Small Works RFQ Section II III IV V

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section II: Evaluation Method and Criteria

RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]


Quotations submitted in response to this RFQ shall be evaluated on the basis of the “lowest priced, most
technically acceptable” methodology, which consists of the following steps:

1. Preliminary screening of quotations using formal and eligibility criteria: This includes an
assessment of whether quotations comply with the formal and eligibility criteria stated in the “Formal and
Eligibility Criteria” table below. All quotations substantially compliant at this stage will go through
subsequent evaluation as follows.
2. Technical evaluation using qualification criteria: This determines which quotations are substantially
compliant to the qualification criteria stated in the “Qualification Criteria” table below, and rejects non-
compliant quotations. Only quotations meeting or exceeding the qualification criteria shall be considered
substantially compliant.
3. Technical evaluation using technical criteria: This determines each quotation’s technical compliance
with the pre-defined technical criteria as identified in the “Technical Criteria” table below. Only quotations
meeting or exceeding the technical criteria shall be considered substantially compliant. The technical
evaluation shall be completed prior to initiating the financial evaluation.
4. Financial evaluation: Financial evaluation of the quotations shall only be conducted for the quotations
that have been determined to be substantially compliant in the technical evaluation. Quotations
qualifying for a financial evaluation shall be checked for any arithmetic errors following Article 28 [Minor
Informalities, Errors or Omissions]. Schedule 4.1.A [Bill of Quantities] shall be used for the financial
evaluation. Schedule 4.1.B [Daywork Schedule] will not be used for the financial evaluation but will
inform the assessment of reasonableness of cost. The lowest priced quotation among the most
substantially compliant quotations will be selected for award. The technical advantages offered by a
higher priced quotation may in certain cases justify selection of a quotation other than the lowest priced.
Further, where none of the quotations fully meet the requirement specification, the most technically
acceptable quotation can be selected for award.
5. Background check/due diligence: After completion of the evaluation but prior to the award, UNOPS
shall conduct background checks/due diligence on the bidder recommended for award, to confirm that the
bidder meets the criteria set forth in this RFQ or as appropriate to the nature of the procurement process.
UNOPS may reject a bidder's quotation on the basis of the findings. Bidders shall permit UNOPS
representatives to access their facilities at any reasonable time to inspect the bidder's premises,
equipment, Plant or Materials.
At any time during the evaluation process, UNOPS may request clarification or further information in writing from
bidders. The bidder's responses shall not contain any changes regarding the substance, including the technical and
financial part of their quotation. UNOPS may use such information to interpret and evaluate the relevant quotation.

UNOPS evaluation of a quotation shall take into account the evaluation criteria described in the following tables.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section II: Evaluation Method and Criteria
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]


Criteria evaluated on a pass/fail basis during

Documents to establish compliance with the criteria
the preliminary screening
1. The bidder is eligible as defined in Section
● Schedule 0.1 [Quotation Submission
I: Instructions to Bidders, Article 4 [Bidder
Eligibility]. Declaration]
● Schedule 0.2 [Bidder's Information]

● Schedule 0.3 [Joint Venture Partner

Information], all documents as required in the
Schedule, in the event that the quotation is
submitted by a Joint Venture.
● UNGM suppliers ineligibility lists

2. The quotation is complete, i.e., all

● All documentation as requested under Section
documents and technical documentation
requested in Section I: Instructions to I: Instructions to Bidders, Article 11 [Content
Bidders, Article 11 [Content of Quotation of Quotation Submissions]
Submissions] have been provided and are

3. The bidder accepts conditions of the

● Schedule 0.1 [Quotation Submission
Contract as specified in Section III:
Conditions of Contract. Declaration]

4. A bid security is provided of 2.5% of the

● Schedule 0.8 [Form for Bid Security].
submitted financial offer in USD.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section II: Evaluation Method and Criteria
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]


Criteria evaluated on a pass/fail basis during the Documents to establish compliance with the
technical evaluation criteria

1. Financial capability
- The bidder should have minimum annual turnover
in any of the last twelve (12) years equivalent to
the total amount of (bidder's remaining ● A letter from a financial institution/bank
commitments under ongoing/ underway contracts
+ the total amount of the contracts committed to confirming access to a line of credit or other
start + the total offer amount of this tender). financial means
- OR The bidder should have access to cash
● Audited financial statements/ or any relevant
liquidity like i) a line of credit or bank overdraft, or
ii) other financial means to meet a working documents for the mentioned years.
capital/cash flow requirement of minimum of Note: UNOPS reserves the right to request further
100% of the total amount of (bidder's remaining certified documents/evidence as needed.
commitments under ongoing/ underway contracts
+ the total amount of the contracts committed to
start + the total offer amount of this lot).

2. Registration and Legal Documents ● Registration Card, Tax Card, and all related
The bidder should provide copies of business
registration (the commercial registration card, governmental legal registration
Tax ID, etc.) documentation.

● Schedule 0.4 [Capacity and Experience]

3. Experience
- The bidder has experience successfully delivering ● Schedule 0.7 [Performance Statement]
similar [three (3)] construction works contracts
during the last [twelve (12)] years prior to bid ● Evidence of completion of one (1) similar
opening with an equal or more value of the
submitted financial offer. Evidence of completion project
of one (1) similar project includes multiple Note: Construction of new RC building(s) or full
systems under the same project shall be attached. rehabilitation for RC building(s) of the same nature
and scope projects shall be considered similar works.

4. Bank Guarantee
- Confirmation to provide an irrevocable and
unconditional, on-demand bank guarantee for
● A confirmation Letter
performance of 5% of the contract amount as per
UNOPS form included in the contract template
and attached in this RFQ.

5. The bidder has been in continuous business ● Certification of incorporation of the bidder
during the last [Seven (7)] years OR the bidder
had the registration under the category/grade ● Certification of registration in the body that
[one (1)] in the body that governs and regulates governs and regulates the construction
the construction industry in the Country. industry in the Country

6. International suppliers shall have a local

representative, agent, and/or physical presence ● Details of the local representative
in Yemen

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section II: Evaluation Method and Criteria
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

● Bidder to submit their company organogram

and/or any documents showing their
employment start/ hierarchy where female
7. The bidder must hire or have in place female staff are highlighted with their CV enclosed.
employees, that should constitute a minimum of
● The contractor must submit the company
5% of the key personnel for this contract and a
contract representative. Or of the company's organogram with clear indication of the job
overall workforce titles/portfolio that they hold in the company.
The job description and CVs for the female
employees shall be submitted along with the
bid, these employees must be in place at the
time of submitting the offer.


Criteria evaluated on a pass/fail basis during the Documents to establish compliance with the
technical evaluation criteria

In Section VI: Returnable Schedules:

To be substantially compliant, bidders must meet all
the minimum requirements/criteria and score ‘pass’ ● All schedules under Schedule 4 [Contract
against each of the criteria. Schedules from the Bidder]
● Schedule 0.5 [Format for Resume of
Proposed Key Personnel]

Parts of the Technical Quotation Evaluation: Number and description

1. Bidder’s capacity and expertise Pass/Fail

2. Proposed methodology, approach, and implementation plan Pass/Fail

3. Key personnel proposed Pass/Fail

Part 1: Bidder's capacity and expertise

Criteria evaluated on a pass/fail basis during the Documents to establish compliance

technical evaluation with the criteria (not exhaustive)

The bidder has the general organizational capability that

● Schedule 4.5 [Organizational
can support effective implementation: management
1.1 structure, financial stability and project financing Structure]
capacity, project management controls, and the extent
● Schedule 4.6 [Subcontractors]
to which any work would be subcontracted

● Schedule 0.4 [Capacity and

The bidder has relevant specialized knowledge and Experience]
1.2 experience of similar electrical and mechanical works
done in the region or country. ● Schedule 0.7 [Performance

The bidder has the capacity to undertake the scope of ● Schedule 0.4 [Capacity and
Works in addition to its current workload. Experience]

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section II: Evaluation Method and Criteria
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

Part 2: Proposed methodology, approach and implementation plan

Documents to establish
Criteria evaluated on a pass/fail basis during the technical
No. compliance with the criteria
(not exhaustive)

● All schedules under

The quotation (in particular, the detail of the Works) is substantially
compliant and does not contain any material deviation(s) from the Schedule 4 [Contract
2.1 Schedules from the
minimum requirements as stipulated in Section V: Requirements,
which indicates the bidder's understanding of these requirements. Bidder] in Section VI:
Returnable Schedules

The Programme is substantially compliant and does not contain

any material deviation(s) from the requirements as stipulated in
Section V: Requirements. The bidder's preliminary Programme
and outline statement of proposed methods demonstrate the
bidder's capacity to plan and programme the Works within timelines ● Schedule 4.3 [Method
that are consistent with industry practices, the Project requirements Statement]
and proposed methodology.
The bidder's preliminary Programme and outline statement of ● Gantt chart format using
2.2 proposed methods demonstrate / include: Microsoft Project or
- Capacity to plan and programme the works within timelines that equivalent (showing the
are consistent with industry practices. entire scope of work,
- The Project requirements including the material sourcing locally
and internationally. logically sequencing and
- Logistic capacity to manage all logistic requirements inside and linking relevant activities)
outside the country.
- Proposed methodology of installing the main components of the

● Schedule 4.9 [Insurance

Details and Insurances]
The quotation satisfactorily demonstrates that the requirements for
insurance will be met, either through demonstrating that the ● Confirmation letter (or
bidder’s insurances comply with the requirements of the RFQ (if
2.3 draft policy) from an
any), or by providing a confirmation letter that the bidder will affect
the required insurances as specified under Schedule 3.11 insurer stating that the
[Insurance Requirements], if selected. required insurance
policies will be provided
to the bidder, if selected.

● Schedule 4.3 [Method

The quotation satisfactorily demonstrates that the Health, Safety, ● A signed copy of
2.4 Social and Environmental (HSSE) requirements in relation to the
Works will be consistently met. “ESMPs, UNOPS
Minimum Health and
Safety Requirements for

The bidder’s proposed subcontractors and suppliers, are proposed

to undertake appropriate quantities of Works and have ● Schedule 4.6
demonstrated the capacity to undertake the work and are located in [Subcontractors]
appropriate locations.

The bidder's proposed sources of naturally occurring materials are ● Schedule 4.8 [Sources of
2.6 from a responsible and appropriate location, and the materials Naturally Occurring
comply with the standards stipulated in the RFQ.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section II: Evaluation Method and Criteria
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

Part 3: Key personnel proposed

Criteria evaluated on a pass/fail basis during the Documents to establish compliance

technical evaluation with the criteria (not exhaustive)

The composition and structure of the team proposed is ● Schedule 4.4 [Key Personnel]
appropriate and the proposed roles of the management
and the team of Key Personnel is suitable for the ● Schedule 4.5 [Organizational
provision of the necessary Works. Structure]

- The qualifications and experience of Key Personnel

proposed meet the established requirements.
● Project Manager

● Construction /Site Engineer.

- Schedule 0.5 [Format for Resume of
● Electrical Engineer Proposed Key Personnel]
- Schedule 4.4 [Key Personnel]
● Mechanical Engineer - Schedule 0.6 [Statement of Exclusivity
3.2 and Availability]
● Safety Officer
- Bidder to submit CV and certificates for each person
as proof that the person meets the requirements.
- Bidders shall submit exclusivity and availability
statements for all the proposed Key Personnel listed
in Schedule 4.4 [Key Personnel] in accordance with
the form set out in Schedule 0.6 [Statement of
Exclusivity and Availability].

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section III: Conditions of Contract
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]


● Construction Contract for Small Works: Instrument of Agreement


● Construction Contract for Small Works: General Conditions of Contract


Part 1: Amended Clauses
The General Conditions are amended in the following manner (if nothing is stated, then no amended conditions

Not Applicable.

Part 2: Additional Clauses

The General Conditions are supplemented by the inclusion of the following additional conditions (if nothing is
stated, then no additional conditions apply):

Not Applicable.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]


1.1 Details Provided by the Employer

Description Details
Clause No.

1.1 Description of parts of the Works that

Rehabilitation Works for Sana'a Central Vaccines
shall be designated a Section for the
purposes of the Contract

1.3 Employer’s address for Name: United Nations Office for Project Services.
communication Position title: TBA
Address: Haddah Street - Beside French Embassy-
Email address: TBA
Telephone/Mobile number: +967 1 504 915, +967 1 504

1.3 Agreed system of electronic ☒ Email: TBA


3.1 Employer’s Representative Name:

Position title:
Email address:
Telephone/Mobile number:

4.2 Performance Security amount 5 % of the Contract Price

4.2 Currency of the Performance Security USD.

4.2 Permitted guarantors for Performance ☒ Bank approved by the Employer


6.1 Commencement Date Within [Two (2)] Weeks from signing the contract.

6.2 Time for Completion [Eight (8)] Months from signing the contract

6.5 Delay Damages For Whole of the Works:

0.1 % of the Contract Price per day.

6.5 Aggregate maximum amount of Delay 10 % of the Contract Price


8.1 Defects Notification Periods (DNP) 12 months

8.4 Latent Defect Period Not Applicable.

10.2 Advance payment amount Not Applicable.

10.2 Permitted guarantors for advance Not Applicable.


10.2 Period of repayment of advance Not Applicable.


10.3 Retention Money to be deducted from 5 % of the relevant value of the Works completed
the IPC

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

Description Details
Clause No.

10.3 Limit of Retention Money 5 % of Contract Price

10.3 Rate of advance payment deductions Not Applicable.

10.5 Retention Money to be released at 50 % of the Retention Money deducted for the value of
taking over of Works or Sections the Section or whole of the Works, as applicable

10.10 Currencies of payment USD.

10.10 Proportions of currencies for payment Not Applicable.

10.10 Rate of exchange Not Applicable.

10.11 Annual rate of financing charges for Not Applicable.

delayed payment

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]


2.1 Project Details
(Brief description of the project including title, location and background and any other relevant details
for which the Works are being executed)

UNOPS is undertaking a project that aims to strengthen the operational capacity of the supported health
storage warehouses at the national (central) and subnational (governorate) levels through rehabilitation works
of the warehouses’ infrastructure and provisions of equipment and capacity building training. This will entail
direct support to improve the operational sustainability of the selected storage warehouses in terms of reliable
access to electricity, enhancing their structural integrity and safety, and providing needed equipment and
training that will support the overall capacity of the cold supply chain and dry storages.

2.2 Site Plan

1. General description of location and boundaries including the GPS coordinates:

Project Title: Rehabilitation Works for Sana’a Central Vaccines Warehouse.

Address: Amanat Al Asimah Governate, Ath'thaorah District, Yemen.
Location: Sana’a Central Vaccines Warehouse facility is located on the ground floor of the main
building in the MoPHP complex.
Coordinates: 15.382936°N, 44.198563°E.
Duration: 8 months.

Figure 1: Project Location Aerial Photography.

For more details, please refer to following documents:
- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

2. General description of the parts of the Site that will be provided access to and the times
of access (in accordance with Sub-Clause 2.1 of the General Conditions):

- The contractor will be given possession of the sites in line with the contractor’s work programme.
- The contractor will be required to abide by and implement security risk mitigation strategies as identified
and communicated by UNOPS in order to ensure the safety and security of its personnel, project
beneficiaries and the local population.
- The Contractor shall install hoarding to ensure access restriction to the designated work boundaries.

3. Description of access routes, access timing and any access restrictions:

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

Sana’a Central Vaccines Warehouse Site has direct and separated access to the main asphalt road, in total,
the MoPHP complex have 5 access entries each dedicated to designated function area or use i.e., public, VIB,
Storage, workshop, etc. For more details, please refer to following documents:
- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

4. Description of other surrounding sites and any related interface issues:

The Contractor shall install hoarding to ensure access restriction to the designated work boundaries. For more
details, please refer to following documents:
- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

5. Description of approved location for the Contractor’s Site facilities including storage,
accommodation, work areas and likewise and where Plant and Materials should be
delivered and stored (in accordance with Sub-Clause 1.1 of the General Conditions):

- The contractor by itself must inspect the site and select the suitable location with the coordination and pre-
approval of the UNOPS Engineer considering the Technical Specification and ESMP requirements.
- The facilities shall conform to specific storage requirements mentioned for different materials mentioned in
the technical specifications.

6. Description of Site arrangements that is to be provided for the Employer’s use:

Not Applicable.

7. Description of disposal areas (within the Site or outside the Site in accordance with
Sub-Clause 4.17 of the General Conditions):

- The Contractor shall maintain a safe, healthy, and tidy worksite at all times.
- The Contractor shall be responsible for the collection, segregation and disposal of all waste and refuse for
itself and its subcontractors.
- The Contractor shall identify and classify by type of waste generated. If hazardous waste is generated,
appropriate procedures must be taken regarding its storage, collection, transportation, and disposal.
Proper and sufficient containers for refuse shall be provided. This shall be done in accordance with
UNOPS HSSE requirements.
- The contractor by itself must find a pre-approved location (dumpsite) by the authorities, The Contractor
shall prepare a temporary disposal area within the site taking into consideration compliance with ESMP
requirements and approval of UNOPS Engineer.

8. Description of any Site security requirements (in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.14 of
the General Conditions):

Contractors will be required to:

- Abide by and implement security risk mitigation strategies. The Contractor must ensure that risk mitigation
strategies are implemented not only by its personnel but by any other organisation it may choose to
subcontract in to complete the project activity. To ensure a duty of care for the safety/security of all
contractors, project workers, assets, and project-affected communities, UNOPS will assess, manage, and
monitor potential risks and impacts.
- Contractors are to demonstrate availability of relevant security, provide records of security awareness
training delivered to their personnel and workers. Contractors must report all security related incidents to
UNOPS in the specific format.
- Contractors must introduce a dedicated HSSE focal person to UNOPS who will be responsible to
coordinate with UNOPS Security on all security related matters, report security related incidents and
implement security mitigations strategies.
- In case of change of the security risk level at a particular location, UNOPS in close coordination with the
Contractor HSSE focal person will be responsible to review/adjust the risk management plans.

9. Any other Site details:

Not Applicable.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

5.1 Form for Advance Payment Security
Not Applicable.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

5.2 Form for Performance Security

[On the letterhead of the institution issuing the security]

Date: ___/___/___
Performance Security Number: [#######]

[insert address of the Employer]

We have been informed that you have entered into a Contract dated [insert date] with [insert company name]
(hereinafter called the “Contractor”) titled [insert contract title] with Contract No. [insert number] for the [insert
name of the project] for certain works and services (hereinafter called the “Works”) to be undertaken by the
Contractor (hereinafter called the “Contract”).

We, irrevocably and unconditionally undertake with you that whenever you give written notice to us stating that in
your sole and absolute judgment the Contractor has failed to observe or perform any of the terms, conditions or
provisions of the Contract on its part to be observed or performed, we will, notwithstanding any objection which
may be made by the Contractor and without any right of set-off or counterclaim, immediately pay to you or as you
may direct such an amount as you may in such notice require not exceeding the sum of [insert amount equivalent
to 5 or 10 per cent of the Contract Price in words (and figures) with the relevant currency] (hereinafter called the
“Guaranteed Sum”).

This Performance Security (hereinafter called the “Guarantee”) is valid and will continue to be valid and
enforceable from the date of this letter for the Guaranteed Sum until the issue of the Final Completion Certificate.
The Guaranteed Sum may reduce to [2.5 or 5: select one] per cent of the Contract Price upon the issue of the
Taking-Over Certificate for the whole of the Works. This Guarantee will automatically expire on the issue of the
Final Completion Certificate or, if a dispute arises under the Contract, after the final determination of that dispute,
whichever occurs later. Promptly after expiration of the Guarantee, UNOPS shall return the Guarantee to the

Any payment by us in accordance with this Guarantee must be in immediately available and freely transferable
[insert currency] free and clear of and without any deduction for or on account of any present or future taxes,
levies, imposts, duties, charges, fees, set off, counterclaims, deductions or withholdings of any nature
whatsoever and by whomever imposed.

Our obligations under this Guarantee constitute direct primary, irrevocable and unconditional obligations, do not
require any previous notice to or claim against the Contractor and will not be discharged or otherwise prejudiced
or adversely affected by any:

● time, lenience or tolerance which you may grant to the Contractor;

● amendment, modification or extension which may be made to the Contract or the Works executed
under the Contract;

● intermediate payment or other fulfilment made by us;

● change in the constitution or organization of the Contractor; or

● other matter or thing which in the absence of this provision would or might have that effect, except a
discharge or amendment expressly made or agreed to by you in writing.
This Guarantee may not be assigned by you to any third party, without our prior written consent, which must not
be unreasonably withheld. You must notify us in writing of any assignment, after which we must make any
payment claimed under this Guarantee to the person, firm or company specified in the notice which will constitute
a full and valid release by us in relation to that payment.

Any notice required by this Guarantee is deemed to be given when delivered (in the case of personal delivery) or
forty-eight (48) hours after being dispatched by prepaid registered post or recorded delivery (in the case of letter)
or as otherwise advised by and between the parties.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

We agree that part of the Contract may be amended, renewed, extended, modified, compromised, released or
discharged by mutual agreement between you and the Contractor, and this Guarantee may be exchanged or
surrendered without in any way impairing or affecting our liabilities under this Guarantee without notice to us and
without the necessity of any additional endorsement, consent or guarantee by us, provided, however, that the
Guaranteed Sum does not increase or decrease.

No action, event or condition which by any applicable law may operate to free us from liability under this Guarantee
will have any effect. We waive any right we may have to apply such law so that in all respects our liability under this
Guarantee will be irrevocable and, except as stated in this Guarantee, unconditional in all respects.

Capitalized words and phrases used within this Guarantee have the same meanings as are given to them in the

This Guarantee is governed by the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (2010 Revision), International
Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 758, provided that the supporting statement under Article 15 (a), and
Articles 34 and 35 are excluded. Any disputes arising out or in connection with this Guarantee, or the breach,
termination, or invalidity thereof will be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules then in effect, the
language of the proceedings being English.

Nothing in or relating to this Guarantee shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and
immunities of the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, of which UNOPS is an integral part, which are
hereby expressly reserved.

IN WITNESS of which then [insert name if the institution issuing the Guarantee] has duly executed this
Guarantee on the date stated above.


Name of witness (block letters):

Occupation of witness:
Address of witness:
Signature of witness:

ADDRESS FOR NOTICES [insert address]

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section IV: Schedule of Details
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

5.3 Form of Discharge

[on the Contractor’s letterhead]

Date: ___/___/___
[insert address of the Employer]

Dear ______________,

[insert Contract title]

[insert Contract Number]
[insert Project Title]

Reference is made to Sub-Clause 10.8 [Discharge] of the Contract.

The Contractor has submitted its Final Statement under Sub-Clause 10.7 [Final Statement] of the General
Conditions, and warrants that it has submitted all claims for full and final settlement of all moneys due to the
Contractor under or in connection with the Contract in relation to all works and services performed in connection
with the Contract. The total of the Statement is subject to any payment that may become due in respect of any
dispute proceedings or arbitration which is in progress.

The Contractor releases the Employer from all claims, actions, suits and demands which it presently has or which
might in the future arise out of or in connection with the Contract or the works and services performed in
connection with the Contract.

This Discharge shall become effective after the Contractor has received:

(i) full payment of the amount certified in the Final Payment Certificate; and

(ii) the Performance Guarantee.

The Contractor acknowledges that the Employer will make the Final Payment pursuant to Clause 10.9 [Final
Payment Certificate] of the Contract and that such payment will be made in reliance on the warranties and
releases contained in this Discharge.

This Discharge is executed by an official representative duly authorized to bind the Contractor.

Yours sincerely,

Contractor’s Representative

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

3.1 Scope of Works
1. Demolition:

Removal and disposal of: - tiles, plastering, damages/broken water supply and drainage pipes, sanitary wares,
ceiling board, electrical board, damaged downpipes & gutters, and broken glass, locks, and latches for
windows and doors. For more details, please refer to following documents:
- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 3 Bill of Quantities – BoQs.
- Annex 4 Technical Specifications.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

2. New construction:

For more details, please refer to following documents:

- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 3 Bill of Quantities – BoQs.
- Annex 4 Technical Specifications.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

3. Renovation:

For more details, please refer to following documents:

- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 4 Technical Specifications.
- Annex 3 Bill of Quantities – BoQs.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

4. Design:

Not Applicable.

5. Supply of Plant and Materials:

Not Applicable.

3.2 Specifications
3.2.A List of the technical specifications
(General and particular Specifications including testing/sampling details/performance based

For more details, please refer to following documents:

- Technical Questionnaire
- Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW.
- Annex 3 Bill of Quantities – BoQs.
- Annex 4 Technical Specifications.
- Annex 5 Drawings.

3.2.B Requirements for Contractor’s design

Not Applicable.
3.2.C Quality Management System requirements
(Description of Quality Management System requirements in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.10 of the
General Conditions)

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

Contractor are required to provide the following information after winning the contract:
- Project implementation/quality management manual/policy (if any).
- The bidder must provide an operation and maintenance manual in both Arabic and English with a proper
training for stakeholder staff.
- An outline project implementation/quality management plan for the project.
- Bidders shall provide details of their proposed sources of naturally occurring materials, including
aggregates, and outline a method statement setting out how they intend to stage and construct the works
and coordinate with the local authorities in order to obtain all required authorizations and make sure that
the project will be implemented on schedule.
After selection of the successful bidder, UNOPS, in consultation with the bidder, will review the above
information with a view to determining how it can be integrated with UNOPS’ own works management system.
Please note that UNOPS’ management system sets a standard minimum and shall apply by default

3.2.D Health, safety, social and environment requirements

(Description of Health, safety, social and environment requirements in accordance with Sub-Clause
4.9 of the General Conditions)

The Contractor shall adhere to UNOPS Health, safety, and Environmental requirements, that shall be applied
during all contract activities on site. In the following Attachments/ Annexes:
- Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).
- UNOPS Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for Contractors.

3.2.E Sustainability requirements

(Description of sustainability requirements if any)

The Contractor should take into account sustainable and resource efficient management of operations that will
be beneficial for the environment. This includes, but is not limited to, adhering to international standards,
incorporating corporate sustainability policy, and applying an Environmental Management System to the

3.2.F Employer-Supplied Materials, Employer's Equipment and Employer’s Facilities

(Details of Facilities, Equipment, Materials and others provided by Employer in accordance with Sub-
Clause 2.3 of the General Conditions)

Not Applicable.
3.2.G Training requirements
(Details of trainings to be provided by the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.1 of the
General Conditions)
Training Topic 1
The contractor shall deliver the following trainings to the beneficiaries:
- Operation and maintenance of relevant parts of the Works.
- Basic Health and Safety at the work site.
The contractor’s staff shall receive the following mandatory training:
- Environmental and Social Standards.
- Occupational Health and Safety.
- oneUNOPS Collect (UNOPS reporting system)
- Gender-based Violence, Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH).
- An induction to the UNOPS HSSE requirements.

3.2.H As-built drawings, spare parts and operation and maintenance manuals
(Description of requirements and details such as formats and presentation, timelines, review and
approval process of as-built drawings, spare parts and operation and maintenance manuals to be
provided by the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.1 of the General Conditions)
The Contractor shall provide:
- As built drawings in AutoCAD and pdf formats within 7 working days of any changes to the construction
drawings and at project completion 7 working days after submission of Close out report before taking over
- Operation and maintenance manual within 7 working days of any changes to the construction drawings
and at project completion 7 working days after submission of Close out report before taking over by

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

- Other requirements as per tender documents i.e., Annex 1 Scope of Work – SoW, Annex 3 Bill of
Quantities – BoQs, Annex 4 Technical Specifications.

3.3 Drawings
(List of Drawings and the link to the Drawings)

For more details, please refer to following documents:

- Annex 5.1 Drawings – Architectural.
- Annex 5.2 Drawings – Electrical.
- Annex 5.3 Drawings – Mechanical.
- Annex 5.4 Drawings – Structural.

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

3.4 Valuation and Payment

[To select an option, put an X over the relevant blank box]

Clause Description Details

9.3 Provisional Sums items Not Applicable.

10.1 Method of valuation ☒ Measure & pay only

10.1 Installments or Schedule of Payments Not Applicable.
(in the case of lump sum payments)

10.3 Timing for submission of Statements Monthly Statements.

10.3 Requirements for the submission of For completed and accepted works approved and
Statements certified by UNOPS.

10.3 Payment for Plant and/or Materials Not Applicable.

delivered to Site

10.3 Plant and Materials listed for payment Not Applicable.

when delivered to Site

10.3 Plant and Materials listed for payment Not Applicable.

when shipped to the Country

Construction Contract for Small Works 19 of 22 Version 1.0 | 2022

Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

3.5 Programme Requirements

(Description of the requirements associated with the Programme in accordance with Sub-Clause 6.3
of the General Conditions)

The execution of the works will be undertaken in phases as listed below and outlined in the Programme
- Phase 1: Mobilization.
- Phase 2: Execution of Civil works
- Phase 3. Architectural, Structural, Electrical and Mechanical Works
- Phase 5: Commissioning & Provisional Handover
- Phase 6. Defect Notification Period and Final Handover
Bidders are required to make their own detailed assessment of the time, work methods and activities that shall
be required for the successful and timely completion of the works and shall submit their bid on the basis of an
assurance that the works can be completed by the Time for Completion and the milestone dates identified in
the Contract.
The preliminary programme shall be prepared in sufficient detail to enable UNOPS to adequately
evaluate the planned execution, staging and allocation of resources for the works.
The preliminary programme shall show the dates when the milestones identified in the Contract shall be
achieved. It shall also include and/or be accompanied by:
- a programme narrative that describes the mechanisms and assumptions made in preparing the
programme; and
- a critical path analysis for the execution of the works which shall clearly show the float times available
within the programme and the earliest start/earliest finish and latest start/latest finish times for each and
every activity.
- The contract shall be completed within 8 months from the date of contract award, and the bidder shall
submit a preliminary program on this basis.
- If a bidder is selected as the preferred bidder, it shall be required to further develop and complete this
programme in accordance with the contract for works.
- The Program shall be in compatibility with the monthly payments, reflecting the actual completed and
accepted works approved and certified by UNOPS representative.

3.6 Nominated Subcontractors

(Details of Nominated Subcontractors in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.4 of the General Conditions)

No. Description of Works or Services to be Subcontracted Name of Nominated Subcontractor

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Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

3.7 Reporting Requirements

(List of Reporting requirements in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.1 of the General Conditions)

During implementation and in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.1 of the General Conditions, the Contractor shall
provide UNOPS with daily, weekly, or monthly progress reports including yet not limited to:
- Progress reporting, delays, etc.
- Staff employed by Contractor, Sub-Contractors, counterparts.
- Financial status, projected cash flow, expected variations.
- Technical Issues.
- HSSE issues.
- Quality control tests carried out and results.
- Labour, plant, and materials plans and site records
- Daily activity logs and weather records.
- Photographs and videos of the progress of the weekly and monthly reports.

3.8 Employer's Delegations

Not Applicable.

3.9 Key Personnel Requirements

(Details of Key Personnel requirements in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.5 of the General

No. Position Required Area of experience required Years of relevant

description/Title qualification experience

1 Relative experience in
Project Manager B.Sc. in engineering management of the construction 5

2 B.Sc. in Experience in building

Construction /Site
civil/architecture construction and rehabilitation 5
engineering works

3 Experience in low voltage

B.Sc. in Electrical
Electrical Engineer systems, building electrical 3
installations, works.

4 Mechanical B.Sc. in Mechanical Experience in HVAC,

Engineer Engineering Firefighting and plumbing work.

5 Experience of at least (3) years

Safety Officer B.Sc. in engineering. in OHS, HSSE of construction 3

3.10 Equipment and Machinery Requirements

(Details of Equipment and Machinery to be provided by the Contractor in accordance with Sub-Clause
4.7 of the General Conditions)

Not Applicable.

3.11 Insurance Requirements

(Details in accordance with Sub-Clause 15.1 of the General Conditions)

Insurances Additional details on scope of cover Validity Limit of

period liability

Construction Contract for Small Works 21 of 22 Version 1.0 | 2022

Solicitation | RFQ | Section V: Requirements
RFQ ref. No.: [RFQ/2023/47356]

Full Contract Value for the Construction Works

Construction all risk insurance
and USD 30,000 per accident for unlimited No.
for Works, Plants and Materials
of accidents for the Third-Party Insurance (TPI)
Full Contract Value and in accordance with
Public liability insurance duration
country law and insurance policy
extension if
Workers’ compensation Full Contract Value and in accordance with
insurance country law and insurance policy

Insurances required by Laws Full Contract Value and in accordance with

and by local practice country law and insurance policy

Construction Contract for Small Works 22 of 22 Version 1.0 | 2022

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