Zechariah Questions
Zechariah Questions
Zechariah Questions
Available in print at
Bible Study Questions on the Book of Zechariah:
A workbook suitable for Bible classes, family studies, or personal Bible study
“He who glories, let him glory in the Lord” – 1 Corinthians 1:31
Scripture quotations are generally from the New King James Version (NKJV), copyright 1982,
1988 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. used by permission. All rights reserved.
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2. When did he prophesy? What other Bible books refer to this time period?
3. Special Assignment: What can you learn about the historical background of the nation
at this time?
4. What other prophet prophesied during Zechariah’s lifetime (Ezra 5:1,2; 6:14,15)?
6. Special Assignment: List some places where the book of Zechariah is quoted or referred
to in the New Testament. What should we learn as a result?
8. What was God’s attitude toward their ancestors – 1:2? (Think: How does this connect to
the Babylonian captivity?)
10. How had the ancestors responded to God’s instructions? What was the significance to the
people Zechariah addressed?
12. What lessons should the people of Judah learn from Zechariah’s questions?
14. When did Zechariah see the vision that begins in 1:7?
16. List other scriptures in which prophets saw visions of different colored horses.
17. What did Zechariah ask, and what was he told about the horses he saw – 1:9,10?
19. Application: What lessons should we learn about God’s concern about events on earth?
Consider other related passages.
20. What question is asked of God in 1:12? (Think: What is the significance of the seventy
22. How did God view the nations at ease – 1:15? What reason does He give? What is the
23. What promise did God make about Jerusalem in 1:16? Explain the surveyor’s line.
25. What did Zechariah see in the vision in 1:18,19, and what is he told they did?
26. Special Assignment: Explain what the horns represent. Consider what they are said to
have done along with passages such as Daniel 7:7,8,24; Psalm 18:2; 92:10.
27. What did Zechariah see in 1:20, and what question did he ask in 1:21?
29. Explain the meaning of the vision and the lesson the people of Judah should learn.
2. What question did Zechariah ask, and what was the answer – 2:2?
3. What did an angel say should be told to the man who was about to measure the city – 2:3,4?
5. What were the purposes of a wall around an ancient city? What other events occurring in
Jerusalem during Zechariah’s time would relate to this illustration?
6. Special Assignment: If the city of Jerusalem would overflow beyond its walls, what
lesson is taught by the vision?
7. Application: What application might the illustration have for us under the New
Testament, and what lessons should we learn?
9. What is the land of the north? What is the significance of the four winds? Explain how this
relates to events in Zechariah’s day.
11. What did God intend to do to those who plundered the nation of Judah – 2:8,9?
13. Application: What lessons can we learn today from this vision?
14. What promise did God make to Zion in 2:10? Explain the significance.
15. Who would be joined to the Lord and become His people at that time – 2:11,12?
16. List New Testament passages that refer to God’s people in the church as Israel or
Jerusalem spiritually. (Hint: Use cross-references from Hebrews 12:22ff.)
17. Special Assignment: What is the meaning of “nations,” and how would this prophecy
be fulfilled under the gospel? Show Scripture for your answer.
3. Special Assignment: List other passages about Satan, and explain what you know
about him.
4. What was he doing in the vision, and what does this tell you about his character?
6. Special Assignment: What is the significance of the brand plucked out of the fire?
Explain God’s rebuke of Satan.
8. What was placed on Joshua, and what is the significance of that – 3:4?
9. What was given to him in 3:5? List other passages about the high priest’s turban.
13. List other passages about the branch. To whom does it refer?
14. Special Assignment: Explain the relationship between Jesus and the high priesthood
of the Old Testament.
15. What was placed in front of Joshua, and what did it have on it – 3:9?
16. List other passages about the significance of seven eyes (note 4:10).
18. Special Assignment: Explain what the coming of Jesus would have to do with removing
the iniquity of the land.
19. What would happen “in that day” – 3:10? Explain the meaning.
20. Special Assignment: List other passages in Zechariah that use the phrase “in that day.”
What was the significance of the expression?
2. What question did the angel ask, and how did Zechariah answer – 4:2?
4. What did Zechariah ask the angel, and how did the angel respond in 4:4,5?
5. Whom did this vision concern according to 4:6? Who was this man?
8. Special Assignment: What responsibility did Zerubbabel have at this time (see 4:9)?
What lesson would this message have under these circumstances?
10. Application: What lessons can we learn about our efforts in building the spiritual temple
of God today?
12. Special Assignment: Explain the reference to small things – 4:10 (compare Ezra 3:12;
Haggai 2:3).
13. What are the seven (4:10), what do they see, and what is the significance?
14. Application: What applications can be made of these principles to the church under the
New Testament?
15. What subject is returned to in 4:11? What question does Zechariah ask?
18. What two offices under the Old Testament involved anointing to service? (Check a
19. Special Assignment: Explain how men in these two offices would serve to give light to
the people like a lampstand. How does this relate to the visions in chapters 3,4?
3. What did the scroll represent, and whom would it affect – 5:3?
10. Whom did the symbol represent? That is, how many people did it symbolize?
14. In what way does this vision relate to the previous one earlier in the chapter?
15. Who came then, and what did they do with the basket – 5:9?
16. What question did Zechariah ask, and what was the answer – 5:10,11?
17. Special Assignment: What do you know about the place where the basket was taken?
18. Explain the symbolism of what happened to the basket with a woman in it.
19. Application: What lessons should we learn from the vision of the basket?
4. Special Assignment: Where else does Scriptures refer to horses of different colors?
5. Study the passages below and explain what the colors symbolize:
* Red (2 Kings 3:22; Revelation 6:3,4) –
6. Where did the different chariots go – 6:6? (Think: What countries would be found in these
10. What was Zechariah told to receive, and where was he to go – 6:9,10?
11. What was Zechariah to make, and what was he to do with it – 6:11?
12. What kind of headgear did priests wear (see 3:5)? What men wore crowns?
16. Special Assignment: Would priests reign on a throne under Moses’ law? Explain.
17. What kind of priest would Jesus be, and how did this differ from priests under the Law of
Moses (Genesis 14:18; Psalm 110:4; Hebrews 5:9,10; 7:1-3,25)?
18. What temple did Jesus build (Ephesians 2:21,22; 1 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 3:6)?
* Colossians 1:12-14
* Revelation 1:9
* Hebrews 12:22-28
* 1 Corinthians 15:21-26
20. What peace does Jesus make (Ephesians 2:14,17; Isaiah 9:6,7; Micah 5:5)?
21. Special Assignment: Is Jesus priest now (Hebrews 8:1-4; 7:1-3,14,25; 5:1-10)? Based
on these prophecies and their fulfillment, what does this teach us about Jesus as king?
22. Case Study: Premillennialism claims that Jesus will establish His kingdom when He
returns, so His kingdom does not now exist. What application should we make from what we have
learned based on this section of Zechariah and related passages?
23. What was done with the crown Zechariah made, and what purpose did it serve – 6:14?
3. What question did they ask the priests and the prophets – 7:3?
6. What question did God tell Zechariah to ask these people – 7:4,5?
7. Special Assignment: Why had the people been fasting (note the reference to seventy
years)? Explain the meaning of the people’s question and of Zechariah’s response.
8. What was the people’s motivation when they did not fast – 7:6?
9. What should have been the concern of the people according to 7:7?
Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor –
11. Application: Explain what we should learn about what is really important to God.
12. How had the people responded to the former prophets – 7:11,12?
14. What happened because the people would not listen to God – 7:13?
16. Special Assignment: Explain how Zechariah’s response to the people answered the
question they had asked about fasting. What should we learn?
3. Special Assignment: Consider when these blessings would come and why God would
still bless Zion considering the sins for which He had accused them.
6. How would people view such developments and how would God view them – 8:6? (Think:
in what way would their views differ?)
7. Define “remnant.”
11. Special Assignment: Review Zechariah 2:8 and the passages that refer to the church in
the New Testament as spiritual Israel or Jerusalem. Consider whether the promises in this context
would be fulfilled under the Old Testament or in the Messianic age.
12. To whom did God speak in 8:9 and what did He urge them to do?
15. In what ways would God treat the remnant differently – 8:11,12?
16. How does 8:13 compare their previous condition to their future condition?
18. List the conditions they must meet in order to have God’s favor – 8:16,17.
22. What question from the previous chapter does this answer? (Note that more fasts are
mentioned here than previously.)
23. Special Assignment: Explain what lessons God meant the people to learn.
24. In the days of blessing in the future what would other peoples do – 8:20-23?
26. Special Assignment: Explain how this prediction would fit the New Testament.
2. Special Assignment: Find what information you can about these places.
3. List other passages where prophets prophesied against these cities (not all are mentioned
elsewhere in Scripture).
7. Special Assignment: Find what information you can elsewhere in Scripture about these
10. What will be removed from the Philistines – 9:7? What would those who remain be like?
(Think: Can you explain the significance of the prophecy?)
11. What promise did God make for His house in 9:8? (Think: Is this literal or spiritual?)
12. Who will come, how will He come, and how will the people react – 9:9?
15. What will be removed from Ephraim and Judah – 9:10? Explain.
18. What did God promise to do for the prisoners – 9:11? What reason is given?
19. What should those who are released to do, and what will God do for them – 9:12?
20. To what are Ephraim and Judah compared in 9:13? Against whom would they fight?
21. Who will be over them and what will be the result – 9:14?
22. What will God do for them and what will be the result according to 9:15? (Think: What is
the significance of this difficult verse?)
23. List three illustrations from 9:16 that show how God views His people. Explain each of
2. Special Assignment: In contrast, list the consequences that come from following idols
and listening to diviners – 10:2.
3. Define “diviners.”
4. To what does Zechariah compare those who follow such false guides? Explain the
5. How did God describe false leaders and what was His attitude toward them in 10:3?
8. What would God’s people do to their enemies – 10:5,6? Where would they obtain the
10. What would the people of Ephraim be like? What does God promise them in 10:7?
13. Where would the people go and what would happen to them there – 10:9?
14. From where would they come and to where would they go – 10:10 (see a map)?
15. Special Assignment: What is the significance of Assyria and Egypt in the history of
Israel? Consider how this promise would be fulfilled.
16. When in history did Israel pass through the sea and the river was dried up – 10:11?
17. So what is the significance of passing into the sea and the river drying up here?
18. What would happen to their enemies? What does this represent?
3. What sounds would be heard – 11:3? (Think: What is the significance to Judah?)
4. What animals are described in 11:4,5? What would their owners do to them?
5. Why did the owners think they had the right to do this?
6. Special Assignment: What should Zechariah do to this flock? Contrast this to their
previous owners and consider what lesson should be taught. (Hint: Compare 10:2,3. Consider the
possible reference to Judah’s captivity and their return from captivity.)
7. What would God then do to the “inhabitants of the land” – 11:6? (Think: Consider the
possible application of this to the nations who had taken Judah captive.)
8. So what was done for the flock that had been destined for slaughter – 11:7?
9. What two staffs were used? (Think: What might be the significance of their names?
Compare verses 10,14.)
10. What did God do to shepherds in 11:8? Why? (Think: Who might these shepherds
12. What happened to the staff Beauty, and what was the significance – 11:10? (Think: To what
covenant does this refer?)
13. What would some of the sheep recognize – 11:11? Who would this represent?
16. Where is this quoted in the New Testament, and what application is made of it?
17. What happened to the other staff Bonds, and what was the significance – 11:14?
19. Who would this represent, and what will God do to them – 11:16,17?
20. Special Assignment: See if you can explain the significance of the symbolism in this
chapter. Consider in your explanation the reference to Jesus in verses 12,13.
2. Special Assignment: Explain why God describes Himself in this way, and especially
what is the importance of the fact that He forms the spirit of man within him?
3. How does God illustrate the effect Jerusalem has on those who attack her – 12:2?
4. List other passages where God uses drunkenness to describe the confusion and weakness
of those who would oppose His purposes. Explain the illustration.
5. List New Testament passages where God’s people, the church, are referred to spiritually
as Israel, Judah, or Jerusalem.
6. Special Assignment: Make a list of verses in Chapter 12 that use the expression “in that
day.” Explain what time this refers to.
9. What do the governors of Judah say in 12:5? To whom does this refer?
10. To what does God compare them in 12:6? Explain the illustration.
12. What does God promise to do for Jerusalem – 12:8,9? What will He do to her enemies?
13. How are the people compared to the house of David? Explain the illustration.
14. What will God do for the house of David and Jerusalem, and what will they do is result –
15. Special Assignment: Where is this verse quoted in the New Testament? Explain the
application given to it there.
16. What will happen in Jerusalem, and to what is it compared – 12:11? (Think: What may be
the significance of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo?)
17. To what would the house of David and the house of Nathan refer in 12:12? (Hint: Note 1
Chronicles 3:5; Luke 3:27,31.)
18. To what would the house of Levi and the family of Shimei refer – 12:13 (Hint Note
Numbers 37:17,18.)
19. What would they and all the families that remain do – 12:12-14?
20. Special Assignment: What is the connection to 12:10, and what is the significance of
the mourning?
2. Special Assignment: Explain how this would be fulfilled and give Scripture references
as evidence.
3. What will happen “in that day” to idols, prophets, and unclean spirits – 13:2?
4. Special Assignment: In what sense would prophets cease from the land in that day?
Give Scripture and explain the conclusion.
5. Special Assignment: What are unclean spirits, and in what sense did they cease in that
day? (Think: How did unclean spirits in the first century differ from other times?)
8. Special Assignment: What is the significance of the robe of coarse hair? (Note 1 Kings
19:13,19; 2 Kings 1:8.)
9. Please give your best explanation of the wounds in the hands – 13:6.
13. How does this fulfillment help us understand the proper application of other events
prophesied in the chapter?
15. Special Assignment: What might be the fulfillment of the two thirds that perish?
18. Special Assignment: Explain the fulfillment of the refining of the remnant.
2. What would happen to Jerusalem at this time – 14:1,2? (Think: Does this refer to literal or
spiritual Jerusalem? Note the reference to the remnant.)
3. List other passages that describe persecution against the New Testament church.
4. What will the Lord do with the nations that fight against Jerusalem – 14:3?
5. What will the Lord do “in that day” – 14:4? (Think: What else do you know about the Mount
of Olives?)
7. Case Study: Premillennialists say this passage proves Jesus will literally stand on earth
when He comes again. What can we learn in this book and elsewhere about such claims?
9. Special Assignment: What might the light in this difficult passage represent? If there is
no light, but then light, what might be happening?
10. What else will happen “in that day” – 14:8? Where and when will it happen?
12. What will the Lord do “in that day,” and how is He described – 14:9?
15. Special Assignment: If the land is spiritual Jerusalem/Israel, in what sense would it
become a plain?
16. What will happen to the people at that time – 14:11? Explain the significance.
17. What plague will come upon those who fight against Jerusalem – 14:12?
18. What will come upon the people “in that day” – 14:13?
22. What will happen to the remnant of those who oppose the Lord and his people – 14:16?
24. What should come upon those who refuse to keep this feast – 14:17-19?
25. What is the meaning of “nations”? From what particular country would some people
come? (Think: Did they literally observe the Old Testament Feast of the tabernacles?)
26. Special Assignment: Explain the fulfillment. In what sense would these people keep
the Feast of Tabernacles? What might be symbolized by rain and the plague?
27. What will be written on the bells of the horses – 14:20? Explain the expression.
29. What will not be found among the people? What is the significance?
30. Special Assignment: In what ways would this prediction fit under the New Testament
and the church? (Consider 1 Peter 2:5,9; Ephesians 5:26,27.)