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[21-01-2024 02:38:39] asphyxia | schema dump

class C_Item
bool m_bShouldGlow = 0x1560
char[256] m_pReticleHintTextName = 0x1561
class C_BaseDoor
bool m_bIsUsable = 0xCC0
class C_RagdollManager
int8 m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount = 0x540
class CEconItemAttribute
uint16 m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex = 0x30
float32 m_flValue = 0x34
float32 m_flInitialValue = 0x38
int32 m_nRefundableCurrency = 0x3C
bool m_bSetBonus = 0x40
class IntervalTimer
GameTime_t m_timestamp = 0x8
WorldGroupId_t m_nWorldGroupId = 0xC
class CGameSceneNodeHandle
CEntityHandle m_hOwner = 0x8
CUtlStringToken m_name = 0xC
class CTimeline
float32[64] m_flValues = 0x10
int32[64] m_nValueCounts = 0x110
int32 m_nBucketCount = 0x210
float32 m_flInterval = 0x214
float32 m_flFinalValue = 0x218
TimelineCompression_t m_nCompressionType = 0x21C
bool m_bStopped = 0x220
class C_BaseModelEntity
CRenderComponent* m_CRenderComponent = 0xA10
CHitboxComponent m_CHitboxComponent = 0xA18
bool m_bInitModelEffects = 0xA60
bool m_bIsStaticProp = 0xA61
int32 m_nLastAddDecal = 0xA64
int32 m_nDecalsAdded = 0xA68
int32 m_iOldHealth = 0xA6C
RenderMode_t m_nRenderMode = 0xA70
RenderFx_t m_nRenderFX = 0xA71
bool m_bAllowFadeInView = 0xA72
Color m_clrRender = 0xA73
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< EntityRenderAttribute_t > m_vecRenderAttributes
= 0xA78
bool m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0xAE0
CCollisionProperty m_Collision = 0xAE8
CGlowProperty m_Glow = 0xB98
float32 m_flGlowBackfaceMult = 0xBF0
float32 m_fadeMinDist = 0xBF4
float32 m_fadeMaxDist = 0xBF8
float32 m_flFadeScale = 0xBFC
float32 m_flShadowStrength = 0xC00
uint8 m_nObjectCulling = 0xC04
int32 m_nAddDecal = 0xC08
Vector m_vDecalPosition = 0xC0C
Vector m_vDecalForwardAxis = 0xC18
float32 m_flDecalHealBloodRate = 0xC24
float32 m_flDecalHealHeightRate = 0xC28
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > >
m_ConfigEntitiesToPropagateMaterialDecalsTo = 0xC30
CNetworkViewOffsetVector m_vecViewOffset = 0xC48
CClientAlphaProperty* m_pClientAlphaProperty = 0xC78
Color m_ClientOverrideTint = 0xC80
bool m_bUseClientOverrideTint = 0xC84
class C_AttributeContainer
C_EconItemView m_Item = 0x50
int32 m_iExternalItemProviderRegisteredToken = 0x498
uint64 m_ullRegisteredAsItemID = 0x4A0
class C_FootstepControl
CUtlSymbolLarge m_source = 0xCC8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_destination = 0xCD0
class C_PointWorldText
bool m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate = 0xCC8
char[512] m_messageText = 0xCD8
char[64] m_FontName = 0xED8
bool m_bEnabled = 0xF18
bool m_bFullbright = 0xF19
float32 m_flWorldUnitsPerPx = 0xF1C
float32 m_flFontSize = 0xF20
float32 m_flDepthOffset = 0xF24
Color m_Color = 0xF28
PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t m_nJustifyHorizontal = 0xF2C
PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t m_nJustifyVertical = 0xF30
PointWorldTextReorientMode_t m_nReorientMode = 0xF34
class C_EnvWindClientside
C_EnvWindShared m_EnvWindShared = 0x540
class C_SpotlightEnd
float32 m_flLightScale = 0xCC0
float32 m_Radius = 0xCC4
class C_PointCamera
float32 m_FOV = 0x540
float32 m_Resolution = 0x544
bool m_bFogEnable = 0x548
Color m_FogColor = 0x549
float32 m_flFogStart = 0x550
float32 m_flFogEnd = 0x554
float32 m_flFogMaxDensity = 0x558
bool m_bActive = 0x55C
bool m_bUseScreenAspectRatio = 0x55D
float32 m_flAspectRatio = 0x560
bool m_bNoSky = 0x564
float32 m_fBrightness = 0x568
float32 m_flZFar = 0x56C
float32 m_flZNear = 0x570
bool m_bCanHLTVUse = 0x574
bool m_bDofEnabled = 0x575
float32 m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x578
float32 m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x57C
float32 m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x580
float32 m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x584
float32 m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x588
float32 m_TargetFOV = 0x58C
float32 m_DegreesPerSecond = 0x590
bool m_bIsOn = 0x594
C_PointCamera* m_pNext = 0x598
class CCSPlayer_ItemServices
bool m_bHasDefuser = 0x40
bool m_bHasHelmet = 0x41
bool m_bHasHeavyArmor = 0x42
class sky3dparams_t
int16 scale = 0x8
Vector origin = 0xC
bool bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar = 0x18
float32 flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset = 0x1C
fogparams_t fog = 0x20
WorldGroupId_t m_nWorldGroupID = 0x88
class CCSPlayer_WaterServices
float32 m_flWaterJumpTime = 0x40
Vector m_vecWaterJumpVel = 0x44
float32 m_flSwimSoundTime = 0x50
class C_EnvDetailController
float32 m_flFadeStartDist = 0x540
float32 m_flFadeEndDist = 0x544
class C_EnvWind
C_EnvWindShared m_EnvWindShared = 0x540
class C_BaseCombatCharacter
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_EconWearable > > m_hMyWearables = 0x1018
int32 m_bloodColor = 0x1030
AttachmentHandle_t m_leftFootAttachment = 0x1034
AttachmentHandle_t m_rightFootAttachment = 0x1035
C_BaseCombatCharacter::WaterWakeMode_t m_nWaterWakeMode = 0x1038
float32 m_flWaterWorldZ = 0x103C
float32 m_flWaterNextTraceTime = 0x1040
float32 m_flFieldOfView = 0x1044
class CAttributeManager
CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseEntity > > m_Providers = 0x8
int32 m_iReapplyProvisionParity = 0x20
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOuter = 0x24
bool m_bPreventLoopback = 0x28
attributeprovidertypes_t m_ProviderType = 0x2C
CUtlVector< CAttributeManager::cached_attribute_float_t > m_CachedResults =
class C_FireSmoke
int32 m_nFlameModelIndex = 0x550
int32 m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex = 0x554
float32 m_flScaleRegister = 0x558
float32 m_flScaleStart = 0x55C
float32 m_flScaleEnd = 0x560
GameTime_t m_flScaleTimeStart = 0x564
GameTime_t m_flScaleTimeEnd = 0x568
float32 m_flChildFlameSpread = 0x56C
float32 m_flClipPerc = 0x580
bool m_bClipTested = 0x584
bool m_bFadingOut = 0x585
TimedEvent m_tParticleSpawn = 0x588
CFireOverlay* m_pFireOverlay = 0x590
class C_BaseCSGrenade
bool m_bClientPredictDelete = 0x1A10
bool m_bRedraw = 0x1A11
bool m_bIsHeldByPlayer = 0x1A12
bool m_bPinPulled = 0x1A13
bool m_bJumpThrow = 0x1A14
bool m_bThrowAnimating = 0x1A15
GameTime_t m_fThrowTime = 0x1A18
float32 m_flThrowStrength = 0x1A1C
float32 m_flThrowStrengthApproach = 0x1A20
GameTime_t m_fDropTime = 0x1A24
bool m_bJustPulledPin = 0x1A28
GameTick_t m_nNextHoldTick = 0x1A2C
float32 m_flNextHoldFrac = 0x1A30
CHandle< C_CSWeaponBase > m_hSwitchToWeaponAfterThrow = 0x1A34
class CEffectData
Vector m_vOrigin = 0x8
Vector m_vStart = 0x14
Vector m_vNormal = 0x20
QAngle m_vAngles = 0x2C
CEntityHandle m_hEntity = 0x38
CEntityHandle m_hOtherEntity = 0x3C
float32 m_flScale = 0x40
float32 m_flMagnitude = 0x44
float32 m_flRadius = 0x48
CUtlStringToken m_nSurfaceProp = 0x4C
CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_nEffectIndex =
uint32 m_nDamageType = 0x58
uint8 m_nPenetrate = 0x5C
uint16 m_nMaterial = 0x5E
uint16 m_nHitBox = 0x60
uint8 m_nColor = 0x62
uint8 m_fFlags = 0x63
AttachmentHandle_t m_nAttachmentIndex = 0x64
CUtlStringToken m_nAttachmentName = 0x68
uint16 m_iEffectName = 0x6C
uint8 m_nExplosionType = 0x6E
class C_BaseEntity
CBodyComponent* m_CBodyComponent = 0x30
CNetworkTransmitComponent m_NetworkTransmitComponent = 0x38
GameTick_t m_nLastThinkTick = 0x308
CGameSceneNode* m_pGameSceneNode = 0x310
CRenderComponent* m_pRenderComponent = 0x318
CCollisionProperty* m_pCollision = 0x320
int32 m_iMaxHealth = 0x328
int32 m_iHealth = 0x32C
uint8 m_lifeState = 0x330
bool m_bTakesDamage = 0x331
TakeDamageFlags_t m_nTakeDamageFlags = 0x334
uint8 m_ubInterpolationFrame = 0x338
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hSceneObjectController = 0x33C
int32 m_nNoInterpolationTick = 0x340
int32 m_nVisibilityNoInterpolationTick = 0x344
float32 m_flProxyRandomValue = 0x348
int32 m_iEFlags = 0x34C
uint8 m_nWaterType = 0x350
bool m_bInterpolateEvenWithNoModel = 0x351
bool m_bPredictionEligible = 0x352
bool m_bApplyLayerMatchIDToModel = 0x353
CUtlStringToken m_tokLayerMatchID = 0x354
CUtlStringToken m_nSubclassID = 0x358
int32 m_nSimulationTick = 0x368
int32 m_iCurrentThinkContext = 0x36C
CUtlVector< thinkfunc_t > m_aThinkFunctions = 0x370
float32 m_flAnimTime = 0x388
float32 m_flSimulationTime = 0x38C
uint8 m_nSceneObjectOverrideFlags = 0x390
bool m_bHasSuccessfullyInterpolated = 0x391
bool m_bHasAddedVarsToInterpolation = 0x392
bool m_bRenderEvenWhenNotSuccessfullyInterpolated = 0x393
int32[2] m_nInterpolationLatchDirtyFlags = 0x394
uint16[11] m_ListEntry = 0x39C
GameTime_t m_flCreateTime = 0x3B4
float32 m_flSpeed = 0x3B8
uint16 m_EntClientFlags = 0x3BC
bool m_bClientSideRagdoll = 0x3BE
uint8 m_iTeamNum = 0x3BF
uint32 m_spawnflags = 0x3C0
GameTick_t m_nNextThinkTick = 0x3C4
uint32 m_fFlags = 0x3C8
Vector m_vecAbsVelocity = 0x3CC
CNetworkVelocityVector m_vecVelocity = 0x3D8
Vector m_vecBaseVelocity = 0x408
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEffectEntity = 0x414
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOwnerEntity = 0x418
MoveCollide_t m_MoveCollide = 0x41C
MoveType_t m_MoveType = 0x41D
float32 m_flWaterLevel = 0x420
uint32 m_fEffects = 0x424
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hGroundEntity = 0x428
float32 m_flFriction = 0x42C
float32 m_flElasticity = 0x430
float32 m_flGravityScale = 0x434
float32 m_flTimeScale = 0x438
bool m_bSimulatedEveryTick = 0x43C
bool m_bAnimatedEveryTick = 0x43D
GameTime_t m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime = 0x440
uint16 m_hThink = 0x444
uint8 m_fBBoxVisFlags = 0x450
bool m_bPredictable = 0x451
bool m_bRenderWithViewModels = 0x452
CSplitScreenSlot m_nSplitUserPlayerPredictionSlot = 0x454
int32 m_nFirstPredictableCommand = 0x458
int32 m_nLastPredictableCommand = 0x45C
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOldMoveParent = 0x460
CParticleProperty m_Particles = 0x468
CUtlVector< float32 > m_vecPredictedScriptFloats = 0x490
CUtlVector< int32 > m_vecPredictedScriptFloatIDs = 0x4A8
int32 m_nNextScriptVarRecordID = 0x4D8
QAngle m_vecAngVelocity = 0x4E8
int32 m_DataChangeEventRef = 0x4F4
CUtlVector< CEntityHandle > m_dependencies = 0x4F8
int32 m_nCreationTick = 0x510
bool m_bAnimTimeChanged = 0x529
bool m_bSimulationTimeChanged = 0x52A
CUtlString m_sUniqueHammerID = 0x538
class CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint32 > m_PredNetBoolVariables = 0x8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint8 > m_PredNetByteVariables = 0x20
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint16 > m_PredNetUInt16Variables = 0x38
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< int32 > m_PredNetIntVariables = 0x50
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint32 > m_PredNetUInt32Variables = 0x68
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint64 > m_PredNetUInt64Variables = 0x80
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< float32 > m_PredNetFloatVariables = 0x98
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_PredNetVectorVariables = 0xB0
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Quaternion > m_PredNetQuaternionVariables = 0xC8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint32 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetBoolVariables = 0xE0
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint8 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetByteVariables = 0xF8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint16 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt16Variables = 0x110
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< int32 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetIntVariables = 0x128
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint32 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt32Variables = 0x140
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< uint64 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetUInt64Variables = 0x158
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< float32 > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetFloatVariables = 0x170
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetVectorVariables = 0x188
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Quaternion > m_OwnerOnlyPredNetQuaternionVariables =
int32 m_nBoolVariablesCount = 0x1B8
int32 m_nOwnerOnlyBoolVariablesCount = 0x1BC
int32 m_nRandomSeedOffset = 0x1C0
float32 m_flLastTeleportTime = 0x1C4
class CBodyComponent
CGameSceneNode* m_pSceneNode = 0x8
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x20
class C_SoundAreaEntitySphere
float32 m_flRadius = 0x568
class C_LightGlow
uint32 m_nHorizontalSize = 0xCC0
uint32 m_nVerticalSize = 0xCC4
uint32 m_nMinDist = 0xCC8
uint32 m_nMaxDist = 0xCCC
uint32 m_nOuterMaxDist = 0xCD0
float32 m_flGlowProxySize = 0xCD4
float32 m_flHDRColorScale = 0xCD8
C_LightGlowOverlay m_Glow = 0xCE0
class C_ClientRagdoll
bool m_bFadeOut = 0xE80
bool m_bImportant = 0xE81
GameTime_t m_flEffectTime = 0xE84
GameTime_t m_gibDespawnTime = 0xE88
int32 m_iCurrentFriction = 0xE8C
int32 m_iMinFriction = 0xE90
int32 m_iMaxFriction = 0xE94
int32 m_iFrictionAnimState = 0xE98
bool m_bReleaseRagdoll = 0xE9C
AttachmentHandle_t m_iEyeAttachment = 0xE9D
bool m_bFadingOut = 0xE9E
float32[10] m_flScaleEnd = 0xEA0
GameTime_t[10] m_flScaleTimeStart = 0xEC8
GameTime_t[10] m_flScaleTimeEnd = 0xEF0
class CBodyComponentBaseAnimGraph
CBaseAnimGraphController m_animationController = 0x480
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x18C0
class C_SmokeGrenadeProjectile
int32 m_nSmokeEffectTickBegin = 0x1108
bool m_bDidSmokeEffect = 0x110C
int32 m_nRandomSeed = 0x1110
Vector m_vSmokeColor = 0x1114
Vector m_vSmokeDetonationPos = 0x1120
CUtlVector< uint8 > m_VoxelFrameData = 0x1130
bool m_bSmokeVolumeDataReceived = 0x1148
bool m_bSmokeEffectSpawned = 0x1149
class C_FuncMonitor
CUtlString m_targetCamera = 0xCC0
int32 m_nResolutionEnum = 0xCC8
bool m_bRenderShadows = 0xCCC
bool m_bUseUniqueColorTarget = 0xCCD
CUtlString m_brushModelName = 0xCD0
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hTargetCamera = 0xCD8
bool m_bEnabled = 0xCDC
bool m_bDraw3DSkybox = 0xCDD
class C_Beam
float32 m_flFrameRate = 0xCC0
float32 m_flHDRColorScale = 0xCC4
GameTime_t m_flFireTime = 0xCC8
float32 m_flDamage = 0xCCC
uint8 m_nNumBeamEnts = 0xCD0
int32 m_queryHandleHalo = 0xCD4
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hBaseMaterial = 0xCF8
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_nHaloIndex = 0xD00
BeamType_t m_nBeamType = 0xD08
uint32 m_nBeamFlags = 0xD0C
CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[10] m_hAttachEntity = 0xD10
AttachmentHandle_t[10] m_nAttachIndex = 0xD38
float32 m_fWidth = 0xD44
float32 m_fEndWidth = 0xD48
float32 m_fFadeLength = 0xD4C
float32 m_fHaloScale = 0xD50
float32 m_fAmplitude = 0xD54
float32 m_fStartFrame = 0xD58
float32 m_fSpeed = 0xD5C
float32 m_flFrame = 0xD60
BeamClipStyle_t m_nClipStyle = 0xD64
bool m_bTurnedOff = 0xD68
Vector m_vecEndPos = 0xD6C
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEndEntity = 0xD78
class C_Inferno
ParticleIndex_t m_nfxFireDamageEffect = 0xD00
Vector[64] m_firePositions = 0xD04
Vector[64] m_fireParentPositions = 0x1004
bool[64] m_bFireIsBurning = 0x1304
Vector[64] m_BurnNormal = 0x1344
int32 m_fireCount = 0x1644
int32 m_nInfernoType = 0x1648
float32 m_nFireLifetime = 0x164C
bool m_bInPostEffectTime = 0x1650
int32 m_lastFireCount = 0x1654
int32 m_nFireEffectTickBegin = 0x1658
int32 m_drawableCount = 0x8260
bool m_blosCheck = 0x8264
int32 m_nlosperiod = 0x8268
float32 m_maxFireHalfWidth = 0x826C
float32 m_maxFireHeight = 0x8270
Vector m_minBounds = 0x8274
Vector m_maxBounds = 0x8280
float32 m_flLastGrassBurnThink = 0x828C
class C_CsmFovOverride
CUtlString m_cameraName = 0x540
float32 m_flCsmFovOverrideValue = 0x548
class C_CSPlayerPawn
CCSPlayer_BulletServices* m_pBulletServices = 0x16B8
CCSPlayer_HostageServices* m_pHostageServices = 0x16C0
CCSPlayer_BuyServices* m_pBuyServices = 0x16C8
CCSPlayer_GlowServices* m_pGlowServices = 0x16D0
CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices* m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x16D8
GameTime_t m_flHealthShotBoostExpirationTime = 0x16E0
GameTime_t m_flLastFiredWeaponTime = 0x16E4
bool m_bHasFemaleVoice = 0x16E8
float32 m_flLandseconds = 0x16EC
float32 m_flOldFallVelocity = 0x16F0
char[18] m_szLastPlaceName = 0x16F4
bool m_bPrevDefuser = 0x1706
bool m_bPrevHelmet = 0x1707
int32 m_nPrevArmorVal = 0x1708
int32 m_nPrevGrenadeAmmoCount = 0x170C
uint32 m_unPreviousWeaponHash = 0x1710
uint32 m_unWeaponHash = 0x1714
bool m_bInBuyZone = 0x1718
bool m_bPreviouslyInBuyZone = 0x1719
QAngle m_aimPunchAngle = 0x171C
QAngle m_aimPunchAngleVel = 0x1728
int32 m_aimPunchTickBase = 0x1734
float32 m_aimPunchTickFraction = 0x1738
CUtlVector< QAngle > m_aimPunchCache = 0x1740
bool m_bInLanding = 0x1760
float32 m_flLandingTime = 0x1764
bool m_bInHostageRescueZone = 0x1768
bool m_bInBombZone = 0x1769
bool m_bIsBuyMenuOpen = 0x176A
GameTime_t m_flTimeOfLastInjury = 0x176C
GameTime_t m_flNextSprayDecalTime = 0x1770
int32 m_iRetakesOffering = 0x1888
int32 m_iRetakesOfferingCard = 0x188C
bool m_bRetakesHasDefuseKit = 0x1890
bool m_bRetakesMVPLastRound = 0x1891
int32 m_iRetakesMVPBoostItem = 0x1894
loadout_slot_t m_RetakesMVPBoostExtraUtility = 0x1898
bool m_bNeedToReApplyGloves = 0x18B8
C_EconItemView m_EconGloves = 0x18C0
bool m_bMustSyncRagdollState = 0x1D08
int32 m_nRagdollDamageBone = 0x1D0C
Vector m_vRagdollDamageForce = 0x1D10
Vector m_vRagdollDamagePosition = 0x1D1C
char[64] m_szRagdollDamageWeaponName = 0x1D28
bool m_bRagdollDamageHeadshot = 0x1D68
Vector m_vRagdollServerOrigin = 0x1D6C
bool m_bLastHeadBoneTransformIsValid = 0x2380
GameTime_t m_lastLandTime = 0x2384
bool m_bOnGroundLastTick = 0x2388
QAngle m_qDeathEyeAngles = 0x23A4
bool m_bSkipOneHeadConstraintUpdate = 0x23B0
class C_WeaponBaseItem
CountdownTimer m_SequenceCompleteTimer = 0x1A10
bool m_bRedraw = 0x1A28
class CPlayer_WeaponServices
bool m_bAllowSwitchToNoWeapon = 0x40
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BasePlayerWeapon > > m_hMyWeapons = 0x48
CHandle< C_BasePlayerWeapon > m_hActiveWeapon = 0x60
CHandle< C_BasePlayerWeapon > m_hLastWeapon = 0x64
uint16[32] m_iAmmo = 0x68
class CBodyComponentPoint
CGameSceneNode m_sceneNode = 0x50
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x1A0
class C_CSGO_PreviewModel
CUtlString m_animgraph = 0x1018
CUtlString m_animgraphCharacterModeString = 0x1020
CUtlString m_defaultAnim = 0x1028
AnimLoopMode_t m_nDefaultAnimLoopMode = 0x1030
float32 m_flInitialModelScale = 0x1034
class C_Sun
ParticleIndex_t m_fxSSSunFlareEffectIndex = 0xCC0
ParticleIndex_t m_fxSunFlareEffectIndex = 0xCC4
float32 m_fdistNormalize = 0xCC8
Vector m_vSunPos = 0xCCC
Vector m_vDirection = 0xCD8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszEffectName = 0xCE8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszSSEffectName = 0xCF0
Color m_clrOverlay = 0xCF8
bool m_bOn = 0xCFC
bool m_bmaxColor = 0xCFD
float32 m_flSize = 0xD00
float32 m_flHazeScale = 0xD04
float32 m_flRotation = 0xD08
float32 m_flHDRColorScale = 0xD0C
float32 m_flAlphaHaze = 0xD10
float32 m_flAlphaScale = 0xD14
float32 m_flAlphaHdr = 0xD18
float32 m_flFarZScale = 0xD1C
class C_BaseButton
CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > m_glowEntity = 0xCC0
bool m_usable = 0xCC4
CUtlSymbolLarge m_szDisplayText = 0xCC8
class C_BasePlayerPawn
CPlayer_WeaponServices* m_pWeaponServices = 0x10A8
CPlayer_ItemServices* m_pItemServices = 0x10B0
CPlayer_AutoaimServices* m_pAutoaimServices = 0x10B8
CPlayer_ObserverServices* m_pObserverServices = 0x10C0
CPlayer_WaterServices* m_pWaterServices = 0x10C8
CPlayer_UseServices* m_pUseServices = 0x10D0
CPlayer_FlashlightServices* m_pFlashlightServices = 0x10D8
CPlayer_CameraServices* m_pCameraServices = 0x10E0
CPlayer_MovementServices* m_pMovementServices = 0x10E8
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< ViewAngleServerChange_t >
m_ServerViewAngleChanges = 0x10F8
uint32 m_nHighestConsumedServerViewAngleChangeIndex = 0x1148
QAngle v_angle = 0x114C
QAngle v_anglePrevious = 0x1158
uint32 m_iHideHUD = 0x1164
sky3dparams_t m_skybox3d = 0x1168
GameTime_t m_flDeathTime = 0x11F8
Vector m_vecPredictionError = 0x11FC
GameTime_t m_flPredictionErrorTime = 0x1208
Vector m_vecLastCameraSetupLocalOrigin = 0x120C
GameTime_t m_flLastCameraSetupTime = 0x1218
float32 m_flFOVSensitivityAdjust = 0x121C
float32 m_flMouseSensitivity = 0x1220
Vector m_vOldOrigin = 0x1224
float32 m_flOldSimulationTime = 0x1230
int32 m_nLastExecutedCommandNumber = 0x1234
int32 m_nLastExecutedCommandTick = 0x1238
CHandle< CBasePlayerController > m_hController = 0x123C
bool m_bIsSwappingToPredictableController = 0x1240
class CScriptComponent
CUtlSymbolLarge m_scriptClassName = 0x30
class CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< CSPerRoundStats_t > m_perRoundStats = 0x40
CSMatchStats_t m_matchStats = 0x90
int32 m_iNumRoundKills = 0x108
int32 m_iNumRoundKillsHeadshots = 0x10C
uint32 m_unTotalRoundDamageDealt = 0x110
class C_SceneEntity::QueuedEvents_t
float32 starttime = 0x0
class C_BaseTrigger
bool m_bDisabled = 0xCC0
bool m_bClientSidePredicted = 0xCC1
class C_FuncElectrifiedVolume
ParticleIndex_t m_nAmbientEffect = 0xCC0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_EffectName = 0xCC8
bool m_bState = 0xCD0
class C_BaseFire
float32 m_flScale = 0x540
float32 m_flStartScale = 0x544
float32 m_flScaleTime = 0x548
uint32 m_nFlags = 0x54C
class C_SoundAreaEntityOrientedBox
Vector m_vMin = 0x568
Vector m_vMax = 0x574
class C_TextureBasedAnimatable
bool m_bLoop = 0xCC0
float32 m_flFPS = 0xCC4
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hPositionKeys = 0xCC8
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hRotationKeys = 0xCD0
Vector m_vAnimationBoundsMin = 0xCD8
Vector m_vAnimationBoundsMax = 0xCE4
float32 m_flStartTime = 0xCF0
float32 m_flStartFrame = 0xCF4
class C_EntityDissolve
GameTime_t m_flStartTime = 0xCC8
float32 m_flFadeInStart = 0xCCC
float32 m_flFadeInLength = 0xCD0
float32 m_flFadeOutModelStart = 0xCD4
float32 m_flFadeOutModelLength = 0xCD8
float32 m_flFadeOutStart = 0xCDC
float32 m_flFadeOutLength = 0xCE0
GameTime_t m_flNextSparkTime = 0xCE4
EntityDisolveType_t m_nDissolveType = 0xCE8
Vector m_vDissolverOrigin = 0xCEC
uint32 m_nMagnitude = 0xCF8
bool m_bCoreExplode = 0xCFC
bool m_bLinkedToServerEnt = 0xCFD
class CCSPlayerBase_CameraServices
uint32 m_iFOV = 0x210
uint32 m_iFOVStart = 0x214
GameTime_t m_flFOVTime = 0x218
float32 m_flFOVRate = 0x21C
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hZoomOwner = 0x220
float32 m_flLastShotFOV = 0x224
class C_Team
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< CBasePlayerController > > m_aPlayerControllers
= 0x540
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BasePlayerPawn > > m_aPlayers = 0x558
int32 m_iScore = 0x570
char[129] m_szTeamname = 0x574
class CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices
uint16 m_unMusicID = 0x40
MedalRank_t[6] m_rank = 0x44
int32 m_nPersonaDataPublicLevel = 0x5C
int32 m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsLeader = 0x60
int32 m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsTeacher = 0x64
int32 m_nPersonaDataPublicCommendsFriendly = 0x68
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t >
m_vecServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlots = 0x70
class C_CSGOViewModel
bool m_bShouldIgnoreOffsetAndAccuracy = 0xF10
uint32 m_nWeaponParity = 0xF14
uint32 m_nOldWeaponParity = 0xF18
CEntityIndex m_nLastKnownAssociatedWeaponEntIndex = 0xF1C
bool m_bNeedToQueueHighResComposite = 0xF20
QAngle m_vLoweredWeaponOffset = 0xF64
class C_RopeKeyframe::CPhysicsDelegate
C_RopeKeyframe* m_pKeyframe = 0x8
class C_PickUpModelSlerper
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hPlayerParent = 0xE80
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hItem = 0xE84
float32 m_flTimePickedUp = 0xE88
QAngle m_angOriginal = 0xE8C
Vector m_vecPosOriginal = 0xE98
QAngle m_angRandom = 0xEA8
class C_TeamRoundTimer
bool m_bTimerPaused = 0x540
float32 m_flTimeRemaining = 0x544
GameTime_t m_flTimerEndTime = 0x548
bool m_bIsDisabled = 0x54C
bool m_bShowInHUD = 0x54D
int32 m_nTimerLength = 0x550
int32 m_nTimerInitialLength = 0x554
int32 m_nTimerMaxLength = 0x558
bool m_bAutoCountdown = 0x55C
int32 m_nSetupTimeLength = 0x560
int32 m_nState = 0x564
bool m_bStartPaused = 0x568
bool m_bInCaptureWatchState = 0x569
float32 m_flTotalTime = 0x56C
bool m_bStopWatchTimer = 0x570
bool m_bFireFinished = 0x571
bool m_bFire5MinRemain = 0x572
bool m_bFire4MinRemain = 0x573
bool m_bFire3MinRemain = 0x574
bool m_bFire2MinRemain = 0x575
bool m_bFire1MinRemain = 0x576
bool m_bFire30SecRemain = 0x577
bool m_bFire10SecRemain = 0x578
bool m_bFire5SecRemain = 0x579
bool m_bFire4SecRemain = 0x57A
bool m_bFire3SecRemain = 0x57B
bool m_bFire2SecRemain = 0x57C
bool m_bFire1SecRemain = 0x57D
int32 m_nOldTimerLength = 0x580
int32 m_nOldTimerState = 0x584
class CGlowProperty
Vector m_fGlowColor = 0x8
int32 m_iGlowType = 0x30
int32 m_iGlowTeam = 0x34
int32 m_nGlowRange = 0x38
int32 m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x3C
Color m_glowColorOverride = 0x40
bool m_bFlashing = 0x44
float32 m_flGlowTime = 0x48
float32 m_flGlowStartTime = 0x4C
bool m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight = 0x50
bool m_bGlowing = 0x51
class WeaponPurchaseCount_t
uint16 m_nItemDefIndex = 0x30
uint16 m_nCount = 0x32
class C_RetakeGameRules
int32 m_nMatchSeed = 0xF8
bool m_bBlockersPresent = 0xFC
bool m_bRoundInProgress = 0xFD
int32 m_iFirstSecondHalfRound = 0x100
int32 m_iBombSite = 0x104
class CBaseAnimGraphController
CNetworkedSequenceOperation m_baseLayer = 0x18
CAnimGraphNetworkedVariables m_animGraphNetworkedVars = 0x40
bool m_bSequenceFinished = 0x1320
float32 m_flLastEventCycle = 0x1324
float32 m_flLastEventAnimTime = 0x1328
CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_flPlaybackRate = 0x132C
float32 m_flPrevAnimTime = 0x1334
bool m_bClientSideAnimation = 0x1338
bool m_bNetworkedAnimationInputsChanged = 0x1339
uint8 m_nPrevNewSequenceParity = 0x133A
uint8 m_nPrevResetEventsParity = 0x133B
int32 m_nNewSequenceParity = 0x133C
int32 m_nResetEventsParity = 0x1340
AnimLoopMode_t m_nAnimLoopMode = 0x1344
AnimationUpdateListHandle_t m_hAnimationUpdate = 0x13E4
HSequence m_hLastAnimEventSequence = 0x13E8
class CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi
bool m_bBeenEnabled = 0xF20
bool m_bHide = 0xF21
float32 m_flSeenTargetTime = 0xF24
C_PointClientUIWorldPanel* m_pTargetPanel = 0xF28
class C_CSWeaponBaseGun
int32 m_zoomLevel = 0x1A10
int32 m_iBurstShotsRemaining = 0x1A14
int32 m_iSilencerBodygroup = 0x1A18
int32 m_silencedModelIndex = 0x1A28
bool m_inPrecache = 0x1A2C
bool m_bNeedsBoltAction = 0x1A2D
class CBaseAnimGraph
bool m_bInitiallyPopulateInterpHistory = 0xCC0
bool m_bShouldAnimateDuringGameplayPause = 0xCC1
bool m_bSuppressAnimEventSounds = 0xCC3
bool m_bAnimGraphUpdateEnabled = 0xCD0
float32 m_flMaxSlopeDistance = 0xCD4
Vector m_vLastSlopeCheckPos = 0xCD8
Vector m_vecForce = 0xCE8
int32 m_nForceBone = 0xCF4
CBaseAnimGraph* m_pClientsideRagdoll = 0xCF8
bool m_bBuiltRagdoll = 0xD00
PhysicsRagdollPose_t* m_pRagdollPose = 0xD18
bool m_bClientRagdoll = 0xD20
bool m_bHasAnimatedMaterialAttributes = 0xD30
class C_CSPlayerPawnBase
CCSPlayer_PingServices* m_pPingServices = 0x1268
CPlayer_ViewModelServices* m_pViewModelServices = 0x1270
float32[4] m_fRenderingClipPlane = 0x1280
int32 m_nLastClipPlaneSetupFrame = 0x1290
Vector m_vecLastClipCameraPos = 0x1294
Vector m_vecLastClipCameraForward = 0x12A0
bool m_bClipHitStaticWorld = 0x12AC
bool m_bCachedPlaneIsValid = 0x12AD
C_CSWeaponBase* m_pClippingWeapon = 0x12B0
CSPlayerState m_previousPlayerState = 0x12B8
float32 m_flLastCollisionCeiling = 0x12BC
float32 m_flLastCollisionCeilingChangeTime = 0x12C0
GameTime_t m_grenadeParameterStashTime = 0x12E0
bool m_bGrenadeParametersStashed = 0x12E4
QAngle m_angStashedShootAngles = 0x12E8
Vector m_vecStashedGrenadeThrowPosition = 0x12F4
Vector m_vecStashedVelocity = 0x1300
QAngle[2] m_angShootAngleHistory = 0x130C
Vector[2] m_vecThrowPositionHistory = 0x1324
Vector[2] m_vecVelocityHistory = 0x133C
QAngle m_thirdPersonHeading = 0x1358
float32 m_flSlopeDropOffset = 0x1370
float32 m_flSlopeDropHeight = 0x1380
Vector m_vHeadConstraintOffset = 0x1390
bool m_bIsScoped = 0x13A8
bool m_bIsWalking = 0x13A9
bool m_bResumeZoom = 0x13AA
CSPlayerState m_iPlayerState = 0x13AC
bool m_bIsDefusing = 0x13B0
bool m_bIsGrabbingHostage = 0x13B1
CSPlayerBlockingUseAction_t m_iBlockingUseActionInProgress = 0x13B4
bool m_bIsRescuing = 0x13B8
GameTime_t m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTime = 0x13BC
GameTime_t m_fImmuneToGunGameDamageTimeLast = 0x13C0
bool m_bGunGameImmunity = 0x13C4
bool m_bHasMovedSinceSpawn = 0x13C5
float32 m_fMolotovUseTime = 0x13C8
float32 m_fMolotovDamageTime = 0x13CC
int32 m_nWhichBombZone = 0x13D0
bool m_bInNoDefuseArea = 0x13D4
int32 m_iThrowGrenadeCounter = 0x13D8
bool m_bWaitForNoAttack = 0x13DC
float32 m_flGuardianTooFarDistFrac = 0x13E0
GameTime_t m_flDetectedByEnemySensorTime = 0x13E4
float32 m_flNextGuardianTooFarWarning = 0x13E8
bool m_bSuppressGuardianTooFarWarningAudio = 0x13EC
bool m_bKilledByTaser = 0x13ED
int32 m_iMoveState = 0x13F0
bool m_bCanMoveDuringFreezePeriod = 0x13F4
float32 m_flLowerBodyYawTarget = 0x13F8
bool m_bStrafing = 0x13FC
GameTime_t m_flLastSpawnTimeIndex = 0x1400
GameTime_t m_flEmitSoundTime = 0x1404
int32 m_iAddonBits = 0x1408
int32 m_iPrimaryAddon = 0x140C
int32 m_iSecondaryAddon = 0x1410
int32 m_iProgressBarDuration = 0x1414
float32 m_flProgressBarStartTime = 0x1418
int32 m_iDirection = 0x141C
int32 m_iShotsFired = 0x1420
bool m_bNightVisionOn = 0x1424
bool m_bHasNightVision = 0x1425
float32 m_flVelocityModifier = 0x1428
float32 m_flHitHeading = 0x142C
int32 m_nHitBodyPart = 0x1430
int32 m_iStartAccount = 0x1434
Vector m_vecIntroStartEyePosition = 0x1438
Vector m_vecIntroStartPlayerForward = 0x1444
GameTime_t m_flClientDeathTime = 0x1450
float32 m_flNightVisionAlpha = 0x1454
bool m_bScreenTearFrameCaptured = 0x1458
float32 m_flFlashBangTime = 0x145C
float32 m_flFlashScreenshotAlpha = 0x1460
float32 m_flFlashOverlayAlpha = 0x1464
bool m_bFlashBuildUp = 0x1468
bool m_bFlashDspHasBeenCleared = 0x1469
bool m_bFlashScreenshotHasBeenGrabbed = 0x146A
float32 m_flFlashMaxAlpha = 0x146C
float32 m_flFlashDuration = 0x1470
Vector m_lastStandingPos = 0x1474
Vector m_vecLastMuzzleFlashPos = 0x1480
QAngle m_angLastMuzzleFlashAngle = 0x148C
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hMuzzleFlashShape = 0x1498
int32 m_iHealthBarRenderMaskIndex = 0x149C
float32 m_flHealthFadeValue = 0x14A0
float32 m_flHealthFadeAlpha = 0x14A4
int32 m_nMyCollisionGroup = 0x14A8
float32 m_ignoreLadderJumpTime = 0x14AC
CountdownTimer m_ladderSurpressionTimer = 0x14B0
Vector m_lastLadderNormal = 0x14C8
Vector m_lastLadderPos = 0x14D4
float32 m_flDeathCCWeight = 0x14E8
bool m_bOldIsScoped = 0x14EC
float32 m_flPrevRoundEndTime = 0x14F0
float32 m_flPrevMatchEndTime = 0x14F4
uint16 m_unCurrentEquipmentValue = 0x14F8
uint16 m_unRoundStartEquipmentValue = 0x14FA
uint16 m_unFreezetimeEndEquipmentValue = 0x14FC
Vector m_vecThirdPersonViewPositionOverride = 0x1500
int32 m_nHeavyAssaultSuitCooldownRemaining = 0x150C
int32 m_ArmorValue = 0x1510
QAngle m_angEyeAngles = 0x1518
float32 m_fNextThinkPushAway = 0x1530
bool m_bShouldAutobuyDMWeapons = 0x1534
bool m_bShouldAutobuyNow = 0x1535
bool m_bHud_MiniScoreHidden = 0x1536
bool m_bHud_RadarHidden = 0x1537
CEntityIndex m_nLastKillerIndex = 0x1538
int32 m_nLastConcurrentKilled = 0x153C
int32 m_nDeathCamMusic = 0x1540
CEntityIndex m_iIDEntIndex = 0x1544
CountdownTimer m_delayTargetIDTimer = 0x1548
CEntityIndex m_iTargetedWeaponEntIndex = 0x1560
CEntityIndex m_iOldIDEntIndex = 0x1564
CountdownTimer m_holdTargetIDTimer = 0x1568
float32 m_flCurrentMusicStartTime = 0x1584
float32 m_flMusicRoundStartTime = 0x1588
bool m_bDeferStartMusicOnWarmup = 0x158C
int32 m_cycleLatch = 0x1590
float32 m_serverIntendedCycle = 0x1594
uint32[5] m_vecPlayerPatchEconIndices = 0x1598
bool m_bHideTargetID = 0x15B4
float32 m_nextTaserShakeTime = 0x15B8
float32 m_firstTaserShakeTime = 0x15BC
float32 m_flLastSmokeOverlayAlpha = 0x15C0
Vector m_vLastSmokeOverlayColor = 0x15C4
ParticleIndex_t m_nPlayerSmokedFx = 0x15D0
float32 m_flNextMagDropTime = 0x15D4
int32 m_nLastMagDropAttachmentIndex = 0x15D8
CUtlVector< C_BulletHitModel* > m_vecBulletHitModels = 0x15E0
CUtlVector< C_PickUpModelSlerper* > m_vecPickupModelSlerpers = 0x15F8
Vector m_vecLastAliveLocalVelocity = 0x1610
EntitySpottedState_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x1638
int32 m_nSurvivalTeamNumber = 0x1650
bool m_bGuardianShouldSprayCustomXMark = 0x1654
bool m_bHasDeathInfo = 0x1655
float32 m_flDeathInfoTime = 0x1658
Vector m_vecDeathInfoOrigin = 0x165C
bool m_bKilledByHeadshot = 0x1668
CHandle< CCSPlayerController > m_hOriginalController = 0x166C
class C_EntityFlame
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEntAttached = 0x540
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOldAttached = 0x568
bool m_bCheapEffect = 0x56C
class C_PostProcessingVolume
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource > m_hPostSettings =
float32 m_flFadeDuration = 0xCE0
float32 m_flMinLogExposure = 0xCE4
float32 m_flMaxLogExposure = 0xCE8
float32 m_flMinExposure = 0xCEC
float32 m_flMaxExposure = 0xCF0
float32 m_flExposureCompensation = 0xCF4
float32 m_flExposureFadeSpeedUp = 0xCF8
float32 m_flExposureFadeSpeedDown = 0xCFC
float32 m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0xD00
bool m_bMaster = 0xD04
bool m_bExposureControl = 0xD05
float32 m_flRate = 0xD08
float32 m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0xD0C
float32 m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0xD10
float32 m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0xD14
class CCSObserver_ObserverServices
CEntityHandle m_hLastObserverTarget = 0x58
Vector m_vecObserverInterpolateOffset = 0x5C
Vector m_vecObserverInterpStartPos = 0x68
float32 m_flObsInterp_PathLength = 0x74
Quaternion m_qObsInterp_OrientationStart = 0x80
Quaternion m_qObsInterp_OrientationTravelDir = 0x90
ObserverInterpState_t m_obsInterpState = 0xA0
bool m_bObserverInterpolationNeedsDeferredSetup = 0xA4
class CBasePlayerController
int32 m_nFinalPredictedTick = 0x548
C_CommandContext m_CommandContext = 0x550
uint64 m_nInButtonsWhichAreToggles = 0x600
uint32 m_nTickBase = 0x608
CHandle< C_BasePlayerPawn > m_hPawn = 0x60C
CHandle< C_BasePlayerPawn > m_hPredictedPawn = 0x610
CSplitScreenSlot m_nSplitScreenSlot = 0x614
CHandle< CBasePlayerController > m_hSplitOwner = 0x618
CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePlayerController > > m_hSplitScreenPlayers = 0x620
bool m_bIsHLTV = 0x638
PlayerConnectedState m_iConnected = 0x63C
char[128] m_iszPlayerName = 0x640
uint64 m_steamID = 0x6C8
bool m_bIsLocalPlayerController = 0x6D0
uint32 m_iDesiredFOV = 0x6D4
class C_DecoyProjectile
int32 m_nDecoyShotTick = 0x1100
int32 m_nClientLastKnownDecoyShotTick = 0x1104
GameTime_t m_flTimeParticleEffectSpawn = 0x1128
class C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPath
float32 m_flZFar = 0x540
float32 m_flZNear = 0x544
bool m_bLoop = 0x548
bool m_bVerticalFOV = 0x549
bool m_bConstantSpeed = 0x54A
float32 m_flDuration = 0x54C
float32 m_flPathLength = 0x590
float32 m_flPathDuration = 0x594
class C_CSGO_PreviewPlayer
CUtlString m_animgraph = 0x23B8
CUtlString m_animgraphCharacterModeString = 0x23C0
float32 m_flInitialModelScale = 0x23C8
class C_C4
char[32] m_szScreenText = 0x1A10
ParticleIndex_t m_activeLightParticleIndex = 0x1A30
C4LightEffect_t m_eActiveLightEffect = 0x1A34
bool m_bStartedArming = 0x1A38
GameTime_t m_fArmedTime = 0x1A3C
bool m_bBombPlacedAnimation = 0x1A40
bool m_bIsPlantingViaUse = 0x1A41
EntitySpottedState_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x1A48
int32 m_nSpotRules = 0x1A60
bool[7] m_bPlayedArmingBeeps = 0x1A64
bool m_bBombPlanted = 0x1A6B
bool m_bDroppedFromDeath = 0x1A6C
class C_PathParticleRope
bool m_bStartActive = 0x540
float32 m_flMaxSimulationTime = 0x544
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszEffectName = 0x548
CUtlVector< CUtlSymbolLarge > m_PathNodes_Name = 0x550
float32 m_flParticleSpacing = 0x568
float32 m_flSlack = 0x56C
float32 m_flRadius = 0x570
Color m_ColorTint = 0x574
int32 m_nEffectState = 0x578
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_iEffectIndex =
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_PathNodes_Position = 0x588
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_PathNodes_TangentIn = 0x5A0
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_PathNodes_TangentOut = 0x5B8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_PathNodes_Color = 0x5D0
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< bool > m_PathNodes_PinEnabled = 0x5E8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< float32 > m_PathNodes_RadiusScale = 0x600
class C_BasePlayerWeapon
GameTick_t m_nNextPrimaryAttackTick = 0x1560
float32 m_flNextPrimaryAttackTickRatio = 0x1564
GameTick_t m_nNextSecondaryAttackTick = 0x1568
float32 m_flNextSecondaryAttackTickRatio = 0x156C
int32 m_iClip1 = 0x1570
int32 m_iClip2 = 0x1574
int32[2] m_pReserveAmmo = 0x1578
class C_BaseCSGrenadeProjectile
Vector m_vInitialPosition = 0x1068
Vector m_vInitialVelocity = 0x1074
int32 m_nBounces = 0x1080
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
m_nExplodeEffectIndex = 0x1088
int32 m_nExplodeEffectTickBegin = 0x1090
Vector m_vecExplodeEffectOrigin = 0x1094
GameTime_t m_flSpawnTime = 0x10A0
Vector vecLastTrailLinePos = 0x10A4
GameTime_t flNextTrailLineTime = 0x10B0
bool m_bExplodeEffectBegan = 0x10B4
bool m_bCanCreateGrenadeTrail = 0x10B5
ParticleIndex_t m_nSnapshotTrajectoryEffectIndex = 0x10B8
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSnapshot >
m_hSnapshotTrajectoryParticleSnapshot = 0x10C0
CUtlVector< Vector > m_arrTrajectoryTrailPoints = 0x10C8
CUtlVector< float32 > m_arrTrajectoryTrailPointCreationTimes = 0x10E0
float32 m_flTrajectoryTrailEffectCreationTime = 0x10F8
class C_Fish
Vector m_pos = 0xE80
Vector m_vel = 0xE8C
QAngle m_angles = 0xE98
int32 m_localLifeState = 0xEA4
float32 m_deathDepth = 0xEA8
float32 m_deathAngle = 0xEAC
float32 m_buoyancy = 0xEB0
CountdownTimer m_wiggleTimer = 0xEB8
float32 m_wigglePhase = 0xED0
float32 m_wiggleRate = 0xED4
Vector m_actualPos = 0xED8
QAngle m_actualAngles = 0xEE4
Vector m_poolOrigin = 0xEF0
float32 m_waterLevel = 0xEFC
bool m_gotUpdate = 0xF00
float32 m_x = 0xF04
float32 m_y = 0xF08
float32 m_z = 0xF0C
float32 m_angle = 0xF10
float32[20] m_errorHistory = 0xF14
int32 m_errorHistoryIndex = 0xF64
int32 m_errorHistoryCount = 0xF68
float32 m_averageError = 0xF6C
class C_BreakableProp
CEntityIOOutput m_OnBreak = 0xEC8
CEntityOutputTemplate< float32 > m_OnHealthChanged = 0xEF0
CEntityIOOutput m_OnTakeDamage = 0xF18
float32 m_impactEnergyScale = 0xF40
int32 m_iMinHealthDmg = 0xF44
float32 m_flPressureDelay = 0xF48
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hBreaker = 0xF4C
PerformanceMode_t m_PerformanceMode = 0xF50
float32 m_flDmgModBullet = 0xF54
float32 m_flDmgModClub = 0xF58
float32 m_flDmgModExplosive = 0xF5C
float32 m_flDmgModFire = 0xF60
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName = 0xF68
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszBasePropData = 0xF70
int32 m_iInteractions = 0xF78
GameTime_t m_flPreventDamageBeforeTime = 0xF7C
bool m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands = 0xF80
float32 m_explodeDamage = 0xF84
float32 m_explodeRadius = 0xF88
float32 m_explosionDelay = 0xF90
CUtlSymbolLarge m_explosionBuildupSound = 0xF98
CUtlSymbolLarge m_explosionCustomEffect = 0xFA0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_explosionCustomSound = 0xFA8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_explosionModifier = 0xFB0
CHandle< C_BasePlayerPawn > m_hPhysicsAttacker = 0xFB8
GameTime_t m_flLastPhysicsInfluenceTime = 0xFBC
float32 m_flDefaultFadeScale = 0xFC0
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hLastAttacker = 0xFC4
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hFlareEnt = 0xFC8
bool m_noGhostCollision = 0xFCC
class C_FuncTrackTrain
int32 m_nLongAxis = 0xCC0
float32 m_flRadius = 0xCC4
float32 m_flLineLength = 0xCC8
class CLogicRelay
CEntityIOOutput m_OnTrigger = 0x540
CEntityIOOutput m_OnSpawn = 0x568
bool m_bDisabled = 0x590
bool m_bWaitForRefire = 0x591
bool m_bTriggerOnce = 0x592
bool m_bFastRetrigger = 0x593
bool m_bPassthoughCaller = 0x594
class C_PointClientUIWorldPanel
bool m_bForceRecreateNextUpdate = 0xCF8
bool m_bMoveViewToPlayerNextThink = 0xCF9
bool m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0xCFA
CTransform m_anchorDeltaTransform = 0xD00
CPointOffScreenIndicatorUi* m_pOffScreenIndicator = 0xEA0
bool m_bIgnoreInput = 0xEC8
bool m_bLit = 0xEC9
bool m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport = 0xECA
float32 m_flWidth = 0xECC
float32 m_flHeight = 0xED0
float32 m_flDPI = 0xED4
float32 m_flInteractDistance = 0xED8
float32 m_flDepthOffset = 0xEDC
uint32 m_unOwnerContext = 0xEE0
uint32 m_unHorizontalAlign = 0xEE4
uint32 m_unVerticalAlign = 0xEE8
uint32 m_unOrientation = 0xEEC
bool m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0xEF0
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CUtlSymbolLarge > m_vecCSSClasses = 0xEF8
bool m_bOpaque = 0xF10
bool m_bNoDepth = 0xF11
bool m_bRenderBackface = 0xF12
bool m_bUseOffScreenIndicator = 0xF13
bool m_bExcludeFromSaveGames = 0xF14
bool m_bGrabbable = 0xF15
bool m_bOnlyRenderToTexture = 0xF16
bool m_bDisableMipGen = 0xF17
int32 m_nExplicitImageLayout = 0xF18
class CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x480
class C_TriggerBuoyancy
CBuoyancyHelper m_BuoyancyHelper = 0xCC8
float32 m_flFluidDensity = 0xCE8
class C_GradientFog
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hGradientFogTexture = 0x540
float32 m_flFogStartDistance = 0x548
float32 m_flFogEndDistance = 0x54C
bool m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x550
float32 m_flFogStartHeight = 0x554
float32 m_flFogEndHeight = 0x558
float32 m_flFarZ = 0x55C
float32 m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x560
float32 m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x564
float32 m_flFogVerticalExponent = 0x568
Color m_fogColor = 0x56C
float32 m_flFogStrength = 0x570
float32 m_flFadeTime = 0x574
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x578
bool m_bIsEnabled = 0x579
bool m_bGradientFogNeedsTextures = 0x57A
class C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCamera
int32 m_nVariant = 0x5A0
bool m_bDofEnabled = 0x5A4
float32 m_flDofNearBlurry = 0x5A8
float32 m_flDofNearCrisp = 0x5AC
float32 m_flDofFarCrisp = 0x5B0
float32 m_flDofFarBlurry = 0x5B4
float32 m_flDofTiltToGround = 0x5B8
class C_EconWearable
int32 m_nForceSkin = 0x1560
bool m_bAlwaysAllow = 0x1564
class CCSGameModeRules
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x8
class C_ColorCorrection
Vector m_vecOrigin = 0x540
float32 m_MinFalloff = 0x54C
float32 m_MaxFalloff = 0x550
float32 m_flFadeInDuration = 0x554
float32 m_flFadeOutDuration = 0x558
float32 m_flMaxWeight = 0x55C
float32 m_flCurWeight = 0x560
char[512] m_netlookupFilename = 0x564
bool m_bEnabled = 0x764
bool m_bMaster = 0x765
bool m_bClientSide = 0x766
bool m_bExclusive = 0x767
bool[1] m_bEnabledOnClient = 0x768
float32[1] m_flCurWeightOnClient = 0x76C
bool[1] m_bFadingIn = 0x770
float32[1] m_flFadeStartWeight = 0x774
float32[1] m_flFadeStartTime = 0x778
float32[1] m_flFadeDuration = 0x77C
class CCSPlayer_ViewModelServices
CHandle< C_BaseViewModel >[3] m_hViewModel = 0x40
class CSkyboxReference
WorldGroupId_t m_worldGroupId = 0x540
CHandle< C_SkyCamera > m_hSkyCamera = 0x544
class C_EnvVolumetricFogVolume
bool m_bActive = 0x540
Vector m_vBoxMins = 0x544
Vector m_vBoxMaxs = 0x550
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x55C
float32 m_flStrength = 0x560
int32 m_nFalloffShape = 0x564
float32 m_flFalloffExponent = 0x568
class C_SceneEntity
bool m_bIsPlayingBack = 0x548
bool m_bPaused = 0x549
bool m_bMultiplayer = 0x54A
bool m_bAutogenerated = 0x54B
float32 m_flForceClientTime = 0x54C
uint16 m_nSceneStringIndex = 0x550
bool m_bClientOnly = 0x552
CHandle< C_BaseFlex > m_hOwner = 0x554
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseFlex > > m_hActorList = 0x558
bool m_bWasPlaying = 0x570
CUtlVector< C_SceneEntity::QueuedEvents_t > m_QueuedEvents = 0x580
float32 m_flCurrentTime = 0x598
class CBodyComponent
CGameSceneNode* m_pSceneNode = 0x8
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x20
class CHitboxComponent
uint32[1] m_bvDisabledHitGroups = 0x24
class C_CSTeam
char[512] m_szTeamMatchStat = 0x5F8
int32 m_numMapVictories = 0x7F8
bool m_bSurrendered = 0x7FC
int32 m_scoreFirstHalf = 0x800
int32 m_scoreSecondHalf = 0x804
int32 m_scoreOvertime = 0x808
char[129] m_szClanTeamname = 0x80C
uint32 m_iClanID = 0x890
char[8] m_szTeamFlagImage = 0x894
char[8] m_szTeamLogoImage = 0x89C
class CGlowProperty
Vector m_fGlowColor = 0x8
int32 m_iGlowType = 0x30
int32 m_iGlowTeam = 0x34
int32 m_nGlowRange = 0x38
int32 m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x3C
Color m_glowColorOverride = 0x40
bool m_bFlashing = 0x44
float32 m_flGlowTime = 0x48
float32 m_flGlowStartTime = 0x4C
bool m_bEligibleForScreenHighlight = 0x50
bool m_bGlowing = 0x51
class C_EnvScreenOverlay
CUtlSymbolLarge[10] m_iszOverlayNames = 0x540
float32[10] m_flOverlayTimes = 0x590
GameTime_t m_flStartTime = 0x5B8
int32 m_iDesiredOverlay = 0x5BC
bool m_bIsActive = 0x5C0
bool m_bWasActive = 0x5C1
int32 m_iCachedDesiredOverlay = 0x5C4
int32 m_iCurrentOverlay = 0x5C8
GameTime_t m_flCurrentOverlayTime = 0x5CC
class CCSPlayer_ActionTrackingServices
CHandle< C_BasePlayerWeapon > m_hLastWeaponBeforeC4AutoSwitch = 0x40
bool m_bIsRescuing = 0x44
WeaponPurchaseTracker_t m_weaponPurchasesThisMatch = 0x48
WeaponPurchaseTracker_t m_weaponPurchasesThisRound = 0xA0
class CLogicRelay
CEntityIOOutput m_OnTrigger = 0x540
CEntityIOOutput m_OnSpawn = 0x568
bool m_bDisabled = 0x590
bool m_bWaitForRefire = 0x591
bool m_bTriggerOnce = 0x592
bool m_bFastRetrigger = 0x593
bool m_bPassthoughCaller = 0x594
class C_PointCameraVFOV
float32 m_flVerticalFOV = 0x5A0
class C_BarnLight
bool m_bEnabled = 0xCC0
int32 m_nColorMode = 0xCC4
Color m_Color = 0xCC8
float32 m_flColorTemperature = 0xCCC
float32 m_flBrightness = 0xCD0
float32 m_flBrightnessScale = 0xCD4
int32 m_nDirectLight = 0xCD8
int32 m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0xCDC
int32 m_nLuminaireShape = 0xCE0
float32 m_flLuminaireSize = 0xCE4
float32 m_flLuminaireAnisotropy = 0xCE8
CUtlString m_LightStyleString = 0xCF0
GameTime_t m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0xCF8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CUtlString > m_QueuedLightStyleStrings = 0xD00
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CUtlString > m_LightStyleEvents = 0xD18
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > > m_LightStyleTargets =
CEntityIOOutput[4] m_StyleEvent = 0xD48
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hLightCookie = 0xDE8
float32 m_flShape = 0xDF0
float32 m_flSoftX = 0xDF4
float32 m_flSoftY = 0xDF8
float32 m_flSkirt = 0xDFC
float32 m_flSkirtNear = 0xE00
Vector m_vSizeParams = 0xE04
float32 m_flRange = 0xE10
Vector m_vShear = 0xE14
int32 m_nBakeSpecularToCubemaps = 0xE20
Vector m_vBakeSpecularToCubemapsSize = 0xE24
int32 m_nCastShadows = 0xE30
int32 m_nShadowMapSize = 0xE34
int32 m_nShadowPriority = 0xE38
bool m_bContactShadow = 0xE3C
int32 m_nBounceLight = 0xE40
float32 m_flBounceScale = 0xE44
float32 m_flMinRoughness = 0xE48
Vector m_vAlternateColor = 0xE4C
float32 m_fAlternateColorBrightness = 0xE58
int32 m_nFog = 0xE5C
float32 m_flFogStrength = 0xE60
int32 m_nFogShadows = 0xE64
float32 m_flFogScale = 0xE68
float32 m_flFadeSizeStart = 0xE6C
float32 m_flFadeSizeEnd = 0xE70
float32 m_flShadowFadeSizeStart = 0xE74
float32 m_flShadowFadeSizeEnd = 0xE78
bool m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0xE7C
Vector m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0xE80
Vector m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0xE8C
Vector m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0xE98
QAngle m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0xEA4
Vector m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0xEB0
class C_EconEntity
float32 m_flFlexDelayTime = 0x1028
float32* m_flFlexDelayedWeight = 0x1030
bool m_bAttributesInitialized = 0x1038
C_AttributeContainer m_AttributeManager = 0x1040
uint32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x14E8
uint32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x14EC
int32 m_nFallbackPaintKit = 0x14F0
int32 m_nFallbackSeed = 0x14F4
float32 m_flFallbackWear = 0x14F8
int32 m_nFallbackStatTrak = 0x14FC
bool m_bClientside = 0x1500
bool m_bParticleSystemsCreated = 0x1501
CUtlVector< int32 > m_vecAttachedParticles = 0x1508
CHandle< CBaseAnimGraph > m_hViewmodelAttachment = 0x1520
int32 m_iOldTeam = 0x1524
bool m_bAttachmentDirty = 0x1528
int32 m_nUnloadedModelIndex = 0x152C
int32 m_iNumOwnerValidationRetries = 0x1530
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOldProvidee = 0x1540
CUtlVector< C_EconEntity::AttachedModelData_t > m_vecAttachedModels = 0x1548
class C_RectLight
bool m_bShowLight = 0xF08
class C_TonemapController2
float32 m_flAutoExposureMin = 0x540
float32 m_flAutoExposureMax = 0x544
float32 m_flTonemapPercentTarget = 0x548
float32 m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels = 0x54C
float32 m_flTonemapMinAvgLum = 0x550
float32 m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedUp = 0x554
float32 m_flExposureAdaptationSpeedDown = 0x558
float32 m_flTonemapEVSmoothingRange = 0x55C
class C_ParticleSystem
char[512] m_szSnapshotFileName = 0xCC0
bool m_bActive = 0xEC0
bool m_bFrozen = 0xEC1
float32 m_flFreezeTransitionDuration = 0xEC4
int32 m_nStopType = 0xEC8
bool m_bAnimateDuringGameplayPause = 0xECC
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > m_iEffectIndex =
GameTime_t m_flStartTime = 0xED8
float32 m_flPreSimTime = 0xEDC
Vector[4] m_vServerControlPoints = 0xEE0
uint8[4] m_iServerControlPointAssignments = 0xF10
CHandle< C_BaseEntity >[64] m_hControlPointEnts = 0xF14
bool m_bNoSave = 0x1014
bool m_bNoFreeze = 0x1015
bool m_bNoRamp = 0x1016
bool m_bStartActive = 0x1017
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszEffectName = 0x1018
CUtlSymbolLarge[64] m_iszControlPointNames = 0x1020
int32 m_nDataCP = 0x1220
Vector m_vecDataCPValue = 0x1224
int32 m_nTintCP = 0x1230
Color m_clrTint = 0x1234
bool m_bOldActive = 0x1258
bool m_bOldFrozen = 0x1259
class C_CSGameRulesProxy
C_CSGameRules* m_pGameRules = 0x540
class CBodyComponentSkeletonInstance
CSkeletonInstance m_skeletonInstance = 0x50
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x450
class CPlayer_ObserverServices
uint8 m_iObserverMode = 0x40
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hObserverTarget = 0x44
ObserverMode_t m_iObserverLastMode = 0x48
bool m_bForcedObserverMode = 0x4C
float32 m_flObserverChaseDistance = 0x50
GameTime_t m_flObserverChaseDistanceCalcTime = 0x54
class C_PhysMagnet
CUtlVector< int32 > m_aAttachedObjectsFromServer = 0xE80
CUtlVector< CHandle< C_BaseEntity > > m_aAttachedObjects = 0xE98
class C_Multimeter
CHandle< C_PlantedC4 > m_hTargetC4 = 0xE88
class C_RagdollProp
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector > m_ragPos = 0xE88
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< QAngle > m_ragAngles = 0xEA0
float32 m_flBlendWeight = 0xEB8
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hRagdollSource = 0xEBC
AttachmentHandle_t m_iEyeAttachment = 0xEC0
float32 m_flBlendWeightCurrent = 0xEC4
CUtlVector< int32 > m_parentPhysicsBoneIndices = 0xEC8
CUtlVector< int32 > m_worldSpaceBoneComputationOrder = 0xEE0
class C_EnvWindShared::WindAveEvent_t
float32 m_flStartWindSpeed = 0x0
float32 m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x4
class C_EnvDecal
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hDecalMaterial = 0xCC0
float32 m_flWidth = 0xCC8
float32 m_flHeight = 0xCCC
float32 m_flDepth = 0xCD0
uint32 m_nRenderOrder = 0xCD4
bool m_bProjectOnWorld = 0xCD8
bool m_bProjectOnCharacters = 0xCD9
bool m_bProjectOnWater = 0xCDA
float32 m_flDepthSortBias = 0xCDC
class CAttributeList
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< CEconItemAttribute > m_Attributes = 0x8
CAttributeManager* m_pManager = 0x58
class C_SoundOpvarSetPointBase
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszStackName = 0x540
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszOperatorName = 0x548
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszOpvarName = 0x550
int32 m_iOpvarIndex = 0x558
bool m_bUseAutoCompare = 0x55C
class CCollisionProperty
VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t m_collisionAttribute = 0x10
Vector m_vecMins = 0x40
Vector m_vecMaxs = 0x4C
uint8 m_usSolidFlags = 0x5A
SolidType_t m_nSolidType = 0x5B
uint8 m_triggerBloat = 0x5C
SurroundingBoundsType_t m_nSurroundType = 0x5D
uint8 m_CollisionGroup = 0x5E
uint8 m_nEnablePhysics = 0x5F
float32 m_flBoundingRadius = 0x60
Vector m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins = 0x64
Vector m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs = 0x70
Vector m_vecSurroundingMaxs = 0x7C
Vector m_vecSurroundingMins = 0x88
Vector m_vCapsuleCenter1 = 0x94
Vector m_vCapsuleCenter2 = 0xA0
float32 m_flCapsuleRadius = 0xAC
class CDamageRecord
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase > m_PlayerDamager = 0x28
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase > m_PlayerRecipient = 0x2C
CHandle< CCSPlayerController > m_hPlayerControllerDamager = 0x30
CHandle< CCSPlayerController > m_hPlayerControllerRecipient = 0x34
CUtlString m_szPlayerDamagerName = 0x38
CUtlString m_szPlayerRecipientName = 0x40
uint64 m_DamagerXuid = 0x48
uint64 m_RecipientXuid = 0x50
int32 m_iDamage = 0x58
int32 m_iActualHealthRemoved = 0x5C
int32 m_iNumHits = 0x60
int32 m_iLastBulletUpdate = 0x64
bool m_bIsOtherEnemy = 0x68
EKillTypes_t m_killType = 0x69
class CRenderComponent
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x10
bool m_bIsRenderingWithViewModels = 0x50
uint32 m_nSplitscreenFlags = 0x54
bool m_bEnableRendering = 0x60
bool m_bInterpolationReadyToDraw = 0xB0
class CCSPlayerController_DamageServices
int32 m_nSendUpdate = 0x40
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< CDamageRecord > m_DamageList = 0x48
class C_EnvWindShared::WindVariationEvent_t
float32 m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x0
float32 m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x4
class CLightComponent
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x48
Color m_Color = 0x85
Color m_SecondaryColor = 0x89
float32 m_flBrightness = 0x90
float32 m_flBrightnessScale = 0x94
float32 m_flBrightnessMult = 0x98
float32 m_flRange = 0x9C
float32 m_flFalloff = 0xA0
float32 m_flAttenuation0 = 0xA4
float32 m_flAttenuation1 = 0xA8
float32 m_flAttenuation2 = 0xAC
float32 m_flTheta = 0xB0
float32 m_flPhi = 0xB4
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hLightCookie = 0xB8
int32 m_nCascades = 0xC0
int32 m_nCastShadows = 0xC4
int32 m_nShadowWidth = 0xC8
int32 m_nShadowHeight = 0xCC
bool m_bRenderDiffuse = 0xD0
int32 m_nRenderSpecular = 0xD4
bool m_bRenderTransmissive = 0xD8
float32 m_flOrthoLightWidth = 0xDC
float32 m_flOrthoLightHeight = 0xE0
int32 m_nStyle = 0xE4
CUtlString m_Pattern = 0xE8
int32 m_nCascadeRenderStaticObjects = 0xF0
float32 m_flShadowCascadeCrossFade = 0xF4
float32 m_flShadowCascadeDistanceFade = 0xF8
float32 m_flShadowCascadeDistance0 = 0xFC
float32 m_flShadowCascadeDistance1 = 0x100
float32 m_flShadowCascadeDistance2 = 0x104
float32 m_flShadowCascadeDistance3 = 0x108
int32 m_nShadowCascadeResolution0 = 0x10C
int32 m_nShadowCascadeResolution1 = 0x110
int32 m_nShadowCascadeResolution2 = 0x114
int32 m_nShadowCascadeResolution3 = 0x118
bool m_bUsesBakedShadowing = 0x11C
int32 m_nShadowPriority = 0x120
int32 m_nBakedShadowIndex = 0x124
bool m_bRenderToCubemaps = 0x128
int32 m_nDirectLight = 0x12C
int32 m_nIndirectLight = 0x130
float32 m_flFadeMinDist = 0x134
float32 m_flFadeMaxDist = 0x138
float32 m_flShadowFadeMinDist = 0x13C
float32 m_flShadowFadeMaxDist = 0x140
bool m_bEnabled = 0x144
bool m_bFlicker = 0x145
bool m_bPrecomputedFieldsValid = 0x146
Vector m_vPrecomputedBoundsMins = 0x148
Vector m_vPrecomputedBoundsMaxs = 0x154
Vector m_vPrecomputedOBBOrigin = 0x160
QAngle m_vPrecomputedOBBAngles = 0x16C
Vector m_vPrecomputedOBBExtent = 0x178
float32 m_flPrecomputedMaxRange = 0x184
int32 m_nFogLightingMode = 0x188
float32 m_flFogContributionStength = 0x18C
float32 m_flNearClipPlane = 0x190
Color m_SkyColor = 0x194
float32 m_flSkyIntensity = 0x198
Color m_SkyAmbientBounce = 0x19C
bool m_bUseSecondaryColor = 0x1A0
bool m_bMixedShadows = 0x1A1
GameTime_t m_flLightStyleStartTime = 0x1A4
float32 m_flCapsuleLength = 0x1A8
float32 m_flMinRoughness = 0x1AC
class C_EconItemView
bool m_bInventoryImageRgbaRequested = 0x60
bool m_bInventoryImageTriedCache = 0x61
int32 m_nInventoryImageRgbaWidth = 0x80
int32 m_nInventoryImageRgbaHeight = 0x84
char[260] m_szCurrentLoadCachedFileName = 0x88
bool m_bRestoreCustomMaterialAfterPrecache = 0x1B8
uint16 m_iItemDefinitionIndex = 0x1BA
int32 m_iEntityQuality = 0x1BC
uint32 m_iEntityLevel = 0x1C0
uint64 m_iItemID = 0x1C8
uint32 m_iItemIDHigh = 0x1D0
uint32 m_iItemIDLow = 0x1D4
uint32 m_iAccountID = 0x1D8
uint32 m_iInventoryPosition = 0x1DC
bool m_bInitialized = 0x1E8
bool m_bIsStoreItem = 0x1E9
bool m_bIsTradeItem = 0x1EA
int32 m_iEntityQuantity = 0x1EC
int32 m_iRarityOverride = 0x1F0
int32 m_iQualityOverride = 0x1F4
uint8 m_unClientFlags = 0x1F8
uint8 m_unOverrideStyle = 0x1F9
CAttributeList m_AttributeList = 0x210
CAttributeList m_NetworkedDynamicAttributes = 0x270
char[161] m_szCustomName = 0x2D0
char[161] m_szCustomNameOverride = 0x371
bool m_bInitializedTags = 0x440
class C_PointClientUIDialog
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hActivator = 0xCF0
bool m_bStartEnabled = 0xCF4
class C_LightEntity
CLightComponent* m_CLightComponent = 0xCC0
class C_PointClientUIWorldTextPanel
char[512] m_messageText = 0xF20
class C_DynamicLight
uint8 m_Flags = 0xCC0
uint8 m_LightStyle = 0xCC1
float32 m_Radius = 0xCC4
int32 m_Exponent = 0xCC8
float32 m_InnerAngle = 0xCCC
float32 m_OuterAngle = 0xCD0
float32 m_SpotRadius = 0xCD4
class CPlayer_MovementServices
int32 m_nImpulse = 0x40
CInButtonState m_nButtons = 0x48
uint64 m_nQueuedButtonDownMask = 0x68
uint64 m_nQueuedButtonChangeMask = 0x70
uint64 m_nButtonDoublePressed = 0x78
uint32[64] m_pButtonPressedCmdNumber = 0x80
uint32 m_nLastCommandNumberProcessed = 0x180
uint64 m_nToggleButtonDownMask = 0x188
float32 m_flMaxspeed = 0x190
float32[4] m_arrForceSubtickMoveWhen = 0x194
float32 m_flForwardMove = 0x1A4
float32 m_flLeftMove = 0x1A8
float32 m_flUpMove = 0x1AC
Vector m_vecLastMovementImpulses = 0x1B0
QAngle m_vecOldViewAngles = 0x1BC
class CBasePlayerVData
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > > m_sModelName =
CSkillFloat m_flHeadDamageMultiplier = 0x108
CSkillFloat m_flChestDamageMultiplier = 0x118
CSkillFloat m_flStomachDamageMultiplier = 0x128
CSkillFloat m_flArmDamageMultiplier = 0x138
CSkillFloat m_flLegDamageMultiplier = 0x148
float32 m_flHoldBreathTime = 0x158
float32 m_flDrowningDamageInterval = 0x15C
int32 m_nDrowningDamageInitial = 0x160
int32 m_nDrowningDamageMax = 0x164
int32 m_nWaterSpeed = 0x168
float32 m_flUseRange = 0x16C
float32 m_flUseAngleTolerance = 0x170
float32 m_flCrouchTime = 0x174
class CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices
int32 m_iAccount = 0x40
int32 m_iStartAccount = 0x44
int32 m_iTotalCashSpent = 0x48
int32 m_iCashSpentThisRound = 0x4C
int32 m_nPreviousAccount = 0x50
class C_ColorCorrectionVolume
float32 m_LastEnterWeight = 0xCC8
float32 m_LastEnterTime = 0xCCC
float32 m_LastExitWeight = 0xCD0
float32 m_LastExitTime = 0xCD4
bool m_bEnabled = 0xCD8
float32 m_MaxWeight = 0xCDC
float32 m_FadeDuration = 0xCE0
float32 m_Weight = 0xCE4
char[512] m_lookupFilename = 0xCE8
class CCSPlayer_MovementServices
float32 m_flMaxFallVelocity = 0x210
Vector m_vecLadderNormal = 0x214
int32 m_nLadderSurfacePropIndex = 0x220
float32 m_flDuckAmount = 0x224
float32 m_flDuckSpeed = 0x228
bool m_bDuckOverride = 0x22C
bool m_bDesiresDuck = 0x22D
float32 m_flDuckOffset = 0x230
uint32 m_nDuckTimeMsecs = 0x234
uint32 m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs = 0x238
uint32 m_nJumpTimeMsecs = 0x23C
float32 m_flLastDuckTime = 0x240
Vector2D m_vecLastPositionAtFullCrouchSpeed = 0x250
bool m_duckUntilOnGround = 0x258
bool m_bHasWalkMovedSinceLastJump = 0x259
bool m_bInStuckTest = 0x25A
float32[64][2] m_flStuckCheckTime = 0x268
int32 m_nTraceCount = 0x468
int32 m_StuckLast = 0x46C
bool m_bSpeedCropped = 0x470
int32 m_nOldWaterLevel = 0x474
float32 m_flWaterEntryTime = 0x478
Vector m_vecForward = 0x47C
Vector m_vecLeft = 0x488
Vector m_vecUp = 0x494
Vector m_vecPreviouslyPredictedOrigin = 0x4A0
bool m_bOldJumpPressed = 0x4AC
float32 m_flJumpPressedTime = 0x4B0
float32 m_flJumpUntil = 0x4B4
float32 m_flJumpVel = 0x4B8
GameTime_t m_fStashGrenadeParameterWhen = 0x4BC
uint64 m_nButtonDownMaskPrev = 0x4C0
float32 m_flOffsetTickCompleteTime = 0x4C8
float32 m_flOffsetTickStashedSpeed = 0x4CC
float32 m_flStamina = 0x4D0
bool m_bUpdatePredictedOriginAfterDataUpdate = 0x4D4
float32 m_flHeightAtJumpStart = 0x4D8
float32 m_flMaxJumpHeightThisJump = 0x4DC
class C_BulletHitModel
matrix3x4_t m_matLocal = 0xE80
int32 m_iBoneIndex = 0xEB0
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hPlayerParent = 0xEB4
bool m_bIsHit = 0xEB8
float32 m_flTimeCreated = 0xEBC
Vector m_vecStartPos = 0xEC0
class C_EnvLightProbeVolume
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hLightProbeTexture = 0x1518
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
m_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x1520
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
m_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x1528
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
m_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x1530
Vector m_vBoxMins = 0x1538
Vector m_vBoxMaxs = 0x1544
bool m_bMoveable = 0x1550
int32 m_nHandshake = 0x1554
int32 m_nPriority = 0x1558
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x155C
int32 m_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x1560
int32 m_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1564
int32 m_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x1568
int32 m_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x156C
int32 m_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x1570
int32 m_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x1574
bool m_bEnabled = 0x1581
class fogparams_t
Vector dirPrimary = 0x8
Color colorPrimary = 0x14
Color colorSecondary = 0x18
Color colorPrimaryLerpTo = 0x1C
Color colorSecondaryLerpTo = 0x20
float32 start = 0x24
float32 end = 0x28
float32 farz = 0x2C
float32 maxdensity = 0x30
float32 exponent = 0x34
float32 HDRColorScale = 0x38
float32 skyboxFogFactor = 0x3C
float32 skyboxFogFactorLerpTo = 0x40
float32 startLerpTo = 0x44
float32 endLerpTo = 0x48
float32 maxdensityLerpTo = 0x4C
GameTime_t lerptime = 0x50
float32 duration = 0x54
float32 blendtobackground = 0x58
float32 scattering = 0x5C
float32 locallightscale = 0x60
bool enable = 0x64
bool blend = 0x65
bool m_bNoReflectionFog = 0x66
bool m_bPadding = 0x67
class C_MapVetoPickController
int32 m_nDraftType = 0x550
int32 m_nTeamWinningCoinToss = 0x554
int32[64] m_nTeamWithFirstChoice = 0x558
int32[7] m_nVoteMapIdsList = 0x658
int32[64] m_nAccountIDs = 0x674
int32[64] m_nMapId0 = 0x774
int32[64] m_nMapId1 = 0x874
int32[64] m_nMapId2 = 0x974
int32[64] m_nMapId3 = 0xA74
int32[64] m_nMapId4 = 0xB74
int32[64] m_nMapId5 = 0xC74
int32[64] m_nStartingSide0 = 0xD74
int32 m_nCurrentPhase = 0xE74
int32 m_nPhaseStartTick = 0xE78
int32 m_nPhaseDurationTicks = 0xE7C
int32 m_nPostDataUpdateTick = 0xE80
bool m_bDisabledHud = 0xE84
class C_OmniLight
float32 m_flInnerAngle = 0xF08
float32 m_flOuterAngle = 0xF0C
bool m_bShowLight = 0xF10
class C_CSGO_MapPreviewCameraPathNode
CUtlSymbolLarge m_szParentPathUniqueID = 0x540
int32 m_nPathIndex = 0x548
Vector m_vInTangentLocal = 0x54C
Vector m_vOutTangentLocal = 0x558
float32 m_flFOV = 0x564
float32 m_flSpeed = 0x568
float32 m_flEaseIn = 0x56C
float32 m_flEaseOut = 0x570
Vector m_vInTangentWorld = 0x574
Vector m_vOutTangentWorld = 0x580
class WeaponPurchaseTracker_t
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< WeaponPurchaseCount_t > m_weaponPurchases = 0x8
class EngineCountdownTimer
float32 m_duration = 0x8
float32 m_timestamp = 0xC
float32 m_timescale = 0x10
class ViewAngleServerChange_t
FixAngleSet_t nType = 0x30
QAngle qAngle = 0x34
uint32 nIndex = 0x40
class C_BaseFlex::Emphasized_Phoneme
CUtlString m_sClassName = 0x0
float32 m_flAmount = 0x18
bool m_bRequired = 0x1C
bool m_bBasechecked = 0x1D
bool m_bValid = 0x1E
class C_FuncLadder
Vector m_vecLadderDir = 0xCC0
CUtlVector< CHandle< C_InfoLadderDismount > > m_Dismounts = 0xCD0
Vector m_vecLocalTop = 0xCE8
Vector m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop = 0xCF4
Vector m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom = 0xD00
float32 m_flAutoRideSpeed = 0xD0C
bool m_bDisabled = 0xD10
bool m_bFakeLadder = 0xD11
bool m_bHasSlack = 0xD12
class CAttributeManager::cached_attribute_float_t
float32 flIn = 0x0
CUtlSymbolLarge iAttribHook = 0x8
float32 flOut = 0x10
class C_BaseGrenade
bool m_bHasWarnedAI = 0x1018
bool m_bIsSmokeGrenade = 0x1019
bool m_bIsLive = 0x101A
float32 m_DmgRadius = 0x101C
GameTime_t m_flDetonateTime = 0x1020
float32 m_flWarnAITime = 0x1024
float32 m_flDamage = 0x1028
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszBounceSound = 0x1030
CUtlString m_ExplosionSound = 0x1038
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hThrower = 0x1044
GameTime_t m_flNextAttack = 0x105C
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hOriginalThrower = 0x1060
class C_EnvVolumetricFogController
float32 m_flScattering = 0x540
float32 m_flAnisotropy = 0x544
float32 m_flFadeSpeed = 0x548
float32 m_flDrawDistance = 0x54C
float32 m_flFadeInStart = 0x550
float32 m_flFadeInEnd = 0x554
float32 m_flIndirectStrength = 0x558
int32 m_nIndirectTextureDimX = 0x55C
int32 m_nIndirectTextureDimY = 0x560
int32 m_nIndirectTextureDimZ = 0x564
Vector m_vBoxMins = 0x568
Vector m_vBoxMaxs = 0x574
bool m_bActive = 0x580
GameTime_t m_flStartAnisoTime = 0x584
GameTime_t m_flStartScatterTime = 0x588
GameTime_t m_flStartDrawDistanceTime = 0x58C
float32 m_flStartAnisotropy = 0x590
float32 m_flStartScattering = 0x594
float32 m_flStartDrawDistance = 0x598
float32 m_flDefaultAnisotropy = 0x59C
float32 m_flDefaultScattering = 0x5A0
float32 m_flDefaultDrawDistance = 0x5A4
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x5A8
bool m_bEnableIndirect = 0x5A9
bool m_bIsMaster = 0x5AA
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hFogIndirectTexture = 0x5B0
int32 m_nForceRefreshCount = 0x5B8
bool m_bFirstTime = 0x5BC
class CInfoOffscreenPanoramaTexture
bool m_bDisabled = 0x540
int32 m_nResolutionX = 0x544
int32 m_nResolutionY = 0x548
CUtlSymbolLarge m_szLayoutFileName = 0x550
CUtlSymbolLarge m_RenderAttrName = 0x558
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > > m_TargetEntities = 0x560
int32 m_nTargetChangeCount = 0x578
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CUtlSymbolLarge > m_vecCSSClasses = 0x580
bool m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0x6F8
class C_HandleTest
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_Handle = 0x540
bool m_bSendHandle = 0x544
class C_PointCommentaryNode
bool m_bActive = 0xE88
bool m_bWasActive = 0xE89
GameTime_t m_flEndTime = 0xE8C
GameTime_t m_flStartTime = 0xE90
float32 m_flStartTimeInCommentary = 0xE94
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszCommentaryFile = 0xE98
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszTitle = 0xEA0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszSpeakers = 0xEA8
int32 m_iNodeNumber = 0xEB0
int32 m_iNodeNumberMax = 0xEB4
bool m_bListenedTo = 0xEB8
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hViewPosition = 0xEC8
bool m_bRestartAfterRestore = 0xECC
class audioparams_t
Vector[8] localSound = 0x8
int32 soundscapeIndex = 0x68
uint8 localBits = 0x6C
int32 soundscapeEntityListIndex = 0x70
uint32 soundEventHash = 0x74
class C_InfoVisibilityBox
int32 m_nMode = 0x544
Vector m_vBoxSize = 0x548
bool m_bEnabled = 0x554
class C_FireSprite
Vector m_vecMoveDir = 0xDF0
bool m_bFadeFromAbove = 0xDFC
class C_EnvCombinedLightProbeVolume
Color m_Color = 0x1598
float32 m_flBrightness = 0x159C
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hCubemapTexture = 0x15A0
bool m_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x15A8
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hLightProbeTexture = 0x15B0
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
m_hLightProbeDirectLightIndicesTexture = 0x15B8
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
m_hLightProbeDirectLightScalarsTexture = 0x15C0
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
m_hLightProbeDirectLightShadowsTexture = 0x15C8
Vector m_vBoxMins = 0x15D0
Vector m_vBoxMaxs = 0x15DC
bool m_bMoveable = 0x15E8
int32 m_nHandshake = 0x15EC
int32 m_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x15F0
int32 m_nPriority = 0x15F4
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x15F8
float32 m_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x15FC
Vector m_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x1600
int32 m_nLightProbeSizeX = 0x160C
int32 m_nLightProbeSizeY = 0x1610
int32 m_nLightProbeSizeZ = 0x1614
int32 m_nLightProbeAtlasX = 0x1618
int32 m_nLightProbeAtlasY = 0x161C
int32 m_nLightProbeAtlasZ = 0x1620
bool m_bEnabled = 0x1639
class C_Precipitation
float32 m_flDensity = 0xCC8
float32 m_flParticleInnerDist = 0xCD8
char* m_pParticleDef = 0xCE0
TimedEvent[1] m_tParticlePrecipTraceTimer = 0xD08
bool[1] m_bActiveParticlePrecipEmitter = 0xD10
bool m_bParticlePrecipInitialized = 0xD11
bool m_bHasSimulatedSinceLastSceneObjectUpdate = 0xD12
int32 m_nAvailableSheetSequencesMaxIndex = 0xD14
class CPrecipitationVData
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szParticlePrecipitationEffect = 0x28
float32 m_flInnerDistance = 0x108
ParticleAttachment_t m_nAttachType = 0x10C
bool m_bBatchSameVolumeType = 0x110
int32 m_nRTEnvCP = 0x114
int32 m_nRTEnvCPComponent = 0x118
CUtlString m_szModifier = 0x120
class CBuoyancyHelper
float32 m_flFluidDensity = 0x18
class C_BaseClientUIEntity
bool m_bEnabled = 0xCC8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_DialogXMLName = 0xCD0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_PanelClassName = 0xCD8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_PanelID = 0xCE0
class shard_model_desc_t
int32 m_nModelID = 0x8
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial = 0x10
ShardSolid_t m_solid = 0x18
ShatterPanelMode m_ShatterPanelMode = 0x19
Vector2D m_vecPanelSize = 0x1C
Vector2D m_vecStressPositionA = 0x24
Vector2D m_vecStressPositionB = 0x2C
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< Vector2D > m_vecPanelVertices = 0x38
float32 m_flGlassHalfThickness = 0x50
bool m_bHasParent = 0x54
bool m_bParentFrozen = 0x55
CUtlStringToken m_SurfacePropStringToken = 0x58
class CBaseProp
bool m_bModelOverrodeBlockLOS = 0xE80
int32 m_iShapeType = 0xE84
bool m_bConformToCollisionBounds = 0xE88
matrix3x4_t m_mPreferredCatchTransform = 0xE8C
class CPointTemplate
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszWorldName = 0x540
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszSource2EntityLumpName = 0x548
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszEntityFilterName = 0x550
float32 m_flTimeoutInterval = 0x558
bool m_bAsynchronouslySpawnEntities = 0x55C
CEntityIOOutput m_pOutputOnSpawned = 0x560
PointTemplateClientOnlyEntityBehavior_t m_clientOnlyEntityBehavior = 0x588
PointTemplateOwnerSpawnGroupType_t m_ownerSpawnGroupType = 0x58C
CUtlVector< uint32 > m_createdSpawnGroupHandles = 0x590
CUtlVector< CEntityHandle > m_SpawnedEntityHandles = 0x5A8
HSCRIPT m_ScriptSpawnCallback = 0x5C0
HSCRIPT m_ScriptCallbackScope = 0x5C8
class C_FogController
fogparams_t m_fog = 0x540
bool m_bUseAngles = 0x5A8
int32 m_iChangedVariables = 0x5AC
class CInfoDynamicShadowHint
bool m_bDisabled = 0x540
float32 m_flRange = 0x544
int32 m_nImportance = 0x548
int32 m_nLightChoice = 0x54C
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hLight = 0x550
class CCSPlayer_HostageServices
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hCarriedHostage = 0x40
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hCarriedHostageProp = 0x44
class CSPerRoundStats_t
int32 m_iKills = 0x30
int32 m_iDeaths = 0x34
int32 m_iAssists = 0x38
int32 m_iDamage = 0x3C
int32 m_iEquipmentValue = 0x40
int32 m_iMoneySaved = 0x44
int32 m_iKillReward = 0x48
int32 m_iLiveTime = 0x4C
int32 m_iHeadShotKills = 0x50
int32 m_iObjective = 0x54
int32 m_iCashEarned = 0x58
int32 m_iUtilityDamage = 0x5C
int32 m_iEnemiesFlashed = 0x60
class C_PredictedViewModel
QAngle m_LagAnglesHistory = 0xEE8
Vector m_vPredictedOffset = 0xF00
class C_EnvCubemap
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hCubemapTexture = 0x5C0
bool m_bCustomCubemapTexture = 0x5C8
float32 m_flInfluenceRadius = 0x5CC
Vector m_vBoxProjectMins = 0x5D0
Vector m_vBoxProjectMaxs = 0x5DC
bool m_bMoveable = 0x5E8
int32 m_nHandshake = 0x5EC
int32 m_nEnvCubeMapArrayIndex = 0x5F0
int32 m_nPriority = 0x5F4
float32 m_flEdgeFadeDist = 0x5F8
Vector m_vEdgeFadeDists = 0x5FC
float32 m_flDiffuseScale = 0x608
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x60C
bool m_bDefaultEnvMap = 0x60D
bool m_bDefaultSpecEnvMap = 0x60E
bool m_bIndoorCubeMap = 0x60F
bool m_bCopyDiffuseFromDefaultCubemap = 0x610
bool m_bEnabled = 0x620
class C_EnvParticleGlow
float32 m_flAlphaScale = 0x1270
float32 m_flRadiusScale = 0x1274
float32 m_flSelfIllumScale = 0x1278
Color m_ColorTint = 0x127C
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hTextureOverride = 0x1280
class CCSPlayerController
CCSPlayerController_InGameMoneyServices* m_pInGameMoneyServices = 0x700
CCSPlayerController_InventoryServices* m_pInventoryServices = 0x708
CCSPlayerController_ActionTrackingServices* m_pActionTrackingServices = 0x710
CCSPlayerController_DamageServices* m_pDamageServices = 0x718
uint32 m_iPing = 0x720
bool m_bHasCommunicationAbuseMute = 0x724
CUtlSymbolLarge m_szCrosshairCodes = 0x728
uint8 m_iPendingTeamNum = 0x730
GameTime_t m_flForceTeamTime = 0x734
int32 m_iCompTeammateColor = 0x738
bool m_bEverPlayedOnTeam = 0x73C
GameTime_t m_flPreviousForceJoinTeamTime = 0x740
CUtlSymbolLarge m_szClan = 0x748
CUtlString m_sSanitizedPlayerName = 0x750
int32 m_iCoachingTeam = 0x758
uint64 m_nPlayerDominated = 0x760
uint64 m_nPlayerDominatingMe = 0x768
int32 m_iCompetitiveRanking = 0x770
int32 m_iCompetitiveWins = 0x774
int8 m_iCompetitiveRankType = 0x778
int32 m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Win = 0x77C
int32 m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Loss = 0x780
int32 m_iCompetitiveRankingPredicted_Tie = 0x784
int32 m_nEndMatchNextMapVote = 0x788
uint16 m_unActiveQuestId = 0x78C
QuestProgress::Reason m_nQuestProgressReason = 0x790
uint32 m_unPlayerTvControlFlags = 0x794
int32 m_iDraftIndex = 0x7C0
uint32 m_msQueuedModeDisconnectionTimestamp = 0x7C4
uint32 m_uiAbandonRecordedReason = 0x7C8
bool m_bCannotBeKicked = 0x7CC
bool m_bEverFullyConnected = 0x7CD
bool m_bAbandonAllowsSurrender = 0x7CE
bool m_bAbandonOffersInstantSurrender = 0x7CF
bool m_bDisconnection1MinWarningPrinted = 0x7D0
bool m_bScoreReported = 0x7D1
int32 m_nDisconnectionTick = 0x7D4
bool m_bControllingBot = 0x7E0
bool m_bHasControlledBotThisRound = 0x7E1
bool m_bHasBeenControlledByPlayerThisRound = 0x7E2
int32 m_nBotsControlledThisRound = 0x7E4
bool m_bCanControlObservedBot = 0x7E8
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hPlayerPawn = 0x7EC
CHandle< C_CSObserverPawn > m_hObserverPawn = 0x7F0
bool m_bPawnIsAlive = 0x7F4
uint32 m_iPawnHealth = 0x7F8
int32 m_iPawnArmor = 0x7FC
bool m_bPawnHasDefuser = 0x800
bool m_bPawnHasHelmet = 0x801
uint16 m_nPawnCharacterDefIndex = 0x802
int32 m_iPawnLifetimeStart = 0x804
int32 m_iPawnLifetimeEnd = 0x808
int32 m_iPawnBotDifficulty = 0x80C
CHandle< CCSPlayerController > m_hOriginalControllerOfCurrentPawn = 0x810
int32 m_iScore = 0x814
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< EKillTypes_t > m_vecKills = 0x818
int32 m_iMVPs = 0x830
bool m_bIsPlayerNameDirty = 0x834
class C_PointClientUIHUD
bool m_bCheckCSSClasses = 0xCF8
bool m_bIgnoreInput = 0xE80
float32 m_flWidth = 0xE84
float32 m_flHeight = 0xE88
float32 m_flDPI = 0xE8C
float32 m_flInteractDistance = 0xE90
float32 m_flDepthOffset = 0xE94
uint32 m_unOwnerContext = 0xE98
uint32 m_unHorizontalAlign = 0xE9C
uint32 m_unVerticalAlign = 0xEA0
uint32 m_unOrientation = 0xEA4
bool m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds = 0xEA8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CUtlSymbolLarge > m_vecCSSClasses = 0xEB0
class C_ItemDogtags
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_OwningPlayer = 0x1668
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_KillingPlayer = 0x166C
class C_EnvWindShared
GameTime_t m_flStartTime = 0x8
uint32 m_iWindSeed = 0xC
uint16 m_iMinWind = 0x10
uint16 m_iMaxWind = 0x12
int32 m_windRadius = 0x14
uint16 m_iMinGust = 0x18
uint16 m_iMaxGust = 0x1A
float32 m_flMinGustDelay = 0x1C
float32 m_flMaxGustDelay = 0x20
float32 m_flGustDuration = 0x24
uint16 m_iGustDirChange = 0x28
Vector m_location = 0x2C
int32 m_iszGustSound = 0x38
int32 m_iWindDir = 0x3C
float32 m_flWindSpeed = 0x40
Vector m_currentWindVector = 0x44
Vector m_CurrentSwayVector = 0x50
Vector m_PrevSwayVector = 0x5C
uint16 m_iInitialWindDir = 0x68
float32 m_flInitialWindSpeed = 0x6C
GameTime_t m_flVariationTime = 0x70
GameTime_t m_flSwayTime = 0x74
GameTime_t m_flSimTime = 0x78
GameTime_t m_flSwitchTime = 0x7C
float32 m_flAveWindSpeed = 0x80
bool m_bGusting = 0x84
float32 m_flWindAngleVariation = 0x88
float32 m_flWindSpeedVariation = 0x8C
CEntityIndex m_iEntIndex = 0x90
class C_Fists
bool m_bPlayingUninterruptableAct = 0x1A10
PlayerAnimEvent_t m_nUninterruptableActivity = 0x1A14
class C_WeaponTaser
GameTime_t m_fFireTime = 0x1A30
class CInfoDynamicShadowHintBox
Vector m_vBoxMins = 0x558
Vector m_vBoxMaxs = 0x564
class ActiveModelConfig_t
ModelConfigHandle_t m_Handle = 0x28
CUtlSymbolLarge m_Name = 0x30
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseModelEntity > > m_AssociatedEntities =
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CUtlSymbolLarge > m_AssociatedEntityNames = 0x50
class C_EnvCubemapFog
float32 m_flEndDistance = 0x540
float32 m_flStartDistance = 0x544
float32 m_flFogFalloffExponent = 0x548
bool m_bHeightFogEnabled = 0x54C
float32 m_flFogHeightWidth = 0x550
float32 m_flFogHeightEnd = 0x554
float32 m_flFogHeightStart = 0x558
float32 m_flFogHeightExponent = 0x55C
float32 m_flLODBias = 0x560
bool m_bActive = 0x564
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x565
float32 m_flFogMaxOpacity = 0x568
int32 m_nCubemapSourceType = 0x56C
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hSkyMaterial = 0x570
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszSkyEntity = 0x578
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > m_hFogCubemapTexture = 0x580
bool m_bHasHeightFogEnd = 0x588
bool m_bFirstTime = 0x589
class EntitySpottedState_t
bool m_bSpotted = 0x8
uint32[2] m_bSpottedByMask = 0xC
class C_PlayerSprayDecal
int32 m_nUniqueID = 0xCC0
uint32 m_unAccountID = 0xCC4
uint32 m_unTraceID = 0xCC8
uint32 m_rtGcTime = 0xCCC
Vector m_vecEndPos = 0xCD0
Vector m_vecStart = 0xCDC
Vector m_vecLeft = 0xCE8
Vector m_vecNormal = 0xCF4
int32 m_nPlayer = 0xD00
int32 m_nEntity = 0xD04
int32 m_nHitbox = 0xD08
float32 m_flCreationTime = 0xD0C
int32 m_nTintID = 0xD10
uint8 m_nVersion = 0xD14
uint8[128] m_ubSignature = 0xD15
CPlayerSprayDecalRenderHelper m_SprayRenderHelper = 0xDA0
class CEntityInstance
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszPrivateVScripts = 0x8
CEntityIdentity* m_pEntity = 0x10
CScriptComponent* m_CScriptComponent = 0x28
class EntityRenderAttribute_t
CUtlStringToken m_ID = 0x30
Vector4D m_Values = 0x34
class C_ShatterGlassShardPhysics
shard_model_desc_t m_ShardDesc = 0xFE0
class C_PlayerVisibility
float32 m_flVisibilityStrength = 0x540
float32 m_flFogDistanceMultiplier = 0x544
float32 m_flFogMaxDensityMultiplier = 0x548
float32 m_flFadeTime = 0x54C
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x550
bool m_bIsEnabled = 0x551
class C_BaseFlex
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< float32 > m_flexWeight = 0xE90
Vector m_vLookTargetPosition = 0xEA8
bool m_blinktoggle = 0xEC0
int32 m_nLastFlexUpdateFrameCount = 0xF20
Vector m_CachedViewTarget = 0xF24
uint32 m_nNextSceneEventId = 0xF30
int32 m_iBlink = 0xF34
float32 m_blinktime = 0xF38
bool m_prevblinktoggle = 0xF3C
int32 m_iJawOpen = 0xF40
float32 m_flJawOpenAmount = 0xF44
float32 m_flBlinkAmount = 0xF48
AttachmentHandle_t m_iMouthAttachment = 0xF4C
AttachmentHandle_t m_iEyeAttachment = 0xF4D
bool m_bResetFlexWeightsOnModelChange = 0xF4E
int32 m_nEyeOcclusionRendererBone = 0xF68
matrix3x4_t m_mEyeOcclusionRendererCameraToBoneTransform = 0xF6C
Vector m_vEyeOcclusionRendererHalfExtent = 0xF9C
C_BaseFlex::Emphasized_Phoneme[3] m_PhonemeClasses = 0xFB8
class C_GlobalLight
uint16 m_WindClothForceHandle = 0xA00
class C_EnvSky
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hSkyMaterial = 0xCC0
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hSkyMaterialLightingOnly =
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0xCD0
Color m_vTintColor = 0xCD1
Color m_vTintColorLightingOnly = 0xCD5
float32 m_flBrightnessScale = 0xCDC
int32 m_nFogType = 0xCE0
float32 m_flFogMinStart = 0xCE4
float32 m_flFogMinEnd = 0xCE8
float32 m_flFogMaxStart = 0xCEC
float32 m_flFogMaxEnd = 0xCF0
bool m_bEnabled = 0xCF4
class CProjectedTextureBase
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hTargetEntity = 0xC
bool m_bState = 0x10
bool m_bAlwaysUpdate = 0x11
float32 m_flLightFOV = 0x14
bool m_bEnableShadows = 0x18
bool m_bSimpleProjection = 0x19
bool m_bLightOnlyTarget = 0x1A
bool m_bLightWorld = 0x1B
bool m_bCameraSpace = 0x1C
float32 m_flBrightnessScale = 0x20
Color m_LightColor = 0x24
float32 m_flIntensity = 0x28
float32 m_flLinearAttenuation = 0x2C
float32 m_flQuadraticAttenuation = 0x30
bool m_bVolumetric = 0x34
float32 m_flVolumetricIntensity = 0x38
float32 m_flNoiseStrength = 0x3C
float32 m_flFlashlightTime = 0x40
uint32 m_nNumPlanes = 0x44
float32 m_flPlaneOffset = 0x48
float32 m_flColorTransitionTime = 0x4C
float32 m_flAmbient = 0x50
char[512] m_SpotlightTextureName = 0x54
int32 m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0x254
uint32 m_nShadowQuality = 0x258
float32 m_flNearZ = 0x25C
float32 m_flFarZ = 0x260
float32 m_flProjectionSize = 0x264
float32 m_flRotation = 0x268
bool m_bFlipHorizontal = 0x26C
class CPlayer_MovementServices_Humanoid
float32 m_flStepSoundTime = 0x1D0
float32 m_flFallVelocity = 0x1D4
bool m_bInCrouch = 0x1D8
uint32 m_nCrouchState = 0x1DC
GameTime_t m_flCrouchTransitionStartTime = 0x1E0
bool m_bDucked = 0x1E4
bool m_bDucking = 0x1E5
bool m_bInDuckJump = 0x1E6
Vector m_groundNormal = 0x1E8
float32 m_flSurfaceFriction = 0x1F4
CUtlStringToken m_surfaceProps = 0x1F8
int32 m_nStepside = 0x208
class CSMatchStats_t
int32 m_iEnemy5Ks = 0x68
int32 m_iEnemy4Ks = 0x6C
int32 m_iEnemy3Ks = 0x70
class C_DynamicProp
bool m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox = 0xFD0
bool m_bUseAnimGraph = 0xFD1
CEntityIOOutput m_pOutputAnimBegun = 0xFD8
CEntityIOOutput m_pOutputAnimOver = 0x1000
CEntityIOOutput m_pOutputAnimLoopCycleOver = 0x1028
CEntityIOOutput m_OnAnimReachedStart = 0x1050
CEntityIOOutput m_OnAnimReachedEnd = 0x1078
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszDefaultAnim = 0x10A0
AnimLoopMode_t m_nDefaultAnimLoopMode = 0x10A8
bool m_bAnimateOnServer = 0x10AC
bool m_bRandomizeCycle = 0x10AD
bool m_bStartDisabled = 0x10AE
bool m_bScriptedMovement = 0x10AF
bool m_bFiredStartEndOutput = 0x10B0
bool m_bForceNpcExclude = 0x10B1
bool m_bCreateNonSolid = 0x10B2
bool m_bIsOverrideProp = 0x10B3
int32 m_iInitialGlowState = 0x10B4
int32 m_nGlowRange = 0x10B8
int32 m_nGlowRangeMin = 0x10BC
Color m_glowColor = 0x10C0
int32 m_nGlowTeam = 0x10C4
int32 m_iCachedFrameCount = 0x10C8
Vector m_vecCachedRenderMins = 0x10CC
Vector m_vecCachedRenderMaxs = 0x10D8
class CCSPlayer_BulletServices
int32 m_totalHitsOnServer = 0x40
class SellbackPurchaseEntry_t
uint16 m_unDefIdx = 0x30
int32 m_nCost = 0x34
int32 m_nPrevArmor = 0x38
bool m_bPrevHelmet = 0x3C
CEntityHandle m_hItem = 0x40
class C_LocalTempEntity
int32 flags = 0xE98
GameTime_t die = 0xE9C
float32 m_flFrameMax = 0xEA0
float32 x = 0xEA4
float32 y = 0xEA8
float32 fadeSpeed = 0xEAC
float32 bounceFactor = 0xEB0
int32 hitSound = 0xEB4
int32 priority = 0xEB8
Vector tentOffset = 0xEBC
QAngle m_vecTempEntAngVelocity = 0xEC8
int32 tempent_renderamt = 0xED4
Vector m_vecNormal = 0xED8
float32 m_flSpriteScale = 0xEE4
int32 m_nFlickerFrame = 0xEE8
float32 m_flFrameRate = 0xEEC
float32 m_flFrame = 0xEF0
char* m_pszImpactEffect = 0xEF8
char* m_pszParticleEffect = 0xF00
bool m_bParticleCollision = 0xF08
int32 m_iLastCollisionFrame = 0xF0C
Vector m_vLastCollisionOrigin = 0xF10
Vector m_vecTempEntVelocity = 0xF1C
Vector m_vecPrevAbsOrigin = 0xF28
Vector m_vecTempEntAcceleration = 0xF34
class C_MolotovProjectile
bool m_bIsIncGrenade = 0x1100
class CGrenadeTracer
float32 m_flTracerDuration = 0xCE0
GrenadeType_t m_nType = 0xCE4
class C_CSGameRules
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x8
bool m_bFreezePeriod = 0x30
bool m_bWarmupPeriod = 0x31
GameTime_t m_fWarmupPeriodEnd = 0x34
GameTime_t m_fWarmupPeriodStart = 0x38
int32 m_nTotalPausedTicks = 0x3C
int32 m_nPauseStartTick = 0x40
bool m_bServerPaused = 0x44
bool m_bGamePaused = 0x45
bool m_bTerroristTimeOutActive = 0x46
bool m_bCTTimeOutActive = 0x47
float32 m_flTerroristTimeOutRemaining = 0x48
float32 m_flCTTimeOutRemaining = 0x4C
int32 m_nTerroristTimeOuts = 0x50
int32 m_nCTTimeOuts = 0x54
bool m_bTechnicalTimeOut = 0x58
bool m_bMatchWaitingForResume = 0x59
int32 m_iRoundTime = 0x5C
float32 m_fMatchStartTime = 0x60
GameTime_t m_fRoundStartTime = 0x64
GameTime_t m_flRestartRoundTime = 0x68
bool m_bGameRestart = 0x6C
float32 m_flGameStartTime = 0x70
float32 m_timeUntilNextPhaseStarts = 0x74
int32 m_gamePhase = 0x78
int32 m_totalRoundsPlayed = 0x7C
int32 m_nRoundsPlayedThisPhase = 0x80
int32 m_nOvertimePlaying = 0x84
int32 m_iHostagesRemaining = 0x88
bool m_bAnyHostageReached = 0x8C
bool m_bMapHasBombTarget = 0x8D
bool m_bMapHasRescueZone = 0x8E
bool m_bMapHasBuyZone = 0x8F
bool m_bIsQueuedMatchmaking = 0x90
int32 m_nQueuedMatchmakingMode = 0x94
bool m_bIsValveDS = 0x98
bool m_bLogoMap = 0x99
bool m_bPlayAllStepSoundsOnServer = 0x9A
int32 m_iSpectatorSlotCount = 0x9C
int32 m_MatchDevice = 0xA0
bool m_bHasMatchStarted = 0xA4
int32 m_nNextMapInMapgroup = 0xA8
char[512] m_szTournamentEventName = 0xAC
char[512] m_szTournamentEventStage = 0x2AC
char[512] m_szMatchStatTxt = 0x4AC
char[512] m_szTournamentPredictionsTxt = 0x6AC
int32 m_nTournamentPredictionsPct = 0x8AC
GameTime_t m_flCMMItemDropRevealStartTime = 0x8B0
GameTime_t m_flCMMItemDropRevealEndTime = 0x8B4
bool m_bIsDroppingItems = 0x8B8
bool m_bIsQuestEligible = 0x8B9
bool m_bIsHltvActive = 0x8BA
int32 m_nGuardianModeWaveNumber = 0x8BC
int32 m_nGuardianModeSpecialKillsRemaining = 0x8C0
int32 m_nGuardianModeSpecialWeaponNeeded = 0x8C4
int32 m_nGuardianGrenadesToGiveBots = 0x8C8
int32 m_nNumHeaviesToSpawn = 0x8CC
uint32 m_numGlobalGiftsGiven = 0x8D0
uint32 m_numGlobalGifters = 0x8D4
uint32 m_numGlobalGiftsPeriodSeconds = 0x8D8
uint32[4] m_arrFeaturedGiftersAccounts = 0x8DC
uint32[4] m_arrFeaturedGiftersGifts = 0x8EC
uint16[100] m_arrProhibitedItemIndices = 0x8FC
uint32[4] m_arrTournamentActiveCasterAccounts = 0x9C4
int32 m_numBestOfMaps = 0x9D4
int32 m_nHalloweenMaskListSeed = 0x9D8
bool m_bBombDropped = 0x9DC
bool m_bBombPlanted = 0x9DD
int32 m_iRoundWinStatus = 0x9E0
int32 m_eRoundWinReason = 0x9E4
bool m_bTCantBuy = 0x9E8
bool m_bCTCantBuy = 0x9E9
GameTime_t m_flGuardianBuyUntilTime = 0x9EC
int32[30] m_iMatchStats_RoundResults = 0x9F0
int32[30] m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_CT = 0xA68
int32[30] m_iMatchStats_PlayersAlive_T = 0xAE0
float32[32] m_TeamRespawnWaveTimes = 0xB58
GameTime_t[32] m_flNextRespawnWave = 0xBD8
int32 m_nServerQuestID = 0xC58
Vector m_vMinimapMins = 0xC5C
Vector m_vMinimapMaxs = 0xC68
float32[8] m_MinimapVerticalSectionHeights = 0xC74
bool m_bDontIncrementCoopWave = 0xC94
bool m_bSpawnedTerrorHuntHeavy = 0xC95
int32[10] m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteTypes = 0xC98
int32[10] m_nEndMatchMapGroupVoteOptions = 0xCC0
int32 m_nEndMatchMapVoteWinner = 0xCE8
int32 m_iNumConsecutiveCTLoses = 0xCEC
int32 m_iNumConsecutiveTerroristLoses = 0xCF0
bool m_bMarkClientStopRecordAtRoundEnd = 0xD10
int32 m_nMatchAbortedEarlyReason = 0xD68
bool m_bHasTriggeredRoundStartMusic = 0xD6C
bool m_bHasTriggeredCoopSpawnReset = 0xD6D
bool m_bSwitchingTeamsAtRoundReset = 0xD6E
CCSGameModeRules* m_pGameModeRules = 0xD88
C_RetakeGameRules m_RetakeRules = 0xD90
uint8 m_nMatchEndCount = 0xEA8
int32 m_nTTeamIntroVariant = 0xEAC
int32 m_nCTTeamIntroVariant = 0xEB0
bool m_bTeamIntroPeriod = 0xEB4
float64 m_flLastPerfSampleTime = 0x4EC0
class VPhysicsCollisionAttribute_t
uint64 m_nInteractsAs = 0x8
uint64 m_nInteractsWith = 0x10
uint64 m_nInteractsExclude = 0x18
uint32 m_nEntityId = 0x20
uint32 m_nOwnerId = 0x24
uint16 m_nHierarchyId = 0x28
uint8 m_nCollisionGroup = 0x2A
uint8 m_nCollisionFunctionMask = 0x2B
class CNetworkedSequenceOperation
HSequence m_hSequence = 0x8
float32 m_flPrevCycle = 0xC
float32 m_flCycle = 0x10
CNetworkedQuantizedFloat m_flWeight = 0x14
bool m_bSequenceChangeNetworked = 0x1C
bool m_bDiscontinuity = 0x1D
float32 m_flPrevCycleFromDiscontinuity = 0x20
float32 m_flPrevCycleForAnimEventDetection = 0x24
class C_CSWeaponBase
float32 m_flFireSequenceStartTime = 0x15D4
int32 m_nFireSequenceStartTimeChange = 0x15D8
int32 m_nFireSequenceStartTimeAck = 0x15DC
PlayerAnimEvent_t m_ePlayerFireEvent = 0x15E0
WeaponAttackType_t m_ePlayerFireEventAttackType = 0x15E4
HSequence m_seqIdle = 0x15E8
HSequence m_seqFirePrimary = 0x15EC
HSequence m_seqFireSecondary = 0x15F0
CUtlVector< HSequence > m_thirdPersonFireSequences = 0x15F8
HSequence m_hCurrentThirdPersonSequence = 0x1610
int32 m_nSilencerBoneIndex = 0x1614
HSequence[7] m_thirdPersonSequences = 0x1618
CSWeaponState_t m_ClientPreviousWeaponState = 0x1650
CSWeaponState_t m_iState = 0x1654
float32 m_flCrosshairDistance = 0x1658
int32 m_iAmmoLastCheck = 0x165C
int32 m_iAlpha = 0x1660
int32 m_iScopeTextureID = 0x1664
int32 m_iCrosshairTextureID = 0x1668
float32 m_flGunAccuracyPosition = 0x166C
uint32 m_nViewModelIndex = 0x1670
bool m_bReloadsWithClips = 0x1674
GameTime_t m_flTimeWeaponIdle = 0x1678
bool m_bFireOnEmpty = 0x167C
CEntityIOOutput m_OnPlayerPickup = 0x1680
CSWeaponMode m_weaponMode = 0x16A8
float32 m_flTurningInaccuracyDelta = 0x16AC
Vector m_vecTurningInaccuracyEyeDirLast = 0x16B0
float32 m_flTurningInaccuracy = 0x16BC
float32 m_fAccuracyPenalty = 0x16C0
GameTime_t m_flLastAccuracyUpdateTime = 0x16C4
float32 m_fAccuracySmoothedForZoom = 0x16C8
GameTime_t m_fScopeZoomEndTime = 0x16CC
int32 m_iRecoilIndex = 0x16D0
float32 m_flRecoilIndex = 0x16D4
bool m_bBurstMode = 0x16D8
GameTick_t m_nPostponeFireReadyTicks = 0x16DC
float32 m_flPostponeFireReadyFrac = 0x16E0
bool m_bInReload = 0x16E4
bool m_bReloadVisuallyComplete = 0x16E5
GameTime_t m_flDroppedAtTime = 0x16E8
bool m_bIsHauledBack = 0x16EC
bool m_bSilencerOn = 0x16ED
GameTime_t m_flTimeSilencerSwitchComplete = 0x16F0
int32 m_iOriginalTeamNumber = 0x16F4
float32 m_flNextAttackRenderTimeOffset = 0x16F8
bool m_bVisualsDataSet = 0x1780
bool m_bOldFirstPersonSpectatedState = 0x1781
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOurPing = 0x1784
CEntityIndex m_nOurPingIndex = 0x1788
Vector m_vecOurPingPos = 0x178C
bool m_bGlowForPing = 0x1798
bool m_bUIWeapon = 0x1799
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hPrevOwner = 0x17A8
GameTick_t m_nDropTick = 0x17AC
bool m_donated = 0x17CC
GameTime_t m_fLastShotTime = 0x17D0
bool m_bWasOwnedByCT = 0x17D4
bool m_bWasOwnedByTerrorist = 0x17D5
float32 m_gunHeat = 0x17D8
uint32 m_smokeAttachments = 0x17DC
GameTime_t m_lastSmokeTime = 0x17E0
float32 m_flNextClientFireBulletTime = 0x17E4
float32 m_flNextClientFireBulletTime_Repredict = 0x17E8
C_IronSightController m_IronSightController = 0x18C0
int32 m_iIronSightMode = 0x1970
GameTime_t m_flLastLOSTraceFailureTime = 0x1980
int32 m_iNumEmptyAttacks = 0x1984
GameTime_t m_flLastMagDropRequestTime = 0x1A00
class C_SkyCamera
sky3dparams_t m_skyboxData = 0x540
CUtlStringToken m_skyboxSlotToken = 0x5D0
bool m_bUseAngles = 0x5D4
C_SkyCamera* m_pNext = 0x5D8
class CCSPlayer_WeaponServices
GameTime_t m_flNextAttack = 0xC0
bool m_bIsLookingAtWeapon = 0xC4
bool m_bIsHoldingLookAtWeapon = 0xC5
class CEntityIdentity
int32 m_nameStringableIndex = 0x14
CUtlSymbolLarge m_name = 0x18
CUtlSymbolLarge m_designerName = 0x20
uint32 m_flags = 0x30
WorldGroupId_t m_worldGroupId = 0x38
uint32 m_fDataObjectTypes = 0x3C
ChangeAccessorFieldPathIndex_t m_PathIndex = 0x40
CEntityIdentity* m_pPrev = 0x58
CEntityIdentity* m_pNext = 0x60
CEntityIdentity* m_pPrevByClass = 0x68
CEntityIdentity* m_pNextByClass = 0x70
class C_PhysicsProp
bool m_bAwake = 0xFD0
class C_FuncConveyor
Vector m_vecMoveDirEntitySpace = 0xCC8
float32 m_flTargetSpeed = 0xCD4
GameTick_t m_nTransitionStartTick = 0xCD8
int32 m_nTransitionDurationTicks = 0xCDC
float32 m_flTransitionStartSpeed = 0xCE0
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseEntity > > m_hConveyorModels = 0xCE8
float32 m_flCurrentConveyorOffset = 0xD00
float32 m_flCurrentConveyorSpeed = 0xD04
class CBombTarget
bool m_bBombPlantedHere = 0xCC8
class CModelState
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > m_hModel = 0xA0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_ModelName = 0xA8
bool m_bClientClothCreationSuppressed = 0xE8
uint64 m_MeshGroupMask = 0x180
int8 m_nIdealMotionType = 0x222
int8 m_nForceLOD = 0x223
int8 m_nClothUpdateFlags = 0x224
class C_CSGO_TeamPreviewCharacterPosition
int32 m_nVariant = 0x540
int32 m_nRandom = 0x544
int32 m_nOrdinal = 0x548
CUtlString m_sWeaponName = 0x550
uint64 m_xuid = 0x558
C_EconItemView m_agentItem = 0x560
C_EconItemView m_glovesItem = 0x9A8
C_EconItemView m_weaponItem = 0xDF0
class CCSWeaponBaseVData
CSWeaponType m_WeaponType = 0x240
CSWeaponCategory m_WeaponCategory = 0x244
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > > m_szViewModel =
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > > m_szPlayerModel
= 0x328
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > >
m_szWorldDroppedModel = 0x408
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > >
m_szAimsightLensMaskModel = 0x4E8
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > >
m_szMagazineModel = 0x5C8
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szHeatEffect = 0x6A8
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szEjectBrassEffect = 0x788
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szMuzzleFlashParticleAlt = 0x868
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticle = 0x948
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szMuzzleFlashThirdPersonParticleAlt = 0xA28
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szTracerParticle = 0xB08
gear_slot_t m_GearSlot = 0xBE8
int32 m_GearSlotPosition = 0xBEC
loadout_slot_t m_DefaultLoadoutSlot = 0xBF0
CUtlString m_sWrongTeamMsg = 0xBF8
int32 m_nPrice = 0xC00
int32 m_nKillAward = 0xC04
int32 m_nPrimaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC08
int32 m_nSecondaryReserveAmmoMax = 0xC0C
bool m_bMeleeWeapon = 0xC10
bool m_bHasBurstMode = 0xC11
bool m_bIsRevolver = 0xC12
bool m_bCannotShootUnderwater = 0xC13
CUtlString m_szName = 0xC18
CUtlString m_szAnimExtension = 0xC20
CSWeaponSilencerType m_eSilencerType = 0xC28
int32 m_nCrosshairMinDistance = 0xC2C
int32 m_nCrosshairDeltaDistance = 0xC30
CFiringModeFloat m_flCycleTime = 0xC34
CFiringModeFloat m_flMaxSpeed = 0xC3C
CFiringModeFloat m_flSpread = 0xC44
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyCrouch = 0xC4C
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyStand = 0xC54
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyJump = 0xC5C
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyLand = 0xC64
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyLadder = 0xC6C
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyFire = 0xC74
CFiringModeFloat m_flInaccuracyMove = 0xC7C
CFiringModeFloat m_flRecoilAngle = 0xC84
CFiringModeFloat m_flRecoilAngleVariance = 0xC8C
CFiringModeFloat m_flRecoilMagnitude = 0xC94
CFiringModeFloat m_flRecoilMagnitudeVariance = 0xC9C
CFiringModeInt m_nTracerFrequency = 0xCA4
float32 m_flInaccuracyJumpInitial = 0xCAC
float32 m_flInaccuracyJumpApex = 0xCB0
float32 m_flInaccuracyReload = 0xCB4
int32 m_nRecoilSeed = 0xCB8
int32 m_nSpreadSeed = 0xCBC
float32 m_flTimeToIdleAfterFire = 0xCC0
float32 m_flIdleInterval = 0xCC4
float32 m_flAttackMovespeedFactor = 0xCC8
float32 m_flHeatPerShot = 0xCCC
float32 m_flInaccuracyPitchShift = 0xCD0
float32 m_flInaccuracyAltSoundThreshold = 0xCD4
float32 m_flBotAudibleRange = 0xCD8
CUtlString m_szUseRadioSubtitle = 0xCE0
bool m_bUnzoomsAfterShot = 0xCE8
bool m_bHideViewModelWhenZoomed = 0xCE9
int32 m_nZoomLevels = 0xCEC
int32 m_nZoomFOV1 = 0xCF0
int32 m_nZoomFOV2 = 0xCF4
float32 m_flZoomTime0 = 0xCF8
float32 m_flZoomTime1 = 0xCFC
float32 m_flZoomTime2 = 0xD00
float32 m_flIronSightPullUpSpeed = 0xD04
float32 m_flIronSightPutDownSpeed = 0xD08
float32 m_flIronSightFOV = 0xD0C
float32 m_flIronSightPivotForward = 0xD10
float32 m_flIronSightLooseness = 0xD14
QAngle m_angPivotAngle = 0xD18
Vector m_vecIronSightEyePos = 0xD24
int32 m_nDamage = 0xD30
float32 m_flHeadshotMultiplier = 0xD34
float32 m_flArmorRatio = 0xD38
float32 m_flPenetration = 0xD3C
float32 m_flRange = 0xD40
float32 m_flRangeModifier = 0xD44
float32 m_flFlinchVelocityModifierLarge = 0xD48
float32 m_flFlinchVelocityModifierSmall = 0xD4C
float32 m_flRecoveryTimeCrouch = 0xD50
float32 m_flRecoveryTimeStand = 0xD54
float32 m_flRecoveryTimeCrouchFinal = 0xD58
float32 m_flRecoveryTimeStandFinal = 0xD5C
int32 m_nRecoveryTransitionStartBullet = 0xD60
int32 m_nRecoveryTransitionEndBullet = 0xD64
float32 m_flThrowVelocity = 0xD68
Vector m_vSmokeColor = 0xD6C
CUtlString m_szAnimClass = 0xD78
class CCSPlayer_BuyServices
C_UtlVectorEmbeddedNetworkVar< SellbackPurchaseEntry_t >
m_vecSellbackPurchaseEntries = 0x40
class CFuncWater
CBuoyancyHelper m_BuoyancyHelper = 0xCC0
class C_BasePropDoor
DoorState_t m_eDoorState = 0x10F8
bool m_modelChanged = 0x10FC
bool m_bLocked = 0x10FD
Vector m_closedPosition = 0x1100
QAngle m_closedAngles = 0x110C
CHandle< C_BasePropDoor > m_hMaster = 0x1118
Vector m_vWhereToSetLightingOrigin = 0x111C
class C_VoteController
int32 m_iActiveIssueIndex = 0x550
int32 m_iOnlyTeamToVote = 0x554
int32[5] m_nVoteOptionCount = 0x558
int32 m_nPotentialVotes = 0x56C
bool m_bVotesDirty = 0x570
bool m_bTypeDirty = 0x571
bool m_bIsYesNoVote = 0x572
class C_PhysPropClientside
GameTime_t m_flTouchDelta = 0xFD0
GameTime_t m_fDeathTime = 0xFD4
float32 m_impactEnergyScale = 0xFD8
float32 m_inertiaScale = 0xFDC
float32 m_flDmgModBullet = 0xFE0
float32 m_flDmgModClub = 0xFE4
float32 m_flDmgModExplosive = 0xFE8
float32 m_flDmgModFire = 0xFEC
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszPhysicsDamageTableName = 0xFF0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszBasePropData = 0xFF8
int32 m_iInteractions = 0x1000
bool m_bHasBreakPiecesOrCommands = 0x1004
Vector m_vecDamagePosition = 0x1008
Vector m_vecDamageDirection = 0x1014
int32 m_nDamageType = 0x1020
class C_PlayerPing
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hPlayer = 0x570
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hPingedEntity = 0x574
int32 m_iType = 0x578
bool m_bUrgent = 0x57C
char[18] m_szPlaceName = 0x57D
class C_SoundAreaEntityBase
bool m_bDisabled = 0x540
bool m_bWasEnabled = 0x548
CUtlSymbolLarge m_iszSoundAreaType = 0x550
Vector m_vPos = 0x558
class C_fogplayerparams_t
CHandle< C_FogController > m_hCtrl = 0x8
float32 m_flTransitionTime = 0xC
Color m_OldColor = 0x10
float32 m_flOldStart = 0x14
float32 m_flOldEnd = 0x18
float32 m_flOldMaxDensity = 0x1C
float32 m_flOldHDRColorScale = 0x20
float32 m_flOldFarZ = 0x24
Color m_NewColor = 0x28
float32 m_flNewStart = 0x2C
float32 m_flNewEnd = 0x30
float32 m_flNewMaxDensity = 0x34
float32 m_flNewHDRColorScale = 0x38
float32 m_flNewFarZ = 0x3C
class C_PointValueRemapper
bool m_bDisabled = 0x540
bool m_bDisabledOld = 0x541
bool m_bUpdateOnClient = 0x542
ValueRemapperInputType_t m_nInputType = 0x544
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hRemapLineStart = 0x548
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hRemapLineEnd = 0x54C
float32 m_flMaximumChangePerSecond = 0x550
float32 m_flDisengageDistance = 0x554
float32 m_flEngageDistance = 0x558
bool m_bRequiresUseKey = 0x55C
ValueRemapperOutputType_t m_nOutputType = 0x560
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_BaseEntity > > m_hOutputEntities = 0x568
ValueRemapperHapticsType_t m_nHapticsType = 0x580
ValueRemapperMomentumType_t m_nMomentumType = 0x584
float32 m_flMomentumModifier = 0x588
float32 m_flSnapValue = 0x58C
float32 m_flCurrentMomentum = 0x590
ValueRemapperRatchetType_t m_nRatchetType = 0x594
float32 m_flRatchetOffset = 0x598
float32 m_flInputOffset = 0x59C
bool m_bEngaged = 0x5A0
bool m_bFirstUpdate = 0x5A1
float32 m_flPreviousValue = 0x5A4
GameTime_t m_flPreviousUpdateTickTime = 0x5A8
Vector m_vecPreviousTestPoint = 0x5AC
class C_ViewmodelWeapon
char* m_worldModel = 0xE80
class ServerAuthoritativeWeaponSlot_t
uint16 unClass = 0x28
uint16 unSlot = 0x2A
uint16 unItemDefIdx = 0x2C
class C_BaseViewModel
Vector m_vecLastFacing = 0xE88
uint32 m_nViewModelIndex = 0xE94
uint32 m_nAnimationParity = 0xE98
float32 m_flAnimationStartTime = 0xE9C
CHandle< C_BasePlayerWeapon > m_hWeapon = 0xEA0
CUtlSymbolLarge m_sVMName = 0xEA8
CUtlSymbolLarge m_sAnimationPrefix = 0xEB0
CHandle< C_ViewmodelWeapon > m_hWeaponModel = 0xEB8
AttachmentHandle_t m_iCameraAttachment = 0xEBC
QAngle m_vecLastCameraAngles = 0xEC0
float32 m_previousElapsedDuration = 0xECC
float32 m_previousCycle = 0xED0
int32 m_nOldAnimationParity = 0xED4
HSequence m_hOldLayerSequence = 0xED8
int32 m_oldLayer = 0xEDC
float32 m_oldLayerStartTime = 0xEE0
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hControlPanel = 0xEE4
class C_RopeKeyframe
CBitVec< 10 > m_LinksTouchingSomething = 0xCC8
int32 m_nLinksTouchingSomething = 0xCCC
bool m_bApplyWind = 0xCD0
int32 m_fPrevLockedPoints = 0xCD4
int32 m_iForcePointMoveCounter = 0xCD8
bool[2] m_bPrevEndPointPos = 0xCDC
Vector[2] m_vPrevEndPointPos = 0xCE0
float32 m_flCurScroll = 0xCF8
float32 m_flScrollSpeed = 0xCFC
uint16 m_RopeFlags = 0xD00
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex =
Vector[10] m_LightValues = 0xF80
uint8 m_nSegments = 0xFF8
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hStartPoint = 0xFFC
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hEndPoint = 0x1000
AttachmentHandle_t m_iStartAttachment = 0x1004
AttachmentHandle_t m_iEndAttachment = 0x1005
uint8 m_Subdiv = 0x1006
int16 m_RopeLength = 0x1008
int16 m_Slack = 0x100A
float32 m_TextureScale = 0x100C
uint8 m_fLockedPoints = 0x1010
uint8 m_nChangeCount = 0x1011
float32 m_Width = 0x1014
C_RopeKeyframe::CPhysicsDelegate m_PhysicsDelegate = 0x1018
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hMaterial = 0x1028
int32 m_TextureHeight = 0x1030
Vector m_vecImpulse = 0x1034
Vector m_vecPreviousImpulse = 0x1040
float32 m_flCurrentGustTimer = 0x104C
float32 m_flCurrentGustLifetime = 0x1050
float32 m_flTimeToNextGust = 0x1054
Vector m_vWindDir = 0x1058
Vector m_vColorMod = 0x1064
Vector[2] m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentPos = 0x1070
QAngle[2] m_vCachedEndPointAttachmentAngle = 0x1088
bool m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints = 0x10A0
bitfield:1 m_bEndPointAttachmentPositionsDirty = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bEndPointAttachmentAnglesDirty = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bNewDataThisFrame = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bPhysicsInitted = 0x0
class CPlayer_CameraServices
QAngle m_vecCsViewPunchAngle = 0x40
GameTick_t m_nCsViewPunchAngleTick = 0x4C
float32 m_flCsViewPunchAngleTickRatio = 0x50
C_fogplayerparams_t m_PlayerFog = 0x58
CHandle< C_ColorCorrection > m_hColorCorrectionCtrl = 0x98
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hViewEntity = 0x9C
CHandle< C_TonemapController2 > m_hTonemapController = 0xA0
audioparams_t m_audio = 0xA8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CHandle< C_PostProcessingVolume > >
m_PostProcessingVolumes = 0x120
float32 m_flOldPlayerZ = 0x138
float32 m_flOldPlayerViewOffsetZ = 0x13C
fogparams_t m_CurrentFog = 0x140
CHandle< C_FogController > m_hOldFogController = 0x1A8
bool[5] m_bOverrideFogColor = 0x1AC
Color[5] m_OverrideFogColor = 0x1B1
bool[5] m_bOverrideFogStartEnd = 0x1C5
float32[5] m_fOverrideFogStart = 0x1CC
float32[5] m_fOverrideFogEnd = 0x1E0
CHandle< C_PostProcessingVolume > m_hActivePostProcessingVolume = 0x1F4
QAngle m_angDemoViewAngles = 0x1F8
class C_EconEntity::AttachedModelData_t
int32 m_iModelDisplayFlags = 0x0
class CGameSceneNode
CTransform m_nodeToWorld = 0x10
CEntityInstance* m_pOwner = 0x30
CGameSceneNode* m_pParent = 0x38
CGameSceneNode* m_pChild = 0x40
CGameSceneNode* m_pNextSibling = 0x48
CGameSceneNodeHandle m_hParent = 0x70
CNetworkOriginCellCoordQuantizedVector m_vecOrigin = 0x80
QAngle m_angRotation = 0xB8
float32 m_flScale = 0xC4
Vector m_vecAbsOrigin = 0xC8
QAngle m_angAbsRotation = 0xD4
float32 m_flAbsScale = 0xE0
int16 m_nParentAttachmentOrBone = 0xE4
bool m_bDebugAbsOriginChanges = 0xE6
bool m_bDormant = 0xE7
bool m_bForceParentToBeNetworked = 0xE8
bitfield:1 m_bDirtyHierarchy = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bDirtyBoneMergeInfo = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bNetworkedPositionChanged = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bNetworkedAnglesChanged = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bNetworkedScaleChanged = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bWillBeCallingPostDataUpdate = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bNotifyBoneTransformsChanged = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bBoneMergeFlex = 0x0
bitfield:2 m_nLatchAbsOrigin = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bDirtyBoneMergeBoneToRoot = 0x0
uint8 m_nHierarchicalDepth = 0xEB
uint8 m_nHierarchyType = 0xEC
uint8 m_nDoNotSetAnimTimeInInvalidatePhysicsCount = 0xED
CUtlStringToken m_name = 0xF0
CUtlStringToken m_hierarchyAttachName = 0x130
float32 m_flZOffset = 0x134
Vector m_vRenderOrigin = 0x138
class C_CSObserverPawn
CEntityHandle m_hDetectParentChange = 0x16B8
class C_RagdollPropAttached
uint32 m_boneIndexAttached = 0xEF8
uint32 m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex = 0xEFC
Vector m_attachmentPointBoneSpace = 0xF00
Vector m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace = 0xF0C
Vector m_vecOffset = 0xF18
float32 m_parentTime = 0xF24
bool m_bHasParent = 0xF28
class PhysicsRagdollPose_t
CNetworkVarChainer __m_pChainEntity = 0x8
C_NetworkUtlVectorBase< CTransform > m_Transforms = 0x30
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hOwner = 0x48
bool m_bDirty = 0x68
class C_Hostage
EntitySpottedState_t m_entitySpottedState = 0x10A8
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_leader = 0x10C0
CountdownTimer m_reuseTimer = 0x10C8
Vector m_vel = 0x10E0
bool m_isRescued = 0x10EC
bool m_jumpedThisFrame = 0x10ED
int32 m_nHostageState = 0x10F0
bool m_bHandsHaveBeenCut = 0x10F4
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hHostageGrabber = 0x10F8
GameTime_t m_fLastGrabTime = 0x10FC
Vector m_vecGrabbedPos = 0x1100
GameTime_t m_flRescueStartTime = 0x110C
GameTime_t m_flGrabSuccessTime = 0x1110
GameTime_t m_flDropStartTime = 0x1114
GameTime_t m_flDeadOrRescuedTime = 0x1118
CountdownTimer m_blinkTimer = 0x1120
Vector m_lookAt = 0x1138
CountdownTimer m_lookAroundTimer = 0x1148
bool m_isInit = 0x1160
AttachmentHandle_t m_eyeAttachment = 0x1161
AttachmentHandle_t m_chestAttachment = 0x1162
CBasePlayerController* m_pPredictionOwner = 0x1168
GameTime_t m_fNewestAlphaThinkTime = 0x1170
class C_Sprite
CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hSpriteMaterial = 0xCD8
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hAttachedToEntity = 0xCE0
AttachmentHandle_t m_nAttachment = 0xCE4
float32 m_flSpriteFramerate = 0xCE8
float32 m_flFrame = 0xCEC
GameTime_t m_flDieTime = 0xCF0
uint32 m_nBrightness = 0xD00
float32 m_flBrightnessDuration = 0xD04
float32 m_flSpriteScale = 0xD08
float32 m_flScaleDuration = 0xD0C
bool m_bWorldSpaceScale = 0xD10
float32 m_flGlowProxySize = 0xD14
float32 m_flHDRColorScale = 0xD18
GameTime_t m_flLastTime = 0xD1C
float32 m_flMaxFrame = 0xD20
float32 m_flStartScale = 0xD24
float32 m_flDestScale = 0xD28
GameTime_t m_flScaleTimeStart = 0xD2C
int32 m_nStartBrightness = 0xD30
int32 m_nDestBrightness = 0xD34
GameTime_t m_flBrightnessTimeStart = 0xD38
CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > m_hOldSpriteMaterial = 0xD40
int32 m_nSpriteWidth = 0xDE8
int32 m_nSpriteHeight = 0xDEC
class C_WeaponShield
float32 m_flDisplayHealth = 0x1A30
class CCSPlayer_PingServices
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hPlayerPing = 0x40
class CSkeletonInstance
CModelState m_modelState = 0x160
bool m_bIsAnimationEnabled = 0x390
bool m_bUseParentRenderBounds = 0x391
bool m_bDisableSolidCollisionsForHierarchy = 0x392
bitfield:1 m_bDirtyMotionType = 0x0
bitfield:1 m_bIsGeneratingLatchedParentSpaceState = 0x0
CUtlStringToken m_materialGroup = 0x394
uint8 m_nHitboxSet = 0x398
class C_PlantedC4
bool m_bBombTicking = 0xE80
int32 m_nBombSite = 0xE84
int32 m_nSourceSoundscapeHash = 0xE88
EntitySpottedState_t m_entitySpottedState = 0xE90
GameTime_t m_flNextGlow = 0xEA8
GameTime_t m_flNextBeep = 0xEAC
GameTime_t m_flC4Blow = 0xEB0
bool m_bCannotBeDefused = 0xEB4
bool m_bHasExploded = 0xEB5
float32 m_flTimerLength = 0xEB8
bool m_bBeingDefused = 0xEBC
float32 m_bTriggerWarning = 0xEC0
float32 m_bExplodeWarning = 0xEC4
bool m_bC4Activated = 0xEC8
bool m_bTenSecWarning = 0xEC9
float32 m_flDefuseLength = 0xECC
GameTime_t m_flDefuseCountDown = 0xED0
bool m_bBombDefused = 0xED4
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_hBombDefuser = 0xED8
CHandle< C_BaseEntity > m_hControlPanel = 0xEDC
CHandle< C_Multimeter > m_hDefuserMultimeter = 0xEE0
GameTime_t m_flNextRadarFlashTime = 0xEE4
bool m_bRadarFlash = 0xEE8
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawn > m_pBombDefuser = 0xEEC
GameTime_t m_fLastDefuseTime = 0xEF0
CBasePlayerController* m_pPredictionOwner = 0xEF8
class C_Chicken
CHandle< CBaseAnimGraph > m_hHolidayHatAddon = 0x10F0
bool m_jumpedThisFrame = 0x10F4
CHandle< C_CSPlayerPawnBase > m_leader = 0x10F8
C_AttributeContainer m_AttributeManager = 0x1100
uint32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidLow = 0x15A8
uint32 m_OriginalOwnerXuidHigh = 0x15AC
bool m_bAttributesInitialized = 0x15B0
ParticleIndex_t m_hWaterWakeParticles = 0x15B4
class CBasePlayerWeaponVData
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > > m_szWorldModel =
bool m_bBuiltRightHanded = 0x108
bool m_bAllowFlipping = 0x109
bool m_bIsFullAuto = 0x10A
int32 m_nNumBullets = 0x10C
CUtlString m_sMuzzleAttachment = 0x110
CResourceNameTyped< CWeakHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
> m_szMuzzleFlashParticle = 0x118
ItemFlagTypes_t m_iFlags = 0x1F8
AmmoIndex_t m_nPrimaryAmmoType = 0x1F9
AmmoIndex_t m_nSecondaryAmmoType = 0x1FA
int32 m_iMaxClip1 = 0x1FC
int32 m_iMaxClip2 = 0x200
int32 m_iDefaultClip1 = 0x204
int32 m_iDefaultClip2 = 0x208
int32 m_iWeight = 0x20C
bool m_bAutoSwitchTo = 0x210
bool m_bAutoSwitchFrom = 0x211
RumbleEffect_t m_iRumbleEffect = 0x214
CUtlMap< WeaponSound_t, CSoundEventName > m_aShootSounds = 0x218
int32 m_iSlot = 0x238
int32 m_iPosition = 0x23C

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