Biologial Diversity

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Conservation of Biological Diversity

(Biodiversity Conservation)
Definition: Biodiversity is defined as the variety and variability among all
groups of living organisms and the ecosystem in which they live.

Significance of biodiversity

1. Biodiversity protects the fresh air, clean water and productive land.
2. It is also important for forestry, fisheries and agriculture, which depend
on rich water variety of various biological resources available in nature.

3. Loss of biodiversity exerts heavy economic and social costs for any

4. It is very important for human life; we depend on plants, microorganisms

and earth’s animals for our food, medicine and industrial products.

Biodiversity is usually considered at 3 different levels

1. Genetic diversity
2. Species diversity
3. Ecosystem diversity

(1) Genetic diversity: Genes are the basic unit of hereditary information,
transmitted from one generation to the other. Within individual species, there
are a number of varieties, which are slightly different from one another. These
differences are due to difference in the combination of genes.

Example: all rice varieties belong to the species “Oryza sativa”; but there are
thousands of wild and cultivated varieties of rice, which shows variations at the
genetic level and are different in their colour, size, shape, nutrient content of
the plant.

(2) Species diversity: A discrete group of organisms of the same kinds is known
as species. Species diversity is the diversity between different species. The sum

of varieties of all the living organisms at the species level is known as species

Example: There are more than 20 million organisms on the earth,which have
been identified and given names. Apple, mango, grapes, wheat, rice, etc. are
examples of plant species.

(3) Ecosystem diversity: It is a set of biotic components [such as plants,

animals and micro organisms] interacting with one another and with abiotic
components[such as soil, air, water, etc.]. The diversity at the ecological or
habitat level is known as “ecosystem diversity”. A large region with different
ecosystems can be considered as ecosystem diversity. The ecosystem also
shows variation with respect to physical parameters like moisture,
temperature, altitude, precipitation, etc.

Example: Forest ecosystem is supposed to have mainly dominance of trees.

But, while considering a tropical rain forest, a tropical deciduous forest and a
temperature forest, variations observed are numerous due to variations in the
physical factors.

Biogeographical classification of India

India is a mega diversity country having different types of climate and

topography in different parts of the country. These variations have induced
much variability in flora and fauna. India occupies 10th position among the
plant-rich countries of the world.

It is a very important to know and study the distribution, elevation and

environmental relationship of plants and animals in time and space.

Biogeography: It comprising of photo-geography and zoo-geography, which

deals with aspects of plants and animals, respectively. In order to know about
the distribution and environmental interaction of flora and fauna of our
country, it has been classified into 10 bio-geographical zones. Each of these
zones has its own climate and soil topography(shape and features of the earth)
and biodiversity.

Global biodiversity

Following the 1992 “earth summit” at Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) , it became

evident that there is a growing need to know about the huge number of
species, which are still unknown on this earth.

Roughly 1.5 million species are known till today, which is perhaps 15% of the
actual number of the total earth-biodiversity. It has, therefore, been rightly
recognized as an emergency task in order to plan its conservation and practical

Terrestrial biodiversity of the earth is best described as “biomass”, which is the

largest ecological unit present in different geographic areas.

Example: Tropical rain-forests are inhabited by millions of species of plants,

birds, amphibians, insects and mammals. They are the earth’s largest store
house of biodiversity. About 50-80% of global biodiversity lies in these rain-
forests.3,000 plants, identified by national cancer research institute [NCRI], are
marvellous sources of cancer fighting chemicals.

Very recently extract from one of the creeping wines in the rain forests at
Cameroon has proved effective in the inhibition of replication of ‘AIDS’ virus.

Tropical forests have much less biodiversity, but there is much better
documentation of the species at global level, representing about 170,000 of
flowering plants, 30,000 of vertebrates and about 250,000 of other groups of

Biological diversity at national level

Every country is characterised by its own biodiversity depending mainly on its


1. India has a rich biological diversity of flora and fauna, representing about
6% of the global biodiversity.

2. India ranks 10th among the plant-rich countries of the world, 11th in term
of number of endemic species of high vertebrates and 6th among the
centres of diversity and origin of agricultural crops

Local biodiversity

Biodiversity at regional level is better understood by categorizing species-

richness into four types.

Point richness: It refers to the number of species that can be found at a single
point in a given space.

1. Alpha (α) richness: It refers to the number of species that can be found in
a small homogeneous area.

2. Beta (β) richness: It refers to the rate of change of species-composition

across different habitats.

3. Gamma (γ) richness: It refers to the rate of change of species-

composition across large landscrape gradients.

Alpha (α) richness: It is strongly correlated with physical variables of the


Beta (β) richness: It means that the cumulative number of species increases as
more heterogeneous habitats are taken into consideration.

Example: the ant species found in local species region of North pole is merely
10. As we keep on moving towards the equator, more and more habitats are
added and, accordingly, the number of species of ants increases so much so
that it reaches as high as 2000 on the equatorial region.

India as a mega diversity nation

India has a rich and varied heritage of biodiversity, encompassing a wide

spectrum of habitats from tropical rain forests to alpine vegetation and from
temperate to coastal wetlands.

India is one of the 12 mega biodiversity countries in the world. In 2000,

government of India recorded 47,000 species of plants and 81,000 species of
animals, which is about 7% and 6.5%, of global flora and fauna, respectively.

Endemism: Species, which are restricted only to a particular area, are known
as endemic species. India shows a good number of endemic species; it is

recorded that about 62% of amphibians and 50% of lizards are endemic to

Centre of origin: A large number of species are known to have originated in

India. India has been the centre of origin of 166 species of crop plants and 320
species of wild species or of wild relative of cultivated crops.

Nearly 5,000 species of flowering plants have their origin in India.

Marine biodiversity: There exists a rich biodiversity along 7,500 km long

coastline of our country, carrying mangroves, estuaries, coral reefs, back-
water, etc.

The marine biodiversity is rich in moleskins, crustaceans [crabs], polychquetus

and corals, several species of mangrove plants and sea grasses[marine algae]
are also found in our country.

India’s forest cover of 64.01 million hectares and has a rich biodiversity of
plants in the Trans-Himalayan, North-West, central and Eastern Himalayan
forest, coasts, deserts, Gangetic plain, Nicobar and Lakshadweep island.

Conservations of biodiversity

Biodiversity conservation is the protection, preservation, management, or

restoration of wildlife and natural resources such as forests, water bodies, etc.
Survival of many species and habitats, which are threatened due to human
activities, can be ensured through the conservation of biodiversity. There is an
urgent need, not only to manage and conserve the biotic wealth, but also to
restore the degraded ecosystems.

Humans have been directly or indirectly dependent on biodiversity for their

sustenance to a considerable extent. However, increasing population pressure
and developmental activities have led to large scale depletion of the natural

Biodiversity conservation is meant for management of human activities in the

environment so that it does not lead to habitat destruction and loss of
biodiversity. The conservation of biodiversity is carried out:

1. To preserve and protect the species in their habitat.

2. To maintain essential ecological process so that there is no ecological

imbalance created.
3. To use the species and ecosystem sustainably without exploiting them.
4. To preserve flora and fauna, natural parks, sanctuaries, biosphere
reverses, etc. are created.
5. To conserve the genetic biodiversity by establishing the zoological
gardens (zoos), botanical gardens, nurseries, etc.
6. To ensure proper planning of land use and other natural resources so as
to conserve the biodiversity.
7. To prohibit the hunting, poaching of animals, fishing etc., beyond the
productive capacity of ecosystem.

8. To ensure biodiversity maintenance by enforcing the acts, laws of

legislative controls such as India forests act, endangered species act, etc.,
9. To create public awareness about sustainable use of the species without
affecting the biodiversity.
10. To delineate the particular areas as “reserved” so that no activity is
permitted in that zone. Example: reserve forests.
11. To conserve the biodiversity with regard to plants and animals,a number
of measures are now being taken the world over.

Types of conservation: Conservation can broadly be divided into two types:

1. In-situ conservation
2. Ex-situ conservation

In-Situ Conservation Ex-Situ Conservation
1. Protected areas 1. Seed banks, Gene banks
 National parks 2. Long term captive breeding
 Sanctuaries 3. Animal translocations
 Biosphere reserves 4. Tissue culture banks
2. Sacred forests and lakes 5. Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos
6. Botanical gardens
7. Zoological gardens (Zoos)

[1] In-situ conservation

In-situ conservation is on site conservation or the conservation of genetic

resources in natural populations of plant or animal species, such as forest
genetic resources in natural populations of tree species.

In-situ conservation is the process of protecting an endangered plant or animal

species in its natural habitat, either by protecting or cleaning up the habitat
itself, or by defending the species from predators.

It is applied to conservation of agricultural biodiversity in agro-forestry by

farmers, especially those using unconventional farming practices. In-situ
conservation is done by declaring the particular area as protected area.

The role of protected areas in maintaining biodiversity

A protected area is a geographically defined area that is designated or
regulated and managed to achieve specific conservation objectives. It may be
set aside for the protection of biological diversity, and of natural and
associated cultural resources and is managed through legal or other effective
means. This includes national parks and nature reserves, sustainable use
reserves, wilderness areas and heritage sites.

Protected areas (PAs) have been widely used as a conservation tool in order to
maintain a representative sample of unaltered species and eco-systems for the
future, and to limit the potential for environmental degradation through
human mismanagement of resources.

At present, approximately 8,500 PAs exist throughout the world in 169

countries. This covers about 750 million hectares of marine and terrestrial
ecosystems, which amounts to 5.2 % of the Earth’s land surface.

The World Conservation Union, International Union of Conservation of Nature

(IUCN), has a key role in promoting the establishment of protected areas
throughout the world. Since 1948, IUCN has developed standards and
guidelines for PAs management. Protected areas have been established
following the categories defined by the IUCN.

Strict protection categories (categories I – III) have mostly been applied in the
developing countries, whereas categories V and VI are the most commonly
used in the developed world).

Category I: Strict Protection Sometimes called strict nature reserve/wilderness


These are protected areas managed mainly for science or wilderness

protection. These are generally smaller areas where the preservation of
important natural values with minimum human disturbance.

Category II: Ecosystem Conservation and Tourism Sometimes called national


These are generally larger areas with a range of outstanding features and
ecosystems that people may visit for education, recreation, and inspiration as
long as they do not threaten the area's values.

Category III: Conservation of Natural Features Sometimes called natural


These are similar to National Parks, but usually smaller areas protecting a
single spectacular natural feature or historic site.

Category IV: Conservation through Active Management Sometimes called

habitat and wildlife (species) management areas.

These are areas managed to protect and utilise wildlife species.

Category V: Landscape/Seascape Conservation and Recreation Sometimes

called protected landscapes/seascapes.

Category VI: Sustainable Use of Natural Ecosystems Sometimes called

managed resource protected areas.

Protected areas are managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural

In the past, it was assumed that the best way to preserve biodiversity was to
conserve it through protected areas by reducing human activities or

completely excluding humans. Population growth and poverty were seen as

main causes of environmental degradation; people were regarded as a
problem from which the environment needed protection. Accordingly,
protected areas and parks were fenced off from local people, traditional
practices were prohibited, and people were held under penalties of fines or
imprisonments for utilising park resources. However, there are very
controversial scientific and social problems with this approach, which was
characterized by serious conflicts between local communities and the state.

This, therefore, led to a transformation in thinking and the recognition that:

1. Local people understand their environment and have extensive

knowledge of the resources within their local environment

2. The exclusion of local people from protected areas may actually lead to
impoverishment of their biological diversity, with both ecological and
social costs

3. Traditional practices enable people to live with nature in a mutually

beneficial way. For example, instead of banning hunting altogether, a
series of regulations could be put in place to regulate hunting, e.g.
prohibitions on killing juveniles, or pregnant females.

4. Many communities still do not see wildlife and the environment as their
own property because they are not involved in decision-making process
and have little responsibility in conservation projects.

5. Revenues earned from PAs have not always been passed on to


PAs management has taken on a more holistic approach to assessing

biodiversity and environmental protection - it has to be effective in linking
conservation with human needs. PAs management must take into account the
local people’s realities, that is, policy formulation must be based on a more
realistic understanding of the social and political dimensions of natural
resources management.

In India, following three types of natural habitats are being maintained:

1. National parks
2. Wildlife sanctuaries
3. Biosphere reserves

India has over 600 protected areas, which includes over 90 national parks, over
500 animal sanctuaries and 15 biosphere reserves.

(1) National parks

A national park is an area which is strictly reserved for the betterment of the
wildlife and where activities like forestry and grazing on cultivated area are not
permitted. In these parks, even private ownership rights are not allowed.

Their boundaries are well marked and circumscribed. They are usually small
reserves spreading in an area of 100 to 500 sq. km. In national parks, the
emphasis is given on the preservation of a single plant or animal species.

List of some major national parks of India

S. No. Name State Year of Area

establish- (km2)
1. Corbett National Park Uttarakhand 1921 1318.5
2. Dudhwa National Park Uttar Pradesh 1977 490.29
3. Gir National Park Gujarat 1965 258.71
4. Kanha National Park Madhya Pradesh 1955 940
5. KangerGhati National Park (Kanger Valley) Chhattisgarh 1982 200
6. Kaziranga National Park Assam 1974 471.71
7. Nanda Devi National Park Uttarakhand 1982 630.33
8. Sariska National Park Rajasthan 1955 866
9. Silent Valley National Park Kerala 1980 237
10. Sundarbans National Park West Bengal 1984 1330.12

(2) Wildlife sanctuaries

A sanctuary is a protected area, which is reserved for the conservation of only

animals in which the human activities (like harvesting of timber, collecting minor
forest products, and private ownership rights) are allowed as long as they do not

interfere with the well-being of animals. Boundaries of sanctuaries are not well
defined and controlled biotic-interference is permitted, e.g., tourist activity.

List of some major wildlife sanctuaries of India

S. No. Name State Year of Area

establish- (km2)
1. Ghana Bird Sanctuary Rajasthan 1982 28.73
2. Hazaribag Wildlife Sanctuary Jharkhand 1954 183.89
3. Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary Tamil Nadu 1940 321.55
4. Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary West Bengal 2012 216
5. Mount Abu Wildlife Sanctuary Rajasthan 1960 288.84
6. Annamalai Wildlife Sanctuary (Indira Gandhi Tamil Nadu 1989 117.10
Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park)

(3) Biosphere reserves

It is a special category of protected areas, where human population also forms

a part of the system. They are large protected area of usually more than 5000 A biosphere reserves has 3 parts, viz. core zone, buffer zone and
transition zone.

1. Core zone is the inner zone; this is undisturbed and legally protected area.

2. Buffer zone lies between the core and transition zone. Some research and
educational activities are permitted here.

3. Transition zone is the outermost part of biosphere reserves. Here,

cropping, forestry, recreation, fishery and other activities are allowed.

The main functions of biodiversity reserves are:

1. Conservation: To ensure the conservation of ecosystem, species and genetic


2. Development: To promote economic development, while maintaining

cultural, social and ecological identity

3. Scientific Research: To provide support for research related to monitoring

and education, local, national and global issues.

Biosphere reserves serve in some ways as ‘living laboratories’ for testing out
and demonstrating integrated management of land, water and biodiversity.

List of some major biosphere reserves of India

S. No. Name State Year of Area

establishment (km2)
1 Nanda Devi Uttarakhand 1982 5,860.69
2 Manas Assam 1990 2837
3 Gulf of Mannar Tamil Nadu 1980 10,500
4 Great Nicobar Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1989 885
5 Panchmarhi Madhya Pradesh 1999 4,926.28

Uses of in-situ conservation

1. The flora and fauna live in natural habitats without human interference.

2. The life cycles of the organisms and their evolution progresses in a natural

3. In-situ conservation provides the required green cover and its associated
benefits to our environment.

4. It is less expensive and easy to manage.

5. The interests of the indigenous people are also protected.

[2] Ex-situ conservation

Ex-situ conservation is the preservation of components of biological diversity

outside their natural habitats. This involves conservation of genetic resources,
as well as wild and cultivated species, and draws on a diverse body of
techniques and facilities. Such strategies include establishment of botanical
gardens, zoos, conservation strands and gene, pollen seed, seedling, tissue
culture and DNA banks. Methods of ex-situ conservation are as follows:

1. Seed gene bank: These are cold storages where seeds are kept under
controlled temperature and humidity for storage and this is easiest way to
store the germ plasma of plants at low temperature. Seeds preserved under

controlled conditions (minus temperature) remain viable for long durations of


2. Gene bank: Genetic variability also is preserved by gene bank under normal
growing conditions. These are cold storages where germplasm is kept under
controlled temperature and humidity for storage; this is an important way of
preserving the genetic resources.

3. Cryopreservation: This is the newest application of technology for

preservation of biotic parts. This type of conservation is done in liquid nitrogen
at very low temperature (-196°C). The metabolic activities of the organisms are
suspended under low temperature, which are later used for research

4. Tissue culture bank: Cryopreservation of disease free meristems is very

helpful. Long term culture of excised roots and shoots are maintained.
Meristem culture is very popular in plant propagation as it’s a virus and disease
free method of multiplication.

5. Long term captive breeding: The method involves capture, maintenance

and captive breeding on long term basis of individuals of the endangered
species, which have lost their habitat permanently or certain highly
unfavourable conditions are present in their habitat.

6. Botanical gardens: A botanical garden is a place where flowers, fruits and

vegetables are grown. The botanical gardens provide beauty and calm
environment. Most of them have started keeping exotic plants for educational
and research purposes.

7. Animal Translocation: Release of animals in a new locality, which come from

anywhere else

Translocation is carried in following cases:

1. When a species, on which an animal is dependent, becomes rare

2. When a species is endemic or restricted to a particular area
3. Due to habit destruction and unfavourable environment conditions
4. Increase in population in an area

8. Zoological gardens or zoos: In zoos, wild animals are maintained in captivity

and conservation of wild animals (rare, endangered species). The oldest zoo,
the Schonbrumm Zoo, which exists today also, was established in VIENNA in

In India, the 1st zoo came into existence at BARRACKPORE in 1800. In world,
there are about 800 zoos. Such zoos have about 3000 species of vertebrates.
Some zoos have undertaken captive breeding programmes.

Uses of ex-situ preservation

1. It is useful for declining population of species.

2. Endangered animals on the verge of extinction are successfully bred.

3. Threatened species are bred in captivity and then released in the natural

4. Ex-situ centres offer the possibilities of observing wild animals, which is

otherwise not possible.

5. It is extremely useful for conducting research and scientific work on

different species.

Threats to biodiversity

Extinction or elimination: A species in a natural habitat may face extinction or

elimination as per natural process of evolution.

During evolution, different species have died out or lost of species in the past,
following a slow processes. However, the process of extinction has been
particularly fast in the recent years of human civilization due to anthropogenic
activities. If the present trend continues we would lose 1/3rd to 2/3rd of our
current biodiversity by the middle of 21st century.

Some of the major causes and issues related to threats to biodiversity are:

Loss of habitats

1. Habitat degradation is an important cause of known extinction. As

deforestation precedes in tropical forests this becomes the cause of mass
extinctions caused by human activity.

2. Billions of hectares of forests and grasslands have been cleared for

conservations into agricultural lands, or into settlement area or for
development projects.

3. The unique rich biodiversity of the wetlands, estuaries and mangroves are
under the most serious threat today.

4. Sometimes the loss of habitat proceeds in instatements so that the

habitat is divided into small and scattered patches, a phenomenon known
as habitat fragmentation.

5. There are many wild life species such as bears and large cats that required
large territories to manage to survive. They get badly threaten; so, they
breed in the interiors of the forests. Due to habitat fragmentation, many
song birds are vanishing.

6. The wetlands have been destroyed due to draining, filling and pollution,
resulting in a huge biodiversity loss.

7. Marine biodiversity is also under serious threat due to large scale

destruction of the fragile breeding and feeding grounds of our oceanic fish
and other species.


Hunting is a passion for some people and for others it is need for getting food.
Poaching is another threat to wild life. Catching of animals without their
knowledge is called “poaching”; so, human beings, at places, act as hunter and
poachers. These two activities also result in the destruction of habitat and
animals, due to which the species may disappear from their own areas.

Smuggling of wildlife items like fuss, hides, horns, etc of animals and herbal
products, worth millions of dollars per year, is also great threat to species
survival. The developing natures in Asia, Latin America and Africa are the
richest sources of biodiversity and have enormous wealth of wildlife.

The trading of such wild life products is highly profit-making for the poachers,
who hunt the wildlife species smuggle them to other countries. National parks
and sanctuaries have been developed to protect animals and birds from such
dangers of hunters and poachers.

Endangered and endemic species of India

The growing human population and other influences combine to eliminate

some wild animals and plants; hence, there is a raising concern for preserving
wild species all over the world. Natural causes of wild species destruction
include evolutionary replacement and mass extinction. The direct threats are
over-harvesting of animals and plants for food or various industrial and
commercial products.

Extinct species: A species is said to be extinct when it is not seen in the world
for 50 years at abstract.

Example: dodo, passenger pigeon

The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) reported that cheetah, pink headed duck
and mountain quail have already become extinct from India.

1. A species is said to be endangered when its number has been reduced

to a critical level.

2. A species is said to vulnerable if its population is facing continuous

decline due to over exploitation (or) habitat destruction.

3. The species which are not endangered (or) vulnerable at present but are
at risk are categorized as rare species.

The examples of direct threats to biological resources are habitat destruction,

introduction of exotic species, diseases, environmental pollution and genetic
assimilation (environmentally induced genetic and phenotypic changes in

species). The international union for conservation of nature and natural

resources (IUCN) publishes a periodical the “RED DATA BOOK” which includes
the list of endangered species of plants and animals; some of the examples are
given below:

Reptiles: garial, green seat rile, python

Birds: great Indian bustard peacock, great Indian hornbills

Carnivores: leopard, striped hyena, Indian lion, gold cat, desert cat, red panda

Plants: orchids, medicinal plants like Ravioli serpentica, sandal wood tree
(Santalum album).

Endemic species of India

Endemic species are plants and animals that exist only in one geographic
region. The species can be endemic to large or small areas of the earth; some
are endemic to a particular continent, some to part of a continent, and others
may be endemic to a single island.

India has two biodiversity hotspots and thus posses a large number of
endemic species. Out of about 47000 species of plants in our country, 7000 are
endemic. Some of the important endemic floras include orchids and species
like Sepia himalayan, Ovarian lardier, Nepenthes khans land, etc.

A large number, out of total 81000 species of animals in our country, is

endemic to Western Ghats; they are particularly rich in amphibians and
reptiles. Different species of monitor lizards, recticultured pythons and Indian
surrender are some important endemic species of our country.

Hotspots of biodiversity

A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region that is both a significant

reservoir of biodiversity and is threatened with destruction.

The term biodiversity hotspot specifically refers to 36 biologically rich areas

around the world that have lost at least 70 percent of their original habitat.

The British biologist Norman Myers coined the term "biodiversity hotspot" in
1988 as a biogeographic region characterized both by exceptional levels of
plant endemism and by serious levels of habitat loss. In 1990, Myers
proclaimed eight hotspots, including four Mediterranean-type ecosystems.

Conservation International (CI) adopted hotspots of Myers as its institutional

blueprint in 1989; and in 1996, the organization made the decision to
undertake a re-assessment of the hotspots concept. Three years later, an
extensive global review was undertaken, which introduced quantitative
thresholds for the designation of biodiversity hotspots.

Conservation International (CI) is an American non-profit environmental organization.

CI headquarter is situated in Arlington, Virginia (USA). Its goal is to protect nature as a
source of food, fresh water, livelihoods and a stable climate.

According to CI, to qualify as a hotspot, a region must meet two strict criteria:

(1) The hotspot must contain at least 1,500 species of vascular plants (>
0.5% of the world’s total number of species) as endemics.

(2) The hotspot must have lost at least 70% of its original habitat.

In 1999, CI identified 25 biodiversity hotspots in the book “Hotspots: Earth’s

Biologically Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Eco-regions”.

The natural habitat in these biodiversity hotspots amounts to just 1.4% of the
land surface of the planet, yet it supports nearly 60 percent of the world's
plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, and amphibians. Collectively, these areas hold
as endemics about 44% of the world’s plants and 35% of terrestrial vertebrates
in an area that formerly covered only 11.8% of the planet’s land surface. In
2005, CI published an updated titled “Hotspots Revisited: Earth's Biologically
Richest and Most Endangered Terrestrial Eco-regions”.

Biodiversity hot spots are a method to identify those regions of the world
where attention is needed to address biodiversity loss and to guide
investments in conservation. The CI adopted hotspots of Myers as its

institutional blueprint in 1989, and in 1999, the organization undertook an

extensive global review, which introduced quantitative thresholds for the
designation of biodiversity hotspots. A reworking of the hotspots analysis in
2004 resulted in the system in place today.

New hotspots: Only 25 hotspots were mentioned in the original proposal.

Later on new biodiversity hotspots were periodically added based on scientific
assessments of new regions. For example, the Forests of East Australia are the
latest hotspot to have been added after research showed that the area fulfilled
all criteria. Changing circumstances such as sustained habitat loss or the
discovery of new species may mean that areas previously not considered as
biodiversity hotspots could qualify in a future re-assessment.

Currently, 36 biodiversity hotspots have been identified, most of which occur

in tropical forests. They represent just 2.3% of earth’s land surface, but
between them they contain around 50% of the world’s endemic plant species
and 42% of all terrestrial vertebrates. Overall, Hotspots have lost around 86%
of their original habitat and additionally are considered to be significantly
threatened by extinctions induced by climate change.

Current biodiversity hotspots in the world

North and Central America
1. California Floristic Province •8•
2. Madrean Pine-oak Woodlands •26•
3. Mesoamerica •2•
North American Coastal Plain
4. Atlantic Coastal Plain & Gulf Coastal Plain•36•
The Caribbean
5. Caribbean Islands •3•
South America
6. Atlantic Forest •4•
7. Cerrado •6•
8. Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests •7•
9. Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena •5•
10.Tropical Andes •1•

11.Mediterranean Basin •14•
12.Cape Floristic Region •12•
13.Coastal Forests of Eastern Africa •10•
14.Eastern Afromontane •28•
15.Guinean Forests of West Africa •11•
16.Horn of Africa •29•
17.Madagascar & the Indian Ocean Islands •9•
18.Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany •27•
19.Succulent Karoo •13•
Central Asia
20.Mountains of Central Asia •31•
South Asia
21.Eastern Himalaya, Nepal, India •32•
22.Indo-Burma(Eastern Himalayas)•19•
23.Western Ghatsof India& Sri Lanka •21•
South East Asia and Asia-Pacific
24.East Melanesian Islands •34•
25.New Caledonia •23•
26.New Zealand •24•
27.Philippines •18•
28.Polynesia-Micronesia •25•
29.Eastern Australian temperate forests •35•
30.Southwest Australia •22•
31.Sundaland & Nicobar islands of India •16•
32.Wallacea •17•
East Asia
33.Japan •33•
34.Mountains of Southwest China •20•
West Asia
35.Caucasus •15•
36.Irano-Anatolian •30•

Biodiversity hotspots: Original proposal in green and added regions in blue

Criteria: To qualify as a hotspot, a region must meet two criteria:

1. It must contain at least 1,500 species of vascular plants (> 0.5% of the
world’s total) as endemics.

2. It has to have lost ≥ 70% of its original native habitat.

Characteristic features of hotspots

1. Hotspots are of global importance and are the hosts of priceless gift of

2. They are very rich in biodiversity, genetic diversity, species diversity (or a
combination of all).

3. Being the habitats of endemic and endangered species. They are having a
high level of endemism and are under threat of habitat destruction that
again leads to extinction of species.

Out of 36 hotspots of biodiversity in the world, two are present in India,

namely, the Eastern Himalayas and Western Ghats.

Salient features of Indian hotspots

(1) Eastern Himalayas: They display on ultra-varied topography that forest

species diversity and endemism.

1. They are numerous deep and semi-isolated valleys in Sikkim, which are
extremely rich in endemic plant species.

2. The forest cover in Eastern Himalayas has dominated to about 1/3rd of

its original cover.

3. Certain species like Sepia himalayas, a parasitize organism, was sighted

only twice in this region in the last 70 years.

(2) Western Ghats: It extends along a 17,000 km strip of forests in

Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It has 40% of the total
endemic plant species 62% amphibians and 50% lizards are endemic to
Western Ghats.

The hotspots are characterized by endemism. Interestingly, a few species are

common to both the hotspots in India.

Some common plants include Lernstroemia japonica, Rhode drum and


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