General Product Brochure 2023 Aug
General Product Brochure 2023 Aug
General Product Brochure 2023 Aug
Excellence is built on
precision and accuracy
From academic know-how
to commercial products
Founded in 2005, BPC Instruments AB has
become a successful company under the
“Our focus is on investing in
leadership of its co-founder and lead
inventor, Dr. Jing Liu, who currently serves innovation and developing
as the CEO. Leveraging nearly 20 years of intelligent instruments,
industry-leading research in the develop-
ment of smart analytical instruments, BPC maintaining top-notch
Instruments has made a significant impact product quality across our
in the market.
portfolio, and prioritizing
BPC’s impressive portfolio encompasses a customer service by meeting
range of exceptional products, including two
flagship products. The first is the Automatic their needs.”
Methane Potential Test System (AMPTS®),
which has become the preferred analytical
Dr. Jing Liu, CEO and co-founder of
instrument for conducting various anaero-
BPC Instruments AB
bic batch fermentation tests. The second is
the Gas Endeavour ®, a novel analytical
platform that enables the determination of
materials’ biodegradability, analysis of
bacteria respiration, and performance of
biological batch fermentation assays under
both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. BPC
Blue is a novel respirometer based on the
Gas Endeavour ® platform, specifically
designed for assessing the biodegradability
of plastics in both aerobic and anaerobic
Shane McBrien and Gary Logue, CREST, General and technical enquiries:
South West College, UK
Excellence is built on
precision and accuracy
BPC Instruments is a global Swedish-based technology
company developing and offering analytical instruments
enabling more efficient, reliable, and high quality of
research and analysis for industries in renewable
bioenergy and environmental biotechnology. The result is
not only higher accuracy and precision, but also significant
reduction in time consumption and labour requirement
for performing analyses. BPC Instruments’ innovative
products offer high-quality hardware and software based
on deep knowledge and experience of target applications.
The solutions are the first of their kind, making the
company a pioneer in its field. Today, BPC Instruments
exports to nearly 70 countries around the world.