Method of Statement For Granite Laying
Method of Statement For Granite Laying
Method of Statement For Granite Laying
This Work Method Statement is to ensure the floor and wall covering is carried out in
a controlled and systematic manner that in all respect confirm to the specification.
Installation for Floor Finishes – Semi Dry Method
1. Surface Preparation
• The RC floor slab must be aged for at least 6 weeks (preferably longer) before the
cement – sand screed is laid
• The RC surface must be dry, sound and free of contamination for example grease,
dust, laitance, oil and etc which might impair adhesion between cement – sand screed
and RC floor slab
2. Bonding Agent
• To ensure that cement – sand screed adheres securely onto the RC slab surface, a
Bonding Agent is recommended to be applied at the interface of the screed and RC
floor slab
• For the purpose, mix 1 part Belle Multi Bond, latex admixture to 1.5 part of
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by volume
• Mix until a thin slurry consistency is obtained. Mechanical mixing is recommended.
Apply bond agent onto RC surface using brush, roller or broom at thickness not more
than 1 mm.
• While the bonding agent is still wet or tacky, the cement sand mortar must be
immediately placed over it for best bonding results.
• Where a screed is to be constructed as an unbounded screed at thickness of 50 mm or
more, a bonding agent is unnecessary. For screed in excess of 50 mm reinforcement
with steel fabric / wire mesh at its mid bed is recommended to prevent curling of the
3. Granite Slab Setting Bed
• For installation of white colour 1200 x 600 x 25 mm granite slabs onto matured
cement sand screed at internal floor areas, use Belcem Marblefix White, a white
colour, water resistant, ultra thick bed, cement based adhesive complying to BS
5980:1980 (MS 1295:1992) fpor a type 1 class AA adhesive or ANSI A 118.1 :1992
• When fixing dense granite slabs or those treated with a water repellent impregnator,
Belcem Marblefex must be incorporated with Belcem Admix plus, a latex admixture
in replacement of gauging water
• Apply / spread adhesive onto substrate with a thick bed solid notched trowel at
trowelled thickness of approximately 6 – 9 mm.
• For large format granite slabs, a thin coat of adhesive (approximately 3.0 mm) may
need to be back buttered to the granite slabs back, before it is bedded onto the spread
adhesive bed. This will ensure solid bed fixing granite back in full contact with
adhesive bed.
• Press or knock granites firmly onto spread adhesive bed followed by slight sliding
action to ensure good contact with adhesive bed, eliminate hollow areas or air voids
and to adjust the finish level.
• Apply/spread adhesive to small areas at a time (approximately 1 m2 ) to avoid
surface drying (skin over) of the adhesive.
• Allow granite slab installation to set for approx 24 – 48 hours before it is subjected
to light footed traffic during grouting
• Mix ratio : 6 – 7 liters Belcem Admix Plus to 20 kg Belcem Granite Fix
• Open time : approximately 15 minutes depending on atmospheric condition
• Pot life : approximately 3 – 4 hours depending on atmospheric condition
Grouting / Pointing
Internal Dry Areas
• Granite joints should be grouted with Belcem Fine Grout, coloured, water resistant,
cement based suitable for joints up to 3 mm wide
• When grouting to internal dry areas, mix grout with clean water only. Mix with a
mechanical mixer until a uniform coloured, thin creamy consistency is obtained.
Internal Wet Areas
• Granite joints should be grouted with Belcem Fine Grout, coloured, water resistant,
cement based suitable for joints up to 3 mm wide.
• When grouting to internal wet areas, mix grout with Belcem GT Mix I, a latex
admixture in replacement of gauging water. Mix with a mechanical mixer until a
uniform coloured, thin creamy consistency is obtained.
• Latex modified grout offers greater resistant to penetration of water, improved
durability, flexural strength, compressive strength and adhesion to side of granites.
• Allocate joints of approximately 2mm wide between granite slabs.
• Apply grout with a rubber squeegee / float and ensure that joints are fully compacted
with grouting material.
• Clean excess grout promptly using a damp cloth or sponge.
• Allow grout to set for at least 24 – 48 hours (preferably longer) before granite slab
installation are subjected to normal service condition.
• Mix Ratio – 8 litres Belcem GT-Mix I (Clean water) : 20 kg (1 : 2.5)
Movement Joints
• Movement joints must be incorporated where necessary; complying to the
requirements of BS 5385 : Part 1 : 1990 : Clause 20 & BS 5385 : Part 5 : 1990 :
Clause 27.
Installation for Wall Granite – Toppin Bracket System
General Consideration
• Granite panels shall be installed about 100mm clear of wall.
• All fixing accessories such as brackets, extension plate shall be made of aluminium,
washer, bolt, nut shall be made of stainless steel grade SUS 304.
• Where C-lipped channels to be used, it shall be hot-dipped galvanized (for sub-
• All SHS shall be of mild steel and hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication.
• All welding works shall be of fillet weld. Welding works done on site will be dressed
off welding spatters and coated over with galvanized paint.
Setting Out
• Setting out shall be carried out based on reference points provided by the main
• From these reference point, the reference level is transferred to the external surface
of the column / wall by using a levelling instrument. The level for the fabricated truss
shall be measured by using a measuring tape. A string is tied across the two extreme
ends of the elevation at the marked level for the first elevation. The level for all
intermediate columns / wall marked off the taut string. This is repeated for the other
• Similarly gridlines are set out based on the control points provided by the main
contractor. The gridline is marked off from the control points onto columns/walls. The
grid line on the last column/wall shall be tied back to the gridline provided by the
main contractor. If the tie back does not tally with the measurement in the drawing the
whole sequence is checked and repeated if necessary.
• After all the levels and grid lines have been marked on each column/wall, the
position of the brackets including the hole position are marked using different colours,
e.g. yellow or black for restrains brackets and red for dead-load brackets.
• Marked fabricated truss/channel position on column/wall.
• Drill holes into column / wall to accommodate fixing accessories, using :
1. Long SST plates or L brackets are welded on to the galvanized RHS frame exactly
marked for the fixing of the granite panel.
2. Position of the Toppin Back Hole Bolts are marked exactly behind the granite panel
to match the location of the long SST plates or L brackets welded on the hollow
section frame. Using a special machine hole are drilled behind the granite panels at the
exact position, approximately 20mm in depth.
3. The back bolt is fixed and tightened with nut and washer with extension plates. This
predrill back bolt granite panels will be hoisted to exact locations of the welded L
angle or plate.
4. During installation, the adjustable Toppin system slot hole will accommodate any
adjustment required about 20mm to suit site conditions.
• Using prefabricate truss / C-channel (where the design require sub-framing) – Only
when necessary or site condition confirm.
1. Insert anchor bolt into holes drilled in the column / wall / beam / floor.
2. Mount prefabricated truss / vertical C-channel and tighten nut.
3. Check verticality and alignment of truss / channel.
4. Mount bracket / horizontal channel onto predrilled hole in truss/channel by means
of bolt and nut with washer. To the predrilled hole in the free length of the bracket is
inserted a dowel pin. Align the bracket with the dowel pin, embedded in Tenax glue,
in the predrilled holes in the granite slabs.
• Apply approved sealant to the back and sides of the granite. Allow to dry.
• Each piece of stone is supported at the back by four Toppin brackets bolted to SST
plates or L angle welded to the hollow section frame.
• Ensure that the first (bottom) row of granite is aligned, levelled and properly fixed o
the hollow section frame.
• The next row will be installed on top of the first row of slabs.
• Check verticality and alignment of each slab.
• Leave finished work square, regular, true to line, level and plane with a satisfactory
at all junctions.
• Tape a sheet of 1000g polystyrene over granite and cover with plywood to a height
of 1.2m for protection of the installed granite.