In this study, we investigate the antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticles
with various particle sizes. ZnO was prepared by the base hydrolysis of zinc
acetate in a 2-propanol medium and also by a precipitation method using
Zn(NO3)2 and NaOH. The products were characterized by x-ray diffraction
(XRD) analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and
photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Bacteriological tests such as
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and disk diffusion were performed
in Luria-Bertani and nutrient agar media on solid agar plates and in liquid
broth systems using different concentrations of ZnO by a standard microbial
method for the first time. Our bacteriological study showed the enhanced
biocidal activity of ZnO nanoparticles compared with bulk ZnO in repeated
experiments. This demonstrated that the bactericidal efficacy of ZnO
nanoparticles increases with decreasing particle size. It is proposed that both
the abrasiveness and the surface oxygen species of ZnO nanoparticles
promote the biocidal properties of ZnO nanoparticles.
2. Experimental
105 CFU ml−1 E. coli in
an appropriate volume of−−−−→
LB broth was added to bulk and nanosized ZnO In method II, zinc acetate was dissolved in 2-
suspensions whose concentrations varied from 0.01 propanol, after which 0.3 mol thiol was added while
Intensity (a.u.)
to 100 mM. Compounds were tested three times and constantly stirring. Generally, acetate-complexing
the results were averaged. Negative and positive ligands can form unidentate, bidentate (chelating)
control tubes contained only inoculated broth and and bridging bonding structures with zinc ions [21].
free ZnO solution, respectively. The tubes were The possible formation of Zn4O(Ac)6 is reported
incubated at 37 ◦C for 18–20 h. The visual turbidity elsewhere [22], where the structural similarity of
of the tubes was noted before and after incubation. Zn4O(Ac)6 and ZnO, which favors the
Aliquots from tubes (100 µl) that appeared to have condensation of this molecular building block into
little or no cell growth were plated on nutrient agar ZnO, is discussed. To avoid the agglomeration, 2-
plates to distinguish between the bacteriostatic and mercaptoethanol was introduced as a capping
bactericidal effects. The plates were then incubated agent. It has been well established that the
and the colonies were quantified. stabilization and surface passivation of ZnO
nanoparticles are vitally important for the
development of their electrical and optical
3. Results and discussion
properties. When no capping molecules are
3.1. Preparation of nanocrystalline ZnO
Zn(OH)2 + H2 O2 GGGGGA
ZnO2 · 2H2 O
crystallite sizes of ZnO obtained by both methods
indicates that method I (precipitation) led to a
higher range ofcrystallite size than method II (base
hydrolysis of zinc acetate in propanol medium),
reflecting the effect of the temperature during the
process on crystallite size.
Typical TEM images of the ZnO nanoparticles
are shown in figures 2(a) and (b). Direct comparison
of the TEM images reveals that the uncapped ZnO
nanoparticles are prone to aggregation, whereas the
thiol-capped nanoparticles are well separated.(b) The
particles were found to be almost spherical. Note
that ZnO nanoparticles modified by thiol have a
narrow size distribution (figure 2(b)) compared
with those without modification (figure 2(a)). A
20 30 40 50 60 70 statistical analysis reveals that the mean particle
2 (deg) sizes are approximately 12 nm for thiol-capped ZnO
and 47 nm for ZnO without a capping agent.
Figure 1. (a) XRD pattern of ZnO formed by
precipitation method (sample 1). (b) XRD pattern
of ZnO formed by base hydrolysis in propanol
medium (sample 2).
Figure 3. PL spectrum at 300 K of sample 1 are given in table 1. The presence of an inhibition
synthesized by precipitation method. zone clearly indicates that the mechanism of the
biocidal action
Table 1. Correlation of the size of the zone of
inhibition with ZnO.
Zone of
inhibition ZnO particle size
(mm) E.
12 nm 31 (0.1)
45 nm 27 (0.1)
2 µm 22 (0.3)
absence of bacterial colonies will be observed upon mM), respectively. We noticed that in both cases,
plating. To establish whether the suspensions were the ZnO suspension with 12 nm particles is more
bacteriostatic or bactericidal, 100 µl aliquots were effective than the suspensions with other particle
taken from the incubated LB broth, each containing sizes. This can be explained on the basis of the
ZnO and E. coli, and were plated on nutrient agar oxygen species released on the surface of ZnO,
plates and incubated for 18–20 h. The results are which cause fatal damage to microorganisms [31].
summarized in table 2. ZnO suspension with a The generation of highly reactive species such as
concentration in the range of 100 to 5 mM effectively OH−, H2O2 and O22− is explained as follows. Since
inhibits bacterial growth. No significant ZnO with defects can be activated by both UV and
antibacterial activity was observed at concentrations visible light, electron-hole pairs (e−h+) can be
less than 1 mM for all the ZnO samples. However, the created. The holes split H2O molecules (from the
bactericidal efficacy at 1 mM is higher for the 12 nm suspension of ZnO) into OH− and H+. Dissolved
ZnO suspension (sample 2–86%) than for the 45 nm oxygen molecules are transformed to superoxide
and 2 µm ZnO suspensions. radical anions (• O−2 ), which in turn react with H+
The bactericidal efficacies of ZnO suspensions to generate (HO2•) radicals, which upon subsequent
with three different particle sizes after 24 h with electrons produce hydrogen peroxide anions
incubation of the aliquots are shown in figures 4(a) (HO2−). They then react with hydrogen ions to
and (b) in the lowest concentration range (0.01–1 produce molecules of
mM) and the highest concentration range (5–100
Figure 4. (a) and (b) Bactericidal efficiency of
sample 1, 2 and bulk
ZnO suspensions at different concentrations.
+ H+.e− + O2 →• O−2 ; • O2 + H+ →
HO2 •
HO2• + H+ + e− → H2O2
reactivity of ZnO. In comparison, the bulk ZnO may be that zinc is an essential cofactor in a variety
showed less bactericidal activity than ZnO of cellular processes. Although metals and metal
nanoparticles. From the BET measurement, the oxides are known to be toxic at relatively high
specific surface area of sample 1 (mean particle size concentrations, they are not expected to be toxic at
is 47 nm by TEM) is found to be 68 m2 g−1, low concentrations. To investigate the survival of
whereas that of sample 2 (mean particle size is bacteria under acidic conditions the pH was lowered
12 nm by TEM) is 115 m2 g−1. The agglomeration by adding acetic acid (0.1 M) dropwise and the pH
of ZnO nanoparticles is minimized by the presence was maintained at 2.3. As anticipated, no colonies
of the capping agent (2-mercaptoethanol) in were seen on the plate. We then increased the pH by
sample 2. ZnO nanoparticles of both sizes have a adding 0.1 M NaOH dropwise until it reached 8.5
high surface area compared with bulk ZnO (5.11 m2 (weakly basic). No colonies were observed at this
g−1). The generation of H2O2 depends strongly on pH. This indicates that a pH in the range of 6–8 does
the surface area of ZnO, which results in more not affect the growth of the bacteria, irrespective of
oxygen species on the surface and the higher the metal ions present. We could only observe a
antibacterial activity of the smaller nanoparticles bacteriostatic effect above a ZnCl2 concentration of 20
[34]. mM. Excess metal ions are toxic to bacterial cells.
The detailed mechanism for the activity of ZnO Therefore, some bacteria have developed
is still under debate. One possible explanation of mechanisms to regulate the influx and efflux
the antibacterial effect of ZnO is based on the processes to maintain a steady intracellular
abrasive surface texture ofZnO. ZnO nanoparticles concentration of ions including Zn2+ ions [38]. In
have been found to be abrasive due to surface this study we demonstrated the formation of large
defects [9]. The PL spectrum of ZnO (figure 3) numbers of colonies (a bacterial lawn)
confirms the presence of surface defects (broad
visible emission band) in the region of 450–550 nm.
The abrasiveness of ZnO nanoparticles compared
with bulk ZnO is caused by the uneven surface
texture due to rough edges and corners. This surface
roughness contributes to the mechanical damage of
the cell membrane of E. coli. Wang et al [35]
proposed that the orientation of ZnO can also affect
bioactivity. They showed that randomly oriented
ZnO nanowires show higher antibacterial activity
than regularly oriented ZnO nanowires due to the
different spatial arrangements of ZnO causing the
biocidal activity. The interaction of metal ions
including zinc with microbes has also been studied
ZnO suspensions in the lower concentration
range (0.01–1 mM) seem to exhibit less antimicrobial
activity. This may be due to the possible presence of
fewer Zn2+ ions, which might act as nutrient [37]. To
verify this, we studied the antimicrobial activity of
ZnCl2 with different concentrations (in suspensions
similar to those of ZnO at various pH values). The
initial pH of 5 mM ZnCl2 suspensionwas 5.9
(weakly acidic), which resulted in the rapid
bacterial growth of
E. coli, indicating that Zn2+ is not toxic at lower
concentrations and at this pH. The reason for this
when the MIC is less than 1 mM, illustrating the References
known fact that Zn2+ ions are a supplement
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