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Compact Cooler. GEA Heat Exchangers - GEA Bloksma BV

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Compact Cooler

GEA Heat Exchangers / GEA Bloksma BV

GEA Bloksma BV is part of the GEA Heat
Exchangers segment of the GEA Group and
specialised in designing and
manufacturing coolers. [ GEA Bloksma BV – background ]

Member of an excellent group

GEA Bloksma BV is part of the global GEA Group, which
operates in more than 50 countries worldwide. It focuses
on the two basic engineering processes of heat exchange
and mass transfer and continues to advance the market for
these key technologies.

By focusing all heat-exchanger activities in one single

The benefits of GEA: Heat Exchangers segment, GEA now highlights its position
You benefit from the innovative as world leader on the market of heat exchangers.
strength of a strong group Concentration of business in this new segment will further
We use the expertise of all improve the proximity to our customers and, at the same
company time, the access to the product portfolio of GEA. It will
areas when working on your likewise vigorously promote high GEA quality standards,
projects in conjunction with the customized solutions of GEA as a
You utilise the synergies from all leading technology group.
GEA segments
GEA Heat Exchangers covers numerous application areas,
from air conditioning systems to cooling towers, and
therefore probably provides the widest range of product
portfolio of heat exchangers worldwide. Finned-tube heat
exchangers, single-tube heat exchangers, Heller systems,
air-cooled condensers, wet cooling towers, plate heat
exchangers, HVAC systems, and all kinds of shell-and-
tube heat ­exchangers: for all feasible applications, the new
GEA segment Heat Exchangers offers from one source the
best possible solutions. And it powerfully supports
planning efforts in all areas of heat transfer.

GEA Bloksma 2
[ Innovative technologies ]

Experience and a world wide

GEA Bloksma has a long experience in designing and
manufacturing compact coolers. Many compact coolers
have been supplied and are operating successfully.

Due to this long experience GEA Bloksma can evaluate

every situation and can advise on installation. GEA
Bloksma has a wide variety of standard types and options.
This allows a fl exible design, based on the operating
conditions, taking in account dimensional limitations of
the installation.

Long-time experience in compact coolers

Proven cooler concept
Global presence
Strong focus and ongoing research and development
Compact coolers that are optimized to your design
because of the modular concept


The GEA Bloksma compact cooler range is due to its

modular design applicable for many cooling applications.
The design contains a wide variation of casted end pieces;
these are mechanically bonded to a shell tube. This
together forms the cooler shell. The connection is resistant
to high pressures and has accurate tolerances. Because
the construction is a non welded one, it is not sensitive for

By varying the diameter and length of the shell, GEA

Bloksma is able to make a wide range of sizes. From this
range we are able to select the most suitable one for your
application. This wide range of shell sizes, in combination
with different tube bundle inserts, makes the compact
cooler one of a kind and applicable for many variations in
cooling needs.

The modular construction results in a compact and

efficient cooler. Additional to that, the production lead
time is short and production procedures are transparant.
As a result of that the price level is competitive.

3 GEA Bloksma
Cooling Applications
Diesel & gas engines
Gear boxes
Oil supply units
Power stations
Air compressors

Common features / Benefits:

Compact design
Low weight construction
Non welded construction
Flanged of threaded connections, low installation
Less sensitive for vibrations
Tube bundle retractable from 2 sides
Design code AD 2000
CE/PED approved construction
Approved by a l l major Ma r ine Classif icat ion
Complete non welded construction
Double O-Ring construction:
– No intermixing of fluids
– Easy inspection / cleaning on tube side
– Shell side can be fi lled, when tube side inspection
is done
Flexible mounting:
– Horizontal - Vertical
– Brackets adjustable (around 90°)
– Fully adjustable brackets optional
Shell diameter range from 100 to 280 mm
Materia l execution in Marine Version (M V ) or
Industrial Version (IV)

Double O-Ring construction

GEA Bloksma 4
How to select?

your cooler

Oil Water Air Miscellaneous

Lube-Oil Compressor Transformer Engine Water Water Compressor P-OEM

Hydraulic Refrigerant Environmental- Central (environ-
MDO (Fuel) Protection Heating mental)
Transmission Cooling tower


Plate Plate finned inside Plate according
finned Refr. Double Tube Plain Tube Double Tube ribbed finned to

5 GEA Bloksma
P-PF (plate finned)
GEA Bloksma’s experience on Plate Fin technology goes
back many years and started its know-how in radiator
This applied technology has played a big role in the
development of the PF Cooler.

The PF Cooler combines both advantages of using a tube

bundle and plate fi nned heat exchanger technology. The
bundle exists of a tube stack and special designed plate
fi ns, which is built together as one rigid cooler bundle.
Because of this construction in combination with
optimized tolerances, the bundle has a very high efficiency
combined with a very compact size.
This results in a cooler of only 25% in size compared to
conventional tubular heat exchanger with plain tubes.

This specific heat exchanger type has high advantages in

applications where oil has to be cooled off with another
non-oil fluid. The surface on the shell side is enlarged due
to the lower heat transfer value of most oils.
The compact size is in favour where a certain need for a
compact, reliable, long-lasting and low maintenance
quality product is preferred.
This, for instance is applicable on gearbox systems where
Plate Finned Oilcoolers are mounted on top.

Due to the rigid cylindrical execution, vibrations and high

pressure pulses do not have any inf luence on the
performance of the Plate Fin Cooler.

A wide range of cooler sizes is available with various

configurations. On the tube side a choice can be made for
1, 2 or 3 pass executions in order to select the right layout
and size for your system.

Besides the industrial version (closed cooling water circuit,

clean water, etc) a marine version is available to meet
requirements such as open water systems or sea water
systems. The marine version is equipped with sacrificial
anodes that protect the tube bundle against corrosion.

GEA Bloksma 6
P-PF (plate finned)
Common features / Benefits:

High performance: Low maintenance and operating costs:

Very compact tubular cooler Easy to handle low weight tube
Low weight bundle, removable from both sides
Low oil and water contents Tube side inspection and easy
Low pressure drop due to GEA Bloksma design cleaning because of tubular design
knowledge Per cooler only four O-rings and a
Excellent price/performance ratio minimum of bolting
Special cleaning sets available
Reliability: Shell side fluid can remain under
Excellent resistance to shocks, vibrations and pressure during overhaul on the
pulsation’s because of cylindrical design, and tube side
homegeneous bundle Delivery from stock
Double O-rings on both sides, easy maintenance
Tubes are roller-expanded in the tube sheets Design data: Oil side Cooling medium side
Easy maintenance on tube side Design
pressure bar (g) 16 10
Flexible design:
World wide acceptance by all main marine Design
classification societies temperature (°C) 120 up to 120
DIN or SAE flanges and BSP connections available
To be mounted in every required position

Tubes: Copper Nickel, Steel, Stainless steel
Tube sheets: Seawater resistant brass
Shell: Nodular Casting/Carbon steel
Covers: Cast iron (IV), Bronze with anodes (MV)
O-rings: Viton

2500 P-PF output range



Output (kW)



Range P28
Range P20
Range P13
Range P10
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750
Oilflow (l/min)

7 GEA Bloksma
P-PFR (plate finned - refrigeration)
The PFR Cooler can be considered as an extension of the
Plate Fin technology where GEA Bloksma has many years
of experience as mentioned before. The PFR cooler
combines both advantages of using a tube bundle and
plate finned heat exchanger technology in the same way
the PF Cooler range does. Again this results in a cooler of
only 25% the size compared to conventional tubular heat

This specific heat exchanger type has high advantages

where oil cooled screw compressors have to be cooled with
another non-fluid, applied in refrigeration systems. The oil
with some refrigerant flows trough the cooler shell and
plate fin stack where the big surface is, whereas the non-
oil fluid is flowing through the tubeside of the stack with
it’s small surface.

The compact size is in favour where a certain need for

compact, reliable, long-lasting and low maintenance
quality product is preferred. Because of the rigid cylindrical
execution, vibrations and high pressure pulses do not have
any influence on the performance of the Plate Fin Cooler.

When choosing on cooling liquids, it is possible to choose

for closed loop systems with all steel materials (IV =
Industrial version). For aggressive liquids you can choose
for bronze with anodes and or coated materials (MV =
Marine Version).

For thermo syphon applications, the RV version is

developed to be able to stand 25 Bar pressures on cooling
medium (tube side).

The PFR cooler is specifically developed for use in

refrigeration systems where refrigerant, such as R22 or
NH3 is used as coolant. This liquid flows through the cooler
(tubeside) and leaves the cooler as a gas, due to heating up.
Because this coolant is very clean and executed as a closed
loop, very low maintenance is required.

GEA Bloksma 8
P-PT (plain tube)
The plain tube execution of the GEA Bloksma P cooler is
most suitable for cooling of water. Water quality can be
clean process water; water/glycol mixtures or sea (open
surface) water.

The compact construction of the P shell and the efficient

tube pattern of the tube bundle make the P-PT cooler small
and compact compared to traditional shell and tube heat

The the double O-ring construction, makes it possible to

inspect the tube side while the shell side is pressurized. In
case of a damaged O-ring, there is no intermixing of
circuits. This because there is still sealing secured by the
second O-ring.

The tube bundle of the PT cooler can be executed in

different materials. Depending on the applications a
selection of the suitable tube material is made.
A lso d i f ferent t ube d ia meters ca n be appl ied
(7.77 mm and 10 mm).

Range of tube materials

Carbon steel
 Stainless steel
 Inside coated (phenolic) tubes

Technical details/Features and benefits:

Max design pressure 16 bar on shell side and 10 bar
on tube side
 Max design temperature 120°C on both shell and
tube side
 Single or two pass executions
 Seawater resistant water boxes including sacrificial
anodes or cast iron water boxes when applicable
 Diameter range from 100 to 280 mm
 Length up till 3600 mm
 Easy cleaning, maintenance
 Flanged or threaded connections
 Tube bundle removable from 2 sides

9 GEA Bloksma
P-DT (double tube)

In case environmental rules or safety regulations prescribe

the use of a safety system, the GEA Bloksma double tube
concept is an excellent solution.

The GEA Bloksma DT concept excludes the risk of

intermixing of fluids caused by leakage one of the tubes.

In the rare case of leakage , a detection system is activated

which enables the user to take adequate measures to avoid
intermixing of fluids of leakage into the environment.

Transformer Oil coolers
Oil coolers where environmental or mechanical
damage should be avoided under all circumstances
Process Coolers

The principle of the Double Tube cooler is fairly simple. The
single wall between the two fluids is replaced by two walls
with an intermediate circuit.
Any damage in one of the tube walls will result in a filling
of the intermediate circuit.
This filling is detected and results in an alarm signal.

As alternative for the Double Tube cooler the use of a

secondary circuit could be considered. This alternative
however needs a second heat exchanger. This secondary
circuit needs conditioned cooling water, extra pumps,
piping vales etc.
The required heat and the second heat exchanger will be
larger and, as a consequence, more expensive as well as an
investment as operational costs.

All design options used for single tube heat exchangers are
also possible with the double tube construction, so different
material combinations and cooler constructions are
possible, depending on the fluids used.

GEA Bloksma 10
Custom build
GEA Bloksma has been building specific heat exchangers
on a custom build basis for many customers. Using its
expertise and standardized portfolio, GEA Bloksma is able
to design tubular heat exchangers specifically developed
for purposes in systems and installations.

Combinations of air coolers and lubricating oil coolers

have been developed to cool down both media in one heat
exchanger. To meet the demands in size, weight and typical
performance, GEA Bloksma has developed moulds for
casted cooler parts to be able to fit as component within
Custom built aluminium shells
the system. In some cases complete new combinations of
materials were applied after a testing period.

The GEA Bloksma R&D team is able to meet your

requirements by means of its expertise, testing facilities
and experience on all kinds of custom build heat exchangers
over many years of time.

If the demand of your specific tubular heat exchangers

exceeds t he ma x imum size a nd performa nce or
construction features for the P-cooler type, GEA Bloksma
has its N-type heat exchanger available. In the N-type a
wide variety of materials, construction details as well as
design codes are applicable. Combined cooling circuits

Please ask your local GEA Bloksma representative or GEA

Bloksma to select your optimized heat exchanger type.

Some examples:
Plate Finned oil cooler bundles for lube-oil modules,
as an insertable component
 One piece casted shells to meet customers size and
pressure demands for hydraulics

N-type according to TEMA

11 GEA Bloksma
GEA Bloksma complies with the
following classification societies:

ABS American Bureau of Shipping USA

BV Bureau Veritas France

CCS China Classification Society China

DNV Det Norske Veritas Norway

GL Germanischer Lloyd Germany

KR Korean Register of Shipping Korea

LRS Lloyds Register of Shipping UK

MROS Maritime Register of Shipping USSR

NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Japan

RINA Registro Italiano Navale Italy

GEA Heat Exchangers

GEA Bloksma BV
Draaibrugweg 15 · 1332 AB, Almere · The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (36) 5492 300 · Fax +31 (36) 5492 390
bloksma.info@geagroup.com · www.gea-bloksma.com

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