Review Paper
Review Paper
Review Paper
article info a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this article, we have investigated the role of bulk viscosity to study the accelerated expansion of the
Received 31 March 2021 universe in the framework of modified f (Q ) gravity. The gravitational action in this modified gravity
Received in revised form 13 April 2021 theory has the form f (Q ), where Q denote the non-metricity scalar. In the present manuscript, we have
Accepted 14 April 2021
considered a bulk viscous matter-dominated
( ) cosmological model with the bulk viscosity coefficient
Keywords: of the form ξ = ξ0 + ξ1 H + ξ2 Ḣ
+H which is proportional to the velocity and acceleration of
f(Q) gravity the expanding universe. Two sets of limiting conditions on the bulk viscous parameters ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2
Bulk viscosity and model parameter α arose here out of which one condition favors the present scenario of cosmic
Hubble data
acceleration with a phase transition and corresponds to the universe with a Big Bang origin. Moreover,
Pantheon data
we have discussed the cosmological behavior of some geometrical parameters. Then, we have obtained
BAO data
Equation of state the best fitting values of the model parameters ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 and α by constraining our model with updated
Statefinder parameter Hubble datasets consisting of 57 data points and recently released Pantheon datasets consisting of 1048
data points which show that our obtained model has good compatibility with observations. Further, we
have also included the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) datasets of six data points with the Hubble
& Pantheon datasets and obtained slightly different values of the model parameters. Finally, we have
analyzed our model with the statefinder diagnostic analysis and found some interesting results and
are discussed in details.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2212-6864/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
acceleration of the universe is to modify spacetime’s geometry. of bulk viscosity coefficient to describe the expansion of the
We can do this by modifying the left-hand side of the Einstein universe. The accelerated expansion scenario of the universe (the
equation. Modified theories of gravity are the geometrical gener- mean stage of low redshift) can be justified by the geometrical
alizations of Einstein’s general theory of relativity in which the modification in Einstein’s equation. Also, without any require-
cosmic acceleration can be achieved by modifying the Einstein– ment of cosmological constant bulk viscosity can generate an
Hilbert action of GR. Recently, modified theories of gravity have acceleration. It contributes to the pressure term and applies ad-
attracted the interest of cosmologists for understanding the role ditional pressure to drive the acceleration [58]. C. P. Singh and
of dark energy. In modified gravity, the origin of dark energy is Pankaj Kumar has investigated the role of bulk viscosity in mod-
recognized as a modification of gravity. A lot of research reveals ified f (R, T ) theories of gravity [59]. S. Davood has investigated
that the modified theories of gravity can explain both early and the effect of bulk viscous matter in modified f (T ) theories of
late time acceleration of the universe. Hence, there are plenty of gravity [60].
motivations to discover theories beyond the standard formulation In this work, we have focused on studying the cosmic accel-
of GR. There are several modified theories have been proposed eration of the universe in f (Q ) gravity with the presence of bulk
in the literature like f (R) theory [19–21], f (T ) theory [22–24], viscous fluid. The motivation of working in the non-metricity f (Q )
f (T , B) theory [25], f (R, T ) theory [26,27], f (Q , T ) theory [28,29], gravity is that in this framework, the motion equations are in
f (G) theory [30], f (R, G) theory [31,32], etc. Nowadays, f (Q ) the- the second-order, which is easy to solve. In f(R) gravity, an extra
ories of gravity have been extremely investigated. The symmetric scalar mode appears because the model is the higher derivative
teleparallel gravity or f (Q ) gravity was introduce by J.B. Jiménez theory as the Ricci scalar includes the second-order derivatives
et al. [33]. The f (Q ) theory is also an alternative theory for GR like of the metric tensor. This scalar mode generates additional force,
teleparallel gravity. In symmetric teleparallel gravity gravitational and it is often inconsistent with the Newton law observations and
interactions are described by the non-metricity Q . Recently, there also for a density of a canonical scalar field φ ; the non-minimal
are several studies done in f (Q ) gravity. T. Harko studied the coupling between geometry and the matter Lagrangian produces
extension of symmetric teleparallel gravity [34]. S. Mandal stud- an additional kinetic term which is not an agreement with the
ied energy conditions in f (Q ) gravity and also did a comparative stable Horndeski class [61]. Nevertheless, the non-metricity for-
study between f (Q ) gravity and ΛCDM [35]. Moreover, they used malism overcomes the above problems, which are induced by the
the cosmographic idea to constrain the Lagrangian function f (Q ) higher-order theory.
using the latest pantheon data [36]. An interesting investigation In this article, we analyze the matter-dominated FLRW model
on f (Q ) gravity was done by Noemi, where he explored the in the framework of modified f (Q ) theories of gravity and study
signatures of non-metricity gravity in its’ fundamental level [37]. the role of bulk viscosity in explaining the late-time acceleration
Earlier, to study inflationary epoch in the early universe bulk of the universe. The outline of the present article is as follows.
viscosity has been proposed in the literature without any re- In Section 2 we present the field equation formalism in f (Q )
quirement of dark energy [38,39]. Hence, it is very natural to gravity. In Section 3 we describe the FLRW universe dominated
expect that the bulk viscosity can be responsible for the current with bulk viscous matter and also we derive the expression for
accelerated expansion of the universe. Nowadays, several au- the Hubble parameter. In Section 4 we derive the scale factor and
thors are attempted to explain the late-time acceleration via bulk found two sets of limiting conditions on the coefficients of bulk
viscosity without any dark energy constituent or cosmological viscosity which corresponds to the universe which begins with a
constant [40–45]. Theoretically, deviations that occur from the Big Bang and then making a transition from deceleration phase
local thermodynamic stability can originate the bulk viscosity but to the acceleration phase. In Section 5 we show the evolution
a detailed mechanism for the formation of bulk viscosity is still of deceleration parameter q. In Section 6 we have constrained
not achievable [46]. In cosmology, when the matter content of the the model parameters by using Hubble data and Pantheon data
universe expands or contract too fast as a cosmological fluid then sets. In Section 7 we adopt the statefinder diagnostic pair to
the effective pressure is generated to bring back the system to its differentiate present bulk viscous model with other models of
thermal stability. The bulk viscosity is the manifestation of such dark energy. Finally, in the last section Section 8 we briefly
an effective pressure [47,48]. discuss our conclusions.
In cosmology, there is two main formalism for the description
of bulk viscosity. The first one is the non-casual theory, where 2. Motion equations in f (Q ) gravity
the deviation of only first-order is considered and one can find
that the heat flow and viscosity propagate with infinite speed The action in a universe governed by f (Q ) gravity reads
while in the second one i.e. the casual theory it propagates with
∫ ∫
1 √ 4
finite speed. In the year 1940, Eckart proposed the non-casual S= f (Q ) −gd x + Lm −gd4 x, (1)
theory [49]. Later, Lifshitz and Landau gave a similar theory [50].
The casual theory was developed by Israel, Hiscock and Stew- where f (Q ) is an arbitrary function of the nonmetricity Q , g is the
art. In this theory, second-order deviation from equilibrium is determinant of the metric gµν and Lm is the matter Lagrangian
considered [51–55]. Moreover, Eckart theory can be acquired density.
from it as a first-order approximation. Hence, Eckart’s theory The nonmetricity tensor is defined as
is a good approximation to the Israel theory in the limit of Qλµν = ∇λ gµν (2)
vanishing relaxation time. To analyze the late acceleration of
the universe, the casual theory of bulk viscosity has been used. and its two traces are given below
Cataldo et al. have investigated the late time acceleration using
Qα = Qαµ µ and Q̃α = Qαµ
. (3)
the casual theory [56]. Basically, they used an ansatz for the
Hubble parameter (inspired by the Eckart theory) and they have Moreover, the superpotential tensor is given by
shown the transition of the universe from the big rip singularity λ λ µ
to the phantom behavior.
4Pµν = −Qµν + 2Q(µλ ν ) + (Q λ − Q̃ λ )gµν − δ Q . (4)
(λ ν )
The expansion process of an accelerating universe is a collec-
Hence, the trace of nonmetricity tensor can be obtained as
tion of states that lose their thermal stability in a small fragment
of time [57]. Hence, it is quite natural to consider the existence Q = −Qλµν P λµν . (5)
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
In an accelerated expanding universe, the coefficient of viscosity On integrating the above equation we get the scale factor
should depend on velocity and acceleration. In this paper, we
consider a time dependent bulk viscosity of the form [62] [ ] 2α+ξ̄2
ξ̄0 3α+ξ̄12
3α + ξ̄12 + ξ̄0 3α + ξ̄12
( )
−H0 (t −t0 )
( )
( )
) a(t) = − e ,
ξ = ξ0 + ξ1 + ξ2 = ξ0 + ξ1 H + ξ2 +H . (14) ξ̄0 ξ̄0
a ȧ H
It is a linear combination of three terms, first one is a constant,
second one is proportional to the Hubble parameter, which indi- where t0 is the present cosmic time.
cates the dependence of the viscosity on speed, and the third one Now, let y = H0 (t − t0 ), then the second order derivative of
is proportional to the äȧ , indicating the dependence of the bulk a(t) with respect to y is
viscosity on acceleration. −ξ̄0 y ( )
−ξ̄0 y
In this paper, we consider the following functional form of d2 a e 2α+ξ̄2
f (Q ) = −(ξ̄0 + ξ̄12 + 3α ) + (2α + ξ̄2 )e 2α+ξ̄2
dy2 2α + ξ̄2
f (Q ) = α Q , α ̸= 0. (15) ⎡ ⎤ −2(2α+ξ̄1 )−ξ̄2
−ξ̄0 y 3α+ξ̄12
Then, for this particular choice of the function, the field equation ⎢ ξ̄0 + ξ̄12 + 3α − (3α + ξ̄12 )e 2α+ξ̄2
×⎣ . (26)
ρ = −3α H 2
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
Table 1
57 points of H(z) datasets.
31 points from DA method
z H(z) σH Ref. z H(z) σH Ref.
0.070 69 19.6 [63] 0.4783 80 99 [67]
0.90 69 12 [64] 0.480 97 62 [63]
0.120 68.6 26.2 [63] 0.593 104 13 [65]
0.170 83 8 [64] 0.6797 92 8 [65]
0.1791 75 4 [65] 0.7812 105 12 [65]
0.1993 75 5 [65] 0.8754 125 17 [65]
0.200 72.9 29.6 [66] 0.880 90 40 [63]
0.270 77 14 [64] 0.900 117 23 [64]
0.280 88.8 36.6 [66] 1.037 154 20 [65]
0.3519 83 14 [65] 1.300 168 17 [64]
0.3802 83 13.5 [67] 1.363 160 33.6 [69]
0.400 95 17 [64] 1.430 177 18 [64]
0.4004 77 10.2 [67] 1.530 140 14 [64]
0.4247 87.1 11.2 [67] 1.750 202 40 [64]
Fig. 3. Variation of the Hubble parameter with redshift z for the first limiting 0.4497 92.8 12.9 [67] 1.965 186.5 50.4 [69]
conditions ξ̄0 > 0, ξ̄12 < 3, ξ̄2 < 2, ξ̄0 + ξ̄12 < 3. Here we took α = 0.470 89 34 [68]
−1 i.e., ᾱ = 1. For Red, Blue and Green plots the value of (ξ̄0 , ξ̄1 , ξ̄2 ) are 26 points from BAO & other method
(0.9, 0.01, 1), (0.45, 0.65, 1), (0.65, 0.35, 1) respectively. (For interpretation of
z H(z) σH Ref. z H(z) σH Ref.
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.) 0.24 79.69 2.99 [70] 0.52 94.35 2.64 [72]
0.30 81.7 6.22 [71] 0.56 93.34 2.3 [72]
0.31 78.18 4.74 [72] 0.57 87.6 7.8 [76]
0.34 83.8 3.66 [70] 0.57 96.8 3.4 [77]
0.35 82.7 9.1 [73] 0.59 98.48 3.18 [72]
0.36 79.94 3.38 [72] 0.60 87.9 6.1 [75]
0.38 81.5 1.9 [74] 0.61 97.3 2.1 [74]
0.40 82.04 2.03 [72] 0.64 98.82 2.98 [72]
0.43 86.45 3.97 [70] 0.73 97.3 7.0 [75]
0.44 82.6 7.8 [75] 2.30 224 8.6 [78]
0.44 84.81 1.83 [72] 2.33 224 8 [79]
0.48 87.79 2.03 [72] 2.34 222 8.5 [80]
0.51 90.4 1.9 [74] 2.36 226 9.3 [81]
Fig. 5. The plot shows the 2-d contour plots of the model parameters with 1 − σ and 2 − σ errors and also shows the best fit values of the model parameters α ,
ξ0 , ξ1 and ξ2 obtained from the 57 points of Hubble datasets.
the following plot 5 as 2-d contour sub-plots with 1 − σ &2 − σ and M ) apparent and absolute magnitudes and µ0 =
( represents
errors. The best fit values are obtained as α = −1.03+−0.55 , ξ0 = 5 log H0−1 /Mpc +25 is the marginalized nuisance parameter. The
+0.83 +0.49 +0.82
1.54−0.79 , ξ1 = 0.08−0.49 and ξ2 = 0.66−0.83 with the 57 points luminosity distance is taken to be,
of Hubble datasets as given in Table 1. Also, we have shown the ( ∫ z
error bar plot for the discussed Hubble datasets and is shown in c(1 + z) 1
Dl (z) = Sk ∗
H0 dz ∗
the following plot 6 together with our obtained model compared H 0 H(z )
⎧ 0 √
with the ΛCDM model (with Ωm0 = 0.3 and ΩΛ0 = 0.7). The plot ⎨ sinh(x Ωk )/Ωk , Ωk > 0
shows nice fit of our model to the observational Hubble datasets. where Sk (x) = x, Ωk = 0 .
⎩ sin x√|Ω |/|Ω | , Ω < 0
k k k
6.2. Pantheon datasets
Here, Ωk = 0 (flat space–time). We have calculated distance DL (z)
Initially, the observational studies on supernovae of the golden and corresponding chi square function that measures difference
sample of 50 points of type Ia suggested that our universe is in an between predictions of our model and the SN Ia observational
accelerating phase of expansion. After the result, the studies on data. The χSN
function for the Pantheon datasets is taken to be,
more and more samples of supernovae datasets increased during
the past two decades. Recently, the latest sample of supernovae 1048
∑ [µth (µ0 , zi , α, ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 ) − µobs (zi )]2
of type Ia datasets are released containing 1048 data points. In χSN
(µ0 , α, ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 ) = ,
this article, we have used this set of datasets known as Pantheon i=1
σµ2(zi )
datasets [83] with 1048 samples of spectroscopically confirmed
SNe Ia covering the range in the redshift range 0.01 < z <
2.26. In the redshift range 0 < zi ≤ 1.41, these data points
σµ2(zi ) is the standard error in the observed value. After marginal-
gives the estimation of the distance moduli µi = µobs i . Here, we izing µ0 , the chi square function is written as,
fit our model parameters of the obtained model, comparing the
theoretical µth i value and the observed µi
value of the distance χSN
(α, ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 ) = A(α, ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 )
modulus. The distance moduli which are the logarithms given
as µth = µ(DL ) = m − M = 5 log10 (DL ) + µ0 , where m − [B(α, ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 )]2 /C (α, ξ0 , ξ1 , ξ2 )
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
Fig. 6. The plot shows the plot of Hubble function H(z) vs. redshift z for our model shown in red line which shows nice fit to the 57 points of the Hubble datasets
shown in dots with its error bars and also compared to the ΛCDM model shown in black solid line with Ωm0 = 0.3&ΩΛ0 = 0.7.
Table 2
Values of dA (z∗ )/DV (zBAO ) for distinct values of zBAO .
zBAO 0.106 0.2 0.35 0.44 0.6 0.73
30.95 ± 1.46 17.55 ± 0.60 10.11 ± 0.37 8.44 ± 0.67 6.69 ± 0.33 5.45 ± 0.31
dA (z∗ )
DV (zBAO )
Fig. 7. The plot shows the best fit values of the model parameters α , ξ0 , ξ1 and ξ2 obtained w.r.t to the 1048 points of Pantheon datasets at 1 − σ and 2 − σ
confidence level.
Fig. 8. The plot shows the plot of distance modulus µ(z) vs. redshift z for our model shown in red line which shows nice fit to the 1048 points of the Pantheon
datasets shown in dots with its error bars.
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
Box I.
Fig. 9. The plot shows the 2-d contour plots of the model parameters with 1 − σ and 2 − σ errors and also shows the best fit values of the model parameters α ,
ξ0 , ξ1 and ξ2 obtained from the 57 points of Hubble datasets together with six points of BAO datasets.
the parameters H and q. These parameters are defined as follows the Pantheon datasets, the present values of (s, r) parameter are
(0.159, 0.568) and (0.065, 0.748) respectively. Furthermore, we
a have also plotted the s − r and q − r diagrams for the other set
r = (38) of values of the model parameters α , ξ0 , ξ1 and ξ2 as obtained
aH 3
by the combined results of BAO datasets with the Hubble and
and the Pantheon datasets and are shown in the following plots 13 &
r −1 14. Corresponding to the combined results of BAO datasets with
s= . (39)
3(q − 21 ) Hubble and the Pantheon datasets, the present values of (s, r)
parameter are (0.030, 0.872) and (0.096, 0.621) respectively.
The fixed point (s, r) = (0, 1) in the s − r diagram 11 shows The statefinder diagnostic can differentiate the variety of dark
the spatially flat ΛCDM model and (q, r) = (−1, 1) shows the energy models like quintessence, the Chaplygin gas, braneworld
de Sitter point in Fig. 12. We plot the s − r and q − r diagram models, etc. See the Refs. [91–93]. The departure of our bulk
for the values of α , ξ0 , ξ1 and ξ2 constrained by the Hubble viscous model from this fixed point establishes the distance of
and the Pantheon data sets. Corresponding to the Hubble and
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
Fig. 10. The plot shows the best fit values of the model parameters α , ξ0 , ξ1 and ξ2 obtained w.r.t to the 1048 points of Pantheon datasets together with six points
of BAO datasets at 1 − σ and 2 − σ confidence level.
the given model from ΛCDM model. In present epoch the given present observational scenario, so we have considered the first
model lie in Quintessence region (s > 0, r < 1). We can limiting condition for our analysis. Further, for constraining the
observe that the trajectories of s − r diagram will pass through the model and bulk viscous parameter we have used Hubble data and
ΛCDM fixed point in the future. Thus the statefinder diagnostic Pantheon data sets. Hence, from the Hubble datasets, we have
successfully shows that the given model is different from other the best fit ranges for the model parameters are α = −1.03+ −0.55 ,
+0.83 +0.49 +0.82
models of dark energy. ξ0 = 1.54−0.79 , ξ1 = 0.08−0.49 and ξ2 = 0.66−0.83 and from the
0.45 +0.21
Pantheon datasets, we have α = −1.33+ −0.43 , ξ0 = 0.10−0.12 , ξ1 =
+0.91 +0.91
8. Conclusions 1.81−0.87 and ξ2 = 2.08−0.96 . Furthermore, including the six data
points of the BAO datasets with the Hubble datasets and combine
In this article, we analyzed the evolution of FLRW universe the results of Hubble constrained values, we obtain the values
0.34 +0.37
dominated with non-relativistic bulk viscous matter, where the of the model parameters as, α = −1.06+ −0.82 , ξ0 = 2.25−1.7 ,
+1.1 +1.1
( ) bulk viscosity has the form ξ = ξ0 + ξ1 H + ξ1 = 0.08−0.96 and ξ2 = 0.7−1.1 . Similarly, including the six
ξ2 Ḣ
+ H . From the cosmic scale factor we found that in case data points of the BAO datasets with the Pantheon datasets and
combine the results of Pantheon constrained values, we obtain
of first limiting conditions the deceleration parameter shows 0.85
the values of the model parameters as, α = −1.65+ −0.25 , ξ0 =
the transition from deceleration to acceleration phase in past if +0.29 +0.97 +1.2
ξ̄0 + ξ̄1 > ᾱ , at present if ξ̄0 + ξ̄1 = ᾱ and in the future if 0.86−1.1 , ξ1 = 1.90−0.99 and ξ2 = 1.93−0.91 . For the above set
ξ̄0 + ξ̄1 < ᾱ . For second limiting conditions transition occur of values of the model parameters obtained are then used to plot
in the past if ξ̄0 + ξ̄1 < ᾱ , at present if ξ̄0 + ξ̄1 = ᾱ and the statefinder diagnostics. Finally, we conclude that the present
in the future if ξ̄0 + ξ̄1 > ᾱ . While in the absence of bulk bulk viscous model has been departed from ΛCDM point, in the
viscosity i.e. ξ0 = ξ1 = ξ2 = 0, the deceleration parameter present scenario it lie in quintessence region and it will again pass
becomes q = 21 . Hence, to describe the late-time acceleration through the ΛCDM fixed point and hence our model is different
of the expanding universe without invoking any dark energy from other models of the dark energy. We conclude that the
component, the cosmic fluid with bulk viscosity is the most bulk viscous theory can be considered as an alternate theory to
viable candidate. The second limiting condition is not suitable for describe the late time acceleration of the universe.
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
Fig. 13. The evolution trajectories of the given model in s − r plane correspond-
ing to the values of model parameters constrained by the Hubble and Pantheon
datasets together with BAO datasets.
Fig. 11. The evolution trajectories of the given model in s − r plane correspond-
ing to the values of model parameters constrained by the Hubble and Pantheon
Fig. 14. The evolution trajectories of the given model in q − r plane correspond-
Fig. 12. The evolution trajectories of the given model in q − r plane correspond- ing to the values of model parameters constrained by the Hubble and Pantheon
ing to the values of model parameters constrained by the Hubble and Pantheon datasets together with BAO datasets.
R. Solanki, S.K.J. Pacif, A. Parida et al. Physics of the Dark Universe 32 (2021) 100820
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