Professional Conduct Chapter1

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Professional conduct and the ethical standard and a high degree of honesty are more essential for
officers and members of Philippine National Police than for any member of the society. This is so.
because they are entrusted with the enforcement of the rules, regulations and ordinances created by
City Municipality and the laws of the land created by the Congress that guide the conduct of society. A
policeman's violation or infraction thereof, or his failure to enforce it, dishonors the law and the
authority he represents.

All members of the PNP shall abide and adhere to the provisions of Code of Professional conduct
and Ethical Standards. Toward his end, a truly professionalized and dedicated law enforcers shall be
developed in promoting peace and order, ensuring public safety and enhancing community participation
guided by the principle that all public servants must at all times be accountable to the people.

They shall serve with utmost responsibility, integrity; morality and efficiency with due respect to
human rights and signify as hallmarks of a democratic society. They shall at all times bear faithful
allegiance to the legitimate government, support and uphold the constitution, respect the duly
constituted authority and be loyal to the service.

Definition of Terms:

Neglect of Duty or Non-Feasance – is the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform
an act-duty, which is the Peace Officer's legal obligation to perform It implies a duty as well as its breach
and the fact can never be found in the absence of a duty.

Irregularities in the Performance of Duty - is the improper performance of some act which might be
lawfully done.

Misconduct or Malfeasance - Is the doing, either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which
the office had no legal right to do all, as where he act without any authority whatsoever, or exceeds,
ignores, or abuse his powers. Misconduct generally mearn wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct,
motivated by premidited, obstinate or intentional purpose. It usually refers to transgression of some
established and definite rule ef action, where no discretion is left except what necessity may demand; it
does not necessarily family corruption or criminal intention but implies wrongful intention and not mere
error of judgement.

Incompetency - Is the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory performance of
police duties. This has reference to any physical intellectual quality the lack of which substantially
incapacitates one to perform the duties of peace officer.
Oppression - Imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, domination or excessive use of
authority. The exercise of the unlawful powers or other means, in depriving an individual of his liberty or
property against his will, is generally an act of oppression.

Dishonesty - Is the concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant of one's office or
connected with the performance of his duties.

Disloyalty to the Government - Consist of abandonment or renunciation of one's loyalty to the

government of the Philippines or advocating the overthrow of the government.

Violation of Law - Presupposes conviction in court of any crime or offense penalized under Revised Penal
Code or any special law or ordinances.


As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind, to safeguard life property,
to protect the innocent against deception, weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful
against violence or disorder, and to respect the constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all: maintain courageous calm in the face of
danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint and be constantly mindful the welfare of others. Honest
in thought and deed in both my personal and official life. I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the
land and regulations of my organization. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is
confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret, unless revelation is necessary in the
performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendship to
influence my decision, with no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals. I will
enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or will never employing
unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities in return.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith and accept it as a public trust to be
held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or
bribery, not will I condone such acts by the police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized
Agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice.

I know that I alone am responsible for my own standard of professional performance and will take
every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence. I will
constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen
profession... Law Enforcement.

The gist of this passage is contained in two words: "duty" and service. Too often we forget that
law enforcement is not just a job for which we are hired as one would hire a laborer or tradesman. It
involves a sworn duty. Some progressive police departments now require that its officers reaffirm their
oath each year in an effort to drive home the message that is contained in this sworn oath, and to again
remind the officer of the essential relationship between his job and the free society in which he lives.

The word "serve" denotes the denial of one's own pleasures and desire for the good of the
person or persons to be served. Service involves dedication and sacrifice of the giving of one's self.
These are words that many find hard to swallow in his present day and age but the job of professional
law enforcement requires a special creed of man.

Professional law enforcement has no place for the officer whose philosophy of life is what is it
for me?" In our present awakened society the crooked or dishonest law enforcement officer is finding
it's increasingly more difficult to really profit from his job in a material way He is rapidly becoming as
out-of-place as a horse and buggy on a modern freeway.


We must however, understand some of the limitations that are present in a truly democratic
society In such a society at oars, this ask can often be a difficult one, because protecting the rights of the
individual mans also protecting the rights of the criminal This is Sometimes a hard pill for law
enforcement officers to swallow.

Because of this, some officers stray politically to the far right in an effort to either seek a system
where there job would be made diet, or to better protect the society that they sworn to serve. It is easy
for an officer to become bitter when he has continually witnessed the ends of justice thwarted hy red
tape politics and technicalities of the law. The more truly idealistic he is, the more frustrated he can
become especially it he lacks a philosophy or understanding of his true purpose in the society which he
serves. Why must the idealistic officer suffer so? When a good carpenter does his test in building a fine
house one that can be seen and admired by all, he can stand back and look at his job with a feeling of
accomplishment and satisfaction. The same applies to an artist or anyone in the skilled trades. Why not,
then the policeman? Why must a good policeman who works hard for the ends of justice, see the
products of his work so often crumble at his feet?

The answer is both simple and complicated. It is simple in that the policeman, unlike the
tradesman, works not with objects but with people. Wonderful and yet fallible people.

It is complicated in that the most unpredictable of all commodities, with which a person can
work. Is man himself. It is the policeman's relationship with people that necessitates that law
enforcement becomes a profession.
There is a lesson to be learned from the legions of officers before us who have suffered so
greally from broken spirit. The lesson is that our satisfaction in Law enforcement mud come from doing
our job to the best of our abilities, and not be dependent upon the final outcome of our cases.


Respecting the rights of others is not one of man's natural qualities. It seems to be part of his
nature is suspect and persecute those who are in any different from himself. There is no perfect justice
on this earth, nor will there ever be because man is not all knowing nor is he himself perfect. Still we
must strive for a form of justice that represents our ultimate capability. This involves not only great
effort on the pan of every person in the community, but individual sacrifice as well.

One of the greatest areas of fault among police officers generally, is not so much a prejudice
against the criminal For example; an office soon learns from experience that a certain group of persons
is often responsible for the many of the crimes committed such an offense. Such a prejudice could lead
to the faculty conclusion that he is the guilty person. This soon leads lo a general feeling of prejudice
against all those who have convicted of prior offenses, and an almost subconscious refusal to accord
them the same rights that the Constitution provides for all persons.

Our present laws are such that they provide as fair a deal as is humanly attainable to all persons
subject to that law. Many officers for that our system of jurisprudence is too lenient, and helps the
criminal at the expense of society as a whole. In many cases this is true. One alternative to this would be
to have one law for "good" citizens, and another for "criminals". The problem is one who is to decide
which person comes under which category, Pror convictions alone cannot be used for qualification. To
allow soon change cur form of government into a totalitarian system.

Another alternative would he a "protective society" in which the people would be accorded a high
degree of protection, but in return would have few personal rights. This would be the old Roman
philosophy of “Salus Populi est Suprema Lex" (The safety of the people is the supreme Law) Personal
rights and public protection are on opposite ends of a fixed scale. If we increase one, we decrease the
other. When our society in threatened by a state of emergency, one of the first steps in protection is
restriction. This is usually in the form of a curfew. If no one is allowed n the property of another and
protection is afforded to them. However, such conditions are conditions that are certainly not very
conducive to a free democratic society.


One of the first things that a law enforcement officer must learn is that he has no private life.
Every citizen should be entitled to his own private life yet when a person accepts the calling of law
enforcement as a voluntary measure, be must willing to open his privacy as a sacrifice to the good of the
community which he serves If a law enforcement officer could hide from his neighbors the fact that he is
a policeman, then his private life could be his own. This, however, is an impossibility to a policeman has
a family, his occupation, will become known in the neighborhood within a few days at the most. If he is
single, and keeps to himself, he may keep the secret a little longer, but if he is engaged in active law
enforcement within his community, it is inevitable that his neighbors will become aware of it. Once this
is known, he will become the object of constant observation.

Many will be watching the officer, hoping to where some irregularity that will further justify
their negative feeling toward cops Others will watch in hopes of catching the officer committing some
traffic violation so that they can accuse him and all policeman in general of hypocrisy, This will help
justify their own misdeeds concerning traffic violations for which they feel they were unjustly given

Another great danger in this area is that of the officer's personnel morals An officer spends a
great deal of time dealing with moral degenerates and persons of little conscience, If he is not
constantly on guard these people can have a negative influence on him. Female offender and female
friends of offenders are often willing to offer their bodies to police officers in hopes of receiving some
leniency should they or their friends be arrested. Since most police officers work nights they come in
contact with women who use work nights, such as car hops cafe waitresses, bar maids, theater
usherettes and similar occupation of being promiscuous, and it is very easy for a law enforcement
officer to succumb to these temptations. This can lead to both moral degradation and blackmail, which
can have a negative effect in the struggle for professional recognition, it is easy to rationalize and justly
transgressions of this nature as just giving vent to natural drives, but these actions do in fact generate
moral decay and endanger the officer's family. The citizens of a community are very alert to
transgressions of a r oral nature, and they will quickly withdraw their needed support of any law
enforcement agency in which the selfish desires of its officers betray their professional calling.


Most officers are prepared to face physical danger and the public expect it. This is due to the
fact that when most people think of police work, they think of high-speed chases with guns blazing and
similar situations in which the officer's life is in constant danger.

Fortunately, the aforementioned danger amounts to but a small fraction of the officer's work
routine. The threat for which he is not prepared and on which can affect him greatly, is public scorn or
ridicule. There is no doubt that some officers have taken the job because of a need for the power of an
authoritative position. It comes as quite a shock to them that the badge, uniform and gun mean every
little unless there is a man behind them. Respect must be earned. It cannot be bought with a badge and
a uniform.

In a democracy a police officer is public officer and as such is a servant to the community
Instead of being above reproach or ridicule, he must expect to receive his position, as part of his job It is
not easy to control one's temper when being subjected to unnecessary and unjustified scorn or ridicule
Punching the perpetrator in the mouth will hurt him physically, but psychologically he will sense victory
in that he knows that he got to the officer Nothing will hurt him more than being ignored, Through
practice, even the officer with a wild temper can learn to control i For the professional law enforcement
officer. It is "must" When subjected to scorn and ridicule, it often helps just to consider the source.

Some officers feel that there is a difference in that the information obtained by the doctor and
attorney is freely given with the understanding that it will be confidential whereas the information
obtained a part of the law enforcement officer can be the result of many sources or forms of

How it was obtained is really not important. The fact that it was obtained as part of the officer's
occupation, and is usually information that he would not have otherwise obtained had be not been in
that field, is the key point.

This information should never leave the department or the person retaining it unless it is in the
interest of justice. An officer should ever be careful not to reveal information to his wife. An officer's
wife is often very tempted to reveal information of a confidential nature to neighbor women in an effort
to show her neighbors the importance of her husband's job, and to gain status in the eyes of the
neighbor women.



It is quite difficult to know which desire is stronger in some persons, to help our friends or to
hurt our enemies. Both desires are part of our human nature. Helping our friends can be very good thing
in self but when it involves an inequity in the administration of justice we are defiling the oath we made
to tie community in which we serve. In police work, there is ample opportunity to both hurt enemies
and help friends, and it takes a person of string character to properly perform his duties under these
circumstances without professional convictions, this can be an impossibility.


One of the faults that are common to new officers is that they often act officiously. They appear
to the public to be over-impressed with their own importance. In a way thus is natural because it is
associated with pride and a new officer is usually very proud when he first puts on his uniform and
badge. He should rightly be proud for his is a noble undertaking. However, a law enforcement officer
must always guard against having this pride misinterpreted by the public as being merely officious.

In most cases of apparent officiousness it is simply a matter of the officer not knowing how to
act. Most police academes greatly neglect the area of teaching officers how to act, or how to play the
role that is expected of him. There are so many facts that have to be poured into the recruit’s head, that
is leaves little time for role-playing.

The majority of the people who make contact with a law enforcement officer during his hour of
duty are not criminals. The majority of the persons receiving tickets from an officer are normally law
abiding upright citizens of the community, and they are usually embarrassed enough by being caught in
traffic violation without being talked down to or treated like a criminal. Judges often report that a
common reason for a person appearing in traffic court as not so much to contest the facts of the offense
is it is to complain about the demeanor of the officer issuing the citation.


The term with no compromise for crime" means that crime will not be knowing permitted. It
does not mean that the officer must perform his duties to the letter of the law" without taking into
consideration the spirit of the law. If the Code of Ethics will be examined, nothing will be found in it to
the effect than an officer must obtain convictions and send people to prison for long periods of time. It
does state, however, that he must in themselves be best of which he is capable, and that his actions
mast in themselves be ethical. No man can predict or guarantee the final results of any action Only God
can do this, man can only be responsible for his immediate actions fan officer does a good job and the
criminal is released by the courts, the blame rests not upon him but upon the courts, the jury or society

The modern law enforcement officer has a new motto "Be firm but fair". He does not have to be
a "theory bound sociologist just because he treats criminals like human beings.

Our religious teachings stress the theme that we should hate sin but love man. This means that
we may hate crime but not the criminal. For some it is easy to hate the criminal, but in time they are
themselves consumed by the Name of thus hatred. Some officers feel that their job is to punish, and
that in order to punish someone. You must went your anger upon them. Our present system of criminal
justice assigns no duties of punishment to the law enforcement officer. The role of punishment belongs
to the people in Corrections and Penology. Getting angry, other than as an interrogative technique,
serve no purpose. Anger begets anger; the angry officer only makes his job more difficult.

The modern professional law enforcement officer lets the criminal call the tune as to his own
treatment. The officers can and must be as tough as the situation demands yet there is no personal
vindictiveness in the way he treats the criminal. His tone of voice and demeanor usually indicate that he
will not be walked on, yet his actions are fair.


At times the use of force in the performance of duties is an absolute necessity. There is no escaping it. It
is extremely difficult to judge exactly whether or not the force used is A particular situation was
necessary or A The use of force or violence during interrogation will often produce immediate
confessions, but it should be avoided on ethical grounds in that the interrogator seldom knows with
complete certainty that the suspect is fully and the one of force or the ”Third degree” on an innocent
person colt and has produced file confessions The harming an innocent person is certainly a miscarriage
of justice as well as a violation of professional conduct. As a means of punishment for the criminal, it
would be out of place for it in not the function of law enforcement to punish criminals. This belongs to
the court and prisons.

From a practical viewpoint, unnecessary force or violence should be avoided during

Interrogation because if the jury or a judge even suspects that force was used to obtain a confession, it
would be thrown out of court and chances are the case would be lost. It is difficult enough for modern
professional law enforcement officers i convince the courts that their methods of interrogation were
above aboard" because of the reputation that law enforcement had thirty or more years ago, In a
society that is so conscious of their rights as ours is today, the use of force or violence as a common
practice would invalidate nearly all of the confessions that reached the courtroom and would therefore
defeat its own purpose.


The topic of accepting gratuities causes many long and hearted discussions among modem
police officers It is one in which both ethics and rationalization enter the picture. Gratuities take two
main forms; First, is the gratuity given by a person with the sole intent receiving something in return.
The second, one gratuity that is given solely out of a respect for law enforcement and the job that the
police officers are doing. It is not always easy to distinguish between the two. There is a variation of the

Those who favor gratuities usually feel that the second form is all right, but not the first. They
feel that the key to gratuities is as follows: "Will this in any way affect the proper performance of any
duties? In other words, if the officer were to observe the person, giving the Gratuity, commit some
violation whether it be an hour or a day later, would be in all conscience be able to treat him the same
as a total stranger.

Those members of law enforcement, who developed this code, were certainly aware of the
complexities of this particular area, but the use of the word "never" in relation to accepting gratuities,
indicates that they felt that this was a necessary and essential prerequisite to professional Law
enforcement. To be truly professions, we must first be ethical, we must do what is actually desirable,
not merely what we would like to be desirable.


The essence of this section is one of the most overlooked and forgotten facets of law
enforcement by the man in the field. It is this that distinguishes the difference between law
enforcement and the ordinary job. It is this that enables an officer to suffer the difficulties and problems
that make the held at times, so frustrating and discouraging Police administrators would do well to place
more emphasis on the swearing-in process. It should be made very formal and similar to the initiation of
many fraternal organizations.
The Chief of Police should see that the recruit is not issued a badge or allowed to put on a
uniform until he is thoroughly familiar with the code of ethics and especially the above section. He
should be made to understand that he is one of a select few, and that his job is a public trust that must
be earned. The new officer should also understand that any personal reward will not be obtained from
the public itself, for the public is a difficult master, it there is to be personal reward, it can only come
from the job itself or from knowing the true significance of the job and the essential role that it plays in
society. Perhaps the greatest reward is the self-respect and satisfaction that comes from the knowledge
that the job was done in a truly professional manner.


Proficiency in law enforcement involves many factors. It involves mental moral and physical
conditioning. They are all important aspects. The officer who let himself slip physically it certainly not
able to protect society. The officer who is in good physical condition has more confidence in his ability,
and this is sensed by those with whom he deals, and as a result he finds that it is necessary to exert
authority as much as it might be otherwise. Unfortunately, most police departments require a stir
physical agility examination before this area is either forgotten or greatly neglected. It is left up to the
individual officer to keep himself in shape.

Another way in which the professional officer may keep abreast is to devote so many hours each
week to reading the many books and professional law enforcement journals or magazines that are now
available. It is only in the last ten years at the most, that so much good reading materials has been
available to law enforcement personnel. Because there is now sections of the major police journals. This
will enable him to better use his allotted "improvement reading time. It is always difficult at first to start
a new habit, but once it informed it can become a routine matter.

Since most of this reading will be on the officers own time it is essential that he develop the
initiative that is so common to other professions The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics has broken down
and discussed in some detail in an effort to awaken in the reader a greater awareness of the importance
of the code as a means of achieving professional standing. However, knowing and understanding the
Code of Ethics is not enough. It must actually be practiced. It must be lived.


The following are the cannons of police ethics:

Primordial police responsibility

Limitation of police authority

Knowledge of the law and other responsibilities

Use of proper means to obtain proper ends

Cooperation with public officials

Proper conduct and behavior

Conduct toward the community

Conduct in arresting law violation

Firmness in refusing gifts or favors

Impartial presentation of evidence

Attitude toward police profession

1. Primordial Police Responsibility

The primary objective of police is the prevention of crime, policeman knew too well that he has
committed his life to defend and protect the rights of the citizen and uphold the Law at all cost.

2. Limitation of Police Authority

Policeman as an upholder of the law must know its limitation upon him in enforcing the law,

a. He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through law, have placed upon him.
b. He must recognize the center of the democratic system of government which gives no person
or group of persons, absolute power.
c. He must insure that he does not pervert its true character.

3. Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibilities

a. The policeman shall assiduously apply himself to the principle of the laws which he is sworn to
b. He will make certain of his responsibilities in the particular field of enforcement, seeking aid
of his superior in matters technically or in principle are not clear to him.
c. He shall make special effort to fully understand his relationship with other law enforcement
agencies, particularly on matters of jurisdiction, both geographically and substantively.

4. Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to have strict selection of methods in
discharging the duty of his office.
b. Violation of law or disregard of public safety and property on the part of the officer are
intrinsically wrong. They are self-defeating if they instill in the public mind and a like disposition.
c. The employment of illegal methods, no matter how worthy the end, is certain to encourage
disrespect for the law and its officers. If the law is to he honored, it must first be honored by
those who enforce.
5. Cooperation with Public Officials

a. The policeman shall cooperate fully with other public officials in the performance of
authorized duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudices.
b. He shall be meticulous, however, in assuring himself of property, under the law, of such
actions and all guard against the use of his office or person whether knowingly or in any
improper or illegal action.

6. Proper Conduct and Behavior

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his special identification by the public as an upholder of
b. Police laxity of conduct or manner in private life, expressing either disrespect for the law or
seeking to gain special prevail, cannot but reflect upon in the policeman and the police service.
c. The community and the service requires that the policeman leads the life of decent and
honorable person, following the career of policeman gives him no special pre-requisite

7. Conduct towards the Community

a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to the community.

b. He shall deal with individuals of the community in the manner calculated to instill respect for
its law.
c. He shall conduct his official life in a manner that will inspire confidence and trust.
d. He will be neither overbearing nor subservient, as no individual citizen has no obligation to
stand in awe of him or fight to command him.
e. He will do neither from personal preference or prejudice but rather a duly appointed officer
of the law discharging his sworn obligation.

8. Conduct in Arresting Law Violators

a. Policeman shall use his powers of arrest in accordance with the law and with due regard to
the rights of the citizen concerned.
b. He shall, at all times have a cita appreciation of his responsibilities and limitation regarding
the detention of the accused.
c. He shall conduct himself in such a manner as will minimize the possibility of having to use
d. He shall cultivate a dedication to the people and the equitable upholding of the law whether
in the handling of the accused or law abiding citizen.

9. Firmness in Refusing Gifts and Favors

a. Policeman representing the government bears heavy responsibility of maintaining in his

conduct, the honor and integrity of all government institution.
b. He shall guard against placing himself in a position in which the public con reasonably assume
that special consideration is being given.
c. He shall be firm in refusing gifts, favors or gratitude, large or small, which can be the public
mind be interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in the discharge of his duties.

10. Impartial Presentation of Evidence

a. Policeman shall concerned equally in the prosecution of the accused of the defense of the
b. He shall ascertain what kind of evidence and shall present such evidence impartially and
without malice
c. He shall ignore social, political and all other distinction among the person involved,
strengthening the tradition of the reliability and integrity of an officer's word
d. He shall be mindful that in many situation be is the sole impartially testimony to the facts of
the case.

11. Attitude toward Police Profession

a. Policeman shall regard the discharge of his duties a a public trust and recognize his responsibilities
as a public servant.
b. He shall strive to make the best possible application of science to the selection of the crime and in
the field of human relation.
c. He shall strive for effective leadership and public influence in matters affecting public safety
d. He shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of his office, and hold police work to be an
honorable profession rendering valuable service to his community.
e. Through study and experience, a police officer can acquire the high level of knowledge
competence that is essential for the efficient and effective performance of duty. The acquisition of
knowledge is a never-ending process of personal and professional development that should be
pursued constantly.


The following are the professional police principles:

Prevention of crime and disorder

Cooperation of the community,

Unreasonable force reduces community cooperation

Use of reasonable force when persuasion is not sufficient

Impartial enforcement of laws

The community are the police

Police should not usurp judicial powers

Rules of engagement impartially observed.

Reduction of crime and dishonor

Police discretion

1. Prevention of Crime and Disorder

The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder as an alternative to
the repression of crime and disorder by police force and severity of legal punishment.

2. Cooperation of the Community

a. The police must secure the willing cooperation in the voluntary observance of the law to be
able to secure and maintain the respect and support of the community.
b. The ability of the police to perform their duty is dependent upon the community support of
police existence, actions, behavior and the ability of the police to secure and maintain
community and respect.

3. Unreasonable Force Reduce Community Cooperation

A police officer will never employ unnecessary force or violence and will use only such force in
the discharge of duty as is reasonable in all circumstances.

Force should be used only with the greatest restraint only after discussion, negotiation and
persuasion have been found to be Inappropriate or ineffective While De se of force is occasionally
unavoidable, very police officer will refrain from applying the unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering
and will never engage in cruel, degrading or inhuman treatment of any person.

4. Use of Reasonable Force When Persuasion Is Not Sufficient

a. The police should use reasonable force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the
laws or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be
insufficient to attain police objectives.
b. No violence or unnecessary force shall not be subject to any greater restrain than is necessary
for his detention.

5. Impartial Enforcement of Laws

a. The police seek and preserve community favor, not by catering to community opinion. but
constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial enforcement of laws, without regard to the
justice and injustice of the substance of particular laws.
b. Impartial enforcement of laws on all individual members of the society without regard to
their rice or social standing.
6. The Community are the Police

a. The police at all times should maintain relationship with the community that gives really to
the historic tradition that the police are the community is the police.
b. The police are the only members of the community who are paid to give full time attention to
maintain peace and order which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of community

7. Police should not Usurp judicial Powers

The police should always direct their actions strictly toward their functions and never appear to
usurp the powers of judiciary by averaging individuals of the state of authoritative judging guilt or
punishing the guilt.

8. Reduction of Crime and Disorder

The test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and disorder until totally eradicated, not by
evidence of police present and action in dealing with the Community.

9. Rule of Enforcement impartially observed

a. Police Man engaged in anti-crime operation must always consider the safety and security who
might be that in the crossfire or arm encounters.
b. The use of force including firearms, is justifiable only by virtue of the Doctrine of Self Defense
and Defense of a Stranger Nobody, including the policeman and other law enforcement
authorities, is above the law.
c. The use of force, especially firms, should be applied only as a last resort, when all other
peaceful and nonviolent means has been exhausted.
d. The use of force, especially firearm, should be confined only in the lawless elements and the
responding PNP unit. This is inherent in the police service in which the profession, the
armaments and safety life of every PNP members are dedicated to the production and safety of
the people.

10. Police Discretion

A police officer will a responsibility the discretion vested in the position and exercise it within
the law The principle of reasonableness will guide the officer's determinations and the officer will
consider all surrounding circumstances whether any legal action shall be taken.

Consistent and use of direction, based on professional policing competence, will do much to
prone good relationship and retain the confidence of the public. There can be difficulty in choosing
between conflicting courses of action. It is important to remember that a timely word of advice rather
than arrest - which may be correct in appropriate circumstances - can be a more effective means of
achieving a desired end.

The police service is a noble professional and demand from its members specialized knowledge, skill and
high standard ethics and morality. In this regard, the member of the Philippine National Police must
adhere to and internalize the enduring core values of the PNP such as:

Love of God

Respect for authority

Respect for women

Respect for antity of marriage

Stewardship over material things

Responsible dominion



1. I believe in God the Supreme king a Great provider the Creator of All men and everything dear to me.

In return, I can do less than love Him above all, seek His guidance in the performance of my
duties and honor Him at all times.

2. Believe that respect of authority is a duty,

a. I believe and uphold the Constitution, the laws of the land and the applicable rules and regulations.
b. I recognize the legitimacy and authority of the leadership, and follow and obey legal orders of my
superior officer.

3. I believe in selfless love and service to people.

Toward this end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen over and above my personal

4. Believe in the sanctity of manage and the respect for women.

a. I shall set the example of decency and morality.

b. I shall have high regard for family life and chastity.

5. I believe in responsible dominion and stewardship over material things.

a. I shall inhibit myself from ostentatious display of my property.

b. I shall protect the environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance.

The deployment and employment of the PNP personnel require the organization and its members to
have their stand on the following are issues.

1. PNP Image

The image of any organization affects the esprit de corps, morale and welfare of members and
of pride to the organization. In view thereof, all members of the PNP should conduct themselves in
manner that would not place the PNP core values in vain and post the following virtue:








Loyalty to the service

2. Career Management the Key in Professionalism

The improper implementation will greatly prejudice the personnel professionalization process
regards procurement promotion assignment, placement training awards, and retirement To address the
flaws, and PNP shall formulate stringent policy and strictly implement the human resources
development system, compatible to the equitable distribution of procurement, fair promotion,
rationalized approach in assignment, skill development, immediate grant of reward and award, decent
living upon retirement.

3. Police Management Leadership

The effectiveness of the law is reflective of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial
capabilities and competent leadership of men and women who run PNP organization. It is therefore a
"must" that this attributes be the primary basis for consideration in the selection of personnel for
employment and deployment purpose.

4. Delicadeza

a. In consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP all members must have the
moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time-honored principles of delicadeza.
b. All members shall promptly discharge all debts and legal liabilities incurred by them.
5. Equality in the Service

There shall be judicious equitable distribution of opportunity to prove one's worth in the police
service. The problem of inequality thru class orientation and factionalism, both real and perceived,
précised on favored assignment, inequitable opportunity, of training, unfair granting of promotion, and
untimely awarding of achievements will create an atmosphere of demoralization.

The result is efficiency and lack of teamwork to the detriment of the organization. It behooves
therefore on the PNP leadership to address he situation. The civilian character requires the adherence
to the rule on merit and fitness system and to dissociate to the above process from class orientation and

6. Police Lifestyle

a. The PNP shall endeavor to promote lifestyle for every member of the organization that is acceptable
and respectable in the eyes of the public. Further, its members should set example to the subordinate
and follow good example from the superiors.
b. Police officers will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to their agencies or themselves. A
police officers character and conduct while of duty must always be exemplary, thus maintaining a
position of respect in the community in which he or she lives and serves. The officer's personal behavior
must be beyond reproach.
c. They must be free from greed, corruption and exploitation.
d. The public exports police officer to live a simple yet credible and dignified life.

7. Political patronage

All PNP members must inhibit themselves from soliciting political patronage in matters
pertaining to assignment awards, training and promotion.

8. Human Rights

All PNP members must respect and protect human dignity and men's inalienable rights to life
liberty and prosperity.

The Rights to life -

The right to life includes the right to live, free train social damages against life or limb, or free from
unjusticed control. Thus,

1. Any person under investigation for the commission of an offense has the right to inform of his
right to remain silent and have competent and independent counsel of his own choice. If the
person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be provided with one. These rights cannot
be waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel.
2. No torture force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means which vitiate the free will
shall be used against him.

3. Any confession or admission obtained in violation of due process shall be inadmissible in

evidence against himself.

4. The law shall provide for penal and civil sanction for violations of this section as well as
compensation to and rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar practices, and their families
(Art Ill, Section 12 of 1987 Const.)

The Right to Liberty -

The right to liberty includes the right to determine one's mode of life with due respect to the
night of others Liberty, so it said, consists largely of freedom from arbitrary physical restrain Thus,

1. No law shall be passed abridging he freedom of speech, of expression, of the press, or the
right of the people peaceably to assemble and partition the government for redress of
grievances (Art. III, Section 4 of 1987 Const.)

2. The tiny of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law shall net be
impaired except upon the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of security public
safety or public health, as any provided by law. (Art. III, Section 6 of 1987 Const.)

The Right In Property -

The right to property includes the tight to acquire, bold, enjoy, possess and manage property or
to dispose the same accordingly as well as to devote the same to legitimate use Thus,

1. The right of the people to be secured in their persons, houses, papers and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable,
and a search warrant of arrest shall sued except upon probable cause to be determine
personally by the judge after examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
witnesses be may produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person
or thing to be seized (Art. III Sec. 2 of 1987 Const.)

All members of the PNP shall observe the following professional police conduct:

1. Commitment to Democracy

a. Uniform PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life and value and
maintain the principles of public accountability

b. Public office is a public trust. Public officer must at all times be accountable to the people
serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency, act with patriotism and
justice, and lead modest lives.

c. They shall at all times uphold the constitution and be loyal to our country, people and
organization above loyalty to any person or organization.

2. Commitment to Public Interest

a. PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and above personal interest.

b. All government properties, resources and powers of their respective offices must be
employed and used effectively, honestly and efficiency, particularly to avoid wastage of public
fund and revenues.

3. Non-Partisanship

PNP members: shall provide service to everyone without discrimination regardless of party
affiliation m accordance with existing laws and regulations.

PNP Conduct during Labor Dispute

1. The involvement of PNP during strike, lockout, and labor dispute in general shall limited to the
maintain of peace and order, enforcement of laws and legal orders of duly constituted authorities.

a. Insofar as practicable, no PNP personnel shall be allowed to render services in connection

with a strike or lockout if he is related by affinity or consanguinity within the fourth civil degree
to any official/leader of the parties in controversy or luas any fair isle or pecuniary interest

b. PNP personnel detailed as peace keeping force in strike or lockout areas shall be in
uniformed, with proper name cloth at all times.

c. He shall observe strict neutrality in his dealing with both parties to the controversy bearing in
mind that the parties to the labor dispute are not his adversaries but his partners in the quest
for industrial peace and human dignity.
d. No personal escort shall be provided to any of the parties to the controversy unless so
directed by the competent authority. Whenever escort are to be provided to any of the party,
the other party shall be informed accordingly All escorts shall be in proper uniform and name
cloth at all times.

e. During pendency of a strike lockout, the PNP personnel concerned are discouraged from
socializing with any of the parties involved in the controversy These personnel shall not under
any protect, accept an invitation from management personnel or union officials personnel
involved in the controversy.

f. The peace keeping detail shall not be stationed in the picket (or confrontation line) but should
stationed such that their presence may deter the commission of criminal acts from either side
The members of peace keeping detail shall maintain themselves outside a S0 meter radius from
the picket line, except, if the 50 meter radius include public thoroughfare, they may station
themselves in such public thoroughfare for the purpose of inuring the free flow of traffic.

4. Physical Fitness and Health

All PNP members shall strive to be physically fit and in good health at all times. Toward this end,
they shall undergo regular exercise and annual medical examination in any PNP hospital or medical

5. Secrecy Discipline

All PNP members shall guard the confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized
disclosure, including confidential aspect of official business special orders, communication and other
documents, roster or any portion thereof of the PNP, contents of criminal records, identities of person
who may have given information to the police in confidence and other classified information on
intelligence materials

a. Official Business

Members of the PNP shall treat official business confidential and shall not impart the same to
anyone except those for whom it is intended, or as directed by their superior officer, or as required by

b. Special Order

PNP members shall not divulge to any unauthorized person any special order of classified
document which they may be made accessible to er may receive or may pass their hand.
c. Roster

PNP members shall not divulge the roster or any portion thereof to any individual, firm or
corporation, or similar entity.

d. Criminal Record

Contents of criminal record shall not be exhibited or divulge any person other than duly
authorized police officers or upon approval of their superior officers, or as required by law.

e. Identify of Person

PNP members shall respect the confidence of persons who may have given information or seek
the aid of the police voluntarily and exclusively by then and who request that their names and business
or addresses be not made public except when required by law, or which it is absolutely necessary in the
performance of duty.

6. Social Awareness

All PNP members and their immediate family members shall be encouraged tn actively get
involved in the religious veil and civic activities to enhance the image of the organization but without
affecting their official duties

7. Proper Care and Use of Public Property

a. All PNP members shall be responsible for the security, proper care and use of public property
issued to them and/or deposited under their care and custody, unauthorized used of public
property for personal convenience or gain and that of their family friends, relatives is strictly

b. Retiring, resigning. or dismissed members of the PNP shall immediately surrender their
badges, service firearms, identification cards, other insignia of office, and other property of the
PNP which may be in their possession or under their responsibility

c. All covered property these used in the commission of crime or alleged to be sip, properly
legally seized, found it surrendered and those found on the person of a prisoner shall be
property tagged and immediately delivered to the proper custodian for disposition.

8. Non-Solicitation of Patronage

a. All PNP members seeking self-improvement through career development und shall not
directly or indirectly solicit influence of recommendation from politician, high ranking
government officials prominent citizens, persons affiliated with civic or religious organization
with regard to their assignment, promotion, transfer or related advantage.

b. Shall not initiate a petition to be prepared and presented by citizen in their behalf
c. Moreover, they shall advise immediate relatives not to interfere in their activities in the police
service, particularly in the assignment and re-assignment of personnel.

d. Members of the PNP shall not, at any time, suggest, solicit or recommend to any party or
accused with pending case, the employment of any particular bondsman or counsel for his
defense or release.

9. Respect for Human Rights

a. In the performance of duty, PNP members shall respect human dignity and uphold human
rights of all persons.

b. He shall not inflict, investigate, or tolerate extra judicial killing. Arbitrary arrest, any act of
torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment and punishment.

c. He shall not invoke superior order or exceptional circumstances such as state of war, a threat
to national security, internal political instability or any committing such human rights violations

10. Devotion to Duty

a. All PNP members shall perform their duties with dedication, efficiency, enthusiasm,
determination and manifest concerned for public welfare.

b. He shall refrain from engaging in any activity which shall be in conflict with their duties as
public servant.

c. He shall not reign sickness or injury of physical incapacity to avoid performance of duty.

11. Conservation of Natural Resources

All members of the PNP shall help in the development and conservation of our natural resources
for ecological balance and posterity, as those are the inalienable heritage of our people.

Define Pollution -

Means any alteration of the physical chemical and biological properties of any water. air/land
resources of the Philippines, or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid wastes as will or is
likely to create or to render centrimentol or injurious to public health, safety or welfare of which will
adversely affect their utilization for domestic, commercial, industrial, agriculture, recreational or other
legitimate purposes.

Prohibited Acts -

a. It shall be unlawful for any owner or operator of a motor vehicle to allow it to discharge air
pollutions at levels greater than acceptable pollutant concentration standards prescribed by the
National Pollution Control Commission with respect to the class of motor vehicles to which said
motor vehicle belongs.
b. The owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall not use his vehicle or cause or allow it to be
used unless such motor vehicle meets the established omission standards.

c. Any person, who shall litter or throw garbage, filth, other matters in public places, such as
roads, canal esteros or parks, shall suffer an imprisonment of not less than five (5) days no more
than one (1) year or a fine of not less than P100.00 nor more than P200.00 or both such
fine/imprisonment at the discretion of the Court.

d. It shall be unlawful for any person, who directly or indirectly cuts, gathers, removes or
smuggles timber, of other forest product, either from any of the public forest, forest reserves
and other kinds of public forest.

12. Discipline

PNP members shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and regulation of
the organization.

Tenents of Discipline
All policemen at all levels shall adhere to the eight tenents of discipline, which include the following:

a. One of the first signs of discipline is the stage of orderliness and cleanliness of the policeman's
place of work if a police station is unkept, people cannot expect the kind of positive respond to
their need.

b. All police actions must be characterized by courtesy and discipline.

c. All objectives of the PNP must always time for the public interest and not private interest. The
people must feel that they are welcome to approach any merger of the PNP for assistance.

d. All citizens must be treated with dignity and respect.

e. All police action must be in accordance with the law. Respect for human rights and other laws
of the land must be primordial court in the exercise of police duties.

f. Basic police service must be rendered equitably. For all citizens and must not given in change
for any favor, reward or condition.

g. Involvement of police personnel in syndicated crime particularly illegal gambling must not be

h. There is no substitute for leadership by example Police Commanders as model of public

service, must show proper behavior not only to their subordinates but also to the people

13. Loyalty

PNP members must be loyal to the constitution and the police service as manifested by their
loyalty to the superior, peers and subordinate as well.
14. Ordinance to Superior

a. PNP members shall obey lawful orders and to be courteous to superior officers and other
appropriate authorities within the chain of command.

b. No member shall use abusive, insulting or indecent language to another member.

15. Command Responsibility

a. In accordance with the Doctrine of Command Responsibility, immediate commanders shall be

responsible for the effective supervision, control and direction of their personnel.

b. He shall see to it that all government resource with the laws and regulations and safeguards
against losses thru illegal of improper disposition.




WHEREAS, and effective management and control of an organization by the supervisor is critical
in ensuring response delivery of services by the government, especially in police matters;

WHEREAS, supervisor/commander is duty bound and, as such, is expected to closely monitor

supervise, direct, coordinate, and control the overall activities of the subordinates within his area of
Jurisdiction and must be held equally administratively accountable for any misconduct, abuse of
authority, or criminal offers committed by his subordinates;

WHEREAS in order to ensure a more effective, sustained and successful campaign against erring
government personnel it is imperative that the doctrine of “command responsibility” be institutionalized
and strictly applied in all government offices and at all levels of command in the PNP and other law
enforcement agencies.

NOW THEREFORE, I, FIDEL V RAMOS, President of the Republic of the Philippines by virtue of the
powers vested in ns by law, do hereby order:

SECTION 1. Neglect of Duty Under the Doctrine of "Command Responsibility". Any government official
or supervisor of offer of the Philippine National Police or that of any other law enforcement agency shall
be held account table for neglect of duty under the doctrine of command Responsibility if he has
knowledge that a crime offence stall be committed, is being committed, or has be committed by his
subordinates, or by other within his area of responsibility and, despite such knowledge, he did not take
proven the or corrective action either before, during or immediately after its Commission.
SECTION 2. Presumption of Knowledge. A government official supervisor, or PNP commander, is
presumed to have knowledge of the commission of minorities or criminal offenses in any of the
following circumstances.

a. When the irregularities of illegal acts widespread within his arca of jurisdiction;

b. When the irregularities or illegal acti have been repeated or regularly committed within his
area of responsibility, or

c. When members of his immediate for office personnel are involved.

SECTION 3. Implementing Rules and Regulations. The National Police Commission NAPOLCOM in
coordination with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) shall promulgate the necessary rules and
regulations of this Executive Order within thirty (30) days after the issuance thereof.

SECTION 4. Administrative Liability. Any violation of this Executive Order by any government official
supervisor officer of the INP and that of any-law enforcement agency shall be held accountable for
violation of existing laws, rules and regulations.


All PNP members shall observe the police ethical standards, which pertain to established and
generally accepted moral values and ethical act such as the following:

1. Morality

a. All PNP members shall adhere to high standard of morality and decency and shall set food example
for others to follow.

b. Hence, among others, and in no instance during their terms of office shall they he involved as owner,
operators, manager or investor in any house of ill refuel or illegal gambling den or other places devoted
to vice or;

c. Shall they patronize such places unless on officials duty, and not tolerate operation of such
establishment in their prospective areas of responsibility,

d. They shall be faithful to their lawfully wedded spouse.

2. Judicious Use of Authority

a. All PNP members shall exercise proper legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty.

b. No PNP members shall be permitted to apply for such warrant for any evidence of assault against
himself without reporting the case in writing to his superior officer and obtaining from his permission to
apply for such warrant.

c. In no case shall any aggrieved PNP member be permitted to serve such warrant.
Law of the Jungle

A PNP member, who happens to be a victim of assault upon himself in his capacity as an agent
of a person in authority, cannot take the law into his own hands Such being the case, he has to ask
police assistance to apply for a search warrant and serve such warrant, as any other citizen would
ordinarily do if ever he is a victim or a complainant of any act punishable by law.

The basic foundation of the rule is based on the fact that society could not exist in a group of
people who are living in a territory unless they govern themselves by rules and regulations, because if
they were not Law of the Jungle will prevail.

The term Law of the Jungle is derived from the word jungle". Itself because in the jungle, in order that
the King of the Jungle", the lion could continue to live or exist, it has to kill its fellow creatures and/or
use them for food But man is higher than animals. He is wise and uses his power to think unlike animals
that arc only government by their instinct.

3. Justice

PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of other so that they can fulfill their
duties and exercise their rights a human beings, parents children, citizens workers, leaders, or in ether
capacities and to sec to ensure that others do likewise.

4. Humility

a. All PNP members shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the master of the
people and toward this end; they should perform their duties without arrogance.

b. They should also recognize their own inadequacies, inabilities and limitations as individuals and
perform their duties without attracting attention or expecting the applause of others.

5. Orderliness

All PNP members follow logical procedure in accomplishing task assigned to them to minimize
waste in the use of time. money and efforts.

6. Perseverance

Once a decision is made all PNP members shall take legitimate means to achieve the goal even
in the face of internal or external difficulties, and despite of anything which might weaken their resolve
in the course of time.

7. Integrity

PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest practices in
accordance with the provision of existing laws on corrupt practices.
The PNP adopts the generally acceptable customs and traditions base on the desirable practices of the
police. These shall serve as inspiration as the PNP endeavor to attain its goal and objectives.


The following are customs and courtesies in the PNP:

1. Courtesy - A manifestation or expression of corderon and respect on others

2. Salute - Is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon and recognizing person
entitled to salute.

3. Salute to National Color and Standard -

PNP members stand at attention and salute the national color and standard as it pass by them
or when the national color is raised or lowered during ceremony

4. Address/ Title - Junior in rank address senior members who are entitled to salute with the word "Sir"

5. Courtesy Calls
The following are the customs on courtesy calls:

a. Courtesy call of newly assigned appointed members

PNP members who are newly appointed or assigned in a unit or command, call on the Chief of
the Unit or command and to other key personnel for accounting, orientation and other purposes.

b. New year's call

PNP members pay a new year's call on their commanders and/or key official in their respective
area of responsibility.

c. Promotion Call

Newly promoted PNP members call on their unit-head. On this occasion, they are usually given
during recognition and congratulations by their peers for such deserved accomplish.

d. Exit Call

PNP members rays an exist call on their superiors in the unit or command when relieve of
resigned out of the said unit or command.

6. Courtesy of the Post

The host unit extends hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to the command or unit.
Rank has its own Privilege

PNP members recognize the practice that different rank carry with them corresponding

Police Custom on Ceremonies

Ceremony - A formal act or set of format acts established by custom or authority as proper to special

1. Flag Raising Ceremony

PNP members honor the flag by raising it and singing the National Anthem before the
start of the official day's work for the week.

2. Flag Retreat Ceremony

At the end of the Official days’ work to PNP members pause for a moment to salute the
lowering of the flag.

3. Half-mast

The flag is raised at haft-mast is difference to deceased uniform/civilian member of the


4. Funeral Service and Horror

Departed uniformed members, retires war veterans are given vigil, necrological services
and wayside honor as a gesture of farewell.

5. Ceremony Rendered to Retirees

In recognition of their long faithful and honorable service to the PNP. a testimonial
activity is tendered in their honor.

6. Honor Ceremony

Arrival and departure f or ceremonies are tendered to visiting dignitaries VIPs PNP
Officers with the pride of Chief Superintendent and above and AFP Officers of equivalent grade.

7. Turn-over Ceremony

The relinquishment and assumption of command key position is publicly announced in a

Turn-Over Ceremony by the incoming-outgoing officers in the presence of the immediate
superior or his representative and key officials.

8. Wedding Ceremony
During marriage of PNP members a ceremony is conducted with participants in uniform
and sword drawn.

9. Anniversary

The birth or institutional establishment of a command or unit is commemorated in an

Anniversary Ceremony.

Police Tradition
Tradition - Is a body of belief, stories, customs and usages handed down from generation to generation
with the effect of an unwritten law.

The following are police traditions:

1. Spiritual Beliefs

The PNP members are traditionally religious and god loving person. They attend
religious service together with their family.

2. Valor

History attests that Filipina law-enforcers have exemplified the tradition of valor in
defending the country from aggression and oppression. They sacrifice their limbs and lives for
their countrymen they are pledged to serve.

3. Discipline

The discipline of INP members manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders and
thorough and spontaneous actions within the bounds of ethical and legal norms.

4. Gentlemanliness

PNP members are upright in character, polite in manners, dignified in practice, and
sincere in their concern or their fellowmen.

5. Word of Honor

PNP members' word is their hand they stand by and commit to uphold it. PNP members
have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants who perform their duty
with deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.

6. Loyalty

Police are traditionally loyal to the organization country people as borned-out by history
and practice.

7. Camaraderie
The binding spirit that chance teamwork and cooperation in the police organization
extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNP members deep commitment and
concern for one another.

Police Custom and Social Decorum

A set of norms and standards of practice members during social and other functions. The
following are police customs and social decorum.

1. Proper Attire -

PNP members always wear appropriate and proper attire in conformity with the

2. Table Manner –

PNP members observe table etiquette at all times.

3. Social Grace -

PNP members conduct themselves properly in dealing with the people during social

4. Uniform/Appearance

The public looks upon PNP members as distinctively decent when PNP members wear
their uniforms properly wherever they may be. Since disciplined PNP members are best
exemplified by those whose are neat appearance and wearing the prescribed uniform, they mut
thereof observe the following:

Wearing the prescribed uniform

Wearing put of the uniform awards and decorations earned in accordance with the prescribed
rules and regulations.

Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules and regulation.

5. Manner of Walking - Every PNP member expected to walk with pride and dignity.


The following are other police custom:

1. Visit the Sick

PNP members who are in the hospital, their residence or any place of confinement are
visited by their immediate commanders or other available officers of the unit in order that their
needs are attended to.
2. Survivor Assistance to Heirs of Deceased Members

When PNP members die survivor officer is designated to render maximum assistance to
their legitimate bereaved gears until all benefits due shall have been received.

3. Visiting Religious leader

PNP member officers visiting a religious leader in their area of assignment establish or
maintain rapport and cooperation between the different religious leaders and PNP.

4. Athletics

All PNP members undergo in physical fitness activities to insure their proper physical
appearance and bearing we maintain with the waist line measurement always smaller than the
size of his chest and in conformity with the Standard set forth by the organization.

5. Happy Hours

Usually on Friday or any other day suitable for the occasion. PNP members gather a PNP
Clubhouse for a lighthearted jesting or airing of minor gripes


1. I will and serve God, my country and people.
2. I will uphold the Constitution and obey legal orders of duly constituted authorities.
3. I will oblige myself to maintain high standard of morality.
4. I will respect the customs and traditions of the police service.
5. I will live a decent and virtuous life to serve as an example.








The Philippine National Police is an organization is a part of the community it serves. The policeman
shall concern himself on maintaining a meaningful relation with the community. In his daily activities he
is guided constantly by strong sense of responsibility, courtesy and sincerity. Good service often a
matter of how a person presents himself to the public Courtesy, however, must be coupled with
firmness in order to command respect.

Community relation es like a three legged stool, each leg of an equal importance in holding the stool
upright. One leg is public relations traditional sense. Another leg is community service. The third leg is
community participation, and this is the facet of the total community relation job that is being
emphasized today in police and community relations program.

In effect it moves an inter-professional or framework approach to a wide number and various of

community problems in which the police and other social institutions have common stake. Stated
otherwise, we leam from one another as we develop respect for those who are in the some ways
different from ourselves.

This suggests that problem solving can be an exciting educational experience. It involves the idea of a
police officer as a community leader, profoundly engaged in the preventive policing that is the
metabolism of effective police and community relations as distinguished from tactical policing,
concerned only with what is to be done after the fact of a riot or major disorder. It is to who portray the
police officer as "professional citizen", gradually to rid the police officer of what been called the PARIAH

Definition of Terms.

Police - Is a group of persons established, maintained and organized for keeping onder safety,
protection of lives and parties and for prevention and detection of crimes.

Community - Refers to the civilian populace in cities, municipalities or public in general and shall he
used interchangeably with public, citizenry, society, or private sector.

Police ideals - Is the expected essence of perfection, sympathetic, courteous, intelligent, honest. and in
control of his emotions and temper, at all times. It is also includes courage and highest sense of
dedication to duty.
Personal Media - Implies the use of rallies, meetings, speeches and house-to-house visits to the

Mass media - Implies the use of radio, television and motion pictures in transmitting information to the

Barangay - Is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements the policies of the national
and local goverments

Propaganda - Defined as the planned use of public or mass communication for public purpose.

Polics Community Relation - Is the sum total of dealings between the police and the people it serve and
whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for the greatest possible efficiency in the service.

Philosophy of Law Enforcement

1. The primary object of an efficient police office is the prevention of crime, the next, that of duction
and punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To this ends all the efforts of the police must be

2. The protection of life and properties, the preservation of public tranquility, and the absence of will
alone proven whether those effort have been successful, and whether the objects for ich the police
were appointed have been maintained.

3. Every member of the police force murt remember that his duty is to protect and help members of the
community, no less than to apprehend guiity persons.

4. Consequently, while prompt to prevent crime and arrest criminals, he must consider himself as a
servant and guardian of the community and treat all law-abiding citizens, irrespective of their social
position with unfailing patience and courtesy.

5. The police officer in this way, secures the object he has planned is a more useful police officer than his
comrade who relying too much on the assertion to his authority, runs the risk of seeing that authority
challenged, and possibly, for the tirne being, overborned.

6. If persuasion prove: unavailing, a resort to ferce may become necessary, as it is imperative that a
police officer on being required to take action shall act with the firmness necessary to render his action

Objectives of Police Community Relations

The following are the main objectives of community relation from the viewpoint of law enforcement
and community safety.

1. To maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of the community for the police.
2 To obtain cooperation and assistance

3 To deve public usderstanding and support and appreciation for the service of the police.

4 To create broader understanding and sympathy with the problems and needs of the police.

5. To facilitate law enforcement and compliance.

6 To build public opinion in favor of the police

7 To achieve the police purpose of preserving the peace, protection of pervation of crime

Internalizing Community Relations

1. Making entire departments do what police-community relations do now. Special programs would
remain the responsibility of the units just as other units in police agencies also have special
responsibilities. Although support for programis needs to be broadly based, it would be inefficient to
have specializing in all programs.

2. Weakening law enforcement viewing crime as a social problem does not imply that crime control
would be "soft". Actually, police might become more strongly dedicated to crime control than they are
now, and possibly become more effective in that task.

3 Close involvement with partisan politics mobilizing support for police-community relations by sale,
country, and community levels may involve working with "political" figures and organizations, but it is a
position that is not partisan, conservative, or liberal. It is a method for doing police work that considers
the distribution of political forces in any community and seek the cooperation of all.

4 "Bending to community pressures clearly, this is a danger in the face of conflicting demands, but risks
can be contained provided that responsiveness to community needs and demands is not erected as
bargaining away the police mandate. Because openness is reciprocal, the risk can become an
opportunity for citizens to understand and respect the police mandate in society.

5. Turning police officers into social workers Social interactions is a critical part of police work, and
police perform social work" are develop, maintain, and strengthen the social welfare system so that it
can meet basic human needs; to assure adequate standards of subsistence health and welfare for all; to
enable people function optimally within their social institutional structure of society Police also are
involved in such a function as part of the overall mission of a service organization, dedicated to keeping
the peace, defending the rights of the people, and enforcing the laws. The common interests are
apparent, but the professional specialty and the context within which each function inay vary Improving
police-community relations in all aspects of police work will allow officers to be more effective public
servants while exercising their full range of proper police duties and service responsibilities.
What the Concept Does Mean

1 Reviving the ideas of the people's police. This is the basic notion on which modern, urban police
departments were founded Needs for police service must be determined on the basis of ongoing
communication between the people and the police.

2. A more ressoned for police work. Police officers usually operate with a repertoire of responses
determined by penal codes, municipal ordinances, and demands of the often recurrent types of
situations and mergencies with which they deal. The police-community relations concept encourages
police to deal with complex problems in complex ways, going beyond traditional constraints and
procedures where necessary,

3 A deeper, more comprehensive interest in human life. To some, this phrase may sound sentimental,
and to others, unnecessary, because many effective police officers now operate with bumanity and
compassion. Still many police officers do not find it improper to adopt cynical attudes toward human
life. The police-community relations approach by contrast, stress that police are both entitled and
required to take an interest in and help to resolve human problems

4 An acceptance of the view that "relations" is a process not a product. It is vital, ongoing, and
constantly changing It requires mutual respect and mutual exchange and cannot be compartmentalized
if it is to be effective.


The basic ingredients in the effective observance of police community relation include the


Public Information Program

Designed to bridge any communication gap between the police and public.

Public Relation Program

Designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between the police and the community.

Civic Action Program

Designed to maintain and encourage community development.

Psychological Program

Designed to condition both friendly and hostile public thereby insuring facilitating the attainment
of police objectives.

Public Information Program

Every PNP unit is expected to conduct and develop a good workable public information program
and this is the basic among the first four programs of community relation.

Duties of Public Information Officer

The following are the duties of Public Information Officer

1. He must keep well informed so that he will understand and appreciate the complexities of police work
and the good service the police renders to the community

2 He must be informed the greatest number of the police in the community shall benefit as much as
possible, by using mass and personal media.

Mass media includes printed matters and audiovisual communications. In the cities and the
suburbs, printed matters and audio-visual communications are more effective because of big
population which is compose mostly of literate and sophisticated individuals. Moreover, the
facilities for such purpose are readily.

a.a. Printed matters include all information disseminated and printed in the graphic from such as.
•Leallets Newspaper •Posters Banners •Book Letters •Signs Magazine

b.b. Audio-visual communication refers to the use of;

•Radio, •television and motion picture conveying/transmitting information to the public.

b. Personal media consist of face-to-face communications like rallies, meetings and horse-to-house
visits. Public rallies may be conducted by qualified PNP members where they can speak on matters
pertaining to the police that the public should know or be concerned with

Activities Implemented by Public Infortaation Officer

The following are the activities implemented by Public Information Officer:

Conduct of barangay tanod seminars

Conduct of harangays and informed the barangay officials regarding trends. and other police
community problems

Police station commanders assign a place in police station for barangay. Leaders so that they can
work together and provide coordination.

Produce and distribute brechures, advising the people on how to protect themselves in their
homes and premises.
Conduct environmental sanitation seminars.

Conduct troop information or an educational and historical lectures in all

units offices police district. Police officers deliver lectures and public appearance to hear civic
group and civic organizations.

Discuss with high school students and parents/teachers association about drug abuse
prevention control.

Conduct cleanliness, saturation or information drive where notices of such deficiencies are

Established police counseling centers in zones/barangays to provide advise to barangay leaders

on crime prevention and control.

Public Relation Program

Every PNP units from station level up, shall have a Public Relation Officer to look after the public relation
aspect of police work. The mission of Public Relation Officer is to gain public pon for police policies and
to win citizens cooperation's in the program and procedure of the police station in order to facilitate the
accomplishment police task.

Duties of Public Relation Officer

The following are the duties of Public Relation Officer.

He shall issue press releases frora time to time regarding police activities which are of public

He shall evolve and conduct public rotation program to promote better and closer relations
between the police and the community.

He shall build good image through actual commendable performance, without inefficiency and

He shall evaluate public opinion and attitude with respect to the policies methods, personnel of
the police station.

He shall plan and carry out prograins aimed at keeping the public informed on police activities.

Activities Implemented by Public Relation Officer

The following are the activities implemented by Public Relations Officer.

Conduci face-to-face communications including dialogue with the public

Attend social cultural activities of the barangay, such as birthdays, weddings, baptismal parties,
wake and others.

Attend multi-sectoral ugnayans, which include religious sects, schools, barangays, civic
organization and governinental agencies.

Sending letters of appreciation to citizens who assist the police in their work.

Conduct first aid and traffic safety education.

Promotion of manpower developinent for out of school youth.

Sponsorship of youth athletic activities.

Assist immediate in settling disputes at barangay level.

Psychological Operation program

This program is designed to influence the opinions, emotions, attitude and behavior of the community
so that they will behave in a raanner beneficial to the police particularly the PNP in general, either
directly or indirectly.

It will condition the citizenry to adhere to the laws of the land and dissuade them in commining crime.
These may be in spoken, written, pictorial or musical form.

There may be information, idens, doctrine or special appeal disseminated to influence the opinion,
emotions, attitudes or behavior of specified group. It may through the publication of timely leaflets,
pamphlets, slogan, billboards, and other media designed to improve not only the PNP image but also
individual members of the force

PNP personnel are in good position to conduct psychological operation because of their direct contact
with the people in their respective area. The police units in the provinces know the ideological temper
and peculiarities, including the susceptibilities of the people in the localities.

Psychological assigned in the psychological operation program should be equipped with hasic
knowledge on psychological principles and must devote time for heart to heart" talk or dialogue with
the people, particularly the youth.

Duties of Police Officer Assigned in Psychological Operation Program

The following are the duties of police officer assigned in psychological operations:
He shall strive to mold the youth into useful and law abiding citizens, thereby minimizing their
chances to engage in the criminal activities and preventing them from being influenced by the
misguided elements of society.

He shall be adequately prepared to articulate on the gains achieved by the government in

formal or informal gatherings so that they may develop unity and cooperation among people
and neutralize any smear campaign being wage by the elements hostile to our government.

He shall develop an attitude of deep concern for the individuals in his area of operation instead
of being indifferent to their problems.

He shall be instrumental in the development of civic mindedness among the criminal offenders
under his custody by providing examples why crime does not pay

Activities Implemented by Psychological Operation Program

The following are the activities implemented by psychological officer:

Conduct seminars for barangay officials, police civic relation officers, school officials to enable
them to understand home defense activities.

Promote seminars among barangay leaders regarding community relation activities.

Identify income generating projects/activities.

Civic Action Program

The Civic Action Program an activity that makes the policeman a friend and partner of the people for
progress as well as their defender. It can range upward from basic individual acts of courtesy of self-
help, up to major engineering projects. The Civic Action Program shall be concerned with public welfare
consistent with law enforcement duties.

As a law enforcer, he should also be involved in the development and promotion of program and
projects that would enhance the public image of the police not only as the guardian of the peace but
also initiator of meaningful activities on promoting the social and economic interest of the community.

Duties of Civic Action Officer

The following are the duties of Civic Action Officer:

He shall encourage and actively participate in athletic competitive in promote youth

development by wisely coordinating with the social elements of the populace.
He shall initiate if necessary, fund raising campaigns for juvenile delinquents, who are being

He shall be alert to safeguard the community against loss and damages properties and possible
death, in the events of calamity.

He shall render every possible assistance, especially to the menfolk in enabling them to obtain
the means of productive endeavors and discourage them from loitering in the street, or
engaging uneconomic activities such as illegal gambling and others.

Whoever, feasible, he shall promote and actively participate in the establishment of tree
medical and dental civic action with special attention to the community.

Activities Implemented by Civic Action Officer

The following are the activities of Civic Action Officer

Conduct of free reflexology programs

Assist Philippine National Red Cross on blood donation campaign by exerting extra effort in
appealing to barangay officials.

Conduct free medical and dental civil action in the community.

Conduct free deforming of affected children in depressed areas.

Assisting the citizens in case of transportation strike and other similar cause.

Develop and maintain cleanliness and beautification of surroundings.

Attend to backyard gardening, tree planting and greening projects.

Teach-ins, Live-ins and Barangay

To demonstrate the sincerity and concern of the PNP for the welfare of the people in the community,
and to make it's Psychological Program effective it may be necessary for appropriate members of the
PNP to conduct "teach-ins and live-ins" within the community. These are particularly effective in the
rural areas but should practiced sparingly in the cities.


Members of the PNP assigned to conduct Psychological Operations may gather small poups of residents,
including persons of influence in the community and give lectures or engage the group in formal
conversation. Individuals conducting the teach-in strive to become intimate with the group to identify
their personal problems and offer sincere suggestions on how to solve them, but always with the
support the police mission of eradicating crime and lawlessness.
The lectures and conversations should take several hours and much as possible extend up to nime. At
the termination of much of the teach-ins, the police conducting the same expect to personal friendship
and high credibility among the citizens in the community. These vities may be repeated in as many
communities as are necessary, with priority for places where dhe police finds big obstacles in the
accomplishment of its enforcement mission.

Live in

The live-in is detailed and more extensive version of the tech-ins. Policeman assigned to conduct live-in
should preferably be a long time resident, if not native-born citizen of the place where the live-in is

The same techniques employed in tech-ins may be used in the conduct of live-ins but resident of known
probability and good reputation as a lav. abiding citizens. for at least two days defending upon the
evaluation of the situation of the conductor.

In this activity it is necessary for the conductor to bring his own food and not be a burden to the family
with which he will live. He may help in the daily chores such as chopping firewood, fetching water at
accompanying the folks to church, social gathering during the live-in.

The conductor of the live-in may go to the extent where and when advisable, donating medicines from
the PNP stocks and performing first aid. He should look into the most urgent problems of the family with
whom he is conducting the live-ins in order to find out what assistance be could extend. The assistance
may have to take the form of a donation of vegetable seeds to the family, helping write letter to
relatives, bank, or official of the local/national government to expedite monetary claim and others.
Whatever be the problems of the family, the conductor of the live-ins seeks to see how he can help gain
the best support with the family and eventual support to the police

The conductor of live-ins should as much as possible, involve members of neighboring families and
others who wish to join, during the informal talks or family circle gathering.


•The conductor is looking for gravest personal problems of individual or group.

•The conductor will not stay the house of the subject.

• The conductor is not a long time resident of the community.

•The conductor will take several hours and as much as possible extend up to night time.
(Compared to)


•The conductor is looking for the urgent problem of the family.

•The conduct will stay in the house of the subject.

•The conductor must have a long time resident in the community.

•The conductor will take at least two days depending upon the evaluation.

The Barangay

The Barangay is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements policies of national and
local governments Next to family circle, it is necessary to involve the Barangay Chairman and the
menibers of the Barangay Council in the group with whom the teach-ins or live ins is conducted

The Barangay Chairman, Barrio Captain, Barangay Leader and Barangay Council members shall, within
their respective districts or barrios, assist the regular police agencies in the maintain of peace and order.
For this purpose, such Barangay or Barrio Officials, in addition to their other functions, discharge or
perform the following responsibilities and duties.

To report immediately to the law enforcement/police authorities concerned, the occurrence, of

crime, accidens, public disturbance or public nuisance of which he has personal knowledge or
which may brought to his attention.

To report immediately to the law enforcement/authorities presence of any known criminal or

suspicious character in his jurisdiction

To conduct surveillance on suspicious activities or groups within his District or Barrio and to
report immediately to the police authorities any positive findings or information gathered.

To conduct surveillance of crime-breeding areas in the Barangay and report his observation to
the law enforcement/police authorities.

To assist law enforcement/police authorities in tracing the whereabouts of missing persons,

arresting escape prisoners and other fugitives from justice and recovering stolen properties and
confiscating contrabands.

To assist law enforcement/police authorities and other competent authorities in the service or
the execution of warrants and other judicial process.
To coordinate closely with and actively assist law enforcement/police authorities in the drives
against all forms of vice, smuggling, carnapping, drug addiction, juvenile delinquency, violation
of special laws and all other forms of lawlessness,


Role of Barangay

As the basic unit of government, the barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of
state policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in the community, and as forum wherein the
collective view of the people are expresses, crystallized and considered, and where dispute may be
amicably settled.

Subject Matter for Amicable Settlement Exception Therein

The Lupon of each barangay shall have the authority to bring together the parties actually residing in the
same City Municipality for amicable settlement of all disputes except:

Where one party is the government or any subdivision or instrumentality thereof.

Where one party is a public officer or employee and the dispute relates to the performance of
his official functions.

Offenses punishable by imprisonment exceeding one (1) year or a fine exceedingfive thousand
pesos (P5, 000,00).

Offenses there is no private offended party,

Where the dispute involv real properties located in the different cities or municipalities unless
the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to amiable settlement by an appropriate

Disputes involving parties who actually reside in the barangay of different cities or
municipalities, except where such barangay units adjoin each other and the parties thereto
agree to submit their differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate lupon.

Such other disputes which the president may determine in the interest of Justice or non
recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.


Dispute between persons actually residing in the same barangay shall be brought for amicable
settlement before the upon of sold barangay.
Those involving actual residents of different barangay within the same city or municipality shall
be brought in the respondents actually resides, at the election of the complainants;

All disputes involving real property or any interest therein shall be brought in the All barangay
where the real property or the larger portion thereof is situated, and.

Those arising at the work place where the centending parties are employed or at the institution
where such parties are enrolled for study shall be brought in the barangay where such
workplace or institution is located.

Objection to venue shall be raised in the mediation proceeding before the punong barangay. otherwise
the same shall be deemed waved Any legal question which may confront the punong harangay in
resolving objections to venue herein referred to may be submitted to the Secretary of Justice or his duly
designated representative whose ruling thereon shall be binding


A. Pre-condition to filling of coraplainant in Court

No complaint, petition, action, or proceeding involving any matter within the authority of the lupon shall
be filed or instituted directly in the court or any government office for adjudication, unless there has
been a confrontation between the parties before the lupon chairman or the pangkat and that no
reconciliation or settlement has been reached as certified by the lupon secretary as attested to by the
lupon chairman or pangkat chairman or unless the settlement has been repudiated by the parties

B. Where the parties may go directly to court

The parties may go directly to court in the following instances:

Where the accused is under detention;

Where a person has otherwise habeas corpus proceedings, been deprived of personal liberty
calling for habeas corpus proceedings.

Where actions are coupled with provisional remedies such as preliminary injunction,
attachment, delivery of personal property, and support pendants life; and

Where the action may otherwise be barred by the statue of limitation.

Conciliation among members of indigenous Cultural Communities

The customs and traditions of indigenous cultural communities shall be applied in setting dispute
between members of the cultural communities.

Every member of the PNP shall adhere to the following principles of police community relations:

1. Community Support Must be Maintained

Every police shall be worthy of the public high trust by doing his job and leaving nothing undone
through carelessness.

He shall make himself available and be willing to serve everyone.

2. Community Resentment Must be Avoided

Every policeman shall have in mind the interest of the public.

He shall develop friendly relations by his good conduct.

He shall avoid any occasion to humiliate, embarrass, annoy or inconvenience anyone.

3. Community Goodwill Must be Developed

A police should be courteous, fair and quick to assist individuals in the solution of their problems.

4. Community Must be Kept Informed

The police should info.m the community of the regulations and policies of the police force and the
reasons of their adoption.


Each of these communities, and others, will receive individual attention. At this point, however, it is
imporant to recognize a few of the many communities that make up the environment in which police
work. Each has a distinct way with police and with end other. Each community must be a part of police-
community relations if it is to be truly effective,

I. External Communities

The Justice Community

Other police agencies, jurisdiction, courts, and corrections departments existing at many levels of
government are a part of the justice community with which police must interact The nature of the
relationship between police and members of the justice community has a direct impact on police
effectiveness in achieving their goals. A lack of coordination, communication, and mutual respect within
this community, or system, is legendary Community relations include relations with this community as a
whole and wid as individual members.
b. The Human Services Community

The human services umbrella includes many public and private and social service resources mental
health general services, media civic and religious groups, and educational wnions. The also form a
community and sometimes many communities with which police officers and agencies interact Mutual
support and availability of services may be lacking because of poor police-community relations. Keeping
the peace may depend upon access to coordination of such resources.

c. Citizens and the Police

Peels principles states, the police must secure the willing cooperation of the public in voluntary
observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain public respect". Part of the police community
relations is understanding the public that police serve and having the public understand the police. That
is no easy task. The public is many people with many varying needs and hopes, who live in a changing
society and bring to that society conflicting values and cultural rules. The police agency is relatively
closed, somewhat secretive, and vague as to what the police role and the citizen role should be. Citizen
participation in policing, particularly in crime prevention aspects has increased in recent years. The
business community actively participates in police-designed crime prevention programs Neighborhoods
operate effective block watches. Many of these efforts are models in cost-effective crime prevention.
Citizen volunteers now participate in many areas of police work. Even those that have been little more
than pubic relations efforts could be redefined and expanded in the context of community relations.

Thus far, however, much of this redefinition and expansion is in rhetoric rather than in practice, and
those communities and neighborhoods most in need of improved police community relationships are
the ones least likely to be involved in such projects. The cooperation and support of other groups are
much easier to gain and maintain.

Internal Communities

a. The Personal Support Community

The officer's support groups, both in the sense of family system and close personal relationships, affect
the officer's perspective and effectiveness. The officer has an impact on the support group as well. This
relationship may be one of the most critical in determining the officer's ability to cope with the human
experience of being a cop. It may also determine to a large degree how the individual officer will relate
with other communities.

b. The Police Community

The police officer as a member of the police agency and police structure must also be considered. It is
this community that can determine whether police-community relations outside the agency will be
supported or undermined both as a matter of policy and practice. The first positive relationship that
must be formed if effective community relations in a larger sense is to be accomplished is within the
agency itself.


The foundation of good community relations is efficient service. No amount of publicity en cover up
inefficiency or poor public service community relations are. of the police. The requirements for good
community relations are:

Sincerity in serving the public.

Full knowledge of the job.

Deep conviction in the mobility of his work as a necessary service to promote individual or
national welfare.

Sound police ethics

High standard of management and operation.

How to Retain and Maintain the Trust and Confidence

The police should be people oriented to recognize the divergence of people and yet capable of
working together with them for a common good. Being good is not enough, you must show it by
the way you perform your job and by the state of discipline of every officer and men in the
police station or similar unit

The command must increase the personnel assigned to patrol division in line with the police
visibility program and to make them available to provide police assistance at any time.

Requesting the community to assist in identifying the scalawags in uniform as a basis for giving
immediate disciplinary action against them.

The policeman should closely coordinate with the business community to identify areas where
police presence is needed.

Conduct indept study and to initiate the immediate assignment of police to every barangay to
serve the police needs and to call upon residents and oversee their well being.


I. Police Characteristics and the Community

The Philippine National Police program of growth includes the development of the essential attribution
of all its members. Every police thus:

Shall be loyal to the service which he belongs and is proud of.

Shall I be sympathetic and displayed the ability to feel the suffering of other people

Shall be confident in his ability to know the job and do it well.

Shall I disposed of and act on all cases correctly.

Shall guard against rash judgment from opinion in advance.

Shall be courteous to the com..unity at any place and on any occasion.

Shall demonstrate strong faith in what he is doing.

Shall not sulk in the face of danger but with his mental conviction and physical strength.

Shall maintain an attitude of enthusiasm, dedication, zeal and pride in his work.

Shall be tactful in his dealings with people of the community.

Shall be firm and unyielding but not officious in dealings with people

Shall be serious and purposeful but not officious in dealing with people.

Shall genuinely be interested to his task.

Shall avoid unwarranted practice or situation that will endanger him.

Shall be patient when the situation demands.

Moral and Esprit de Corps

The reputation that the police service bears with the community is built upon favorable community
relationship and express by community confidence in the continued constructive accomplishment of the
only possible when the internal strength of the organization is assured.

There must be high morale among the members of the PNP reflected in their "ESPRIT DE CORPS" and
spring froni their genuine loyalty and noble faith in the policies and objective of their organization.

There must be conscious effort on the part of each and every member of the PNP to conduct both his
official and private life trust of the community. that will inspire the confidence and

b. Must Have Exacting and Exemplary Conduct

The company demands that inenibers of the PNP are more exacting and exemplary than is expected
from private citizens.
It is an inescapable fact that the policeman has no private life, as soon as he enter public service and so
long he remain in the service, his conduct whether on or off duty will be subject to unrelenting scrutiny
and critical analysis of the citizen he serves.

The police by reason of their specific responsibilities are bound to more exciting code than any other
public servant. Delinquents in conduct that pass unchallenged when committed by other public officials
are acts that are accepted as common place in judging the conduct of the citizens, adjudge as
reprehensible when committed by policeman.

c. Police Must be Understanding

Policeman's duty is to regulate the conduct and administers to the needs of the people of all walks of
life. The rich and the poor, the old and the young, the weak and the strong, the literate and the illiterate
are equally entitled to and assured the protection of law.

The community is contact of the policeman is principally with persons who, at any time, is both under
stress or excitement. They are the citizens who, in trouble and difficulty, turn to the policeman for
assistance and protection. Their problems are most important to them, though may seem insignificance
to the policeman is accustomed to deal daily with the sordid and distressing situation. It is imperative
that matters of such vital personal importance be approached with understanding compassion and

d. Police Influence Over the Community

The community looks upon policeman as representative of the authority of law. It is obvious therefore,
that influence of the policeman over the community is increased by reason of the authority they

People under stress or influence of excitement are more susceptible to the influence of external s'in uli
than they would be under normal circumstances. They are likely to be more readily influenced by the
action of those with whom they come into contact.

Policeman must be careful that the influence of their authority does not become oppressive in their
relationship with the community particularly in situations of stress and excite nent

d. Practice of Courtesy

Being courteous involves much more than friendliness. To appreciate sincerity habitually performed acts
of courtesy requires cultivation of appearance, voice, manner, intelligence, humor, temperament and
unselfishness that are easily appreciated by the people. All of these factors co-mingle in the production
of a gentleman in principle and in conduct, Compassionate but firm and eamestly interested without
being ever solicitous.
Policeman must continually practice courtesy, they cannot be made as an exception. Disagreeable duties
must be performed willingly unpleasant orders obeyed cheerfully. Flare of temper, sarcastic criticism
and moodiness has no place in the conduct of a good policeman.

f. Courteous Treatment of Law Violator

Numerous contacts with an anti-social person are likely to cause the policeman to assume an attitude of
vencer hardness. They often entertain erroneous belief that courteous treatment flaw violator is an
indication of weakness, cringing or servility.

They will say that criminals are not entitled to the treatment accorded to a gentleman, good manners in
the treatment of any law violator is not indication of weakness

Policeman may be form and exacting in the enforcement of the law, they may be strict and relentless in
their relationship with the offender that come under their control, yet remain propitious and
gentlemanly in their bearing. The fact that a criminal, by reason of their depravity or because of his anti-
social acts has not earned the respect of his fellow men has no bearing upon the conduct of the
policeman with whom he is brought into contact.

When a policeman resort to ungentlemanly treatment of criminals, they do not alter the status of the
criminals in any way; they only lower their own social status to the same level of the criminals.

g. Leadership

True leadership is personal. It is a psychological balance showing a well-integrated personality It is

difficult to enumerate the specific characteristics that combine in the personality of a true leader,
because individuals differ in their viewpoints and reaction.

The public is a willing body of people who ask little more of a leader with qualities that will command
their respect, loyalty and obedience. The qualities that seems most common on persons who command
public respect and confidence are those that rate highly in influencing positive character of this men.

A good leader should possess the following qualities:




Fairness and Honesty


Personal Dignity

Physical and Moral Courage

Moral Ascendancy


Self-confidence is faith to oneself, and it is predicated upon knowledge, still in applying knowledge,
and the ability and willingness to pass one's knowledge for the benefits of the others.

Self-confidence is in fact a state of mental satisfaction that arises from being able to put the
possession of knowledge to constructive use.

2. Self-sacrifice

Self-sacrifice is a fundamental frait to true leadership. It is inescapable fact that to contemplate a

situation without bias requires a complete subordination of self. Effective police work requires the
utmost self-sacrifice; policemen who are selfishly with their authority cannot succeed as leader.

3. Paternalism

Paternalism as a quality is found in policemen who are mindful of the welfare of others. It is basic
to police leadership because community welfare is the primordial responsibility of the police

Harmonious relationship between the police and the community depends, to a great degree, upon
paternalistic influence that enters in the shaping of community policies.

4. Fairness and Honesty

Fairness and honesty are qualities that have universal appeals. Thus, there is opportunity or need
to display these qualities especially in the police service.

Preponderances of community criticism against police authority is occasioned by reason of partially

and unfairness in exercising the police authority are powerful forces in insuring community respect
for police service.

5. Decisive

Initiative and decisiveness are characteristics traits of man who acts correctly and at the proper
time. The ability to act decisively and correctly is a manifestation of thorough preparation and
interest in the appreciation of the task at hand. The policeman's knowledge, mental alertness and
judgment all enter in the development of this very desirable trait.

The ability of policeman to meet emergencies with propriety of decision has no profound effect
upon shaping favorable community opinion.

Policemen are particularly vulnerable to community criticism, for lack of this quality, they must be
able to control their emotion, temper, their likes and dislikes, physically able to withstand hardship
without complaint, and able to effectively conceal their worries.
Moral ascendancy is not important in evaluating the effectiveness of commanding officer in the
police service, the moral force or lack of it in commanding officer is reflected in the very character
of policemen under their control, obviously become an important influence in the community
appraisal of police service.

Commanding officers cannot maintain their leadership over their subordinates, if at any time they
are place in position of moral embarrassment. Questionable character of a leader in the community
service reflects all members of the group.

The final measure of moral ascendancy is found in the true character of the individual by the
example he sets in his own living

Dependability and Punctuality

The public has the right to demand the same guarantees in the manner of its safety sall exarts for
the protection of public health. The pubic is concerned with emergency situations that require
immediate attention and effective treatment Police service if it is to be of any value must be

The policeman should be able to serve at the right place at the right time all the skills and abilities
that a policeman possess is of little value unless he can be defend upon to apply his skill at the
proper time.

Punctuality is not only important in relationship with the public but it is also essential in routine
activities as well. The rendition of report, appearance in court and cooperation with colleges and
other law enforcement agencies are responsibilities that can he relied upon if properly

Policeman shall accept their responsibilities to the public by being punctual in their engagements and
expeditious in the performance of their duties. Thus:

He must promptly carry out every duty to which he is assigned.

He must be punctual, attentive, accurate and unselfish if he is to be defend upon.

He must accept the fact that punctuality involves more than reporting to work at time, it
involves every detail of the policeman's daily activities

i. Attitude in Trial Court

Police men attending in court sessions in whatever capacity, shall not only appear in proper attire, but
should also observe the following behavior while in the witness stand, to wit

He must say nothing but the truth

He must be calm
He must be prepared

He must be courteous

He must be natural and straightforward.

He must maintain his temper

He must be attentive to the questions asked.

He must speak loudly enough to be heard.

He must be conscious of his personal appearances

J. Appearing as a Witness

1. Witness in Criminal Case

Policeman shall, when subpoenaed as a witness in a criminal case, promptly notify their immediate
chiefs. No member of the PNP shall be a witness in such capacity without the service of a proper

2. Witness in Civil Case

No member of the PNP shall testify in civil cases unless summoned to do so by proper authority.

3. Action after Court Attendance

A member of the PNP attending any court session under subpoena/summon or other processes as a
witness, shall after having been released there from for the day, immediately report to their superior


a. Police Personal Appearance

Each policeman should be aware that persons with whom he comes into contact, will judge the police
department by their reaction to him as an individual. Consequently he ald give careful attention to his
personal appear ince, his bearing and carriage that will influence the citizen's opinion of him as a
policeman and of the police station/headquarters that he represents. Thus,

He shall be properly attired and equipped whenever he appears before the public.

He carries with him only the prescribed regulation weapons and other related items.

He shall dress moderately and of good taste if and when he must wear civilian clothes,
He must maintain good posture and grooming.

He must see to it that his uniform is clean and properly maintained.

b. Police Satisfactory Uniform

A satisfactory uniform. comfortable for the officer and pleasant to the eye is important. An attractive
snappy uniform influence moral of the policeman as well as the "Esprit de Corps of the entire police

A policeman should be kept in a condition of good health and cleanliness and not be permitted to
become wrinkled or stained. He should have at least two uniforms to facilitate and maintain cleanliness.

c. Police Personal Cleanliness

Personal cleanliness is very important in dealing with the community. Thus:

Policeman should be required to shave daily and to have their hair cut regularly.

Policeman should have frequent bath.

Policeman should have clean fingernails and other parts of the body.

d. Must Have Periodic Inspections

These factor of personal appearance and their effect on the community justify ng other the periodic
inspections of the force. Attention should be given in such tions not only to hearing, dress and
equipment, but also on the aspect of personal Jones jud mentioned.

It will contribute to the effectiveness of these inspections of then are called at rather notice and not
regularly scheduled.

e. Policemen Mental Attitude

The attitude of police officer is quite important as his physical condition and perance because it
determines his conduct and reaction to the community. His attitude reflected in his facial expression,
voice, word used and actions. Therefore

He must be friendly and show willingness to serve.

He must not forget that he is a public servant, appointed for the sole purpose of serving the

He must not give an impression of haughtiness, aloofness, officiousness or condescension.

He must refrain from sarcasm and flippancy.

He must develop pride in his organization.

He must be proud that he is an officer and conduct himself with the dignity of that officer

f. Policemen Habits and Conversation

Police officer must avoid subjects of smutty or questionable nature.

Police officer must establish habits of conversation which are pleasing to the listener and avoid
giving offense either by the subject matter or the method of presentation

He must watch his diction and bis English, test he falls into sloppy habits of speech The attitude
of police officer is quite important as his physical.

Should keep his hands out of his pockets, whether engaged in conversation or otherwise

Although these items may seem of little consequence, and perhaps in more fundamental analysis may
be relatively unimportant, most policemen are judge by their language and conversation.

Therefore, police officer who uses poor English or engage in questionable conversation will never gain
the respect of some citizens

g. Policemen Personal Habits

The personal habits of the individual police officer strongly influence the attitude of the community
towards the police. Thus:

He should avoid restless habits such as tapping his finger or fact, whittling or other evidence of

He should not permit himself to develop such unpleasant personal habits such as hawking and
spitting, smoking while on duty in public place.

He should not smoke when speaking to a citizen, smoking habits that are offensive to the public
should not permitted whether on the street or headquarters.

h. Policemen Must Avoid the Appearance of Evil

The policemen must not only avoid evil, he must also avoid the appearance of evil.

1. He should be careful to avoid questionable associates and to spend spare time and obtained his
recreation in the company of those whose character and reputation are irreproachable.

2. He must avoid controversial questions, those dealing with religion, politics and the laws.

3. He must avoid domestic difficulties more assiduously than the average citizen.
4. Abstain from drinking intoxicating beverage to excess.

5. He shall not engage in any form of gambling except those allowed by law.

6. He should avoid entering any house or reported as being of ill-refute and other vice dens.

7. He shall not buy nor use or possess smuggled products.

8. He shall avoid accepting any fees, rewards or gifts of any type, for any service rendered in the
performance of his duty other than his authorized salary or shall use his position for material

9. He should avoid "bad habits celebrating Christmas, New Year and other occasions by firing their guns.


The appearance of a police station/headquarters influence the attitude of both the police and
community. The community does not react favorable to a bad smells, dark, poorly kept and police
station/headquarters, neither the policemen themselves should be in such condition. shile the police
have little choice in the location and the arrangement of their headquarters, the do not have the
presentable condition.

Appearance of Police Station/Headquarters

The station/headquarters must have a business like appearance, unsightly trash articles eliminated;
thus, the police station/headquarters must have the following appearance

Must have presentable view inside or outside.

Must possess a well keep office that is worthy of the discipline of its force, honor ideal of law

Must be strict in anti-littering/smoking campaign in the building or grounds and police

equipment shall be maintained properly.

Trash can shall be available and comfort room shall be clean and free from foul odors.

Must be identifiable and the desks shall bear the name of the policemen for public

b. Problem at Station/ Headquarters

The police station/headquarters should not only maintain a high standard of foncy, but it should give an
appearance of efficiency. This is created by a business like itude and conduct on the part of the
policemen. Thus, the policemen must avoid the following attitude.

Policemen should not roughhouse or amuse themselves in public view,

They should restrict their activities to the assembly room or those sections of the station
reserved for their rest of reaction. Otherwise the public may conclude that they are lotting while
on duty,

He shall not in the station/office or elsewhere while on duty, drink any intoxicating liquor or
take prohibited drugs or report to duty under the influence of liquor or prohibited drugs; or
habitual drunkard to the prejudice of his duty

Police should not indulge in loud, boisterous talk that can be heard by the public

They should avoid an appearance of idleness and create an impression of business like efficiency

c. Police Telephone and the Citizen

Telephone to the police station office is very important since a person's life. property and liberty may be
at state since the telephone operator i the first contact with the police department, it is important that
the conversation is pleasant and satisfactory as

Police Telephone Greeting

It is important too, that the police operator gives attention to his manner of speaking over the
telephone. His greeting should be crisp and business like, to manifest alertness and willingness to serve,
rather than slow indifferent.

Some police departments require the policemen to follow this greeting hello police department
statement of his name. But most persons who call the assistance of the police are of interested in their
personalities but only in prompt service.

As a general rule they are in hurry, they want service at once, with the least possible delay. Hence, it is
not advisable to inject the name of the police, since the simple greeting "hello police
headquarters/station" and then give all needed information would be enough.

Immediate and Courteous Reply

Incoming telephone calls to a police headquarters/station deserve immediate and courteous reply.
Promptness is important in the police service.

Persons who call for the assistance of the police usually do it to register a complaint They are
emotionally upset and easily annoyed. If under these conditions, the wait for a protracted time happens
before receiving a response to their call, they become justifiably disgranted.

Clear Enunciation

A policeman should meet the following criteria for efficient telephone conversation:

Policeman should speak with deliberate care and clearances into the transmitted

Policeman should have a good diction and expression of courtesy.

d. Attitude in Receiving Complaints

The complainants shall be given a feeling of importance regardless of the triviality of the
complaint. Acts of kindness like giving the complaint a seat would be long remembered and
appreciated though it may seem unimportant.

The police interview should he quick to detect where the real problem lies and allow the
complainant enough time to rarrate his grievances.

A good police poise with pleasant voice should be adopted in order to gain confidence.

After complying with and directing all necessary actions on the complaint, the policeman shall
thank the citizen in a spirit of appreciation his cooperation in bringing the matter to their

e. Attitude of Complaint Desk Officer

The complaint desk officer should be alert and avoid ignoring a timid citizen. As soon as he sees
a person approaching, unless he is busy with other people, he should immediately offer his
service by asking a simple question such as "May I do something for your, Sir Mam" When
making this offer he should not give an appearance of distraction, but should focus his attention
on the person he is addressing in order to demonstrate his sincerity.

There should also be women at the desk to handle complaints from females who may be timid
about approaching or narrating to a male peace officer their problems. If there is no
policewoman, a clerical employee may be stationed at the complaint desk for this purpose.

f. Must be Attentive to the Complainant

A person who approaches the police for assistance should be given ample authority to narrate
his complaint. The policeman can sometimes assist with intelligent questions evidences of
sympathy and assurances of help.

The policeman should focus his attention on the citizen while receiving the cumplaint.

The desk officer should take note of the complaint, even though the subjects reported are not
important for the police.

Should the subject matter require the attention of some other divisions of the
Headquarters/station, the citizen should be referred to that office, but in such manner as to
avoid any doubt as to policeman's interest in the citizen and his complaint.

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