A Decision-Directed Bayesian Equalizer: California Santa Clara University
A Decision-Directed Bayesian Equalizer: California Santa Clara University
A Decision-Directed Bayesian Equalizer: California Santa Clara University
digital systems. For example, the digital A M P S (IS-54)
and the GSM cellular standards both transmit training Two methods were used to update the channel
sequences or sync bits which have very good coefficients, namely the LMS algorithm, and the
autocorrelation properties. That is, the correlation Kalman filter. The update equations for the LMS
function of these sequences is exactly a delta function algorithm are
for lags up to 5. Thus, ifx(k) is modulated transmitted
discrete time signal which is corrupted by a channel 6(k+1)= 6(k)+pedj”b&*(k), where
h(k), then the received signal is y(k) = x(k)*h(k). A
possible channel estimation algorithm is to employ a ~ ( k=)r(k)- Pj (k) ,
matched filter to the incoming sequence ye), where the and where j is the index which results in the maximum
matched filter coefficients are the conjugated time likelihood estimate of r(k). The Kalman filter
reversed modulated training sequence s(k). Thus when implementation is given by first defining the process
the incoming signal is the modulated training sequence, equation and the measurement equation. Assuming a
we rset random walk for the channel coefficients, we get
AdFNblrk) N(ll+M-1) 33N 0 Two cases were studied: case 1 initialized the algorithm
70 with a fairly good channel estimate obtained from the
2Nb sNb
Figure 4: Complexity Table For DDBE cross correlation channel estimation technique discussed
in section 3.0,and case 2 initialized the algorithm with
To get a clear understanding for how these two a poor channel estimate. Figures 6 and 7 show the
algorithms compare in terms of their computational results for case 1, and figures 8 and 9 show the results
complexity, the tables in Figures 2 and 4 were used to for case 2. In Figures 6 and 8, the solid line is the actual
compute the number of 50 ns devices required assuming channel magnitude response and the dashed line shows
varylng conditions, It was assumed that a multiply takes the initial estimate. Figures 7 and 9 show the channel
one clock cycle as well as an addition. It was also coefficient learning curves using the LMS algorithm
assumed that a divide takes 30 cycles. An overhead of and the Kalman filter. Note that in both cases, the
20% was added to account for lines of code that are not Kdman filter converges faster than the LMS as
directly related to the computations given in the tables expected. Also note that even when the channel estimate
of Figures 2 and 4. Figure 5 gives a plot of the required is rather poor, both the LMS and the Kalman filter
number of 50 ns devices versus the symbol rate converge to a close approximation to the actual channel
assuming a QPSK modulation with a channel length, estimate. However in this case, it takes roughly twice
N + 1 ,equal to three.
the number of iterations to achieve convergence. This is
due to the initially poor symbol decisions being made
because of the poor channel estimate. More work should
be done to investigate the convergence properties of the
decision-directed Bayesian equalizer, but a general rule-
of-thumb for convergence is a 10% symbol error rate.
A decision directed algorithm was investigated for the
blind Bayesian equalizer. The advantage of the decision
directed approach over the blind approach is reduced
computational complexity. However, the complexity of
the DDBE still grows exponentially with the channel
length, so its implementation in firmware seems
limited to QPSK and BPSK modulation with multipath
channels of about 2 symbols, and with bit rates of about
Figure 5: Required Number of50 ns Devices Vs. 30 kbps or less. The disadvantage of this approach is
Symbol Rate For QPSK Modulation With Nb = 2 that an initial channel estimate must be provided to
'bootstrap" the algorithm. However, obtaining channel
estimates for certain signal standards is quite feasible,
and as was demonstrated through simulation results,
This graph pretty much corresponds to the calculation
even for initially poor channel estimates, the DDBE
made in [2] which reported 4 devices required for a
symbol rate of 8 kbaud. In the graph, this point is may still converge allowing demodulation of the data.
actually closer to 5 devices which is probably due to the
20% overhead. This graph shows that approximately a
40% savings is acheved using the decision-directed [l] K. Abend, B.D. Fritchman, "Statistical detection for
approach. Note that both graphs are linear as expected communication channels with intersymbol
since the symbol rate is varylng and not the parameters interference", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol 58, pp.
of the tables 779-785, May 1970.
[4] R. A. Iltis, J. J. Shynk, and K. Giridhar, “Recursive
Bayesian algorithms for blind equalization”, Proc.
Twenty-FiJh Asilomar Con$ on Signals, Systems, and
Computers, Pacific Grove, Calif.,pp. 710-715 (Nov.
i* -31
J -I
[5] K. Giridhar, J. J. Shynk, and R. A. Iltis,
‘Bayesiddecision-feedback algorithm for blind f *.
adaptive equalization”, Optical Engineering, pp. 1211-
1223, Vol. 31, June 1992.
[6] R. A. Iltis, J. J. Shynk, and K, Giridhar, “Bayesian i*.*.t1..
-a- ’
-0.4 I
.- . 0 .Z e.4
-a 4 . 4
-0.1 0 @.a 0.4
Figure 8: Magnitude Response of The Poor Channel
Estimate Compared to Actual