RN Week 1 Introduction Slides Students
RN Week 1 Introduction Slides Students
RN Week 1 Introduction Slides Students
& Stock
Types of Business Entities
• Sole trader, also known as a sole proprietorship
• Partnership
• Limited company, also known as a corporation
Sources of Finance
• Internal
− Profits retained in the business
− Sale of assets
− Reductions in working capital
• External
− Short-term sources (There are three main sources of short-
term external finance)
• bank overdrafts
• trade credit
• Short term loans
− Long-term sources
• Hire purchase and leasing
• Long-term loans from banks
The decision making process
Course of
• Accounting is about the information needed to run a
business or organization.
• Accountants consider what information is required and
then communicate it in a meaningful way.
• Accounting standards dictates how transactions are
Accounting & Finance
• Accounting & Finance are both essential to any
business……large or small
• To aid management’s
Management decisions and planning
Accounting • concerned with the future
• used by internal users
What is Accounting?
• "the process of identifying, measuring and communicating
economic information to permit informed judgments and
decisions by users of the information! “ - Frank Wood
The Role of the Accountant
An accountant’s work helps to answer many questions such as:
1) What is the value of the business, and is the business
becoming more valuable or less valuable over time?
2) Who does the business owe money to and how much is
3) Who owes money to the business and how much is owed?
4) How much cash does the business have available to
5) Does the business have any unsold inventory of goods, and
if so what could they be worth?
6) Is the business making a profit?
7) How much does it cost to produce the goods or services
being sold?
The Accounting Process
Forecast Classify
& Plan &
Interpret &
Communicate Summarize
Who uses accounting information?
• Owners
• Managers
• Lenders
• Competitors
• Government
• Employees
• Business entity concept recognizes that the transactions of a
business should be recorded separately from the transactions
of its owner. This principle should be followed even if the
business is not a separate legal entity.
• Matching concept requires expenses to be matched to the
revenue that they have generated.
• Historic-cost concept requires transactions to be recorded at
their original cost to the business, and as a result, the assets of
a business are included at their historic cost on the statement
of financial position.
• Going-concern concept means that, when producing accounts,
there is an assumption that the business will continue to
operate for the foreseeable future unless there is any evidence
to suggest that it will not.
• Prudence Concept requires that, when accounts are being
prepared, income should never be anticipated, but all possible
costs should be taken into account. This means that a cautious,
but realistic, approach should be taken to ensure that profits
are not overestimated.
• Capital is the amount the owner has invested in a business.
• Drawings are the amount taken out of the business for the
owner’s personal use.
• An asset is something that the business owns that will bring financial
benefits to the business in the future.
▫ Non-current assets are assets intended for long-term use in the
▫ Current assets are assets that will be held by the business for less
than one year, including inventory held for resale and cash
▫ An intangible asset is an asset without any physical substance.
Examples include goodwill and brand names.
Cash Credit
Cash Credit