Profed 3 M1 M2 Notes Midterm
Profed 3 M1 M2 Notes Midterm
Profed 3 M1 M2 Notes Midterm
• They also benefit from reading text • This makes them see finite
aloud and can attend to details. elements of patterns rather than
the whole.
o Listener: The more common
type between the two. They
remember the things said to 2. GLOBAL THINKERS (RIGHT
them and make the BRAIN)
information their own.
• “Forest seers”: who like to be
o Talker: The ones who prefer given the bigger picture.
to talk and discuss. They tend
to whisper comments to • Tend to learn better by
themselves. They are not approaching new Concepts, skills
trying to be disruptive as they and knowledge from a much larger
sometimes don’t realize that viewpoint.
they need to talk.
• This kind of learner gets bored and
3. TACTILE/KINESTHETIC frustrated with details and long-
LEARNERS winded explanation.