The Nalco Guide: Authored by
The Nalco Guide: Authored by
The Nalco Guide: Authored by
Failure Analysis
Authored by
Harvey M. Herro
Robert D. Port
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
New York St. Louis San Francisco Auckland Bogota
Caracas Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan
Montreal New Delhi San Juan Singapore
Sydney Tokyo Toronto
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Herro, Harvey M.
The Nalco guide to cooling water system failure analysis / Nalco
Chemical Company ; authored by Harvey M. Herro, Robert D. Port.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-07-028400-8
1. Cooling towers. 2. Heat exchangers—Corrosion. I. Port,
Robert D. II. Nalco Chemical Company. III. Title.
TJ563.H47 1993
621.1'97—dc20 92-22428
The sponsoring editor for this book was Robert W. Hauserman, the
editing supervisor was David E. Fogarty, and the production supervisor
was Suzanne W. Babeuf. It was set in Century Schoolbook by North
Market Street Graphics.
Thanks are extended to Nalco Chemical Company for its support dur-
ing this work. Our colleagues James J. Dillon and James G. Tomei are
the recipients of special appreciation for their contributions of selected
photos and case histories. Thanks are extended to Michael J. Danko for
his contribution of selected photos and aid in sample preparation. We
are indebted to Richard W. Cloud for his excellent scanning electron
microscopy work. Warmest thanks to Ted R. Newman, our mentor.
Thanks are extended to Dr. William K. Baer for his support and guid-
ance during this work. Credit is due James E. Shannon and Bruce
Thompson for their manuscript review. Special thanks to Christopher
Wiatr for his review of Chap. 6, "Biologically Influenced Corrosion."
Constance Szewczyk deserves special thanks for aid in manuscript
preparation. Thanks also to Alice LaMaide for her secretarial assis-
tance. Finally, sincere gratitude is given to Pamela J. Entrikin for final
manuscript edits, cover design direction, and assistance in coordinat-
ing the production of this book with McGraw-Hill.
Harvey M. Herro
Robert D. Port