Indian Constitution Week 1 Combined
Indian Constitution Week 1 Combined
Indian Constitution Week 1 Combined
Panchayati Raj: Composition and Functions Evolution and 73rd and 74th
Zila Parishad and district administration: Composition and Functions
Elected officials and their roles,
CEO Zila Panchayat: Position and role.
Panchayat Samiti: Composition and Functions
Gram Panchayat: Composition and Functions Importance of grass root
UNIT 5- Election Commission
● Meaning of Constitution
● Importance of the Constitution of India
● Preamble to the Indian Constitution
● Features of the Preamble
(i) Why do we need a written constitution?
(ii) What is the speciality of Indian Constitution?
(iii) Why Constitution is considered to be supreme in India?
What is a constitution?
It is the Supreme law of the land.
Set of rules for effective functioning and to create a orderly society
The constitution is something that sets the limits and boundaries of the governments' interaction and
The Constitution works as a means by which the government in the rule knows as to what extent they can
impose rules and regulations on the citizen of the country.
Constitutionalism - Constitutionalism’ means limited government or limitation on government.
Why do we need a written Constitution?
● Police state
● Welfare state - Protector and Provider – Social and Economic Well being of the
● Most democratic country have written Constitution
● In a democratic country, the Constitution keeps a check on the excessive power of
the government.
● India is Multi -lingual, Multi-religious in nature, so to balance and protect the
interest of all and live in harmony/ peacefully.
— is the speciality of Indian Constitution?
Why Constitution is considered to be supreme in India?
1. Constitution is a basic document and it builds the degree of trust
and ensures coordination.
2. Provisions relating to different organs of government are present.
eg: legislative, executive, judiciary, TNPSC, UPSC, Election Commission etc
3. Concept of Separation of Powers
4. Regulate the relationship between Part III and Part IV of
Came into force on 26 Jan, 1950 – 395 articles, 8
Schedules, 22 Parts
● How long it took to draft the Constitution? - 2 years, 11
months and 18 days.
● Currently 2021- Around 448 Articles, 25 Parts and 12
- is an introduction to the statute containing its essence.
- it embodies in a solemn form of all the ideals and
aspirations for which the country had struggled during the
British regime.
- “The Preamble to a Constitution embodies the
fundamental values and the philosophy, on which the
Constitution is based, and the aims and objectives, which
the founding fathers of the Constitution enjoined the polity
to strive to achieve”
How preamble was drafted?
● It was the remake of the first resolution on ‘Aims and Objects of the
Constitution’ which was moved on 13 December 1946 by Mr.Nehru and
adopted on 22nd Jan, 1947.
● Preamble - establish and promote and also aids the legal interpretation
of the Constitution where the language is found to be ambiguous.
● The importance and utility of the Preamble has been pointed out in
several decisions of the Supreme Court of India.
The preamble declares :
“We, the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute
India into a Sovereign, Socialist Secular Democratic and Republic and
to secure its citizens:
Justice, Social, Economic and political;
Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
Equality of status and opportunity; and to promote among them all;
Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and the
integrity of the Nation.
In our Constituent Assembly this twenty- sixth day of November,
1949 do hereby, Adopt, Enact and Give to Ourselves this Constitution”
(a) Source of authority of the Constitution
(b) Nature of Indian State
(c) Objectives of Constitution
(d) Adoption of Constitution
Source of authority
● “We the people of India” – derives its authority from the people of
● Purnima Banerji – Part of Constituent assembly- Suggestions to
replace as “We on behalf of the people of India”.
● Dr. Ambedkar – As it embodies the desire of the people, which has
its roots, authority and sovereignty from the people.
● After assembly deliberations/ debate
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic in nature.
- supreme power , independent , absolute and uncontrolled – internally supreme and externally
2. Socialist- added by 42nd Amendment Act,1976 – Socialist principles were present in Directive
Princilpe of State Policy
- aims at elimination of inequality in income, status and standards of life.
- India follows ‘Democratic Socialism” and not ‘Communistic Socialism”.
- Democratic Socialism’ that holds faith in a mixed economy where both private and public sectors
co-exist side by side.
3. Secular – added by 42nd Amendment Act,1976.
- Treating all the religions equally with respect.
- State does not recognize any religion.
- Art 25 to 28 of Indian Constitution – Religious freedom to practice, profess and propagate
religion of their choice.
4.Democratic –
- Demo means ‘PEOPLE’ , Cracy means ‘RULE’
- form of government which get its authority from the will of the people.
(a) Direct – Switzerland – Referendum, Initiative, Recall, Plebiscite
(b) Indirect - India
. 5. Republic – head of the state is not hereditary monarch.
- India has a elected head called the ‘President’.
Working of constitution
Objective resolution
Committees on constituent assembly – sub committees on Fundamental
Rights and Minorities.
Drafting committee
● 1. Working of Constitution:
- Constituent assembly first meeting was on Dec 9, 1946 – boycotted by
Muslim league demanding for separate State of Pakistan.
- Second meeting was on Dec 11, 1946 - Dr.Rajendra Prasad and
H.C.Mukerjee were elected as President and vice-president of the
Assembly respectively.
● 2. Objective Resolution:
- Introduced by Nehru as later became the preamble.
● 3. Committees of the Constituent Assembly:
- Major and Minor Committees
- Major Committee – Drafting Committee, Advisory Committee, Union
Powers committee etc
- Had sub committees on Fundamental Rights , Minorities, Tribal Areas etc
- Minor committee – Finance and staff committee, Hindi Translation
committee, Press gallery committee, House committee etc
4. Drafting of the Constitution
7 Members
2.Gopalswamy Ayyangar
3.Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar
4.Dr. K.M.Munshi
5.Syed Mohammed Saadullah
7.N.Madhava Rau
Sources of Indian Constitution
● 1. The Government of India Act, 1935
● 2. British Constitution
● 3. US Constitution
● 4. Irish Constitution
● 5. Canadian Constitution
● 6. Australian Constitution
● 7. Weimar Constitution (Germany)
● 8. Soviet Constitution
● 9. French Constitution
● 10. South African Constitution
● 11. Japanese Constitution
● Regulating Act,1773 - Establishment of SC at Calcutta
● Charter Act , 1833 and 1853
● Government of India Act, 1858 - Governor General of India to Viceroy of
● Indian councils Act, 1861 and 1892 - Indian were associated in the law
making process, Initiated the process of decentralisation
● Morley - Minto reforms, 1909
- Communal Representation for Muslims - ‘Separate Electorate’
● Montague- Chelmsford reforms, 1919
- Demarcating and separating the central and provincial subjects
● Government of India Act, 1935
- Formation of Provincial Legislative Assemblies based on adult franchise.
- Creation of three list
- Separate electorate for depressed class, women
- Emergency Provisions
- Pubic Service Commission
- Judiciary
- Federal Scheme
- Fundamental Rights
- Judicial Review
- Impeachment of President
- Removal of Supreme Court and High Court Judges
- Preamble
- Independence of Judiciary
- Writs – Right to Constitutional Remedies
- Parliamentary form of government
- Single Citizenship
- Parliamentary Privileges
- Rule of Law
- Method of election of president
- Members nomination to Rajya Sabha
- Emergency
- Amendment
- Fundamental duties
- Federalism
- Concurrent List
- Freedom of Trade and Commerce
- Ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Republic - Preamble
st draft – Feb, 1948.