Approach To Anemia in Children
Approach To Anemia in Children
Approach To Anemia in Children
Adult-female 12 37 80
male 14 42 80
Hemolytic anemias:
cellular- membrane defects eg.heriditary spherocytosis
- enzyme defects G6PD deficiency ,piruvate kinase def.
sickle cell anemia, thalasemias etc
extra cellular -autoimmune hemolytic anemias
hemolytic Dx of the new born
drug induced etc
-fragment hemolysis – DIC ,hemolytic uremic
syndrome, TTP ,prosthetic heart valve ,
thermal injury
plasma factors -liver Dx ,abetalipoprotienemia
infections, toxins &venoms etc
blood loss-occult in persistent diarrhea, malabsorption
syndromes ; overt as in leech infestation
Morphologic classification
microcytic normocytic macrocytic
IDA- chronic Chronic illness Megaloblastic
blood loss ,poor (2/3rd cases) -folate def.
dietary intake Malignancies -VB12 def.
Thalasemias Acute blood loss
Chronic illness
Non- megalobl
Sideroblastic erythroblastopeni -Fanconi anem
Lead poisoning a of childhood -Diamond-
Copper deficiency BM aplasa/hypop. blackfan anem
hypothyroidism -pre-leukemia
Approach to a patient
New born:
HX-age at onset- at birth usu. Hemolytic Dx of the newborn
ask maternal & NB blood group, any fam hx of bleeding
difficult delivery, gestational age ,hx of jaundice
General condition
acutely sick looking with anemia and fever
consider infectious causes like malaria ,sepsis etc
leukemia & neuroblastoma usually present with infection
increased RR, PR & hypotension –case could be acute blood loss due
to occult OR overt bleeding or severe infection
anthropometric assessment –nutritional def.
frontal bossing –due to chronic hemolysis
silky or easily pluckable hair- HIV, malnutrition
eye –pallor ,icterus –indicate hemolysis, severe malaria or liver Dx
tongue & bucal mucosa-pallor
papillary atrophy in tongue -IDA
LN enlargement- TB, Leukemia ,HIV ,IMN ,lymphoma etc
parotid enlargement- HIV
symptoms of heart failure
bounding pulse ,wide pulse pressure- found in anemia
weak pulse –acute blood loss
organomegally -HSM
in infants suggest- congenital infections (usually associated with
jaundice ,anemia & thrombocytopenia )
causes- toxo ,syphilis, CMV ,Rubella &parvovirusB19
splenomegaly -common in malaria
in infants & children
integumentary system:
petechiae & purpura – suggest cause of BM failure
fracture- CHRONIC hemolysis ,malignancy etc
bone tenderness- leukemias also ass. with joint swelling
Laboratory features
HCT , Hgb
peripheral smear – morphology
-blast cells
-differential count
RBC indices MCV, MCH & MCHC
CBC count & differential
Reticulocyte count
Hemosiderin in urine
Stool examination
ova or parasite
occult blood
Iron level
Transferin saturation
Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin
ferittin level
Bone marrow aspiration- cellularity, fibrosis
,malignant infiltration, storage diseases etc