Scott 2022 Spectrumofteachingstylesresource
Scott 2022 Spectrumofteachingstylesresource
Scott 2022 Spectrumofteachingstylesresource
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1 author:
Joseph Scott
University of the Sunshine Coast
All content following this page was uploaded by Joseph Scott on 22 July 2022.
Teaching style Interaction Example Pre- Impact Post- Role of Teacher Role of student
Impact Impact
More A Command Teacher makes decisions and directs instruction. Teacher demonstrates how to throw Teacher Teacher Teacher Instructing Copying
teacher Student copies and complies with decisions and a javelin, then directs students to Decision making Decision
centered instructions. copy and execute same movement. following
B Practice Teacher sets tasks and learning opportunities and Teacher sets up various stations, Teacher Learner Teacher Establishing Repeating
directs/shows the student how to do it, student then demonstrates movements and Decision making Replicating
works independently and at own pace and teacher students move around and practice Provide feedback
provides feedback yoga skills.
C Reciprocal Teacher provides outline of activity. Students work Teacher provides handout of correct Teacher Learner Learner Supporting Performing
together in pairs and offer feedback to each other to ‘forward roll’ technique. Peers both (Doer) (Observer) Decision making tasks
facilitate learning. Teacher provides reference points attempt movement, switch roles and Provide feedback Peer
for feedback. provide each other feedback assessing
D Self-check Teacher sets a task and provides criteria for success Teacher provides handout of how to Teacher Learner Learner Directing Self-assessing
and students then independently complete task and execute a ‘free-throw’. Students Decision making
check performance against criteria. execute and check their performance
against criteria
E Inclusion Teacher sets out a variety of tasks/opportunities. Variety of different throwing objects, Teacher Learner Learner Decision making Selecting
Students select which task is most appropriate for their shapes and weights provided when Facilitating
abilities and/or motivations and independently check practicing execution of the ‘overarm
their own work. throw’
F Guided Teacher uses questions and tasks to gradually direct Teacher asks a series of questions Teacher Teacher / Teacher / Questioning Uncovering
discovery students towards a pre-determined learning target. about how possession of the ball is Learner Learner
By answering questions students understand a maintained in netball.
Convergent Teacher sets or frames problems. Teacher asks: ‘how can a full back Teacher Teacher / Learner / Guiding Finding out
G discovery Student employs reasoning and critical thinking to find position themselves to stop a striker Learner Teacher
the most appropriate solutions. scoring in soccer?’
Divergent Teacher sets or frames problems. Teacher asks: ‘What strategies could Teacher Learner / Learner / Prompting Creating
H discovery Student attempts to create possible solutions. Students a striker employ to increase the Teacher Teacher