Self-Care and Healing Techniques For Mind, Body, and Spirit
Self-Care and Healing Techniques For Mind, Body, and Spirit
Self-Care and Healing Techniques For Mind, Body, and Spirit
states such as Theta and Delta. We wake up from a dream/sleep and it keeps us going until wakefulness (beta and
alpha state). As changes occur in temperature and light, our circadian rhythm affects our whole system.
I wake up and do some yoga, qigong & acupressure, smile and appreciate life with some breathing and movement. At
this early time our brain is likely still in Theta state, so I don’t try to rush things, even if it feels slow. I practise
mindfulness, observing my thoughts and creating space.
As we raise our frequency we may connect with plant life that resonates at about 5-6 breaths per minute. I water the
tray for a water lily plant who, enjoys drinking water, as do I in the morning. It feels thirst to meet its need for
hydration and nourishment, such as we do when we run out. It follows its values of unity and harmony with its
environment as do we. It balances Yin with Yang (heaven and earth) and produces flowers and fruits.
We can categorize foods (though we may choose intuitively) as following:
This table relates to how efficiently foods get digested, assimilated, and eliminated by the body. Important to note that
the body acts upon food, rather than food acting upon the body. Optimal refers to feeling ease and high energy after
consuming such foods. Sub-optimal refers to those foods which take some effort on the body’s part, chiefly to produce
enzymes and break down starches. Non-optimal foods have a net negative effect upon the body and require substantial
energy resources to process through our stomach & spleen, liver & gallbladder, small and large intestines, and
I might as well say that it depends how much avocado you eat, exceeding half a day isn’t optimal, over 2 a day is less
than sub-optimal. Yet even a small dose of non-optimal foods has consequences (imbalanced). It also matters how
mindfully we eat, and in what combinations. For example, fats and sweet fruits does not combine, as it creates insulin
resistance. The cause of diabetes type 2 is not sugar, but Fat + Sugar. This has been known in Health Science for years
and described in many “niche” books such as 80/10/10 by Doug Graham. Also, foods require different environments
and mediums. Sweet fruit and acid fruit do not mix, yet sub-acid combine with either. Avocados go well with
tomato/lemon as the acid breaks down fats.
We often focus on purely digestion, yet the process of absorption occurs at a deeper level, and removing waste is part
of the journey as well. So, what can we do to improve our situation? Make conscious choices, manage emotions, build
healthy habits… and practise qigong.
Here are some techniques I learnt for digestion. (It helps to drink warm water)
Additional techniques:
It’s not about counting calories, it’s about balance and consistency.
Additives in food makes it difficult to find balance.
Will-power provides one resource, having a supportive system also matters.
Water is involved in every metabolic process.
Celebrate life by eating fruits and leafy greens.
Eat fruits in the day when the Sun is high.
Make a simple salad with half an avocado and lemon.
Balance your mental, emotional, and physical energy.
Achieve effortless flow and tune to vibration of love.
Listen to your energy and be present when moving.
Set personal goals rather than one’s set by others.
Finding meaning in your purpose and systems in your goals.
Acupressure has been shown in studies to increase weight loss.
Weight changes with food eaten, water, and metabolic processes.
Drink green tea and lemon water to boost fat burning.
Fasting intermittent for 14-16 hours for numerous benefits.
Empathise with your feelings & needs for Health and Happiness
Create a vision, plan, system, goals, habits, routines, for your success.
Accept failure as part of your journey to awareness.
Know when to step back and practise meditation and appreciation.
To learn qigong and acupressure contact me via Facebook & email and that’s also my
address for PayPal if anyone wants to show some support. It would be truly appreciated from my heart 😊
My purpose is to share the wealth of knowledge that I learn from videos, books, and experience…so that YOU can
benefit and apply these techniques and practises in real life to support you! So, embrace the positive and negative
aspects and go for some fruit- our symbiotic propagating partners! Energy = LIFE