Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions On

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Effects of altitude and atmospheric conditions on the flight of a baseball

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A. Terry Bahill David G Baldwin

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ISSN 1750-9823 (print)
International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering
Vol. 03 (2009) No. 02, pp. 109-128

Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight

of a Baseball
A. Terry Bahill 1, + , David G. Baldwin 2 and John S. Ramberg 1
Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0020
Chicago White Sox Baseball Team, retired

(Received December 12, 2008, accepted February 5, 2009)

Abstract. Altitude and weather affect air density, which in turn affects how far a batted baseball or softball
travels. This paper shows that air density is inversely related to altitude, temperature and humidity, and is
directly related to barometric pressure. Regression analysis is used to show the relative importance of each of
the four factors (altitude, temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure) and to look for interactions
between them. As shown by this model, on a typical July afternoon in a major league baseball stadium,
altitude is easily the most important factor, explaining 80% of the variability. This is followed by temperature
(13%), barometric pressure (4%) and relative humidity (3%). A simple linear algebraic equation presented in
this paper predicts air density well. The model shows how the batted ball’s range depends on both the drag
force and the Magnus force (the force due to a spinning object moving in an airflow) and considers the
relative importance of the drag and Magnus forces.
Keywords: baseball, softball, home run, altitude, temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, air
density, sensitivity analysis, equations, Physics, slider, spin of a ball, Magnus force, drag force,

1. Movement of the Pitch

Baseball batters say that the pitch hops, drops, curves, breaks, rises, sails or tails away. Baseball pitchers
say that they throw fastballs, screwballs, curveballs, drop curves, flat curves, knuckle curveballs, sliders,
change ups, palm balls, split fingered fastballs, splitters, forkballs, sinkers, cutters, two-seam fastballs and
four-seam fastballs. This sounds like a lot of variation. However, no matter how the pitcher grips or throws
the ball, once it is in the air its motion depends only on gravity, its velocity and its spin. (This statement is
true even for the knuckleball, because it is the shifting position of the seams during its slow spin en route to
the plate that gives the ball its erratic behavior.) In engineering notation, these pitch characteristics are
described respectively by a linear velocity vector and an angular velocity vector, each with magnitude and
direction. The magnitude of the linear velocity vector is called pitch speed and the magnitude of the angular
velocity vector is called the spin rate. These vectors produce a force acting on the ball that causes a
deflection of the ball’s trajectory. The first sections of this paper are based on [Bahill and Karnavas, 1991;
Bahill and Baldwin, 2003; Bahill, 2004; Bahill, Botta, and Daniels, 2006; Bahill and Baldwin, 2007; Bahill
and Baldwin, 2008].
Isaac Newton [1671] noted that spinning tennis balls experienced a lateral deflection mutually
perpendicular to the direction of flight and to the direction of spin. Later, Benjamin Robins [1742] bent the
barrel of a musket to produce spinning musket balls and also noted that the spinning balls experienced a
lateral deflection perpendicular to the direction of flight and to the direction of spin. In 1853, Gustav Magnus
(see [Briggs, 1959; Barkla and Auchterlonie, 1971] studied spinning artillery shells fired from rifled artillery
pieces and found that the range depended on crosswinds. A crosswind from the right lifted the shell and gave
it a longer range: a crosswind from the left made it drop short. In 1902 the Polish born Martin Kutta and
independently in 1906 Nikolai Joukowski studied cylinders spinning in an airflow. They were the first to
model this force with an equation. Although these four experiments sound quite different (and they did not

Corresponding author. A. Terry Bahill, Systems and Industrial Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0020, (520)
621-6561, terry@sie.arizona.edu.
David G. Baldwin, P.O. Box 190, Yachats, OR 97498, (541) 547-4713, snakejazz_37@brainpip.com.
John S. Ramberg, Professor Emeritus, 114 Capricho Circle, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147, (970) 731-2413, jsramberg@msn.com.

Published by World Academic Press, World Academic Union

110 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

know about each other’s work), they were all investigating the same underlying force. This force, commonly
called the Magnus force, operates when a spinning object (like a baseball) moves through a fluid (like air)
which results in it being pushed sideways. Two models explain the basis of this Magnus force: one is based
on conservation of momentum and the other is based on Bernoulli’s principle [Bahill and Karnavas, 1993;
Watts and Bahill, 2000; NASA, 2008].
Figures 1 and 2 show the effects of spin on the pitch. During the pitch of a major league baseball, the ball
falls about three feet due to gravity (d= ½ at2). However, the fastball has backspin that opposes gravity and
the curve ball has top spin that aids the fall due to gravity.

Fig. 1. A 90 mph (40 m/s) overhand fastball launched one-degree downward with 1200 rpm of backspin. Copyright ,

2008, Bahill, from http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/ used with permission.

Fig. 2. An 80 mph (36 m/s) overhand curveball launched two-degrees upward with 2000 rpm of topspin. Copyright ,
2008, Bahill, from http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/ used with permission.

In the simulations of Figures 1 and 2, the pitcher releases the ball five feet (1.5 m) in front of the rubber
at a height of six feet (1.8 m). The batter hits the ball 1.5 feet (0.5 m) in front of the plate. These figures also
show what the batter is doing during the pitch. During the first third of the pitch, he is gathering sensory
information (mostly with his eyes) about the speed and spin of the pitch. During the middle third of the pitch,
he is computing where and when the ball will cross the plate. During the last 150 msec, he is swinging the
bat and can do little to alter its trajectory.

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 111

We will now apply the right-hand rules to the linear velocity vector and the angular velocity vector in
order to describe the direction of the spin-induced deflection of the a spinning ball in flight.

2. Right-hand Rules Applied to a Spinning Ball in Flight

First we use the angular right-hand rule to find the direction of the spin axis. As shown in Figure 3, if
you curl the fingers of your right hand in the direction of spin, your extended thumb will point in the
direction of the spin axis.

Fig. 3. The angular right-hand rule. When the Fig. 4. The coordinate right-hand rule. If the thumb
fingers are curled in the direction of rotation, points in the direction of the spin axis and the index
the thumb points in the direction of the spin finger points in the direction of forward motion, then
axis. Photograph by Zach Bahill. Copyright , the middle finger will point in the direction of the
spin-induced deflection. Photograph by Zach Bahill.
2004, Bahill, used with permission from
http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/. Copyright , 2004, Bahill, used with permission
from http://www sie arizona edu/sysengr/slides/

Next we use the coordinate right-hand rule to determine the direction of the spin-induced deflection
force. Point the thumb of your right hand in the direction of the spin axis (as determined from the angular
right-hand rule), and point your index finger in the direction of forward motion (Figure 4). Bend your middle
finger so that it is perpendicular to your index finger. Your middle finger will be pointing in the direction of
the spin-induced deflection (of course, the ball also drops due to gravity). The spin-induced deflection force
will be in a direction represented by the cross product of the angular velocity vector (the spin axis) and the
linear velocity vector of the ball: Angular velocity × Linear velocity = Spin-induced deflection force. Or
mnemonically, Spin axis × Direction = Spin-induced deflection (SaD Sid). This acronym only gives the
direction of spin-induced deflection. The equations yielding the magnitude of the spin-induced deflection
force are discussed in section 4.

3. Direction of Forces Acting on Specific Pitches

Figures 5 and 6 show the directions of spin (circular red arrows) and spin axes (straight black arrows) of
some common pitches from the perspective of the pitcher (Figure 5 represents a right-hander’s view and
Figure 6 a left-hander’s view). We will now consider the direction of the spin-induced deflection of each of
these pitches.

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112 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

Fig. 5. The direction of spin (circular red arrows) and the spin axes (straight black arrows) of a three-quarter arm
fastball, an overhand curveball and a slider, all from the perspective of a right-handed pitcher, meaning the ball is
moving into the page. VaSa is the angle between the Vertical axis and the Spin axis (VaSa). The spin axes could be
labelled spin vectors, because they suggest both magnitude and direction. Copyright , 2005, Bahill, from
http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/ used with permission.

Fig. 6. The direction of spin (circular arrows) and the spin axes (straight arrows) of an overhand fastball, an overhand
curveball, a slider and a screwball from the perspective of a left-handed pitcher. The ball would be moving into the page.
Copyright , 2004, Bahill, from http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/ used with permission.

The spin on the ball is produced by the grip of the fingers and the motion of the pitcher’s arm and wrist.
When a layperson throws a ball, the fingers are the last part of the hand to touch the ball. If the ball is thrown
with an overhand motion, the fingers touch the ball on the bottom and thus impart backspin to the ball. The
overhand fastball shown in Figure 6 has predominantly backspin, which gives it lift, thereby decreasing its
fall due to gravity as shown in Figure 1. However, most pitchers throw the fastball with a three-quarter arm
delivery, which means the arm does not come straight over-the-top, but rather it is in between over-the-top
and sidearm. This delivery rotates the spin axis from the horizontal as shown for the fastball in Figure 5. This
rotation of the axis reduces the lift and also introduces lateral deflection, to the right for a right-handed
The curveball can also be thrown with an overhand delivery, but this time the pitcher rolls his wrist and
causes the fingers to sweep in front of the ball. This produces a spin axis as shown for the overhand curveball
of Figure 5. This pitch will curve at an angle from upper right to lower left as seen by a right-handed pitcher.
Thus, the ball curves diagonally. The advantage of the drop in a pitch is that the sweet area of the bat is about
two inches long (5 cm) [Bahill, 2004] but only one-third of an inch (8 mm) high [Bahill and Baldwin, 2003;
Baldwin and Bahill, 2004]. Thus, when the bat is swung in a horizontal plane, a vertical drop is more
effective than a horizontal curve at taking the ball away from the bat's sweet area.
The slider is an enigmatic pitch. It is thrown somewhat like a football. Unlike the fastball and curveball,
the spin axis of the slider is not perpendicular to the direction of forward motion. As the angle between the
spin axis and the direction of motion decreases, the magnitude of deflection decreases, but the direction of
deflection remains the same. If the spin axis is coincident with the direction of motion, as for the backup

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 113

slider [Bahill and Baldwin, 2007, footnote 3], the ball spins like a bullet and experiences no deflection.
Therefore, a right-handed pitcher usually throws the slider so that he sees the axis of rotation pointed up and
to the left. This causes the ball to drop and curve from the right to the left. Rotation about this axis allows
some batters to see a red dot at the spin axis on the upper-right-side of the ball (See Figure 7). Baldwin,
Bahill and Nathan [2007] and Bahill, Baldwin and Venkateswaran [2005] show pictures of this spinning red
dot. Videos of this spinning red dot are on Bahill’s web site (www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/baseball/). Seeing
this red dot is important — if the batter can see this red dot, then he will know the pitch is a slider and he can
better predict its trajectory.

Fig. 7. The batter’s view of a slider thrown by a right-handed pitcher: the ball is coming out of the page. The red dot
alerts the batter that the pitch is a slider. Copyright , 2004, Bahill, from http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/
used with permission.

4. Magnitude of Forces Acting on a Spinning Ball in Flight

Fig. 8. The forces acting on a spinning ball flying through the air. Copyright , 2007, Bahill, from
http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/ used with permission.

Our tactics are to use baseball units (e. g. feet, mph and pounds) for inputs, SI units (e. g. meters,
kilograms and seconds) for computations, and baseball units for outputs.
Three forces affect the ball in flight, as shown in Figure 8: gravity pulls the ball downward, air resistance
or drag operates in the opposite direction of the ball’s motion and, if it is spinning, there is a force
perpendicular to the direction of motion. The force of gravity is downward, Fgravity  mball g , where mball is
the mass of the ball and g is the acceleration due to gravity: the magnitude of Fgravity is the ball’s weight, as in
Table 1a.
The magnitude of the drag force opposite to the direction of flight is
Fdrag  0.5  πrball
2 2
Cd vball (1)

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114 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

where  is air mass density, vball is the ball speed and rball is the radius of the ball [Watts and Bahill, 2000,
p. 161]. Typical values for these parameters are given in Table 1. Of course SI units should be used in this
equation, but if English units are to be used in Equations (1-7) then  should be in lb-s2/ft4, vball should be in
ft/s, rball should be in ft, Fdrag should be in lb and in later equations ω should be in radians/s. For the
aerodynamic drag coefficient, Cd , a value of 0.5 is used [Watts and Bahill, 2000, p. 157]: Cd has no units.
This drag coefficient is discussed in the 8 Modeling Philosophy section of this paper.

Table 1a: Typical baseball and softball parameters for line drives [Bahill and Baldwin, 2007]
Major League Little NCAA
Baseball League Softball
Ball Baseball Baseball Softball
Ball weight (oz) 5.125 5.125 6.75
Ball weight, F gravity , (lb) 0.32 0.32 0.42
Ball radius (in) 1.45 1.45 1.9
Ball radius, rball (ft) 0.12 0.12 0.16
Pitch speed (mph) 85 50 65
Pitch speed, vball (ft/s) 125 73 95
Distance from front of rubber to tip
60.5 46 43
of plate (ft)
Pitcher’s release point: (distance
(55.5, 6) (42.5, 5) (40.5, 2.5)
from tip of plate, height), (ft)
Bat-ball collision point: (distance
(3, 3) (3, 3) (3, 3)
from tip of plate, height), (ft)
Bat type Wooden C243 Aluminum Aluminum
Typical bat weight (oz) 32 23 25
Maximum bat radius (in) 1.375 1.125 1.125
Speed of sweet spot (mph) 60 45 50
Coefficient of restitution (CoR) 0.54 0.53 0.52
Backspin of batted ball (rps) 10 to 70 10 to 70 10 to 70
Backspin of batted ball,  (rad/s) 63 to 440 63 to 440 63 to 440
Initial batted-ball speed, vball (ft/s) 135 109 109
Desired ground contact point from
120 to 240 80 to 140 80 to 150
the plate (ft)
Air weight density, (lb m /ft3) 0.065 0.065 0.065
Air mass density, ρ (lb-s2/ft4) 0.002 0.002 0.002
Air density depends on altitude, temperature, barometric pressure and humidity.
NCAA stands for the National Collegiate Athletic Association, which is the governing body for
university sports in the United States.

Table 1b: Typical baseball and softball parameters for line drives (SI units)
Major League Little NCAA
baseball League Softball
Bat type Wooden C243 Aluminum Aluminum
Ball type Baseball Baseball Softball
Pitch speed, vball (m/s) 38 22 29
Speed of sweet spot (m/s) 27 20 22
CoR 0.54 0.53 0.52
Typical bat mass (kg) 0.9 0.6 0.7
Ball mass, mball (kg) 0.145 0.145 0.191
Maximum bat radius (m) 0.035 0.029 0.029

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 115

Ball radius, rball (m) 0.037 0.037 0.048

Distance from front of rubber to tip
18.4 14.0 13.1
of plate (m)
Pitcher’s release point: distance 17 m out 13 m out 12 m out
from tip of plate and height 2 m up 1.5 m up 0.8 m up
Bat-ball collision point: distance 1 m out 1 m out 1 m out
from tip of plate and height 1 m up 1 m up 1 m up
Backspin of batted ball, ω (rad/s) 100 to 500 100 to 500 100 to 500
Initial batted-ball speed, vball (m/s) 41 33 33
Desired ground contact point:
37 to 73 24 to 43 24 to 46
distance from the plate (m)
Air density, ρ (kg/m ) This is the
average air density for a game
1.045 1.045 1.045
played in a major league stadium
on a July afternoon.
Air density depends on altitude, temperature, barometric pressure and humidity.
Table 2 shows typical parameters for major league pitches. We estimate that 90% of major league
pitches fall into these ranges. The pitch speed is the speed at the release point: the ball will be going 10%
slower when it crosses the plate. In this paper, the equations are general and should apply to many types of
spinning balls. However, whenever specific numerical values are given, they are for major league baseball
(unless otherwise stated).

Table 2: Typical values for major league pitches [Watts and Bahill, 2000]
Rotations between
Initial Initial Spin Spin rate
pitcher’s release and
Type of pitch Speed Speed rate (revolutions
the point of bat-ball
(mph) (m/s) (rpm) per second)
Fastball 85 to 95 38 to 42 1200 20 8
Slider 80 to 85 36 to 38 1400 23 10
Curveball 70 to 80 31 to 36 2000 33 17
Change-up 60 to 70 27 to 31 400 7 4
Knuckle ball 60 to 70 27 to 31 30 ½ ¼
The earliest empirical equation for the transverse force on a spinning object moving in a fluid is the
Kutta-Joukowski Lift Theorem
L   U  Γ (2)
where L is the lift force per unit length of cylinder,  is the fluid density, U is the fluid velocity and Γ is
the circulation around the cylinder. L, U and Γ are vectors. To see the original Sikorsky and Lightfoot 1949
data about Clift and circulation see Alaways [2008]. When this equation is tailored for a baseball [Watts and
Bahill, 2000, pp. 77-81], it produces the following equation for the magnitude of the spin-induced force
acting perpendicular to the direction of flight.
Fperpendicular  FMagnus  0.5  πrball
 vball (3)
where ω is the spin rate in radians/sec. This is usually called the Magnus force. This is an experimental, not a
theoretical equation. If we make the approximation Clift  then Equations (1) and (3) are equivalent to
Equations (2) and (3) in McBeath, Nathan, Bahill and Baldwin [2008] and the equations on pages 159-169 of
Watts and Bahill [2000].
To show how Equations (1) and (3) work, let us now present a simple numerical example. Assume a 95
mph (42.5 m/s) fastball that has 20 revolutions per second of pure backspin. Using English units and Table
1a, produces

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116 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

Fdrag  0.5 πrball

2 2
Cd vball
Fdrag  (0.5)(0.002)(3.14)(0.12) 2 (0.5)(139) 2  0.44 lb
Near the beginning of the pitch, the Magnus force will be straight up in the air, that is, pure lift.
FMagnus  0.5 πrball
FMagnus  (0.5)(0.002)(3.14)(0.12)3 (126)(139)  0.095 lb
For this fastball, the Magnus force is about one-third the force of gravity given in Table 1a (0.32). This is
consistent with Table 3a.

Table 3a: Gravity-induced and spin-induced drop (with English units) [Bahill and Baldwin, 2007]
Pitch speed Spin rate Duration of Drop due to Total
vertical drop
and type (rpm) flight (msec) gravity (ft) drop (ft)
95 mph
-1200 404 2.63 -0.91 1.72
90 mph
-1200 426 2.92 -0.98 1.94
85 mph
+1400 452 3.29 +0.74 4.03
80 mph
+2000 480 3.71 +1.40 5.11
75 mph
+2000 513 4.24 +1.46 5.70

Table 3b: Gravity-induced and spin-induced drop (with SI units)

Pitch speed Spin rate Duration of Drop due to Total
vertical drop
and type (rad/s) flight (msec) gravity (m) drop (m)
42.5 m/s
-126 404 0.80 -0.28 0.52
40.2 m/s
-126 426 0.89 -0.30 0.59
38.0 m/s
+147 452 0.95 +0.23 1.23
35.8 m/s
+209 480 1.13 +0.43 1.56
33.5 m/s
+209 513 1.29 +0.45 1.74
Using SI units and Table 1b, produces

Fdrag  0.5 πrball

2 2
Cd vball
Fdrag  (0.5)(1.045)(3.14)(0.037)2 (0.5)(42.5)2  2.03 N
FMagnus  0.5 πrball
FMagnus  (0.5)(1.045)(3.14)(0.037)3 (126)(42.5)  0.45 N
For this fastball, the Magnus force is about one-third the force of gravity, which is
Fgravity  mball g  0.145  9.8  1.42 N
When the ball’s spin axis is not horizontal, the Magnus force should be decomposed into a force lifting
the ball up and a lateral force pushing it sideways.

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 117

Fupward  0.5  πrball

 vball sin VaSa (4)
where VaSa is the angle between the vertical axis and the spin axis (Figure 5). The magnitude of the lateral
force is
Fsideways  0.5  πrball
 vball cos VaSa (5)
Finally, if the spin axis is not perpendicular to the direction of motion (as in the case of the slider), the
magnitude of the cross product of these two vectors will depend on the angle between the spin axis and
direction of motion, this angle is called SaD (Figure 9). In aeronautics, it is called the angle of attack.
Flift  0.5 πrball
vball sin VaSa sin SaD (6)

Flateral  0.5 πrball

vball cos VaSa sin SaD (7)

Fig. 9. The first-base coach’s view of a slider thrown by a right-handed pitcher. This illustrates the definition of the
angle SaD. Copyright , 2007, Bahill, from http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/slides/ used with permission.

The spin-induced force on the ball changes during the pitch. Its magnitude decreases, because the drag
force slows the ball down by about 10%. Its direction changes, because gravity is continuously pulling the
ball downward, which changes the direction of motion of the ball by 5 to 10 degrees. However, the ball acts
like a gyroscope, so the spin axis does not change. This means that, for a slider, the angle SaD increases and
partially compensates for the drop in speed in Equations (6) and (7).
The right-hand rules for the lateral deflection of a spinning ball and Equations (1) to (7) apply to pitched
and also batted-balls, except it is harder to make predictions about the magnitude of deflection of batted-balls,
because the data about the spin of batted-balls are poor. The right-hand rules and these equations can also be
applied to soccer, tennis and golf, where speeds, spins and deflections are similar to baseball. However, the
right-hand rules and these equations would be inappropriate for American football, because the spin axis of a
football is almost coincident with the direction of motion. Therefore the angle SaD is near zero and
consequently the spin-induced deflections of a football are small [Rae, 2004].

5. Effects of Air Density on a Spinning Ball in Flight

The distance a ball travels is inversely related the air density. But the explanation for this is not
straightforward. Equations 1 and 3 show that both the drag and Magnus forces are directly proportional to
the air density. So if air density gets smaller, the drag force gets smaller, this allows the ball to go farther.
But at the same time, as air density gets smaller, the Magnus force also gets smaller, which means that the
ball will not be held aloft as long and will therefore not go as far. So these two effects are in opposite
directions. We have built a computer simulation that implements the above equations. This simulation shows
that the change in the drag force has a greater affect on the trajectory of the ball than the change in the
Magnus force does; therefore, as air density goes down, the range of a potential home run ball increases. A
ten-percent decrease in air density produces a four-percent increase in the distance of a home run ball:
however, the increase is less than this for pop-ups and greater than this for line drives.
Air density is inversely related to altitude, temperature and humidity, and is directly related to barometric
air pressure. These relationships are given in Equation 8. While they appear nonlinear, we will obtain a linear
approximation that is accurate over the range of values observed at major league ballparks. An equation from

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118 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

the WeatherLink Software [2009; CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, 1980-81)] for these relationships
273 Air Pres  ( SVP  RH /100)
Air Density    1.2929   (8)
Temp  273 760
where Air Density is in kg/m3.
Temp is temperature in degrees Celsius.
SVP is saturation vapor pressure in mm Hg.
RH is relative humidity as a percentage.
Air Pres is the pressure of the air in mm of Hg.
This equation uses the absolute (or actual) atmospheric air pressure, which is called station pressure
because it is the air pressure at a particular weather station. It can be computed from the U. S. Weather
Service sea-level corrected barometric pressure with the following formula.
 gM Altitude
R ( Temp  273.15)
Air Press  Barometric Pressure [e ] (9)
where g is the Earth’s gravitational acceleration (9.80665 m/s at sea level),
M is the molecular mass of air (0.0289644 kg/mole),
R is the Universal Gas Constant (8.31447 joules/ °K mole),
Altitude is the altitude of the ballpark in meters,
and Temp is the temperature in °C.
But what is Temp the temperature of? As a simple approximation in the following examples, we have
used the temperature of the baseball stadium. But the above equation should be integrated with respect to the
time-averaged temperature from the baseball stadium to mean sea level. Because this is impossible, the
National Weather Service [2001] uses nine different approximations: about them they write, “There is no
single true, correct solution of Sea Level Pressure … only estimates.” For any given time and place the most
accurate measure of air pressure for Equation 8 would be a local barometer that is not corrected to sea level
(i. e. with its altitude set to 0).
Dozens of equations have been fit to the experimental saturation vapor pressure (SVP) data. Here is one
by Buck [1996].
 Temp 
 18.687  *Temp
 234.5 
257.14 Temp
SVP  4.5841 e (10)
As before, Temp is in degrees Celsius and SVP is in mm Hg.
Air density is inversely related to altitude, temperature and humidity, and is directly related to barometric
pressure. For the range of values in major league ballparks, the altitude is the most important of the four
input parameters. Table 4 gives values for a typical late-afternoon summer game, assuming that the stadium
roofs are open and there are no storms. For these examples, baseball units are used instead of SI units.

Table 4: Air density in some typical baseball stadiums

Temperature Relative Average
Altitude (feet (degrees humidity, on barometric Air
above sea Fahrenheit) an average pressure in density
level) average daily July July (inch (kg/m3)
maximum in July afternoon of Hg)
Denver 5190 88 34 % 29.98 0.96
Houston 45 94 63 % 29.97 1.11
Minneapolis 815 83 59 % 29.96 1.11
Phoenix 1086 104 20 % 29.81 1.07
San Francisco 0 68 65 % 29.99 1.19
Seattle 10 75 49 % 30.04 1.18
Weather data such as these can be obtained from http://www.weather.com and

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 119

http://www.wunderground.com/. The multi-year average July afternoon relative humidity data came from
http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/climate/online/ccd/avgrh.html. Average daily maximum temperature and
average afternoon humidity are also available at www.weatherReports.com. The multi-year average July
barometric pressure data came from presave.ct located at http://eande.lbl.gov/IEP/high-radon/data/lbnl-
met.html. Estimates of barometric pressure are also available at
http://www.usairnet.com/weather/maps/current/barometric-pressure/. The multi-year average July maximum
daily temperatures came from http://hurricane.ncdc.noaa.gov/cgi-
bin/climatenormals/climatenormals.pl?directive=prod_select2&prodtype=CLIM81&subrnum=. Programs
that calculate air density can be downloaded from Linric Company (http://www.linric.com/) or they can be
used on-line at http://www.uigi.com/WebPsycH.html.
For a potential home run ball, both the drag and the lift (Magnus) forces are the greatest in San Francisco,
where the park is just at sea level, and smallest in the “mile high” city of Denver. However, as previously
stated, the drag force is more important than the Magnus force. Therefore, if all collision parameters (e.g.
pitch speed, bat speed, collision point, etc.) are equal, a potential home run will travel the farthest in Denver
and the shortest in San Francisco.

Table 5: Values used in the simulations

Altitude Air
(feet Temperature Relative Barometric Air density,
above (degrees Humidity pressure density percent
sea Fahrenheit) (percent) (inch Hg) (kg/m3) change
level) from mean
Low altitude 0 85 50 29.92 1.14 9.4
Low temperature 2600 70 50 29.92 1.08 3.3
Low humidity 2600 85 10 29.92 1.06 1.6
Low barometric
pressure 2600 85 50 29.33 1.02 -2.2
Mid-level 2600 85 50 29.92 1.04 -0.2
High barometric
pressure 2600 85 50 30.51 1.06 1.8
High humidity 2600 85 90 29.92 1.02 -2.0
High temperature 2600 100 50 29.92 1.00 -3.9
High altitude 5200 85 50 29.92 0.95 -8.9
Highest density 0 70 10 30.51 1.22 16.8
Lowest density 5200 100 90 29.33 0.87 -16.8
These values were chosen to show realistic numbers with natural variation. On any given afternoon in
July, it is almost certain that baseball games will be played at the high and low ends of all these ranges.
To understand how the four fundamental variables, altitude, temperature, humidity and barometric
pressure, determine the air density, these equations were evaluated at eighty-one experimental points. These
points were selected at the low, middle and high values of the fundamental variables, or at 34 or 81 points.
An edited regression output is given in Table 6.
Surprisingly, a simple linear equation explains most of the changes, or variability, in the air density
values. The linear algebraic equation for air density obtained by least squares analysis is
 Air density (percent change from mean level) =
- 0.0035 (Altitude - 2600)
- 0.2422 (Temperature - 85)
- 0.0480 (Relative Humidity - 50)
+ 3.4223 (Barometric Pressure - 29.92) (11)
where  Air density is stated as a percent change from mean level of 1.045, Altitude is in feet, Temperature
is in degrees Fahrenheit, Relative Humidity is in percent and Barometric Pressure is in inches of Hg. The
parameter estimates are taken from Table 6. This equation can be re-expressed to give the air density in
Air density =  = 1.045 + 0.01045{
- 0.0035 (Altitude - 2600)

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120 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

- 0.2422 (Temperature - 85)

- 0.0480 (Relative Humidity - 50)
+ 3.4223 (Barometric Pressure - 29.92)} (12)
This Air density is  in Table 1b and Equations (1) to (8).
Note that the factors are in different dimensions with different ranges. Hence, the magnitudes of the
coefficients should be interpreted in this light. That is, a coefficient with a larger magnitude does not
necessarily mean it has a greater impact on the response. Also, keep in mind that the equations that yield the
air density values are deterministic. That is, there is no random variation. Hence, the sum of squares residual
is the variation remaining after predicting the response from the linear approximation. There is no pure error,
but rather simply lack of fit to the true model. The least squares analysis differentiates between the variables
for the range of the eighty-one observations as follows. Altitude explains 80% of the variability; temperature
explains 13%, barometric pressure accounts for 4% and relative humidity accounts for 3%.

Table 6: Edited Regression Summary for Linear Approximation (JMP and Excel)
Summary of Fit
RSquare 0.993
RSquare Adjusted 0.993
Root Mean Square Error 0.71
Observations (or Sum Weights) 81

Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean
Source DF F Ratio
Squares Square
Model 4 5662 1415 2783
Error 76 39 0.51
C. Total 80 5701
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio
Intercept 0.0
Altitude (ft) - 2600 -0.0035 0.0000 -94
Temperature (F) - 85 -0.2422 0.0065 -37
Relative Humidity (%) - 50 -0.0480 0.0024 -20
Sea level Corrected Barometric
3.4223 0.1643 21
Pressure (inch Hg) - 29.92
Since Equation (11) is linear, the impact of each factor can be shown graphically. Figure 10 shows the
changes in air density that should be expected over the range of parameter values that would be typical for a
baseball stadium on an afternoon in July in the United States of America. It shows that altitude is the most
important factor, followed by temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity. Since the factor ranges
given are indicative of their natural variation, larger absolute slopes means stronger effects. These results are
for baseball and should not be used for other purposes, such as calculating safe takeoff parameters for a small
The linear Equation (11) explains 99.3 percent of the variation of air density across the 81 setting.
However, the unexplained variation, as given by the prediction standard error is 0.71, suggesting that further
improvement is possible. (It is possible to obtain a very high R2 and still have unexplained variability.)
Figure 10 shows a quadratic pattern between the residuals and the predicted values of the linear
approximation, suggesting that second order terms might be helpful. Since altitude is the most important
factor the square of its value is a likely candidate. After fitting a regression to the complete quadratic model,
that also includes four pure square terms and six cross product terms, the conjecture is confirmed, the square
of altitude does play a role. In addition, the cross product term between altitude and temperature, is even
more important, although they are a magnitude smaller than the linear altitude and temperature terms in their

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 121

Fig. 10. Air density depends on altitude, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity.

Fig. 11. Residuals versus predicted air density for the linear approximation

The impact of augmenting the model with these two second order terms raises the percentage of
variation explained only slightly (from 99.3 to 99.5%), but decreases the unexplained variation, as measured
by the prediction standard error from 0.71 to 0.61. The corresponding model is given by Equation (13).
 Air density (percent change from mean level) =
- 0.0035 (Altitude - 2600)
- 0.2422 (Temperature - 85)
- 0.0480 (Relative Humidity - 50)
+ 3.4223 (Barometric Pressure - 29.92)
+ 0.000000061 {(Altitude - 2600)2 - 4506667}
+ 0.000012 (Altitude - 2600)•(Temperature -85) (13)

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122 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

Please note that this is not a traditional sensitivity analysis. In a sensitivity analysis each parameter
would be changed by a certain percent and then the resulting changes in the output would be calculated
[Smith, Szidarovszky, Karnavas and Bahill, 2008]. For baseball, if we change each parameter by 5% we find
that the semirelative sensitivity of air density with respect to barometric pressure is 1.07: the semirelative
sensitivity of air density with respect to temperature is -0.21: the semirelative sensitivity of air density with
respect to altitude is -0.1: and the semirelative sensitivity of air density with respect to relative humidity is -
0.02. The reason for the different results is that the high, medium and low barometric pressures that could be
expected on a July afternoon in a major league baseball stadium are 775, 760 and 745 mm Hg. These
changes are much less than 5%. Whereas, the high, medium and low altitudes that could be expected in a
major league baseball stadium are 5200, 2600 and 0 feet. These changes are much more than 5%. Stated
simply, there would be a greater change in air density due to moving from San Francisco to Denver, than
there would be due to moving from fair weather to stormy weather.
The range of a batted ball is defined as the distance from home plate to the spot where it first hits the
ground. Table 7 shows the range for a perfectly hit simulated baseball. The pitch is an 85 mph (38 m/s)
fastball with 1200 rpm backspin, the ball hits the sweet spot of the bat, which is going 55 mph (24.6 m/s),
CoR is 0.55, the ball is launched upward at 34 degrees with 2000 rpm of backspin. The ball is in the air for
five and a half seconds. This is a potential home run ball. Reducing the air density by 10% from 1.0 to 0.9
increased the range of this potential home run ball by four percent.

Table 7: Range as a function of air density

Air Density
Range (ft) Range (m)
Home Pop Line Home Pop Line
run up drive run up drive
1.3 351 205 114 107 62 35
1.2 363 209 129 111 64 39
1.1 377 214 142 115 65 42
1.0 392 219 158 119 67 48
0.9 408 224 176 124 68 54
0.8 425 230 196 130 70 60
The pop-up was launched at 82 mph (36.7 m/s) at an upward angle of 58 degrees with a backspin of
4924 rpm. The line drive was launched at 92 mph (41.1 m/s) at an upward angle of 15 degrees with a
backspin of 263 rpm.
In this section, average values were used. Of course, ball games are not played at the average values and
the actual values are not constant throughout the game. In particular, wind speed and direction could change
on a minute-by-minute basis. In this section, the effects of prevailing winds or height and distance of the
outfield walls were not modeled. Chambers, Page, and Zaidins, [2003] have written that for most games
played at Coors Field in Denver there was a light breeze (e. g. 5 mph, 2.2 m/s) blowing from center field
toward home plate. They stated that the outfield walls at Coors Field were farther back than in most stadiums.
They concluded that these two factors reduced the number of home runs by three to four percent, which
nearly compensated for Denver’s high altitude.
Greg Rybarczyk’s data (personal communication, 2009) show that the greatest wind effects in major
league stadiums are in San Francisco’s AT&T Park where the average is a gentle breeze blowing from home
plate into the right-center field stands at 10 mph (4.5 m/s).

6. Vertical Deflections of Specific Pitches

The magnitude of the gravity and spin-induced drops for three kinds of pitches at various speeds (as
determined by our simulations) are shown in Table 3. Our baseball simulations include the force of gravity,
the drag force, and the vertical and horizontal spin-induced forces [Bahill and Karnavas, 1993; Watts and
Bahill, 2000; Bahill and Baldwin, 2004]. Looking at one particular row of Table 3, a 90 mph (40.2 m/s)
fastball is in the air for 426 msec, so it drops 2.92 feet (0.89 m) due to gravity (½ gt2, where the gravitational
constant g is 32.2 ft/sec2 or 9.8 m/sec2 and t is the time from release until the point of bat-ball collision). But
the backspin lifts this pitch 0.98 ft (0.3 m), producing a total drop of 1.94 ft (0.59 m) as shown in Table 3. In
the spin rate column, negative numbers are backspin and positive numbers are top spin. In the spin-induced

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 123

vertical drop column, negative numbers mean the ball is being lifted up by the Magnus force. All of the
pitches in Table 3 were launched horizontally - that is, with a launch angle of zero: that is why they are
different from the pitches in Figures 1 and 2. The angle VaSa was also set to zero (simulating an overhand
delivery): therefore pitches thrown with a three-quarter arm delivery would have smaller spin-induced
deflections than given in Table 3.
A batter’s failure to hit safely is most likely caused by his fallibility in predicting where and when the
ball will reach the bat-ball contact point. Vertical misjudgment of this potential bat-ball contact point is the
most common cause of batters’ failure [Bahill, and Baldwin, 2003; Baldwin and Bahill, 2004]. The vertical
differences between the curveballs and fastballs in Table 3 are greater than three feet (1 m), whereas the
difference between the two speeds of fastballs is around three inches (7 cm) and the difference between the
two speeds of curveballs is around seven inches (18 cm). However, the batter is more likely to make a
vertical error because speed has been misjudged than because the kind of pitch has been misjudged [Bahill,
and Baldwin, 2003; Baldwin and Bahill, 2004]. A vertical error of as little as one-third of an inch (8 mm) in
the batter’s swing will generally result in a failure to hit safely [Bahill, and Baldwin, 2003; Baldwin and
Bahill, 2004].
The spin on the pitch causes both vertical and horizontal deflections of the ball’s path. When a batter is
deciding whether to swing, the horizontal deflection is more important than the vertical, because the
umpire’s judgment with respect to the corners of the plate has more precision than his or her judgment
regarding the top and bottom of the strike zone. However, after the batter has decided to swing and is trying
to track and hit the ball, the vertical deflection becomes more important, because of the dimensions of the
sweet spot.

7. Effects of Air Density on Specific Pitches

A reduction in air density would also reduce the drag and the Magnus forces on the pitch. Table 8 shows
the speed and the height of the ball when it crosses the front edge of the plate for a 90 mph (40.2 m/s)
fastball launched horizontally with 1200 rpm of backspin using an over arm delivery and for a 75 mph (33.5
m/s) curveball launched upward at two degrees with 2000 rpm of pure top spin.

Table 8: Pitch variations with air density

Air Density 75 mph
90 mph fastball
(kg/m3) curveball
Speed Height Speed Height
(mph) (ft) (mph) (ft)
1.3 77.52 4.02 62.22 1.54
1.2 78.45 3.96 65.94 1.75
1.1 79.38 3.90 66.68 1.95
1.0 80.33 3.85 67.42 2.14
0.9 81.29 3.79 68.17 2.33
0.8 82.26 3.74 68.93 2.53
A ten-percent decrease in air density from 1.1 to 1.0 increases the speed of the fastball by one percent
and reduces its rise by four percent. A ten-percent decrease in air density from 1.1 to 1.0 increases the speed
of the curveball by one percent and reduces its drop by nine percent. Earlier in this paper we wrote, if all
other things were equal, a ten-percent decrease in air density would produce a four-percent increase in the
distance of a home run ball. Well now it can be seen that all other things will not be equal: the pitch speed
will be larger (the bat speed will not change). Using the higher pitch speed changes the conclusion about the
range of the batted ball by only one hundredth of a percent.

8. Modeling Philosophy
A model is a simplified representation of a particular view of a real system. No model perfectly matches
all views of its real system. If it did, then there would be no advantage to using the model. Although the
equations and numerical values in this paper might imply great confidence and precision in our numbers, it is
important to note that our equations are only models. The Kutta-Joukowski lift equation and subsequent
derivations are not theoretical equations, they are only approximations fit to experimental data. More
complicated equations for the forces on a baseball have been used (e. g. see [Frohlich, 1984; Adair, 2002 and

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124 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

2004; Sawicki, Hubbard and Stronge, 2003 and 2004; Nathan, et al., 2006]). Furthermore, our model only
considered certain aspects of the baseball in flight. We ignored the possibility that air flowing around certain
areas of the ball might change from turbulent to laminar flow en route to the plate. Our equations did not
include effects of shifting the wake of turbulent air behind the ball. En route to the plate, the ball loses 10%
of its linear velocity [Watts and Bahill, 2000] and 2% of its angular velocity [McBeath, Nathan, Bahill and
Baldwin, 2008]: we did not include this reduction in angular velocity in our simulation. We ignored the
difference between the center of mass and the geometrical center of the baseball [Briggs, 1959]. We ignored
possible differences in the moments of inertia of different balls. We ignored the precession of the spin axis.
In computing velocities due to bat-ball collisions, we ignored deformation of the ball and energy dissipated
when the ball slips across the bat surface. Finally, as we have already stated, we treated the drag coefficient
as a constant.
In our models, we used a value of 0.5 for the drag coefficient, Cd . However, for speeds over 80 mph (36
m/s) this drag coefficient may be smaller [Watts and Bahill, 2000, p. 157; Frohlich, 1984; Adair, 2002;
Sawicki, Hubbard and Stronge, 2004]. There are no wind-tunnel data showing the drag coefficient of a
spinning baseball over the range of velocities and spin rates that characterize major league pitches [Sawicki,
Hubbard and Stronge, 2004]. Data taken from a half-dozen studies of spinning baseballs, nonspinning
baseballs and other balls showed Cd between 0.15 and 0.5 [Sawicki, Hubbard and Stronge, 2003]. In most of
these studies, the value of Cd depended on the speed of the airflow. In the data of [Nathan, et al., 2006], the
drag coefficient can be fit with a straight line of Cd  0.45 , although there is considerable scatter in these
data. The drag force causes the ball to lose about 10% of its speed en route to the plate. The simulations of
Alaways, Mish and Hubbard [2001] also studied this loss in speed. Data shown in their Figure 9 for the
speed lost en route to the plate can be nicely fitted with PercentSpeedLost  20Cd , which implies
Cd  0.5 .
Our models are also hampered by limited data for the spin of the ball. The best, published experimental
data for the spin rate of different pitched baseballs comes from Selin's cinematic measurements of baseball
pitches [Selin, 1959]. Furthermore, there are no experimental data for the spin on the batted ball. Table 2
summarizes the best estimates of speed and spin rates for the most popular major league pitches.
The numerical values used for the parameters in our equations have uncertainty. However, the
predictions of the equations match baseball trajectories quite well. When better experimental data become
available for parameters such as Cd and spin rate, then values of other parameters will have to be adjusted to
maintain the match between the equations and actual baseball trajectories.
There are many models for the flight of the baseball. The models of Bahill [Bahill, and Baldwin, 2007;
Watts and Bahill, 2000]; Adair [2002 and 2004], Nathan [Nathan, 2006; McBeath, Nathan, Bahill and
Baldwin, 2008] and Hubbard [Sawicki, Hubbard, and Stronge, 2003 and 2004] all give different absolute
numerical results. But, we believe, all of them will give the same comparative results. Meaning that they all
should show that a ten-percent decrease in air density produces about a four-percent increase in the distance
of a home run ball with the increase being less for pop-ups and greater for line drives.
The importance of this present paper lies in comparisons rather than absolute numbers. Our model
emphasizes that the right-hand rules show the direction of forces acting on a spinning ball in flight. The
model provides predictive power and comparative evaluations of behavior of different types of pitches.
Larry Stark [1968] explained that models are ephemeral: they are created, they explain a phenomenon,
they stimulate discussion, they foment alternatives and then they are replaced by new models. When there
are better wind-tunnel data for the forces on a spinning baseball, then our equations for the lift and drag
forces on a baseball might be supplanted by newer parameters and equations. But we think our models, based
on the right hand rules showing the direction of the spin-induced deflections, will have permanence: they are
not likely to be superseded.

9. Summary
Air density is inversely related to altitude, temperature and humidity, and is directly related to barometric
pressure, Equation (12). Both the drag force (Equation 1) and the Magnus force (Equation 3) are directly
proportional to the air density. So if air density gets smaller, the drag force gets smaller, this allows the ball

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International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 125

to go farther: But at the same time, as air density gets smaller, the Magnus force also gets smaller, which
means that the ball will not be held aloft as long and will therefore not go as far. These two effects are in
opposite directions. Simulation shows that the change in the drag force affects the trajectory of the ball more
than the change in the Magnus force. Therefore, as air density goes down, the range of a potential home run
ball increases. On a typical July afternoon in a major league baseball stadium, a ten-percent decrease in air
density can produce a four-percent increase in the distance of a home run ball.

10. Acknowledgements
We thank Michael Leeming and Zach Bahill for help with the figures.

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Author Bios
Terry Bahill is a Professor of Systems Engineering at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He received
his Ph.D. in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1975.
Bahill has worked with BAE Systems in San Diego, Hughes Missile Systems in Tucson, Sandia Laboratories
in Albuquerque, Lockheed Martin Tactical Defense Systems in Eagan MN, Boeing Information, Space and
Defense Systems in Kent WA, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory in Idaho Falls and
Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson. For these companies he presented seminars on Systems Engineering,
worked on system development teams and helped them describe their Systems Engineering Process. He
holds a U.S. patent for the Bat Chooser™, a system that computes the Ideal Bat Weight™ for individual
baseball and softball batters. He received the Sandia National Laboratories Gold President's Quality Award.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), of Raytheon and of the
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE). He is the Founding Chair Emeritus of the
INCOSE Fellows Selection Committee. His picture is in the Baseball Hall of Fame's exhibition "Baseball as
America." You can view this picture at http://www.sie.arizona.edu/sysengr/.
Dave Baldwin, as a relief pitcher for the Washington Senators, Milwaukee Brewers and Chicago White
Sox during the 1960s and 1970s, compiled a lifetime ERA of 3.08 with 6 wins, 11 losses and 22 saves in 176
games. Following a 16-year professional baseball career, he earned a Ph.D. in genetics and an M.S. in
systems engineering from the University of Arizona. Retired now after careers as a scientist, engineer and
artist, Baldwin collaborates on studies of the science of baseball and is a member of the Society for
American Baseball Research (SABR). His baseball memoir, Snake Jazz, has been published by Xlibris
(2007). A description of the book and Baldwin’s various careers can be seen at http://www.snakejazz.com.
John Ramberg is Professor Emeritus of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of
Arizona. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), the American Society for Quality
(ASQ) and the Institute of Industrial Engineers. Dr. Ramberg earned a BS in Electrical Engineering
(Industrial Engineering) at the University of Minnesota, an MS in Operations Research and PhD in
Engineering Statistics, from Cornell University. He served on the University of Iowa faculty (statistics and

SSci email for contribution: editor@SSCI.org.uk

International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering, 3 (2009) 2, pp 109-128 127

management engineering) from 1967-78, and the University of Arizona faculty from 1978 – 2004. He served
as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Quality Technology, and is currently a member of its editorial board. He
consults and writes on engineering statistics, and technical and managerial issues underlying improvement
schemes such as six sigma.

SSci email for subscription: publishing@WAU.org.uk

128 A. Terry Bahill, et al: Effects of Altitude and Atmospheric Conditions on the Flight of a Baseball

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