Lec 25
Lec 25
Lec 25
Module No # 09
Lecture No # 25
Membrane Analysis of Shells of Surface of Revolution
Hello everybody today I am starting module number 9 in that module this is the first lecture. This
lecture will be delivered in a very common type of shell that is a doubly curved shells synclastic
nature. I will use membrane theory of shell to analyses the particular type of shell and these type
of shell are generally known as shell of surface of revolution. Examples are your domes maybe
your spherical domes may be ellipsoid or may be your paraboloid of revolution and the
hyperbolic of revolution is also a shell of surface of revolution.
But it is having different characters being synclastic in nature. The topic of today’s lecture is
membrane theory of shells of surface of revolution. Now in the last class I have introduced the
membrane theory and you have seen that membrane theory of shell is nothing but moment less
state of the stresses. So that is only the membrane stress in the shell structure will be considered
and no bending moment and shearing forces is considered in the formulation of the problem.
So using this theory in the shell structure we obtain the membrane stresses which are in Cartesian
coordinates system are Nx, Ny, Nxy, Nxy = Nyx when the curvature is small compared to its
thickness. So the membrane forces per unit length Nx, Ny, Nxy is our target and we have to obtain
this. But in this kind of shell that is the surface is formed by rotating as plane curve about an axis
of revolution it will be convenient to use the spherical coordinate system that means position of a
point can be specified by 3 parameters. One is θ and another is angle φ and radial distance R so
we will formulate the problem using the spherical coordinate system for shells of surface of
(Refer Slide Time: 03:14)
Now as I told the surface of revolution is formed by rotating a plane curve about an axis lying in
a plane of curve. So say for example this is your one plane and this place curve is rotated about
the axis of rotation. That is, you are seeing a vertical that is the z axis then a surface is formed
and this surface is known as shells of surface of revolution. Depending on the nature of the curve
the name of the surface of the revolution is also given.
For example, if a part of a circle or a circular arc which is a now in instant case it is a meridian
and if it is rotated around the vertical axis of revolution then the spherical dome is formed. That
is a spherical surface of revolution but when we rotate an ellipse, a meridian of elliptical curve
then ellipsoid of revolution. Like that paraboloid of revolution etc., can be found. So any
arbitrary curve can be chosen not only a part of circular or a parabolic curve or elliptical curve.
But any curve you can form and you can revolve it around the axis of rotation to form the surface
of revolution. The curve which is rotated is known as Meridian, so its technical term is Meridian,
this curve and the axis of rotation is this and this type of shell is generally doubly curved shell.
And this is non-developable, so this type of shell is stronger compared to single curve shell
which has developable surface.
So singly curved shell developable surface, examples are in cylindrical shell as well as in conical
shell. So if you give a curve and then apply pressure then this surface can be flattened
completely. So that is weaker than the doubly curved shell that is non-developable and here we
will consider the non-developable shell that is the surface of revolution. This type of shell is
characterized by 2 principle curvatures and because these are doubly curved, so the curvatures
exist in 2 orthogonal directions and therefore we need to take into account the principle curvature
into formulation. Now here you have seen that an element of a shell is taken which is shown by a
yellow curve. And then with reference to some axis say here which is a horizontal x axis you can
call it and then angle is measured which is known circumferential angle to locate the position of
any point P.
Because this distance is taken as small distance and therefore the position of a point on this arc is
defined by this angle θ that is circumferential angle. And also this point is located on the
meridian say this in this meridian therefore the meridian angle for this point is ϕ. And radial
distance is given by the 𝑅 from the axis of reference, this again the 𝑅 is related to the principle
curvature of this surface.
Now you can see that when the meridian is curved is rotated around the vertical axis a surface is
formed and the horizontal plane that is if you cut a section along the horizontal direction you will
get if you rotate it 360° full then you will get circle. So this type of shell you get the plane that is
known as parallel of latitude or parallels of circle sometimes it is called as parallels of circle.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:57)
Now doubly curved shells are synclastic and very common examples are domes which are seen
in case of temple, mosque, auditorium and other types of large buildings. I mean large building I
mean that area is large to provide a column free space then we construct the thin shell like dome.
The ellipsoid that is in place of this arc of circle as meridian if we take the elliptical curve then
ellipsoid of revolution is formed.
Similarly, paraboloid of revolution is also there when a parabolic meridian is rotated. So doubly
curved shells these are the examples of synclastic shell. And this is an example of spherical
dome this arc is taken as a part of a circle. Then there is anticlastic shell in the doubly curved
group that is known as hyperboloid of revolution and that is mainly used in the cooling tower.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:09)
Examples are this. So hyperboloid of revolution that is this type of structure is used in cooling
tower. Then this is also a synclastic shell that is instead of this circular meridian we have taken
elliptic meridian to form the surface of the shell. Conical shells are the examples of synclastic
shell and it is developable surface. But this also falling under the group of shells of surface
revolution, conical shell is also formed in the groups of shells of surface revolution.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:50)
Now let us first introduce the coordinate system in which we will work out our problems. So axis
of position here is z axis the position of any point on the surface is denoted by ϕ, θ, 𝑅. You can
here note ϕ is the meridian angle by which the position of the point on a particular meridian is
located. Then on this meridian the position of the point circumferential is also located by an
angle θ which is known as circumferential angle. And the radial distance of the point from the
center of the horizontal circle or parallel of latitude is R. This R1 is the major principle radius is
there and here you can see the center of curvature and R2 is the second principle curvature but
here this R2 is shown as an intercept or distance between the point under consideration with the
point of intersection with the axis of rotation. So that is here R2. So these are that is the radius of
the parallel circle is related to R2 by meridian angle ϕ.
So one can readily see that R = R2 sin ϕ. The angle of meridian plane is denoted by θ and
measured anti-clock wise from a fixed reference plane and these reference plane is taken. Here
this plane is say z-x plane if this is the x axis, so now the meridian and parallels of latitudes are
actually lines of curvature. And this line of curvature this is parallels of latitude one lines of
curvature in meridian is one line of curvature.
So these lines of curvature have the principle radius R1 and R2 so this second principle radius R2
that I have discussed I have introduced to you it is nothing but a distance between the point under
consideration and the point of intersection with the vertical axis of rotation.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:26)
The membrane stress resultant on the element, we take small elements whose length here this
will be your Rdθ, width will be R1dφ. That can be readily verified from here that if this angle is
dθ then this small arch will be R × dθ if this radial line is R. Similarly, this arc if this angle is dφ
then this arc length will be this distance is R1 so R1 × dφ. Membrane stress resultant are shown
here in this element that is Nφ per unit length and in the meridional direction and this is Nθ in the
circumferential direction.
So Nφ is the meridional stress and Nθ is the circumferential stress. Nθφ and Nφθ are the membrane
shear forces that are shown on the edge of the element. On the opposite edges we consider the
increment of this quantity. So suppose if this is Nθ, on the opposite edges this stress will be Nθ +
increment. This increment is ∂θ
𝑑θ taking only first order term of the Taylor series expansion.
Nφθ will be . So you have seen that here on the element the forces acting along the
edges in tangential direction that is the shear force and in the normal direction that is the direct
membrane force, Nθ and Nφ. So we have to form the equilibrium conditions of this element to
analyze this shell. And then we get a differential equation.
Now if the load acting on the shell are in general w and w may have any direction of action that
means line of action. So line of action of load may be vertical or may be inclined in any
direction. But ultimately for taking the equilibrium condition we have to resolve the component
into 3 principle directions that is θ, φ and R. So, 3 principle coordinate direction will resolve the
load and form the equilibrium equations.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:35)
So in this figure it is illustrated that in this element total force is suppose in this edge total force
will be Nφ into say this distance is R so it will be Rdθ. So that means this distance will be Nφ Rdθ
similarly here this force in this edge this force Nθ will be 𝑁θ × 𝑅1𝑑ϕ . So in this way, we can find
the total force on the element considering the distribution of the membrane forces on the small
element is uniform. Because this elemental length is very small so therefore we do not consider
any variation of this force along this small elemental length and therefore the normal stress or the
meridional stress in this direction will be . Similarly, the membrane direct force in this
edge will be 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ. So all the forces can be calculated and this total membrane shear force in
this edge will be . Here on the other edge, adjacent edge the membrane shear force is
Now for this element, at any point on the shell surface we have 3 principle directions that is the
θ, φ and R, R is the radial direction. So if I say aθ is a unit vector along the circumferential
direction, along with θ direction. Circumferential direction we generally we call it θ direction. So
aθ is the unit vector along the circumferential direction and aϕ is the unit vector along the
meridional direction.
In the similar way the vector aR is the unit vector along the radial direction so unit vector I mean
the directions here are shown in the respective axis but the magnitude is 1. So here the shell
element is formed bounded by the angle and so that this area is if this radial distance is
R this area will be × this arc length will be 𝑅1𝑑ϕ. So area of this element is RdθR1dφ so to
form the equilibrium equation we actually collect all the component of the forces in the
respective direction and then sum up with proper sign.
So along the direction of the tangent to the meridian curve what is meridian curve this is the
meridian curve and this tangential direction is known as φ direction. So that is one direction will
take to form the equilibrium equation that is one equilibrium equation will be formed after
summing up all the components along the φ direction. φ direction is the meridian direction now
next is along the tangent to the parallel of latitude. So the latitude here is seen that is the
horizontal circle or this parallel of circle that you have seen.
So that in that direction we will again collect all the components and then we will sum up and
that direction is known as θ direction. Similarly, in the radial direction if this is the center and
radial direction is denoted in this positive direction of the axis are denoted with this arrow that is
shown here. And in the radial direction again we collect all the component and sum up, equate to
0. So in this way we will form the equilibrium equations.
So if the resultant force is 𝑅 then we can write this vector equation say ∑ 𝐹ϕ which denotes the
sum of the components of all forces along the meridional direction. So along the meridian
direction therefore we assign the unit vector 𝑎ϕ then + ∑ 𝐹θ which denote the forces, sum of the
forces along the circumferential direction. And therefore we assign unit vector 𝑎θ. Similarly, 𝐹𝑅
this summation of this all the forces in the radial direction will collect and we take it here and
then assign a unit vector 𝑎𝑅.
Now for equilibrium, resultant must vanish so therefore 𝑅 = 0 so that indicates that individually
summation of 𝐹ϕ = 0, summation of 𝐹θ = 0 and summation of 𝐹𝑅 = 0. So the principle of
forming the equilibrium equation is that we have shown the differential element and the forces
acting on the differential element and then we will resolve all the forces in the direction of
meridian in the direction of meridian I mean tangent to the meridian and then another direction
will take for this sum of all the forces that is in the direction of tangent to the parallel circle. And
then another direction is along the normal to the parallel circle. So all these components will be
taken and grouped in the respective direction and equated to 0 for forming the equilibrium
equation. So let us now proceed to find the equilibrium equation one by one. First we will take
the summation of forces along the direction of tangent to the meridional curve.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:41)
So along the direction of the tangent to the meridian curve or meridional curve meridional
direction the membrane force is . So therefore the force quantity that I will write here
is the length of this arc. Now here we assign the negative sign because the positive
direction of this unit vector 𝑎ϕ we have assigned in this downward direction. So that is we taken
as negative sign now here you can see from the basic figure that radius of curvature of the
parallel circle is variable.
That is the parallel circle here have radius say R but at this position the radius is not equal to the
radius of this point. So radius is variable here and radius varies with the angle ϕ. So therefore we
take the variation of the radius here and therefore the total meridional force in this arc will be
this is the force here. And these multiplied by the length of this element is
why this length is changed? Because; the radius of curvature at this position and at
this position is different as seen from this figure, radius of this parallel circle here and here will
be different so therefore we take this variation of radius with ϕ. After simplification that is you
multiply each term of this quantity with this quantity and then you neglect and cancel the
common terms and neglect also this square of the small quantities ∂ϕ , then ultimately you will
get this term because these can be neglected as 𝑑ϕ is 1 and that is is your first term
and that is being cancelled with this term . So ultimately we are left with this term
Because R and both are dependent on ϕ so therefore it is written in the differential form
The component of Nθ along the tangent to the meridian now Nθ force is here in this edge Nθ total
Nθ will be the Nθ × 𝑅1𝑑ϕ. In that edge the circumferential force will be ∂θ
𝑑θ × 𝑅1𝑑ϕ. Because
𝑅1𝑑ϕ is the arc length so we have written these 2 forces on the opposite edges and if you see
found on the one edge total component 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ . On the other edge it is 𝑁θ + ( ∂𝑁θ
∂θ )
𝑑θ 𝑅1𝑑ϕ.
So resolving this towards the center of the parallel circle and if this angle is 𝑑θ then this
component of this will be 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ sin 𝑑θ/2. Similarly, component of this force along this radius
will be 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ × sin 𝑑θ/2. If we neglect the contribution of ∂θ
𝑑θ 𝑅1𝑑ϕ × sin𝑑ϕ/2. So
neglecting the contribution of this quantity because, ultimately this product of 2 small quantities
will be there. So therefore we can neglect safely and ultimately for small angle 𝑑θ we can take
sin 𝑑θ/2 = 𝑑θ/2. So therefore we get unbalanced component as 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ 𝑑θ.
And this unbalanced component now can be resolved in the direction of tangent to the meridian
as well as along the normal to the tangent. So this component will be resolved and unbalanced
force we have calculated as 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ 𝑑θ. This unbalanced force as 2 components along ϕ
direction is the direction along the tangent to the meridian. And radial direction is the direction
along the normal to the tangent to the meridian.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:11)
So these 2 components you are seeing here that is if this angle is ϕ then after resolving this force
along the tangent direction to the meridian it becomes 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ𝑑θ cos 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ϕ . Because if this
angle is ϕ, this angle is 90 - ϕ and this will be again here ϕ so this component of this force along
the tangent direction will be 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ𝑑θ cos 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ϕ . Similarly, its component along the radial
direction will be along the direction of principle radius that is the normal direction it will be
𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ𝑑θ sin 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ϕ .
So 2 components we have got and we have written it and we will take it when forming the
summation of the forces along the respective direction. So radial component is this and this along
the ϕ direction this is the component 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ𝑑θ cos 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ϕ . In radial direction it will be
these forces acting on the 2 opposite edges. So you are seeing here Nθφ × , is the
So after summing up and cancelling some term we get this the component of the Nθφ tangent to
the meridian that is the ϕ direction is . Now we have taken all the components
whatever are there in the direction of tangent to the meridian. The external load component that
have to be now taken. So component of w, if w is the load acting on the shell surface and its unit
is force per unit area, surface area.
So in the ϕ direction we take the component as and therefore total force on this element
along the ϕ direction will be into area of the element is × . So we get all the
Now we sum up all the components along the ϕ direction and we get this equation
. That is one component that we have found out earlier we have taken here. Similarly, other
component we have taken and other component and then these components are actually one is
along the ϕ direction another is components of along the ϕ direction, and the component of
So after cancelling the common term, common term is so we can now write the equation
the first principle radius of curvature. This R can be related to this second principle of curvature
by the meridional angle ϕ.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:48)
Now we get the first equation so let us obtain other 2 equations along the tangent to the parallel
of latitude. Now the parallel of latitude is the θ direction so this direction the tangent to this
direction is θ direction that is we can call it circumferential direction. So first let us take the
component of Nφθ. So Nφθ you are seeing that is actually in the direction of θ.
So therefore summing up the component that is acting on the 2 opposite edges we can get the
quantity. So here the first quantity that is here it is in the positive direction so we take
. So that is one part then length of this arc is . Because the radius
here is R but here the radius is not R, radius is changed. Radius is variable with ϕ that is clear
So arc length of this edge will be . So this arc length is taken here and then
is the total force along these edges, and it is along the negative direction of the θ that
is along the decreasing direction of θ therefore it is taken as negative. So; after multiplying term
by term and cancelling some common term and also ignoring the term with power of small
quantities, we ultimately get this as . So cancelling
this term that is this is very small quantity we ultimately get this because this and this R
these 2 can be combined and we get R × and it is derivative with respect to ϕ, and we
get this . So, one component is obtained similarly other component of forces in
Component of along the θ direction, . So is acting here and on the edges you are
seeing that the increment is given so . So the component of these 2 forces along
the θ direction that is in the circumferential direction is found in the similar way that we have
found in earlier case, the component of along the radial direction and normal direction.
So in this way we get this component of as and this is along the
increasing direction of θ and hence taken as positive quantity in the summation process to be
taken in the later on. So this total component of along the θ direction is now given
So this component is found just after summation because these forces are acting along the
tangent. So there is no need to resolve in to get the component so we take here because if this
direction if positive direction then this quantity is one term. And then
because this is in the opposite direction but with 2 forces that is as . The arc
length is same so arc length so after simplifying we get this force in the component of
along the tangent to the parallel circle that is . So we have got all the
components along the θ direction except the component of w. So component of w along the θ
direction let it be denoted by 𝑤θ and therefore surface load along θ direction would be 𝑤θ into
on ϕ.
So therefore when we differentiate this quantity it will be one term will be and another
term will be . And this R1 which is one of the principle radius of curvature is appearing
case you can see that has no contribution and this along the normal when you
resolve it, along the normal will have 0 value. So therefore these 2 forces have no contribution
towards the equilibrium equation in the normal direction. Contribution of along the normal,
so along the normal direction we have earlier obtained during forming the equilibrium
And one component we have kept in store and now we are utilizing so component along the
radial direction is 𝑁θ𝑅1𝑑ϕ𝑑θ sin 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ϕ . This component we have obtained earlier but as seen
here we did not use it because at that time we formed the equation in the ϕ direction. Now we are
forming the equation in the radial direction so we take this quantity.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:42)
Contribution of along the normal. If you see the that is the meridional force at the 2
ends of the curve say here total force is and here it will be × .
So therefore this variation is taken and the small angle that is here with respect to your center at
. But here arc length is because R is changing from here to here with
respect to ϕ and this change is reflected here. So after resolving this along the normal direction
Now component of wR along the radial direction will be say the load is wR then load multiplied
by surface area is . So this component we have got now to form the equation of
(Refer Slide Time: 46:20)
another component of towards the normal is , then this is the radial component of
the load. Now in the definition of load when we define the load, we have taken the load
component wR away from the center. So therefore outwards, so outward direction we take the
load as negative.
So therefore it is written as this so total all the quantities are added up and
then we can form the equilibrium equation. Now here interestingly you can see there is no
differential term appearing in the equation of equilibrium. So no differential term is coming here
because we will ultimately divide the quantities with the area of the element × R.
So R is the area of the element and taking R = R2sin φ that is clear here from the first
diagram that this R is nothing but if this distance is R2 and this angle is φ, R = R2sin φ so that
relationship will use here R = R2sin φ. And then we get this equation,
So divide throughout by R1R2dφdθ sinφ so after dividing all the terms by this factor R1R2dφdθ
sinφ, we ultimately arrive at this equation . So you can see the equilibrium
equation is now here in the third case that is when we summed up all the forces along the radial
direction it is an algebraic equation not a differential equation.
and . Of course for the shell whose thickness is small compared to the radius of
curvature, then in that case = . Now having found these 3 equations of equilibrium we
now come to the case where the axi symmetrical loading conditions exist.
Now mainly the shell structures which are used for construction of roof say dome in an assembly
hall or a religious spaces or any large hall is generally a thin structure and the loading there is
only your, self-load. And very nominal quantity of live load. And occasionally wind load occurs
and wind load of course it becomes asymmetrical distribution. And in addition to that there may
be some snow load also but that snow load is also taken as the symmetrical load distribution.
So therefore axi symmetrical condition of this surface of revolution is most common case and the
design we should take into account of the axi symmetrical condition.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:57)
So for axi symmetrical condition Nφθ=Nθϕ is 0 so therefore this equation this term will be 0
will have not contribution because for axi symmetrical condition Nφθ is 0 if we look at this
second equation because Nφθ is 0. So this term is also not necessary, this is also not necessary and
this is also not there.
So that means second equation is actually not necessary in case of axi symmetrical condition,
first equation is necessary and the third equation is necessary. From the first equation, we can get
this and once the is obtained we can get the from that equation. So we have only 2
equations of equilibrium in case of axi symmetrical condition and from this equation that is this
equation. And then we get this equation as d/dϕ we remove the partial derivative sign because it
now becomes an axis symmetrical condition. So it is not dependent on these 2 quantities that is ϕ
and θ. So ultimately it will be only dependent on ϕ, first equation so therefore we write
R=R2sinφ you can see this R is here the radius of the parallels of latitude and it is related to
second principle curvature R2 as with the relation R=R2sinφ.
So substituting this here and rearranging some terms we get
these 2 terms can be retained here . So that is possible and after writing this we
get a simple expression as this which can be integrated. So after integrating of this expression we
to be found from edge condition. Now in; case of this surface of this revolution having a cut
edges or having the known at 1 edge or at the other edge, we can find the value of k so that
value of k when we find, then cannot be satisfied for the condition that exist at the other
edge. So therefore a corrective term as to be applied. This is the drawback of the membrane
theory because the membrane condition, the membrane state of condition may not be satisfied at
the edges.
(Refer Slide Time: 57:06)
So today what we have done, we have discussed the equations of equilibrium for the shells in the
form of surface of revolution and the equation so derived actually general and can be used for
any type of loading. The 3 equations that I have derived first are general equations of
equilibrium. And whether the loading is symmetrical or unsymmetrical you can use these 3
But we simplified these 3 equations in case of axi-symmetrical loading taking the condition of
= to be 0. And 3 equations are reduced to 2 equations and out of that we find that 1 is
algebraic equations and in one case it is differential equation but it is an ordinary differential
equation. So when the differential equation is solved then we can find this value of and
substituting this value of in this second equation then we can get the second
circumferential stress .
Because in case of axi-symmetrical loading this is 0 so only 2 forces are of important one is
and another is . So final equation from membrane stress that we have found reveal some
drawback of membrane theory that I have told you earlier. And these are drawback you can note
that when we want to calculate the constant of integration based on 1 edge condition and implies
that constant may not be satisfied or that constant with the equation cannot be satisfied with the
other edge, so that means a homogenous correction has to be applied to adopt total solution. So
that drawback has to be removed to find out or to use the membrane solution near the edges. But
away from the edges the membrane solution gives reasonably accurate results thank you very