Cambridge IGCSE: English As A Second Language 0510/51

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Cambridge IGCSE™


Paper 5 Speaking Assessment A–O October/November 2023

* 1 5 3 0 2 1 1 9 7 7 *

The information in this document is confidential and must NOT reach candidates either directly or

● This booklet contains:
(a) administrative guidance on conducting the tests
(b) marking criteria
(c) copies of cards A–O with notes for the teacher/examiner.

This document has 24 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

DC (CE) 316489/4
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SPEAKING ASSESSMENT A Popular places Page 9

(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT B The importance of music Page 10

(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT C Greeting people Page 11

(Core and Extended)


(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT E Sharing meals Page 13

(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT F Hot and cold Page 14

(Core and Extended)


(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT H Hopes for the future Page 16

(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT I Growing older Page 17

(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT J Modern buildings Page 18

(Core and Extended)


(Core and Extended)

SPEAKING ASSESSMENT L New experiences Page 20

(Core and Extended)


(Core and Extended)


(Core and Extended)


(Core and Extended)

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Please note

1. The warm-up section may give the examiner an indication of the best card to select but the
examiner must not allow the candidate to lead the choice of topic.

2. The speaking assessment cards must not be opened until one working day before the test.

3. All tests must be recorded in full throughout. The recording must not be paused or stopped at
any point during the test.


1. The speaking tests take place in the period before the main examination series, as notified on the
timetable. Each centre decides on a convenient period within these dates for its speaking tests. It
is recommended that the tests are conducted within one week to allow sufficient time for a single
examiner to conduct all of the tests. See Section 4 below.

2. Centres must ensure well in advance of the tests that a suitably quiet room is available and that
recording equipment is in good order.

3. Centres must adhere to dates for completion of the speaking tests and for the receipt of marks
and recordings at Cambridge International to allow sufficient time for external moderation. It is
vital that material is submitted on time.

4. For centres with 30 or fewer candidates, only one examiner must be used. Each centre will select
its own examiner. This is normally a teacher within the English Language Department, but could
be someone local from outside the centre. A group of neighbouring centres might choose the
same teacher to conduct all their tests; in such a case each centre is still responsible for submitting
properly completed forms and recordings. Cambridge International is not responsible for any fees

Centres with more than 30 candidates may use more than one examiner (applying the ratio of an
additional examiner for each 30 candidates). If using more than one examiner, internal moderation
must be carried out by the centre so that a common standard is applied to all candidates.

5. Centres receive a set of speaking assessment cards with this set of examiner’s notes. These
cards must not be opened until one working day before the test. Both the cards and the notes
must remain confidential and must be kept in a secure place by the centre until the end of the
examination period.

6. Each centre must submit to Cambridge International the following: (a) recordings of the tests;
(b) marks for all candidates; (c) completed Speaking Examination Summary Form(s).

(a) Recordings

Each centre must provide recordings of the speaking tests.

You should keep a copy of each speaking test. If any of the recordings submitted to Cambridge
International is inaudible or faulty in any way, you may be asked to provide a replacement.

For instructions on submitting recordings, please refer to the instructions on the samples database:

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(b) Candidates’ marks

Centres must submit marks for all candidates. For instructions on submitting marks, please
refer to the instructions on the samples database:

(c) Speaking Examination Summary Form

Marks for each candidate are to be entered in detail on the Speaking Examination
Summary Form. This form, and the instructions for completing it, may be downloaded from The database will ask you for the syllabus
code (i.e. 0510 or 0511) and your location, after which it will take you to the correct form.
Follow the instructions when completing the form. The form must be submitted together with
the recordings and marks for all candidates.

7. The recordings, candidates’ marks and the Speaking Examination Summary Form(s) should
be submitted to Cambridge International in accordance with the submission deadlines for each
series, which are detailed in the Submit for Assessment platform and the samples database.

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8. The speaking tests should proceed as follows:

Part A Start the recording. Give the candidate’s name and number. Welcome the candidate and
explain briefly what is going to happen in the test, using the examiner script on one of the
assessment card pages in these notes. This part should not take more than a minute.

Part B Warm-up section. The purpose of this section is to give the candidate time to get used
to the examination situation, and put the candidate at ease by conducting a short
conversation (2–3 minutes) on general topics and the candidate’s hobbies and interests.
The topic cards should not be discussed during this phase.

Part C Give the speaking assessment card to the candidate and announce the letter and the
name of the card. This must take place AFTER the warm-up. Any necessary explanation
is given at this point, followed by a short preparation period (about 2–3 minutes), when
the candidate may ask questions. The candidate cannot make notes during this period.

Please note: the preparation period must be recorded.

Part D Main part of the test. Conversation based on the speaking assessment card. Either
the examiner or the candidate may start the conversation. All prompts must be used,
in the order they appear on the card. Do not allow candidates to deliver speeches
or monologues at any point during the test. The main part of the test should last
approximately 6–9 minutes.

The total duration of the speaking test, from the beginning of (A) to the end of (D), should
be approximately 10–15 minutes and recorded in full.

Note that only (D) is to be assessed.

The speaking test must be conducted in English throughout.

9. Examination conditions must prevail in the area where the speaking tests take place. Adequate
supervision must be provided to ensure that candidates leaving the examination room do not
communicate with those waiting to enter.

10. No other person should be present during the speaking test, with the exception of another teacher/
examiner, moderator or representative of Cambridge International.

11. Candidates cannot bring any notes into the examination room. They are not allowed to consult

12. A range of speaking assessment cards is provided, and the examiner (not the candidate) chooses
the card to be used for each candidate. As wide a variety as possible of the cards should be used
during the speaking tests at the centre. In order that candidates are given every chance to do
themselves justice, the speaking assessment card should be selected with care. The warm-up
may give the examiner an indication of the best card to select but the examiner must not allow
the candidate to lead the choice of topic.

13. The examiner should be positioned so that he or she is facing the candidate, with a table or desk
in between, and not allow candidates to see notes made on Speaking Examination Summary
Forms or similar paperwork.

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14. Before the start of the speaking test session, centres must make sure their recording equipment
is in good working order by testing the equipment in the room where the speaking tests will take
place. Check audibility levels to avoid adjusting the volume during the speaking test and ensure
there is no extraneous noise in the examination room. Checks for audibility should continue
throughout the speaking test session.

Once the speaking test has begun, the recording must run without interruption.
Each recording should begin with a clear statement by the examiner as follows:

Centre number: [e.g.] AZ 999

Centre name: [e.g.] Abcxyz Academy
Examination: 0510 English as a Second Language
Examiner name: [e.g.] Ms Z. Abced
Date: [e.g.] 1 October 2023

Each candidate should be clearly indicated by the examiner as follows:

Candidate number: [e.g.] 0021

Candidate name: [e.g.] Abdi Zachariah

At the end of the recording the examiner should state clearly ‘end of recording’.

Before the recordings are uploaded, spot checks must be made to ensure that every candidate
is clearly audible. Each track should be renamed, giving the candidate name and number, rather
than ‘track 1’, ‘track 2’, etc. A separate audio track is required for each candidate.


15. Please bear in mind the following when marking:

Be objective. Do not allow any knowledge of a candidate’s personality and attributes to influence
objective assessment. For example, knowledge that a candidate is very conscientious in his or
her homework is irrelevant in assessing his or her speaking test. If the candidate’s performance
is affected because he or she faces difficult circumstances or personal problems at the time of
the test, this is a matter to be dealt with via special considerations procedures, for which exams
officers at centres complete separate documentation. Examiners must not make any separate
allowance themselves.

Be realistic. Remember that it is not necessary for a candidate to be of native speaker standard
to be given maximum marks within any single category. But knowledge of a candidate’s first
language must not lead an examiner to ignore particular habitual errors and overlook inaccuracy.

Be consistent. It is important that the marking criteria are applied in the same way for all the
candidates at the centre so that a reliable rank order for the centre is obtained.

Be positive. Marking the test should be seen as giving credit for what candidates can do, not
penalising them for what they cannot do. This does not mean that matters of inaccuracy in, for
example, grammar and pronunciation are to be overlooked, but is a reminder that a speaking test
is intended to credit positive achievement.

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16. To conduct speaking tests effectively:

• try to put candidates at their ease from the outset (smiling as they enter the room, indicating
where they should sit) while maintaining a clear sense that the speaking test is being
conducted in a formal examination situation
• show interest, even in mundane matters
• use ‘open’ questions which allow candidates to respond at length, not ‘closed’ questions
which prompt yes/no answers.

Please avoid:
• walking about or distracting candidates
• interrupting with your own views or correcting mistakes
• showing undue surprise or impatience
• giving the impression that there are ‘right’ answers to questions or that the test is a test of
• making written notes during the test
• indicating how well the candidate has performed during or after the test.

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Give a mark out of 10 for each category (structure, vocabulary, development and fluency), and
then add these marks to give an overall total out of 30.

Mark Structure Vocabulary Development and Fluency

The candidate uses The candidate uses The candidate shows
a range of structures a sufficient range of sustained ability to maintain a
accurately and vocabulary to respond conversation (and contribute)
consistently, and is with precision. Shades of at some length. The candidate
confidently in control of meaning are achieved and responds to a change of
the structures used. some sophisticated ideas direction in the conversation,
are communicated. demonstrating the ability to
expand and develop the topic
and contribute original ideas.

Pronunciation and intonation

are clear.
The candidate uses a The candidate uses The candidate maintains
range of structures that a sufficient range of a competent conversation,
are generally accurate vocabulary to convey responding relevantly and at
(and used) with some information and ideas with length, using some original
7–8 confidence. Errors will competence and some ideas. Frequent prompting is
occur when attempting confidence. unnecessary.
to use more complex
sentences. Pronunciation and intonation
are generally clear.
The candidate uses simple The candidate uses The candidate makes an
structures securely, but a sufficient range of attempt to respond to questions
has difficulty venturing vocabulary to convey and prompts. Effort is needed
beyond them. simple ideas and to develop the conversation
information clearly, but not which will not be entirely
entirely successfully. successful.

Pronunciation and intonation

are not always clear, but the
candidate can be understood.
The candidate uses very The candidate uses The candidate has to be
simple, limited structures a restricted range of encouraged to go beyond
with errors which restrict vocabulary and has responses which are brief and
communication. difficulty in conveying widely spaced. The candidate
simple ideas. There is likely struggles to develop a
to be hesitation, repetition conversation.
and searching for words.
Pronunciation and intonation
cause some communication
The candidate attempts The candidate has The candidate’s responses
a response, but rarely insufficient vocabulary to are so brief that little is
achieves communication. convey even simple ideas. communicated.
Pronunciation and intonation
patterns cause difficulty for
even the most sympathetic
0 No response. No response. No response.
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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

A Popular places

Candidate’s Card

Many people like visiting places such as towns, buildings or parks.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• places that are popular in your country or area, and why

• a place you enjoyed visiting, and what you did there

• the advantages and disadvantages of visiting places on your own

• the view that tourism is destroying many of the world’s most beautiful places

• the idea that it is more exciting to explore new places through the internet than in real life.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

B The importance of music

Candidate’s Card

Music plays an important part in many people’s lives.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• your favourite song or piece of music, and why you like it

• a time when you, or someone you know, listened to live music, and what it was like

• the advantages and disadvantages of listening to music while studying

• the opinion that everyone should learn how to play a musical instrument at school

• the suggestion that listening to music always makes people feel happier.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

C Greeting people

Candidate’s Card

When we meet people, there are different things we say and do to greet them.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• how you greet different people, and why

• what you can do to make a good impression on people when you meet them for the first time

• whether tourists should learn how to greet people in the language of the country they visit

• the suggestion that people talk about different topics with their friends than with someone
they meet for the first time

• the view that social media has changed the way we communicate with other people.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

D Markets

Candidate’s Card

Some people prefer buying food, clothes and other things in a market, rather than in other places.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• a market you, or people you know, have been to, and what it was like

• whether you prefer shopping in a market or a shopping mall

• whether you would like to work in a market, and why

• the view that eating street food is better than having a meal in a restaurant

• the opinion that shopping trips are a good way of spending time with friends and family.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

E Sharing meals

Candidate’s Card

Many people enjoy eating their meals with friends or family, while others prefer eating alone.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• whether you prefer eating your meals with other people or alone

• a special meal you ate with other people, and what happened

• the advantages and disadvantages of cooking meals with friends or family at home

• the view that mobile phones and television should be switched off during meals

• the opinion that, when travelling abroad, it’s a good idea to try the local food.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

F Hot and cold

Candidate’s Card

People experience different temperatures in different parts of the world.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• your favourite type of weather, and why you like it

• a time when you were very hot or very cold, and what happened

• the disadvantages of living in a hot climate

• the view that it is possible to live in any climate if you have suitable clothing

• the suggestion that, in the future, people will have to spend more time indoors than outdoors
because of the weather.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

G TV programmes

Candidate’s Card

There are many different types of television programmes, which can be watched on TV sets, laptops or
mobile phones.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• a TV programme you enjoyed, and why

• whether you would like to be in a TV programme, and why

• the advantages and disadvantages of watching programmes with other people

• the view that all TV programmes should teach us something

• the idea that children should only be allowed to watch TV for one hour a day.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

H Hopes for the future

Candidate’s Card

Young people have many different hopes for their future lives.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• what you like most about your life now, and why

• an event that you are looking forward to, and why

• whether it is important for people to have goals for the future

• the opinion that we all need other people to help us achieve our goals

• the view that only people who work very hard can achieve success.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

I Growing older

Candidate’s Card

People’s lives change as they grow older.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• an older person you admire, and why

• how you think your life will change as you grow older

• whether people can learn new skills at any age

• the view that older people can never understand what it’s like to be young nowadays

• the suggestion that it’s a good idea for young and old generations to live together.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

J Modern buildings

Candidate’s Card

Many people nowadays live or work in modern buildings.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• the type of building you live in, and what it is like

• a time when you, or someone you know, visited a city with modern buildings, and what you
did there

• whether you would like to design and build your own home in the future

• the view that people who live in big apartment buildings in cities never get to know their

• the suggestion that, in the future, everyone will live and work in cities.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

K Saving time

Candidate’s Card

People sometimes need to do things quickly so they have enough time to do other things.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• a time when you had to do something quickly, and what happened

• how you, or people you know, save time during the day

• whether fast food is the best type of food for a modern lifestyle

• the view that if we want to do something well, we need to do it slowly

• the opinion that electronic devices, such as laptops and mobile phones, make us waste time.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

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Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

L New experiences

Candidate’s Card

Some people like trying things for the first time, such as a new type of food or sport.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• a time when you, or someone you know, did something for the first time, and what happened

• a type of food or sport that you are not interested in trying, and why

• whether it is more enjoyable to try something new with friends than on your own

• the opinion that everyone should travel abroad at least once in their lives

• the view that learning new skills is always challenging.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

© UCLES 2023 0510/51/TN/O/N/23


Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

M Groups

Candidate’s Card

We often work, study or play together with other people.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• a time when you were in a large group of people, and what you did

• whether you prefer to study on your own or in a group, and why

• the skills and qualities people need to work successfully in a team

• the challenges of organising a group activity for friends or family, such as a trip or a party

• the view that people can’t make real friends on social media.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

© UCLES 2023 0510/51/TN/O/N/23 [Turn over


Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

N Birthdays

Candidate’s Card

Birthdays are a time for a special celebration.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• how you celebrated your last birthday

• whether you would like to plan your own birthday party

• whether celebrating birthdays is more important than celebrating other events

• the opinion that food is the most enjoyable part of any celebration

• the view that everyone should have a day off work or school on their birthday.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

© UCLES 2023 0510/51/TN/O/N/23


Instructions to the teacher/examiner

When you have started the recording, given the candidate’s name and number and welcomed
the candidate, please read the following explanation to the candidate.

First we will have a 2–3-minute general discussion about your interests and life outside school. This
part isn’t assessed.

Then I will give you an assessment card which has the topic we will discuss in the last part of the test.
You will have 2–3 minutes to read the five prompts on the card to prepare for this part. You can’t make
any written notes but you can ask me to explain anything you don’t understand.

Finally, we will have a discussion based on the five prompts on the card and any ideas of your own on
the topic. This part lasts 6–9 minutes and is the only part that is assessed. You may keep the card until
the end of the test.

Do you have any questions?

Then start the test.

O Messages

Candidate’s Card

People often communicate by writing messages rather than speaking to each other.

Discuss this topic with the examiner.

Use the following prompts, in the order given below, to develop the conversation:

• different people you send text messages to, and why

• whether you prefer writing short text messages or long emails

• the advantages and disadvantages of adding images and videos to text messages

• the suggestion that a face-to-face conversation is always better than a text message

• the view that, in the future, people will only communicate on social media.

You may introduce related ideas of your own to expand on these prompts.

Remember, you are not allowed to make any written notes.

© UCLES 2023 0510/51/TN/O/N/23



Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every
reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (UCLES) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the
publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest possible opportunity.

To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge
Assessment International Education Copyright Acknowledgements Booklet. This is produced for each series of examinations and is freely available to download
at after the live examination series.

Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of Cambridge Assessment. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of the University of Cambridge
Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is a department of the University of Cambridge.

© UCLES 2023 0510/51/TN/O/N/23

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