Basi 2
Basi 2
Basi 2
Conventional copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS)-based solar cells offer higher efficiency than other second-generation
technologies such as hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)- or cadmium telluride (CdTe)-based solar cells, but higher
manufacturing cost due to the use of the rare metals indium and gallium. The purpose of the work presented herein is to
improve the efficiency of such devices by using cheaper materials. Accordingly, a back-surface field layer made of low-cost
and widely available barium silicide ( BaSi2) with a thickness of 0.3 µm is introduced for the first time into the basic CIGS
solar cell structure consisting of Al/ZnO/CdS/CIGS/Mo, resulting in the alternative structure of Al/FTO/CdS/CIGS/BaSi2/
Mo, with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) as the window layer. One-dimensional simulations of the solar cell capacitance are
employed to study the photovoltaic parameters such as the power conversion efficiency, short-circuit current density, open-
circuit voltage, fill factor, and quantum efficiency of the devices. The thickness of the CIGS absorber layer is varied from 0.1
to 3 µm to optimize the device. Besides, the effects of the acceptor ion and bulk defect densities in the CIGS absorber layer,
cell resistances, and operating temperature on the overall performance are also investigated. The proposed structure offers
an efficiency of 26.24% with a thin CIGS layer of only 0.8 µm. In addition to reduced CIGS thickness and cost, the presented
approach results in CIGS solar cells with enhanced performance compared with previously reported conventional designs.
Journal of Computational Electronics
Since the value of Eg depends on the proportion of Ga in In the work described herein, BaSi2 material is exploited
the CIGS layer, it can be easily tailored from 1.02 to 1.69 eV for the first time as a BSF layer in a CIGS solar cell. The
by varying the Ga/In ratio in the CIGS material [6, 8]. influence of including such a BSF is explored based on a
The experimental efficiency of CIGS thin-film solar cell comparison with similar materials. The results of this work
(TFSCs) has been reported to be 19.2% [9], 19.9% [10], and reveal that B aSi2 is the best material for the BSF layer of
23.4% [11], while based on numerical analysis, the theo- CIGS solar cells when compared with other BSF-aided
retical efficiency has been reported to be 21.3% [5], 22.02% structures [5, 18–20]. In addition, fluorine-doped tin oxide
[12], 22.1% [13], and 22.67% [14]. The optimum value for (FTO) is employed for the window layer of the CIGS solar
the thickness of the CIGS absorber layer has been found cell.
to be 1 µm [5], 1.4 µm [12], 2 µm [14], and 2.5 µm [13].
With a 1-µm-thick CIGS absorber layer and an additional
1-µm-thick Si absorber layer, an efficiency of 21.3% was 2 Device and simulation
confirmed [5]. In addition, an efficiency of 24.45% has also
been achieved by using a 1-µm-thick CIGS absorber layer Figure 1a shows the conventional structure (Al/ZnO/CdS/
with an additional 0.3-µm SnS BSF layer [15]. An efficiency CIGS/Mo) of the CIGS solar cell with a p-type CIGS
of 24.55% was obtained by using a CIGS absorber layer with absorber having Eg of 1.1 eV [5] and n-type CdS buffer layer
a thickness of 2.2 µm and bandgap of 1.9 eV [2]. Besides, a having Eg of 2.4 eV [26], creating a junction between them,
conversion efficiency of 26% was reported for a 3-µm-thick while the bandgap of the ZnO window layer is 3.3 eV [27].
CIGS absorber layer with a 0.03-µm ZnS buffer layer [16]. The proposed TFSC CIGS configuration (Al/SnO2/CdS/
When using a 4-µm CIGS absorber layer with Eg of 1.15 eV, CIGS/BaSi2/Mo) is depicted in Fig. 1b, including a thin,
an efficiency of 26.15% was found [17]. The efficiency of 0.3-µm BaSi2 BSF layer to significantly reduce the mate-
fabricated CIGS solar cells was increased from 9% to 14% rial cost without compromising the performance. The BaSi2
by the use of a molybdenum selenide ( MoSe2) BSF layer BSF layer with Eg of 1.3 eV [22] is inserted between the
[18]. The theoretical efficiency of CIGS solar cells was CIGS layer and the molybdenum (Mo) back contact layer.
enhanced from 19.48% to 24% [19] and from 17.99% to Furthermore, the traditional ZnO window layer is changed
25.29% [20] by using a tin selenide ( SnSe2) and tin sulfide to a FTO (SnO2:F) layer having Eg of 3.6 eV [28]. This
(SnS) BSF layer, respectively. This review of the literature new solar cell design comprises a 0.8-µm-thick p-type
indicates that the CIGS absorber layer is usually 1–4 µm (NA = 1 × 1018 cm−3) CIGS absorber layer, a 0.3-µm-thick
thick [2, 5, 12–17, 20]. It is obvious that the cost of the p+-type (NA = 5 × 1018 cm−3) BaSi2 BSF layer on the back
solar cell will increase as the thickness of the CIGS absorber Mo layer, a 0.05-µm-thick n-type CdS buffer layer, and a
layer is increased. In this regard, as a potential candidate 0.05-µm-thick SnO2 window layer. Aluminum (Al) is used
material for the back-surface field (BSF) layer, the emerging as the front grid contact, having a metal surface work func-
semiconducting barium silicide (BaSi2) could be utilized in tion (WF) of 4.06 eV [3]. The molybdenum (Mo) back con-
CIGS-based solar cells to reduce the thickness of the CIGS tact layer has a WF of 4.95 eV [14].
absorber layer.
BaSi2 comprises barium (Ba) and silicon (Si). Barium
has an atomic number of 56 and is found in period 6 of the
Periodic Table, having soft elemental form with silvery-gray
color [21]. The unit cell of the semiconductor depends on
silicon (Si), which has an atomic number of 14 and is found
in period 3, having four outer shell electrons. Orthorhom-
bic BaSi2 has been applied in TFSC applications because
of its wide bandgap from 1.1 to 1.35 eV and excellent sta-
bility at standard pressure and temperature [22]. Ba and
Si are Earth-abundant materials, so the incorporation of a
thin film of B aSi2 could greatly reduce the fabrication cost
of CIGS solar cells. The absorption coefficient of B aSi2 is
about 30 [23] to 40 [24] times greater than that of single-
crystalline silicon (c-Si). Based on both experimental and
theoretical approaches [21–24], BaSi2 is considered to be
a perfect absorber material for solar cells. The potential of
BaSi2 material in TFSCs has been explored [25] based on Fig. 1 The CIGS-based solar cell structures: a the conventional cell,
its fundamental properties. b the proposed cell
Journal of Computational Electronics
CB conduction band, VB valence band, DOS density of states, SA single acceptor, SD single donor
*A variable field
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3.1.2 Case II: the CIGS solar cell with a BaSi2 BSF layer to Eq. (2) [41]. However, the FF still retains a good value
for solar cell operation.
A high impurity doping concentration at the back side of
the solar cell can prevent the strong recombination of the FF = , (2)
minority charge carriers (electrons) at the metallic back VOC × JSC
contact layer. This can be accomplished by introducing a where VMPP and JMPP denote the voltage and current, respec-
back-surface field (BSF) layer with a doping concentration tively, at the maximum power point. The quantum efficiency
that is greater than that in the active absorber layer. In the (QE) can be calculated as the ratio of the current flowing to
present study, an ultrathin BaSi2 layer is incorporated to the external circuit to the number of incident charge carriers.
act as such a BSF layer (with doping of 5 × 1018 cm−3), If an electron–hole pair is generated by each photon with
adjacent to the CIGS absorber layer (with doping of a particular wavelength, the external quantum efficiency
1 × 1018 cm−3). The interface between the p+-type BaSi2 (EQE) is equal to 1. The impact of the different thicknesses
and the p-type CIGS behaves like a p–n junction, forming in the new layout on the QE is shown in Fig. 4. The QE
an electric field that acts as a barrier to the flow of minor- of the CIGS/BaSi2 solar cell first increases with increas-
ity carriers to the rear surface. By reflecting the minor- ing CIGS layer thickness, based on the increased capture
ity carriers, the B aSi 2 BSF layer will thus increase the of photons by thicker absorber layers. At certain points in
short-circuit current while decreasing the dark current. the wavelength range, all the curves start to drop towards
The incorporation of the BSF layer thereby minimizes the zero QE, because each material can only absorb photons in
surface recombination rate and thus enhances the perfor- a particular wavelength range of the visible light spectrum.
mance of the solar cell. Indium and gallium are high-cost materials in CIGS-
In this study, the parameter values indicated in Table 1 are based solar cells [4]. Hence, producing absorbers with
applied at a temperature of 300 K under 1-sun illumination. greater thickness of CIGS is not recommended. Similarly,
First, the thickness of the B aSi2 layer is varied from 0.1 to minimizing the thickness of the CIGS material can decrease
1 µm. This initial assessment reveals that the efficiency of the amounts of Ga and In required, which will ultimately
the cell becomes stable in the range from 0.3 to 1 µm. Hence, lower the manufacturing cost of such devices. B aSi2 is
a 0.3-µm-thin BaSi2 BSF layer is considered optimal and cheaper and more widely available than Ga and In, and
applied in the remaining investigation. The traditional CIGS moreover these results indicate higher efficiency when using
solar cell with a 0.8-µm absorber layer shows an efficiency of the new cost-effective solar cell layout compared with the
19.72%, but after addition of the 0.3-µm thin p+-type BaSi2 previous design. The results of this investigation could thus
layer, the modified CIGS solar cell exhibits an efficiency of guide manufacturing companies towards more profitable
26.24% for the same thickness of 0.8 µm for the CIGS layer, production of CIGS solar cells.
revealing a great enhancement in efficiency for the same
absorber layer thickness. This result is in good agreement
with experimental works [18, 36, 37] as well as theoreti- 3.2 Impact of the CIGS acceptor density
cal research in literature [5, 19, 20, 38–40]. The key reason on the performance of the solar cell
for this is that both BaSi2 and CIGS act as absorbers (with
a total thickness of 1.1 µm) in the solar cell, whereby the The acceptor density (NA) in the CIGS layer is varied from
BaSi2 layer helps to increase the absorption of photon energy 1 × 1012 to 1 × 1020 cm−3 to investigate its effect on the per-
by the cell. A large number of photons can thus be captured formance of the CIGS solar cell. In this case, the acceptor
and more electron–hole pairs generated accordingly. Thus, aSi2 layer is 5 × 1018 cm−3, while the donor
density for the B
when moving from the conventional cell design to that pro- density in the CdS layer and S nO2 layer is kept constant
posed herein, JSC increases from 34.1 to 40.559 mA/cm2 at 1 × 1018 cm−3 and 1 × 1019 cm−3, respectively. Figure 5
while VOC also increases from 0.691 to 0.8429 V. Very simi- shows the effect of varying the acceptor density in the CIGS
lar behavior of the JSC and VOC parameters was observed in layer. The results reveal that changing the NA value in the
Refs. [2, 5, 6]. Similarly, on incorporation of the BSF layer, CIGS material from 1 × 1012 to 1 × 1020 cm−3 increases VOC
JSC increases from 29.25 to 33.47 mA/cm2 [19] and VOC from 0.704 to 0.963 V, JSC from 40.18 to 40.5 mA/cm2, the
from 0.62 to 0.79 V [20]. FF from 39.79% to 83.9%, and the efficiency from 16.7% to
All of these effects enhance the efficiency of the solar 32.7%. Varying the acceptor density in the CIGS absorber
cell, greatly improving the PV performance of the traditional layer changes all the PV parameters in an analogous way
CIGS-based cell. However, the fill factor decreases from to that reported in Refs. [5, 16]. A very similar phenomena
83.8% to 76.763%. This occurs because both VOC and JSC has been reported when changing the NA value in the CdTe
increase, whereas VMPP and JMPP do not increase accordingly absorber layer with using a vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) BSF
but rather decrease. Thus, the FF clearly reduces according in CdTe solar cells [38].
Journal of Computational Electronics
Fig. 6 The effect of varying the defect density in the CIGS layer on
Fig. 5 The impact of the acceptor density in the CIGS layer on the the characteristics of the proposed solar cell
characteristics of the solar cell
Journal of Computational Electronics
The value of Rs is varied from 0 (ideal case) to 6 Ω cm2, (efficiency), and the FF are temperature-dependent param-
while the shunt resistance (Rsh) is fixed at 105 Ω cm2. Fig- eters. Note that VOC varies inversely proportionally with the
ure 7 illustrates the effect of changing Rs on the proposed temperature, because the saturation current decreases rapidly
cell including the BaSi2 BSF layer, indicating that the effi- at increasing temperature, due to the increase in the reverse
ciency of the solar cell is significantly degraded by increas- saturation current. VOC is a saturation current-dependent
ing Rs, as also observed in literature [5, 16]. These results parameter. The short-circuit current density (JSC) remains
reveal a decrease in the efficiency from 26.24% to 18.59% almost constant with increasing temperature. The proposed
when changing Rs over the mentioned range. solar cell layout also shows a good response to the tempera-
Fixing the series resistance, Rs at 0.5 Ω cm2, the value of ture variation. When the temperature is low, the efficiency
Rsh is now varied from 10 to 1 × 107 Ω cm2. Figure 8 illus- is high enough. At a temperature of 273 K, the efficiency is
trates the results when changing the Rsh value of the cell as 25.81%, but it reduces to 17.9% at 473 K. At much higher
mentioned, showing that the efficiency of the proposed solar temperature, the efficiency was also degraded in Refs. [2,
cell increases with increasing Rsh. The efficiency is found to 5, 21].
increase from 25.08% to 25.56% on increasing the Rsh value The lower efficiency observed at higher temperatures
of the proposed solar cell including the BaSi2 BSF layer. is due to the temperature dependence of parameters such
as the carrier concentrations, electron and hole mobilities,
3.5 The impact of the cell operating temperature and energy bandgaps of the materials [32]. The Eg values
become unbalanced as T is increased, and the resulting elec-
The performance of the CIGS solar cells with and with- tron–hole recombination in the unstable bandgaps dimin-
out the BaSi2 BSF layer is examined while varying the cell ishes the conversion efficiency [14]. For both cases, viz.
temperature (T) from 273 to 473 K, with all other param- with and without the BSF, the short-circuit current density
eters kept constant as specified in Table 1. Figure 9 illus- remains almost constant. With the B aSi2 BSF layer, JSC is
trates the effect of such variation of the temperature on JSC, always ~ 6.6 mA/cm2 higher than in the conventional struc-
VOC, the FF, and the efficiency for both cases, viz. with ture across the entire temperature variation. It is obvious
and without the B aSi2 BSF layer. The characteristics of the from Fig. 9 that both the cell efficiency and open-circuit
solar cell depend strongly on temperature, since VOC, JSC, 𝜂 voltage decrease linearly for the case of the basic CIGS cell.
Journal of Computational Electronics
However, on inclusion of the BaSi2 BSF layer, these two 3.7 An evaluation of the potential of the BaSi2 BSF
parameters reduce in a less linear fashion, clearly confirm- in CIGS solar cells
ing the overall improvement achieved by the addition of the
ultrathin BaSi2 BSF layer to the conventional CIGS solar Materials such as SnS, S nSe2, Si, M
oSe2, etc. have been
cell. employed as a BSF layer in CIGS solar cells and analyzed
either theoretically or experimentally. The beneficial effect
of using a BaSi2 BSF in CIGS solar cells and a comparative
3.6 The J–V characteristic of the CIGS‑based solar summary versus similar materials are presented in Table 4.
cells Among the mentioned BSF layers, BaSi2 exhibits a rela-
tively higher absorption coefficient. Considering its ready
Figure 10 displays the current–voltage (J–V) characteris- availability in the Earth’s crust, BaSi2 enables lower-cost
tic curves of the CIGS solar cells. Table 2 summarizes the fabrication compared with SnS, SnSe2, or M oSe2. Moreo-
photovoltaic parameters of the proposed solar cell structure ver, its bandgap can be adjusted to the nearly optimal value
with a 0.8-µm-thick CIGS absorber layer, which is seen to of 1.4 eV by introducing strontium (Sr) impurities [21]. It
be superior to the performance of the conventional CIGS also possesses a long minority-carrier diffusion length and
solar cell with either a 0.8-µm- or 3-µm-thick absorber, as lifetime [21, 25]. The simulation results clearly verify the
observed in the table. However, the FF is reduced by about potential of such a BaSi2 BSF layer to enhance the PV per-
8% in the proposed cell (with a 0.8-µm-thick CIGS absorber) formance of CIGS solar cells. Furthermore, based on the
compared with the conventional cell (with a 3-µm-thick results presented throughout the current paper and consid-
CIGS absorber). The reason behind this decrement is ering the advantages summarized in Table 4, BaSi2 can be
explained in Sect. 3.1 (case II), although the value is still considered to be the best material for the BSF layer of CIGS-
a good result. based TFSCs.
Journal of Computational Electronics
Table 3 The photovoltaic No. Type of research CIGS layer VOC (V) JSC (mA/cm2) FF (%) η (%) Ref.
performance of the proposed thickness (nm)
cell in comparison with other
reported CIGS solar cells 1 Experimental 2000 0.671 34.90 77.60 18.10 [32]
2 Experimental 1000 0.689 35.71 78.12 19.20 [9]
3 Experimental 2200 0.690 35.50 81.20 19.90 [10]
4 Experimental – 0.741 37.80 80.60 22.60 [33]
5 Experimental – 0.734 39.58 80.40 23.85 [34]
6 Theoretical 3000 0.640 34.60 79.50 17.70 [31]
7 Theoretical 1000 0.743 34.47 83.09 21.30 [5]
8 Theoretical 1000 0.780 38.66 80.00 24.45 [15]
9 Theoretical 2200 1.020 27.66 86.88 24.55 [2]
10 Theoretical 3000 0.824 36.90 85.50 26.00 [16]
11 Theoretical 4000 0.800 38.20 75.00 26.15 [17]
12 Theoretical 2500 0.798 38.66 85.15 26.30 [35]
13 Theoretical 800 0.843 40.56 76.80 26.24 [a]
Table 4 The influence of the No. Type of research Absorber BSF η without η with BSF (%) Enhancement Ref.
back-surface field (BSF) layer BSF (%) in η (%)
in comparison with similar
research 1 Experimental Si ZnS 6.40 11.02 72.19 [36]
2 Experimental Si Al 12.96 13.75 6.09 [37]
3 Experimental CIGS MoSe2 9 14 55.55 [18]
4 Theoretical CdTe V2O5 19.58 23.50 20.00 [38]
5 Theoretical CZTS CZTS 12.05 14.11 17.09 [39]
6 Theoretical ZnTe Sb2Te3 7.14 18.33 156.72 [40]
7 Theoretical CZTSSe SnS 12.30 17.25 40.24 [43]
8 Theoretical CIGS Si 16.39 21.30 29.96 [5]
9 Theoretical CIGS SnSe2 19.48 24 23.20 [19]
10 Theoretical CIGS SnS 17.99 25.29 40.57 [20]
11 Theoretical CIGS BaSi2 19.71 26.24 33.13 [a]
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