
Pambarangay Law
mediation of community and family disputes, alongside its
2. Behind the Scenes of the Barangay Justice System
mandate to deliver basic services.
3. Let’s Settle This Outside of Court: Facilitating Your
Disputes Using the Katarungang Pambarangay Law
The main strategy: to provide a venue for the disputing
4. Papabarangay Kita: Mga dapat malaman sa ilalim ng
parties to search for a solution that is mutually acceptable.
Katarungang Pambarangay Law
Hence, the primary role of the system is not to decide disputes
The Barangay Justice System and impose a solution on the parties but to assist the parties
in discussing the possible amicable settlement of their
The history: disputes.
Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 Simply put:
expanded the scope and powers of the Katarungang The Barangay Justice System provides a friendly, inexpensive,
Pambarangay or the Barangay Justice System. and speedy forum for the settlement of disputes where the
parties can freely explore options for amicably resolving their
Prior to this law, however, the establishment of the Barangay disputes without resorting to the courts.
Justice System had been covered by Presidential Decree
1508 in 1978 and Batas Pambansa Blg. 337 or the 1983 Local With this set-up, the disputing parties are expected to be
Government Code. more comfortable in discussing their problems and in
exploring solutions to the disputes.
What is Katarungang Pambarangay or the Barangay
Justice System? The Supreme Court issued Administrative Circular No. 14-93
on July 15, 1993 directing the courts to ensure compliance
Katarungang Pambarangay is a system of dispute resolution with the requirement of prior recourse to the Barangay Justice
instituted in all barangays in the Philippines that seeks to as a condition for filing a complaint in court for cases that
promote, among others, the speedy administration of are covered by the system.
justice, by providing all avenues to an amicable settlement,
You can go to the barangay and file a complaint. However, you Kung ang partido ay isang menor de edad o incompetent,
are not allowed to have a lawyer with you during the pwede siyang tulungan o samahan ng kanyang next of kin o
proceedings before the lupon of the barangay. kamaganak na hindi abogado.
1. Suffering the penalty of civil interdiction; or Ang layuning ito ay maaring mabaliwala dahilan sa ang
2. A hospitalized leper, prodigal, deaf and dumb who is tungkulin ng abogado ay ang protektahan ang interes ng
unable to communicate; kanyang kliyente.
3. Of unsound mind, even though he has a lucid intervals
and a person not being unsound mind but by reason of
age, disease, weak mind, and other similar causes, Lupong Tagapamayapa at
cannot, without outside aid, take care of himself and
mange his property, becoming thereby an easy prey for Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo
deceit and exploitation.
The Punong Barangay and the community conciliators (Lupon
members) do not act as judges or adjudicators of disputes
but as facilitators for the disputing parties’ discussion of
possible solutions.
The lupon shall be constituted every three (3) years in the After paying the filing fee, the barangay should issue a notice
manner provided by RA 7160. of hearing to the complainant and summon hearing to the
complainant and summon the respondent both of whom
should appear in the office within three (3) days.
Qualifications Disqualifications
Actual residents/ working in Below 18 years of age Then, the mediators will listen to both parties carefully and
the barangay help them find a solution within 15 days.
Of legal age If the complainant cannot appear before the barangay office
Convicted of a crime carrying
without justifiable cause, his/her complaint will be dismissed
With the following qualities: with it penalties of perpetual
● Integrity or temporary disqualification and eventually cannot file a case in court.
● Impartiality from holding public office
● Independence If the respondent cannot appear without justifiable cause,
● Fairness Elected government official his/her counterclaim will be dismissed and he will be barred
● Reputation for probity from filing in court and be punished for indirect contempt of
● Patience Member of armed forces
● Resourcefulness who is in the active service
● Open-mindedness
● Flexibility If found guilty, the person cited may be fined not exceeding
Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00) or imprisonment not
exceeding one (1) month, or both.
Lupons are not “Judges”; they are mediators.
Watch this:
Within 10 days after the settlement, the parties can protest the
settlement, known as repudiation (etc: there is fraud, threat or
If both parties agree to settle their dispute amicably or have
reached a mutual agreement, they will fill out an amicable
After 10 days, the settlement is final and executory and has
settlement form:
the force and effect of the Court.
Conciliation: Pangkat ng 1. Relationship
2. Bias
Tagapagkasundo 3. Interest
Pangkat Tagapagkasundo (Pangkat) is a conciliation panel 4. Other similar grounds
constituted from the Lupon membership for every dispute
brought before the Lupon consisting of three (3) members Thus, if a pangkat is already constituted and it appears that
after the Punong Barangay has failed in his mediation efforts. one of the members is biased, you may move to disqualify him
on the said basis.
The parties shall elect the members of the Pangkat from the
pool of Lupons. However, an affirmative vote of the majority of the pangkat is
needed to resolve the said motion to disqualify, which decision
shall be final (Section 410 [d], Local Government Code)
The Pangkat shall convene not later than three (3) days
from its constitution, on the day and hour set by the
Barangay Captain, to hear both parties and their witnesses,
simplify issues, and explore all possibilities for amicable
settlement. For this purpose, the Pangkat may issue summons
for the personal appearance of parties and witnesses before it.
What is conciliation?
If the parties fail to agree on the pangkat membership, the Mediation and conciliation processes are the same except
same shall be determined by lots drawn by the lupon mediation is done by the Punong Barangay while the latter is
chairman. done by the Pangkat headed by a chairperson.
Disqualifications for Pangkat They themselves shall elect a chairperson and a secretary.
The Pangkat shall meet to hear both parties, explore 3. Apply with the local trial court for punishment of the
possibilities for amicable resolution within 15 days which can recalcitrant party for the indirect contempt of court
be extended for another 15 days in a meritorious case.
For respondent:
The Pangkat can issue a Subpoena of Witnesses whenever 1. Dismiss the respondent’s counterclaim.
necessary. 2. Direct the issuance of and attest to the certification to
bar the filing of action in court or any government
3. To file complainant’s sanction in court or any
government offices and fill out KP Form 20
For complainant:
1. Dismiss the complaint;
2. Direct the issuance of and attest to the certification to
bar the filing of action in court or any government If the conciliation is successful:
1. The amicable settlement shall be put in writing (in a
language or dialect known to them); and
2. Attested to by the Lupon chairman or the Pangkat
If conciliation is unsuccessful:
Arbitration: Other Means of Dispute All disputes are subject to Barangay conciliation pursuant to
the Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law.
Settlement - A precondition before filing a complaint in court or any
Arbitration can take place at any stage of the proceedings as government offices
long as both parties agree in writing to abide by the arbitration ===============================================
award of the lupon or the pangkat. RA 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991, provides that
barangay conciliation proceeding is a pre-condition to filing a
The lupon chairperson (punong barangay) or the pangkat complaint in court between person actually residing in the
chairperson can act as an arbitrator. same barangay to explore possible amicable settlements
Jurisdiction of the Lupon and The lupon of each Barangay has jurisdiction to amicably settle
all disputes between parties residing in the same city or
Venue municipality, EXCEPT:
a. where one party is the government or any subdivision
or instrumentality thereof;
Sec. 408 Jurisdiction
b. where one party is a public officer or employee, and the
General rule: dispute relates to the performance of his official
If the parties are residents of the same barangay or the same functions;
city, they need to undergo barangay conciliation.
c. offenses punishable by imprisonment exceeding one g. disputes involving parties who actually reside in
(1) year or a fine exceeding Five Thousand different barangays of different cities and municipalities
(PhP5,000.00) Pesos; except where such barangay units adjoin each other
and the parties thereto agree to submit their differences
d. offenses where there is no private offended party; to amicable settlement by the appropriate lupon; and
Etc: Etc:
Tax evasion, littering, gambling, jaywalking, public Parties are from Barangay Upper QM - sakop sila sa
scandal, vagrancy and prostitution KP
Translation: Party A from Barangay Upper QM; Party B from Mines
Mga indibidwal na tao lamang at hindi ang tinatawag na View; both barangays are in Baguio City - sakop sila sa
juridical persons gaya ng korporasyon, partnership, estate, KP
etc. ang maaring maging partido sa sistema ng Katarungang Party A from Barangay Upper QM; Party B from
Pambarangay. Barangay Bangkal, Makati - hindi sakop sa KP
Ito ay naayon sa ipinaguutos ng batas na personal na h. Disputes where urgent legal action is necessary to
paghaharap at paguusap ng mga partido upang prevent injustice from being committed or further
mapagpasiyahan ang hidwaan sa pagitan nila. Hindi continued, specifically the following:
ipinapahintulot ng batas na kinatawan lamang ang haharap sa 1. Criminal cases where accused is under police
barangay. custody or detention (see Sec. 412 (b) (1),
e. where the dispute involves real properties located in Revised Katarungang Pambarangay Law);
different cities or municipalities unless the parties 2. Petitions for habeas corpus by a person illegally
thereto agree to submit their differences to amicable deprived of his rightful custody over another or
settlement by the appropriate lupon; a person illegally deprived or on acting in his
f. Any complaint by or against corporations, partnership 3. Actions coupled with provisional remedies such
or juridical entities, since only individuals shall be as preliminary injunction, attachment, delivery
parties to Barangay conciliation proceedings either as of personal property and support during the
complainants or respondents (Sec. 1, Rule VI, pendency of the action; and
Katarungang Pambarangay Rules)
4. Actions which may be barred by the Statute of Sec. 409 Venue
Venue is the place where the case is to be heard and decided.
Statute of Limitations is the law which bars or does not allow
This is not fixed by law except in criminal cases, and can be
the institution or filing of an action or case against another
agreed upon by the parties.
after the expiration of the period prescribe d for such action or
(a) Disputes between persons actually residing in the same
i. such other classes of disputes which the President
barangay shall be brought for amicable settlement before the
may determine in the interest of justice or upon
Lupon of said barangay.
recommendation by the Secretary of Justice.
(b) Those involving actual residents of different barangays
j. Where the dispute arises from the Comprehensive
within the same city or municipality shall be brought in the
Agrarian Reform Law (CARL)
barangay where the respondent or any of the respondents
k. Labor disputes or controversies arising from actually resides, at the election of the complainant.
employer-employee relations
(c) All disputes involving real property or any interest therein
l. Actions to annul judgment upon a compromise which shall be brought in the barangay where the real property or the
may be filed directly in court (See Sanchez vs. Tupaz, larger portion thereof is situated.
158 SCRA 459).
Objections to venue shall be raised in the mediation
m. Pursuant to article 2035 of the New Civil Code proceedings before the punong barangay; otherwise, the same
shall be deemed waived.
No compromise (and by implication, waivers) upon the
following shall be valid: the civil status of persons, the validity Any legal question which may confront the punong barangay
of a marriage or a legal separation, any ground for legal in resolving objections to venue herein referred to may be
separation, future support, the jurisdiction of courts, and future submitted to the Secretary of Justice or his duly designated
legitime. representative, whose ruling thereon shall be binding.