Hourglass Workout Program by Luisagiuliet 2

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Every journey begins with a single step, and we all start from that very point.
When you look in the mirror and envision your dream body, remember that
it's absolutely attainable.

I was once a girl who was extremely introverted and insecure, constantly
switching from one diet to the next, but none of it worked! I embarked on a
transformative path to sculpt my body, not just for the external appearance,
but also to become more self-confident and finally live the life I had
manifested for so long. With dedication, determination, and the right
program, you can transform your aspirations into reality.

The Hourglass Workout Program is here to guide, support, and empower you
on your fitness journey. Your goals are within reach, and if you stay
committed and stay true to the path, you'll not only achieve your dream but
also become an inspiration to others. Let's embark on this transformative
journey together because your Hourglass Body is just a few steps away from
becoming your reality. You are already one step closer to your dream
because you bought this program!

Luisa Giuliet
What you need to know
about this Training Plan

Do you desire a snatched waist, a toned

back, a bigger booty, along with defined
arms and legs? That's where my expertise
lies after years of specialization.
The demand for a training plan specifically
tailored to these goals has significantly

In this program, you'll learn step by step how

to build what's known as an "Hourglass
Body." With consistent dedication to this
training plan, you can achieve substantial
results in just 3 months. It´s crucial to be a
gym member to achieve the best results, as
not all exercises can be done from home.
What you get
My Fitness Guide will aid you in achieving your dream physique.
If you've been following my videos on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube regularly,
you already know that I emphasize core & pelvic floor exercises.
These key exercises are also incorporated in this guide. The leg and booty
workouts in this plan are particularly designed to help build a beautiful,
rounded butt while maintaining lean and defined legs. However, this doesn't
mean neglecting the legs entirely, as most booty exercises engage the legs
simultaneously. Still, you can focus on training that specifically targets the
glutes to minimize excessive leg growth.
Why you are not there yet
Some mistakenly assume that upper body training can be overlooked in the
pursuit of an “Hourglass Body”. Yet, it's essential for creating the illusion of a
smaller waist.

The perfect illusion

In this regard, I'm not specifically targeting the arms. Instead, I've created a
tailored workout program to ensure that the arms remain slim and defined,
while allowing for growth in the back and specific shoulder areas.
Of course, there might be some slight arm growth as well.

Remember, nutrition also plays a crucial role. Soon, I'll be offering a separate
nutrition program in my shop.

Part 1

Training Split

Part 2

Progressive Overload

Part 3

Workout Overview

Part 4

Explanation of the Exercises

Part 1

Training Split

Monday BOOTY
Wednesday REST
Thursday LEGS & BOOTY
(you can do at home)


Sunday REST

(My current workout split)

Monday BOOTY
Thursday BOOTY
Saturday LEGS & BOOTY
Sunday REST
Part 2

Progressive Overload
All exercises with weights should be performed according to the principle of
"Progressive Overload." This means that you consistently increase your
performance. If 12 repetitions feel easy, you raise the weight so that you can
only manage 8 repetitions. Over time, you then aim to increase the number
of repetitions back to 12. This is how you build muscle.

The number of reps listed below may therefore vary a bit, but aim to stick to
them as closely as you can.
Part 3

Workout Overview
The training plan is structured as follows:

The categories "Booty", "Legs & Booty" and “Light Shoulders & Back” are
divided into Level 1 and Level 2. It's advisable to start with Level 1.
If you're slightly more advanced and ready for a challenge, you can begin
with Level 2. Beginners should stick with Level 1 until they feel confident with
the exercises. Don't forget that the entire split changes when you progress to
Level 2.

The "Abs/Core Only" category is specifically designed for beginners and can
be done at home. If you're motivated on a rest day, you can incorporate
"Abs/Core Only" into your weekly plan (This also applies to the advanced).
However, be cautious not to overexert yourself. The body requires sufficient
rest and time for recovery and muscle building. The plan for advanced
(Level 2) is also my current personal workout plan! However, my training plan
changes every 12 weeks. The order of exercises is strategically arranged for
an optimal training experience and should be adhered to as closely as
Level 1


Booty/ Leg Activation 5 min -
Kickbacks 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
(approx. 50 % of your
average working

3 sets 12-15 reps

(each side)
Hip Thrust 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 8 reps
1 *AMRAP set
(approx. 20% of your
average working
Hyperextensions (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 10-12 reps
(10 sec hold on the
last rep of every set)

1 AMRAP set (without

RDLs (Romanian 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
Deadlifts) 3 sets 8 reps
Treadmill Workout 1 min 30 sec: speed -
5.5 km/h
3 min: speed 9.5 km/h
30 sec: speed 12
Stretching 5 min -
Level 2


Booty/ Leg Activation 5 min -
Kickbacks 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 12-15 reps
(each side)
Hip Thrust 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 8 reps
1 AMRAP set
Hyperextensions (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 10-12 reps
(10 sec hold on the
last rep of every set)

1 AMRAP set (without

RDLs (Romanian 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
Deadlifts) 3 sets 8 reps
Abductors (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 12-15 reps
Leg Finisher
(light weight):
Single Leg Hip Thrust 1 set (each side) 15-20 reps
Sumo Squats 1 set 15-20 reps
Squat Jumps 1 set 10-12 reps
Stretching 5 min -
*AMRAP (as many reps as possible; usually done with 20% of your average working weight)

Level 1


Booty/ Leg Activation 5 min -
Hip Thrust 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 8 reps
1 AMRAP set
Hyperextensions (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 10-12 reps
(10 sec hold on the
last rep of every set)

1 AMRAP set (without

Bulgarian Split Squats 1 warm up set 10-12 reps

3 sets
(each side) 8 reps

1 AMRAP set (without

Leg Curl (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 12-15 reps
Treadmill Workout 1 min 30 sec: speed -
5.5 km/h
3 min: speed 9.5 km/h
30 sec: speed 12
Stretching 5 min -
Level 2


Booty/ Leg Activation 5 min -
Hip Thrust 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 8 reps
1 AMRAP set
Hyperextensions (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 10-12 reps
(10 sec hold on the
last rep of every set)

1 AMRAP set (without

Bulgarian Split Squats 1 warm up set 10-12 reps

3 sets
8 reps
(each side)

1 AMRAP set (without

Leg Press 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 8-10 reps
Leg Curl (1 warm up set) (10-12 reps)
3 sets 12-15 reps
Treadmill Workout 4 min: speed 5.5 km/h -
5 min: speed 9.5 km/h
1 min: speed 12 km/h
Stretching 5 min -
Level 1


Warm Up Mobility 5 min -
Lat Pulldown Wide 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
Grip 3 sets 8-10 reps

Close Grip Rows 3 sets 8-10 reps

Db Lateral Raises 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 10-12 reps
Db Shoulder Press 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 10-12 reps
Face Pulls 3 sets 12-15 reps

Level 2


Warm Up Mobility 5 min -
Lat Pulldown Wide 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
Grip 3 sets 8-10 reps
Lat Pulldown Close 3 sets 8-10 reps
Wide Grip Rows 3 sets 8-10 reps
Close Grip Rows 3 sets 8-10 reps
Db Single Arm Rows 3 sets 10-12 reps
(each side)
Face Pulls 3 sets 12-15 reps
Plank 1 set 1 min
High Plank 1 set 1 min
High Plank Leg Lifts 1 set 30 sec
Plank Knee Taps 1 set 30 sec
Superman Hold 1 set 30 sec
Reverse Plank 1 set 1 min
Reverse Plank Knee 1 set 30 sec
Reverse Plank Dips 1 set 30 sec
Glute Bridge Marches 1 set 30 sec
Single Leg Bridge Hold 1 set 30 sec
(each side)
Leg Bridge Knee Tucks 1 set 30 sec
Around The Worlds 1 set 30 sec
(each side)

repeat abs & core 2 x

Treadmill Workout Level 1

1 min 30 sec: speed
5.5 km/h
3 min: speed 9.5 km/h
30 sec: speed 12
Level 2
4 min: speed 5.5 km/h
5 min: speed 9.5 km/h
1 min: speed 12 km/h
Warm Up Mobility 5 min -
Db Lateral Raises 3 sets 10-12 reps
Db Bent Over Lateral 3 sets 10-12 reps
Db Shoulder Press 1 warm up set 10-12 reps
3 sets 10-12 reps
Db Front Raises 3 sets 10-12 reps
Gorilla Rows 3 sets 10-12 reps
Face Pulls 3 sets 12-15 reps

Plank 1 set 1 min

Reverse Plank 1 set 1 min
Reverse Plank Knee 1 set 30 sec
Reverse Plank Dips 1 set 30 sec
Leg Bridge Knee Tucks 1 set 30 sec
Frog Crunches 1 set 30 sec
Butterfly Kicks 1 set 30 sec
Half Leg Raises 1 set 30 sec
Dead Bugs 1 set 30 sec
Superman hold 1 set 30 sec

repeat abs & core 2 x

Plank 1 set 1 min
Plank Knee Taps 1 set 30 sec
Reverse Plank 1 set 1 min
Reverse Plank Knee 1 set 30 sec
Reverse Plank Dips 1 set 30 sec
Glute Bridge Marches 1 set 30 sec
Single Leg Bridge Hold 1 set 30 sec
(each side)
Leg Bridge Knee Tucks 1 set 30 sec
Butterfly Kicks 1 set 30 sec
Half Leg Raises 1 set 30 sec
Dead Bugs 1 set 30 sec
Frog Crunches 1 set 30 sec
Around The Worlds 1 set 30 sec
(each side)

repeat 2 x
Part 4

Explanation of
the Exercises
Booty & Legs

Hip Thrust:

For Hip Thrusts, lie on a weight bench with your upper

back, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Attempt to lift
your weight upward with your pelvis while keeping your
glutes engaged. To perform the exercise with a focus on
the glutes, push up from your heels. Your chin should be
tucked downwards.
Romanian Deadlifts:

If you want to do RDLs with a focus on your glutes, stand with your
feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed outward.
Slightly bend your knees as you lower the dumbbells along your
thighs. Keep your back straight and direct your head downward
toward your chest, while pushing your hips backward. Finally, return
to the upright position by engaging your glutes.
Hyperextensions are an exercise that targets the glutes
and strengthens the lower back. You bend forward on a
hyperextension bench and then return to the starting position by
engaging your glutes. To effectively target the glutes, perform the
exercise with a rounded back and your toes pointing to the side.
Bulgarian Split Squats:

Bulgarian Split Squats with a focus on the glutes are a single-leg

exercise where you place one foot on an elevated platform and
then perform a lunge. To engage your glutes effectively, slightly
lean forward without going over your knee, and try to push up from
your heels.

Kickbacks are performed using a cable machine with a foot

attachment. Stand a short distance away from the cable machine
and extend your leg back in a controlled manner. The leg you're
exercising should slightly rotate outward during the movement,
while your other leg remains slightly bent. For optimal execution,
you can place your supporting leg on a weight plate.
Choose a moderate weight for this exercise.

Abductor exercises with a focus on the glutes aim to target the

lateral glute muscles and enhance hip stability by performing
movements where the legs move away from the center of the
body. Lean slightly forward and hold onto the front of the machine
to better engage your glutes.
Leg Curl:

Leg Curls target the back of the thighs (hamstrings). Sit at the leg
curl machine, lean back, and bend your knees to pull the leg pad
towards your glutes. Then, return to the starting position slowly.
Leg Press:

To effectively target the glutes during the leg press, position your
feet about hip-width apart and toes slightly pointed outward. Your
feet should be positioned in the upper part of the leg press. Push
up, especially from your heels.
Leg Finisher

Single Leg Hip Thrust:

Single Leg Hip Thrusts are an exercise where you sit with your back to
a bench, place one foot flat on the ground, and extend the other
leg in front of you. Then, you push your pelvis upward until your back
and hips form a straight line. When going up, it's best to bend your
leg. This exercise targets the glute muscles and the back of the
thighs (hamstrings), while enhancing hip stability.
Sumo Squats:

During Sumo Squats with a kettlebell, stand with your feet wide
apart on an elevation, toes slightly pointed outward. Hold a
kettlebell in front of your body with arms extended. Bend your
knees and hips to perform a squat, then push up from your heels to
return to the upright position. Keep your glutes engaged as you
rise. Maintain an upright posture and engage your core muscles.
Squat Jumps:

Squat Jumps are an exercise where you explosively jump

into the air from a squat position. Start with a squat and then jump
upward, extending your arms downward with the movement. Land
softly back into a squat to absorb the impact. Squat Jumps are an
effective exercise to strengthen leg muscles, increase jump power,
and enhance explosiveness.
Booty/ Leg Activation
(warm up for glutes & legs)

Banded Rainbow Kicks:

This exercise aims to activate the lateral glute muscles. Attach a

resistance band above your knees. Get on all fours. Lift one leg to
the side, forming a rainbow-like motion with your foot.

Banded Straight Leg Donkey Kicks:

Position a resistance band above your knees. Get on all fours.

Extend one leg straight back, ensuring it stays straight, and lift it as
high as possible. Return to the starting position in a controlled
manner and repeat the movement. Be mindful not to arch your
lower back during the exercise.
Dumbbell Glute Bridges:

Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a dumbbell
above your pelvis. Lift your pelvis by activating your glute muscles,
creating a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Lower your
pelvis in a controlled manner and repeat the movement.

Banded Glute Bridge Pull Aparts (with dumbbell):

Place a resistance band above your knees and lie on your back.
Hold a dumbbell above your pelvis. Lift your pelvis and pull your
knees apart, working against the resistance of the band. Maintain
tension in your glute muscles.
Back & Shoulders

Lat Pulldown Wide Grip:

This exercise targets the latissimus dorsi muscles (broad back

muscles). You sit at a lat pulldown machine and pull a bar with
wide-spaced grips towards your chest. Keep your back straight and
retract your shoulder blades.
Lat Pulldown Close Grip:

The close grip lat pulldown is an exercise for the upper back and
arms. Sitting at a lat pulldown machine, you grip a rowing handle
or a bar in a narrow position and pull it towards your body, keeping
your elbows close to your sides. Keep your shoulders down and
Wide Grip Rows:

This exercise primarily targets the back muscles, particularly the

middle and upper back. Sitting at a rowing machine, you pull a
bar with wide-spaced grips towards your body while keeping your
back straight and retracting your shoulder blades.
Close Grip Rows:

The close grip row is an exercise for the upper back and arms.
Sitting on a rowing machine, you grip the rowing handles or a bar
in a narrow position and pull them towards your body, keeping
your elbows close to your sides. Ensure to maintain a straight back
and draw your shoulders down and back.
Dumbbell Single Arm Rows:

Stand with one knee and one hand on an elevated bench or

dumbbell bench. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand, letting it
hang straight down. Pull the dumbbell up towards your navel,
keeping your elbow close to your body. Lower the dumbbell down
in a controlled manner to target the upper back and rear shoulder
Gorilla Rows:

For this back and shoulder exercise, stand with slightly bent knees.
Your legs should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your
upper body should be slightly bent forward as you pull a kettlebell
up with your elbow close to your body, until it reaches about hip
height. Lower it back down and repeat the exercise on the other
Face Pulls:

Face Pulls target the shoulder and upper back muscles. Stand at a
cable machine, grip the handles, and pull them towards the sides
of your face while retracting your shoulder blades. Your knees
should be bent during this movement.
Dumbbell Lateral Raises:

This exercise targets the lateral shoulder muscles. Stand with slightly
bent knees and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Lift your arms
laterally until they are parallel to the ground, then lower them
down in a controlled manner.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

This exercise targets the shoulder muscles, particularly the front

portion of the deltoids. Stand with slightly bent knees and hold a
dumbbell in each hand. Press the dumbbells overhead until your
arms are fully extended, then lower them down in a controlled
Dumbbell Bent Over Lateral Raises:

Stand upright, hold a dumbbell in each hand, and bend your

upper body forward almost parallel to the ground. Your arms
should hang down relaxed. Then, lift both arms laterally out to the
sides until they're about shoulder height. Lower the dumbbells
down in a controlled manner to target the lateral shoulder
Dumbbell Front Raises:
Stand upright and hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms
beside or in front of your body. Lift the dumbbells straight in front of
you until they reach shoulder height or slightly above. Lower the
weights back down slowly to strengthen the front shoulder muscles.

Warm Up Mobility:

This refers to a series of mobilization exercises to warm up the joints and

improve flexibility. This can include exercises such as Arm Circles, Shoulder
Rolls, Arm Swings, Cat-Cow.
Core Exercises

To effectively target your core, keep the following in mind:

Do stomach vacuums before your core workout (about 30 sec).

While performing all core exercises, keep the following in mind:

Suck in your belly towards your spine & tuck in your pelvis. Keep your
back in neutral spine position.

Coordinate your breathing with the movements. Exhale when

contracting the abdominal muscles during the exercise and inhale
when relaxing.


Reverse Plank:

Reverse Plank Knee Tucks:

Reverse Plank Dips:

Plank Knee Taps:


High Plank:
High Plank Leg Lifts:

Superman Hold:
Glute Bridge Marches:

Dead Bugs:
Butterfly Kicks:

Half Leg Raises:

Frog Crunches:

Leg Bridge Hold:

Leg Bridge Knee Tucks:

Around The Worlds:


You've finally made it! You've persevered for 3 months, and I hope
you've come closer to achieving your dream physique. Now, it's
important to stay committed!

In my shop, I'll regularly offer new workout plans.

I hope you'll be part of the next launch as well.

Feel free to send me your before and after pictures or provide a

brief feedback to the following email:

If you're okay with it, I'd like to share them to show others what can
be achieved in just 3 months with this program.

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