Supreme Commander PC Manual EN

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Chapter 1: Welcome to the War..................................................................................................................... 2
The Infinite War........................................................................................................................ 2
Installing Supreme Commander ......................................................................................... 2
Main Menu ................................................................................................................................. 3
Game Screen and User Interface ...................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Armored Command Unit ........................................................................................................... 8
ACU Overview & History ....................................................................................................... 8
ACU Upgrades ......................................................................................................................... 8
Destruction of ACU ................................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 3: Resource Management .............................................................................................................. 10
Mass ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Energy ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Managing Your Economy ...................................................................................................... 11
Unit & Building Costs ............................................................................................................. 11
Adjacency & Other Bonuses ................................................................................................ 12
Chapter 4: Command & Control ................................................................................................................... 12
ACU Commands ....................................................................................................................... 12
Support Commander Functions & Commands ................................................................ 13
Engineer Commands .............................................................................................................. 13
Strategic Zoom ....................................................................................................................... 13
Waypoint Management .......................................................................................................... 13
Construction Queues ............................................................................................................. 14
Chapter 5: Your War Machine ...................................................................................................................... 14
Formations ............................................................................................................................... 14
Unit & Building Upgrades ...................................................................................................... 14
Transporting Units ................................................................................................................. 15
Patrols ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Coordinated Attacks .............................................................................................................. 16
Missile Deployment & Use .................................................................................................... 16
Shields ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 6: Intelligence War .......................................................................................................................... 17
Stealth & Cloaking .................................................................................................................. 17
Radar & Jamming ................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 7: Factions & Units .......................................................................................................................... 18
United Earth Federation ....................................................................................................... 18
Cybran Nation .......................................................................................................................... 32
Aeon Illuminate ....................................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 8: Multiplayer & Skirmish............................................................................................................... 60
Support & Warranties................................................................................................................................... 64

Credits ..................................................................................................................................................... 68

DirectX 9.0C Required
You are required to have DirectX version 9.0c (included on the Installation Disc) or later to
play Supreme Commander.
The year is 3844. Troubleshooting
The Infinite War has raged for over 1,000 years between three human factions: United
Earth Federation (UEF), Aeon Illuminate and Cybran Nation. Quantum Gate technology
Please refer to the Readme.txt file (located on the Installation Disc) for the latest
grants any of the factions near-instantaneous travel across the galaxy. Massive Armoured
information regarding troubleshooting and technical support.
Command Units can construct and unleash entire armies anytime and anywhere.
The war has claimed billions of lives. Entire planets have been turned into nothing more
than dead rocks floating in space.
There is no room for compromise.
There is no room for mercy.
Only you can end the Infinite War.
The Main Menu is the central hub for accessing all aspects of Supreme Commander. From
this screen, you can start or continue a single-player campaign, change a variety of
INSTALLING SUPREME COMMANDER options, join a multiplayer game or play a skirmish game against the computer. All of the
specifics of the Main Menu are covered below.
Insert the Supreme Commander DVD, or Disc One, into your disc drive. When the
Installation Screen appears, click Install and follow the instructions as they appear on the Campaign
If the Installation Screen does not appear, double-click the My Computer icon on your There are three single-player campaigns in Supreme Commander, one for each faction. By
desktop, then double-click the disc drive containing the Supreme Commander DVD-ROM. selecting the Campaign button, you can begin a new campaign, continue an existing
Find and double-click Setup.exe to launch the Installation Screen. Click Install and follow campaign or load a saved game.
the instruction

Enter the cd key
Online multiplayer requires the use of Supreme Commander’s free matchmaking service, which
is installed when you install Supreme Commander. Within the game itself, you can create and
You will be asked to enter a unique CD Key during the installation process. Your key is
play LAN or Direct Connect games; click the appropriate button for those game types.
located on the back page of this manual. You must have a valid CD Key in order to
complete the installation process and play Supreme Commander.
Protect your CD Key: do not let anyone else use it. Place the game case and manual in a Skirmish
secure place; you will need them if you ever need to reinstall the game. Neither THQ nor
Gas Powered Games will ever ask you for your CD Key. In Skirmish mode, you play against computer-controlled opponents on a variety of
multiplayer maps.

updates and patches Tutorial

Check the Supreme Commander Web site ( or The Tutorial offers detailed explanations on all of Supreme Commander’s gameplay for any updates or patches prior to playing the game. features. Once you have started the Tutorial, you can watch videos that clearly demonstrate
In addition, when you log in to the online service, it will auto-detect if your game needs specific gameplay features, and then try out those features yourself in a non-hostile
to be updated. It will then automatically download and install any available updates. sandbox mode.

Mod Manager Additional resources
Enables and disables mods. Please see the Readme.txt for more information.
If you would like additional help, please visit You will find
community help as well as information from members of the Supreme Commander
Replay development team.

Any recorded games are accessed from this menu option.

You can access a wide variety of options through the Options menu that determine how
Supreme Commander looks and plays. Click Options and then the appropriate section to
make your adjustments.

About: This section contains the game credits and EULA.

Gameplay: All of the gameplay-related settings are adjusted in this section. You can
change the economy warnings, whether or not to display tooltips and other options.
Sound: Adjust your audio settings.
Video: Adjust video settings such as resolution, anti-aliasing, etc. Supreme Commander
offers dual-monitor support, and that feature is enabled in the Video options.
Please Note: The hardware requirements for dual-monitor support are much higher than
they are for a single monitor.

important concepts
Although this manual will explain in great detail how to play Supreme Commander, there
are a few concepts that you should immediately familiarise yourself with:

Shift Command & Control: By holding down the Shift key, you can issue multiple move
and attack orders, as well as create construction queues. Simply hold down Shift while you
issue your commands.

Tech Tree: There are three tech levels in Supreme Commander. You access the higher
tech levels by upgrading your factories and then building an Engineer at that level.
(Tech 3 Engineers can also construct a fourth, experimental, level of unit.)

Strategic Zoom: You can instantly zoom in or out by scrolling your mouse wheel. This
gives you a close-up view of a specific area or of the entire Theatre of War. (If you do not
have a mouse wheel, you can also zoom in and out with key strokes. Q zooms in and W
zooms out.)

Camera Control: By holding down the space bar key and moving your mouse, you can
change how you view the battlefield.

indicates how much Mass
you have available and the Indicates how much Energy
you have available and the
rate at which it is increasing rate at which it is increasing
or decreasing. or decreasing.

1- military
2- Unit Color
3- economy
4- intelligence
5- open and close
mini map

By clicking on a building
or unit, you can see your
construction options.
The Mini-Map is an effective way
of getting a quick snapshot of
the entire battlefield. It can be
toggled on or off.

Your available tech

levels are viewed
via these buttons. Unit-specific orders.

6 G ame S creen & USER INTERFACE 7

All of the upgrades are outlined below; remember that ACU upgrades will cost you Mass,
Energy and time. While your ACU is being upgraded, it cannot engage in any other
building activities, nor can it move. Moving your ACU while it’s being upgraded will cancel
ACU overview & history the upgrade.

The Armoured Command Unit (ACU) is the most recognisable, powerful and flexible CYBRAN ACU UPGRADES
weapon in the Infinite War. It is your avatar on the field of battle, and you will use it to Back:
direct your military operations. Personal Teleporter: Lets your ACU teleport across the battlefield. Requires large amounts
Used by all three factions, the ACU was originally developed by the Earth Empire (which of Energy.
later became the UEF) as a solution to the unique transportation problems of the Quantum Personal Cloaking Generator: Cloaks your ACU from visual detection. Can be upgraded.
Gate Network. The Earth Empire needed to be able to project military power to any world Resource Allocation System: Increases the ACU’s resource generation.
connected to the Network, but the logistics and costs of sending physical matter across the
galaxy made teleporting large armies difficult and prohibitively expensive. Left Central Housing:
The ACU is a personal, armoured exoskeleton several times larger than a normal human, Tech 2 Engineering Suite: Increases your building options. Can be upgraded.
operated by a single highly-trained and motivated pilot. Although the pilot is constantly in Advanced Cooling Upgrade: Increases ACU’s rate of fire.
communication with his command structure via the onboard Quantum Communication
system, the pilot is in sole command of the forces on the battlefield. Right Central Housing:
Microwave Laser Generator: Central chest weapon.
Construction Nanite Torpedo Tube: Central chest weapon.
The primary mission of the ACU is to construct and command a robotic army. Because it
cannot bring a large force with it through a Quantum Tunnel, it stores digital template AEON ACU UPGRADES
patterns of basic military base structures within protected banks of synthetic DNA memory Back:
storage. Its Proto-Crafter does the rest. Personal Shield Generator: Generates a shield around the ACU. Can be upgraded.
Using the power from its onboard fusion reactor and an initial store of Mass, the ACU can Personal Teleporter: Lets your ACU teleport across the battlefield. Requires large amounts
build basic Energy and Mass resource collectors at the target site. (the ACU also generates of Energy.
resources on its own, although on a much smaller scale.) Factories capable of building Resource Allocation System: Increases the ACU’s resource generation. Can be upgraded.
basic military units can also be constructed; from these factories, Engineers can be Chrono Dampener: Creates an area-of-effect stun field.
constructed, which, in turn, are able to build even more complex structures.
As long as the environment can provide Energy and Mass, the ACU can produce basic Left Central Housing:
units indefinitely. Those units, in turn, can utilise the same basic system to create structures Crysalis Beam Augmentation: Increases range of main cannon.
of increasing complexity, size and power. Tech 2 Engineering Suite: Increases your building options. Can be upgraded.

Command Right Central Housing:

Enhanced Sensor Systems: Greatly increases the Omni and optical radius of the ACU.
The ACU utilises state-of-the-art communication and data analysis systems that specialise
in the coordination of large military forces and the management of a growing base of Heat Sink Augmentation: Increases the main cannon’s rate of fire.
A powerful virtual-reality interface links the pilot to all subordinate units. This enables the UEF ACU UPGRADES
pilot to assess the needs of the battlefield and direct his forces as necessary. The pilot may Back:
order single units or entire fleets to attack, defend and perform complex manoeuvres. The Personal Shield Generator: Generates a shield around the ACU. Can be upgraded.
interface is entirely scaleable to suit the pilot’s needs in any of these situations, no matter Personal Teleporter: Lets your ACU teleport across the battlefield. Requires large amounts
how extreme. of Energy.
The same VR interface also allows the pilot to organise and plan the effective construction Tactical Missile Launcher: Enables your ACU to fire tactical missiles. Can be upgraded.
of one or more bases of operation. Left Shoulder Pod: Creates a construction drone. Can be upgraded.

ACU upgrades Left Central Housing:

Damage Stabilisation System: Increases your ACU’s hitpoints and rate of armour
During the course of a mission, you can upgrade your regeneration.
ACU with a variety of additional construction and weapon Tech 2 Engineering Suite : Increases your building options. Can be upgraded.
systems. The available upgrades depend on the faction.
Also, you can only have one upgrade per slot at a time.

Right Central Housing:
Heavy Anti-Matter Cannon: Increases the amount of damage caused by the ACU’s primary Data-Link: Mass Fabricators require a rather significant amount
Resource Allocation System: Increases the ACU’s resource generation. of Energy, so before constructing Fabricators, ensure that your
Energy levels are sufficient. After building a Fabricator, you can
destruction of acu always turn it off if your Energy is depleted.
Although your ACU is designed to weather an extreme amount of damage, it is not
invulnerable. If enough damage is inflicted upon it, it will be destroyed in a massive
thermonuclear explosion. The resulting blast will destroy and/or damage anything within
the radius of the blast. Always be aware of your ACU’s status. Energy
The primary way to gather Energy is through the construction of Power Generators. These
can be constructed at any location on the map, but it is advised that you construct them
adjacent to your factories and other buildings. (Adjacency is explained later in this
chapter.) Like Mass Extractors, there are three levels of Power Generators that you can
Certain planets have large hydrocarbon deposits beneath the surface, and you can tap into
that Energy source by constructing Hydrocarbon Power Plants. The locations of the
hydrocarbon deposits are located on the map; Hydrocarbon Power Plants can only be
constructed at those locations.

There are two resources in Supreme Commander, Mass and Energy: Mass is the essential
building block of every unit and structure, while Energy represents the power required to Storage
build and operate some units and structures. Both resources are collected from the surface
of the planet via structures that can be built by either your ACU or Engineers. You can create additional storage for both Energy and Mass. Simply order one of your
Engineers to construct the appropriate storage building. Constructing storage buildings
not only keeps your excess resources from being wasted, it also increases the overall
MASS amount that you can collect and store.

There are three ways to collect Mass, but the primary method is through the use of Mass
Extractors. As you progress through the three Tech levels, you can build increasingly larger managing your economy
Extractors that drill deeper into the surface of the planet. However, all Mass Extractors
must be constructed on the areas of that map that have been designated as Mass Although the collection of Mass and Energy is largely automated, you will need to keep an
Deposits. eye on your economy at all times. There are several key concepts that you should
familiarise yourself with:
A secondary way to collect Mass is through reclamation. As units and buildings are Income: The rate in which resources are being produced.
destroyed, they leave behind charred remains. You can order your ACU or an Engineer to Expense: The rate in which resources are consumed.
“reclaim” this Mass by selecting an Engineer and then right-clicking on the remains. The Net Income: The difference between Income and Expense.
Reclaim icon will automatically appear, and the unit will move to gather the remains. Storage: Mass or Energy that is stored in a structure that is used only when the Net
Income of either resource is negative.
You can also extract Mass by “reclaiming” environmental objects, such as rocks and trees. Stalled Economy: When Mass or Energy storage is at zero and the net income is
(Rocks give only Mass, while trees give Mass and Energy.) The instructions are the same as negative. A stalled economy will result in the slowing of construction.
outlined above.

The third way to collect Mass is through the use of Mass Fabricators. These structures take unit & building costs
your excess Energy and convert it to Mass. The use of Fabricators can be an important
strategic move, especially if you find yourself cut off from Mass Deposits. To maximise the Before constructing a unit or building, it is a good idea to get a sense of how it will impact
efficiency of Mass Fabricators, construct them adjacent to your Energy-producing your overall economy. If you scroll over a build icon, a window will appear with two
buildings. numbers: Build Cost and Operational Yield. The first is the direct cost of constructing the
unit or building; the second is how much the unit positively or negatively impacts your
overall economy.

The latter figure is especially important to consider when you are
contemplating constructing structures like shield generators, artillery or
support commander
other Energy–consuming structures.
functions & commands
Adjacency & other bonuses Depending on the circumstances on the field of battle, you may choose to call in a
Support Commander who will help you with your war efforts. You must build a Quantum
By constructing Energy-producing buildings next to your factories and other structures,
Gateway in order to request a Support Commander. The Support Commander has all of
those structures will receive an adjacency bonus. The amount of bonus that you receive is
the functionality as your primary ACU, but it can also be ordered to carry out automated
determined by how many sides of the structure are “attached” to Power Generators.
Each side amounts to 25% of the total bonus, so if one of your factories has Power
Generators on one side only, it will receive 25% of the bonus. Two sides equals a 50%
Your Support Commander can assist any number of structures; create an assist queue by
bonus, three is a 75% bonus and all four sides gives you the full bonus. The number of
holding down Shift. If any of the structures your Support Commander is assisting are
Power Generators required on each side is determined by the size of the building and the
destroyed, the Support Commander will automatically rebuild them.
size of the Power Generator.
In addition, if one of your buildings is destroyed by the enemy, you can construct a new,
identical building on the ruins and a receive a construction bonus that reduces the Mass
and Energy required to construct the new building.
engineer commands
Because of their specialised nature, Engineers are capable of constructing more units
and structures than your default ACU. They can also assist the ACU, other Engineers and
even factories.
This can be a particularly effective technique, especially if you need to quickly construct a
large force of units. Simply select an Engineer, or group of Engineers, and order them to
assist a factory. You can use the same technique to increase an Engineer’s building speed;
order a second Engineer to assist the first.
Your primary mode of control in Supreme Commander is the mouse. The mouse cursor is
context-sensitive, so depending on the action that you wish to perform, it will
automatically adjust to fit that command. This section offers more detail about how the
Command and Control system works.
strategic zoom
At any time during an operation, you can zoom in or out on
the Theatre of War. Simply scroll your mouse wheel, and you’ll
ACU commands automatically zoom out to a satellite view. From this view, you
can still issue commands, such as setting up an attack run or a
Because your Armoured Command Unit is the most important unit in the game, it also has flanking manoeuvre on the enemy’s position. You can also set up
the most robust command system. In order to issue a command, left-click the appropriate coordinated attacks, which are covered in the next chapter.
command button and then left-click on the object or location. You can also right-click on the To zoom in on a specific area of the map, move your mouse over the area and scroll the
object or unit and use the context-sensitive cursor to issue the order. mouse wheel (or use Q and W, as outlined earlier). You’ll then zoom in on the area of the
map that you wish to explore in greater detail.
Move: Orders your ACU to move to a user–specified location.
Attack: Orders your ACU to attack a specific unit or building.
Patrol: Orders your ACU to patrol a specific area.
Stop: Halts your ACU’s current action.
Assist: A dual-purpose command, your ACU can guard a unit or building or assist an Waypoint management
Engineer with its construction.
Hold Fire/Return Fire: Changes the ACU’s combat status. It will aggressively engage the By holding the Shift button, you can see and create a
enemy. variety of waypoints by right–clicking on different areas of
Pause: Pauses the ACU’s current action. the map. Waypoints will be broken into different
Overcharge: Overcharges your ACU’s primary weapon; once charged, it can destroy segments with circles; to change one of those segments,
almost any other unit in the game. mouse over the waypoint and the cursor will turn into
Reclaim: Orders your ACU to collect specified resources on the battlefield. a hand. Move the hand to drag the waypoint position.
Capture: Orders your ACU to capture the specified structure.
Repair: Orders your ACU to repair a unit or buildings.

Construction queues Transporting units
As soon as you begin constructing a factory, you can One of the most effective ways to move your ground units
queue up the construction of units. Click the outline around the battlefield is through the use of transports. The
of the factory as it’s being constructed and click the unit amount that each transport can carry is determined by its tech
icons to create the queue. If you hold down Shift, you level; higher level transports will be able to carry a larger
queue up five units of that type. number of units.
There are several ways to use Supreme Commander’s transport system. The most basic is
You can also order the factory to upgrade and then queue to select a group of units to transport and click the Move order. Once the units are loaded,
up higher-level units. click the transport’s Unload command and left-click on the map. It will then move the units
to that location and drop them off.
However, the demands of battle can require a more robust transportation system. In those
Data-Link: To group a large number of units together, simply instances, you can set a factory’s waypoint at a position across the map and then order a
select the units and press Ctrl + 0-9. Because each number can transport to assist the factory. The transport will load up units as they are constructed,
transport them to the waypoint, unload them, and return to the factory. The transport will
form its own group, you can have up to 10 groups of units. continue this process as long as there are units.
A third way to transport units is via the ferry system. Select a transport, left-click the Ferry
command and left-click the transport’s destination. A Ferry Beacon will then appear under
the transport. Select the units that you wish to move and left-click the ferry beacon to
“load” them; the transport will gather up as many units as it can hold and move to its
destination. It will continue this process until all units have been transported.

Data-Link: Transports can assist each other with ferry routes, so
Formations are an extremely effective way to manage large groups of units. To create a you can have several transports using the same route. Simply order
formation, select the units and then hold down the right mouse button. While the right
mouse button is held down, click the left mouse button; this will cycle through the
additional transports to assist the first one.
available formations. When you reach the desired formation, release the right mouse
button. Ctrl+ left-click will order your units to move in formation.

Unit & building upgrades
Patrols are an extremely effective way of detecting and engaging enemy advances. You
There are three tech levels in Supreme Commander (and an experimental fourth level), can order ground, sea and air units to patrol a given location.
and each one unlocks additional weaponry and structures. To reach the next tech level, To start a patrol, select your units, left-click the Patrol command and left-click the position
upgrade one of your factories. This will unlock the units available at that level (while still on the map where the patrol should end. To extend the patrol’s length, hold down Shift
allowing you to construct units at the lower level). and click to add additional waypoints.
Once you have upgraded a factory, construct an Engineer at your highest tech level. That If you want to see the patrol route once your units are on the move, hold down the Shift
new Engineer will be at the same tech level as the factory and will be able to construct button while the units are selected. To lengthen the patrol, or alter its path, simply hold
structures at the higher level. down Shift and left–drag the waypoints to a new location on the map.
Air units on patrol have a limited fuel supply. If they run low on fuel, they will become
slow and unmanoeuverable, but they can still return fire. Construct Air Staging Platforms
along the patrol route, and your aircraft will automatically land, refuel and resume their
Data-Link: Once you have upgraded your factories, the tech patrol. If your Air Staging Platforms are at another location on the map, you must
level of your current Engineers does not change. If all of your manually order your aircraft to land and refuel.
factories are at Tech 2, any Tech 1 Engineers that you have will not
be able to construct Tech 2 structures. However, they will be able
to assist Tech 2 Engineers.

Coordinated attacks
An advanced technique for waging war on your enemies
involves Coordinated Attacks. By using this system, you can
pull different types of units from any location on the map Knowledge of your enemy’s capabilities, movement and location are all extremely
and order them to simultaneously attack a designated target. important if you are to emerge victorious. There are several key elements to the
Intelligence War, all of which are detailed here.
In order to issue this order, be sure that your forces are broken into different attack squads.
Give the first squad its attack order; then, while holding down the Shift button (so you can
see all of the orders), select the second squad and double-click on the first squad’s attack Stealth & cloaking
order. Your units will now initiate a Coordinated Attack.
Stealth hides your position from enemy sensors, such as scouts and radar installations. It
does not guard against actual visual confirmation, though, so if enemy units are able to
missile deployment & use penetrate within the hidden area, your position will be revealed. There are both mobile and
fixed stealth generators.
There are both offensive and defensive missiles in Supreme Commander; the latter will
shoot down any incoming enemy missiles, and there are two types of offensive missiles Cloaking, on the other hand, protects you from visual confirmation but does not protect
that you can deploy--tactical and strategic. you from radar. Some units, such as the Cybran ACU, can be upgraded with both stealth
Tactical missiles have a shorter range, but can be extremely effective when used against and cloaking, making them invisible to everything except the Omni Sensor radar system.
concentrations of enemy units. To determine the range of your tactical missiles before you
actually build the launcher; scroll out a bit and look for the circle that marks the effective
range of your tactical missiles. Radar & Jamming
Nuclear missiles have no range limitations and can utterly decimate an enemy’s base. Both
nuclear and tactical missiles have substantial Energy requirements, so make sure that your Depending on your tech level, there are three levels of
economy can handle the load prior to construction. radar available to you. (the types of radar are explained
in more detail in the next chapter). As you go up the tech
tree, the type of radar that you can construct increases in
both range and the amount of information that you receive.
Scouts offer limited radar capabilities, so an effective
Data-Link: After constructing the missile launcher, you must strategy in the early stages of a battle is to send out scouts
construct the individual missiles. Select the launcher and and place them at key, strategic positions and chokepoints.

click the Build Missile button. Some units can “jam” enemy radar systems by flooding the area with false-positive hits
that makes it impossible to know which “hits” are real, and which ones are fake.

The Omni Sensor radar system is able to neutralise all enemy counter-intelligence efforts.
It prevents false-positives from flooding the radar screen and reveals all units and
Shields structures hidden via cloaking or stealth.

Although shields require a great deal of Energy, they also

provide excellent protection from ballistic-style munitions,
such as bombs, artillery shells and small yield missiles.
Outgoing munitions pass through the shield, so it does not
disrupt your defenses. However, if enemy units are able to
get inside shield, the shield will no longer provide protection.
Shields do not provide permanent protection; as they take damage, the Shield Bar will
slowly decrease. When it reaches zero, the shield will turn off and slowly regenerate. There
are both mobile and fixed shield generators.

Key UEF Characters
Name: C. Allen Riley II
Rank: President & EarthCom
United earth federation Commander-in-Chief
Age: 54
The Earth Empire, which would eventually become the United Earth Federation, was the
original society from which the other two factions (Aeon Illuminate and Cybran Nation)
One overarching goal has dictated President
splintered. Through innovation, ambition and desire, the Empire expanded its borders into
Riley’s 10-year tenure as President of the United
the furthest reaches of the galaxy. Eventually, the Empire grew so large that it could no
Earth Federation: ending the Infinite War.
longer support itself; it fragmented and the Empire plunged into chaos and civil war.
Administrative records indicate that Riley hopes
Only the core of Earth Command (EarthCom), the military arm of the now shattered Earth
to achieve this goal by aggressively attacking the
Empire, remained to carry on the torch of a united Earth-descended government. They
enemy along two fronts.
gathered power unto themselves and eventually initiated a strategy to reunite all worlds
A data cull from UEF Quantum communications reveals a distinct increase in the
under Earth’s banner. As the United Earth Federation (UEF), they are driven to restore their
UEF-generated propaganda directed against both the Aeon Illuminate and the Cybran
former glory, pursuing the ideals of brotherhood, honor and tradition--the virtues that once
Nation. Said propaganda has resulted in substantial increases in the morale and allegiance
made them great. This time they promise to remain conscious of the lures of greed and
of systems along the outer rim of UEF-controlled space.
corruption that lead to the original Empire’s downfall by tempering their individual
Under Riley’s authority, significant improvements have been made to all aspects of the
ambitions with a new, united camaraderie.
UEF military, and the amount of money funneled into “black op” weapons has
dramatically increased.
Culture All available polling data suggests that Riley maintains a high degree of popularity in the
The average UEF citizen is not much different from a 20th Century citizen of Earth. They eyes of both the civilian sector and the military. A closer examination of the data reveals
are artisans, athletes, craftsmen, warriors and philosophers. They desire stability and that this is largely a result of Riley’s spotless military record as a former UEF Commander
order, but their ideas on how this should be achieved vary widely. Each has his own and his reputation for cutting through bureaucracy.
opinion on how the government should achieve its goals and whether or not the UEF Unknown to all but President Riley’s closest inner-circle is the fact that Riley is now
even has the right to try and restore something that failed so long ago. Ancient religions suffering from a degenerative spinal disorder.
are as varied and diverse as they were in pre-war days and continue to be a motivating
factor for many.
Even if individuals differ in their political or social perspectives, the single most common Name: Samantha Clarke
trait shared by every UEF citizen is their sense of brotherhood and community. UEF Rank: General
colonists really band together when times are tough. Positively contributing to society Age: 49
and personal improvement is a way of life for UEF citizens. For this reason, UEF
communities very rarely contain vagabonds and homeless individuals. The daughter of Stephen Clarke, acknowledged
hero of the battle of Nova Prime, General Samantha
Military Clarke made a binding offer to join the United Earth
In general, UEF military units are larger, more aggressive versions of 20th Century military Federation military at age 16 and enlisted on her 18th
hardware; everything is bigger, louder, bristles with more weapons and packs a more birthday. Early service records indicate Clarke
impressive punch. The UEF prefers weaponry that causes impact damage, such as various volunteered for the least-attractive duties,
ballistic munitions, and area of effect ordinance that causes widespread destruction, such demonstrating that she was determined to succeed
as nukes and radiation devices. They also make excellent use of lasers and plasma weapon without trading on her father’s name.
technology to pinpoint sensitive areas on large military units. They tend to announce their As one of the youngest Commanders in UEF history,
impending attacks by utilising brute-force jamming techniques before moving in for the kill. Clarke fought in campaigns that stretched across numerous systems. Medical logs indicate
UEF military tactics are the most conventional of the factions, with a focus on concentrated that she was injured during the bitterly contested, nine-month battle for Scorpii 18; she
fire to bring down enemy units quickly and effectively. They also have a penchant for strong was one of the few survivors to emerge from that conflict.
defenses, giving them precious time to marshal a response to any unexpected attack. UEF security systems record two assassinations attempts against Clarke, both of which
UEF soldiers, and especially their Commanders, are subjected to heavy genetic engineering. were initiated by the Cybran Nation. Both attempts met with failure and the capture of the
Thorough psychological screening for loyalty and sanity has become a requirement since a Cybran agents involved.
few Commanders went rogue during the Empire’s infancy. While this still can happen, the The highest-ranking officer in the UEF, Clarke directs all aspects of the UEF’s campaign
process helps ensure that each Commander believes unquestioningly in their duty to lead from her war room on Earth.
mankind out of the current chaos of war and into an Age of Peace.

Name: Zachary Arnold
Rank: Colonel T1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun “Archer”
Age: 47
An incredibly fast rate of fire and good turret tracking capabilities
A weathered man in his late 40s, Colonel Zachary makes the Archer a good defense against all but the fastest moving air
Arnold has spent the better part of his life in the UEF. targets.
Though he is well past the maximum age
for field service, Arnold has used his extensive
connections to stay in combat. Because he has few T1 Medium Tank “MA12 Striker”
true friends and his wife died of cancer many years
ago, Arnold prefers to stay on the frontlines, The mainstay of the Earth forces, the Striker packs focused firepower
waging his own style of warfare against the UEF’s and armour into a sturdy shell. Recent upgrades to the Striker’s build
enemies. Arnold has been at the forefront of so pattern equipped it with a standard Gauss Cannon.
many battles that both the Aeon and Cybrans have
extensive files on him. It is even rumoured that all
Aeon Commanders-in-Training are required to attend
a special seminar on his favoured tactics. T2 Heavy Tank “Pillar”
The heaviest tank in the UEF arsenal, the Pillar features Dual Gauss
Cannons that fire High Explosive ordinance. With its heavy armour, the
Pillar has become a staple of UEF armies.
UEF Units & Structures
T3 Support Commander Support Command Unit T2 Amphibious Tank “Riptide”
This unit can continually rebuild and repair any unit or structure. While the UEF’s amphibious tank does only light damage, its rate of
It is self-repairing and capable of traversing through large bodies fire can make quick work of even the thickest hulls. The unit’s air
of water. The Support Commander is summoned through a cushion lets it traverse across any body of water.
Quantum Gate.

T1 Land Scou “Snoop” T2 Mobile Missile Launcher “Flapjack”

The UEF scout is a fast, lightly armoured reconnaissance vehicle With its Tactical Cruise Missiles, the Flapjack has almost twice the
that sports a machine gun and a state-of-the-art sensor suite. range and firepower of the Lobo. It also features heavier armour and a
stabiliser system that lets it fire while on the move.

T2 Mobile Anti-Aircraft Flak Cannon “Sky Boxer”

T1 Light Assault Bot “Mech Marine”
The Sky Boxer is an excellent companion to mobile armour. It is often
The primary role of the Mech Marine is direct fire support. This used as a temporary base defense when a Commander has not been
lightly armoured ground unit sacrifices damage potential and able to build the heavier Flak Cannon.
staying power for superior speed and maneuverability.

T2 Mobile Shield Generator “Parashield”

T1 Mobile Light Artillery “Lobo”
The Parashield makes use of the latest generation of UEF Pulse Shield
The Lobo is a versatile mobile artillery unit. Its long range, high Generators. Mounted on a mobile chassis, the Parashield is extremely
ballistic arc and area damage make it perfect for softening mobile useful in protecting moving units.
enemy units. It is vulnerable to units that can engage it at short range.

T3 Siege Assault Bot “Titan” T2 Gunship “Stinger”
Aside from experimental units, the Titan is the biggest, toughest unit The Stinger is armed with a single Riot Gun, which fires at an
in the UEF arsenal. It features dual Heavy Plasma Cannons, giving it extremely high rate. A transportation clamp allows the Stinger to pick
an unprecedented level of firepower. up a single light vehicle or bot and transport it into battle.

T3 Mobile Heavy Artillery “Demolisher” T2 Torpedo Bomber “Stork”

The preferred mobile artillery piece for many Commanders, the A twin-tailed plane, the Stork carries a payload of Angler torpedoes
Demolisher fires Anti-Matter Shells from a purpose-built long-range that it uses to excellent effect against any naval unit.
artillery cannon. The Demolisher cannot fire while moving.

T4-X Mobile Factory “Fatboy”

T2 Air Transport “C14 Star Lifter”
With armour and firepower equivalent to a standard UEF Battleship,
the Fatboy can roll into hostile territory and not only defend itself, but The C14 is a heavily armed and armoured troop transport. It is also
also create an entire army on-the-fly. capable of carrying tanks, vehicles or any other unit that can fit within
the transport’s clamp system.

T1 Air Scout “Hummingbird”

T3 Spy Plane “SR90”
The standard air scout for UEF forces, the Hummingbird sacrifices
weapons and armour for an advanced optical suite that gives it an Based on an ancient design, the SR90 carries state-of-the-art
excellent field of vision. electronics and has an active radar system. Though quite fast, the
SR90 lacks any weapons and is vulnerable to Interceptors.

T1 Interceptor “Cyclone”
T3 Air-Superiority Fighter “Wasp”
The standard UEF Interceptor, the Cyclone is a fast, manoeuverable
craft that sports linked Anti-Air Railguns as its armament. The next evolution in UEF fighter technology, the Wasp is armed with
two Rapid Pulse Beam systems. These beams are designed to inflict
maximum damage against lightly armoured enemy aircraft.

T1 Attack Bomber “Scorcher” T3 Strategic Bomber “Ambassador”

The workhorse of the UEF air efforts, the Scorcher is an effective area The Ambassador compliments its small yield nuclear bomb with a
bomber that is useful against both mobile and stationary targets. single Railgun for light anti-air support and defense.

T1 Light Air Transport “C-6 Courier” T3 Heavy Gunship “Broadsword”

The basic UEF transport, the Courier can rapidly transport up to six The upgrade to the Stinger, the Broadsword features two Tactical
units to any location on the field. However, the Courier is extremely Rocket Launchers, which fire armour-piercing ordinance, and an
vulnerable to both anti-air fire and Interceptors. Anti-Air Railgun. It is a ground-attack platform without equal.

T1 Frigate “Thunderhead” Class T1 Point Defense “DM-1”
The UEF frigate is designed to offer both fire support and radar and The standard point defense of most colonies and installations, the
sonar capabilities. The Thunderhead also houses an onboard radar DM-1 inflicts a solid rate of damage for the construction and operating
jammer. costs incurred.

T1 Attack Submarine “Tigershark” T1 Anti-Air Turret “DA-1”

The Tigershark attack sub is a powerful and fast anti-naval unit. It has The UEF’s base level anti-air defense is a cheap, efficient air defense
dual forward-firing torpedo bays and a Plasma Cannon that can fire turret. This unit can be built on both land and water. When constructed
when the Tigershark has surfaced. over water, it floats on a stabilisation platform.

T2 Cruiser “Governor” Class T1 Torpedo Launcher “DN-1”

The Governor’s primary role is that of anti-aircraft platform. It houses The basic anti-naval unit for coastal and facility defense, the DN-1 fires
an anti-missile system, a SAM missile system, a Dual Gauss Cannon the standard UEF Angler torpedo that is used by almost all UEF
and a Tactical Cruise Missile Launcher. anti-naval units. The DN-1 can only be built in water.

T2 Destroyer “Valiant” Class Wall Section

The Valiant offers a mix of direct fire and anti-submarine weaponry. Formed from calcicrete, an advanced concrete mixture, these wall
The Valiant includes an Angler Torpedo Bay and a Smart Depth Charge sections serve to both block enemy movement and provide minor
launcher which can intercept and destroy enemy torpedoes. cover from direct fire.

T3 Battleship “Summit” Class T2 Point Defense “Triad”

The Summit is a powerful shore bombardment and anti-ship vessel. It The Triad is a potent and decisive base defense. With good range and
houses three Tri-Barreled Heavy Gauss Cannons, four Anti-Air rate of fire thanks to the three Heavy Gauss Cannons, the Triad can
Railguns and two Anti-Missile Phalanx Guns. shred any enemy unit that comes within its range.

T3 Strategic Missile Submarine “Ace” T2 Flak Cannon “Air Cleaner”

The Ace is a submersible missile platform. Its primary arsenal is an More powerful than the light Anti-Air Railgun, the Air Cleaner Artillery
array of Long-Range Tactical Missiles. The Ace can refit one of its Flak Cannon is a staple of the UEF anti-air efforts. When constructed
cruise missiles for extra range and with a nuclear warhead. over water, the Air Cleaner is built on a flotation platform.

T2 Tactical Missile Defense “Buzzkill”

T4-X Submersible Aircraft Carrier “Atlantis”
The Buzzkill has six rotating barrels that fire up to 12,000 rounds a
With its ability to submerge, the Atlantis can safely transport a fleet of minute. Combined with sophisticated tracking software, Buzzkill
aircraft great distances. It can also act as a mobile Air Staging Platform. destroys missiles with astonishing speed and accuracy.

T3 Heavy Shield Generator “HSD Pulse”
T2 Torpedo Launcher “Tsunami”
The upgrade to the Tech 2 Shield Generator, the HSD features a larger,
Launching bursts of four Angler torpedoes, the Tsunami is the more powerful shield, but at an increased operating cost.
top-of-the-line UEF naval defense. The Tsunami can only be built on

T3 Heavy Artillery Installation “Duke”

T2 Shield Generator “SD - Pulse” The largest standard artillery piece in the UEF arsenal, the Duke fires
the same anti-matter shell as the “Demolisher” Mobile Artillery Piece,
The Pulse makes use of the UEF’s latest military technology, the Pulse but with a much greater range.
Shield Generator. This shield generator can be upgraded into a Tech 3
version that has a larger area of protection.
T3 Nuclear Missile Launcher “Stonager”
The Stonager can create and store up to five nuclear missiles in a
T3 Anti-Air SAM Launcher “Flayer” special, hardened storage chamber. The unit must be ordered to
construct its missiles.
The Flayer’s SAM system is incredibly potent against enemy aircraft.
When constructed over water, the Flayer is built on a flotation platform.

T3 Quantum Gateway
T2 Artillery Installation “Klink Hammer” The Tech 3 Quantum Gateway calls a Support Commander
to the battlefield.
The permanent support structure allows this artillery installation
greater range than its mobile counterpart. It is much more functional
against slow moving or stationary targets.
T4-X Strategic Artillery “Mavor”
T2 Tactical Missile Launcher “Aloha” The most advanced of the UEF strategic weaponry, the Mavor delivers
devastating, pinpoint-accurate firepower at extreme ranges. The
The Aloha launches Long-Range Cruise Missiles with deadly accuracy. Mavor can shell any enemy position, regardless of the size of the
Each missile is constructed by the launcher, and the unit must be theatre.
ordered to construct its missiles.

UEF Construction
T2 Air Staging Platform “Refuel & Repair” T1 Engineer
The Engineer is a multi-purpose construction, repair, capture and
The Air Staging Platform (ASP) is a complete refueling and repair
reclamation unit. It is amphibious and can skim across the water’s
platform designed to extend the effective range of aircraft.
surface to construct naval facilities.

T3 Strategic Missile Defense “Nuke Eliminator” T1 Land Factory

The Land Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a
war. The factory is outfitted to create only land-based units. The factory
The Eliminator is designed to destroy incoming strategic missiles
can be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.
before they reach their target. The Eliminator must be ordered to
construct its defensive missiles.

T1 Air Factory T3 Land Factory
The Air Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Land Factory. This factory cannot be
war. The factory is outfitted to create only air-based units. The factory upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
can be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.

T1 Naval Factory T3 Air Factory

The Naval Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Air Factory. This factory cannot be
war. The factory is outfitted to create only naval units. The factory can upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.

T2 Engineer T3 Naval Factory

This is the upgraded version of the Tech 1 Engineer and is capable of This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Naval Factory. This factory cannot be
building more complex structures. It is built at a Tech 2 factory. upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.

UEF Resource Management

T2 Land Factory
This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Land Factory. This factory can be T1 Power Generator
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives the factory access to advanced unit The Power Generator is a cheap, solid, stable source of Energy
patterns. It can assist other factories. generation. Power Generators can be linked to other structures, giving
the linked structure a small reduction in operating costs.

T2 Air Factory T1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant HCPP - X1000

This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Air Factory. This factory can be
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives the factory access to advanced unit Deposits of hydrocarbon-containing natural resources remain a viable
patterns. It can assist other factories. form of Energy to this day. The HCPP is much more efficient than a
standard Power Generator.

T2 Naval Factory T1 Energy Storage

This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Naval Factory. This factory can be The Energy Storage Unit increases the maximum energy capacity of a
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives the factory access to advanced unit Commander’s economy. The ESU releases this Energy for either the
patterns. It can assist other factories. construction or operation of vital structures and units. Build adjacent
to Generators to receive a bonus.

T3 Engineer T1 Mass Extractor

This is the upgraded version of the Tech 2 Engineer and is capable of Mass is a valuable resource in the Infinite War and is mined by Mass
building the most complex structures. It is built at a Tech 3 factory. Extractors. The Mass Extractor can be upgraded to a more efficient
version, the Mass Pump.

T1 Mass Fabricator UEF Intel
The Mass Fabricator is an ingenious system for converting pure
Energy into usable Mass. The Energy costs are immense, so it is only
viable when little or no Mass is available.
T1 Radar System SA1 - 1000
The UEF’s standard radar installation is an effective way to monitor an
area for unauthorised trespassing. The light version has a limited
range and armour, but it can be upgraded.
T1 Mass Storage
The Mass Storage Unit increases the maximum Mass capacity of a
Commander’s economy. The MSU dispenses the Mass for the
construction or operation of vital structures and units. Build adjacent
T1 Sonar System SP1 - 1000
to Extractors and Fabricators to receive a bonus.
The UEF’s sonar installation is very similar to the radar equivalent.
Serving as a cheap, short-range detection mechanism, the SP1 does its
job well. The SP1’s sensor package can be upgraded.
T2 Power Generator “EG - 200 Fusion Reactor”
The upgrade to the Power Generator, the Fusion Reactor’s
construction cost is high. Construction of structures next to a Fusion
T2 Radar System SA2 - 2000
Reactor improves the operating efficiency of the adjacent structures.
The SA2 is a long-range equivalent to the light radar system. The
Tech 2 Radar Installation can be upgraded into the Tech 3 Omni Sensor.

T2 Mass Extractor “Mass Pump”

The Mass Pump is upgraded from the Mass Extractor or built by a
Tech 2 Engineer. This version is more costly to maintain, but results in
T2 Sonar System SP2 - 2000
much faster Mass collection.
The SP2 is a long–range equivalent to the light sonar system. This
Tech 2 Sonar Installation can be upgraded from the Tech 1 version and
into a mobile variant.
T3 Power Generator EG-900 Fusion Reactor Array
The Fusion Reactor Array is the best front-line energy supply
available. Construction of structures next to a Fusion Array improves
T2 Stealth Field Generator
the operating efficiency of the adjacent structures.
The Stealth Field Generator covers a decent area with an advanced
radar-stealth field.

T3 Mass Extractor “Mass Pump 3” T3 Sonar System SP3

The Mass Pump 3 is upgraded from the Mass Pump 2 or built by a
The SP3 is a mobile equivalent to the long–range sonar system. In
Tech 3 Engineer. This version is more costly to maintain, but results in
addition to a superior sonar range and mobility, the SP3 comes with a
much faster Mass collection.
bottom mounted torpedo turret.

T3 Mass Fabricator T3 Omni Sensor Array “SA3 - Omni”

The Mass Fabrication Facility produces a large amount of Mass at an
exorbitant Energy cost. Only an infrastructure with a tremendous
The Omni Sensor Array is the ultimate in intelligence gathering. In
amount of Energy would be able to operate one of these facilities.
addition to a very long range, the Omni will also counter stealth fields
and other cloaking technology.

Brackman disabled the loyalty programming in the Symbionts within his colony, and they
fled into deep space. They now called themselves Cybrans. Today, Brackman lives in
Cybran nation secrecy, his life extended through Cybran technology. He has had to pay the price for this
longevity, however, in that he has completely lost his physical body. His goal, and that of
The Cybran Nation dates its beginnings back to the original Earth Empire. In 2592, Doctor the Cybran Nation, remains firm – freedom for every Cybran, and overcoming the UEF
Gustaf Brackman, an unparalleled genius in cybernetics, successfully ‘twined’ the first oppressors who seek to eliminate them from existence.
human/AI pair, which became known as a Symbiont. After an initial round of testing,
volunteers were recruited.
Over the next few decades, hundreds of thousands joined the program. The Symbionts The Cybrans are varied and diverse in their interests, much like any human culture, except
were placed in key roles throughout the galactic infrastructure. Over time, the Earth Empire Cybran interests often revolve around technical specialisation. The Cybran Nation is
became reliant upon the Symbiont’s speedy AI-assisted thinking, and their ability to composed of loosely affiliated Nodes (akin to ancient tribes) of people, and many of the
perform complex processes quickly and easily. Cybrans have augmented their bodies so that they look more machine than man.

Unknown to the public, and the Symbionts themselves, Brackman had conceded to Cybrans view their captive brothers and sisters with a great deal of sympathy, a view that
governmental pressure and installed a loyalty program into the AI system of each is fostered by Brackman. The Cybrans prime motivation for waging war against the UEF is
Symbiont. In the event that something went “wrong” with the AI, the loyalty program to overcome their rule and free as many enslaved Symbionts as possible.
would be activated and the Symbiont would be under the control of the Earth Empire.
As a result of their beginnings, the Cybrans have come to share a common vision of
A short time later, Brackman and a large complement of his Symbiont “children” relocated achieving freedom and autonomy through technology. They have possessed technological
to a newly colonised system on the edge of the galaxy. Over the next few years, aptitude and a deep, almost kindred understanding of AI.
Brackman’s colony thrived, earning substantial revenues through the exportation of
technology. Eventually, Brackman and the Symbionts realised the Earth Empire was a Military
hindrance; for them to truly succeed, they’d have to be led by fellow Symbionts. The Cybran military is composed of guerrilla fighters, assassins, pirates and rogues who
hide in the shadows. They wait for the precise moment to attack, and then unleash small
Brackman personally petitioned the Empire for independence, fully intending to surgical strikes that leave their enemies reeling. For the most part, the individual Nodes
contribute to the galactic society as they currently were, but freed from the shackles of the are counter-cultural in nature, and it is not uncommon for them to wage war amongst
slow-thinking fleshy minds of their overseers. This request was flatly refused by the themselves. When pitted against the greater threat of the United Earth Federation and the
Empire, which viewed the petition as an open act of rebellion. In response, the Empire Aeon Illuminate, however, they band together.
declared that an occupation force would be sent to the world.

Brackman warned that any invading fleet would be met with resistance. The Symbionts Key cybran Characters
had been designed to be superior to natural humans and it was clear that they were now
seen as inferior – less than human – slaves. Brackman declared the planet a free world for Name: Doctor Gustaf Brackman
him and his creations. He christened his people the Cybrans. Rank: Leader of the Cybran Nation
Age: 1,048
When the occupying force arrived, the Symbionts actively resisted them. In response, the Faction: Cybran Nation
Earth Empire ordered its troops to slaughter the Symbionts. Because of this action,
Symbionts across the galaxy began to riot. Undoubtedly one of the most brilliant minds to have
ever lived, Doctor Gustaf Brackman created the
The Empire immediately declared an emergency, and, unknown to the populace at large, Symbiont “twining process” that melds an AI with a
secretly activated the loyalty program that Brackman had placed in every AI. This program human host. His invention marks him as both the
effectively “gentled” the entire Symbiont population, stilling their free will and turning literal and figurative “father” of the Cybran Nation.
them into docile and obedient citizens, capable of continuing their complex duties, but Military logs and operational expenditures clearly
without risk of rebellion or uprising. demonstrate that Dr. Brackman is one of the greatest enemies of the UEF; there have been
countless assassination attempts made against him. However, historical data prior to the
Few people noticed the sudden change in Symbiont behaviour because of Earth Empire formation of the Cybran Nation reveals that Brackman was once one of the Earth Empire’s
propaganda that painted Brackman as the villain. The Earth Empire accused Brackman of most-favoured sons.
inciting the violence in the first place by artificially agitating the Symbionts. Brackman’s ‘twining’ process promised a new step forward in human evolution and
seemed to be the key that would continue the Earth Empire’s prosperity. However, the
loyalty programming Brackman was forced to install in the Symbionts caused him to first
protest through official channels, and then openly revolt.

Brackman’s current whereabouts are unknown. What is known is that after openly rebelling
against the Earth Empire, Brackman and his Symbiont “children” (now dubbed Cybrans) T1 Heavy Assault Bot “Mantis”
fled to the outer regions of known space.
From that location, Brackman formed the first Cybran Node, which eventually morphed Sporting a Heavy Laser Autogun in each arm, the Mantis can lay down
into the Cybran Nation. Health records concerning Brackman are highly encrypted, but it is an impressive field of fire. It can also be ordered to repair itself and
known that he is over 1,000 years old and kept alive by extremely advanced cybernetic other units.
technology and hardware.
Dr. Brackman continues to lead the Cybran Nation, dedicating his life to the search for new
ways to ensure the safety of his people and liberate those Symbionts still under UEF rule.
T1 Mobile Artillery “Medusa”
The Medusa fires small yield EMP grenades, which can destroy light
Name: Ivanna Dostya units and seriously damage tougher ones.
Rank: Elite Commander
Age: 37

All files concerning Ivanna Dostya’s life before

the age of 18 are incomplete; prior to that time, she T1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun “Sky Slammer”
resided on Earth, her AI loyalty programming fully
initialised.The earliest data stream concerning The Slammer incorporates a new Nano-Dart system, which fires a
Dostya is a single line mention of her “rescue” at small rocket-propelled dart that has exceptional speed and homing
the hands of elite Cybran Nation commandos. ability. The Nano-Dart can also be set to fire on land targets.
Additional data streams emerge after Dostya’s
enlistment into the Cybran Nation military. Records indicate that Dostya’s quick ascent through
the ranks was only matched by her growing reputation for cunning and brilliance on the field of T2 Heavy Tank “Rhino”
battle. Several of her numerous commendations specifically congratulate her on her uncanny
ability to defeat her foes, no matter the odds. She is one of the the most successful commanders The Rhino is a favourite of many Cybran Commanders. Its Dual
ever to serve the Cybran Nation. Particle Cannon packs a powerful punch that compliments its role as a
Dostya’s current rank is Elite Commander. In addition, she serves as Dr. Brackman’s personal front line attacker.
military attaché. Service logs from Cybran military installations indicate that it is quite rare for her
to personally appear on a battlefield; she directs her forces from the Cybran command post.

Cybran Units & Structures T2 Amphibious Tank “Wagner”

T3 Support Commander Support Command Unit While surfaced, the Wagner utilise a Heavy Electron Bolter. When
submerged, the Wagner reconfigures its Bolter to fire torpedoes.
This unit can continually rebuild and repair any unit or structure. It
is self-repairing and capable of traversing through large bodies of
water. The Support Commander is summoned via a Quantum Gate.

T2 Mobile Missile Launcher “Viper”

T1 Scout “Mole”
The Viper is the upgrade to the Medusa, substituting EMP Grenades
The Mole forgoes weapons to make room for a cloaking field
with a Loa Missile System; the missiles split when they are hit by
that makes it invisible to radar; the effect does not work
enemy missile defenses. In addition, the Viper has superior armour
against visual detection.
and handling characteristics.

T1 Light Assault Bot “Hunter” T2 Mobile Anti-Air Flak Artillery “Banger”

The Hunter is a fast strike bot designed to work in groups. Though
The Banger fires a shell that creates a temporary electromagnetic
it’s lightly armoured and does moderate damage, its relatively low
storm in a small radius. This damages enemy electronics and will
cost allows for many to be built quickly and deployed as support
cause failures in the enemy systems, destroying the unit.
or a light task force.

T2 Mobile Stealth Field System “Deceiver” T1 Light Air Transport “Skyhook”
When the Mobile Stealth System is active, radar signals are This small transport is designed to carry a very small task force of bots
dampened. This effect causes units linked to the Deceiver to and/or tanks. It is very fast but lacks the cargo capacity, armour and
not show up on enemy radar systems. This has no effect on weaponry of its heavier counterpart.
optical sensors, however.

T2 Gunship “Renegade”
T3 Siege Assault Bot “Loyalist”
The Renegade is a fast attack copter designed to provide
The Loyalist is the Cybran’s heaviest conventional direct fire weapon. ground support. The twin rocket tubes launch direct–fire
It employs a Disintegrator Pulse Laser as its primary armament and rockets at ground targets.
utilise a Heavy Electron Bolter to deal with lighter forces.

T2 Torpedo Bomber “Cormorant”

T3 Mobile Heavy Artillery “Trebuchet”
The Cormorant drops torpedoes that cause serious damage to naval
One of the biggest guns in the Cybran arsenal, it is necessary for the vessels and structures.
Trebuchet to extend its stabilising arms before it can fire. It cannot fire
while moving.

T2 Air Transport “Dragon Fly”

T4-X Spiderbot “Monkeylord”
The Dragon Fly can easily carry a small squad of bots or vehicles. Its
The Monkeylord is a land-based juggernaut. Its stealth field system single Autocannon lets it defend itself against air attacks while its EMP
consumes massive amounts of Energy, and its main Heavy Cannon can stun targets for a short time.
Microwave Laser Generator sweeps across any enemy in its path.

T1 Air Scout “Flying Eyes” T3 Spy Plane “Spook”

The Cybran air scout sports an older design and is pretty typical in its The Spook uses a sonic resonance scanner that is capable of bridging
functionality. It has a great visual radius, high speed, no weapons and the gap between conventional radar and sonar. In addition, the Spook
light armour. can be set to fly in stealth mode.

T1 Interceptor “Prowler” T3 Air-Superiority Fighter “Gemini”

The Prowler is a state-of-the-art air-superiority fighter. Its Autocannon The Gemini features a Nanite Missile system that fires volleys of small
sacrifices damage for a high rate of fire and accuracy; it literally tears missiles in a spread to maximise hit probability. It has more armour
its target apart with hundreds of rounds. than the Prowler, but is still a relatively light unit.

T1 Attack Bomber “Zeus” T3 Strategic Bomber “Revenant”

The Zeus packs a large punch by deploying a bomb that detonates just The Revenant’s proton bomb does considerable initial damage that
before impact, delivering a powerful area of effect explosion and radiates outward. Additionally, the Revenant features a rear-mounted
exposing the area to a concentrated dose of radiation. Flak Cannon and an onboard stealth field.

T4-X Gunship “Soul Ripper” T3 Strategic Missile Submarine “Plan B”
The Ripper delivers massive firepower as well as air projection power A special internal construction bay allows the Plan B to build and store
on the front lines. This gunship bristles with weaponry, including a single warheads that are designed to decimate forces at a strategic
pair of Heavy Iridium Rocket Racks. level.

T1 Frigate “Trident” Class T1 Gun Tower

The Trident serves as a heavily armed mobile radar and sonar The standard ground defense for civilian and secondary military
platform. Armed with a Proton Cannon and an Anti-Air Auto–cannon, outposts, the Tech 1 Point Defense features a Heavy Laser Autogun that
it is capable of providing basic direct fire and anti-air support. provides ample defense without draining the local economy.

T1 Attack Submarine “Sliver” T1 Anti-Air Turret “Tracer”

The fourth generation of a venerable design, the Sliver has seen The Tracer employs the standard Cybran Anti-Air Auto–cannon for
service across the galaxy. It sports a Nanite Torpedo Launcher and a anti-air defense rather than a direct fire laser. When built over water,
deck-mounted Heavy Laser for surface operations. the Tracer is fitted with a flotation platform.

T2 Cruiser “Siren” Class T1 Torpedo Launcher “Scuttle”

The Cybran cruiser can serve many roles, but it is primarily an anti-air A re-engineered Gun Tower, the Autogun has been replaced with a
and short-range rocket platform. This cruiser also offers aircraft repair Nanite Torpedo Tube and fitted with a flotation device. It fires the
and refueling capabilities. standard Cybran Nanite Torpedo.

T2 Destroyer “Salem” Class T1 Wall Section

A single Dual Proton Cannon makes up the Salem’s primary direct fire Like the other factions, the Cybrans employ modular wall pieces to
capability. This destroyer deploys legs when it encounters land, protect their structures from unwanted intrusion and direct
enabling it to walk, albeit very slowly. weapons fire.

T3 Battleship “Galaxy” Class T2 Point Defense “Cerebus”

The Galaxy Class Battleship is completely and utterly loaded with The upgrade to the standard Gun Tower, the Cerebus comes equipped
weaponry. Its primary role as a direct fire and bombardment vessel is with three vertically stacked particle cannons.
covered by its six Proton Cannons.

T3 Aircraft Carrier “Command” Class T2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery “Burst Master”

To protect its aircraft, the Command Class supports a full compliment This sturdy tower features the same weapon as the ‘Banger’ mobile
of light Anti-Air Autocannons, while a single ‘Zapper’ Anti-Missile anti-air unit. The weapon damages electronics and will eventually
Turret protects its cargo from incoming missiles. cause a failure in core systems, destroying the unit.

T2 Tactical Missile Defense “Zapper” T3 Strategic Missile Defense “Guardian”
This anti-missile system has extremely fast targeting capability and is The Guardian is designed to disable incoming strategic missiles before
quick enough to detonate incoming missiles and rockets. When the missile reaches its target. The Guardian must be ordered to
constructed over water, it is built on a flotation platform. construct its defensive missiles.

T2 Heavy Torpedo Launcher T3 Artillery Installation “Disruptor”

The Heavy Torpedo Launcher uses the same Nanite torpedoes as the The biggest gun in the Cybran arsenal, the Disruptor has incredible
Tech 1 version, but fires multiple torpedoes in quick succession until range and firepower. The only Cybran unit that has greater range is the
the target is destroyed. Strategic Missile Launcher.

T2 Shield Generator “ED1” T3 Strategic Missile Launcher “Liberator”

The ED1 blocks incoming projectiles and energy signatures. This shield An internal construction bay allows this missile launcher to build and
generator can be upgraded four times, with each upgrade increasing store up to five warheads that are designed to decimate forces at a
the operating costs, radius and strength of the shield. strategic level. The unit must be ordered to construct its missiles.

T2 Heavy Artillery Cannon “Gunther” T3 Quantum Gateway Node “Summoner”

Firing a unique Molecular Resonance Shell, the Gunther is built on an The Summoner can can call a Support Commander to the battlefield.
extremely strong, stable platform that minimise vibration and recoil.
This allows the gun to fire quickly and efficiently.

T4-X Rapid Fire Artillery “Scathis”

T2 Tactical Missile Launcher “TML-4”
The Scathis Rapid Fire Artillery uses a heat distribution system that
This tactical missile launcher employs a Loa Missile System. Five lets it rapidly fire the military’s most potent artillery shells. The Energy
missiles can be stored in individual launchers. The unit must be cost is the only limit to the rate of fire.
ordered to construct its missiles.

Cybran Construction

T2 Air Staging Facility T1 Engineer

The Engineer is a multi-purpose construction, repair, capture and
The Air Staging Facility is a complete refueling and repair platform that
reclamation unit. It is amphibious and can skim across the water’s
is designed to extend the effective range of aircraft.
surface to construct naval facilities.

T3 Anti-Air SAM System “Myrmidon” T1 Land Factory

The Land Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a
The Myrmidon relies on hitting fast and often. Its eight Nanite Missile
war. The factory is outfitted to create only land-based units. The factory
Systems fire a continuous stream of missiles until its
can be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.
target is destroyed.

T1 Air Factory T3 Land Factory
The Air Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Land Factory. This factory cannot be
war. The factory is outfitted to create only air-based units. The factory upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
can be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.

T1 Naval Factory T3 Air Factory

The Naval Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Air Factory. This factory cannot be
war. The factory is outfitted to create only naval units. The factory can upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.

T2 Engineer T3 Naval Factory

This is an upgraded version of the Tech 1 Engineer and is capable of This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Naval Factory. This factory cannot be
building more complex structures. It is built at a Tech 2 factory. upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.

Cybran Resource Management

T2 Land Factory
This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Land Factory. This factory can be
T1 Power Generator
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives the factory access to advanced unit
The Power Generator is a cheap, solid, stable source of Energy
patterns. It can assist other factories.
generation. Power Generators can be linked to other structures, giving
the linked structure a small reduction in operating costs.

T2 Air Factory T1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant

This is the upgrade to the T1 Air Factory. This factory can be upgraded
Deposits of hydrocarbon remain a viable form of Energy to this day.
to Tech 3, which gives the factory access to advanced unit patterns. It
The HCPP is much more efficient than a standard Power Generator.
can assist other factories.

T2 Naval Factory T1 Energy Storage

The Energy Storage Unit increases the maximum Energy capacity of a
This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Naval Factory. This factory can be
Commander’s economy. The ESU releases this Energy for either the
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives the factory access to advanced unit
construction or operation of vital structures and units. Build adjacent
patterns. It can assist other factories.
to Generators to receive a bonus.

T3 Engineer T1 Mass Extractor

This is an upgraded version of the Tech 2 Engineer and is capable of
Mass is a valuable resource in the Infinite War and is mined by Mass
building more complex structures. It is built at a Tech 3 factory.
Extractors. The Tech 1 Extractor can be upgraded to a Tech 2 version.

Cybran intel
T1 Mass Fabricator
The Mass Fabricator is an ingenious system for converting pure
T1 Radar System “Magno”
Energy into usable Mass. The Energy costs are immense, so it is only
The base Cybran radar has limited range and armour, but is
viable when little or no Mass is available.
exceptionally cheap to build. This system can be upgraded.

T1 Mass Storage T1 Sonar System “Noah”

The Mass Storage Unit increases the maximum Mass capacity of a
The Cybran’s sonar installation is very similar to the radar equivalent.
Commander’s economy. The MSU dispenses the Mass for the
Serving as a cheap, short-range detection mechanism, the base level
construction or operation of vital structures and units. Build adjacent
Noah does its job well. This system can be upgraded.
to Extractors and Fabricators to receive a bonus.

T2 Power Generator T2 Radar System

The Tech 2 Radar System is a long-range equivalent to the Tech 1
The upgrade to the Power Generator, the Tech 2’s construction cost is
system. This Tech 2 Radar Installation can be upgraded from the Tech 1
high. Construction of structures next to a Tech 2 Generator improves
version and upgraded into the Tech 3 Omni Sensor.
the operating efficiency of the adjacent structures.

T2 Mass Extractor T2 Sonar System

This is a long-range equivalent to the Tech 1 Sonar System. This Tech 2
The Tech 2 Extractor is upgraded from the Mass Extractor or built by a
Sonar Installation can be upgraded from the Tech 1 version and into a
Tech 2 Engineer. This version is more costly to maintain, but results in
mobile variant.
much faster Mass collection.

T3 Power Generator “Ion Reactor” T2 Stealth Field Generator “Twilight”

With this field active, any units within its radius will not show up on
The Ion Reactor is the best front-line Energy supply available.
radar. The Twilight does nothing to shield a unit from optical sensors,
Construction of structures next to an Ion Reactor improves the
operating efficiency of the adjacent structures.

T3 Mass Extractor T3 Sonar Platform

The Tech 3 Sonar Platform is a mobile long-range sonar system. It
The Tech 3 Extractor is upgraded from the Tech 2 Extractor or built by a
comes with a stealth field generator that is capable of obscuring
Tech 3 Engineer. This version is more costly to maintain, but results in
sonar signals in a modest radius.
much faster Mass collection.

T3 Mass Fabricator T3 Omni Sensor Array “Olympus”

The Omni Sensor Array is the ultimate in intelligence gathering. In
The Mass Fabrication Facility produces a large amount of Mass at an
addition to a very long range, the Omni will also defeat stealth
exorbitant Energy cost. Only an infrastructure with a tremendous
fields and other cloaking technology.
amount of Energy would be able to operate one of these facilities.

aeon illuminate Culture
The Aeon love grace, beauty and cherish esoteric peace. One can readily imagine this
During humanity’s second great expansion into galactic space, Commander Trent Smith of relatively new culture living a monk-like, minimalist lifestyle. The average Aeon citizen is
the Earth Empire led a group of scientists and colonists to Seraphim II, a planet soft-spoken, modest and internally disciplined. These are necessary traits inside of a
approximately five times the size of Earth. Here, for the first time, humanity encountered population with such intimate awareness of each other, and the teachings left behind by
intelligent alien life. Commander Smith, following previously untested protocols for the alien population are incredibly valuable in promoting a “harmonious existence.”
dealing with intelligent alien species, quarantined the planet and refused to allow any
outside communication so that Earth’s position would not be compromised. However, without the guidance of the original Seraphim, the Aeon are unable to fully
master The Way. As a result, the portents of the future are wrought with confusion and
As recorded in Smith’s log entries, he ordered the human colonists that were under his blurriness. The only thing they “know” for certain is that if they fail, humanity
command to meet the aliens – dubbed Seraphim, as their actual name was will destroy itself.
unpronounceable by humans – with violence. The exact reasoning for his extreme reaction
is unknown.
Smith’s violent reaction prevented any real discourse between the two species. The The elegant lines and shapes of Aeon units underscore their foundation in purity and
Seraphim simply avoided the humans whenever possible. However, the human beauty. Underneath the gleaming exterior, however, is the cruel machinery of destruction –
colony’s biologist, Dr. Jane Burke, sought out and secretly befriended the Seraphim. with weapons jutting out from their seamless hulls to devastate the enemy. This dichotomy
Others joined her and soon a small group of humans were regularly visiting and of beauty and cruelty is present throughout their design.
learning from the Seraphim.
Aeon military units are often highly specialised to a single purpose, and they are more
The Seraphim taught the humans advancements in Quantum and temporal mechanics. likely to make use of sonic-based technologies, gravity weapons, and specialised
More importantly, they introduced a philosophical viewpoint considered unimaginable by Quantum effects. They tend to employ energy fields as a counter measure and expertly
human minds, a way of peace and love so advanced that it completely shifted their utilise the otherwise tricky science of anti-matter as a tremendous power source, as well
perception of the universe. as in devices that exploit its explosive properties. They are also known for their advanced
mobility in even the roughest terrain
After learning of Burke’s involvement with the aliens, Smith became convinced that she
had been brainwashed. He led the remaining Imperial colonists in a massive and suicidal Aeon military tactics generally focus on overwhelming offensive manoeuvre designed to
campaign to destroy the aliens and Seraphim II. Despite purported millennia of peace and take down entire enemy strongholds as quickly as possible. Aided by the specialised
love by the Seraphim, the UEF forces were surprised to encounter strange, yet superior, design of their units, they move in rapidly and achieve their goals with surprising speed.
alien war machines.
Aeon soldiers are ascetic warriors whose Spartan-like training and lifestyle have prepared
Just before Smith’s forces fell to the superior might and numbers of the Seraphim’s warrior them for the ordeals of cleansing human taint from the galaxy. Interestingly, most Aeon
monks, Smith’s scientists succeeded in engineering a strain of virus unlike anything military figures are female. While they have compassion for their human brethren, the
encountered on Seraphim II. The Seraphim were caught off guard and, despite Dr. Burke’s Aeon realise that the other factions are not yet capable of voluntarily embracing a higher
best efforts, were only able to slow the deadly effects. With the entire atmosphere way of life. Such being the case, they must be “cleansed” – eliminated from existence.
saturated, not one Seraphim went unexposed.

During the last days between man and alien, the Seraphim decided to teach Burke as much Key Aeon characters
as possible about their ‘Way.’ In the middle of one lesson, Burke experienced a vision of a
galaxy torn apart; entire stars stripped of their resources and left to die, planets destroyed, Name: Rhianne Burke
and more life needlessly lost than could be imagined. At that moment Burke was Rank: Princess of the Aeon Illuminate
convinced that the Seraphim’s “Way” was the only means to prevent the Empire from Age: 27
destroying everything.
Records concerning Princess Rhianne Burke are
Over 100 years later, and after many Empire probes and expeditions to Seraphim space highly classified. What is known is that she was born
were lost, a message made its way to Earth. The message was simple: The remaining into a caste of seers and her lineage guaranteed that
Seraphim II colonists, now calling themselves the Aeon Illuminate, invited the Empire to she would be a strong candidate to ascend the throne.
embrace the teachings of the wise alien culture and to share in “something beautiful”. When the previous Princess, Miranda Burke retired,
Princess Rhianne assumed the throne with a great deal
As Burke’s visions predicted, the Empire refused to reply and sent military forces to of fanfare. A strong woman with an amazing amount of charisma. Princess Rhianne enjoys
quarantine Seraphim II. In the eyes of the Aeon, the Empire’s destiny as defilers and a great deal of support among the Aeon. However, intercepts of Aeon communication
destroyers of worlds was sealed. signals seem to indicate that Princess Rhianne is attempting to steer the Aeon in a new

direction: The emphasis is on establishing a lasting peace as opposed to cleansing. It
remains to be seen if that is a genuine, substantial shift, or merely Aeon propaganda. T1 Light Tank “Aurora”
Name: Evaluator Toth The Aurora has extremely light armour, though it has excellent
Age: 72 range and damage. Luckily for the other factions, the Aurora’s
Faction: Aeon Illuminate Disruptor Cannon has a very slow rate of fire.

Like most Aeon officials, the life of Evaulator Toth

is classified. In fact, even her first name is unknown. T1 Mobile Light Artillery “Fervor”
However, Aeon records indicate that the
Evaulator is the principle advisor to the Princess; The Fervor makes up for its lack of accuracy by covering a target area
due to Toth’s age, it is estimated that she has advised with dozens of shells. These shells have a very small detonation
at least three Princesses. It is also believed that radius, but deliver an incredible punch.
Evaulator Toth personally selected the last two
Princesses, including current Princess Rhianne
Burke, although that cannot be confirmed.
T1 Mobile Anti-Air Gun “Thistle”
Name: Jaran Marxon The Thistle sports a fast firing sonic pulse battery. This weapon is
Rank: Avatar-of-War designed to disrupt the lighter armour found on aircraft and cause
Age: 51 critical structural damage.

One of the most feared men in the entire galaxy,

Avatar-of-War Marxon holds the highest military
rank in the Illuminate. No records exist concerning T2 Heavy Tank “Obsidian”
Marxon’s life, although it is widely believed that he
originally studied to be a priest. The Obsidian utilises a Quantum Cannon, a powerful, yet slow-firing
What is know is that Marxon’s military record is without weapon. All Obsidians feature a Tachyon Shield Generator which,
peer: He was won more battles than any other Aeon commander. Ruthless and devoid of when active, generates a shield around the unit.
mercy, Marxon kills anyone who stands against him, even if they attempt to surrender.

T2 Mobile Missile Launcher “Evensong”

Aeon Illuminate Units & Structures
Featuring a ‘Serpentine’ Tactical Missile Rack, the Evensong is effective
out to medium ranges, but does relatively light damage, necessitating
T3 Support Commander Support Command Unit several shots to destroy a target.
This unit can continually rebuild and repair any unit or structure.
It is self-repairing and capable of traversing through large
bodies of water. The Support Commander is summoned
through a Quantum Gate. T2 Mobile Flak Artillery “Ascendant”
The Ascendant is armed with a Temporal Anti-Air Fizz Launcher. This
T1 Land Scout “Spirit” device creates a ‘bubble’ that damages the enemy on a Quantum
level, causing the target to tear itself apart.
With fast speed and a capable weapon, the Spirit is a good
scout with decent firepower.

T1 Light Assault Bot “Flare” T2 Mobile Shield Generator “Asylum”

The Asylum employs a combination of electromagnetic and kinetic
These incredibly fast bots are designed for pure damage. The
generators to create a shield around a large area. It is generally used
Short-Range Sonic Pulsar mounted on each arm fires fan-shaped,
to provide additional protection for ground assaults.
focused sound waves that permeate and disrupt solid matter.

T3 Siege Assault Bot “Harbinger” T2 Gunship “Specter”
The Harbinger features a High Intensity Laser as well as a simplified This rotorcraft has a Quad–Barreled Light Laser mounted on its
Reclamation and Repair system that allows the unit to reclaim Mass in underside. This weapon does light damage but has an incredibly fast
the field and repair other units. rate of fire.

T3 Mobile Heavy Artillery “Serenity” T2 Torpedo Bomber “Skimmer”

The Aeon’s mobile heavy artillery delivers incredible damage at The Aeon torpedo bomber drops a payload of Harmonic Depth
extremely long ranges. The Sonance Feedback Shell detonates and Charges, which home in on their target and explode, disrupting the
starts a chain reaction in a small area of effect. integrity of the ship’s hull and causing structural damage.

T4-X Sacred Assault Bot “Galactic Colossus” T2 Air Transport “Aluminar”

The Colossus carries a Phason Laser that incinerates nearby units. It The Aluminar is a mobile air transport. It is designed to carry a small
also uses gravity claws to pull in nearby enemy units. task force of bots and/or tanks. It has much heavier armour than the
Chariot and carries Sonic Pulse Batteries.

T1 Air Scout “Mirage” T3 Spy Plane “Seer”

In keeping with the Aeon philosophy of simple, single purpose units, The Aeon’s top of the line mobile intelligence unit is the Seer. Though
the Mirage is little more than a highly guidable missile with an it lacks sonar capability, it has good flight range and large optical and
advanced optical sensor suite. radar coverage.

T1 Interceptor “Conservator” T3 Air-Superiority Fighter “Corona”

This Interceptor forgoes extra systems for focused firepower against The Corona is the first attempt to integrate Seraphim technology into
air targets. The Conservator’s Sonic Pulse Battery is ideally suited for an Aeon unit. The Corona’s Quantum Displacement Autocannon fires a
dog fighting enemy aircraft. bursting shell, much like flak.

T3 Strategic Bomber “Shocker”

T1 Attack Bomber “Shimmer”
Shockers drop a single Quark Bomb. These bombs have a small
The Shimmer releases a single, highly explosive Chrono Bomb. A detonation radius but inflict considerable damage. The Shocker can
residual temporal field remains for a few moments after the bomb’s also deploy a Decoy Flare that can distract enemy targeting
detonation, briefly freezing enemy units. computers.

T1 Light Air Transport “Chariot” T4-X Flying Fortress “CZAR”

This minute transport is designed to carry a very small task force of The CZAR’s most fearsome weapon is the large Quantum Beam
bots and/or tanks. It is very fast, but lacks the cargo capacity, armour Generator mounted in the centre of the unit. If that wasn’t enough, the
and weapon fire of its heavier counterpart. CZAR can carry an entire wing of aircraft.

T1 Frigate “Beacon” Class T3 Strategic Missile Submarine “Silencer”
The Beacon is the mainstay of the Aeon navy. Its radar and sonar The Silencer is a submersible missile platform. Its primary arsenal is
capability make it a must for inclusion in naval battle groups. an array of ‘Serpentine’ tactical missiles. The Silencer can refit two of
its cruise missiles with a strategic warhead.

T1 Attack Submarine “Sylph”

T4-X Submersible Battleship “Tempest”
The Sylph is a focused ship hunter. It carries two of the standard Aeon
Chrono Torpedo and is equivalent in performance to the other faction’s The Tempest can attack with Heavy Chrono Torpedo Launchers.
attack subs. Surfacing gives the unit access to a pair of Oblivion Cannons. It also
has the ability to construct a light support fleet in the field.

T1 Attack Boat “Shard”

T1 Point Defense “Erupter”
The Shard provides anti-air support for the Aeon fleet. It carries the
standard Aeon Anti-Air Sonic Pulse Battery. The Shard sacrifices The standard ground defense for civilian and secondary military
armour for additional speed. outposts, the Erupter features a Graviton Projector that provides
ample defense without draining the local economy.

T2 Cruiser “Infinity” Class

T1 Anti-Air Pulse Battery “Seeker”
Designed to provide excellent anti-air protection, the Infinity comes
equipped with two Surface-to-Air ‘Zealot’ Missile Launchers and a The Seeker employs the standard Aeon Anti-Air Pulse Battery for
Dual Barreled Quantum Cannon for direct fire support. anti-air defense rather than a direct fire weapon. When built over
water, the Seeker is fitted with a flotation platform.

T2 Destroyer “Exodus” Class

T1 Torpedo Launcher “Tide”
Built for direct fire support and sub hunting, the Exodus carries
an Oblivion Cannon, as well as a variety of anti-sub and A cheap, effective naval defense, the Tide utilises the standard Aeon
anti-torpedo weapons. Chrono Torpedo Tube housed in a lightly armoured tower. It can only
be built on water.

T3 Battleship “Omen” Class

The Omen carries three Oblivion Cannons, which despite their slow T1 Wall Section
rate of fire, are still devastating weapons. Two “Will-O-Wisp” Like the other factions, the Aeon employ modular wall pieces to protect
Anti-Missile Flares offer some protection against tactical missiles. their structures from unwanted intrusion and direct weapons fire.

T3 Aircraft Carrier “Keefer” Class

T2 Point Defense “Oblivion”
The Keefer can hold several squadrons of aircraft and refuel and repair
any craft that lands. It has no offensive armaments, but does have a The Oblivion, named for the Oblivion Cannon it uses, is a heavily
pair of ‘Zealot’ Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers. armoured defensive tower. The Aeon Oblivion Cannon is a slow,
devastating weapon with area-of-effect damage.

T2 Anti-Air Flak Artillery T2 Artillery Installation “Miasma”
Rather than using standard flak, the Aeon utilise a Temporal Anti-Air An emplaced artillery piece, the Miasma is named after its munition,
Fizz Launcher. This device creates a ‘bubble’ that damages the target the ‘Miasma’ Shell, which does incredible damage.
on a Quantum level, causing the target to tear itself apart.

T2 Tactical Missile Defense “Volcano” T2 Tactical Missile Launcher

The Volcano utilises the “Will-O-Wisp” tactical missile flare that pulls This weapon can construct and store up to eight missiles. The missiles
incoming projectiles towards it where it safely detonate the incoming cause “burst” damage and have a decent sustained fire. The unit must
missile or rocket. It can be built on water. be ordered to construct its missiles.

T2 Torpedo Launcher T2 Air Staging Facility “Cradle”

An up-armoured version of the Tech 1 Torpedo Launcher, the Tech 2 The Cradle is a complete refueling and repair platform that is
version is equipped with a Chrono Torpedo Pack Launcher. designed to extend the effective range of aircraft.

T2 Shield Generator “Shield of Light” T3 Heavy Artillery Installation “Emissary”

The Shield of Light is the Aeon version of the shield. It employs a The Aeon’s highest tier artillery fires Sonance Feedback Shells that
combination electromagnetic and kinetic generator to defeat incoming wreak incredible damage at extremely long ranges and with
missiles and other ordinance. phenomenal accuracy, but at a reduced rate of fire.

T3 Anti-Air Sam Launcher “Transcender” T3 Strategic Missile Launcher “Apocalypse”

Unlike other anti-aircraft systems, this weapon fires a single ‘Zealot’ This missile launcher can construct and store five Quantum Distortion
missile at its target. When constructed over water, this SAM launcher Warheads. These warheads provide for overwhelming, long-range
is built on a flotation platform. firepower. The unit must be ordered to construct its missiles.

T3 Strategic Missile Defense “Patron”

T3 Quantum Gateway “Portal”
The Patron is designed to destroy incoming strategic missiles before
the missile reaches its target. This launcher can store five missiles. The The Portal can summon a Support Commander to the battlefield.
Patron must be ordered to build its defensive missiles.

Aeon Illuminate Construction

T3 Heavy Shield Generator “Radiance”
T1 Engineer
An upgrade to the “Shield of Light,” the Radiance can absorb more
damage and has a larger radius of protection. The Engineer is a construction, repair, capture and reclamation unit. It
is amphibious and can create naval facilities. Sacrificing it during the
construction process will add instant build value.

T1 Land Factory T3 Engineer
The Land Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is the upgraded version of the Tech 2 Engineer and is capable of
war. The factory is outfitted to create only land-based units. The factory building the most complex structures. This is the only Engineer that
can be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories. can build Experimental units. It is built at a Tech 3 factory.

T1 Air Factory T3 Land Factory

The Air Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is the upgrade to the Tech 2 Land Factory. This factory cannot be
war. The factory is outfitted to create only air-based units. The factory upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
can be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.

T1 Naval Factory T3 Air Factory

The Naval Factory creates the initial mobile units necessary to wage a This is an upgrade to the Tech 2 Air Factory. This factory cannot be
war. The factory is outfitted to create only naval units. The factory can upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
be upgraded to Tech 2 and can assist other factories.

T3 Naval Factory
T2 Engineer
This is an upgrade to the Tech 2 Naval Factory. This factory cannot be
This is the upgraded version of the Tech 1 Engineer and is capable of upgraded any further. It can assist other factories.
building more complex structures. It is built at a Tech 2 factory.

Aeon Illuminate Resource Management

T2 Land Factory
T1 Power Generator
This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Land Factory. This factory can be
The Power Generator is a cheap, solid, stable source of Energy
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives it access to advanced unit patterns. It
generation. Power Generators can be linked to other structures, giving
can assist other factories.
the linked structure a small reduction in operating costs.

T2 Air Factory
T1 Hydrocarbon Power Plant
This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Air Factory. This factory can be
Deposits of hydrocarbon-containing natural resources remain a viable
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives it access to advanced unit patterns. It
form of Energy to this day. The HCPP is much more efficient than a
can assist other factories.
standard Power Generator.

T2 Naval Factory
T1 Energy Storage
This is the upgrade to the Tech 1 Naval Factory. This factory can be
The Energy Storage Unit increases the maximum Energy capacity of a
upgraded to Tech 3, which gives it access to advanced unit patterns. It
Commander’s economy. The ESU releases this Energy for either the
can assist other factories.
construction or operation of vital structures and units. Build adjacent
to Generators to receive a bonus.

T1 Mass Extractor T3 Mass Fabricator
Mass is a valuable resource in the Infinite War and is mined by Mass The Mass Fabrication Facility produces a large amount of Mass at an
Extractors. The Tech 1 Extractor can be upgraded to a Tech 2 version. exorbitant Energy cost. Only an infrastructure with a tremendous
amount of Energy would be able to operate one of these facilities.

T1 Mass Fabricator Aeon Illuminate Intel

The Mass Fabricator is an ingenious system for converting pure
Energy into usable Mass. The Energy costs are immense, so it is only
T1 Radar System
viable when little or no Mass is available.
The base radar has a limited range and armour, but is exceptionally
cheap to build. This system can be upgraded for longer ranges
and other abilities.
T1 Mass Storage
The Mass Storage Unit increases the maximum Mass capacity of a
Commander’s economy. The MSU dispenses the Mass for the
T1 Sonar System
construction or operation of vital structures and units. Build adjacent
The Aeon’s sonar installation is very similar to the radar equivalent.
to Extractors and Fabricators to receive a bonus.
This system can be upgraded for longer ranges and other abilities.

T2 Power Generator
T2 Radar System
The upgrade to the Power Generator, the Tech 2’s construction cost is
The Tech 2 Radar System is a long-range equivalent to the Tech 1
high. Construction of structures next to a Tech 2 Generator improves
system. This Tech 2 Radar Installation can be upgraded from the Tech 1
the operating efficiency of the adjacent structures.
version and upgraded into the Tech 3 Omni Sensor.

T2 Mass Extractor
T2 Sonar System
The Tech 2 Extractor is upgraded from the Mass Extractor or built by a
This is a long-range equivalent to the Tech 1 Sonar System. This Tech 2
Tech 2 Engineer. This version is more costly to maintain, but results in
Sonar Installation can be upgraded from the Tech 1 version and into a
much faster Mass collection.
mobile variant.

T3 Power Generator “Quantum Reactor” T2 Stealth Field Generator

The Stealth Field Generator covers a decent area with an advanced
The Quantum Reactor provides the best front-line Energy supply.
radar-jamming field. This field masks the presence of any units in it
Construction of structures next to a Quantum Reactor improves the
from the radar, but has no effect on line-of-sight.
operating efficiency of the adjacent structures.

T3 Mass Extractor T3 Sonar Platform

The Sonar Platform is a mobile equivalent to the long range
The Tech 3 Extractor is upgraded from the Tech 2 Extractor or built by a
sonar system. It also houses a series of anti-torpedo launchers.
Tech 3 Engineer. This version is more costly to maintain, but results in
This Tech 3 Sonar Installation can be upgraded from the
much faster mass collection.
Tech 2 version.

The first step to playing Supreme Commander multiplayer is creating an account – for
T3 Omni Sensor Array that, you’ll need to select an account name (which will be the same as your in-game name,
so make sure you choose a name you’ll be happy with), a valid e-mail address and your
The Omni Sensor Array is the ultimate in intelligence gathering. Supreme Commander CD key.
In addition to a very long range, the Omni will also defeat
Stealth Fields and other cloaking technology. Once you have logged onto the multiplayer service, you can jump right into the action.

Host custom games

When you elect to host a custom game, you choose all of the game’s criteria – for example,
the victory conditions, the map and the number of players you will host. Click Host Custom
Game to get started – the first step is choosing a name for your game. After that, you will
Supreme Commander offers support for both multiplayer and skirmish games. You can
enter the Supreme Commander game lobby, where you can choose your settings and start
access both modes of play through the Main Menu, and they share several key features.
the game when you are ready.
(Additional multiplayer information is provided later in this chapter.)

These are the basics you’ll need to know to play either mode. All of these options can be
toggled by the game’s host. join custom games

Victory Conditions You can review a list of games to join, sorting them by various criteria, such as the number
of players, the map, etc. Left-click on the game’s name from the list and click Join Game, or
Assassination: Destroy the enemy’s Commander(s) double click on the game’s name, to enter the game’s lobby.
Annihilation: Destroy the enemy’s units
Supremacy: Destroy the all of the enemy’s structures, Engineers and Commanders
ranked games
Fog of War
Supreme Commander’s online service provides anonymous matchmaking, allowing
Explored: The terrain is mapped players of similar rankings and skill levels to locate and battle against one another. To get
Unexplored: The terrain is unexplored started, click the Play Ranked Game button and choose your search options – setting map
None: Full vision across the map preferences (setting thumbs up, thumbs down or neutral for each map) and choosing a
faction. Once complete, the system will begin searching for a suitable player based on
both players’ ratings and choice of options. Once a match is found, both players are
Unit Cap prompted to start the game.

Determines the maximum number of units each player can command. Ranked Games use the game’s default options and victory conditions, and the online
service automatically selects a map based on each player’s stated preferences – neither
Note: In multiplayer games, all players must press the Ready button before the game can player can specifically choose the map before the game. Ranked Games are anonymous
start. This is not required in skirmish games. – you will not know your opponent before the game begins – opponents are merely
selected from among the pool of available players and matched accordingly.

Online Multiplayer Service

Supreme Commander’s free online multiplayer service is automatically installed when you arranged team games
install Supreme Commander. This service lets you battle opponents from around the
world, host and find games, save a friends list, build a clan and track your progress with Arranged Team Games allow you and your chosen friends to locate and challenge other
free, built-in rankings and ladders. teams of players in ranked team games. Click Arranged Team Games to get started and
invite players to join your team. Once your team is assembled, the service will
To start playing online, simply click Multiplayer from the game’s Main Menu. The game’s automatically match you with a similarly skilled team.
online service will launch.

Rankings, ratings & ladders LAN GAMES
Supreme Commander’s online service automatically tracks wins, losses, draws and other To play a multiplayer game over a local area network, click Multiplayer > LAN > Host from
statistics and provides official Supreme Commander rankings for each player based on the game’s main menu. You will be prompted to choose a name for yourself, which will
their performance in Ranked Games and Arranged Team Games. The rankings are based on appear within the game and the game lobby. As the game’s host, you will enter the game’s
modified ELO ratings, which are similar to chess ratings. In a nutshell, if you win games, lobby, where you can set the game options (e.g. map, victory conditions, etc).
you will receive a higher rating, and if you lose games, your rating will fall. Moreover, if
you defeat higher-rated opponents or lose to lower-rated opponents, your rating will rise or To join a LAN game, simply choose a name for yourself, highlight an available game on
fall faster, depending on your performance. the list and click Join. You will automatically enter the game lobby, where you can choose
your colour and faction, and signal your readiness to play.
The online service also allows players to challenge one another via official Supreme
Commander ladders that challenge players to “climb the ladder” by winning ranked For information on additional multiplayer functionality, please refer to the README.txt file.
games. Ladders and ratings are updated live as games occur.


Besides handling matchmaking, Supreme Commander’s online service lets users easily
chat with one another and even create their own private chat rooms. To join chat, simply
click the Chat button. To create your own chat room, type /join “room name” (no quotes)
into the chat-text entry field. If you know of a private room name, you can enter it by typing
/join “room name” (no quotes) to enter that specific room. You can always see a list of
available chat commands in any room by entering a slash (/) in the text-entry field.
You can also send IM-style private messages to any other player by right-clicking on their
name and choosing Send Private Message. Private messages are opened in a separate
window, allowing you and the message recipient to chat privately.


The online service allows all players to keep a friends list so you can keep track of buddies
and see when they are online. All players can also create their own clan and invite others
to join their clan. Clans have several benefits, including their own persistent chat room
open to clan members only.

Data-Link: All updates to Supreme Commander are handled through

the online service. When you log in to the service, it will automatically
scan your files and match those against the current version. If an
update is available, it will automatically download and install.

Product Warranty Limited warranty
Nordic Games GmbH will gladly replace any disc free of charge, whether Nordic Games GmbH warrants for a period of 90 days starting from the date
accidentally damaged or due to manufacturer defect, within the first year of of purchase that the software will essentially work in accordance with the
ownership. To obtain a replacement disc, please return the faulty disc with a accompanying printed materials. The complete liability of Nordic Games
check or money order for EUR 8.00 to cover postage and handling fees. GmbH and your only claim consists, at the option of Nordic Games GmbH,
Please be sure to include the following: of a reimbursement of the paid purchase price or of repairing or substituting
• Full Name the software product which is not in accordance with Nordic Games GmbH’s
• Address, City, State/Prov., Zip Code/Postal Code, Country limited warranty, insofar as it is returned to Nordic Games GmbH together
• Telephone Number with a copy of the invoice. This limited warranty will not apply if the failure of
• Email Address (if applicable) the software product is due to an accident, misuse or faulty application.
Technical Support All other brands, product names and logos are trademarks or registered
If you are experiencing technical problems with this software, and you have
trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized
carefully followed the instructions in this manual, you may find further
copying, hiring, lending or reproduction in whole or part is prohibited.
support in the following places: Please visit the Technical Support section of
our Website where we have posted common problems and solutions that
Online Support: To read the Nordic Games End-User Licence Agreement (EULA) kindly visit:
Skype contact: support.quantic.lab
Phone Support: +1 (206) 395-3545
Phone: +40 (0) 364 405 777
Please note: We do not provide hints via technical support.



Content Engineer / Mission Systems Terrain and Props President Voice Production Intel
Dru Staltman John Baron Kent McNall PCB Productions Doraisamy Ganeshkumar
Content Engineer / Lead Visual Effects Ian Walker VP Operations Paul Lindberg
Gordon Duclos Christopher Burns Jacob McMahon Microsoft
The Supreme Content Engineers
Jessica St. Croix
Morien Thomas
Rory Young
VP Technology
Bartosz Kijanka
Ric Neil
Peter R Gardner
Commander Team David Tomandl Cinematics Direction Senior Technologist Voice Direction
Jordan Weismann
Ed Fries
Andres Mendez Steven Thompson Mike Biddlecombe Keith Arem
Design Content Engineer / Visual Effects Controller Mark Surfas
Evan Pongress Marcie Finnila (GPG)
Lead Designer / Creative Director Chris Gorski Daria Taylor Dan Kelly
Chris Taylor Cinematics Technical Director Support Voice Casting Gary McNall
Mission Scripting James Haywood Gary Wagner
Senior Designer Greg Stackhouse Greg McNall
Jessica St. Croix William Harms
Bradley Rebh Cinematics Logistics Doug Rickerson
David Tomandl
AI Designer Cinematic Lead Dave Timoney Recording Facilities The PCB Gang
Dru Staltman
John Comes Steve Thompson Executive Assistant PCB Productions - Los Angeles, CA Jason Willig
Matt Mahon
Campaign Designer Technical Director Lisa Bidwell Guillem Faura
Brian Fricks Signatory Services
Jason Janicki James Haywood Human Resources Lance Sun
Christopher Burns Digital Synapse
Designer Cinematic Artists Director of HR Joel Pryde
Ruth Tomandl VO Production Coordinator
Evan Pongress Ethan Walker Michelle Hippe Chris Hargrove
Grant Roberts Valerie Arem
Engineering Richard Green HR Coordinator Deane McGahan
Audio Morien Thomas Kim Aue Dialog Editorial Dream Smith
Lead Engineer
Sound Designer / Audio Director Lex Story Jesse Kovarovics Noelle Bennett
Jon Mavor IT
Frank Bry Vic Bonilla Jamie Vance Christian Piccolo
Lead Architect Desktop Support Technician
Associate Sound Designer Sung Cambell Byron Evora
Jeff Petkau Colleen Parker In Memory Of
Howard Mostrom Jonathan Albert
Senior Engineers Network Administrator Voice Actors Derek Allder
Original Music Score By
Bob Berry Additional Art Brian Koloszyc Jack Angel Dorothy Hunt
Jeremy Soule
Daniel Teh TJ Frame Valerie Arem Vicki Wagner Miller Online Multiplayer
Chris Blackwell Ryan Duncan Dave Boat H. Robert Berry Sr.
Graphics and Tools Engineer Art Direction Ian Farnsworth Robin Atkin Downes Ronald James Rumsey
Frank Rogan
Ivan Rumsey Kevin Pun Jason Zayas Richard Epcar James A. Kazokas
Senior Engineer
Steven Thompson Jason Robertson Barbara Goodson
Balance Sam Demulling THQ INC.
Balance and Tuning Lead Art Production Manager (GPG) John Gronquist Engineer Kyle Herbert Product Development
Jacob McMahon Mike Swanson Test Tye Jones Kirk Thornton Director of Project Management
Balance and Tuning Test Lead Contract Enginee Yuri Lowenthal Jeffrey Brown
Art Production Manager
Mike Marr Paul Dahlke Stephen Yu David Markus Associate Project Manager
Carlos Naranjo
Balance Production Assistant Multiplayer Lab Artist Michael McConnohie Michael Bilodeau
Jim Miller
Eric Williamson Daniel Buehner Jay Vidheecharoen Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Director of Creative Management
Concept Art Peggy O’Neal Sean Dunn
Web Designer
TJ Frame Testers Tara Platt
Production Martin Peterson Associate Creative Manager
Mark Post Bassama Algusane Kirsten Potter
Executive Producer David Langeliers
Rob Johnson Brandon Anthony NTT New Technology
Jamieson Price
Kent McNall Production Coordinator
Sung Campbell Aaron Christensen and Tools Group Phil Proctor
Producer Galen Paolini
Paul Brandl Chris Daroza VP Engineering
Gary Wagner Victor Raider-Wexler Senior Vice President, Product Development
Steven Thompson Shawn O’Donnell Bartosz Kijanka
Isaac C. Singleton Jr.
Associate Producer Steve Dauterman
Morien Thomas Micah Jelmberg Senior Engineer
Jeremy Ables Karen Strassman Vice President of Product Development
Lex Story James Loe
Assistant Producer / Content Engineering Writers Jessica Straus Richard Browne
Vic Bonilla Senior Engineer
Marc Scattergood Jason Janicki Courtenay Taylor Senior Global Localisation Manager
Mike Biddlecombe
Associate Producer Mission Briefings / FMV Units Models and Textures Evan Pongress Armando Valdez Amy Small
Senior Engineer
Evan Pongress Marcus Ghaly Bradley Rebh Kari Wahlgren
Chad Queen Business Development
Production & Content Coordinator Sung Campbell William Harms Dave Wittenberg
Software Engineer Senior Vice President, Business Development
David Kirwan Jonathan Albert Additional Writing Special Thanks
Elijah Emerson Gary Rosenfeld
UI Scripter / Production Assistant Paul Brandl Pete Gardner Bankers
Tools Engineer Vice President, Business Development
Ted Snook Vic Bonilla Loren Coleman Debra Hauser
Marsh Macy Tim Campbell
Production and Additional Design Lex Story Neal Hallford Robin Rosa
Jr. Software Engineer Director, Business Development (Europe)
Jason Ernsdorff Morien Thomas Attorneys
Additional Design Jason Bolton Andrew Walker
Production Assistant Rory Young Patrick Sweeney
Damian Smolko Multiplayer Map Designer GPG Marketing Quality Assurance
Kevin Dalziel Dirk Bartram
Production Assistant / Art Brett Johnson Brand Manager Director, Quality Assurance
Nick Heitzman Accountants
Audrey Cox Additional Engineering Todd Lubsen Monica Vallejo
UI and Online Visualization Denise Lawson
Production Assistant / Art Shanon Drone Marketing QA Managers
Mark Forrer Linda Towne
William S. Snoey Mike Biddlecombe Jeremy Snook Mario Waibel
Production Assistant / Art Additional UI Art Elijah Emerson Marketing Coordinator Michael Motoda
Rex Sikora
Jen Coig Jay Vidheecharoen Chad Queen Paul Levy
Peter Young Test Supervisor
Unit Librarian Mission Briefing, HUD Art James Loe Editorial Manager
Sarah Tariq David Sapienza
Martin Petersen and Animation William Harms
Manual Cem Cebenoyan
Jonathan Cooper Webmaster Test Leads
Content Engineering William Harms ATI
Chandana Ekanayake Martin Petersen Chris shanks
Lead Content Engineer Guennadi Riguer
Gas Powered Games Artist Jonathan Bloch
John Comes Audrey Cox Alison Kelly
CEO Jay Vidheecharoen Steven Kitchens
Content Engineering Manager Jen Coig Mark Thomas
Chris Taylor GPG Store
Matt Mahon Damian Smolko
Aimee Rickerson

Testers Database Administrator THQ International
Adam Blais Jonathan Gill SVP European Publishing
Ali Taher Ian Curran
Database Applications Engineer
Brent Uttal Director, Global Brand Management
Brian Kincaid
Brett Danek Michael Pattison
Brillmond Tan Game Evaluation Team Senior Global Brand Manager
Bryan Berri Scott Frazier Mickey Torode
Carlos Aguilar Matt Elzie Global Brand Manager
Casey Letwinch Eric Weiss Claudia Kuehl
Dan Nelson Chris Emerson Assistant Global Brand Manager
David Andorka Human Factors Design Specialist Anthony Newall
Dawn Owens Ray Kowaleski International Art Director
Dennis Gatmaitan Till Enzmann
QA Operations Coordinator
Dewey DeShong DTP Operator (ICS)
Steve Nelson
Dustin Wiemer Anja Johnen
HR Generalist
Evin Fiorentine Detlef Tapper
Eve Waldman
Genady Bragarnik Dirk Offenberg
James Ritchie Marketing Jens Spangenberg
John Schwabl Senior Vice President, Worldwide Publishing Ramona Sackers
Jose Castaneda Bob Aniello Ramona Stell
Julian Sanchez Director, Global Brand Management
Kevin Kraff European Localisation Director
Kayron Moore
Global Brand Managers Susanne Dieck
Kevin Waters
Georgina Verdon European Localisation Engineer
Lauren Peck
Tim Henry Bernd Kurtz
Logan DeMelt
Vice President, Communications European Localisation Technician
Mailk Aziz
Liz Pieri Andreas Herbertz
Matt Furnivall
Public Relations Manager Online Manager
Matt Roussotte
Rob Cassel Huw Beynon
Matthew Oldfield
Associate Public Relations Manager UK Marketing Manager
Megan Lane
Craig Mitchell Jon Rooke
Natasha Clarke
Director, Creative Services Senior PR Executive
Peter Guerrero
Howard Liebeskind Greg Jones
Peter La
Robert Cota Creative Services Manager Export Marketing Manager
Robert LeBeau Kirk Somdal Gayle Shepherd
Rory O’Donnell Video Production Manager Luke Keighran
Ruben Gonzalez Christopher Folino
Product Manager, Germany
Ryan Johnson Video Production Coordinator
Melanie Skrok
Simon Castillo Melissa Rivas
Head of PR, Germany
Trevor Fong Executive Staff Georg Reckenthäler
Tyler Knight Executive Vice President, Worldwide Publishing Marketing Manager, Nordic
Will Savard Kelly Flock Henrik Viby
William Cho Executive Vice President, Worldwide Studios PR Manager, Nordic
Willis Kemp Jack Sorensen Peter Jakobsen
Witt Yao Senior Product Manager, France
Packaging and Manual Design
PC Supervisor Concept Arts Jeremy Goldstein
Jim Krenz PR Manager, France
Legal Jerome Benzadon
QA Technicians Executive Vice President, Business & Legal Affairs Product Manager, Spain
Richard Jones Jim Kennedy Javier Mañú
David Wilson Director, Business & Legal Affairs PR Manager, Spain
Michael Zlotnicki Brandy A. Carrillo Jorge Nicolas Vazquez
Mastering Lab Technicians Legal Department Specialist Marketing and PR Manager, Benelux
Glen Peters Jenni Carlson Robin Wolff
Anthony Dunnet Contracts Specialist Product Manager, Asia Pacific
T. Ryan Arnold Deborah Fingerman Chris Wright
Heidi Salguero Special Thanks PR & Promotions Co-ordinator, Asia Pacific
Remastering Project Manager Ryan Rothenberger Drew Taylor
Charles Batarse Steve Spagnolo
Jessica Peters

© 2013 Gas Powered Games Corp. All rights reserved. Gas Powered Games and Supreme Commander are the exclusive
trademarks of Gas Powered Games Corp. THQ and the THQ logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Nordic Games
Licensing AB, Sweden. All rights reserved. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
NVIDIA, the NVIDIA Logo, GeForce and „The Way It‘s Meant to be Played“ Logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of
NVIDIA Corporation in the United States and other countries.

Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r Select all Air units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + A
Reclaim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e Select all Naval Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + S
Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Select all Land Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + L
Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Select all Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + B
Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Select nearest idle Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Period
Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s Cycle through idle Engineers . . . . . . Shift + Period
Dive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d Select Commander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alt + Comma
Ferry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Select All Units and buildings . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + X
Guard/Assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Select all units and buildings on screen . Ctrl + C
Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u Select all engineers on screen . . . . . Ctrl + Period
Unit pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z Select all factories on screen . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + H
Suicide Selected Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + K Select nearest factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
Attack Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTRL + Alt + Right Select nearest Land factory . . . . . . CTRL + SHIFT + L
Launch tactical missile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Select nearest Air factory . . . . . . . CTRL + SHIFT + A
Nuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Select nearest Naval factory . . . . . CTRL + SHIFT + S
Cycle Fire State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LeftBracket
Move . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M
Open the Escape menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esc
CAMERAS Toggles the UI on / off . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTRL + ALT + F1
Zoom In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q Toggles life bars on / off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alt + L
Zoom Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w Toggle Military Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + W
Zoom In Fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift + Q Toggle Defense Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + E
Zoom Out Fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shift + w Toggle Economy Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + R
Track unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t Toggle Intel Overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + t
Track unit on minimap . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + Shift + T Rename Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + n
Track unit on 2nd screen . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + Alt + T Split screen on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOME
Reset Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Split screen off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . END
CAMERA ROTATE AT GROUND LEVEL . . . . . . . . . SPACEBAR Scroll Up through chat history (by page) . . . . Pageup
GO TO COMMANDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMA Scroll Down through chat history (by page) . . PAGEDOWN
GO TO IDLE ENGINER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PERIOD ALLIED CHAT (DEFAULT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENTER OR
Recall Group 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ALLIED BUTTON)*
Recall Group 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 GLOBAL CHAT (ALL) . . . . . . . . . ENTER OR SHIFT + ENTER*
Recall Group 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ROTATE LAYOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALT + UP ARROW
Recall Group 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ROTATE LAYOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALT + DOWN ARROW
Recall Group 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TOGGLE SCORES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F2
Recall Group 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TOGGLE TRANSMISSION LOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3
Recall Group 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 TOGGLE DIPLOMACY WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F4
Recall Group 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TOGGLE CONNECTIVITY WINDOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F11
Recall Group 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
* (The two chat options basically both bring up
Recall Group 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Global chat, but you have to select allied chat from
Set Group 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 1
a button on the global chat window.)
Set Group 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 2
Set Group 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 3
Set Group 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 4
PAUSE GAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAUSE
Set Group 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 5
SCREENSHOT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTRL + F
Set Group 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 6
DECREASE GAME SPEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUM MINUS
Set Group 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 7
INCREASE GAME SPEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUM PLUS
Set Group 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 8
Set Group 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 9 RESET GAME SPEED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NUM STAR
Set Group 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctrl + 0 4005209088893, 4005209087728, 4005209087735, 4005209087759


Don’t Lose This Number! This CD Key is required to fully use this product!

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