The One Ringâ Ruins of The Lost Realm
The One Ringâ Ruins of The Lost Realm
The One Ringâ Ruins of The Lost Realm
Francesco Nepitello, Michael Duxbury, David Esbri,
Lorenzo Fanelli, Sara Gianotto, Diogo Nogueira
Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi
Michele Garbuggio
Jan Pospíšil, Alvaro Tapia
Antonio De Luca
Antonio De Luca, Jan Pospíšil, Federica Costantini
The One Ring, Middle-earth, and The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein
are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises (SZC)
and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd. and their respective licensees. All rights reserved.
1 2 3
Fog Over Eriador5 A Gathering Storm31 Landmarks51 Appendix118
Old Lore 7 The Mission to Eriador 34 Background52 and Skill Endeavours 118
A Guide to Tharbad 10 The Ship Kathuphazgân 34 Locations53 Borrowing Items
Tharbad’s Environs 17 Key Foes 34 Schemes and Trouble 57 of Superior Worth 118
Dark Designs of Subtle Magic and
the Black Númenóreans 38 the Eye of Mordor 118
A Secret Folk 19 Background58
Medcaute and Swantown 19 THE WHITE HAND OF SARUMAN 40 Locations58 INDEX 120
LOND DAER 21 The Hunt for Ring-lore 40 Schemes and Trouble 63
Decline and Resurgence 21 Agents of Saruman 41 THE TREE OF SORROW 64
The Western Haven 22 Dark Designs of Isengard 43 Background64
Lond Daer of Old 22 RAIDERS FROM DUNLAND 44 Locations66
THE DWARF-HALLS OF HARMELT 24 The Years of the Raids 44 Schemes and Trouble 69
Visiting the Halls 24 The Chieftains of Dunland 45 THE SHROUDED ISLETS 70
Dark Designs of the Dunlendings 47 Background70
Towers and Strongholds 26 OTHER SHADOWS 48 Locations71
Wyncross27 The Beast of the Greyflood 48 Schemes and Trouble 72
The Walker in the Darkness 48 TINDAILIN — AN ELVEN REFUGE
The Dream of Moria 49 Background74
The Tree Men 28
The Long Defeat 49 Locations74
The Barrow of Eryn Vorn 28
Schemes and Trouble 78
Hynda’s House at Wormhill 28 THE QUEEN’S HALL 79
The Fisher-folk of the Shore 29 Background79
Allies and Adversaries 82
Schemes and Trouble 84
Schemes and Trouble 89
Schemes and Trouble 93
Schemes and Trouble 100
The Haunted Dungeons 106
Schemes and Trouble 108
Schemes and Trouble 112
Schemes and Trouble 117
After Arvedui the North-kingdom ended,
for the Dúnedain were now few
and all the peoples of Eriador diminished.
hat you hold in your hands is a guide to the explore it. Players should refrain from reading this, with the
peoples inhabiting the Lone-lands of South- exception of those parts detailing areas their characters might
ern Eriador, the places they dwell in and reasonably be knowledgeable about.
the hopes they hold for their future in the The material presented in Ruins of the Lost Realm
Twilight of the Third Age. It is intended primarily for Lore assumes that the date is the same as the one in The One Ring
masters, who can find among these pages the inspiration — the year 2965.
they require to bring Middle-earth to life as the Player-heroes
Ruins of the Lost Realm complements the setting information or altered as the Loremaster sees fit, to better tailor the set-
presented in The One Ring Core Rules, in particular the mate- ting to the players’ choices. In a few words, it constitutes a
rial found in Chapter 9: The World, and in the Appendix. possible future for the land of Eriador as a whole, offering
Chapter 1: Fog Over Eriador expands the possibilities for the description of many looming threats, complete with Lore
adventure, including regions of Southern Eriador once part master characters and their agendas.
of the kingdom of Arnor. The city of Tharbad and its troubled Chapter 3: Landmarks adds 12 sites of interest to the one
history is given special attention, as it may serve as the start- presented in the core volume. These locations depict both
ing point for the adventures of a Company of Player-heroes ‘historical’ sites mentioned in The Lord of the Rings or The
focused on exploring the surrounding Lone-lands. Hobbit, and others that have been invented specifically for
Chapter 2: A Gathering Storm provides the Loremaster with the game. They all conform to the format of presentation
a set of narrative elements that can be used to determine outlined on page 221 of The One Ring, and are meant to be
the fate of Eriador. What is contained in this chapter is the used in conjunction with the guidelines presented there, and
product of speculation and can be employed as presented, the information contained in Chapter 2 of the present volume.
THIS EMPTY LAND present volume, we’ve chosen to read that as Tharbad
Making Southern Eriador a living, breathing setting for being mostly abandoned, but that the town limps on
a roleplaying game required a loose interpretation of under the unlawful rule of bandits for another two gen-
those parts of the stories that dealt with the region. For erations. The land is still lonely and underpopulated, but
example, in the Tale of Years presented in Appendix B roleplaying games need people to talk to, so wherever
of The Lord of the Rings, the entry for the year 2912 possible, we’ve added characters. If you choose to inter-
states that Tharbad was ‘ruined and deserted’ as a con- pret the words of Tolkien differently, then Tharbad and
sequence of great floods that struck the area — in the Lond Daer might both be desolate and empty by 2965.
day’s travel outside Bree lie the Lone-lands — the kings of old. But there are dozens of other stretches of
deserted lands, ruins of the old kingdom. Once, once-fruitful territory in the Lone-lands, and no one dwells
these lands were tame and plentiful. Today, they there now. War and plague and the eternal hatred of the
have grown wild. To the south of Bree was the Enemy destroyed the folk who lived here. Everywhere there
Kingdom of Cardolan. Elves called the region Min- are ruins of the old kingdom — a bridge of stone, a patch
hiriath, the land between the rivers, bounded by the Brandy of paved road, a lonely watch-tower — but one must travel
wine to the north and the Greyflood to the south. What for much longer than a single day between such glimpses
is now the Shire of the Hobbits was once the vineyard of of the past.
The slow-moving waters of the Greyflood mark the Turn west. Follow the river to the sea. The west coast
region’s southern border. Beyond it, the land becomes even of Middle-earth is steep and stony, with few good places
more desolate: treeless moors, dusty plains, sucking marshes. to land — for twice the world has been utterly changed,
This is Enedwaith, the Middle-land between the kingdoms. westerly lands drowned by the wrath of the Valar, and now
A traveller might be forgiven for thinking that the Enemy waves crash against rocks that once stood far inland. The
brought ruin to this place, but the worst evils here were few harbours at the river-mouths are prized, and the rem-
done by Men, and the land has not forgotten their cruelty. nants of ancient fortifications can be seen in such places.
Enedwaith is a bitter land, a region of old battlefields and The western coast is as far as anyone can flee the growing
new ambushes, a harsh land for the harsh folk who dwell darkness in the East, for the seas are now bent and only the
here in hidden places. In the south, it rolls into Dunland, Elves can escape.
and on to the banks of the Isen river that flows from the If the Shadow rises, then Eriador is where the Free Folk
Gap of Rohan. will make their final stand.
These are the dying days of Tharbad. Everyone knows it, espe- they could in the dark woods, hiding from the nameless
cially those who have witnessed the city’s slow decline over darkness in the North.
the years. They know that Tharbad has always shambled on Later, the Sea-kings came from the West. Wood-hungry, they
from crisis to crisis: the city is an immense wounded beast, a cut down the forests to build their ships, and floated the trees
heavy creature wallowing in the muddy water, too stubborn downriver to their haven at the mouth of the river. In time, they
and hungry to ever give up. But Tharbad has suffered a mor- cut such a wound in the forests that they needed a port further
tal injury, and soon it will fall. It will be one more ruin of the upriver, and they chose the crossing-point that would become
old kingdom, silent and abandoned. Tharbad. A town grew up around the port, a crossroads where
That is an astounding thing, if you think about it. Thar- the Sea-kings of Númenor traded with the Dwarves of Moria
bad is ancient. If these are indeed the last days of the old and the Elves of Hollin. The Men of the West were peerless
city, then great changes are in the air, and the turning of an craftsmen, and the city of Tharbad was glorious indeed.
Age is at hand! But that was long ago, and little of that first city remains.
Who remembers the banners fluttering in the wind atop hun-
Old Lore
dreds of masts, numerous as trees in a forest? Who remembers
that Sauron the Terrible suffered defeat not far from Tharbad,
There has been a settlement at the crossing of the Greyflood in the forgotten first war between the Elves and the Enemy?
since Men first came to this part of the world. But time grinds Only the Elves, and they are gone from this land.
hard stones to meal, slays kings, and ruins towns, and the Tharbad was many things as the Second Age wore on — a
Tharbad of today is very different from that of old. fortress in the midst of hostile lands, a river-port and centre
of trade, a place where the Sea-kings demanded tribute from
THE FIRST TWO AGES OF THE WORLD their subjects, a declining outpost on the edge of empire.
In the First Age, Men dwelt in the woods and marshes Númenor fell into darkness, then ruin — but out of that ruin
along the river; for the most part, they were a simple forest- came the Faithful of Elendil and his sons. They founded the
dwelling people, unwelcoming to outsiders and fearful of North-kingdom of Arnor and the South-kingdom of Gon-
the wider world. Some traded with the Dwarves of Moria, dor, and built great cities at Annúminas in the north and
and learned a little of their craft and ways, becoming kings Osgiliath in the south. To bind their two far-flung kingdoms
in their little kingdoms and raising towns and castles that together, the Faithful built a great Road across Middle-earth,
have long since crumbled into dust and been forgotten. and at Tharbad they raised a new bridge across the wide and
Most, though, clung to their own customs, surviving as best sullen Greyflood.
Then, fifty years ago came the Fell Winter. Those days
were bad, indeed — the crops died, and the land froze, and
Wargs came west of the Misty Mountains to hunt. What fol-
lowed, though, was worse. In spring, all the snow heaped on
the hills and peaks melted, and the rivers swelled and burst
their banks. Well-named was the Greyflood that awful summer,
for the usually-quiet river grew dark and terrible, and flood-
waters poured through the town, washing away hundreds
among the surviving inhabitants of Tharbad. The river in its
wrath could not destroy the ancient piers that supported the
bridge, but many arches crumbled, and their mighty stones
fell into the raging currents.
Tharbad had suffered many disasters in the past, and the
bridge had already fallen into disuse, so perhaps the city could
have weathered this calamity, if it were not for the weakness
and folly of Men. The succession of Captains of the Haven
after the floods of 2912 were among the worst elected in Thar-
bad in all its long history, leading up to the disastrous reign
of Master Heatherton, who was the first to drop the honorary
title of Captain and who imposed an unpopular tax to repair
the bridge — only to flee along with several of his cronies
and the contents of the town coffers. When even the follow-
ing Master abandoned his post, taking with him his chain
of office, many citizens feared Tharbad was doomed, and
fled the decaying city. Some headed north to the Bree-land
or down the river towards the sea; others, fearing a perilous
journey, took refuge amidst the reeds in Swanfleet.
A Guide to Tharbad is a Dwarf or a scholar of stonework, they will note with dis-
A visitor approaching Tharbad from the north or south sees may that these buildings are of lesser quality compared to the
first the two towers guarding both approaches to the bridge. towers glimpsed in the distance (and if our traveller’s heart
If the light is good and the air is clear, the traveller might tell falls at this sight, they should steel themselves for a shock
even at this distance that both towers are in disrepair, and when they reach the centre of the city).
the topmost levels are crumbling and unusable. Draw closer Off the Road to the east and west are some small farms
still, and the traveller sees the massive walls of Garth Tauron, and vineyards, shielded by the outer walls. The land outside
the old fortress on the northern bank of the Greyflood, rising the ram is a wetland, especially to the south, but old drain-
as if some errant giant took a piece of the Misty Mountains age tunnels under the city leech away the worst of the water,
and hurled it down to the plains below. The condition of the leaving a rich dark soil that’s good for growing vegetables.
ancient stronghold is even worse than that of the two bridge- These tunnels must be cleared of weeds and debris regularly,
towers; its stone has been extensively quarried over the years, or the town will revert to marshland.
and much of the castle has been reduced to rubble. The most prominent landmark of the outer district to the
As it reaches the town, the Road runs on ancient cause- south is certainly the old Library of Tharbad. Built on two
ways of packed earth and stone, to lift it above the fens. In levels and still standing, the library is an architectural marvel,
places, dark tunnels run beneath the causeways; these were with high vaulted ceilings allowing for the light of the sun to
designed to stop floodwaters building up on the east side of enter its many niches, where innumerable rare books and
the road. Nowadays, these passages offer shelter to thieves — scrolls were stored for protection in times of war. Long
or Trolls, hiding from the sunlight. since despoiled of its main riches in gold and lore, the
library is guarded by an old woman, Agna, who
THE OUTER DISTRICTS cares for the library as best she can, copying
On both sides of the river, Tharbad is fenced by a first curtain the surviving scrolls by candlelight onto
wall, still referred to as the ram by the inhabitants of the city, fresh parchment.
today no more than a ring of piled earth and broken stone,
especially along its northern perimeter. Despite its dilapidated
conditions, a new gatehouse opens in the ram to the north,
ensuring that tolls are collected from anyone coming to sell
their goods in town — here, copies of Gurnow’s Rules are
nailed up on posts for all to see.
A second wall once rose at a distance within the first one,
its length now marked only by an encircling road. Between
the two boundaries lie the town’s outer districts, now
mostly deserted. Here are many once-great houses
and halls, all now overgrown and falling into
ruin, or half-buried in mud. Sheep crop the
grass contentedly in what were once wide
plazas, and apple-trees sprout in the court-
yards of long-abandoned inns. If a traveller
In the northern district opens the Ghost Pit, a spot near THE SOUTH BANK
the walls where no living thing seems to be able to grow and The empty and overgrown outer district to the south encircles
no building stands. Even the sheep avoid it. Sometimes, the the inhabited inner part of the city standing on a rise along
earth convulses, and the pit spits up strange tokens — old and the banks of the Greyflood. If one follows the Road, they will
rusted swords, pieces of armour, leathery strips of preserved eventually reach the southern bridge-tower, Ringil, now used
flesh, and other disturbing portents. Long ago, a host of Elves by the men of the city garrison as their barracks. On the other
and Númenóreans defeated one of Sauron’s armies on the side of the passageway piercing the tower, the road meets an
northern banks of the Greyflood. Many Orcs and other fell abrupt end, as the great arches that leapt across the river to
beasts were slain in the fray. Afterwards, the victors hurled reach the middle island are now gone. A new-built path leads
the remains of Sauron’s forces into a sucking pit of mud. down to the river from the Road, running past the tower and
Near the Ghost Pit is the abandoned House Without Win- along the side of the causeway as it winds down to the wooden
dows; this was the home of a strange woman named Theoris, piers on the shore below.
who was reputed to be a sorceress. She bricked up all the But if one was to look to the left from this vantage point,
windows of her home, and lived only by candle-light; it’s said their eyes would follow the river downstream, its waters
that she dug secret passages down into the soft ground, and rushing through a labyrinth of broken stone. Those are
that she found treasures in the mud and foul water that flows all that remains of the mighty port of Tharbad, destroyed
from the Ghost Pit. It was water that doomed Theoris, too — in the great floods of 2912. Its docks date back to the days
she was among those washed away in the floods of 2912, and of Númenor, and were once of vital importance to the city.
her house has remained sealed since. Ships could sail this far north up the Greyflood from the
haven of Lond Daer, to the south. Now, the docks are gone
and the river has not been dredged in centuries, so only
Agna the Librarian small boats can sail the Greyflood. A number of such vessels
Agna has seen at least sixty years; she was a young girl are tied up downstream of the wreckage; these are guarded
when the floods brought ruin to Tharbad, drowning her by the city watch, and cannot be used without permission
family. She was taken in as a servant by another family, from the Master of the town.
but never recovered from that loss. When that second There are a few inhabitants in this part of town, mostly
family abandoned Tharbad, Agna stayed behind. Her guards and sentries, but also eager ferrymen who can carry
late mother was a scholar, and the one thing Agna held passengers across the river to the Middle Island, or directly to
onto was a reverence for the written word. In her later the North Bank. The bridge, they say, is temporarily out for
years, then, Agna came to care for those scrolls and books repair, and they gesture at the pillars of black stone.
that remained in the library, cherishing them like pets The most lively place in the South Bank is the Road-house,
or children. She can barely read and write the Common the only inn remaining on this side of the river. It’s not a
Tongue, let alone the Ancient Tongue that many of the welcoming place, but travellers who arrive after the last ferry-
scholarly books use, but over the years she’s taught her- crossing are obliged to stay here under guard, even though
self to precisely copy the shape of the letters, and her there are many empty buildings elsewhere in the ruins that
transcriptions are accurate. are still intact enough to offer shelter.
Agna is extremely protective of her books; she will per- Nearby is a hallowed relic, the Pillar of the Two King-
mit a scholarly hero to use the library, but she keeps her doms. This marble column marks the spot where emissaries
quill-sharpening knife to hand at all times, and will attack from Arnor and Gondor would meet to discuss matters of
anyone who hurts her precious things. Some rumours say import to both realms. Inscriptions wound about the column
that Agna knows of a secret chamber, where the last librar- mark the distance from this point to the city of Annúminas
ian of Tharbad stored many precious manuscripts, to save to the north, and Osgiliath to the south. Once a symbol of
them from pillagers. solidarity and friendship, it is now used by Gurnow’s men
as the spot where they administer ‘justice’, punishing in
OCCUPATION: Copyist varying degrees of severity those who defy the rules of Cap-
tain Gurnow.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Dutiful, Short-sighted
The best-maintained house in the area is surely the home how lucky amateurs not demanding their full fourteenth
of Amelia Kern. The gentlewoman is semi-retired these days, share of any treasures despite it being clearly mentioned in
but she still has a secret sign on her door for those who can the burglar’s contract damages the profession and reduces
read such things. Amelia is a Burglar & Treasure Hunter, the ability of other burglars to enforce such clauses with
one of the most successful in the North in recent years. She other clients.)
recovered treasures from tombs and Troll lairs — and from Kern’s relationship with Gurnow and the other thieves
the homes of certain wealthy Dwarves in the Blue Mountains is fraught. Firstly, as Kern would point out, they’re not pro-
— before retiring to the comparative safety of Tharbad. fessional thieves, just violent bandits. A professional thief
doesn’t need to bully people. Second, Gurnow covets
Kern’s treasure, but Kern has hinted that her house is mag-
ically protected against intruders, and none of Gurnow’s
men is willing to risk the possibility that Kern’s telling the
to dine at his court to get the measure of their character; he However, he is a keen observer of vulnerabilities and
may offer talented fighters a place in his ‘city watch’. Rich opportunities; not only has he ruled Tharbad for nearly
travellers may get robbed as they leave the court; Gurnow half a century, but he’s also managed to play his many
finds some trumped-up breach of his Rules to justify the theft, sons off against one another, ensuring that none of them
as long as he gets his cut of the proceeds. replaces him as Captain. He also has learned how best to
put warriors to use; bold actions and assertive behaviour
are the easiest way to impress him.
city, she held on — and in Gurnow, she saw the hope of expedition to the black pit of the Dwarves in search of
saving her home. She convinced him that instead of ran- long-forgotten gold.
sacking the city, he could better profit by ruling it. Gurnow
became Captain (it’s easy to win popular support when OCCUPATION: Deputy Captain of the Haven
you’ve got a warband of marauding outlaws), and she
became his advisor and his bride. DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Brutal
All that was forty years ago. Almarian Stock is now in her
seventies, and is as well-preserved as her husband. Their
marriage has always been one of convenience, bound by Gwilleth the Scout
mutual advantage and necessity, not love. She despises Gwilleth is one of Gurnow’s brigands; dark-eyed and quiet,
his crude, violent nature, but knows that it is his strength she’s his best scout and tracker. In secret, she’s one of the
that keeps the city intact. He dislikes how she talks down to Rangers, sent to keep watch on Tharbad and to restrain
him, but values her counsel and her shrewd management the excesses of Gurnow’s brutes. Gwilleth initially hoped
of Tharbad’s affairs. As they have aged together, their irri- she could make common cause with Lady Stock, but the
tation with one another has grown with their dependence, lady of Tharbad hates the Rangers, so Gwilleth found her-
and now their dooms are intertwined forever. self alone in a hostile court. For now, she bides her time
Lady Stock prides herself on preserving the culture and slowly recruits allies among Gurnow’s followers and
and honour of Tharbad, and is determined to restore the the townsfolk.
city to its former glory, as it was before the flood and
decline and long centuries of neglect took their toll. In OCCUPATION: Brigand, Tracker, Spy
her mind, this can only be done if proper tribute is paid
to Tharbad from the other surviving folk in the North. DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Secretive
She despises the Bree-land, calling the folk there inbred
yokels who have forgotten the kings of old. She loathes
Lond Daer for taking in many of those who “abandoned” Tom Brass, Watch Lieutenant
Tharbad; she envies the Dwarves bitterly for their wealth Young Tom Brass is Tharbad-born and Tharbad-bred — but
and despises the Swanfleeters for their poverty. Above he never knew the town before Gurnow took over. As far
all, she hates the Rangers, holding them to be wanderers as he knows, this has always been a place where might
and thieves. makes right and everyone’s lives are controlled by the
Lady Stock takes more of an interest in the affairs of Captain and the watch. So, Tom Brass lives his life accord-
the world than her husband; she values cold reasoning ing to those rules — he’s made himself useful to Gurnow,
above the use of brute force. rising through the ranks of the watch and helping them
grind his kinfolk into the river mud. He’s useful to every-
OCCUPATION: Noblewoman one — if you want something done or something fetched
or something kept quiet, Tom’s the man to talk to. If you
DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Proud want things done properly, and secretly, and without mess,
Tom’s the man for the job. He’s not the best fighter in Thar-
bad, or the swiftest, but Tom knows that if he fails, he’ll be
Tharnow, son of Gurnow back in the river mud with the rest of the townsfolk, and
Captain Gurnow has seven sons, none of whom have he’s never going back down again.
any particular merits or distinguishing features; they In secret Tom nurtures his dangerous ambition, and
are all brutish, greedy louts who terrorize the towns- he’s waiting for an opportunity to eliminate old Gurnow
folk. Tharnow is the eldest and holds the title of deputy and his brood, and take the Captain’s throne for himself.
Captain, but as his father stubbornly refuses to die and Maybe all he needs is the right friends…
give Tharnow control of the town, the ambitious heir
has begun to look elsewhere for wealth and glory. He’s OCCUPATION: Watch Lieutenant
heard tales from Amelia Kern of the fabled treasures of
Moria, and while Tharnow’s more stupid than he is brave, DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Wilful
that’s still enough to make him consider mounting an
Tharbad’s Environs The country folk are fearful of strangers, and unwelcom-
The lands around the city to the north are dotted with ing; they urge travellers to continue on to Tharbad. If a trav-
small farmsteads. The soil is good on this side of the river, eller wins their trust, though, the folk here have many tales
enriched by flood and watered by rain on the shoulders of to tell. They speak of the dangers of Swanfleet and the Ghost
the Misty Mountains. The rolling hills to the south are bet- Bird; they recommend checking the riverbank after a spring
ter for sheep and cattle, which roam wild and shaggy across flood, for sometimes gold and other precious things wash
the empty lands of the Enedwaith; the rest of the area in down from the mountains of the Dwarves; they swear that
the south is a wetland, that to the east becomes the vast fen a man cannot lie while standing on the stones of the King’s
of Swanfleet. Road, and that one day the king will return to save them
There are more ruins than inhabited buildings around from the Dunlendings, whom they fear above all other foes.
Tharbad, but the population of the region has grown a little Go further than a day’s walk from Tharbad north or south,
in the last few years, as some measure of order and civilisa- and you come to empty lands, grey and sorrowful expanses
tion is restored to the town. The farmers fear Gurnow, and where cold winds whip across treeless plains. The soil here was
pin their hopes of justice and fair treatment on Lady Stock. never tilled, nor did any folk dwell here in this nameless waste.
THARBAD AS A SAFE HAVEN there’s little light here, and Gurnow is certainly not an
Tharbad is certainly not as welcoming or warm a place as Elf-lord or a good King. He’s not wholly evil, but he is
Rivendell or the Shire; it’s a rotting town of thieves and corrupt and venal, and makes for a poor Patron. If any-
brigands, ruled by a former warlord. However, in the thing, it may be the Player-heroes who guide Gurnow
empty lands of Southern Eriador, it’s as close to a safe towards wisdom — or who must overthrow him.
haven as one might find. It is certainly secure enough; the No, if there is hope here, it is in the hearts of the ordi-
walls of Tharbad may be broken, but it’s heavily fortified nary folk of Tharbad, those who endure under Gurnow’s
and easy to defend. It does offer a place to rest; as long ungenerous protection. People like Agna (page 11)
as the heroes do not break Gurnow’s laws or offend his can offer the heroes wise counsel; Amelia Kern (page
cronies, they may sleep here soundly. 14) or Gwilleth (page 16) may give the heroes aid
Now, a safe haven also offers wise counsel and or dispatch them on missions. Tharbad only marginally
restores hope and courage; places like Rivendell or qualifies as a safe haven, but if the heroes spend time
Lórien are islands of light in the darkness, and guard here, they can nurture the light that’s hidden here.
the promise of a better world. Tharbad is an island, but If they do not, it will soon be snuffed out.
Far to the west in a haze lay the meres and eyots through which it wound its way
to the Greyflood: there countless swans housed in a land of reeds.
Scholars and travellers consider the vast marshland known Sauron; folk from the North Kingdom who escaped the civil
as the Swanfleet to be uninhabited, save for hosts of swans, wars, or the war with Angmar.
and other water-birds. Curiously, this vast network of swamps Other people, too, have made Swanfleet their home. Elves
and pools may instead be one of the most densely populated hid here, High Elves of Eregion with all their might and art-
regions in Eriador. istry, reduced to living in muddy holes after the Enemy laid
For Swanfleet is home to the lost, and to those who fled waste to their palaces. Dwarves took refuge here for a time,
their enemies and misfortunes. The local folk have many fore- when their kingdom in the mountains was destroyed. Even
fathers: the tribes of wild men who lived in the vast woods of Hobbits lived in Swanfleet — the ancestors of the Stoors set-
Eriador, and were driven from their homes by the foresters tled here for many years, for these marshes are much like the
of Númenor; Númenórean settlers who fled the coming of Gladden Fields on the other side of the mountains.
A Secret Folk for the Swanfleeters have legends of when ‘little folk’ lived
So, what are they like today, these marsh-folk of many fathers? in the marsh, and believe they bring good luck.
They are a guarded people, whose language is as much ges- The marsh-folk live by catching fish and birds, and gath-
ture and silence as it is speech, mixed with marvellous imi- ering roots and berries in the marsh. They rarely work metal,
tations of bird-calls. Typically, they avoid contact with out- using stones and bones as tools, but they sometimes trade
siders, vanishing into the undergrowth or even swimming with Dwarven smiths for necessary items. They do not use
under the murky waters like otters to escape detection. If coins, preferring to barter furs, hides and feathers from
strangers trespass deeper into Swanfleet, then the marsh-folk the marshes.
use bird-calls to summon others of their tribe, so they can They dwell on artificial islands in the marsh, called cran-
ambush the intruders with greater numbers — or else they nogs or marshflets, which are linked by twisting walkways just
call up the Ghost Bird (page 95) to deal with their ene- below the surface of the water (this practice gives rise to the
mies. However, they do welcome those fleeing hardship; it belief that the Swanfleeters can walk on water). The crannogs
is the custom of the Swanfleeters to give charity and shelter are hidden by weeds and mist, and are hard to reach unless
to the desperate. Hobbits, too, can expect a warm welcome, you know the secret paths.
Hugh Blackbriar,
Master of Swantown
Tall and commanding of aspect, Hugh Blackbriar once
belonged to Gurnow’s band of thieves. He quarrelled with
the bandit leader and was left for dead in the marshes. By
chance, Blackbriar survived and made his way to Swantown,
where his fortunes and standing have both risen, and now
he is seen by the people of that little settlement as a hero.
Hugh has kept the truth about his criminal youth a secret, and
claims instead to be a man of distant Laketown (Thorin Oak-
enshield and his kin sometimes encamped in Dunland, and
word of Esgaroth came through them.) Hugh fights to defend
Swantown — but preserving his own reputation and his new
life and family is more important to him than anything else.
THE GHOST BIRD and settles disputes as a neutral arbiter between families.
The Ghost Bird is a legend of the marsh. The tale, as told Those who cannot resolve a dispute may nail the skull of
in the taverns of Tharbad, speaks of a nightmarish figure, a bird to a tree outside their crannog; the Ghost Bird will
much taller than a man, with spindly limbs and a bird’s skull arrive a few nights’ later to make a judgement.
for a face. The Ghost Bird lurks in the Swanfleet, and if any- Tales of the Ghost Bird go back as far as anyone can
one trespasses too far into the haunted marsh, it appears to remember, so surely it is some deathless Wight or spirit
murder them with its deadly spear. The Ghost Bird does not that guards the swamp (see page 95 for more on the
only defend Swanfleet, but also dispatches justice within it Ghost Bird).
L ond Daer
High towers that people built, and strong places, and havens of many ships...
Follow the Greyflood to the sea, and it leads to the Firth and was changed. Elendil and his sons — the Faithful — escaped
the town of Lond Daer. Dying Tharbad clings to its proud the wreck of Númenor, and established new kingdoms in the
history; reborn Lond Daer is almost wholly ignorant of its north and south. Lond Daer became part of Arnor, but the
even more ancient lineage. Thousands of years ago, this place building of the Road and the loss of traffic west over the now-
was the New Haven of the Sea-kings, the first outpost of the bent sea meant that the importance of the port swiftly declined,
Númenóreans beyond their enchanted isle. It was here that and the damage wrought on the harbour by the storms and
the mariners of Númenor built their great ships to voyage tidal waves of the Downfall was never wholly repaired.
north and south, exploring all the shores of Middle-earth
The Queen’s
were relative newcomers, who fled west or down the river On a little mound is the Queen’s Hall, a wooden
fleeing the rising Shadow and the growing threat of Orcs. In longhouse that incorporates the ruins of a villa, ancient
recent times, many more came fleeing down the Greyflood, beyond the reckoning of its current inhabitants, so
escaping the ruin of Tharbad. while the walls may be of wood and mud, the floor is
All gathered here, at the edge of Middle-earth, to make a a magnificent mosaic studded with semi-precious stones.
new beginning. There had been no law south of the Brandy- This hall is courthouse and alehouse and guesthouse, the
wine in many centuries, but it began to stir again in Lond Daer. heart of life in the Western Haven. The skull of the sea ser-
For many long years, Lond Daer was ruled by a council pent slain by the Queen hangs above her throne — a better
of elders and wealthy citizens. Ten years ago, a gigantic sea symbol of her right to rule than any crown or circlet (see
serpent swam into the harbour and preyed upon both fish page 79 for more on the Queen’s Hall).
and fishermen. The town sent forth a call for heroes, and Nearly as grand is the House of Johan Fleet, the wealth-
heroes came — hunters and adventurers, warriors and mighty- iest man in Lond Daer and the chief of the traders.
thewed swordsmen. The serpent devoured most of them, and He is the grandson of the former Master of Tharbad,
sent the survivors fleeing for dry land. and his fortune is founded on coffers of silver stolen
It took a young woman named Nimue who picked mussels from that city.
and shellfish on the rocks to defeat the serpent. She discov- Other than these two large houses, the rest of the
ered the creature had made its lair in the half-flooded ruins settlement is more humble. Yet, the cottages of the
of the ancient fortress at the mouth of the harbour. She swam town are made of good stone, quarried in part from
into the ruins to find the beast’s nest, only to be trapped in the old ruins. Ships infrequently sail as far north as the
the tunnels when the serpent returned. By fortunate chance, shores of Harlindon, where they trade with the Dwarves,
she found an ancient spear forged in Westernesse in the ruins, so the people of the town have good tools to work
and slew the monster. The townsfolk acclaimed her queen of with, and good weapons to fight with should danger
Lond Daer, and she rules there to this day. come upon them, or sail south and make the peril-
ous rounding of the cape of Andrast to barter with
subsidence drowned much of the old town, and when the Most of the old city can only be seen at low tide, when the
water is clear, the streets and ruins of the older city can still waters recede and the weed-garlanded remnants of the
be seen beneath the waters of the Firth. Its inhabitants call drowned ruins appear like ghosts. The folk of present-day
it the ‘Western Haven’, not recalling the name it once had. Lond Daer believe that it is good to live so close to a city
The main part of the settlement clusters along the south- made by the kings of old, and it is common for people to
ern side of the Firth, and is surrounded on two sides by a dream of walking the streets of the former haven. These ‘sea-
bank of earth topped with a wall of broken stone, mined from dreams’ are said to bring good luck — although some tales
the old Númenórean fortifications. A single gate faces east, tell of men who were found drowned on dry land, their beds
flanked by two wooden watchtowers, guarding the settlement drenched with sea-water in an otherwise dry room, killed by
from attacks by foes in Eryn Vorn or by barbaric tribesmen dreams becoming too real.
along the coast. The massive ramparts of an old fortress, the Sea Tower,
The inhabitants of the Western Haven find their suste- remain above sea level even at high tide. This was once the
nance by fishing and farming, especially fishing. That’s why mighty tower of Tarasyava that guarded the entrance to the
within its walls, the town smells mostly of fish — fish drying haven. Parts of this fortress can still be entered, although most
on racks, frying in pans, fish flopping on the sand, gulls wait- of the internal chambers are choked with silt, and explorers
ing to snatch discarded fish guts. The fishing boats wait at risk being drowned by rising waters. There are said to be
the dockside, guarded by the artificial reefs and shoals of the undiscovered treasures dating back to the ancient days in the
drowned city below. Only those who know the harbour well watery darkness of the Sea Tower, and it was here that the sea
can navigate the channels of the flooded streets and safely serpent nested before Queen Nimue slew it. The creature’s
reach the open sea. skull is in the Queen’s House, but the rest of its bones lie here.
Other bones can be found here too — in ages past, a disturbing resemblance to the hand of a giant buried in the
tribe dwelt here in the ruins of the old haven, and used this sand. These are known as the Towers of the Stargazers, for
Númenórean fortress as their temple where they made offer- they were built by astrologers, in the dark, declining years of
ings to the sea. They believed that the powers of the ocean Lond Daer, when all that remained here were bitter old men
could be pleased with human sacrifice, and they left prisoners who craved the knowledge of drowned Númenor, and who
to drown in the flooded chambers of the fortress. practised strange rites atop their tall towers. All the entrances
On the northern shore, opposite the present town, stand to the towers were bricked up long ago (some, it seems, from
the remains of five towers, closely clustered, giving them a the inside), but there are hidden ways in and out through gaps.
The Dwarf-
of H armelt
Dwarves dwelt, and still dwell, in the east side of the Blue Mountains,
especially in those parts south of the Gulf of Lune, where they have mines that are still in use.
Dwarves have delved beneath the Blue Mountains since Once, a Dwarf-road led through the forests and wound
they first awoke, and their oldest halls here are almost as around the hill seven times before it reached the lip of the bowl,
ancient as fabled Moria. Once, they found gold, iron and but the lands beyond Harlindon became unfriendly, and the
gemstones in abundance beneath these mountains, and Dwarves allowed the road to vanish beneath the undergrowth.
built the cities of Nogrod and Belegost. Since the First Age, Now, secret paths known only to friends of the Dwarves lead
these mountains have been both a refuge and a source of through the thick forests to the Stone of Fire, and seven gate-
wealth for the Dwarves. In a changing world beset by many houses and guard towers watch the road that leads up the hill.
sorrows and dangers, it was a source of great comfort to
the Dwarves that one thing could always be relied on. The THE HALL OF GOLDEN WALLS
seas might drown the cities of the west, the kingdoms of The lord of Harmelt dwells in this glorious hall, where every
Men might rise and fall, and the Shadow in the east might single thing gleams with a golden light. Of gold are made the
draw ever closer — but the mines of the Blue Mountains cups and plates; upon the walls are panels of beaten gold, and
would never fail. golden sunlight pours through windows of polished crystal
They were half right. Since the restoration of the King- by day, and lamps blaze by night… In truth, one can judge
dom of Erebor, the iron mines in the northern spur of the the fortunes of Harmelt by the thickness of the gold — the
Blue Mountains have been mostly abandoned, and the gold stems of the golden goblets have been shaved thin indeed,
mines of the south appear close to being all but exhausted. and the panels on the walls are mere gold paint now. But it
The Dwarves of Harlindon dig ever deeper in search of new is still a wonder to look upon.
veins of gold, but their efforts are becoming less fruitful with All golden, too, is Lord Mjolin, the master of Harmelt. He
each passing year. is the second eldest of seven brothers, and four of his siblings
What is a Dwarf-hold without a source of wealth? Dwarves sit beside him at the high table. (The seventh brother, the
need to create, to make new things and build upon the works eldest, went off seeking adventure in the Misty Mountains and
of their ancestors. Without such an outlet for their craft, they never returned). Lord Mjolin keeps a tight grip on power —
fall into bitterness and hatred. The Dwarves of Harlindon are every office and station of note in Harmelt is held by one of
on the edge of such a precipice. A darkness grows in their his brothers or another close relative, so the weakness of the
hearts, and they fear that they will be the last generation to clan can be kept secret.
dwell here, that they will be the ones who fail the line of A pair of magic doors guards the Hall of Golden Walls.
ancestors stretching back to elder days. These doors are made of stone, inlaid with golden runes. A
word of command from the lord of the hall causes the doors
Ruins of Cardolan
The brief glow fell upon a huge sitting figure, still and solemn as the great stone kings
of Argonath. The years had gnawed it, and violent hands had maimed it…
wear only rags, they fight with swords of ancient
design. They see other living beings as monsters,
as horrible in their eyes as a Wight or Wraith. The ruins of Wyncross lie a few days south of Bree, at the
crossroads where the road to Sarn Ford breaks from the Gre-
enway. The Great Plague put an end to the town, although
a few families lived among the ruins for centuries after, their
numbers dwindling with each generation. The last of them
the vanished days of glory appear suddenly, carven stones peer- moved to Bree, and now Wyncross is lonely and mostly empty.
ing from the undergrowth, or a stone bridge arching over a lit- Travellers on the road often encamp here — as do Elves of
tle stream, trailing green creepers into the babbling water. Such the Wandering Companies, for this was once a merry town. In
places retain a little of the strength and power of the kingdoms days of old when the land now called the Shire was the king’s
of old; when standing against the servants of Shadow, it is good vineyards, this was Wine-cross, the wine-market of the north.
Eryn Vorn
Tom’s words laid bare the hearts of trees and their thoughts, which were often dark and strange, and filled with a
hatred of things that go free upon the earth, gnawing, biting, breaking, hacking, burning: destroyers and usurpers.
Once, there was only forest, a great dark wood stretching cut down, and those that were left grew bitter. The wood-goers
from sea to mountains, a forest far larger than little Mirkwood. made war on the invaders, but stone-tipped spears and knives
Shepherds of trees walked there, and the trees harkened to of bone were no match for steel harness forged in Númenor.
their slow songs. Later, much later, Men came and dwelt here Now, that once vast forest is gone, leaving only a few dark
too, wood-goers hiding in the shadows from a greater, colder remnants. The forest of Fangorn beyond the gap of Rohan
shadow in the North. is by far the largest of these. Better known in Eriador is the
All this was long ago, so long ago that the shepherds fell Old Forest between the Bree-land and the Shire.
asleep. They vanished in the east, or drowned in the west with A third such remnant is the forested cape of Eryn Vorn.
their beloved willow-meadows. These woods were impenetrably dark and tangled even in the
More Men came, tall Men from the sea, bearing bright axes. days of Númenor, and there have been several thousand years
They cut down the forest, chopping down the eldest of trees of twisted, cankerous growth since. Huge trees grow there, mon-
for timber. The forest shrank, like waters receding after a flood, strous giants; no axe has ever sounded in these woods, not even
like the sea retreating with the tide. Each year, more trees were one wielded by the hand of Dwarf or Dúnadan — for these
woods are inhabited. The wood-goers that dwell in the dark- the tongues of Men, and have their own language of bird-calls
ness of the cape are savage wild Men, descendants of those who and creaking noises like branches swaying in the wind.
hid from the Númenórean mariners as they sailed up the River They take prisoners when they can. They bring these pris-
Greyflood. Whatever they once were, they have been changed oners back to the dark woods, and hang them from certain old
by long ages of isolation and hatred of the outside world. trees deep in the forest. They cut the prisoners’ flesh, so the
They are the Tree Men of Eryn Vorn. blood drains into the soil. Tree-roots drink deep, and the old
trees awaken and speak, whispering root-speech and secrets
The Lone-
lands of Minhiriath
In those days no other Men had settled dwellings so far west, or within a hundred leagues of the Shire.
To most, the Lone-lands of Minhiriath appear utterly deserted. H ynda’s H ouse at Wormhill
A traveller could wander the region for months and not see Hynda’s farmstead is typical of the settlements that survive in
another living soul. The wars and plagues of more than a Minhiriath in the last days of the Third Age. It’s a house in
thousand years ago erased the largest communities and bur- a sheltered fold of the land, guarded by a low wall of stone,
ied the remnants of the old kingdoms. at the foot of a mound called Wormhill. Hynda and her kin-
Those who survived did so by hiding, by isolating them- folk farm the area, growing vegetables and grain, and sup-
selves. The folk who still live here dwell in fortified ham- plement their diet with meat from hunting. She remembers
lets, in farmsteads many days walk from any neighbour, or a few vestiges of the culture of the old kingdoms — Hynda
as nomads, hunting in the wilderness and living off the can read well enough, and has passed the trick on to her clev-
land. In many ways, Tom Bombadil is a more typical den- erer grandchildren. There are a few books in her house, as
izen of Eriador than, say, the innkeeper of Bree — there well as a carven icon of a king of old salvaged from a ruined
are more isolated farmsteads than villages in these ruined town. She eats off plates of tin or chipped porcelain, and her
lands (although of course Tom is a thing unto himself, and kettle bubbles above a fire that burns in an elegant wrought-
the surly, suspicious farmers of the north are quite unlikely iron grate. She prides herself on being civilised and lawful,
to break into spontaneous verse, nor do they wear bright observing the traditions of the north instead of being a wild
yellow boots.) barbarian like the Fisher-folk or worse, the Tree Men of Eryn
The Rangers guard these hamlets and farmsteads, as they Vorn. However, her little farmstead is far from being self-
protect Bree and the Shire. sufficient — she relies on Dwarven smiths to mend her tools
Far away east and south there was war and growing fear…
he true Tale of Years for Eriador is unwritten. The that will soon come to the fore. These include the schemes of
history recorded in the Red Book of Westmarch major players like the Black Númenóreans and the White Hand
does not relate precisely what became of Lond of Saruman, the actions of Raiders from Dunland, and more.
Daer, or Tharbad, or the folk living along the Each threat description includes a number of poten-
coasts. The histories tell only that the King returned in 3019, tial strokes — events or undertakings that will advance that
and brought better days to this benighted region — but there threat’s agenda. They are listed under the Dark Designs head-
may be many unfinished or lost tales that tell what happened in ings in each section, in a chronological ‘Tale of Years’ for-
the lone-lands in the many decades before the War of the Ring. mat. The Loremaster should take these entries into consid-
The present chapter describes threats looming over the com- eration to weave them into a Company’s Adventuring Phases
ing years in Southern Eriador — outside forces and spies that or Fellowship Phases (as Rumours, for example), building on
have recently entered the region, or potential internal conflicts the suggestions presented and evaluating how the deeds of
the Player-heroes may affect them — by taking action against incorporated as news from far-off corners of the land — if a
these strokes during an Adventuring Phase, the Company can campaign is about adventures amid the Barrow-downs, then
prevent that danger from growing. the fate of the fisher queen in Lond Daer is a topic for noth-
Not every dark design must be incorporated into a cam- ing more than fireside tales.
paign. Many tales outlined in this chapter can remain possi- Descriptions for several key Loremaster characters are
bilities, mere shadows of a bitter fate. Some playing groups included, complete with gaming stats if an individual is likely
will ignore some of them altogether, while others may be to become an adversary to the Player-heroes.
The Enemy is moving. forth to oppose him, or to flee West — either way, the power
The time is not yet right for his great assault on the lands to defeat him is not in the Three Rings.) Gil-galad is dead,
of the Free Folk. He gathers his armies in Mordor and in the and Elendil is dead, and their kingdoms are gone. Sauron
East, preparing to sweep across the Great River and crush shattered the North-kingdom through his servants in Ang-
the last outpost of Númenor at Minas Tirith. With his dark mar, and there are no Men in the North with any strength
arts and his agents, he calls up the Orcs of the Misty Moun- to stand against him. The Dwarves he can enslave or bargain
tains, readying them to swarm from their noisome holes to with, especially as Moria is his to trade. No, as far as Sauron’s
overwhelm Wilderland. At Dol Guldur, he prepares a host to military plans are concerned, Eriador is an afterthought, a
strike at the Elven stronghold of Lothlórien. One day soon, battle fought and won more than a thousand years ago. There
the hammer-blow will fall on Erebor and Dale too, snuffing will be no great invasion of Eriador, for there is nothing left
out the brief candle of hope that was lit with the death of the to invade or destroy — with two exceptions.
Dragon. Sauron plans to bring final war to the lands east of He has a plan for the Grey Havens. One of Sauron’s secret
the Misty Mountains. fears is that his enemies might find the One Ring and deny
The West, though — here, his designs must be different. it to him forever by taking it West over sea, where he cannot
Partly, this is because his evil work is already done here. follow — or, even worse, travel there and persuade the Valar
Sauron has defeated most of the foes that might have chal- to intercede again, as they did at the end of the First Age.
lenged him in Eriador. The Ring-smiths of Eregion are gone; Therefore, Sauron intends to blockade the Havens. Corsairs
even though he lacks the Ruling Ring, he has gathered to him from Umbar will sail north, carried swiftly on hot, foul winds
the Nine and what remains of the Seven. (As for the Three, out of Harad, and stop the Elven ships from crossing the
the war will either force the keepers of those rings to step sea. At the same time, he will send Orcs and Evil Men out of
Angmar to lay waste to Lindon. Here, Sauron’s hatred is at the charges laid upon them by Barad-dûr — they intend to
odds with his cold ambition; the longer he leaves the Havens survey the lands that will surely be theirs when all is done,
open as an escape route, the more tempted the last Elves will find out what treasures and riches may be found there, and
be to abandon Middle-earth to his shadow and sail away, but decide who will be spared and who will be slaughtered in the
Sauron desires to destroy and dominate all the Firstborn. new ordering of the world to come.
The other exception, and the one that torments Sauron like
Key Foes
When the war is done and Sauron is the undisputed
god-king of Middle-earth, and all living things are under the
Shadow, then he has promised that the kingdom of the hated The crew of the Kathuphazgân and their leaders will prob-
Faithful of Elendil will be restored under the rule of the Black ably be the most formidable foes the Player-heroes end up
Númenóreans. Therefore, they have a third mission, beyond facing in Eriador.
Zoril might easily be mistaken for one of the Dúnedain of THE BLADE MAGOLACH
old; in her, the blood of Númenor is strong, giving her the By the arts of the enemy, Magolach retains the heat
long limbs and lordly height of that folk. She was a reaver of its forging; when drawn, the blade becomes
and an adventurer in the south for long years, wandering searing hot to the touch. Zoril carries a scabbard
under strange stars as a freebooter, before she returned lined with a curious cloth from the south that does
home to Umbar. Zoril believes that she can be the queen not burn, so the weapon can be sheathed safely.
of the North-kingdom if she proves herself in the sight of This long sword grants the Fiery Blow special dam-
the Eye, but she also knows that Sauron has the spider-like age option:
patience of the immortals, while Zoril herself is a mere mor- ♦ FIERY BLOW: The attack burns the target,
tal. She’s therefore determined to find a way to accelerate inflicting a severe Endurance loss from fire
her plans. Sometimes, she contemplates using the resources damage (see page 134 of The One Ring).
of the Kathuphazgân to set herself up as a warlord, as the
new queen of Angmar. At other times, she wonders if attack-
ing the Grey Havens would provoke the Elves to act, and
spark conflict between the Free Folk and the Shadow.
Zoril is immensely arrogant, and she has good cause
to be — she is a master swordswoman and explorer, the
equal of any Man who lives in this age of the world. She
wields the blade Magolach, a sword made in the forges of Usapthon
Mount Doom by the smiths of Minas Morgul, and she has Of old, the Black Númenóreans studied the arts of the
yet to meet a weapon that can withstand it. Indeed, this Enemy, and learned sorcery under the tutelage of Sau-
whole ‘scouting’ mission is a waste of Zoril’s talents (in her ron. During the long centuries after the Enemy’s defeat
eyes, at least) — with another few hundred men and a few at the hands of the Last Alliance, knowledge of sorcery
more ships, she could conquer all the North and sweep was preserved by secret cults and schools. Usapthon was
the remaining Elves away! trained in such a school; she was raised in underground
If the Player-h eroes disrupt the plans of the Black catacombs and did not see sunlight until she was nine years
Númenóreans, Zoril will lead the hunt for the insolent old, so that she was consecrated to Shadow. Her mother
meddlers… tongue is the Black Speech of Mordor, and she was taught
to read by studying crumbling scrolls of magic. At fifteen,
ZORIL ATTRIBUTE LEVEL she was sent to the far east, to lands long under the Ene-
Proud, Wilful my’s sway, to be a priestess in one of the huge stepped
7 temples where offerings are given to Morgoth in terrible
rites. From there, she was brought in a ceremonial pro-
ENDURANCE MIGHT HATE PARRY ARMOUR cession of oliphaunts to the dread land of Mordor, and
instructed in the ways of sorcery by the acolytes of Sauron
28 2 7 +4 4 himself, the Dark Lord returned.
Now, she’s been sent to Eriador — and for Usapthon,
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: The Blade Magolach 4 (6/18, this land is stranger than any she has known before. The
Fiery Blow — see box), Great Bow 3 (4/16, Pierce) sorceress has lived her whole life in temples and cult
strongholds, isolated from the lives of ordinary folk. For
FELL ABILITIES: Fearless. This creature’s Might is consid- her, a dark tower tended by eyeless, tongueless servants
ered 1 higher for the purpose of resisting the Intimidate is unremarkable and quotidian, while the little fishing vil-
Foe combat task. lages and farmsteads of Minhiriath are strange and eerie.
Snake-like Speed. When targeted by an attack, She knows the secret names of the Balrogs that served
spend 1 Hate to make the attack roll Ill-favoured. the Enemy of old, but has never heard even the simplest
Yell of Triumph. Spend 1 Hate to restore 1 Hate or riddle or song others learn in childhood.
Resolve to all allies in the fight. Usapthon will show all these ignorant fools the glory
of the One True God.
USAPTHON ATTRIBUTE LEVEL won in the Bay of Belfalas and on the Anduin, not up here
Secretive, Unsettling in these cold, desolate lands.
7 If pressed, Captain Nerek is a dangerous foe; he’s led
his crew to victory in many battles.
28 2 7 +3 2 Commanding, Seasoned
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Club 3 (4/14, Pierce),
Captain Nerek
Old Nerek is a veteran of the Corsairs of Umbar, a raider
and reaver of the shores of Middle-earth. He has lost the
wild courage of his youth, and now tends towards caution.
Preserving his ship and the lives of his crew seems more
important to him than some valley of a few ancient Elves,
so this mission to Eriador fills him with doubt. He has no
desire to sail so close to the Grey Havens; Círdan the Ship-
wright is a figure out of legend among seafarers, and it is
said that he watches over the waters of Lhûn. Nerek looks
for any excuse to sail the Kathuphazgân to safer waters;
given the choice, he’d leave Zoril and Usapthon on the
sandy shore and let them complete their mission without
endangering his ship further. The war will be fought and
24 1 6 +3 4
12 1 3 — 1
Dark Designs of
Black Númenórean Sailors the Black Númenóreans
Most of the crew of the Kathuphazgân are slaves and will The Black Númenóreans intended to sail up the Greyflood
not fight for the Black Númenóreans; the statistics below as far as they could, and then send scouts inland along the
describe one of the deck crew or guards on board the ship. river to seek the hidden valley, but the existence of the settle-
ment of Lond Daer forced them to change their plans. They
BLACK NÚMENÓREAN SAILOR ATTRIBUTE LEVEL must move more slowly now, and with a greater emphasis on
Proud, Superstitious corruption and secrecy.
ENDURANCE MIGHT RESOLVE PARRY ARMOUR Black Númenóreans, disguising themselves as travellers from
the south, infiltrate the port of Lond Daer. They claim to be
16 1 4 +1 2 fleeing the growing darkness in Mordor, and ask about hir-
ing guides to lands further north. They are hungry for news
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Axe 3 (5/18, Break Shield) — and will pay in gold for word of “Imladris”.
2969: JOURNEY TO ANGMAR course and laid paths along its banks, but time and water
Seeking sorcerous relics, Usapthon makes a long pilgrimage to have destroyed most of these improvements. Therefore, the
the haunted land of Angmar. There, she tries to awaken dark ship must be drawn up the river at great effort, using beasts
powers and evil spirits that have slumbered since the defeat of of burden and brute force to wrestle it forward against the
the Witch-king in 1975 T.A. (Leads to Rites in the Barrow-downs.) meandering river. By the time the weather turns, the Kathu
phazgân is within a few days’ walk of Tharbad, a wooden cas-
2970: THE WOOING OF THARBAD tle in the midst of Minhiriath, commanding the lowlands.
Zoril allies herself with one of the major characters in Thar- With their base of operations now hundreds of miles
bad (likely one of Gurnow’s sons, or even an outsider like inland, much closer to their quarry, the Black Númenóreans
Tom Brass) and offers to secretly support that ally in taking begin to explore their new surroundings, especially upriver.
over Tharbad. Soon, gold from Mordor flows through the (Leads to Scouts in the Trollshaws.)
town, hiring mercenaries and greasing palms. Zoril herself
intervenes to assassinate any troublesome holdouts, like Lady 2974: THIS IS NO PLACE OF HONOUR
Stock or other loyalists. With the Crossings of Tharbad under Usapthon discovers the ghost pit in Tharbad (see page 11)
surveillance, Zoril’s next goal is to send spies north to the and begins excavating it by night, seeking ancient relics
road to the Havens. (Leads to The Kathuphazgân Moves Inland.) from the War of Elves and Sauron. Her work releases evil
vampire-spirits who fly out and clothe themselves in new flesh.
2970: BLOOD IN SWANFLEET Rumours spread that she has discovered a great hoard of
To secure Tharbad, the Black Númenóreans launch an assault treasure in the mud, a fortune equal to the golden bed of
on the folk of Swanfleet. The marshes are an effective barrier Smaug the Magnificent.
against most foes, but the Corsairs are used to fighting in the
jungles and shifting shores of Harad, and are not dismayed. 2974: SCOUTS IN THE TROLLSHAWS
From her new fortress in the heart of Minhiriath, Zoril dis-
2971: RITES IN THE BARROW-D OWNS patches scouts further north, following the course of the
Bolstered by secrets found in Angmar, Usapthon travels to Hoarwell, in search of Rivendell. Other soldiers are sent
the ruins of Tyrn Gorthad to awaken the evil spirits that slum- to draw the Rangers and Elven sentinels away, by stirring
ber there, and remind them of their ancient oaths to Sau- up trouble in Bree-land or Angmar. The aim of this mis-
ron. More Barrow-wights awaken, and the east road becomes sion is to find the hidden valley — even Zoril, for all her
almost impassable as unwholesome fog creeps down from the brimming confidence, knows she cannot hope to destroy
hills. The Rangers fight to defend Bree-land and the other the home of Elrond Half-elven with the troops she has with
remnants of the kingdom from foes that would freeze their her. No — she intends to return with a greater army at her
blood. (Leads to The Fall of Lond Daer.) back, but not yet.
At this point in history, the Wizard Saruman is still the head of the Whispering Halls of Celebrimbor and the rings were scat-
the Istari, the leader of the White Council, and the chief foe tered. Still, through painstaking study and experimentation,
of the Enemy. He has already begun to walk the ruinous path Saruman has learned much of these most precious jewels.
that will one day destroy him, but who can say when courage Now, as the Shadow lengthens, Saruman’s mind turns
turns to folly, or prudent wisdom becomes callous intellect? ever to the question of the war, and how it might best be
Once, all the Wizards were wanderers, travelling the won. There is not strength enough in Elves or Men alone to
length and breadth of Middle-earth to inspire heroes and defeat this Enemy. If their strengths could be unified, and
prepare nations for the war to come against the Enemy. They guided by a wise hand, then there might be a chance. But
first came to Middle-earth around the Year 1,000 of the Third how to exert such Will upon lesser minds? Only a Ring of
Age, after the division of the North-kingdom into the three Power could give such lordly powers of command. No one has
lands of Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur, and Saruman was dared make another Ring of Power since Sauron revealed his
ever the counsellor and confessor to kings both north and mastery of the Ruling Ring, for any other rings would likely
south. Now, Saruman has taken the fortress of Isengard as his fall under the dominion of the One — but Sauron lacks the
home, as he prepares for the final conflict with the Enemy. One, so there is a chance. If Saruman can fill the gaps in his
Saruman is the master of three branches of lore. In diplo- own Ring-lore and make his own Ring of Power, then — his
macy and rhetoric he has no equal, able to sway minds and powers magnified by the jewel — he might do what is neces-
build alliances. He has made a deep study of the ways and sary to complete the mission of the Istari. (Or, a voice in his
weapons of the Enemy, and has delved into dark sorcery and mind whispers, if you found the One Ring yourself…)
foul machinery — so that he might counter Sauron’s arts.
Saruman Scholar, +0 The Voice of Wisdom. You can spend Fellowship points to obtain Study the arts
Treasure Hunter a Magical Success on Awe, Persuade or Riddle rolls. Additionally, of the Enemy,
at the end of a Council you can spend a number of Fellowship research
points to add an equal number of successes to its outcome. Ring-lore.
SARUMAN AS A PATRON now, all Arcinyas must do is make his services known to
A Company earning the patronage of the White Wizard gains all the petty lords and folk of Minhiriath, so they will seek
a very powerful ally — Saruman is willing to generously sup- him out — and Arcinyas can report all he hears to Isengard.
port those who follow his ‘counsel’, especially if they don’t In secret, though, Arcinyas has become bitter. He has
ask too many questions… grown old in the service of Saruman, and the White Wizard
The Wizard will contact the Player-heroes exclusively through has not shared even a fraction of his lore with the scholar.
intermediaries (see Agents of Saruman, below), only requesting a Worse, while Saruman is unaging, Arcinyas is only mor-
meeting in matters of extreme urgency or to relay secret news. tal. His eyes grow dark, his hands tremble, and while his
When this happens, Saruman may counterfeit his appearance knowledge of herb-lore and healing is unmatched, he
to travel incognito, for example assuming the likeness of one of knows he cannot cure the death that waits for him.
his fellow Wizards, or he may disguise himself as a harmless wan- He tells himself that only Saruman can do that, that only
derer. Saruman will generally choose Tharbad as a meeting place. Saruman can make a Ring, like the Rings of old, that will
stave off death and give Arcinyas time enough to learn all
Agents of Saruman
the secrets of the world. If Arcinyas ever lost faith in the
White Wizard, then his betrayal would be deeply damag-
Servants of Isengard might be encountered anywhere in Min- ing to Saruman’s plans.
hiriath. In addition to the personalities described below, the
Loremaster can use the stats for Evil Men to create adversaries OCCUPATION: Healer, Spy
for the Player-heroes to fight (see The One Ring, page 146).
the Dunlendings of Wulf’s brief but glorious reign. All her life,
Saruman has prepared her for her destiny — she will be the
one who unites the hill tribes under his guidance. He tutored
her in Isengard, then sent her to walk among the Dunlend-
ings and tell the tale of Wulf, the true king of Rohan, Wulf the
Conqueror. He has trained her in the arts of diplomacy and
rhetoric; whichever Dunlending chieftain captures the most
territory will marry her, yoking this new Dunlending king to
the house of Freca, and thence to Isengard.
For her part, Frecana is mostly willing to be a part of
Saruman’s schemes, for she trusts in the Wizard’s wisdom.
That said, she prays that the Dunlending warrior who wins
her hand will be worthy of her; neither Ivoch the Boneless
(page 45) nor scar-faced Tembur (page 46) are who
she imagines ruling beside her. She learned treachery at
Saruman’s feet, too — if it comes to it, she will sabotage
one Dunlending chieftain to ensure a more fitting match
when the time comes for her to rule in Edoras.
Dark Designs of Isengard watching the woodland creatures of Mirkwood. Since the
fall of Smaug, however, Saruman has come to wonder if
2965: THE MESSENGER there might not be something more to Gandalf’s interest
Saruman dispatches a messenger to the hidden valley of in the half-high.
Imladris. The messenger is ambushed by thieves south of The wedding of Drogo Baggins to Primula Brandybuck, a
Tharbad, and though she escapes, she is too badly wounded wedding bound to be of special magnificence involving two
to continue her errand. On encountering the Player-heroes, of the Shire’s noteworthy families, is just the sort of Hobbit
she asks them to continue her errand and bring Saruman’s nonsense that might attract Gandalf — especially as Bilbo
letter to the House of Elrond. She warns them that thieves Baggins himself is bound to be there. Saruman dispatches
who ambushed her believe she’s carrying treasure, and will spies to watch the Shire and the wedding in Buckland.
not give up the hunt.
The letter describes a warrior in the service of King Then- 2968: THE LORE OF EREGION
gel, a tall northern knight who calls himself Thorongil; Saru- The rainstorms of the previous year tore at the landscape,
man asks if he is one of Elrond’s household. If the heroes causing mudslides in places. Now, a baking hot summer
perform this mission, they win Saruman’s favour. (Leads to dries out the ground, revealing traces of old structures hid-
Summons to Isengard.) ing beneath the dry grass like fading ghosts. Between these
two, it’s possible that hitherto unexplored ruins of old Ere-
2966: SUMMONS TO ISENGARD gion might become accessible. Saruman sends his agents in
Saruman calls the Player-heroes to Isengard. He says that he search of Ring-lore.
fears that spies of the Enemy are abroad in Eriador, and that The quest leads them into the marshes of Swanfleet.
he is in need of stout and reliable agents of his own. The (Leads to Into Moria.)
years are quickening now, the pieces moving across the great
chess board of Middle-earth. He tells the heroes that he will 2969: MISSION TO ANGMAR
ask them to be his hands and eyes, to do work in the shadows Saruman’s unseen conflict with the agents of the Enemy con-
that the hearts of lesser heroes would quail at. Victory over tinues, as he works to undermine Usapthon’s plans to reach
the Enemy will be won only at a high price, and there can the distant realm of Angmar. He was able to read much of
be no room for cowardice or hesitation. They must do as he the younger woman’s thoughts when they clashed two years
commands without question, for subtle and strange are the ago, and knows that she seeks power amid the ruins of the
ways of Wizards. If the heroes accept, Saruman becomes their Witch-king’s realm. Saruman sends messengers and hunters
patron. (Leads to Spying on the Shire.) north along the road, to intercept Usapthon’s expedition
before it can reach its destination.
Saruman’s agents hunt and waylay some of the Black The Dwarves of Moria were close allies of the Elves of Eregion
Númenórean spies from the ship Kathuphazgân. The captured — the makers of the Rings of Power. If the lore of ring-making
spies are brought back to Isengard; the sorceress Usapthon was preserved anywhere after the destruction of Eregion, then
vies with the Wizard to command the weather, and the return it might be within the halls of Khazad-dûm. Rumour reaches
journey is beset by unnatural storms of astounding intensity Isengard that a few foolhardy treasure hunters have dared to
and unpredictability. The Greyflood bursts its banks, and pass the West-gate and explore the fabled Black Pit.
Tharbad is once again troubled by flooding. (Leads to Mis- There has been no sign of the lost Ruling Ring in nearly
sion to Angmar.) three thousand years — no doubt it has rolled down the
Anduin to the sea, and there let it lie until the End. But
2968: SPYING ON THE SHIRE there can be a new beginning, a new forging of Rings. The
Saruman previously dismissed Gandalf’s liking for the Hob- intent of Sauron may have been evil, but the design was
bits of the Shire as a mere indulgence on the part of the sound. Let the Free Peoples be guided by a wise and cun-
Grey Pilgrim, a sign of faltering will and failing courage, ning mind… and the lore needed to bring about that work
just as Radagast neglects his ordained purpose in favour of may be found in Moria.
From their hill forts and dark ravines come the Hillfolk of for easier pickings in the north. Minhiriath is mostly empty
Dunland, raiding and conquering. The Dunlendings are — there’s land for the taking, and no sharp-speared horse-
nomads, much akin to the Fisher-folk of the shore of Eri- men to trouble them.
ador, but better armed and more warlike. They may not take
20 2 5 +2 3
Dark Designs of
the Dunlendings
The expansion of the Dunlendings is fostered and sup-
ported by Isengard — Saruman’s designs require a ready
supply of strong backs and deft hands, so he intends to
make most of Dunland into his personal fiefdom. (Were
the Istari not sent to bring guidance to the Free Peoples?
Is it not better that the strength and bloodlust of the hill
tribes is put to productive use?) He has directed the Dun-
lendings away from Rohan — part of the bargain that gave
Saruman control of Isengard was that he would deter Dun-
lending raids on Gondor’s ally, and send them north and
west instead.
2970: THE IRON BARGAIN well fortified and guarded by many axe-wielding warriors —
A band of Dunlending raiders encounters a band of Fisher-folk but thanks to the Wizard, the Dunlendings have weapons to
of the coast while travelling along the river Isen. These two match, and their alliance with the cruel Fisher-folk means
tribes are distant relatives, and meet peacefully. The Fisher-folk they can sail up the coast to land on Harlindon and then
tell of a new town, built on the ruins of an older one, at the march inland.
mouth of the Greyflood — a town rich and prosperous, ripe Dunlending scouts creep through the woods of the
for the taking. Why, the Fisher-folk can show the well-armed southern Blue Mountains, and dream of Dwarven gold.
men of Dunland the secret paths through the dunes to take the Harmelt is not Moria; this is not some haunted tomb where
knights of Lond Daer by surprise… (Leads to Raid on Lond Daer.) no man dares go. No, Harmelt is inhabited by the living,
and the living can be killed… (Leads to The Assault on the
2972: RAID ON LOND DAER Dwarf-hold.)
In this year, unless the Player-heroes prevent it, Lond Daer is
attacked and despoiled by raiders from Dunland. The town is 2975: THE ASSAULT ON THE DWARF-H OLD
laid waste, and prisoners are taken back as slaves by sea to the The Dunlendings attack Harmelt, swarming up the hillside
mouth of the Isen, then marched upriver into Dunland. Queen and looting the golden halls within. Some Dwarves escape,
Nimue is burnt alive in her hall. (Leads to Across the Brandywine.) and call for aid from neighbouring Dwarf-holds in the Blue
Mountains. Cut off from their boats, the Dunlendings must
2974: ACROSS THE BRANDYWINE face the long march south across the Lone-lands, laden down
Bolstered by their success in Lond Daer, the Dunlendings turn with their stolen gold. They have a king’s ransom in treasure,
their eyes to an even richer prize — the Dwarven fortress at but there are vengeful Dwarves behind and many hundreds
Harmelt (see page 24). The mountain of the Dwarves is of leagues ahead…
Other Shadows
“...doom and great deeds are indeed at hand.”
These dangers either slumber until awoken, or are not tied a whole herd of cattle in a single night, draining the ani-
to the passing years. mals of their blood like a vampire instead of eating them
whole (and some tales claim that the animals do not flee
great stroke of fortune — and indeed, he took from the About two hundred years ago, there was a war between
barrow many precious things, swords wound around with Orcs and Dwarves over the matter of the murder of King
gold wire, and goblets of silver, and jewelled rings, and he Thrór. The Dwarves won the Battle of Dimrill Dale, but did
distributed them among his warriors and followers as gifts. not enter Moria, and young Dáin Ironfoot — now King Under
Having emptied the barrow, he had his followers cast down the Mountain — famously said that the world must change
the burial slab and the bones that lay on it, and level the before Durin’s Folk walk again in Moria, and forbade his fol-
earth-mound. The field was sown, and in time it brought lowers from returning there.
forth a bountiful crop. Now, after the Battle of Five Armies broke the power of
At harvest-time, the lord invited all his workers to a feast, the Orcs, many in Eriador look again to the treasures of Moria.
and they ate and drank their fill. But as night fell, a stranger Just because Durin’s folk are not trying to return to Khazad-
arrived. He was clad all in white, and though his face was dûm, that doesn’t mean that another line of the Dwarves
not hidden, no one could look upon it without quailing in cannot reign there…
terror. “Where is my house?” demanded the stranger, and
Long was the way that fate them bore,
O’er stony mountains cold and grey,
Through halls of iron and darkling door,
And woods of nightshade morrowless.
he twelve landmarks contained in this chapter are The text of each landmark assumes that the Loremaster
described using the structure presented in the will adjudicate all actions taken by the Company using the
Appendix of The One Ring (see page 221). As dis- core rules for The One Ring. This means that the rules for
cussed there, the chosen format allows the Lore Journeys, Combat or Councils are not repeated, nor are those
master to use each landmark as an open-ended, self-contained concerning Actions, Skill Endeavours, Risk Levels or Sources
scenario, free of a strict, predetermined plot, articulated in of Injury — whenever the text of a landmark describes a
orderly scenes. The Player-heroes learn of the existence of challenge or an obstacle to the Company, the Loremaster
a landmark during the game, for example by choosing the should adjudicate the circumstances based on the appropri-
Gathering Rumours Fellowship Phase Undertaking (see The ate game rules.
One Ring, page 121).
RUMOUR Background
“There’s an old Dwarf-mine in the Blue Mountains — and aye, Scowle Hill lies near the northern edge of the Blue Mountains.
there are lots of Dwarf-mines in those parts, all the old hills round It is a cold land, choked by sudden and cruel snowstorms
there are riddled with ‘em, like a wormy apple. The point is, this in winter. No folk have dwelt here in a great many years.
mine’s special. A king of olden times once hid there, with all his Elves came this way once, so long ago that even they barely
jewels and treasures. Now, this king was pursued by a fearsome remember the tale, but the hills and stones still echo with
beast out of Angmar, and it’s said that the only way he could the sound of their proud trumpets, and those who slumber
slay it was by putting his biggest jewel down its throat to choke here may dream of better days. The Snowmen of Forochel,
it. But the rest of the treasure’s still there for the taking — if across the bay, come here to their summer camps on the
you can find it.” shore to hunt and gather berries, but their homes and their
hearts lie in the ice.
OLD LORE In the First Age, the Dwarves came here to dig iron and
“Arvedui was the last king of Arthedain. In his day, the armies of coal, which are found in abundance beneath Scowle Hill.
the Witch-king of Angmar destroyed Fornost Erain, and Arvedui These mines were abandoned when the nearby Dwarven cit-
and his followers were forced to flee. They took with them such ies were destroyed in the cataclysm that ended that Age and
treasures as they could carry on horseback, for they were sorely changed all the lands. The abandoned mines lay silent for
pursued by their foes. They took refuge in an abandoned Dwarf- many centuries, a haunt of ghosts and terrors, until King
mine called Scowle Hill, and there they hid until hunger drove Arvedui came here to hide.
them forth. It is said that to lighten his load, King Arvedui left Arvedui was the last king of Arthedain. His capital at For-
certain lesser treasures behind in the mines, intending to return for nost Erain had fallen to the forces of the Witch-king, and
them one day. But Arvedui perished, and the treasures of Scowle now those foes were close by. Arvedui was accompanied by a
Hill have never been found.” handful of his most loyal knights, and they carried with them
Eventually, the trace of a half-buried Dwarven road
L appears, snaking its way west towards a narrow valley, open-
A Company travelling north along the eastern foothills of ing where a river once cut the rock of the mountains over
the Ered Luin must go beyond the course of the Little Lune the course of a thousand years. There the Scowle Gate lies,
to find the entrance to the Old Dwarf-mines. The woods in among the shadows of the sheltered dale.
The Dwarven miners once dwelt in a small Dwarf-hall in this
valley, but that place is long since despoiled and destroyed.
The main entrance to the mine collapsed long ago, blocking
access to the underground complex, but the line of a path
they built can still be discerned, skirting the sides of the val-
ley, and leading to one of the side entrances, gaping like the
maw of some tremendous beast. THE OLD DWARF-M INES
The opening leads to the Southern Mines.
6 The Northern Mines
This portion of the mines is a labyrinth. Unlike the fabled
Mines of Moria, which were expanded into a grand city
with wide boulevards and vaulted halls, these mines were
purely functional. There are no halls here, no magnif-
icent underground chambers — just endless narrow 8
tunnels worming into the hillside.
They are Dwarf-height, too, 2 The Southern Mines
so a tall man must stoop 7
to pass this way.
4 3
Side Entrance
The sword was forged in Annúminas by master-
smiths, and is an excellent blade. It is a Superior
Fell, Superior Grievous, Keen sword and wound
around with spells that make it a Bane to Orcs and
Evil Men. However, if the wielder of the sword
does not swear to slay the Beast of Angmar, then
the sword becomes cursed with the Curse of
Weakening, increasing the Bearer’s HEART TN by
2 while the Beast yet lives.
4. THE LAIR OF THE BEAST Once the victim perishes from blood loss, the Beast eats the
The still-living Beast of Angmar makes its lair on the lower lev- remains — but there’s a small chance that a captured victim
els of the southern mine, close to a semi-flooded cave network could be rescued from the Beast’s lair in time to save their
that leads to the surface. It sleeps on a nest of bones — mostly life. Once the Beast eats enough, it recovers its strength and
deer and bear, but also a few unlucky Snowmen. There is a becomes much more active and dangerous, mangling and
little treasure here, if you can stand the rank stink of the Beast. swiftly gobbling enemies, leaving no opportunity for rescue.
The Beast is ancient and slow now. If it captures one of This period of fearsome vigour lasts for a few seasons before
the Player-heroes or another victim, it drags them back here it falls back into slumber.
to its lair to slowly devour them, lapping up their hot blood.
There is only one extant tunnel that connects the northern
The Beast, Terror of Angmar and southern portion of the mines. Here is where the knights
The Beast resembles a great, blind, misshapen grey bear, of Arthedain tried and failed to hold the Beast; their bones
with an eerily human-like face and hands; it hunts by smell, are dust, but the marks of the Beast’s claws can still be seen,
so its snuffling may warn Player-heroes of its approach. deeply graven into the rock.
RUMOUR Yet there are others who seek to break the westward-gaze
“Three ancient Elf-towers rise from the hills beyond the Shire’s west- of the Elendil stone, and use its power to spy upon Middle-
ern marches, their luminous construction radiating moonlight, vis- earth instead, as it seems that the palantír of Elostirion has
ible from distant leagues. The westernmost tower is the tallest still, occasionally granted visions of imminent threats, warning the
and it is said one can see the Sea from its top. No Hobbit has been Elves of approaching danger.
known to climb the tower, but Elves sometimes visit, disappearing These rare instances granted some lore-masters hope
through the White Towers’ doors.” that the palantír can be mastered to grant them foresight
over Eriador and beyond, perhaps even reconnecting the
OLD LORE stone with others in Middle-earth. Círdan the Shipwright,
“The White Towers are thousands of years old, built by the Elven keeper of the stone of Elostirion, is wary of such ambitions,
High King Gil-galad as a gift for Elendil, the first King of Arnor. no matter how pure-hearted their intent — if the Elendil
Elendil chose the westernmost tower, Elostirion, to house one of stone permanently lost its ability to perceive the Undying
the legendary seeing stones he rescued from the Fall of Númenor. Lands, it would be a heavy blow to the spirits of the remain-
The palantír still resides in the tower, one of the few not lost to the ing Elves of Eriador.
passing of ages, though its visions always track westwards. Elves
of Lindon visit the White Towers to glimpse the paradise awaiting
them in the Undying Lands.” L
Road, almost as far west as the Grey Havens themselves,
beyond the borders of the Shire. A Company will be able to
The White Towers are treasured holdings of the Elves of see the three pillars from a great distance, as they rise high
Lindon. The palantír housed within Elostirion is a relic of above the Tower Hills, and their radiant construction reflects
a bygone age, unique even amongst the remaining palantíri the light of sun and moon. This is a pleasant country, with
for its clear visions of the Undying Lands. The Elves use it gently sloping green mounds, and a cooling breeze from
to look along the Straight Road leading to the shores of the west. When the Company is close enough, they may hear
the Blessed Realm, and to prepare their spirits to journey the voice of an Elf maiden singing from the windows of the
into the west. southernmost tower, Astirion.
REASONS TO VISIT ELOSTIRION protect the White Towers if they are believed to
Simply hearing rumours about the White Towers might be endangered.
not be enough to motivate a Company to visit. Here fol- ♦ A Patron may instruct the Player-heroes to consult
low some possible ‘hooks’ that the Loremaster may use, the palantír, or to peruse the extensive library of
based on the current circumstances of the Player-heroes Elostirion for forgotten lore.
and their aims. ♦ In these dark times, an increasing number of
♦ The Elves believe in secrecy, and in any case agents seek the insights of the Elendil stone, and
they don’t possess the strength to maintain a a Company may find themselves assisting the cus-
garrison to protect the towers besides a sin- todian of Elostirion in arbitrating who is and is not
gle custodian, so a Company may be asked to worthy of accessing the palantír.
2 Nadirion
1 Astirion
Woleth of Orthanc
Hosted within the most resplendent quarters of all is a
plump, middle-aged woman whose patience is rapidly
becoming exhausted. Woleth arrived at the White Tow-
ers at the bidding of a Wizard, and was assured she’d be
granted access to the Elendil stone as soon as the previ-
ous user’s studies were completed. Two months later, no
The Library
one has exited the Seeing Tower, and Woleth begins to
suspect she is being deceived.
Woleth is outspoken in her criticism, subjecting Bras-
wen to an indignant tirade if she catches sight of the 3. ELOSTIRION, THE SEEING TOWER
custodian, which the Elf endures dispassionately. Failing The westernmost tower is the tallest and most fabled:
that, she will rant at the Player-heroes instead. She makes Elostirion, house of the Elendil stone. The Company must
it very clear she’ll take her turn with the Seeing Stone reach the top of the hill to reach the door, which looks
before the Player-heroes do (and remains suspicious even sturdier than those of the other towers. Edris of Lindon has
if the Player-h eroes agree). If the Player-h eroes identify been studying in Elostirion for many moons, with explicit
themselves as agents of the White Hand, she is much instructions to remain undisturbed. When leading the Com-
more forthcoming with her mission. Her master Saruman pany to the tower, Braswen is visibly uneasy, disturbed both
has bid her to recover whatever lore she can about the to defy the Elf-lord’s instructions, and by the state she might
operation of the palantíri, by consulting the library of find him in.
Elostirion, and looking into the Elendil stone herself. She
suspects the White Wizard intends to master a palantír THE LIBRARY: Several floors of the Seeing Tower are given
himself (but does not know he will use its visions to seek over to an extensive library, containing accounts of all who
out Rings of Power). have peered into the Elendil stone, and what they learned
If continuously frustrated in her mission, Woleth rashly from the experience. Annals of kings, queens and Elven lords,
decides to take matters into her own hands (see The Folly recorded by generations of custodians, can be found within
of Woleth, page 63). this priceless archive.
It is possible that among these records are the accounts
OCCUPATION: Agent, Scholar of those who attempted to turn the stone’s gaze away from
the Undying Lands, and even succeeded. This is the secret
DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Proud, Stern knowledge that is coveted by others of similar mind, but it
is not easily found.
MASTERING THE PALANTÍR not choose what they see, but instead gain a brief,
A Player-hero who enters the Seeing Room may elect to soundless vision, concerning a present or future
search for visions in the Elendil stone. Attempting to use threat to Eriador and Lindon in particular — the
the palantír always requires a WISDOM roll. Loremaster can use this to show a vision related to
♦ If the seer is looking towards the distant West, a one of the coming events described in the chap-
successful roll awards a vision of a soothing par- ter A Gathering Storm (see page 31). Success
adise. The Player-hero regains 1 Hope, plus 1 icons ( ) may be spent to magnify specific details.
additional Hope for each rolled. A Player-hero ♦ However, using the Seeing Stone to look away
can only gain the benefit of this vision once each from the West quickly draws the attention of the
Adventuring Phase. Great Eye, which assaults the seer’s mind with
♦ If the Player-hero attempts to turn the palantír’s terrible images. The seer gains 4 Shadow points
vision away from the Uttermost West, their WIS- (Dread), before immediately breaking contact
DOM roll is Ill-favoured. If they succeed, they can- with the palantír.
The palantír is a perfect sphere of smooth black stone, THE SORROW OF EDRIS
about a foot in diameter, with no imperfection to mar its Whatever Edris is telling himself, there is no vision to glean
surface. It is mounted upon an intricately carved pedestal in from turning the Elendil stone eastwards that can settle his
the centre of the room, with the space around the palantír troubled mind. Convincing the Elven lore-master of this fact,
cleared to allow a viewer to approach from any angle. Were though, is no easy task.
a seer to approach from the eastern side of the room, and
attune themselves with the Elendil stone, they would see Persuading Edris to abandon his studies, and return
visions of distant Valinor dance upon the face of the palantír. to the care of his kin in Lindon, can be resolved as a
Seen from the other direction, the Elendil stone remains an bold council, with Edris’ mania making him reluctant
impassive, impenetrable black — though many are intent to and thus causing all Player-heroes to lose (1d).
pierce this veil through occult means.
If Edris’ mind is not settled whilst the Company are staying
RUMOUR The Tree of Sorrow grows there, the last redoubt of the
“There’s a sacred tree deep in the woods of Eryn Vorn, and the Tree- forest folk. It is a huge tree, warped and swollen beyond
folk worship it. They take captives on their raids, and bring these the natural size of its kind. From a distance, it resembles
prisoners back to the tree as sacrifices. If you find that any of your a hunched giant, a black cloak of leaves wrapped around
kinfolk are missing after a raid, then weep — they are already as its massive shoulders as protection from the cold sea-winds,
good as dead, for no one has ever returned from the dark places its face mercifully hidden from sight. The tree seems to
of the wood.” almost swell as the traveller approaches it, a living moun-
tain of tangled greenery. The details shift as the wind rustles
OLD LORE the leaves — there’s a bundle of bloodless bodies, hanging
“This is one of the most obscure and forgotten spots in all of Middle- from a branch like grisly fruit. There’s a face, and another
earth. This is a primordial forest, older than the Misty Mountains. and another, staring out of the gnarled trunk. There are
Only wild Men and wilder trees ever dwelt here. Thus, even the Wise ladders, walkways, tree-houses, a whole host of foes amid
know little of Eryn Vorn, save that it is a dark and ill-omened name, the branches.
and that the might of Númenor that humbled even Sauron could Walk closer still, and the traveller sees that the Tree itself
not pierce the shadows of the trees.” straddles a rocky outcrop, and there are cave mouths amid
the dark roots. There’s an open glade before the tree, and
a ring of ancient stones where the Tree-folk gather for their
strange ceremonies. A traveller can see, too, that the Tree is
In the days of Cardolan, a few of the King’s Rangers did not a single entity, but a mingling of smaller trees, all fused
enter the wood, and they mapped parts of the forest. Their into one monstrosity.
records may be preserved in Rivendell, or in the library at Here is evil in the wood.
Once, there was a single forest from West to East, from
the Blue Mountains to the banks of the Anduin. Of it, Green-
wood the Great was but a pale shadow, and Fangorn Forest
just the east end. The westernmost portion of the forest, on
the cape of Eryn Vorn, had a bad reputation even then. It is
as though something seeped in from Outside when the world JOURNEY EVENTS
was young, or there was some sourness in the earth that the Captives taken by the Tree-folk of Eryn Vorn are
trees drew up through their roots. It has always been dark brought to this cursed place. The Tree-folk are
beneath the trees in Eryn Vorn. sometimes cruel enough to leave a trail for res-
The world changed. Men came with axes and fire, and cuers to follow, a bloody path of severed fingers
brought an end to the endless forest. The folk who dwelt and other tokens, a trail that a Company of Player-
in the woods retreated as the land was cleared, falling back heroes might pick up in the course of their adven-
as one thicket and the next were taken by the axe. There tures. This is, of course, a ruse to ambush those
were Men in the wood then, the fathers of the fathers of the following the trail — it winds through the wood,
Tree-folk, but there were Ents too, shepherds of the trees passing through many perils and dark patches,
— and neither had the strength to stop the tree-hunger of and by the time it reaches the Tree of Sorrow, the
Númenor. would-be rescuers are so exhausted and battered
By the time Númenor sank and the world changed that they are easy prey.
again, both Ents and Men had unwisely taken refuge in
the haunted cape.
13 15
16 16
3 2
TREE-F OLK WARRIOR ATTRIBUTE LEVEL ♦ The imbiber may choose to gain 1 Shadow to regain
Nimble, Ferocious Endurance equal to their Strength or Heart score,
4 whichever is higher.
♦ The imbiber may choose to gain 1 Shadow to remove
ENDURANCE MIGHT HATE PARRY ARMOUR the effects of any poison they are suffering from.
16 1 4 +2 1 DRAWBACKS:
♦ Whoever gains 3 Shadow points during the same
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Spear 3 (4/14, Pierce), Adventuring Phase to enjoy the benefits of the
Bow 3 (3/14, Pierce) draughts notices their skin is starting to harden into
bark, and that their blood is turning thick and green-
FELL ABILITIES: Poison. If an attack results in a Wound, the ish. Their features slowly return to normal if they do
target is also poisoned (see page 134 of The One Ring not drink from the tainted draughts for an entire fol-
for the effects of poison). lowing Adventuring Phase.
Snake-like Speed. When targeted by an attack, ♦ Whoever gains 6 or more Shadow points in the course of
spend 1 Hate to make the attack roll Ill-favoured. two consecutive Adventuring Phases dies a painful death,
as roots burst from their bellies. If not burned or other-
wise destroyed, their corpses will become rooted trees.
This deep well reaches down to a pool of icy water. The priests 6. THE PIT OF BROKEN THINGS
of the wood know how to mix this water with tree-sap and This cave is where the Tree-folk cast all the things they deem
certain plants to brew up foul draughts, similar to the Ent- unclean, things taken from the Númenóreans and their
draughts of Fangorn Forest. descendants in Arnor. The floor of the cave is covered with
bones, rusted fragments of metal, scraps of cloth and other
TAINTED DRAUGHTS: There are a number of clay jars full of liq- debris. The trash-piles heave with worms that feed on the
uid in this chamber. If drunk, the liquid tastes vile and bitter, but remains. A thorough search of this cave may turn up some
also eerily energising. The jars contain a number of draughts ancient weapons or treasures that are still intact, but digging
equal to twice the number of Player-heroes in the Company. through the physical waste of centuries of grudges takes time.
The effects of the draughts are beneficial in the short
term, but poisonous in the long one. The benefits listed below 7. THE SHUNNED CAVE
last for one season, while the drawbacks are permanent. This cave winds down into the earth, and the air surging out of
it smells chilly and foul. None of the Tree-folk dare to explore
BENEFITS: this tunnel branch, so they shun it and do not go this way.
♦ The imbiber may choose to gain 1 Shadow when spend- This is the source of the evil power that fuels the Tree
ing Hope on a Protection roll to be Inspired for that roll. of Sorrow.
INTO THE SHUNNED CAVE If the Player-heroes attempt to follow the tunnel they
Unknown even to the Tree-folk priests, the cave descends soon realise that the underground passage extends for
in unbroken spiral for miles, to a bottom beyond light miles on end (a Dwarf can tell this right away), and that
and knowledge. There, among the uttermost founda- they risk being buried alive by the Tree-folk, should they
tions of the earth something lies, trapped, or slumber- discover their intrusion.
ing. A Nameless Thing, certainly, whose malevolence is Fully exploring the Shunned Cave and facing what
so great that it taints the surface. Is this a foe beyond lies beneath is probably a matter for further adventures,
any in the Company? once the Tree-folk have been dealt with…
before them, and that each of them is, like the tree, a sin-
gle creature made of many parts. The other Tree-folk both
revere and fear them, for the living priests can do whatever HEALING THE WOODS
they wish without reprisal in Eryn Vorn. The wood was wounded long long ago, by the
The house is where the priests brew their draughts; fungi cruel greed of Númenor; it will not be healed
sprout profusely on the surrounding branches. It’s also where for many centuries, if ever. However, heroes
they bless the weapons of the Tree-folk; they smear poison could start this process. Perhaps the Tree of Sor-
on the spear-tips, making them deadly even if a foe is merely row might be helped by destroying the monster
scratched. Thunir, and by sealing the dark pit amid its roots.
The Player-heroes can do something, but they will
TREE-FOLK PRIESTS: The heathen priests of the Tree-folk most likely need help — for example, it might take
practise a bizarre religion, combining parts of other faiths. the wisdom of one of the Shepherds of the Trees
They do not know the Valar, save through fleeting contacts to cure this blighted forest.
with dying and rotten Ents, and so learned to worship nature. Could the heroes seek out one of the legend-
In later years, they fell even deeper into darkness, for emis- ary Ents of Fangorn, and bring it across the tree-
saries of Sauron went to them to rally them against the desert of the Enedwaith to the cape of Eryn Vorn?
Númenóreans, and now they worship the Enemy as the King
of Death. The priests believe themselves to be exempt from
mortality, and that when they lie down to ‘sleep’ they pass
on their essence through the trees so that they reincarnate
in new bodies. ♦ A TASTE FOR BLOOD: The evil of the tree seeps into
those who climb it. A Player-hero who is already Miser-
15. THE HOUSE OF THE DEAD PRIESTS able must face a Shadow test (VALOUR ); failure trig-
The bodies of the dead priests are not hung from the branches gers a bout of madness.
of woe, as is done with intruders; nor are they buried or left ♦ BRANCHES LIKE ARMS: A branch swings or breaks
on the ground to be eaten by carrion birds and animals, as unexpectedly, and threatens to strike an intruder. The
is done with the honoured and shameful dead respectively. character must pass an AWARENESS test or be struck
Instead, the dead priests are tied to the tree, so that over for a grievous Endurance loss.
time moss and bark grow over them, and their remains are ♦ CRACKS IN THE BARK: A crack threatens to catch a
absorbed into the living tree. Therefore, the branches are Player-hero’s foot in a vice-like grip. A SCAN test lets
full of knots and whorls that bear an eerie resemblance to the lead Player-hero avoid such peril; otherwise, an
human faces, staring out from the wood. unlucky Player-hero blunders into the crack; they are
trapped and cannot move.
16. THE BRANCHES OF WOE ♦ EYES IN THE WOOD: The tree sprouts little white balls
Prisoners of the Tree-folk are executed here, hung upside- of fungus that look alarmingly like eyes. Intruders
down from branches more than two hundred feet above the must pass a STEALTH test or be spotted — and the
ground. The priests typically cut the throats of their victims, tree summons the Tree-folk sentries by creaking in
but sometimes torment prisoners for days by dangling them agitation.
over the abyss without killing them. The bodies of the dead ♦ GATHERING GLOOM: Any foes encountered on the
are left to rot here, so these branches throng with carrion- Tree of Sorrow gain 2 bonus points of Hate.
eating birds and insects. ♦ STRANGLING VINES: Creepers hanging from the
branches above somehow become wrapped around
RUMOUR Background
“A few months ago, a group of Dúnedain was seen taking boats out The Shrouded Islets are the subject of several ghost stories
onto Lake Evendim, carrying many supplies. No one has heard told among the Rangers of the North. Before the fading of
from them since. Some say that small islands lie in the middle of Annúminas, they were a convenient stopping point in the mid-
the lake, concealed by the mists blanketing its surface for most of dle of Lake Evendim for noble families to retreat to nature, or
the year. Who knows what treasures an explorer might find there, Fisher-folk to repair damaged boats. But the settlement was
untouched for centuries?” undone by the coming of a horrible creature called forth by
Sauron to assault the folk of Arnor, and the disappearance
OLD LORE of the settlers was never explained.
“The islets in Lake Evendim were inhabited by the Men of Arnor,
in the heyday of Annúminas. They built lake-houses there, a com- 3 The Last Stand
fortable retreat from the bustle of the city. Then, from all records it
seems that news from those who settled on the lake stopped reaching
Annúminas years before the city was abandoned.”
In recent times, a group of Dúnedain of the North resolved 2. THE FALSE HAVEN
to discover the truth, but they also disappeared without a trace. Just beyond the Wrecking Cross is a more hospitable islet,
Unfortunately for them, the Doom of Nenuial still infests the with a small sandy beach that can be safely approached. If
waters around the Shrouded Islets, a creature still obeying the the Player-heroes scout the rest of the islets before attempt-
commands it received centuries before from the Dark Lord. ing landfall, they can reasonably conclude the beach is the
easiest spot to land (the exploring Dúnedain did the same).
The island is low and exposed to the winds, and is almost
completely covered by short yew trees, and dense shrubs of
holly. A small area along the shore has been cleared fairly
recently, and some traces from the Dúnedain expedition can
be found buried in the sand — a store of firewood, and some
spoiled food, signs of a camp that was abandoned hastily.
2 The False Haven they find the ruins of an ancient lake villa, almost entirely
reclaimed by nature. From its size and position, knowledge-
able Player-heroes may deduce the building was once the
residence of a local noble of a certain relevance.
by the Doom of Nenuial shortly after their arrival, and have If the Player-heroes explore The Bleak Cove before The
since then endured its onslaught on a regular basis. They suf- Last Stand, it could be the first evidence they find of the
fered many casualties, and are currently in a wretched state: Dúnedain expedition. The boat moored there is battered,
trapped, starving, and nursing serious injuries. but intact enough to withstand the journey back to dry land.
When the Company arrives, they are met by Celerwen, The damage is clearly the result of a savage assault, warning
a limping, ashen-faced woman who inherited the position of a danger that lurks beneath the water’s surface.
of leader in the group after the recent death of the previ-
ous chieftain, Targon. If the Player-heroes have not already 5. THE GREY SPIRE
encountered the Doom of Nenuial, she explains what they’ve The central islet of the group overlooks all the others, a fang of
let themselves in for — a horrible creature counts the islets as rock inhospitable to all life but the most persistent moss. Near
its dominion, an ancient terror she can only assume destroyed the top, light catches on a reflective rock, a large quartz that
the colony centuries ago. could be a natural formation, or might have been placed there
If the Player-heroes let her, Celerwen continues, and nar- on purpose, as a landmark for boatmen approaching in the mist.
rates what happened to the survivors. When they reached The peak of the Grey Spire is the only part of the
the islets, the monster waited until they had settled upon the Shrouded Islets the lake monster cannot reach to attack. It
False Haven. Then, it attacked them on the shore. Targon offers a commanding view of the nearby area, for example
faced the creature with a group of chosen men, allowing the revealing the refuge of the Dúnedain survivors on the Last
others to flee and repair to this islet, which they called the Stand, and offering a vantage position for an archer targeting
Last Stand. Targon and his men headed towards another islet the monster. Reaching the top is a daunting climb though,
on the chieftain’s boat, drawing the monster away from the and a dangerous one.
others — they succeeded and the monster followed them to
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Bite 3 (8/14, Pierce), Each Player-hero in a boat must make an ATHLETICS
Tail 3 (10/12, Break Shield) roll. If they fail, they fall overboard, and begin the
fight in the water (see box). During combat, climbing
FELL ABILITIES: Aquatic. All rolls are Ill-favoured while back aboard a boat, or onto a nearby islet, requires
on land. another ATHLETICS roll and uses a main action. While
Denizen of the Dark. All rolls are Favoured while in in the water, Player-heroes cannot use ranged weapons.
Fear of Fire. The creature loses 1 Hate at the start of
each round it is engaged in close combat with an adver-
sary wielding a torch or other sort of burning item.
Hates Sunlight. The creature loses 1 Hate at the start
of each round it is exposed to the full light of the sun.
Hideous Toughness. When an attack inflicts damage
to the creature that would cause it to go to zero Endur-
ance, it causes a Piercing Blow instead. Then, if the crea-
ture is still alive, it returns to full Endurance.
Snake-like Speed. When targeted by an attack,
spend 1 Hate to make the attack roll Ill-favoured. The
Doom of Nenuial can use this Fell Ability only while in
the water.
RUMOUR pass across the Sea. He left a message for Mirwen — a silver
“Near Sarn Ford is a wood that was once inhabited by Elves: they and emerald bracelet, and a request to join him quickly. This
loved to carouse around its pond, looking at the reflection of the message was entrusted to Herunen, who undertook to keep
moon and stars upon its surface. It was a magical place once… but it until the arrival of Mirwen.
today it’s a haunted forest. Nobody sets foot in it anymore, and the But when Mirwen found out that a battle had been
Elves themselves keep away from it; what is it that hides in the lake fought so close to the refuge and that Thalion had ignored
that scares them so?” her request not to fight, she was greatly distressed and felt
betrayed. She chose to forget both her beloved Thalion and
OLD LORE Tindailin, and she never returned to the place where they
“Northwest of Sarn Ford lies what remains of an Elven refuge, pro- had spent so many happy moments together…
tected by a wood in the centre of which is a small lake. Its founda- In the pond, Herunen waited for years for Mirwen to
tion dates back to ancient times, and it is said that it was originally come, listening to the voices of the creatures that lived in
blessed with a guardian spirit. Unfortunately, its original splendour the waters and in the woods. In time, he realised that Mir-
was marred by a terrible battle against the Shadow, and since then the wen would never return and that she had abandoned his
place has never been the same; in time, it was completely abandoned.” friend Thalion. The anger that arose from the thought of
this betrayal was such that it reverberated in nature around
Herunen, slowly turning Tindailin into a dark place, an area
hostile to all living beings, especially Elves.
Sarn Ford has always been a strategic place for defence against
threats coming from the south, and the Rangers of the North
keep it under constant watch. Centuries ago the Elves estab- L
lished one of their refuges in a copse of trees west of the river, Sarn Ford lies on the road that reaches the Greenway from
to enjoy some rest on their way to the Grey Havens. They the Shire, a crossing on the Brandywine river that connects
called it Tindailin, “glinting lake”. the Southfarthing to the south of Eriador.
Beneath the waters of the small lake in the centre of the About two miles north of the ford, just under half a mile
refuge lived Herunen, a minor servitor spirit belonging to west of the river, the trees thicken to form a dense, impen-
the host of the Lord of Waters, one of the Valar. The spirit etrable grove. Just outside the edge of the wood there is a
came to dwell there as he was attracted by the craftsmanship small camp with four tents. Approaching from Sarn Ford, the
of the Elves, and was fascinated by any object with an unusual Company may spot smoke from a small campfire.
or particularly beautiful shape. In time, Herunen became
a close friend of Thalion, an Elven explorer and a veteran 1. THE ELVEN CAMP
of many battles. Thalion shared Herunen’s love for crafting If the Company investigates the camp, they are first met by an
things, and spent long hours on the shores of the lake, giving Elven scout, Brethil, armed with a bow. He stops the Player-
shape to many objects made of wood. heroes, asking about their business in these lands. He is sus-
Then, hard days came: the Enemy brought war to Eri- picious, but has reasons to befriend the Company — one of
ador, and rumours of armies marching towards Sarn Ford his companions is wounded, and needs help.
multiplied. Before a scouting mission, Mirwen, Thalion’s If the Player-heroes win Brethil’s trust, they are led to the
companion, begged him to stay away from battle: Thalion camp. There are two more Elves there, Randur, a scholar, and
had already given enough to war, she said. He promised, and Sulrien, a warrior. Randur is wounded, and clearly in pain —
sent her away for safety. he will gladly accept any help from the Player-heroes, explain-
Once she left, things fell apart: the armies of the Enemy ing the reason for the Elves’ presence in return.
reached Sarn Ford unexpectedly and Thalion was forced to Randur says that they come from the Grey Havens. They
break his promise. He entered the fray, only to be injured arrived the day before, led by Aranwe, their leader — Aranwe
so badly that he had to leave Middle-earth immediately and is meant to leave Middle-earth soon, but first he wants to
R iv
i n
y w
a n
B Sarn Ford
DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Patient, Wise THE FLETS: Deep into the woods the Company finds what
remains of the ancient Elven refuge. There are several flets
scattered among the trees — wooden platforms built above
Aranwe ground that the Elves use as living places. Set at different
Aranwe is Mirwen’s brother, and is here to recover their heights on the trees and of different sizes, they are all aban-
family heirloom. When the Elves were attacked by the ani- doned, and at different levels of decay.
mals in the grove, Aranwe was targeted even more vio- If the Player-heroes look carefully, among the debris they
lently (Herunen recognised him as Mirwen’s kin) and fled can find a hidden cavity in a tree trunk, concealing a dark
in the opposite direction to the others until he arrived
near the pond where he was taken captive by the spirit
and imprisoned in his lair.
The Emerald
To the
green cloth bag wrapped in a grey cloak. Inside the bag is victim to Herunen’s wrath (a Barrow-wight, see 154 of The
Thalion’s journal (a small volume with a brown leather cover One Ring). It immediately assaults anyone who dares enter.
closed by two laces that go around it), as well as a quill, a If the Barrow-wight is dealt with, the Player-heroes can
bottle of dried ink and a small dagger decorated with a fam- explore the underground room. It contains crates and barrels
ily crest. of supplies, now spoiled, as well as a small store of adventur-
ing gear such as bows and arrows, knives, maps and a couple
3. THE CLEARING of coats of leather armour.
At the centre of the grove opens a roughly circular clearing, The gem of Mirwen, the Heart of Tindailin, is here, inside
dominated by a small lake. Logs cut at the perfect height to an oak chest decorated in silver. It’s a large ruby, cut in an
sit on can be found around it, but everything is covered with unusual seven-faceted shape by a jewelsmith from Beleriand.
moss and vines.
A path made of stone tiles decorated with Elven runes THE POND: The water of the small lake is unnaturally still and
leads to the pond. Several tiles are misplaced, and lie scat- clean, but not completely clear, as if the light finds it difficult
tered about. If interpreted, the runes seem to compose a song to penetrate the surface. If the Player-heroes look carefully,
dedicated to the Vala Lord of Waters. they notice a recess about ten feet deep and facing north-east,
Several uprooted trees lie all around the lake, not far on the opposite side of the path leading to the clearing. It is
from its shores, as if some unknown force felled them, erupt- the opening to an underwater passage connecting the pond
ing from the pond itself. Buried by the vegetation are the to the Brandywine river — Herunen arrived here through it,
remains of several ancient metal lanterns of Elven make, now long ago, and today the spirit still inhabits it.
completely ruined. Among the debris can be found also a
long sword — if the Elves from the Grey Havens are with the 4. HERUNEN’S LAIR
Player-heroes, they immediately recognise it as the blade of By diving into the pond and swimming into the tunnel, the
Aranwe, their leader. Player-heroes can emerge into Herunen’s lair… as long as
he allows it. The spirit rarely leaves this spot, but if he has,
THE HAUNTED CHAMBER: Hidden under a large fallen tree, and perceives someone diving into the waters, he returns in
once marked by a circle of stones but now completely hid- a few minutes and immediately confronts the trespassers (see
den by vegetation, is a low, sturdy wooden door, surrounded Schemes and Trouble, page 78).
by large and twisted roots. Once opened, the door leads to a Herunen’s lair is a roughly circular cave with a domed
small underground room, immersed in pitch-black darkness. roof and a diameter of 5 yards. The water is shallow here, and
Inside lurks a shadow creature animating the remains of a so it is possible to stand without the need to stay afloat swim-
man who entered Tindailin in search of treasure and who fell ming. The chamber is suffused with a constant soft gleam at
all hours, coming from an aperture on the roof that seems Schemes and Trouble
to amplify or soften whatever light is outside.
The cave is bare, save for niches of different sizes open-
ing along the walls. They contain hundreds of exotic objects, Herunen
a collection that Herunen has accumulated over the centu- Herunen was once the benevolent keeper of Tindailin, a
ries: colourful stones and jewels with bizarre shapes from water spirit whose essence has been corrupted by years of
the Misty Mountains, small statues from Harad, glass objects brooding over the betrayal suffered by his friend Thalion.
from Wilderland, arrowheads and daggers from Rhun, the He is filled with anger and bitterness, and vents his rage
skeleton of a fish, a skull that looks like that of a goat with on any who come close to the refuge, especially Elves. He
three horns, and much more. appears as a slender man with Elven features, but sporting
a long beard. He rarely shows himself clearly to visitors,
THE PRISONER: Four tunnels branch out from the cave, but instead trying to get them away from the refuge by any
only two lead out — the one that leads back to the pond means at his disposal.
and the one leading to the Brandywine river. One short tun- By his powers, Herunen can raise the waters of the
nel leads to a smaller cave, where Aranwe, the Elf leader, is pond, creating sudden and powerful waves. If any tres-
found, wounded and confused. Herunen tormented him, passer reaches the pond, he will try to prevent them from
as he recognised him as being of the same blood as Mirwen, diving in. He will also try to capture any Elf, using the water
the betrayer of his friend Thalion, and intends to keep him to imprison them in his cave so that he can ask about Mir-
prisoner until the Elf dies of exhaustion and hunger. To save wen, eager to take revenge on the one who most deserves
Aranwe, the Company must bring him back to the surface. his hatred.
Herunen can be encountered anywhere within the
THE EMERALD BRACELET: The other tunnel leads to a sec- confines of Tindailin, but can stray as far as the Brandy-
ond chamber, where Herunen keeps an elegant mahogany wine river if he must.
box carved with motifs of waves and swans that plough the
waters. Inside is Thalion’s message to Mirwen, and a bracelet HERUNEN ATTRIBUTE LEVEL
made of three thick intertwined silver threads, decorated with Bitter, Vengeful
emeralds carved in the shape of a leaf. Inside, an engraving 7
in Tengwar reads: “Beyond the sea, to the end of the world”.
The bracelet is a piece of exquisite Elven workman-
ship and is a Marvellous Artefact with a Blessing of
28 2 7 +1 3
COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Conjured Waves 3 (7/12)
shed. Its walls are made of stone, but the roof is made of cut
turf over ribs of whalebone.
Arnor remembers there was once a king. The memory may Inside, the hall is firelit, a great dancing bonfire in the
have “faded into the grass”, as they say in Bree, but what has hearth. Long trestle tables run along the hall, with stools and
faded can be renewed. Grass may grow over the old stones at chairs for the Queen’s Knights. Again, these warriors are far
Deadmen’s Dike, but that is still Norbury of the Kings; that is from the heroes in the tales — they have no shining armour,
still the King’s Road that runs through the land. nor Dwarf-forged swords, nor are they Elven-fair. They are
In Lond Daer, there is a king again — or rather, a queen. rough men, dressed in furs and skins, and their weapons are
crudely made for the most part. They look hardly different 2. OUTBUILDINGS
from the barbaric Fisher-folk of the coast, or any grim-faced Here can be found fodder and other supplies for the horses,
brigand who might be encountered in the wilds of Eriador. as well as animal pens and storehouses. A few of the queen’s
If there is a difference, though, it is in the eyes — there is a servants live here, but it’s easy for a clever intruder to hide
light of hope there, as if they are all enchanted. When they in this maze of outbuildings.
look at this rough hall, they do not see the smoke and soot,
they do not see the humble fare on the battered tables, the 3. STABLES
low roof or the draughty walls. No, they see the hall as it is in Here are kept riding horses and ponies. There’s no tradition
the tales — a place of honour and glory, a house for heroes! of war-horses in this part of Middle-earth — even the great-
est of the Knights of Lond Daer fights on foot. Wild horses
of considerable size and strength do roam on the plains of
L Enedwaith, the descendants of the horses brought east from
The Queen’s Hall is to be found in the town of Lond Daer, Númenor, but few here have the talent to train them.
at the mouth of the Greyflood River. It stands on a mound
overlooking the town, a proud sentinel guarding both the 4. MAIN DOOR
harbour and the town’s low earthen ramparts. The doors of the Queen’s Hall are of wood taken from
The hall was built on the site of an ancient Númenórean Eryn Vorn. They are decorated with the bones of the sea-
villa, and incorporates the remains of that earlier structure serpent she slew, arranged in beautiful spiral patterns.
into its shape. Hurin Doorward, the doorwarden of the hall, has his post
here; those seeking to enter the hall must leave their weap-
1. OUTER MOUND ons in his care.
The Hall is protected by an outer ditch and a mound of earth
topped with jagged stones and sharp shells. In times of attack 5. OUTER HALL
by Fisher-folk or Dunlendings, the entire population of Lond A smaller outer chamber. Two ancient statues, salvaged from
Daer can withdraw inside the area girded by the mound and ruins in Tyrn Gorthad by adventuring knights, stand watch.
take refuge in the Hall. The statues are surprisingly intact, and depict one-handed
16 3
12 5
12. GUEST CHAMBERS For her part, Nimue feels that she has a high destiny,
This room is reserved for the use of strangers who wish to that she was chosen by fate to protect Lond Daer. Her
withdraw from the clamour of the hall — or for those who courage and conviction has inspired the warriors of the
warrant observation. A spy-hole in one wall allows the queen town to become knights in her service, each one compet-
or her servants to eavesdrop on visitors. ing with the rest to win glory in the queen’s name (to the
greybeards, it is like a spreading contagion of madness,
13. ARMOURY but they can do nothing to slow this exuberance of destiny).
Spears, bows, wooden shields — enough to outfit a host of Before she was a queen, Nimue gathered shellfish and
warriors. In addition, there are a few swords taken from bar- driftwood on the shore; she never learned to read, and
rows or ruins in the north, which may be awarded to the val- came to the throne knowing little of history or the wider
orous and the deserving. world. She now studies avidly, believing that a queen
should be wise and learned as well as brave. She never
14. BATHHOUSE doubts that she was chosen to lead, but sometimes, in the
The original Númenórean villa had an elaborate system of night, she fears that she will fall short of this high purpose
pipes and furnaces for the distribution of hot water, but all and bring Lond Daer to ruin.
that cunning work fell victim to time. Still, the bathhouse has
been restored and now servants can heat kettles of hot water OCCUPATION: Regent
to fill the bath for honoured guests.
This garden slopes down the seaward side of the mound. Veg-
etables and herbs grow here — when they’re not trampled
by rowdy guests from the ale-hall.
This ancient crypt dates back to the time of the villa; it was
buried beneath the shifting earth, and rediscovered when the GANDALF THE GREY
hall was raised on the hilltop once more. The place is said, The Grey Wizard is an infrequent visitor to Lond Daer.
of course, to be haunted. It’s also used, on rare occasions, as He first arrived soon after the sea-serpent began to
a dungeon for prisoners. trouble the town, and there were whispers that he
was somehow responsible for the monster’s pres-
17. WATCHTOWER ence. This ill reputation was only enhanced when
A wooden watchtower. A bell atop the tower can be rung to the Wizard entered the Towers of the Stargazers
signal the alarm. From the top of the tower, it’s said a keen (see page 23); thunder rolled deep underground,
eye can see the open ocean at the end of the firth. and foul vapours poured from cracks in the rocks on
the north shore of the firth. The Wizard did nothing
THE BATTLE OF FORNOST conjured by the Witch-king, covering the Orcs’ retreat
A recounting of the events that occurred during the and giving the forces of Angmar a chance to regroup.
Battle of Fornost is presented here, with references to MIDDAY: A great host of horsemen falls on the retreat-
the involvement of Nalien and Drameth. Player-heroes ing Orcs. They descend from the north, having passed
researching the battle in Rivendell or the Grey Havens round the Hills of Evendim to catch the enemy by sur-
may obtain such details as presented below. prise (The Northern Slope). The host is composed of Elves
DAYBREAK: A host of Men from Gondor and Elves of Lindon, including Drameth, as well as tall riders of
from Lindon, including Nalien, descends from the Hills of Wilderland, staunch allies of Gondor. The orderly retreat
Evendim and advances in the direction of Fornost Erain. of the troops of Angmar turns into a rout, and the Witch-
The Witch-king, forewarned of the alliance’s approach, king flees north with all the troops he can rally, heading
chooses to counterattack rather than wait. He unleashes for his fortress at Carn Dûm. The cavalry of the alliance
the first wave of his forces, Hillmen of Rhudaur who are engage in pursuit, led by Prince Eärnur of Gondor.
not deterred by fighting under the light of the sun. AFTERNOON: The bodyguard of the Witch-k ing, a
MORNING: The first clash occurs at the westernmost company of chosen warriors of Angmar, stops to delay
edge of the plain (the Western Plain), with the fury of the the pursuers (at The Sheltered Fields). Fierce and empow-
Hillmen stopped by the martial discipline of their opposi- ered by sorcerous means, the riders kill many among the
tion. Recognising the need for reinforcements and taking Elves and Men of Gondor, before they are themselves
advantage of a sky obscured by clouds, the Witch-king killed. Drameth is among the fallen.
whips his great armies of Orcs forward into battle. LATE AFTERNOON: Despite the sacrifice of his body-
The advance of Orc reinforcements is slowed by guard, the army of the Witch-king is finally overtaken by
volleys of arrows, loosed by ranks of bowmen includ- his pursuers when another host coming from Rivendell
ing a small unit of Hobbit archers, positioned on a hill intercepts it. The army of Angmar is defeated, its forces
north of the Brandywine river and overlooking the so utterly annihilated that “not a Man nor an Orc of that
main field (The Blossom Mound). When the Orcs join realm remained west of the Mountains”.
the fray, the Hillmen are already retreating, leaving Before the battle is over, the Witch-king singles out
more than half their number on the ground as they Eärnur of Gondor in the fighting, but the prince’s steed
flee the battlefield. carries him away from the Nazgûl’s terrifying presence.
LATE MORNING: Clouds scattered by a wind from the Glorfindel, the leader of the host of Rivendell, con-
West, the sky clears and the sun appears, sapping the fronts the Witch-k ing and banishes the wraith from the
strength of the Orcs of Angmar. The valour of the assem- north. The Elf-lord discourages Eärnur from pursuing
bled Host of the West proves too much for them, and the Witch-k ing, prophesying “Not by the hand of man
many start to flee. A thick mist rises suddenly, maybe will he fall.”
The Battle of Fornost was fought on the plains east of Lake Nalien of Lindon
Evendim almost a thousand years ago. The armies of the Witch- When the Player-heroes meet her, Nalien is constantly
king were vanquished by a coalition of Elves and Men, and the mumbling to herself, in an uninterrupted narration that
Lord of Morgul himself was forced to flee. Great deeds were mixes present events with old ones in a confused jumble.
committed that day, and the power of Angmar was broken once She is not dangerous, but if the Company is not careful,
and for all, but such was the suffering and grief that marred she might confuse them with ghosts from her past and
the occasion that it still stains the Fields of Slaughter to this day. accidentally injure them.
Some say that the cries of the fallen can still be heard on the Nalien is clearly struggling to comprehend the Player-
plains, carried by the wind, and stories tell of the terrible fate heroes, and to make herself understood, but with mutual
that befell those who were cut down by the Witch-king himself. persistence she can explain why she is here. She is certain
No one knows this better than those immortal Elves who that the spirit of her dear friend, Drameth, failed to pass
took part in the conflict — Nalien of Lindon is one such survi- into the afterlife when she was killed during the Battle of
vor. She fought in the vanguard that first met the enemy on the Fornost, a thousand years ago. She has become ‘unhoused’,
field, and she witnessed the worst of the fighting. Her dearest Nalien says, and her shade haunts the battlefield.
friend Drameth, daughter of Darwen, died in the battle, and
the pain of her demise left a permanent scar on Nalien’s soul. OCCUPATION: Warrior and healer
Although often tempted to leave Middle-earth and sail west
to the Undying Lands, Nalien never did, enduring her sorrow DISTINCTIVE FEATURE: Wilful, Forgetful
for many long centuries. But things have taken a turn for the
worse for her recently — she started to be tormented by dreams
of Drameth’s ghost, and she finally resolved to journey to the Nalien is determined to seek out Drameth’s ghost, and find
Fields of Slaughter, to confront the spectre of Drameth herself. a way to help her to move on. She cannot be convinced to
abandon this course of action. The Player-heroes may choose
to help her, or leave her alone. If they try to force her to aban-
L don her quest, she resists them — her screams attract the
A Company encountering Nalien on the Fields of Slaughter attention of a group of Fell Wraiths (see The One Ring, page
may join the Elf in her search for the spirit of Drameth. To 155), who immediately attack the Company. Nalien escapes
succeed, they must listen to Nalien’s recollections of the battle, in the chaos — the Company will spend the rest of the adven-
possibly comparing them with what they know of the event, ture pursuing her, instead of helping her.
and the current appearance of the site a thousand years later. If the Company chooses to assist Nalien in finding
Drameth, their presence seems to help her focus, espe-
1. THE WESTERN PLAIN cially if any of the Company members dis-
If the Company approaches from the west, the first part of cuss with her the events that transpired
the landmark they visit will be the site of the battle’s earli- during the Battle of Fornost. She
est engagement, the Western Plain. This flat area marks the lingers in the Western Plain
end of a long, gentle slope stretching down from the Hills of for only a little longer, then 1 The Western Plain
Evendim. To the south, a rise of small mounds and the loops she remembers entering
of the Brandywine River narrow the approach to Fornost. the field as part of a great
The Player-heroes realise they have entered a blighted host of Elves and Men;
place when they notice that the tell-tale signs of small mam- the reassuring pres-
mals and birds one would expect to see in such wildlands are ence of Eärnur, a
strangely absent. Before long, they catch sight of an Elven
wanderer on the plain below….
When the Company approaches the field’s solitary wan-
derer, they may be relieved to discover it’s not a spirit, but a
living being — an Elf from Lindon by the name of Nalien.
She is clearly distressed and disoriented, her face is scarred
and her hair has turned an unnatural grey, the possible con-
sequence of some harrowing encounter.
prince destined to be king of the Dúnedain; and the relent- of the Witch-king’s Orc armies, and many among them fell,
less attacks of Orcs and Hillmen. hit by the black-feathered arrows that the Orcs shot in return.
Eventually, she breaks from her reverie, and recalls that When the battle was finished, the survivors planted flowers on
Drameth was not part of the infantry vanguard, and did not the site, to commemorate their fallen comrades.
fight on this site. Her spirit won’t be found here.
But long before, in the first days of the North Kingdom,
they built a great watch-tower on Weathertop, Amon Sûl they called it.
“Four or five days east of Bree, you’ll come to a line of hills. The
southernmost one, closest to the Road, is called Weathertop. It’s
the tallest of the Weather Hills, and from its summit a traveller —
or a bandit — might see for miles out across the land, and spy on
comings and goings along the road. Rogues and Rangers use it as
a look-out post, and so did other folk in days of old. You’ll see ruins
there, tumbled walls and dikes, for back in the days of the king
there was a great watch-tower there, it’s said, where he kept all his
jewels. Nothing there now, of course. No jewels, only ruins — and
haunted ones too, it’s said. There’s nothing up there worth taking.”
“But you’ll mark it on the Road, all the same. A great hill with
a broken tower, and you’ll feel like someone’s watching you. If you’re
lucky, it’ll be nothing more than a ghost.”
“When Elendil the Tall came out of the Sea, he built the watch-tower
of Amon Sûl near to the heart of his new kingdom. From this tower, 4
a sentry could see a very great distance, and the king could see fur- be passed between the two
ther still — it is said that from the summit of Amon Sûl, Elendil kingdoms by those with the
could see the fastness of Isengard, or the sunlight glittering on far strength of will to use the
Mount Mindolluin. It was here at this fortress that Elendil awaited stones.
the coming of Gil-galad in the War of the Last Alliance.” When the North-kingdom
“In later years, when the North Kingdom was divided, posses- splintered, the Kings of Car-
sion of the Weather Hills and the fortress of Weathertop was dis- dolan and Rhudaur fought
puted between the kings of Cardolan and Rhudaur. Many wars for control of Amon Sûl
were fought between those two lands for control of Amon Sûl, and and the palantír it guarded.
the land around the Weather Hills was dotted with forts and secret Those kingdoms were both
paths and hides where sentries could watch for enemies.” destroyed by evil out of
“All that availed them little in the end; a host came out of Ang- Angmar, and Amon Sûl was
mar, and laid siege to the hills. Amon Sûl was razed and its tower destroyed. However, before it
thrown down, although its chief treasures are said to have been fell, the palantír of Amon Sûl
taken back to the king’s hall in Fornost. Now, Weathertop is but a was rescued and carried to For-
ruin, abandoned to the birds and beasts.” nost, where it rested for many years
until Arvedui Last-king took it with him when
he fled (see also The Dome of Sight, The One Ring,
page 196).
Long ago, Weathertop was the resting place of one of the Little of Amon Sûl survives. The tower and the surround-
palantíri, the fabled Seeing Stones that Elendil brought out ing fortifications are overgrown ruins, and the evil Men of
of Númenor. The palantír of Amon Sûl was the chief stone of Angmar were thorough in their destruction — there are no
Arnor, able to command the stone at the palace of Annúmi- hidden chambers full of treasure here, no lost secrets of
nas, and to reach in thought and sight the southern stones Elendil or the Seeing Stones. All that remains on Weather-
at Orthanc and Minas Anor; in this fashion, messages could top is the reminder of a lost age.
This arch is more than a mere reminder of the vanished hides travellers from view from both the hills ahead and the
kings of old — the arch was once deemed the omphalos of open lands all around.
Arnor, the middle-point of the kingdom. All distances east and Closer to the summit of Weathertop, the path runs along
west, north and south were reckoned from this spot in the an exposed ridge, like the spine of a buried dragon. No con-
shadow of Amon Sûl. The Men of the West, being descended cealment is possible there, but the path is the easiest approach
from navigators, were excellent cartographers and surveyors, to the top of the hill.
and one of Elendil’s first acts was to commission a full survey This track, and others like it, was made in the latter days
of his new domain. of the North Kingdom, during the war with Angmar, when
Scholars consulting ancient maps and chasing down the the Dúnedain’s numbers had grown very thin and there-
location of lost fortresses or treasure hoards in Eriador find fore stealth was more important than the grand fortresses
their task to be much easier once they understand that most of their ancestors. There are no treasure hoards or undis-
measurements use the Mile-stone of Weathertop as their main covered secret chambers on Weathertop — but follow tracks
reference. like this off into the Weather Hills towards Fornost, and who
knows what a traveller might find?
The ruins of walls, ditches and towers can be found on the Those who travel on these hidden paths are pro-
lower slopes of Weathertop and the surrounding hills. These tected by the ancient cunning of the Rangers, and all
fortifications are overgrown and sunken into the mud, and STEALTH or TRAVEL rolls made while following the
what remains can be a hard riddle to read, for there are track gain (1d).
two sets of fortifications here. Once, this was the borderland
between Cardolan and Rhudaur; the two kingdoms clashed 4. THE RANGER-C AVES
here many times, and raised many watch-towers and walls to The next hill north of Weathertop is Sheepshead Hill, and
guard the frontier. Later, the Weather Hills were a bulwark on the north slope, not far from the crown, is a cave mouth.
in the wars against Angmar. It’s hidden by shaggy moss and bracken, and is only barely
The older fortifications still jut out in places, but are little wide enough for a broad-shouldered Man to squeeze through.
more than broken stone. The newer fortifications are mostly The crack leads to a larger cave, and that connects to a cham-
gone, too, having been destroyed by the armies of Angmar or ber of worked stone, part of the now-destroyed cellars of a
the ravages of time, but a few are still intact — a wall there, a fallen fortress. This refuge is used by the Rangers when they
storehouse, a watch-tower that in later centuries was claimed dwell at Weathertop for a time. A thin trickle of water flows
as a castle by some petty warlord. through the caves, ensuring a fresh supply, and the Rangers
Weathertop is home to two such intact structures. On the stow some food here too for emergencies, mostly cram and
eastern flank of the hill is an overgrown and broken tower dried meats, although a lucky traveller might find a small
that can still provide a place to hide or shelter from a storm, cask of ale from the Prancing Pony or cheese and pipe-weed
while on the northern side, hidden in a copse of trees, is a from the Southfarthing.
stone house that is used by Rangers at times (and the bones There is but one way in and out of the caves; if trapped
of bandits who dared use the place as a hide-out lie beneath by foes here, there is no escape.
the roots of those trees).
Treasure hunters are unlikely to find anything of worth 5. THE HIDDEN DELL
here — the ruins of Weathertop have long since been picked On the western side of Weathertop is a spot that is probably
clean by scavengers. Any treasures that might be found here the most sheltered one on the hill, with a spring of fresh
are of more recent origins — coins buried by bandits or Trolls, water and steep-sided grassy banks, though it’s badly exposed
or Ranger-caches watched over by the stones raised by their if the wind is from the west. Rangers and other travellers
ancestors. often camp here.
sea, the last outpost of a drowned world. On clear days, a parts — Weathertop rises high above the mists, and can be
traveller atop the ruins feels exposed – they can see in all seen from a great distance.
directions, but they can also be seen, outlined against the
sky. And to stand on Weathertop during a thunderstorm – ALARUMS
now that is a rare thing. Weathertop is the tallest rise for Weathertop commands a view of the country all around.
many leagues around, and when a big storm gathers, the When foes came out of Angmar in days of old, it was the sen-
hill is wreathed in a blaze of lightning.. tries at Weathertop who spotted their approach. When Orcs
Of old, this place was named Amon Sûl, the Hill of Wind, came out of their warrens in the Misty Mountains to lay waste
and it is said in certain old tales that he who stands on Weath- to Eriador, Rangers watched them from Weathertop. Now, as
ertop in a storm can hear the words of the wind, and speak the Orcs grow in numbers once more and the Shadow grows
to the spirits of the upper airs. Certainly this was a sacred in the East, the Rangers once again must maintain a watch
place even before Elendil placed a palantír here — one from Weathertop.
can almost see the Middle Men who dwelt in the Weather If the sentries on Weathertop did see an invading Orc-
Hills in previous ages of the world leaving offerings here host or Wolf pack or some other peril, then the alarm would
for the birds, who they believed to be the messengers of have to be raised — and that task might be entrusted to any
the powers of the sky. travellers the Rangers happen to encounter on the Road.
There are very few Rangers, after all, and Eriador is wide.
7. THICKETS Player-heroes might be sent to race west to Bree, or even east
South of the Road lie thickets where flowers and herbs grow in to Rivendell, fighting to stay ahead of any wolves or outriders
great profusion. Long ago, there was a villa here where lords sent by the attacking forces.
of Arnor dwelt, and the king visited here many times on the
way to Amon Sûl. Notably, the leaf athelas can be found here. MEETING THE RANGERS
If the Company wishes to make contact with one of the ill-
ATHELAS: Accounted by many to be useful only to sweeten a favoured types who call themselves Rangers, then they should
foul air or to alleviate headaches, the healing virtues of the make for Weathertop. There is no place in the North (save
herb kingsfoil are well known by the Rangers of the North. the secret fastnesses of Rivendell and the Angle) where a trav-
eller is more likely to encounter one of the Dúnedain. The
Player-heroes carrying athelas and rolling HEALING Rangers are a reserved folk, sharing little of themselves and
to reduce the severity of the injury of a Wounded their ways. There are no more stalwart companions on the
individual gain (1d). If the roll is a success, then the Road, but they do not trust easily, and one may be friends
hero that is being cured additionally removes 1 point with a Ranger for twenty years and not even know the fel-
of Shadow. Using athelas on a Player-hero who is not low’s real name.
Wounded does not have effects in game terms.
the sun sank behind the reedbeds into the west, she slipped
the ring onto her finger, and fell to the ground as one dead.
This story is told among the Elves. Her lover vowed to save her. He placed her upon a bier,
In the days of Eregion, before the Second Enemy revealed and had the craftsmen of Moria build her a palace where
himself, the Elf-maiden Nethig walked in the woods of Swanfleet. her body could rest until it was healed. No doubt her lover
She was of the people of Celebrimbor, and was one of the artifi- planned to study the healing arts, and to consult with the
cers and jewel-smiths who worked with him. Nethig’s delight was healers and herbalists — but there was no time. War came
in the sky, in birds on the wing and in the winds of the upper airs. to Eregion. The Enemy had forged in secret the One Ring
Some say she made herself wings of swan-feather and Mithril, to Rule Them All, and sought to bring all Middle-earth
so that she could soar over the Misty Mountains with the birds. under his sway. Some say Nethig’s lover was slain by Orcs,
Another of Celebrimbor’s apprentices — or, as some tell and his dying body cast into the mud of Swanfleet. But
it, Celebrimbor himself — fell in love with Nethig, and she the Enemy never found Nethig’s resting place, and there
with him. Blessed was their joy, and her spirit soared higher she slumbers still, unaware of the sorrows and horrors of
than any bird can fly, even the Eagles of the West. the wider world.
JOURNEY EVENTS Third, that stretch of the marsh is plagued with a curi-
Finding the palace is a challenge. Only the Wise-women ous breed of serpent that is found nowhere else in Middle-
of Medcaute know exactly where the palace lies, and earth. The marsh-snakes are beautiful to look at, with many-
they do not share this secret with outsiders. Without a hued scales that glimmer in the sunlight, but they are vicious
guide, the only way to find the palace is to search the and aggressive, and their poison is exceedingly potent.
marsh. Three clues point to the location of the Palace Once the general region of the palace is found, the
of the Sleeper. building itself must be located. Most of the palace has
First, the remnants of the Eregion road. The pav- sunk into the swamp, leaving only the spires still visible
ing stones are mostly lost beneath the mud, but in at ground level. The grand entrance is lost in the marsh,
places ancient Elven statues survive, depicting watch- but there are other ways in. An explorer can descend via
ful guardians. one of the surviving spires (locations 1 or 2) and enter the
Second, Nethig loved the swans and birds of the palace below. Alternatively, the grand balcony (location
marsh, and so the palace looks out over a wide pool, 14) is still above ground, but is so hidden by weeds and
mirror-still, where the birds gather. tree-roots that it is extremely hard to find.
L ocations
The Palace is remarkably well-preserved for a ruin from the
Second Age. It shares something of the magic of Nethig’s THE PALACE
ring, protecting it from the ravages of time; if the ring were
removed from the palace, it would soon collapse.
It is a palace made by the Elves of Eregion in concert with
the Dwarves of Moria, each at the height of their skills. The
artistry of Gondolin is remembered in these walls of carven 1
stone. All is geometric perfection matched to flowing natural
lines, leading the eye to the great arched windows that once
looked out over the beautiful lakes of Swanfleet. Those
windows are blocked with mud now, or choked
with weeds.
As originally constructed, the palace had
three spires around a three-tiered struc- 2
ture, all wrought of marvellous stone
that matched the colour of the sky; the
stone is not reflective, but changes its
own colour with the dawn. Within, a cor-
ridor spirals up from the outer ring to
the chamber where Nethig slumbers, pass-
ing through rooms made to please her spirit 11
as she sleeps, as well as storage chambers where
possessions dear to her are kept. The makers of 10
7 9
the palace intended it to be a place of beauty and
healing, a place where Nethig could rest and recu-
perate once a cure was found for the poison that yet
courses through her veins.
While the palace is now lost and overgrown, and 4
there are dangers here, this is not a place of shadow.
There are no Wraiths here, no Orcs or Goblins. Much
evil must befall a place before it wholly forgets the Elves.
12. THE VAULT GUARDIANS The Wise-women have never passed the vault guardians;
This doorway is guarded by two more statues, this time that door, they say, shall not be opened until the world’s ending.
depicting Elven sentries, eternally watchful. The statues were
imbued with potent magic to prevent anyone from opening 13. THE VAULT
the door they guard, a spell that turned into a curse with the This is the treasure vault of Nethig, a noble Elf of Eregion
passing of long, dark centuries, and the bones of three thieves at its height, and the treasures here are fabulous indeed.
lie on the ground between the statues as a warning to other There is gold and silver jewellery, and glittering gems set
would-be tomb robbers. in Mithril necklaces, and gowns and robes of shimmering
Engraved on the door in Elf-letters are the words: LET woven light, preserved by the magic of Nethig’s ring. There
THERE BE NO SORROW, LET THERE BE NO MOURNING. LET US are books here, too, treatises on craft and ring-lore and his-
DANCE ONCE MORE, BEFORE THE WORLD’S ENDING. SPEAK, AND tory; instruments, for Nethig loved to play the flute softly,
THAT WHICH IS YOURS SHALL BE RESTORED. echoing the cries of the birds on the lake. There are tools,
Only Nethig’s voice can open the door safely. Others who a ring-maker’s workshop all packed up awaiting the return
try instead gain 2 points of Shadow (Sorcery). Whoever fails of the craftswoman.
their Shadow test or becomes Miserable is struck by a sen-
sation of incredible weight. Their limbs become much too In total, there is a Marvellous Hoard here — a for-
heavy to lift, their legs can no longer bear the weight of the tune beyond compare, but the greatest value may be
body. All the victim can do is slump to the floor. in Nethig’s books and tools. Here are secrets of ring-
making lost since the days of Celebrimbor.
A successful ATHLETICS test lets the victim crawl back
down the corridor away from the statues and escape 14. THE GRAND BALCONY
death; a second failure here means the intruder lies When this palace was first built, the Grand Balcony overlooked
down on the cold floor and cannot move again. If one the swan-haunted lakes and pools of the marsh. Now, it’s so
struck by the curse approaches the door again, the hidden by weeds and roots and piled earth that the balcony
curse strikes automatically. resembles a cave or cleft in the hillside. It’s a dark and noi-
some hole — and thronged with snakes. This chamber is a
An ally unaffected by the curse can easily drag or nest for hundreds upon hundreds of Marsh-
lift a victim away, but if everyone’s caught snakes, and they become aggressive if
by the magic, the whole Company their home is disturbed. The greater
is doomed. Elves or Elf-friends number of serpents coils around
automatically sense the pres- 1 the entrance to Nethig’s cham-
ence of the curse, and can ber, as if waiting for her to
choose to stay their hand awaken so they can bite
before attempting to her again, as Sauron did
open the door. long long ago.
Mount Gram
He charged the ranks of the goblins of Mount Gram in the Battle of the Green Fields…
RUMOUR In the Third Age, when the war against Angmar united
“To the north, a group of bandits is kidnapping travellers to sell them the Free Peoples of the North, Mount Gram was also attacked.
to the Orcs and Goblins of Mount Gram. They say they have an agree- Then, with great sacrifice, the forces of the Enemy in this land
ment with this dark fortress’ Orc-chieftain and are compensated with were greatly reduced and the tribes inhabiting this place fled
old Dwarven gold left behind when the Enemy took over the tunnels wherever they could, including to the depths of the mountains.
of Durin’s Folk in the Misty Mountains. They say the creatures of A few hundred years ago, however, Orcs and Goblins began
this nefarious mountain hate the Hobbits of the Shire above all else, to return, and multiply their numbers, once again making
and they are already planning vengeance against that small folk.” Mount Gram a powerful threat to the region. A great Orc-
chieftain quickly grew in power and united the tribes to form
OLD LORE a terrible army to raid and pillage their ancient enemies to
“This place was once the home of a clan of industrious Dwarves, who the south. The army did horrible deeds and killed many, but
built a mighty fortress and hundreds of tunnels beneath the mountain. it was ultimately stopped by an unlikely force of Hobbits led
Lost long ago to the Enemy, its depths fester with his servants; Goblins, by Bandobras Took, the Bullroarer, who killed King Golfimbul,
Orcs, Trolls and even worse things. However, there are Dwarves who the Orc-chieftain, himself. From that day on, the Goblins and
claim these creatures haven’t discovered all the secrets left behind, and Orcs of Mount Gram have held a special hatred for Hobbits.
there might still be tunnels and treasures forgotten inside.” Now there is a new chieftain, Radgul, a wily, cruel and
cunning Orc who has entrenched a hatred for Hobbits deep
within his twisted heart. Although theoretically under the
command of the Orc king under Mount Gundabad, Radgul
Mount Gram became a stronghold of Orcs and Goblins in the makes his own rules, and the distance between the two ragged
middle of the Second Age, when their armies, led by the Enemy, mountains allows him great liberty. His orders, for now, are to
seized the surrounding mountains from the Dwarves. For thou- bide his time and wait for further instructions from Mordor,
sands of years after, this Orc fortress posed a threat to the Free but the Orc-chieftain of Mount Gram has other plans, and
People of northern Eriador, launching raids and waging war is already putting some of them in motion. Especially those
against Men, Hobbits, Elves and Dwarves who stood in their path. involving the Shire and its nasty inhabitants.
If the Player-heroes investigate the blocked passages, a RIDDLE 3. THE BEAST’S MOUTH
roll will reveal the path has been blocked on purpose. The The paths through the jagged cliffs and hills eventually
traps are not particularly well hidden, but the constant fog turn north towards Mount Gram and the Company sees a
and mist blocks the light of the sun or even nearby torches narrow trail snaking its way up the foot of the mountain,
and makes it hard to spot them — an AWARENESS roll can until it leads to a hole in its dark stone face, an opening
allow the Player-heroes to spot a trap just in time. like the terrible gaping maw of a hungry beast from a lost
Even though there are not many sentries, the noise of a age of the world.
trap being triggered will surely attract a few of them (usually The gates are always guarded, but the guards are not par-
one Orc soldier per Player-hero and half as many Goblin ticularly attentive — the Goblins and Orcs of Mount Gram
Archers). don’t expect anyone to be so bold as to get near their fortress,
much less try to enter through the main doors. If the Player-
THE HIDDEN PASSAGE: The ominous fog also hides a passage heroes use stealth, disguises or their wits, they have a good
that the Orcs of Mount Gram haven’t discovered yet. If a trap chance of entering the halls undetected.
is triggered and the Player-heroes examine the site afterwards, In these busy times, the gates are almost always open, as
they find a hidden Dwarven gate that leads directly into the small bands of scouts, hunters and warriors come and go on
bowels of Mount Gram (see The Secret Tunnels box). their errands. However, some alarm or other important warn-
ing can make the Goblins at the gate close it, making it harder
for anyone to get in or out of this terrible place.
where they will suffer before being questioned, most often 4. THE BELLY OF THE BEAST
by Radgul himself. Before the Orcs came, Mount Gram was a mine and an out-
At any time, there are at least three Orc Soldiers and an post, not a vast underground city like Erebor or Moria. Still,
Orc Guard keeping watch over the gates. Most of the time, the Dwarves delved deep, hollowing the roots of the mountain
however, they are distracted, “playing” with some poor vic- with many chambers, halls, and passages. Today, thousands of
tim who has been captured, and are barely keeping track Orcs and other foul creatures dwell there, workers, servants,
of who goes in or out of the gate. If the Player-heroes use slaves, and warriors with great store of arms.
guile and subterfuge, they could enter this place quite
unnoticed, but freeing the prisoners might prove to be If the Player-heroes are so foolish to enter Mount
more complicated. Gram openly they face certain capture, or death — the
Loremaster is free to seal the Company’s fate, either
killing them in a hopeless battle or by throwing them
into a cell in the Haunted Dungeons.
A Riddle The Player-heroes discover that many passages bear hidden Dwarven sigils. If correctly
Solved interpreted with a RIDDLE roll, they let the company leave Mount Gram from a secret exit.
1 Grisly Remains The company finds many chambers filled with the mummified remains of hundreds of
Dwarves. Their corpses have been despoiled of any valuables, and they all miss their
2 Skulls for Hundreds of severed Dwarven heads are piled in the centre of a circular chamber. They
the Orc-king are mummified, and bear a mark on their foreheads, crudely cut with a knife or sharp claw.
3–4 Orc-warrens Small windows opening on the wall of a passage allow the Player-heroes to look into
deep pits, now the living quarters of thousands of Orcs, crawling like ants up and
down endless stairs of wood and rope. Gain 1 point of Shadow (Dread).
5 Bottomless Pit A crack in the ground opens across a wide passage. To get to the other side the
Player-heroes must walk across a narrow stone bridge.
6–7 Orc Patrols The company hears the approach of a patrol of Orcs (1 Orc Soldier per Player-hero).
They are singing a horrible tune, and do not expect intruders. If attacked, they sound
the alarm after 2 rounds of combat.
8 A Little Something is following the Player-heroes. If they do not notice or detect the threat
Footpad with a successful AWARENESS or HUNTING roll, a nameless shadow will steal something
valuable from them the first time they stop to rest.
9 Torture A series of high-vaulted halls, filled with all the contraptions that the wicked minds of
Chambers Orcs can imagine to torment their prisoners.
10 The Haunted The company has reached the prison quarters of Mount Gram (see The Haunted
Dungeons Dungeons).
Radgul The company has attracted the attention of the Orc-chieftain of Mount Gram… (see
Radgul, the Orc-chieftain, on page 108).
The Haunted Dungeons of them before interrogation in the torture chambers above.
The old dungeons the Dwarves built have seen many individu- Few survive more than a few days in these cells, succumbing
als of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth rot to their bones over to the Evil in the Shadows, as the servants of the Enemy call
the centuries since this fortress has been under the Enemy’s the entity that lives here now.
command. The well-crafted walls, sturdy metal doors, and As the Player-heroes enter this place, they feel an ominous
unbreakable chains bear the taint of their blood, and the place chill run down their spines — an ancient evil dwells here, and
is contaminated with the grief and pain of their memories. watches their every move.
The Orcs and Goblins of Mount Gram place their most
determined and courageous enemies in abandoned cells in Player-heroes gain 2 Shadow points (Dread) upon their
these dungeons to break their spirit and drain the hope out arrival and 1 point of Shadow each day they stay there.
THE PRISONERS: This is a perfect place to find any Loremaster However, Radgul has one weakness: his hatred of the
characters a group of Player-heroes might be trying to rescue small folk of the Shire. Any sign of Hobbits in his territory
from Mount Gram. However, the time they have spent in these will drive him into a blind rage and he will set out with his
haunted tunnels may already have put a great strain on them. trusted guards to hunt the trespassers down.
The Player-heroes will need to instil hope back into these If the Company is discovered by the Goblin scouts or
prisoners’ hearts and bring the prisoners back from the edge other guards and these alert their brethren, the Player-
of the abyss. To accomplish this, they must achieve a Simple heroes will need to be very quick, very capable or find
Skill Endeavour, requiring rolls of ENHEARTEN , SONG , or a way to vanish from prying eyes if they want to survive.
another appropriate Skill. Radgul will mount a hunting party to track down and elim-
inate the Player-heroes, capturing and torturing Hobbits
If the Player-heroes take too long exploring the hills COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Orc-axe 3 (5/18, Break Shield),
without making any significant progress, or become Spear 3 (3/14, Pierce)
lost, a group of these criminals could stumble onto
them and try to rob or capture them. Such a group FELL ABILITIES: Great Leap. Spend 1 Hate to attack any
is composed of one Highway Robber for each Player- Player-hero, in any combat stance, including Rearward.
hero, plus two or three Footpads (see page 147 of The Hatred (Hobbits). When fighting Hobbits, all the
One Ring). creature’s rolls are Favoured.
Hideous Toughness. When an attack inflicts damage
to the creature that would cause it to go to zero Endur-
Radgul, the Orc-chieftain ance, it causes a Piercing Blow instead. Then, if the crea-
This wily, sneering and cunning Orc is the chieftain of all ture is still alive, it returns to full Endurance.
the Goblins and Orcs of Mount Gram and is full of his Snake-like Speed. When targeted by an attack,
own plans and desires, which makes him unpredictable. spend 1 Hate to make the attack roll Ill-favoured.
As ambitious as he is fierce, Radgul schemes to become Yell of Triumph. Spend 1 Hate to restore 1 Hate to all
the ruler of all Orcs in northern Eriador, overthrowing his other Orcs in the fight.
rivals, the Orcs of Mount Gundabad.
Fort Arlas
There agelong she had dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form…
RUMOUR L ocations
“Fort Arlas was an old fortress built at the time of the kings that What the Player-heroes find once they reach Fort Arlas is a bro-
was taken over by savage Hill-men many years ago. It has changed ken curtain wall, a number of stone houses severely damaged
hands several times between different warlords, as it is known that by fire, and a deep hole right at the feet of a fallen willow tree.
anyone who dwells there for any length of time becomes sombre and The place was recently raided by Dolomedia (see page
melancholic.” 112), who killed many of the Hill-men living in the Fort and
scared off the survivors — she then felled the willow tree and
OLD LORE laid eggs in the hole below it. She came to Fort Arlas expressly
“In an age lost to memory there was a terrible combat between a to do so, drawn by the dark and foreboding atmosphere emanat-
noble Dúnadan and a Great Orc. They fought in single combat for ing from the spot where the remains of the Great Orc Gnarsh
many days and nights until both fell, each slaying the other, on a are located — right among the roots of Arlas, the willow tree.
tall hill rising over the wetlands, under the branches of a willow The whole place is currently half-burned and covered in
tree. Many years later, the Rangers built a fort at the precise spot thick cobwebs. Spiders of all shapes and sizes roam about.
where the combatants’ remains still rest.” They will ignore the Player-heroes unless they start attacking
or get too close to Dolomedia’s eggs.
2. THE HOLLOW UNDER THE TREE cats, a dead goat and even a living small pig (Garaldon, the
If the Player-heroes lean out to gaze into the hollow, warm, Hill-men’s beloved mascot — if they manage to deliver it
pestilent air rises in their faces. From above, the hole looks alive back to them, that can lead to an interesting moment).
like a twisted maze of vines and roots, covered in wet moss Larger Spiders lie in wait, ready to assault the Player-
and dripping spiderwebs. The eggs that Dolomedia laid are heroes if they get too close to the brood. The smaller Spiders
in the hollow below. The air there is almost unbreathable, cannot trouble the Company much, but they will immediately
as the heat produced by the quivering eggs smothers any rush to alert Dolomedia if the Player-heroes get too close to
Player-heroes climbing down. Small spiders take care of the the eggs, using strands of spiderweb to swiftly ride the wind —
nest, containing about a dozen melon-sized eggs, ready to if this happens, Dolomedia will leave her lair in the marshes
hatch at any moment. There are silk cocoons surrounding immediately and reach Fort Arlas in less than one hour (see
the monster’s eggs, containing fresh animals of various sizes: Dolomedia’s Lair, below).
NORWINDA AND THE LAST The spectre of Gnarsh haunts anyone who comes
HILL‑MEN FROM FORT ARLAS to possess the dagger that killed him. He appears
Norwinda is Hildilid’s daughter, even though she would not once every moon, when the night is black like the
recognize her at first glance. She is 30 now, and has a daughter one on which the Orc was killed, and attacks the
and two sons of her own. Her husband, Leiknir, was wounded bearer of the dagger and all those who are with him.
escaping from Dolomedia. He is still a good warrior, but not
as strong as she is, especially in his current condition. Gnarsh cannot be killed, and will continue to haunt
Norwinda is the current leader of the Hill-men who lived the Player-hero again every moon, until the dagger is
in Fort Arlas; while not born a Hill-woman herself, she grew destroyed — when this happens, the curse will be lifted.
up among them. Now that the established leaders of the tribe
have been killed or maimed by Dolomedia, she has risen to GNARSH ATTRIBUTE LEVEL
the occasion and taken on the responsibility of protecting Brutal, Vengeful
the survivors. 7
Soon after they were driven from Fort Arlas, Norwinda
realised that the Spiders were not chasing them. She gath- ENDURANCE MIGHT HATE PARRY ARMOUR
ered her people and her surviving family around a primitive
shelter in the swamps to recover. She won’t relinquish her
28 2 7 +3 3
responsibility until everyone is safe.
Norwinda is not willing to put anyone else at risk, but COMBAT PROFICIENCIES: Orc-club 3 (8/14, —)
she has asked a couple of warriors of her folk to return and
check the situation at Fort Arlas. She will wait for the best FELL ABILITIES: Deathless. Spend 1 Hate to cancel a
moment to return home, and maybe the Fort’s bell sound- Wound. When an attack inflicts damage to the crea-
ing through the mist is the signal to rally the last survivors to ture that would cause it to go to zero Endurance, spend
reclaim their home. 1 Hate to bring the creature back to full Endurance
instead. This ability is ineffective against Player-heroes
wielding a magical weapon enchanted with spells for
Gnarsh, the Great Orc either the Bane of the Undead or the Bane of Orcs.
This monster was a feared commander and warrior who Hatred (owner of the dagger). When targeting
killed hundreds with his club. Belonging to a superior the owner of the dagger, all attacks by Gnarsh are
breed of Orc, Gnarsh was an incarnated servant spirit. Favoured.
When he was slain by a mere young mortal, the spirit Horrible Strength. If the creature scored a Piercing
could not find rest. He lingered in confusion among Blow spend 1 Hate to make the target’s Protection roll
the hills of Rhudaur for centuries, but was drawn to Ill-favoured.
Fort Arlas once again when Dolomedia uncovered his Snake-like Speed. When targeted by an attack,
remains. spend 1 Hate to make the attack roll Ill-favoured.
The Ranger-
“Well, here is our refuge,” said Faramir. “Not a place of great ease,
but here you may pass the night in peace.”
RUMOUR Angle, though they fear Men and have become so quick and
“The homeland of the Rangers lies to the east of Eriador, beyond stealthy that not even a Ranger can catch them).
the Last Bridge. I don’t rightly know where, exactly, but it’s some- A casual traveller — or scouting Orc — passing through
where in that wild land over the river. Some of those Rangers are the Angle would not know the Rangers dwelt here. Their
unnatural tall, to my mind, and you know who else lives beyond homes here are built in imitation of Rivendell — they dwell
the river and is taller than Big Folk? Trolls, up the Trollshaws. in steep-sided valleys sheltered from view, or in isolated farm-
I’m not saying Rangers are half Troll, but I ain’t not saying it steads, or in secret caves. There are no towns or villages here,
either, eh?” no roads save the Road that marks the northern boundary
of the Angle, and few major landmarks of any kind. Only
OLD LORE ancient ruins might tell an unwary wanderer that this place
“Few now remember them, yet some still go wandering, sons of for- was ever inhabited.
gotten kings walking in loneliness, guarding from evil things folk It is a strange place, this Angle. On one level, it is one of
that are heedless. The Land of the Rangers lies in the Angle made the strongholds of the Free Folk, a defensible bulwark inhab-
by the meetings of the rivers Hoarwell and Loudwater. Now, this ited by the descendants of the Men of Westernesse and bol-
land is beyond the traditional borders of the old kingdom; it was stered by their friends the Elves. Orcs and Trolls fear to cross
part of the land of the Elves, but doubtless they have all gone West into the Angle, lest they be slain by ‘ghosts’ or ‘mischance’.
over the Sea and left Middle-earth behind.” Here, wanderers have their home and kinfolk, and can rest
in relative security. At the same time, though, the Dúnedain
can never forget that they are the last survivors of a ruined
kingdom, that the forces that destroyed their homeland are
After the fall of Arthedain, last of the north-kingdoms, the still hunting them, and that one mistake — a careless word
descendants of the Númenóreans became a wandering peo- let slip to a traveller, a hearth-fire seen from afar, an heirloom
ple, patrolling the borders of their lost domain. The Chief- worn too openly — might bring disaster down not only on
tains of the Dúnedain were, by long tradition, fostered in the oneself, but on all one’s friends and kin. With no small cause
house of Elrond Half-elven in the hidden valley of Rivendell, are the Rangers stern and grim.
and in time the lands around Rivendell became the customary
home of those Dúnedain who did not go ranging — the very
old and the young, those with child, and so forth. L
Eventually the Dúnedain moved south, into the land This section presents the land that the Rangers of the North
called the Angle between the two rivers. Partly, this move call their home. Hardly the destination of adventurers explor-
was to ensure the secrecy of Rivendell — although by now the ing the lone-lands of Eriador, it may prove useful if the Com-
Eye of the enemy was trained on Gondor and the Witch-king pany includes one or more Rangers, or if their patron is Gil-
had left the north, still there were Orcs and watchful things raen the Fair (see The One Ring, page 218).
in the mountains, and a gathering of too many folk might
have given away the location of the Hidden Valley. Partly, too, 1. THE BARROW OF ARANARTH
the Angle was deemed a fair land. This region is bountiful, By custom, the kings of the north were interred in stone
made fertile by the flood plains of the two rivers. In times past, tombs, as their forefathers were in Númenor of old. Pyres
other folk dwelt here — long long ago, the Men who lived in were for heathen kings, and it was only in the fading years
these lands were associated with the Dwarves of Moria, and of Cardolan and Rhudaur that they took to the custom of
the orchards and tilled fields of the Angle fed the hungry barrow-burial. In Arthedain, the practice of laying the kings
smiths and miners. Many centuries later, the land was inhab- to rest in stone continued until the fall of the kingdom.
ited by Stoor-hobbits, who delighted in the streams and rivers Now, Arvedui Last-king perished at sea, and his son Ara-
of the place. (Some Stoors may still linger in the south of the narth became the first chieftain. Knowing that the salvation
The Caves
of Rememberance
2 The Stoor Pool
The Authorities, it is true, differ whether this last question was a mere
‘question’ and not a ‘riddle’ according to the strict rules of the Game…
Borrowing Items
of Superior Worth
he present section offers a number of optional
game mechanics, for Loremasters and their
groups of players to adopt for their games (or The box on page 79 of The One Ring and the one about Fate
ignore at their discretion!). and Predestination on page 161 explain why extraordinary
items improved with one or more Rewards or Blessings are
Optional Councils
meant to be strictly individual, and cannot be handed over
Balder the Boatman 110 Haldane 83 Radgul 108
Barrow-downs, The 27 Herunen 78 Randur 76
Barrow of Aranarth, The 114 Hildilid the River-hag 110 Ranger-haven, The 114–117
Barrow of Eryn Vorn, The 28 Hill-men 109–113 Roper Grey 12
Barrow People 27 Hill of the Sleeper, The 94–100
Battle of Fornost, The 85 Hill-trolls 89
Beast of the Greyflood, The 48
Hjolin 25 Sarn Ford 74
Beast, Terror of Angmar, The 56 Hugh Blackbriar 20 Saruman 40–43
Black Númenóreans 33–39 Hungry One, The 29 Scowle Hill 52
Black Númenórean Sailors 38 Hurin Doorward 83 Shrouded Islets, The 70–73
Black Númenórean Soldiers 38 Hynda Greengrass 29 Singer on the Shore, The 29
Black Númenórean Spies 37 Hynda’s House 28 Skill Endeavour 118
Borrowing Items 118
Snow-wights 57
Braswen the Custodian 60 I Starting Patrons 41
Brethil 75 Ivoch the Boneless 45 Stoor Pool, The 115
Sulrien 75
C J Swanfleet 18–20
Captain Gurnow 15 Jan the Frog 12 Swantown 19
Captain Nerek 36 Johan Fleet 22, 83
Cardolan 26–27
Celerwen 72
Chieftains of Dunland 45
K Tembur 46
Kathuphazgân, The 34 Tharbad 3, 7–17
Cirzor 63
Khazad-dûm 49 Tharnow 16
Council 118
Knights of Lond Daer, The 83–84 Thunir Blood-drinker 68
Tom Brass 16
D L Tree-folk 28, 64–69
Dolomedia 112 Tree-folk Warriors 66
Lady Stock 15
Doom of Nenuial, The 72 Tree Men. See Tree-folk
Lake Evendim 70
Dragontower, The 25 Tree of Sorrow, The 64–69
Large Spider 111
Drameth the Houseless 88
Lond Daer 3, 21–23, 79
Drustan the Mercenary 42
Dunlendings 44–48
Lone-lands, The 28–29 U
Lord Mjolin 25 Usapthon 35
Dwarf-halls of Harmelt, The 24–25
Lord of the Lash, The 37
Lorn Gurnow. See Captain Gurnow W
Lug. See Lord of the Lash, The Walker in the Darkness, The 48
Eater of Ghosts 46
Weathertop 90–93
Edris of Lindon 62
Elendil stone, the 62
M White Towers, The 58–63
Magolach 35 Wise-women, The 95
Elostirion 61–63
Malanteth’s Sword 55 Woleth of Orthanc 61
Enfys the Fisher 84
Marsh-snakes 100 Wormhill 28
Erthad Celyn 116
Medcaute 19, 95 Wyncross 27
Eryn Vorn 27–28, 64
Milton the Brewer 12
Evil in the Shadows, The 107
Eye of Mordor, The 118
Minhiriath 28–29 Z
Moria. See Khazad-dûm Zoril 35
Mother Wendreth 20
F Mount Gram 101–108
Falmir Fairbairns 84
Fields of Slaughter, The 85–89
Fighting in the Water 73
Nadirion 61
Fisher-folk 29
Nalien of Lindon 86
Flowers of Remembrance, The 87
Norwinda 113
Forgotten Dead 107
1. The Old Dwarf-mines
2. The White Towers
3. The Tree of Sorrow
4. The Shrouded Islets
5. Tindailin
6. The Queen’s Hall
7. The Fields of Slaughter
8. Weathertop
9. The Hill of the Sleeper
10. Mount Gram 2
11. Fort Arlas
12. The Ranger-haven
Border Lands
Wild Lands
Dark Lands
Impassable Terrain
Perilous Area
1 hex = 20 miles
ISBN 978-91-89143-49-4