PK10203 - Introducction BAB 1
PK10203 - Introducction BAB 1
PK10203 - Introducction BAB 1
What is
Theory is composed of
a set of concepts and
their defined
relationships, all
intended to explain
some phenomenon of
Psychotherapy? “Psychotherapy is a primary
interpersonal treatment that is based on
psychological principles and involves a
trained therapist and a client who has a
mental disorder, problem, or complaint; it
is intended by the therapist to be
remedial for the client’s disorder,
problem, or complaint; and it is adapted
or individualized for the particular client
and his or her disorder, problem, or
Wampold (2001), p.3
All theories of Counseling and
Psychotherapy attempt to explain
the process of helping clients
change; offer some sort of
prescription of what one person,
the therapist, can do to help the
other person, the client who has
sought assistance.
Prior to the late 19th century, people had
little understanding of emotional
difficulties and mental disorders.
Development of ◦ People with severe symptoms
Theories of ◦ forcibly confined in institutions
Counseling is an intimate
form of learning, and its It is involved a person-to- Therefore, it is essential
demands a counselor to person connection that for the counselor to
be an authentic person in the client experiences genuine in the
the therapeutic growth. counseling process.
Personal Characteristics
of Effective Counselors
Respect and Make choices
Identity Open to change appreciate that are life
themselves oriented
Able to maintain
Treatment is Effective
Research by Martin Seligman (1995) – “the most extensive
study of psychotherapy on record” found that ;
◦ 87% of people who reported feeling “very poor” and
92% of those who said they felt “fairly poor” before
therapy showed clear improvement by the end of
◦ Improvement was long lasting and was reflected in
changes in presenting concerns as well as improvement
in occupational, social and personal domains.
Lambert and Cattani-Thompson (1996) review of the
literature focused primarily on structured and planned
efficacy studies stated:
◦ “Counseling is effective…The effects of counseling seem to be
relatively lasting. These effects are attained in relatively brief time
periods, with the percentage of clients who show substantial
improvement increasing as the number of counseling sessions
The Therapeutic Alliance
◦ The counselor’s/therapist’s ability to see the world through the client’s eyes and to
communicate that understanding so that the client feels heard and validated
◦ Helps the client feel that the counselor/therapist can relate to their experiences and
are with them emotionally.
Understanding silence
Dealing with demands from clients