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138 Primary Batteries – Reserve Systems | Thermally Activated Batteries: Calcium
maintained between the chemical reactions and electro- once a film of material has formed on the iron current
chemistry during discharge for these batteries to function collector, further reaction ceases, due to cathodic pro-
properly. The discharge reactions are quite complex and tection of the Fe substrate that these materials provide.
involve many intermediates that are critical for proper The electrochemical discharge sequence that occurs
battery operation. at the cathode involves the generation of the same
Ca5(CrO4)3Cl compound that is formed chemically at the
anode, through a Cr(V)–chromate intermediate (eqn
Anode reactions
[II]). This material then becomes the active cathode. The
There is no separator present in the Ca/CaCrO4 battery
discharge process involves a one-electron reduction first,
as it is typically constructed. Thus, the Ca anode is in
followed by a two-electron transfer as shown in eqns [V]–
direct physical contact with the CaCrO4 cathode ma-
terial that is dissolved in the LiCl–KCl molten salt
(soluble to 34 wt% at 600 1C). CrO4 2 þ e -CrO4 3 ½V
Upon battery activation, a complex series of chemical
reactions occur. First, Ca reacts with Liþ to form a liquid
3CrO4 3 þ Cl þ 5Ca2þ -Ca5 ðCrO4 Þ3 ClðsÞ ½VI
alloy in a displacement reaction, as shown in eqn [I]:
2Ca þ 2Liþ -CaLi2 ðliqÞ þ Ca2þ ½I Ca5 ðCrO4 Þ3 ClðsÞ þ 3Liþ þ 6e -3LiCrO2 ðsÞ
þ 5Ca2þ þ Cl þ 6O2 ½VII
If left uncontrolled, this reaction can lead to intercell
shorting. The CaLi2 immediately reacts with dissolved The discharge products form dendrites that extend well
chromate to form a dark green Cr(V) compound, as into the electrolyte. Since these materials are elec-
shown in eqn [II]: tronically conductive, the Cr(VI) in the vicinity is
gradually depleted, causing the electrolyte color to
3CaLi2 ðliqÞ þ 4Cl þ 17Ca2þ change from canary yellow to white. During extended
þ 12CrO4 2 -4Ca5 ðCrO4 Þ3 ClðsÞ þ 6Liþ ½II discharge times, these conductive dendrites can result in
cell shorting.
The Ca5(CrO4)3Cl can react further in the presence of
excess Ca2þ under certain temperature conditions, as
shown in eqn [III], to form a second Cr(V) compound, Battery Configurations
Ca2CrO4Cl, which is purple in color:
In spite of several intrinsic problems with Ca/CaCrO4
Ca5 ðCrO4 Þ3 ClðsÞ þ Ca2þ þ 2Cl -3Ca2 CrO4 ClðsÞ ½III batteries (see the next section), they were successfully
developed, engineered, and produced for a wide variety
The discharge is complicated by a competing double-salt of defense applications in a range of sizes for many years.
reaction between CaCl2 and KCl to form solid KCaCl3. Early designs used a cup to contain each cell. A single
The Cr(V) compounds constitute the separator layer (re- cup cell is shown in Figure 1. These cells were then
action barrier) in the cell to minimize self-discharge. The stacked in series to form a battery, but such configur-
unreacted CaLi2 continues to function as an anode and, at ations were complex and difficult to manufacture due to
the same time, as a separator layer with ionic conductivity many parts and intercell connections. A battery using the
during the electrochemical discharge. The CaLi2 dis- cup design is shown in Figure 2.
charges through several stages as shown in eqn [IV]: Later, owing to the complexity of the cup configuration,
cell components were developed as individual pellets or
CaLi2 -CaLi þ Liþ þ e -Ca þ Liþ þ e ½IV wafers made from pressed powders, eliminating the need
for cups and associated hardware. The pellets were stacked
This Ca reacts with the bulk Liþ again (eqn [I]) to re-
in series to form a cell as shown in Figure 3. These cells
generate the CaLi2 alloy anode.
could then be further stacked in series to form batteries as
shown in Figure 4.
Cathode reactions A good example of this design is the small, so-called
The chemical reactions that occur at the cathode upon ‘mailbox’ thermal battery built using pellets that was
battery activation involve CaCrO4 dissolved in the mol- developed at Sandia in the 1960s. This battery contained
ten LiCl–KCl and an iron current collector to form an two, 500 V parallel stacks in a very small volume, as
Fe-rich lithium–chromium ferrite (Li0.5(Fe2.5xCrx)O4), shown in Figure 5. Assembly of this battery was a sig-
and a Cr-rich lithium–iron chromite (Li(Cr1yFey)O2). nificant challenge, but it did provide the required high
Both of these materials are good electronic conductors at voltage output. Thousands of these units were built and
thermal battery operating temperatures. Consequently, fielded successfully.
Primary Batteries – Reserve Systems | Thermally Activated Batteries: Calcium 139
Anode (−)
Depolarizer pad: CaCrO4
Figure 1 Single cell, cup technology. Reproduced with permission from Van Domelen BH and Wehrle RD (1974) A review of thermal
battery technology. Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, pp. 24–30.
(−) (−)
Heat paper fuse strip
Electrical match
Heat paper fuse strip
Figure 2 Thermal battery using cup cell technology. Electrical match Single cell
Reproduced with permission from Van Domelen BH and Wehrle
RD (1974) A review of thermal battery technology. Proceedings Figure 4 Thermal battery using stacked pellet cells. DEB
of the Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, stands for depolarizer, electrolyte, binder. Reproduced with
pp. 24–30. permission from Van Domelen BH and Wehrle RD (1974) A
review of thermal battery technology. Proceedings of the
Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference,
pp. 24–30.
Heat pellet: Fe, KCIO4
BEO tube
Heat block
Fuse strip
Figure 5 A small Ca/CaCrO4 thermal battery with two, 500 V parallel stacks.
Finally, the use of chromates in development and Goldsmith H and Smith JT (1968) Thermal cells in present use.
manufacturing operations became increasingly difficult in Electrochemical Technology 6(1–2): 16--19.
Guidotti RA and Masset P (2006) Thermally activated (‘‘thermal’’)
the 1970s–1980s due to the implementation of restrictive battery technology. Part I: An overview. Journal of Power Sources
environmental safety and health regulations. The re- 161: 1443--1449.
strictions were driven by carcinogenic concerns with Guidotti RA and Reinhardt FW (1985a) Anodic reactions in the Ca/
CaCrO4 thermal battery. Sandia Report SAND83-2271. http://
hexavalent chromium. The regulations resulted in in- infoserve.sandia.gov; www.ntis.gov
creased costs and a reduction in the number of suppliers Guidotti RA and Reinhardt FW (1985b) Characterization of DEB
for chromates. These issues further motivated the shift to powders and pellets for Ca/CaCrO4 thermal batteries. Sandia
Report SAND83-2270. http://infoserve.sandia.gov; www.ntis.gov
alternative thermal battery electrochemistries. Guidotti RA, Reinhardt FW, and Nelson GC (1985) Characterization of
sheet calcium for Ca/CaCrO4 thermal batteries. Sandia Report
SAND83-2269. http://infoserve.sandia.gov; www.ntis.gov
Nomenclature Guidotti RA, Reinhardt FW, Tallant DR, and Higgins KL (1984)
Dissolution of CaCrO4 in molten LiCl–KCl eutectic. Sandia Report
Abbreviations and Acronyms SAND83-2272. http://infoserve.sandia.gov; www.ntis.gov
BEO beryllium monoxide Guidotti RA, Reinhardt FW, Venturini EL, Rodgers JW, Jr, and Cathey
WN (1985) Characterization of cathodic reaction products in the Ca/
DEB depolarizer, electrolyte, binder
CaCrO4 thermal battery. Sandia Report SAND84-1098. http://
mp melting point infoserve.sandia.gov; www.ntis.gov
Klasons V and Lamb C (2002) Thermal batteries. In: Linden D and
Reddy T (eds.) Handbook of Batteries, 3rd edn., pp. 21.1--21.22.
Kuper WE (1994) A brief history of thermal batteries. Proceedings of the
See also: Primary Batteries – Reserve Systems: 36th Power Sources Conference, pp. 300–309. 6 June. Cherry Hill,
NJ: Army Research Laboratory.
Seawater Activated Batteries: Magnesium; Thermally
Masset P and Guidotti RA (2007) Thermal activated (thermal) battery
Activated Batteries: Lithium; Thermally Activated technology. Part II: Molten salt electrolytes. Journal of Power
Batteries: Overview. Sources 164: 397--414.
Rogers W, Jr, Ward SJ, and Guidotti RA (1984) XPS examination of Cr(V)
compounds. Sandia Report SAND84-0236. http://infoserve.sandia.gov;
Further Reading Van Domelen BH and Wehrle RD (1974) A review of thermal battery
technology. Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion
Engineering Conference, pp. 24–30. 26–30 August. San Francisco,
Delnick FM and McCarthy DK (1983) Electrochemical reduction of
calcium chromate. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 130(9):