Writing Prompts For Adult Esl Students - Ver - 1
Writing Prompts For Adult Esl Students - Ver - 1
Writing Prompts For Adult Esl Students - Ver - 1
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50 Writing Prompts fo
Teacher Instructions: These prompts can be printed out and given to students. Students can read through the
prompts and choose which one they feel is most interesting. Alternatively, these prompts can be cut out and
put into a deck, for students to choose at random.
Create a fictional character who develops Write a story titled, ‘The Loneliest Animal/
superpowers. Describe the power and Person in the Jungle/Space/City’.
what they do with it. [choose 2 words]
Write a story that includes all the Write a story that starts with: “The
following words: witch – moon – tree – lake looked deceptively peaceful in the
confused – argument – jam mornings.”
Write a story about a strange piece of Write a story from the perspective of a
jewellery with magic powers. soldier.
Write a persuasive essay in which you Write a persuasive essay in which you
try to convince someone to move to your state that the world, at present, is the best
hometown. it has ever been.
Write a short story about a memorable Write a letter to your 13-year-old self.
encounter you’ve had with a stranger. Include advice, warnings, and reflections.
What was your favourite year of your life? Write a story about your favourite
What made it so memorable? childhood pet.
Write a letter giving advice to someone Describe the advice you have received
starting their first day of work. from a person more senior than you.
Imagine you could use a time machine Imagine you won 5 million USD in the
to visit a famous historical event. Which lottery. How would you spend the money?
event would you choose and why? Would Why? Describe your different purchases
you change anything? and investments.
Imagine you are now the CEO of the Imagine you have been given 1 month off
company you currently work at. How does work to go anywhere in the world, with an
this change your life? Describe your new unlimited budget. What do you do? Create
routine. a travel itinerary.
If you could “live” in the universe of any Imagine that you could travel back in time
book, which book would you choose and and relive one day of your life. Which day
why? Describe a typical day in your life as would you choose? What would you do
a character in this book. differently?
Write a short story about your perfect Write a note to your teacher, explaining
weekend. why you want to learn English.
Write a review of the last movie/TV show/ Write a review of the last restaurant you
book you watched/read. ate at.
Disclaimer: This resource has been made for the purpose of teaching English language learners. We know that students can be learning English in many different places, in many different ways and at age,
so we try to keep these resources as general as possible.
There are many acronyms associated with English language teaching. These include (but are not limited to) ELT, TEFL, EFL, ELL, EAL and ESOL. While the term ESL may not fully represent the linguistic
backgrounds of all students, it is the most widely recognised term for English language teaching globally. Therefore, we use the term ‘ESL’ in the names of our resources to make them easy to find but they are
suitable for any student learning to speak English.