Facility Management Contract For Housekeeping and Cleaning Services at Branches/Offices Under The Control of Regional Business Office - 1, Jabalpur

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Part – I

(Technical Bid)



Name of The Tenderer: ………………………………………..

Address: ………………………………………..
GSTIN: ………………………………………..

State Bank of India, Regional Business Office -1, Jabalpur invites e-tenders from Empaneled Facility
Management Contractors for facility management contract for housekeeping and cleaning services
at Branches/Offices under the control of Regional Business Office-1, Jabalpur.

(The contractors who receive intimation from e-tendering agency are only eligible to
participate in the tendering exercise).

2. The other details of the tender are as under:

1. Name of Work Annual Maintenance Contract for facility management contract
for housekeeping and cleaning services at Branches/Offices
under the control of Regional Business Office-1, Jabalpur
2 Cost of Tender processing NA
Fee (Non-refundable)
3 Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Only) in the form of
(EMD) Demand Draft only issued by any Nationalized/Scheduled
Bank drawn in favour of Regional Manager, State Bank of
India, Regional Business Office-1, Jabalpur payable at
Jabalpur to be sent to Regional Manager, State Bank of
India, Regional Business Office-1, Administrative Office
Campus, Vijaynagar, Jabalpur before the last date & time for
online submission of e-tender. Tender without proper EMD
shall be summarily rejected. The EMD shall be returned after
successful completion of the tendering process.

4 Security Deposit (SD) The successful Contractor whose tender is accepted by the
Bank shall be bound to deposit a sum equivalent to 5% of
accepted “Annual Contract Value” including EMD as Security
Deposit (SD) in the form of Banker’s Cheque/demand
draft/FDR issued by any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank
favouring “Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional
Business Office-1, Jabalpur” payable at Jabalpur.
5. Date for Downloading of From to on Bank’s Website: www.sbi.co.in
Tender Document <LINK>Procurement News
(Technical and Price Bid) https://etender.sbi/
6. Last date & time for Up to 03:00 PM on at https://etender.sbi/
submission of online e- Note: It is sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure online
tender submission of their bid by stipulated date and time.

7. Date, Time and Address 03:30 PM on

for opening of e-tenders Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional Business
Office-1, Administrative Office Campus, Vijaynagar,
8. Agency for arranging e- Service provider: M/s e-Procurement Technologies
tendering/online bidding Ltd. (Procure Tiger)

A-201, Wall Street-II, Opp. Orient Club, Near Gujarat College,

Ahmedabad-380006, Gujrat State, India Tel.: PH Nos.:+9179-
681368 40/31/35/63/29/57/53/43/52/20/59/22, Mobile No.:
Email:sujith@auctiontiger.net, sujith@eptl.in,
jaymeet.rathod@auctiontiger.net, mehnaz@eptl.in,
9. Validity for Offer 3 (three) months from the date of opening of bids.
10. Penalty/Liquidated As per relevant clause in the tender document
11. Period of Honoring 15 days from the date of receipt of bill (excluding Sunday and
Payment Certificate Public Holidays).
12. Insurance As per insurance clause of the tender document
13. Period of contract Initially for a period of one (1) Year subject to its renewal for
two more years of one year block each on similar terms upon
satisfactory performance.
14. Rates Rates quoted by the bidders shall remain unchanged
throughout the contract period including all taxes (excluding
GST), duties, levies, royalties, transportations, labour other
incidental charges, etc. GST shall be paid / reimbursed to the
vendor as per Bank’s norms as applicable.

2. In case the date of opening of tender is declared as a holiday, the tenders will be opened on
the next working day at the same time.
3. Tenders received without EMD shall be summarily rejected.

4. SBI reserves all rights to accept any or to reject all the tenders in part or whole without
assigning any reasons thereof and no correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
5. The Bidders disqualified/debarred/terminated by the SBI during the last five years from any
of their projects on account of unsatisfactory performance, shall not be eligible to

Regional Manager, State Bank of India,

Regional Business Office-1,
Administrative Office Campus,
1. Purpose:

Facility management contract for housekeeping and cleaning services at Branches/Offices

under the control of Regional Business Office – 1, Jabalpur.

2. Invitation:

The bidders desirous of taking up the work for supply of above Services for SBI are invited to
response to this Tender. The criteria and the actual process of evaluation and subsequent
selection of the successful bidder (L1) will be entirely at Bank’s discretion. We seek proposal
from Bidders who have the necessary experience, capability & expertise to provide
Maintenance and Housekeeping services adhering to Bank’s requirement outlined in this

This Tender document is not an offer by State Bank of India, but an invitation to receive
responses from the Bidders. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the
Tender process unless and until a formal contract is signed and executed by duly authorized
official(s) of State Bank of India with the successful Bidder.

3. Eligibility Criteria:

Bid is open to all Housekeeping empaneled contractor of Bhopal Circle who has received
intimation from e-tendering agency for the proposed services.

4. Disclaimer:

The information contained in this Tender document or information provided subsequently to

Bidder(s) or applicants whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of State
Bank of India (Bank), is provided to the Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this
Tender document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is

This Tender is neither an agreement nor an offer and is only an invitation by Bank to the
interested parties for submission of bids. The purpose of this Tender is to provide the
Bidder(s) with information to assist the formulation of their proposals. This Tender does not
claim to contain all the information each Bidder may require. Each Bidder should conduct its
own investigation and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness
of the information in this Tender and where necessary obtain independent advice. Bank
makes no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules
or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of this Tender. Bank may in its
absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, add all amend or
supplement the information in this Tender. No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise
from the Tender process until a formal contract is signed and executed by duly authorized
officers of the Bank with the selected Bidder.
The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid/ offer received in part or in full, and to
cancel the bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract of award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the
affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Bank’s action. Bank reserves the right to
reject any Bid on security and / or other considerations without assigning any reason.
Bank reserves the right to cancel the entire Bidding / procurement process at any stage
without assigning any reason whatsoever.

The biding document provides overview of the requirements, bidding procedures and contact
terms. It includes Introduction, Instructions to Bidder, and Terms & Conditions of Contract,
Eligibility Criteria, Technical Bid and Financial Bid.

The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, statements, terms and specifications in
the bidding document. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding documents or
submission of bid not responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the
Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of the bid. SBI has made considerable effort to
ensure that accurate information is contained in this Tender and is supplied solely as
guidelines for Bidders. Furthermore, during the Tender process, SBI is entitled to issue
corrigendum to tender relevant to the Scope of Work. Nothing in this Tender or any addenda
is intended to relieve Bidders from forming their own opinions and conclusions in respect of
the matters addressed in the Tender or any addenda.

5. Clarifications & Amendments:

If deemed necessary, the Bank may seek clarifications on any aspect from the bidder.
However, that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change in the substances
of the bid already submitted or the price quoted. The bidder may be asked to give
presentation for the purpose of clarification of the bid.

6. Bid Integrity:

Willful misrepresentation of any fact within the Bid will lead to the cancellation of the contract
without prejudice to other actions that the Bank may take. All the bids with accompanying
documents will become property of SBI.

7. Format and Signing of Bid

i. The bidder should prepare submission as per minimum eligibility criteria, Technical Bid,
Price Bid and other requested information.
ii. All pages of the Bid document should be serially numbered and shall be signed by the
authorized person(s) only. The person(s) signing the bid shall sign all pages of the bid
and rubber stamp should be affixed on each page except for an un-amended printed
literature. The bidder should submit a copy of board resolution or power of attorney
showing that the signatory has been duly authorized to sign the tender document.
iii. Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if the person(s) signing the
bid sign(s) them in full.
iv. In the event of the target date for the receipt of bids being declared as holiday for the
Bank, the bids will be received till the target time on the next working day. The bank may
at its discretion extend the bid submission date. The modified target date & time will be
notified on the web site of the Bank.

8. The Bidders requiring any clarification on the bidding documents should submit queries
on or before the date prescribed in the NIT (Notice inviting tender).

9. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, Bank may modify or alter the
bidding document by issuing an amendment.
10. Any addendum/corrigendum as well as clarification thus issued shall be a part of the
tender documents and it will be assumed that the information contained in the amendment
would have been taken into account by the tenderer in its tender submission.

11. Any clarification issued by SBI will be in the form of an addendum / corrigendum and will
be available in SBI’s website – http://sbi.co.in under “procurement news”. The amendment
will be binding on all bidders. SBI, at its discretion may extend the deadline for submission of
bids which shall be informed to all through SBI’s website- http://sbi.co.in (procurement news).

12. The Contractor shall ensure that they are fully conversant with the premises in question
as well as with the business activities thereat and its related manpower requirements for the
work specified.

13. The bank shall have the right to have any person removed who is considered to be
undesirable or otherwise and similarly the Contractor reserves the right to remove the
personnel with prior permission of the Bank, except under emergencies / unavoidable

14. The Contractor shall exercise adequate supervision to ensure proper performance of
Services in accordance with the requirements.

15. The Contractor shall issue identity cards/ identification documents to all its employees.

16. The personnel of the Contractor shall not be the employees of the SBI and they shall not
claim any salary or allowances, compensation, damages or anything arising out of their
employment/duty under this Contract.

17. The Contractor shall also provide at its own cost all benefits; statutory or otherwise to its
employees and the SBI shall not have any liability whatsoever on this account.

18. The details of the machineries proposed to deploy and other technical details can be
furnished in the Technical bid.

19. No costs incurred by the applicant in applying, in providing necessary clarifications or

attending discussions, conferences or site visits will be reimbursed by the Bank.

20. Tenders received after the due date and time is liable for rejection. SBI reserves its right
to reject any / or all the applications without assigning any reasons whatsoever and no
correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

21. All entries in tender documents should be in one ink. All cancellation and insertion should
be duly signed by tenderer concerned with proper indication of the name designation and
address of the person signing.

22. The rate should be quoted in Indian Currency only.

23. In quoting rates, the tenderers are advised to take into account all factors including any
fluctuations in market rates. Please note that the rate quoted in the tender shall remain firm
and valid for the contract period of ‘ONE YEAR’ from the date of commencement of work.
During this period no request for enhancement / escalation in rates shall be considered under
any circumstances.
24. The rates quoted towards consumables and cleaning materials shall be as per prevailing
market rates. The services charges quoted by the bidder shall not be less than or equal to
five percent of the monthly quoted amount (i.e. cost towards manpower).

25. The rates quoted by the tenderer shall remain firm and shall cover wages to the
labourers, supervisors, equipment deployed, maintenance of the machinery, contractors
profit, transportation charges and all statutory levies, applicable taxes, EPF, ESI, and any
other statutory component as per the Central Government Minimum Wages Act but excluding
Goods & Service Tax (GST).

26. In case of any tie among the tenderers on L-1 amount, SBI reserves the right to
evaluate and select the L-1 Bidder on the basis of following in order:
a. Obtaining revised offers on the basis of discount offered in percentage terms in
overall quoted value in sealed envelope, which shall be opened in the presence
of tenderers.
b. If there is still a tie, L-1 shall be arrived based on lottery system in presence of
c. Decision of SBI in this regard shall be final and binding

27. The tenderers are advised to inspect the site and acquaint themselves with the actual
working and prevailing site conditions before quoting the rates.

28. Please note that it is tenderers’ responsibility to provide all items which may not be
specifically mentioned in the scope of works but are necessary to complete the work and
subject services to the satisfaction of the Bank.

29. The Bank shall not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

30. No employee of SBI shall be engaged by the contractor during the course of carrying out
the works.

31. The tenderer shall deposit a sum of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Only) Earnest
Money Deposit. This EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) shall be in the form of demand draft from
any nationalized bank or from a scheduled bank drawn in favour of The Regional Manager,
State Bank of India, Regional Business Office – 1, Jabalpur.

32. No interest shall be paid on the EMD. The tenders received without EMD and Cost of
Tender Document shall be summarily rejected.

33. If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period or make any modifications in
the original terms and conditions of the tender, the SBI shall, without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, be at liberty to cancel such tenders and forfeit full value of the EMD as

34. The contractor has to maintain an attendance register of the persons employed and the
same will be inspected daily by the Bank’s Officer-in-charge.

35. The contractor has to submit on monthly basis the statement of inventory to the Bank
detailing all the materials including the detergent, soaps, chemicals, washing powder,
washing utensils, etc which has been consumed at its end for cleaning/housekeeping
purposes and the Bank can make a surprise inspection of the inventory of the contractor to
ensure the genuineness of the claims which have been made in such aforesaid monthly
inventory statements by the contractor. On inspection, if it is found that false statements have
been submitted by the contractor then the bank at its sole discretion can terminate the

36. If any of the labour employed by the contractor is found to be under performing or any
mobilization is found or found under the influence of alcohol or any abusive substance /
reported while on duty, such person/persons shall not be allowed to work at site anymore
and the Bank reserves the rights to ask contractors for immediately removal such person(s)
with suitable substitute immediately.

37. The contractor has to submit the Police verification details of all the people deployed by
him at site before commencement of work. In case of any replacement during the pendency
of the agreement, submission of police verification documents of such replaced staff is to be
made available immediately.

38. The staff deployed at site should be physically fit to handle the works detailed in the
scope. The full bio-data of the staff deployed at site like their full address, educational
qualification, age proof etc shall be made available before commencement of work. The
staffs have to be deployed in consultation with the SBI officials after performing the interview
of the staff.

39. No alterations or additions are to be made by the Contractors to the tender document.
Violation of this instruction will attract rejection of the tender at the discretion of the SBI.

40. Tender shall be quoted on the prescribed format only. The tenders quoted in any other
format shall be summarily rejected and EMD of such tenderer shall be forfeited.

41. All the parts of this tender documents i.e. Tender Notice, General rules and Instructions
to tenderers, offer letter, General conditions of contract, Annexures etc. shall constitute part
of the contract document.

42. The contractor shall follow such Act, rules and regulations of the Local government
bodies, State/Central Government labour laws that are in force and that may be framed from
time to time for completion of work. SBI shall not be responsible for any infringement of the
various statutes in force by the contractor.

43. The contractor shall take, at his own cost the necessary license from statutory authorities
in respect of this work., I E ., the contractor must be having valid Registration Certificate from
statutory body stating that he/she is authorized to deploy such services. The expenses in
completing the formalities in executing the agreement including expenses towards stamp
paper, Registration charges, etc., if any, shall be borne by the contractor. If the contractor is
not having valid license as aforesaid then he shall not be considered as fit to participate in
the tender process and his candidature in the tendering process if liable to be dismissed.

44. STATUTORY DEDUCTION towards INCOME TAX, Work Contract Tax and any other
statutory deductions as per the law prevalent will be made as per Rules.

45. The contractor shall be responsible to ensure making payment of “Prevailing Minimum
Wages” as notified by Regional Labour Commissioner (Central) to their labourers/ employees
directly in their Bank accounts and shall produce relevant documents to the SBI for
verification every month along with their monthly bills failing which bills may not be paid.
46. The contractor shall be bound to submit original challans and other documents with
regard to payment of ESIC/EPF/any other statutory dues /compliances/pay slip along with
monthly bill to the SBI, failing which bill will not be entertained.

47. In case it is found that the contractor has not complied with the EPF/ESIC/any other
statutory rules and the notice is served to the Bank by such statutory authority to withhold the
payment to the contractor then the Bank shall be liberty to not only withhold the payment or
make the payment directly to such statutory authority but also to terminate the contract for
non-compliance of its statutory obligations and further may blacklist the contractor.


(i) The bidders are advised to upload the scan copy of technical bid duly sealed and
signed at along with documentary proof of Tender processing fees and EMD on or
before the last date and time of online submission of tender document.
(ii) Contractors not submitting any one or more documents mentioned above and
elsewhere in this document shall not be eligible to participate in the online price bidding.

49. No union formation is allowed.

50. The Contractor’s supervisor shall be first line of contact for SBI, who shall report to the
designated officers of SBI for all requirements.

51. The personnel who are appointed as Janitors shall be provided with all cleaning and
safety material for cleaning purposes by the Bank.

52. It shall be ensured by the contractor that the cleaning of the premises and office space is
done before the office timings in the morning.

53. The quantity for manpower and machines mentioned in this tender is minimum
indicative. It shall, however, be sole responsibility of the contractor to ensure deployment of
additional manpower required, if any, for execution of work and services to the utmost
satisfaction of client/employer/owner i.e. SBI without any extra charge but within the accepted
tender amount only.

54. In case, any demand is raised by the SBI for providing additional manpower for any extra
work /activity other than those pertaining to the scope of work of the captioned work, the
contractor shall make arrangements for the same and cost thereof shall be paid by the Bank
on the basis of minimum wages plus 10% handing charges.

55. I/We hereby declare that I / We shall treat the tender documents and other records
connected with the catering service as Secret Confidential documents and shall not
communicate information derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I /
We am / are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner
prejudicial to the safety of the Bank.

56. No Labour camp shall be allowed in the premises of the Bank, and the contractor has
to make their own arrangement for deployment of labour. Police verification and report
details submitted to RM, SBI, RBO-1, JABALPUR will be done by the Contractor before
engaging them for the contract.
57. All taxes including Income tax, Sale tax, Purchase tax, Turnover tax or any other taxes
and duties as applicable as on date and in future in respect of this contract shall be
payable by the contractor and Bank will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of
the same. Only G.S.T. will be reimbursed / paid by the Bank.

58. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the authorized representative(s) of the
contractor who would be responsible for taking instructions from the Bank, shall be
communicated in writing to the Bank.



In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the
meaning hereby respectively assigned to them.

‘The Contract’ means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof and the formal
agreement executed between SBI and the contractor, together with the documents referred to
therein including these conditions and other instructions issued by the Employer from time to time
and all these documents taken together, shall be deemed to form one contract and shall be
complementary to one another.

‘Employer / Bank’ means The Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional Business Office -1,

‘Competent Authority’ means authority nominated to exercise power of approval, sanction and
acceptance concerning administrative, financial and technical aspects of transactions done on
behalf of the Bank.

‘The Contractor or Contractors’ means the firm, company , partnership, LLP or any legal person
engaged by the SBI to carry out the work. It shall also include their legal representative(s),
successors or assigns.

‘Site’ means Branches/Offices under the control of Regional Business Office – 1, Jabalpur.

‘Contract value’ means the value of the entire work as stipulated in the work order conveying
acceptance of the tender subject to such additions thereto or deductions there from as may be made
under the provision herein after contained.

‘The schedule of quantity’ means the schedule of quantity as specified and forming part of this

‘Works’ or ‘work’ means the work(s) described in the “Scope of Work” and/or to be executed in
accordance with the contract and includes labour, materials, apparatus, equipment of all kinds to be
provided, the obligations of the contractor hereunder and work to be done by the contractor under
the contract.

‘Month’ means calendar month.

‘Week’ means seven consecutive days.

‘Day’ means a calendar day beginning and ending at 00 hrs. and 24 hrs. Respectively.

Where the context so requires, words imparting the singular only also include the plural and vice
versa; and, any reference to masculine gender shall include feminine gender and vice versa.


The language in which the contract documents shall be drawn shall be English.

The tenderers are advised to inspect the building and finishes (glass, aluminum composite panel,
crystalline glass, Italian marble, granite, tiles, carpets, stainless steel cladding, veneers, laminates
etc.) before quoting their rates. It is expected that the tenderers will provide high quality services
without damaging the existing finishes provided in the various areas of the premises.


The service contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the work, site conditions
including labour availability, various conditions, job requirements, schedules of equipment and shall
be deemed to have visited the site of work, to have fully informed himself regarding the local
conditions and carry out their own investigations to arrive at the rate(s) to be quoted in the tender. In
this regard, they will be given necessary information available with the Employer. If the contractor
shall have any doubt as to meaning of any portion of the conditions, or the scope of work or any
other matter concerning the contract, he shall in good time, before submitting his tender, ascertain
the particulars thereof by contacting the concerned officials before tendering. Once the tender is
submitted, the matter will be decided according to contract conditions.


The work to be carried out under the contract shall, except as otherwise provided in these
conditions, include all labour, materials, tools, plants and equipment which may be required for
carrying out the work satisfactorily.


The Contractor shall have deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the correctness
and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rate(s) and price(s) quoted in the Schedule of
Quantity, which rate(s) and price(s) shall, except as otherwise provided, cover all his obligations
under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for carrying out the work.


(i) The SBI will award the contract to the successful lowest tenderer whose tender has been
determined to be substantially responsive and has been determined as successful
evaluated tender, provided further that the tenderer is determined to be qualified to
perform the contract satisfactorily.
(ii) The SBI reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantum of service to be provided
and also reserves the right to cancel or revise any or all the tenders or part of tenders
without giving any reasons thereto with no cost to the SBI.
(iii) The SBI reserves their rights to split the scope of work to different agencies within its sole
(iv) If the scope of work under this tender covers more than one sites / offices / complexes /
colonies / Apartments having separate Price Bids, the SBI may entrust the work to more
than one bidder within its sole discretion and no claim compensation for the same shall
be entertained.
(v) The successful bidder(s) shall be bound to execute separate agreement for each site. Also,
the SBI reserve their rights to withdraw/cancel/delete any work of any site in part or whole
any time during the currency of contract by giving one month’s notice in writing without
assigning any reasons therefor and the contractor shall have no right to make any
representation for the same.
(vi) The premises of the Bank on which the work shall be performed as per the terms of the
contract will not create or deem to create any right to the contractor in the premises given
to him for operating the aforesaid work either as a tenant, lessee or licensee or otherwise
and the contractor hereby agrees that he will not claim any right as a tenant, lessee or
licensee of the premises in which the contractor is operating. Further, the contractor
agrees that he will immediately vacate the premises along with his employees where the
on termination of the contract as mentioned hereafter.


The successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the contract by signing an agreement and
conditions of contract with the respective establishments of SBI within 15 days from the receipt of
intimation of acceptance of the tender by the SBI. However, the written acceptance of the tenders by
the Bank will constitute a binding agreement between the Bank and successful tenderer whether
such formal agreement is subsequently entered into or not.


Within the validity period of the tender, the Employer shall issue a work order by registered post /
courier or otherwise handover personally to the contractor to enter into an agreement for carrying out
the work as per the terms of the tender. The work order shall constitute a binding contract between
the Employer and the Contractor.


On receipt of work order from the Employer, the successful tenderer shall be bound to implement the
contract and within 14 days thereof, he shall sign an agreement on a non-judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value. The contractor shall be furnished, one certified copy of the contract documents as
may be forming part of the tender papers. None of these documents shall be used for any purpose
other than that of this contract.


The tenderer shall furnish EMD of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Only) in the form of Demand
Draft drawn in favour of The Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional Business Office – 1,
Jabalpur payable at Jabalpur. No tender shall be considered unless the EMD is so deposited in the
required form along with the tender.

No interest shall be paid on EMD.

The EMD of the unsuccessful tenderer shall be returned within 30 days without interest after the
decision to award the work is taken.

All compensation or other sums of money payable by the contractor to the Employer under the terms
of this contract may be deducted from the Earnest Money Deposit if the amount so permits or from
any sums payable to the contractor and the contractor within ten days after such deductions shall
make good the amount so deducted.


Bank reserves the rights to cancel the order and forfeit the EMD if,
a. Security Deposit is not submitted within the stipulated time;
b. Agreement is not entered within stipulated time;
c. If the tenderer revokes his tender during the period he is required to keep his tender open for
acceptance by the Employer or
d. The tender is accepted by the Employer but the contractor fails to enter into a formal
agreement or
e. Fails to commence the work within the stipulated time.
f. If a Bidder makes any statement or encloses any form which turns out to be false / incorrect
at any time prior to signing of contract


i. The successful bidder should submit a Security Deposit for 5 % of awarded Annual contract
value in the form of FDR/TDR issued by any Nationalized Bank in favour of “Regional
Manager, State Bank of India, Regional Business Office – 1, Jabalpur” A/c M/s ……. (Name
of the Contractor firm)” payable at Jabalpur within fourteen days from the date of acceptance
of the tender for due performance of the Contract.
ii. The contractor may choose to deposit the prescribed Security Deposit by way of Bank
Guarantee issued by a Scheduled Bank in India other than SBI in the format
approved/provided by the SBI. The Bank Guarantee should be valid for initial contract period
of 3 (Three) year from the date of commencement of contract. The Bank guarantee should
also contain a claim period of three months from the last date of validity. The BG shall be
further renewed on yearly basis subject to renewal of the contract by the SBI.

14. The contractor’s authorized representative shall be in attendance in the premises during all
working hours for supervising the work. For any negligence of the service employed by the
contractor or for any loss or damage caused or occasioned by himself, his agents or workmen in
respect of the property of SBI, the contractor shall be personally responsible and shall make good
the loss forthwith.

15. All activities of work done under this contract shall be entered in a register on a daily basis so
that complete record of all the works performed is maintained and signed with date by both parties
viz., persons authorized for and on behalf of SBI and the contractor each day on completion of work.

16. Without prejudice to any rights or remedies under this agreement if the contractor dies, the SBI
authorities shall have the right to terminate this agreement without any liability whatsoever as
regards execution of the work for the balance contract period after the death of the contractor.


 Before taking up the work, the Contractor shall, obtain and submit to the Employer (Bank), a
third-party insurance policy in original, issued by any Public-Sector Insurance Company.

 The Policy should be issued in the joint names of Employer and contractor with Employer’s
name appearing first. Minimum 5 employee/worker/persons should be covered under the
insurance at a time for insured sum of of Rs 5 lac each, for any type of accident / incidence.

 The contractor shall, from time to time, provide documentary evidence as regards payments
of premium for all insurance Policies for keeping them valid till the completion of the work.

 Without prejudice to any of its obligations and responsibilities specified above, the Contractor
shall, within 10 days from the date of work order, submit documentary evidence as required
by the Employer in support of having obtain requisite insurance cover.
 No work shall be taken up by the Contractor at site unless the Insurance Policies as
mentioned above are obtained.

 Also, no payment shall be made to the Contractor on expiry of insurance policies unless
renewed by them and renewed policy is submitted with the SBI. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.


The whole of work included in the contract shall be carried out by the contractor and he shall not
directly entrust and engage or indirectly transfer assign or underlet the contract or any part or share
thereof or interest therein without the written consent of the Employer and no undertaking shall
relieve the contractor from the responsibility of the contractor from active superintendence of the
In case of breach, the SBI shall be at liberty to serve notice and rescind the contract along with
forfeiting of the EMD (i.e. security deposit) and invoke the bank guarantee / performance guarantee
if required.


The contractor shall continuously protect the Employer’s properties from damage or loss arising in
connection with contract. He shall make good any such damage, injury, loss resulting due to his fault
or negligence except due to causes beyond his control. In case the contractor fails to make good the
losses caused to the bank due to his fault or due to negligence of his staff, SBI reserves the right to
invoke the security deposit as stated above to cover such losses.

The contractor shall take all precautions for safety and protection of his employees on the works and
shall comply with all applicable provisions of government and local bodies safety laws and building
codes to prevent accidents, or injuries to persons or property in or adjacent to his place of work. The
contractor shall take insurance covers as specified elsewhere in the contract at his own cost. The
policy shall be taken in joint names of the Employer and the contractor.

In case of flooding of site on account of rain or any other cause and any consequent damage,
whatsoever, no claim financially or otherwise shall be entertained not withstanding any other
provisions elsewhere in the contract.


 Schedule of major equipment to be kept at site should be attached:

 The list of major equipments to be deployed by the contractor should be enclosed.

 The equipments to be kept on site should be absolutely new and the contractor should
submit the copies of the purchase bills to Bank.

 The contractor should ensure that the equipment provided on site is functioning at all times.

 If the contractor supplies any faulty tools or instruments then the same should be substituted at its
own expense without incurring any cost to the bank.

The Bank will pay the Contractor the said contract amount, (hereinafter referred to ‘the Contract
Sum’) or such other sum as shall become payable hereunder at the times and in the Price Bid and
the said conditions.

The payment will be made as per actual manpower deployed for the Housekeeping works and on
satisfactory completion of the work and on submission of the bill.

All payments by the Bank under this contract will be made only at Jabalpur in Indian Rupees and
shall be within 2 to 3 weeks from the submission of bills including period of checking subject to bills
being complete in all respects as mentioned in the tender and, in the format, to be mutually agreed.

Please note at the time of bill submission contractor produced all receipt of challan of each and
every employee pertaining to works of ESIC, PF, Bonus, Account Statements of every employees in
which salary has been credited of just previous month otherwise payment will not proceeds.

All taxes prevailing during the currency of contract shall be payable by the Facility Management (FM)
Service Contractor within the accepted tender amount only and the Bank will not entertain any claim
whatsoever in this respect except GST.

That the terms of this contract have been read by the FM Service Contractor and fully understood by
him/ them. The FM Service Contractor shall not be entitled for the payments for the quantities
beyond the tendered quantities unless ordered for, by specific instructions with prior approval from
the Bank.
The rate quoted shall be inclusive of bonus, house rent allowance, Employees provident fund,
overtime, conveyance, food expenses etc. and the Employer shall not be responsible for any
payment towards the above components.

The following components should necessarily be present in the pay structure applicable to the house
keeping staff and the break-up of same should be submitted by the Contractor in their price bid:
Basic Pay
 D.A.
 Bonus
 Any other statutory compliance's in details

Please note that all the above components should be necessarily present in the pay structures to be
adopted /paid to all the categories of staff viz. Facility manager, Manager, Supervisors, attendants
(both male and female). The contractor may like to add any other component as they may desire to
the above list to have better staff.

The contractor shall compulsorily submit the detailed pay structures he proposes to give to each of
his category (along with components as instructed above and also adding any other component he
desires to give over and above, to any or all of the categories along with the price bid. The tenders
quoted without complying payment of Minimum wages along with EPF/ESI/DA, etc. shall be
summarily rejected/disqualified without assigning any reasons and any communications in this
regard shall not be entertained.

All the cleaning materials and consumables (as per list enclosed in the BOQ of the tender) required
for the work shall be supplied by the Contractor within their quoted rates only. All the cleaning
materials shall be of make of Hindustan Unilever or other equivalent make approved by the Bank.


The contractor shall provide New Uniform (with Company’s name badge) deployed in the premises
within the quoted rate(s) and no extra payment shall be made to contractor on this account. The
staff of the contractor should wear that uniform in the premises of the bank and shall not roam in the
campus/premises of the bank without such uniform.


Neither any advance nor any loan from any bank or financial institution shall be recommended on
the basis of Work Order or Award of work.

The payment of your monthly bills in respect of the captioned Contract shall be paid by the State
Bank of India on the recommendations of SBI only after all documents as indicated below are
submitted along with the bill:

i. PF challan for the previous month.

ii. A separate sheet mentioning the names of the staff deputed at SBI Site,
iii. Wages/Salary amount credited in the Bank’s account of individual,
iv. Amount of PF & ESI Deposited in their respective account. The statement should have the
PF number of the staff and the agency shall fix its official seal and signature on the
v. A separate covering letter undertaking that the PF amounts have been credited rightly as per
the statement enclosed should also be submitted.
vi. ESIC challan for the previous month along with separate sheet mentioning the names of the
staff deputed at SBI Site (name of site to be mentioned) and the amount credited against
their account with the ESIC office.
vii. The statement should have the ESIC number of the staff and the agency shall fix its office
seal and signature on the statement. A separate covering letter undertaking that the ESIC
amounts have been credited rightly as per the statement enclosed should also be submitted.
For staff who are out of the ESIC ambit, clear details of number of people covered under
ESIC and Workmen compensation policy shall be indicated.
viii. The original wages register, signed by your employees deputed to SBI sites, in token of
receipt of payment for the previous month, should be submitted for certification of SBI
representative, as the principal Employer, every month.
ix. GST Paid Original Bills/Invoices in support of claims of all the material (including cleansing
materials supplied to the residents, material used for Common areas as wells as Plumbing,
Electrical and any other material supplied/used in the maintenance during the month) duly
counter signed by the Officer-in-charge/Engineer from SBI confirming the procurement and
use of all such material at site.

25. Whenever under the contract any sum of money shall be recovered from, or payable by the
contractor, the same shall be paid by the contractor on demand. The SBI may also deduct such
amounts from any dues of the contractor, or from any sum which at any time there after becomes
due to the contractor under his contract or under any other contract or from his security deposit, in
respect of this work or in respect of any other works.

26. If State Bank of India engages workers to complete any part or whole of the work as per this
contract for any period, due to failure of the contractor to engage adequate number of workers, in
that event, contractor has to reimburse to SBI, the extra cost involved on this account.


The contractor has to arrange for engaging his workers on Sunday and holidays, for thorough deep
cleaning of the internal and external areas as required by the employer. No Extra payment on this
account will be made by the Employer. However, there will be one weekly holiday for each employee
on rotation basis.


Should any new areas of work transpire, which the Employer considers are not envisaged, as being
part of this tender, the prices for the new scope of work shall be mutually decided and agreed upon
between the Employer and the contractor based on actual rate analysis on established norms. In the
event of non-agreement of the rates, the Employer reserves the right to get the same carried out
through any other agency so appointed for.


The Contractor shall comply with all statutory requirements prescribed by the local as well as state /
central government authorities from time to time and submit required proof of compliance to the
Employer as and when required by the Employer. The contractor shall produce all the relevant
statutory documents for inspection by the Employer and the government authorities.

The contractor shall give all notices required under the said Act, Rules, Regulations and Bye-laws
etc. and pay all fees payable to such authority/authorities for carrying out the work towards the cost,
if any, shall be deemed to have been included in his quoted rates, taking into account all liabilities for
licenses, fees etc. and shall indemnify and protect the Employer and its Employees against such
liabilities and / or claim arising out of violation of any such laws, ordinances, orders, decrees and
shall defend all actions arising from such claims or liabilities.

If the contractor performs any act which is against the law, rules and regulations, he shall meet all
the costs and consequences arising there from and shall indemnify the Employer against any legal
actions arising there from.


The Contractor should ensure compliance of the following for smooth execution of work:
 Identity card should be issued by the contractors to the contract staff deputed on State Bank
of India site.
 All contract staff deputed by the contractor at SBI site should have in possession Identity
card issued by the contractors.
 The Payment slips should be issued by the contractors to the staff deputed on SBI site.
 All Contract staff should bear specified uniform bearing badges of Company’s name and other
safety accessories, viz Helmet, Safety belt, etc.
 The Contractor should ensure compliance of COVID-19 guidelines& Standard operation
procedures (SOP) from time to time issued by the Government of India/Regulatory Authority/Bank


The contractor shall strictly adhere to all prevailing labour laws including of contract labour
(Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970) and other safety regulations. The contractors shall comply with
the provision of all labour legislation including the latest requirements of all the laws, directions and
guidelines that are applicable for carrying out the work, including without limitation, the following:

 Minimum Wages Act, 1948

 Payment of Wages Act 1936
 Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 (Amended), as applicable
 Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act 1970 and Central Rules 1971
 Apprentice Act 1961
 Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act 1946
 Personal Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Act 1963 and any other modifications
 Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952 and amendment thereof
 Employees State Insurance Corporation Act
 Shop and Establishment Act, as applicable
 Any other Acts Central or States, that may be applicable or bye law or enactment relating
thereto and rules framed there under from time to time.
 Factories Act,
 Employment of Children Act 1938,
 Employers Liability Act 1938,
 Industrial Disputes Act 1947

The contractor shall be liable to pay all such sum, or sums that may become payable as
contribution, compensation, penalty, fine or otherwise, which the provision of the said acts, to or on
behalf of any workmen employed by the contractor by an authority empowered under the relevant

Any cost incurred by SBI in connection with any claim or proceedings under the said Acts or in
respect of loss, injury or improper performance of this contract by the contractor or his workmen and
any money which may become payable to State Bank of India as aforesaid shall be deemed to be
deducted by State Bank of India / Bank or may be recovered by the Bank from the contractor.

The Contractor shall keep the Employer saved harmless and indemnified against claims, if any, of
the workmen and all costs and expenses as may be incurred by the Employer in connection with any
claim that may be made by any workmen relating to work carried out by the contractor for this


 The work shall be awarded for an initial period of one year from the date of
commencement of the work subject to its renewal for two years of one block each on expiry
of the current contract period, within sole discretion of the Bank, on the same terms and
conditions subject to satisfactory performance of the Contractor.
 The extension of contract is to the entire discretion of the Bank and cannot be claimed as
right of the Contractor.
 If the contractor fails to perform any of its duties under this agreement and if the Employer is
dissatisfied with the services of the contractor during the contract period or extended period
of service, the Employer may terminate the services of the contractor, by issuing one month’s
notice in writing to winding up.


The contractor shall on the request of the Employer immediately dismiss from works any person
employed thereon by him, who may in the opinion of the Employer be unsuitable or incompetent or
who may misconduct himself. Such discharges shall not be the basis of any claim for compensation
or damages against the Employer or any of their officer or employee. The contractor shall take
necessary steps as per law in such situations.


 The Employer shall have right to carry an audit / technical examination of the works and the
bill of the contractor including all supporting vouchers, abstracts etc. by any of the persons or
organizations as appointed by the Employer.
 If as a result of the examination or otherwise any sum is found to have been overpaid or over
certified, it shall be lawful for the Employer to recover the sum from any payment due to the
contractor for such work.


The Contractor shall maintain and provide comprehensive logbook of cleaning procedure adopted,
record of chemicals used, details of daily record of cleaning activity carried out in all units of the
buildings. The inventory of such material shall be available for inspection to the bank as and when bank
desires to inspect.


 General
 The Employer shall have the right to inspect at all times any tools, instruments, materials /
chemicals, staging or equipment used or to be used in the performance of the WORKS. The
contractor shall make all parts of the WORK accessible for these inspections.
 Rejection of work and Equipment
 The Employer shall have the right to condemn any or all tools, instruments, materials /
chemicals, equipment or work which does not confirm to the specifications.
 The contractor shall be responsible for any breakage caused by its workers at the site.
Breakage of any light fixtures, furniture, tiles, mirror, glass, any other fittings/fixtures provided
in the building by the persons employed by the contractor due to their negligence will have to
be set right by the contractor at his cost within 3 days of such damages. In case of their
failure to do so, the SBI shall be at liberty to get the same done from any other agency at the
Contractor’s cost, risk and consequences.


Management reporting and process reviews

The Employer shall approve the format for the monthly report to be submitted by the contractor
along with every monthly bill.

Operating Meetings

During the early stages of the agreement, it is expected that the frequent operation meetings will be
required between the service contractor’s manager and employer’s representative/s to discuss
priorities to establish satisfactory reporting procedures. The contractor shall make the appropriate
personnel available for attending all these meetings.

Performance Review Meeting

Performance review meetings shall be held quarterly to review the overall performance of the
contractor. The Senior Management of the contractor and Employer shall attend these meetings.

Quality Assurance

The contractor shall implement a quality system in accordance with ISO standards. The contractor
shall develop, in conjunction with the Employer’s representatives, the standards of service to be
provided and how performance to be measured and monitored.


“Force Majeure” shall mean any event beyond the control of SBI or of the Contractor, as the case
may be, and which is unavoidable notwithstanding the reasonable care of the party affected, and
which could not have been prevented by exercise of reasonable skill and care and good industry
practices and shall include, without limitation, the following:

a. War, hostilities, invasion, act of foreign enemy and civil war;

b. Rebellion, revolution, insurrection, mutiny, conspiracy, riot, civil commotion and terrorist acts;
c. Strike, sabotage, unlawful lockout, epidemics, quarantine and plague;
d. Earthquake, fire, flood or cyclone, or other natural/ manmade disaster;

As soon as reasonably practicable but not more than 48 (forty-eight) hours following the date of
commencement of any event of Force Majeure, an Affected Party shall notify the other Party of the
event of Force Majeure setting out, inter alia, the following in reasonable detail:

i. The date of commencement of the event of Force Majeure;

ii. The nature and extent of the event of Force Majeure;
iii. The estimated Force Majeure Period,

Reasonable proof of the nature of such delay or failure and its anticipated effect upon the time for
performance and the nature of and the extent to which, performance of any of its obligations under
the Contract is affected by the Force Majeure.

The measures which the Affected Party has taken or proposes to take to alleviate/mitigate the
impact of the Force Majeure and to resume performance of such of its obligations affected thereby.

Any other relevant information concerning the Force Majeure and /or the rights and obligations of the
Parties under the Contract.

The contractor shall immediately on occurrence of any accident during carrying out the work report
such accident to the Employer. The contractor shall also report such accident immediately to the
concerned authorities whenever such report is required to be lodged by law and take appropriate
actions thereof.

The contractor shall submit report of all accidents, fires and property damage, dangerous occurrence
to the authorized State Bank of India officials immediately after such occurrence, but in any case, not
later than twelve hours of the occurrence. Such reports shall be furnished in the manner prescribed
by the State Bank of India. In addition, the contractor to the authorized State Bank of India, official
shall also submit periodic reports on safety from time to time as prescribed.


The Bank, shall not be responsible or held liable for any damage to person or property consequent upon
the use, misuse or failure of any tools and equipment used by the contractor, even though the same has
been rented or loaned to the contractor. The acceptance and / or use of any such tools and equipment by
contractor shall be construed to mean that the contractor accepts all responsibility for and agrees to
indemnify from said use, misuse or failure of such tools and equipment.


i. The Contractor shall employ suitable labour to carry out the respective work to the
satisfaction of the Bank.
ii. The contractor shall furnish to the SBI at the intervals specified by SBI, a distribution of the
number and description of labour employed in carrying out various works / activities.
iii. The Contractor shall submit on every month to the SBI a statement showing in respect of the
preceding month:
(a) The number of labourers employed by them on the work.
(b) Their working hours.
(c) The wages paid to them.
(d) The accidents occurred, if any, during the said month showing the circumstances
under which they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused by them and
(e) The number of female workers who have been allowed maternity benefits as provided
in the maternity benefit Act, 1961 or Rules made there under and the amount paid to

iv. The contractor shall apply and obtain license under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act 1970 and
comply with the relevant provision of this Act, in respect of the labour employed by him for
executing this contract. The contractor shall furnish necessary returns to the authority
through Bank.
v. The minimum age of the labour employed shall not be below 18 years.
vi. The contractor should take independent code numbers under EPF Act 1952 and ESI Act
1948 and shall cover his workmen under the employee’s provident fund schemes and
Employees State Insurance Act 1948 and show proof of payment of
subscriptions/contributions to the concerned authorities.
vii. Both in respect of ESI/EPF the contractor shall obtain necessary declaration forms from his
employees and obtain individual insurance and PF number and shall furnish to the Bank
every month, necessary proofs for having made remittance of ESI and PF contributions in
respect of all contract labourers engaged by him.
viii. As regards Employees State Insurance Act, the contractor shall submit Photostat copies of
the challans of remittance of the contributions (both the employee’s contributions and his own
contribution there on) to the ESI corporation in respect of the employees engaged in State
Bank of India by him for this work for the relevant period before any payment is released by
State Bank of India.
ix. As regards the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952 and rules
and regulations and schemes framed there under, he shall be liable to pay employees
compensation under the Act in respect of all labour employed by him for the execution of the
contract. For this purpose, he shall indicate the code number obtained by him from the
Regional Provident Fund Commissioner and produce the Photostat copy of the challan
receipt of monthly remittance.
x. He shall also furnish such returns as are due under the Act to be sent to the appropriate
authorities through State Bank of India.
xi. The contractor is required to take Insurance for all the workers employed on the works
towards payments for workmen compensation. The Insurance has to be taken within 15 days
of the award of work and has to be provided at the signing of the agreement.
xii. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the consequences arising out of default and Bank
may treat it as breach of Contract and reserves the right to terminate the Contract.
xiii. The contractor shall pay wages to his workmen at the rates as applicable under the Minimum
Wages Act as per Central Government guidelines for unskilled and for semiskilled/equivalent
xiv. The contractor shall disburse the wages through credit to their accounts and account
statement should be enclosed along with the monthly bill.
xv. The duration of duty is eight hours per day per person. To keep the efficiency and alertness
the overtime will be kept to the barest minimum.
xvi. The staff/workers employed by the contractor shall not find under the influence of alcohol or
any abusive substance at any point of time. Further, the mobilization of the workers engaged
shall be such that they maintain the dignity of the office at all time and any incident of
mobilization or indecency is noticed at the work place bank shall have the right for asking
replacement of such workers employed by the contractor.


(a) SBI shall be at liberty to terminate the contract by issuing one month’s notice to the contractor
without assigning any reason whatsoever. Bank shall not pay any claim /compensation by
Contractor for such termination of Contract.
(b) Without prejudice to what is contained hereinabove, the SBI shall, at its sole and absolute discretion,
be entitled to terminate this agreement immediately by written notice without assigning any reason(s)
and without payment of any compensation, if:

I. In the opinion of the SBI (which shall not be called in question by the contractor and shall be
binding on the contractor), the contractor fails or refuses to implement this agreement to the
Bank’s satisfaction. And/ or
II. The contractor commits a breach of any terms and conditions of this agreement. And /or
III. or any reason whatsoever, the contractor becomes disentitled in law to perform his obligations
under this agreement. And/or
IV. There is any variation in the ownership/partnership or management of the contractor or his
business without the prior approval in writing of the bank to such variation. And/ or
V. If any receiver/ liquidator is appointed in connection with the business of contractor or contractor
transfers substantial assets in favour of its creditors or any orders/directions are issued by any
authority/regulator which has the effect of suspension of the business of the contractor. And/ or
VI. If Contractor applies to the court or passes a resolution of the voluntary winding up of or any other
creditor/ person files a petition for winding up or dissolution of contractor. And/ or
VII. If any acts of commission or omission on the part of the contractor or its agents, employees, sub -
contractors or representatives, in the reasonable opinion of the bank tantamount to fraud or
prejudicial to the interest of the society or its employee(s). And/ or
VIII. Any document, information, data or statement submitted by the contractor in response to tender,
based on which the service provider was considered eligible or successful, is found to be false,
incorrect or misleading. And/ or
IX. The Bank may, at any time, terminate the contract by giving written notice to the selected
contractor, if the selected agency becomes bankrupt or insolvent or any application for
bankruptcy, insolvency or winding up has been filed against it by any person. In this event,
termination will be without compensation to the selected agency, provided that such termination
will not prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue
thereafter to the Bank. And/ or
X. The Contractor is involved in wrongful billing. In addition hereto wrongful billing shall also result in
the contractor being debarred from participating in any other tender of the Bank. And/ or
XI. For any reason whatsoever, the Contractor becomes disentitled in law to perform his obligations
under this agreement. And/ or
XII. If any charge sheet is filed against the agency/company or the contractor is convicted by a
criminal court on the grounds of moral turpitude.
XIII. If the contract is terminated under any termination clause, the Contractor shall handover all
documents/executable/Bank’s data or any other relevant information to the bank in timely manner
and in proper format as per scope of the Tender and shall also support the orderly transition to
another vendor or to the Bank. And/ or
XIV. The Bank’s right to terminate the services will be in addition to the penalties/liquidated damages
and other actions as deemed fit.
(c) In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever, the contractor/ or persons
employed by him or his/ her agents shall not be entitled for any sum or sums whatsoever from the
Bank by way of compensation, damages or otherwise and the Bank shall be at liberty to rearrange
the work through other agencies at Contractor’s risk, cost and consequences and under such
circumstances, the security deposit paid by the contractor shall stand forfeited, besides any other
action deemed fit including de-paneling the contractor or debarring them in future tendering process.

(d) As regards unsatisfactory performance or non-compliance with any of the terms and conditions
of the contract by the contractor or abandoning the work, SBI shall have the right to terminate
the contract as aforementioned and rearrange the work through other agencies at Contractor’s
risk, cost and consequences and under such circumstances, the security deposit paid by the
contractor shall stand forfeited, besides any other action deemed fit including de-paneling the
contractor or debarring them in future tendering process.



Before commencing the work, contractor submit a ‘SAFETY PLAN’ to the authorized State Bank of
India official. The ‘SAFETY PLAN’ shall indicate in detail the measure that would be taken by the
contractor to ensure safety of men, equipment, material and environment during execution of the
work. The plan shall take care to satisfy all requirements specified hereunder. The contractor shall
submit Safety Plan along with his offer. During negotiations before placing of work order and during
execution of the contract SBI shall have right to review and suggest modification in the Safety Plan.
Contractor shall abide by the Bank’s decision in this respect.
The contractor shall take all necessary safety precautions and arrange for appropriate appliances as
per direction of SBI or its authorized officials to prevent loss of human lives, injuries to personnel
engaged and damage to property and environment.

The contractor shall provide to its work force and ensure the use of the following personal protective
equipment as found necessary and as directed by the authorized Bank officials: -

 Safety Helmets conforming to IS-2925:1984

 Safety Belts conforming to IS-3521:1983
 Safety Shoes conforming to IS-1989:1978
 Eye and Face protection devices conforming to IS-8520:1977 and IS-8940:1978.
 Hand and body protection devices conforming to: IS-2573:1975, IS-6994:1973, IS-
8807:1978, IS-8519:1977,

All tools, tackles, lifting appliances, material handling equipment scaffolds, cradles, safety nets,
ladders, equipment’s etc. used by the contractor shall be of safe design and construction. These
shall be tested and certificate of fitness obtained before putting them to use and from time to time as
instructed by authorized SBI official who shall have the right to ban the use of any item.

The contractor shall adopt all fire safety measures.

Where it becomes necessary to provide and/or store petroleum products, explosives, chemicals and
liquid or gaseous fuel or any other substance that may cause fire or explosion, the contractor shall
store the same safely as per the directions of the Bank/SBI.

The contractor shall be held responsible for any violation of statutory regulations local, state or
central and SBI instructions, that may endanger safety of men, equipment, material and environment
in his scope of work or another contractor’s or agencies. Cost of damages if any, to life and property
arising out of such violation of statutory regulations and SBI instructions shall be borne by the


 Contractor shall sign an Indemnity Bond in an approved format as per attached Annexure
before starting the work, indemnifying the SBI from any damages, prosecution, other legal
suits and claims arising out of any mishaps occurring at the work place due to non-
adherence to safety codes, no following the standard work procedures and for violating rules
and regulations for which the contractor shall be solely responsible.
 In case of any damage to property by the contractor, SBI shall have the right to recover the
cost of such damages from payments due to the contractor and decision of the SBI shall be
binding on the Contractor.

 In the event of any damage to the loose furniture, interiors, computers and such other
equipment or to the existing building structure etc., during carrying out the contract works, the
cost of repairing the same including the cost of replacement if any will be recovered from the

 If the contractor fails to improve the standards of safety in its operation to the satisfaction of
SBI after being given a reasonable opportunity to do so, and/or if the contractor fails to take
appropriate safety precautions or to provide necessary safety devices and equipment or to
carry out instructions regarding safety issued by the authorized SBI official, the SBI shall
have the right to take corrective steps at the risk and cost of the contractor after giving a
notice of not less than seven days indicating the steps that would be taken by State Bank of

 Before commencing the work, the contractor shall appoint/nominate a responsible officer to
supervise implementation of all safety measures and liaison with his counterpart of State
Bank of India.


 Resolution of dispute: In the event of any question, dispute or differences in respect of

contract or terms and conditions of the contract or interpretation of the terms and conditions
or part of the terms and conditions of the contract arises, the parties may mutually settle the
dispute amicably.

 Arbitration: The contract shall be governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the
law in India and in case of any dispute, efforts shall be made by the parties to resolve the
dispute amicably. If however, the parties are not able to solve the dispute amicably, the same
shall be referred to the sole arbitrator appointed by the Deputy General Manager (B&O), SBI,
AO, Jabalpur and the provisions of the Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996, as amended
from time to time shall be applicable to such proceedings. The bidder/service provider has no
objection to any such appointment to the effect that the arbitrator so appointed is the bank’s
own officer. The award of the arbitrator so appointed shall be final and binding on both the
parties in regard to such disputes or differences. The arbitration proceedings shall take place
at Jabalpur only. The provisions of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and rules framed
there under and in force shall be applicable to such proceedings and the language of the
arbitration proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties
shall be in English.

 Applicable Laws: The contract shall be governed in accordance with the law prevailing in
India, Act, Rules, Amendments and orders made thereon from time to time.

 Jurisdiction: All the suits arising out of the contract shall be instituted in the court of
competent jurisdiction situated in Jabalpur only and not elsewhere.

 Saving clause: No suits, prosecution or any legal proceedings shall lie against the State
Bank of India or any person for anything that is done in good faith or intended to be done in
pursuance of tender.


If at any time after acceptance of the tender, the Employer decides to abandon or reduce the scope
of the works for any reason whatsoever and hence not require the whole or any part of the works to
be carried out, they shall inform the Contractor in writing to that effect and the Contractor shall have
no claim to any payment or compensation or otherwise whatsoever, on account of any loss of profit
or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the works in full, but which he did
not derive in consequence of such foreclosure of the whole or part of the works. The Contractor shall
be paid at the contract rates for works executed at site.


The Contractor shall be required to prepare and submit a detailed description of the arrangements,
sequence and methods of service performance which the contractor proposes to adopt for carrying
out the services.

The Bank at its sole discretion shall ask at any time for changes in the anticipated work sequence
due to operational requirements. Such change in work sequence shall not entitle the contractor to
any additional payment.

The contractor shall be required to submit for the Banks approval a detailed utilization plan and a
detailed manpower deployment schedule with details of manpower assigned to each task. All
comments by Employer will be incorporated and executed at no extra costs to the Employer.

The contractor will schedule the cleaning operations in such a way that the premises remains neat
and clean all the time. The contractor may deploy his labourers in shifts accordingly in keeping with
the prevailing labour law of the state.


The amount quoted and accepted will be binding on the tenderer.

In case of any change in GST or introduction of any new tax due to Statutory Act of The Government
after the date of submission of tenders and during the tender period, the quantum of additional taxes
so levied will be allowed to be charged extra as separate item without any change in price structure
of the items approved under the tender. Similarly, if there is any reduction in tax etc. shall be
deducted. Price structure will be solely dependent upon the rate approved as per work order and
revisions of the same as per price variation/escalation clause mentioned in the tender. For claiming
the additional cost on account of the increase in tax structure, the tenderer should produce proof
from the concerned Competent Authorities for having paid additional tax on the services provided to
the SBI and can also claim the same in the invoice.


The competent authority of the Office of the Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional
Business Office – 1, Jabalpur may at any time by notice in writing summarily terminate the contract
without compensation to the contractor in any of the following events, that is to say:

i) If the contractor being an individual or if firm, any partner in the contractor’s firm, shall at any
time be adjudged insolvent or shall have a receiving order or orders for administration of his
estate made against him or shall take any proceedings for liquidation or composition under
any insolvency not for the time being in force or shall make any convenience or assignment
of his efforts or enter into any arrangements or composition with his creditors or suspend
payment of if the firm be dissolved under partnership act, or
ii) If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an order for
the liquidation of the affairs or a receiver of manager on behalf of the debenture holder shall
be appointed or circumstances shall have arisen which entitled the court or debenture
holders to appoint a receiver or manager.
iii) If the contractor commits any breach of this contract not herein specifically provided for:
Provided always that such determination shall not prejudice any right of action or remedy
which shall have accrued or shall accrue thereafter to the SBI and provided also that the
contractor shall be liable to pay the SBI for any extra expenditure, it is thereby put to but
shall not be entitled to any gain on repurchased.

 Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of

tenders, and recommendations for the award of a contract shall not be disclosed to
tenderer or any other persons, not officially concerned with such process, until the
notification of contract award is made.
 Any effort by the tenderer to influence the SBI in the SBI’s bid evaluation, bid
comparison, or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the Tenderer’s bid.


 The SBI as well as Tenderer shall observe the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of such contracts.

 “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of

value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in
contract execution; and.

 Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts in order to

Influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of SBI
and includes collusive practice among Tenderer (prior to or after tender submission)
designed to establish tender prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive
the SBI of the benefits of free and open competition.
 “Collusive practice” means a scheme or arrangement between two or more tenderers,
with or without the knowledge of the SBI, designed to establish tender prices at
artificial, non-competitive level; and.

 “Coercive practice” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly,

persons or their property to influence their participation in the procurement process or
effect the execution of the contract.

 The SBI will reject a tender for award if it determines that the tenderer recommended
for award has directly or through an agent engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices
in competing for the contract in question.

 The SBI will declare a firm or individual as ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated
period of time, to be awarded a contract if it at any time determines that they have,
directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive
practices in competing for, or in executing, a contract.


 The Contractor shall disburse salary to its deployed manpower as per Central Govt.
minimum wages Act latest by 15th of every month, failing which penalty equivalent to
one-day salary (Basic + DA) per delayed day shall be credited by the contractor into
the account of the respective employees whose salary has been delayed, apart from
his regular remuneration which the contractor is payable to him. Proof of the same
shall be submitted to the SBI along with the bills of the next month. If such scenario
continues for a period of 3 continuous months then the contract shall be liable to be
terminated. Security Deposit / Performance Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and
Bank guarantee shall be encashed. The SBI will have the power to appoint any other
agency for the manpower services at the risk and cost of the Contractor.

 The Contractor has to maintain adequate number of manpower as per this contract
and also arrange a pool of standby manpower/supervisor. If the required number of
manpower/supervisors are less than specified number as mentioned in the contract, a
penalty of Rs.1000/- per absentee per day shall be deducted from the bill(s).

 In case of breach of any conditions of the contract and for all types of losses caused
including excess cost due to hiring manpower services in the event of Contractor
failing to provide requisitioned number of manpower, the SBI shall make deductions
at double the rate of hiring rate on pro-rata basis from the bills preferred by the
Contractor or that may become due to the Contractor under this or any other contract
or from the security deposit or may be demanded from the Contractor to be paid
within seven days to the credit of the SBI.

 An amount of Rs. 2500/- will be levied as liquidated damages per day per floor for any
building from the Contractor whenever and wherever if found that the work is not up
to the mark. If the Contractor fails to perform as per the satisfaction of the SBI within
15 days, liquidated damages clause as incorporated in the tender document of the
Contractor by SBI will be invoked.

 Under any circumstances the collected wastes should not be burnt or dumped inside
the campus. This includes the dumping of the waste in open near the stairs of the
premises. Strictly, dustbins must be used for dumping of the waste. Such dustbins
which are out in open near the stairs or any part of the premises, should be emptied
immediately once they are found to be full and waste should be left to be dumped
near that dustbin. In case of any such observation by the SBI, the Contractor shall
be penalized up to 5% of the monthly Bill amount which will deducted from any
bills/dues of Contractor.


Price variation for Labour component: Please note that all rates (Manpower, Material etc.) quoted
by the vendor shall remain fixed and valid for a period of one year i.e. initial contract period from the
date of commencement of work and no escalation/price increase, whatsoever shall be considered
during this period. Accordingly, contractor has to take due care on this account while quoting the

The Bank may consider renewal of contract for two years of one block each on the same terms and
conditions except minimum wages which shall be considered as per Central Government rates
prevailing at material time provided that the service rendered by the vendor are found satisfactory.
However, renewal of contract is discretion of the Bank and the contractor shall have no right to claim
for the same.


The contract, if awarded shall be valid for an initial period of 1 (one) year from the date of
commencement of work subject to the renewal for two years of one block each after expiry of initial
period of three years subject to satisfactory performance. In case of breach of contract or in the
event of not fulfilling the minimum requirements/statuary requirement/satisfactory services etc., the
SBI shall have the right to terminate the contract forth with at any time in addition to forfeiting the
performance security amount deposited by the contractor and initiating necessary action as deemed
fit including de-paneling your firm etc. solely at the discretion of the SBI.


The Contractor shall not assign or sublet the benefits of this contract to any person or entity and in
the event of any violation or breach thereof, the Bank may at its discretion but without prejudice to its
other rights and remedies terminate this contract.


The Contractor shall be solely responsible for full compliance with the provision of the “the Sexual
Harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013”

i. In case of any complaint of sexual harassment against its employee/s, the complaint will be
filed before the Internal Complaints Committee constituted by the Contractor and the
contractor shall ensure appropriate action under the said Act in respect to the complaint.
ii. Any complaint of sexual harassment from any aggrieved employee of the State Bank of
India (SBI) against any employee/s of the contractor shall be taken cognizance of by the
State Bank of India (SBI).
iii. The contractor shall be responsible for any monetary compensation that may need to be paid
in case the incident involves the employees of the contractor, for instance any monetary relief
to Bank’s employee, if sexual harassment/violence by the employee of the contractor is
iv. The contractor shall be responsible for educating its employees about prevention of sexual
harassment at work place and related issues.


The Contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information, materials and details of the
State Bank of India’s infrastructure / systems/ equipment etc., which may come to the possession or
knowledge of the Contractor during the course of discharging contractual obligations in connection
with this agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence.
The Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent
necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The Contractor
shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or
technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the State Bank of India (SBI).
The Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to its employees to ensure that the
obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied. The
Contractor’s obligations with respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or
termination of this agreement for whatever reason.


S. Nature of Services Frequency

1 Sweeping &Cleaning: Daily and as &when required.
 Sweep and clean all floor areas, roads etc.
 Damp moping of tiles, vitrified floors, staircases,
Sidewalls, PVC flooring and entrance areas.
 Floors shall be made free of stain, dirt, mud, sand,
Footprints, liquid spills, and other debris.
 Chairs, computers, keyboards, trash, receptacles,
and easily movable items shall be moved to clean
 During inclement weather, the frequency of cleaning
May be higher. When completed, the floors and halls
shall have a uniform appearance with no streaks,
smears, swirl marks, detergent residue, or any
Evidence of dirt remaining or water standing.
 After sweeping all vitrified floors, areas would be
Machine scrub cleaned.
 Sweep clean of debris from walkways and driveways
and hose clean them during appropriate climatic and
Water use conditions.
 Daily cleaning of lift cabins, mirrors &doors in all the
 Removal of stagnant water.
 Maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene at
All assigned areas throughout the premises.
2 Vacuuming: Daily or as &when required.
 Vacuuming all carpets, runners and carpet
protectors so that they are free of dirt, lint, mud, etc.
 Heavy industrial type vacuum cleaner would be
Used to ensure adequate cleaning. When completed, the
area shall be free of all litter, lint, loose soil and debris.
 Any chairs, trash receptacles and easily moveable
items shall be moved to vacuum underneath and then
replaced in the original position.
 All Sofa set/chairs, revolving/non-revolving
Cushioned chairs cushioned stools ,Curtains,
venetian/vertical fabric blind, Roller blinds etc.
3 Washrooms &toilets cleaning: Thorough cleaning and
sanitization of toilets, bathrooms, wash basins and spray Daily required at Bank House,
facilities, using suitable non-abrasive cleaners and Guest House, DGM &GMs
Disinfectants. All surfaces shall be free of , soap, Bungl ow
mud and smudges.

 Cleaning of mirrors, glass doors, glass windows, etc. Weekly as and when required.
 Replenishment of paper towels, toilet paper, liquid
soap, urinal cubes, naphthalene balls, odonil, etc. in
all the toilets &wash rooms.
4 Trash Removal: Daily
 Emptying all waste paper baskets from all floor areas
and washing or wiping them clean with damp cloth,
replacing plastic waste paper basket linings and
returning items where they were located.
 All waste from waste paper baskets will be collected
and deposited in the building’s waste containers.
 Dry &wet garbage would be segregated and
temporarily dumped into designated area within the
 Collection of old newspapers, bundling &shifting to
specified place.
 All the wastes, trash, debris, garden waste etc. has to
be disposed from the campus on daily basis as per
the guidelines of BMC/BDA or any local appropriate
authority. Any co-ordination in this regard with
aforesaid authorities, has to be carried out by the
 Under any circumstances the collected wastes should
not be burnt or dumped inside the campus. In case of
any such observation by the Bank, the Contractor
shall be penalized up to 5% of bill amount and its
deduction from the monthly bills.
5 Court Yard Cleaning: Daily
•Cleaning of Court yard with the use of battery /
electric operated scrubbing machine to kept 100%
neat and clean. All floors should be maintained
neat and clean as per scope of work.
6 Glass Surface Cleaning: Once in 15 days and as & when
 All glasses at entrance doors and windows of the required / as directed.
premises would be cleaned using damp and dry method.
 Glass table tops, cabin doors, cabin partitions and
glass accessories would also be cleaned.
 Removal of grease marks or fingerprints on glass
counters and partitions. This cleaning is done using
approved all-purpose cleaner and lint free cloth or paper
7 Spot Carpet Cleaning:
•Spot clean carpets whenever necessary to remove As and when required as directed.
stains, using appropriate products, chemicals,
9 Shifting of Furniture: Whenever Required
 The manpower required for shifting of any type of
furnitures, cupboards, e-waste, monitors, PCs,
printers etc within the premises using suitable trolley
as per instruction of the Bank.
10 Deep Cleaning: Weekly
Stairways, surrounding common areas, terraces,
generator rooms, AHU Rooms, basements, car parking,
 Ceiling, walls, partitions, etc.
 Toilets and washrooms.
 Interior &Exterior glasses will be cleaned on both
sides, throughout the building.
 Ceiling fans, pedestal fans, wall mounted fans,
Indoor split AC units, etc.
 Up-keeping &removing choke-up in the storm
water drains in the ground &basement level and other
drains located inside the premise. The Contractor should
co-ordinate with BMC/BDA or any local appropriate
authority and keep the inter-junctions clear from any
11 Window &facade Glass Cleaning: As and when required.
 The service provider shall undertake cleaning of
the glasses and glass panes from the exterior/interior in
all floors.
 Dusting window sills and blinds.
12 Sanitizing: Weekly
 All items related to Computer (Monitor, CPU,
Keyboard, Mouse etc.) are to be cleaned thoroughly
And sanitized.
 Office desk paper bins would be cleaned and
 All washroom dustbins would be thoroughly cleaned
and sanitized.
 All telephone instruments would be sanitized using
 Waste bins from Pantry and Cafeteria areas would be
Thoroughly cleaned and sanitized with disinfectants.
 Through washing of all walls and doors of all toilets
with appropriate detergent and disinfectant.
 All wooden partitions, wooden panelling, doors etc.

are to be cleaned with detergent and disinfectant.

13 Dusting &Wiping:
 Dusting and wiping light fixtures, when completed the
light fixtures shall be free from dirt, grime, dust and
14 Scrubbing: Fortnightly
• All floor areas with scrubbing machines.
15 Deep Cleaning: weekly
 Deep cleaning, dusting and wiping of sanitary fittings
in the wash rooms, ladies’ toilets etc.
 Deep cleaning, dusting and wiping of handles, doors,
door closers, fittings, windows, curtains etc.
 Cleaning, dusting and wiping of false ceilings.
 After cleaning, dusting and wiping of various items,
these shall be free from dirt, grime, dust and marks.
 Cleaning/sweeping of all the terraces on fortnightly
 Cleaning, dusting, cobwebs.
 Dusting of fire extinguishers, fire hydrant heads
located at various places.
Note: The Contractor will ensure that no Acid or similar
cleansing agent/material should be used in the process
of cleaning of CP/Brass fittings. Any damages caused on
account of violations shall be at the contractor’s cost and
risk. The contractor shall be responsible for replacement
of such damaged fittings/fixtures with same brand/model
fixtures at their own cost.
16 External Drainage Cleaning: Quarterly and as and when
•By using suitable drain cleaning equipment including required
Sewer Cleaning Pull out Tools, Drain Cleaning
Machines, Super Sucker and high-pressure jet
machine with washing complete.
17 Polishing: Twice a year.
•All the Brass/SS door handles/door knobs, hand
railings, lift walls, other brass fittings are required
to be polished and kept in shining condition by
using approved quality polishing agents including
buffing as and when directed.

18 Cleaning Work: Quarterly

 Cleaning of vertical fabric blinds/ Roller Blinds and
checking / rectification of the same using suitable

19 Deep cleaning of all service ducts, chajjas in the floor,


Note: The contractor has to take necessary safety

precautions for their laborer by wearing personal
protective equipment like safety belt, safety helmet,
shoes, etc. while executing the work in the ducts, chajjas
21  Maintenance of sewerage system, open drains, As &when required
cleaning of septic tank etc by using bleaching powder,
o oil, disinfectants and other items of branded
duct of high quality at contractor’s cost necessary
warding off flies, mosquitoes, insects, etc wherever

 Weeding out unwanted shrubs/trees found

wing on any part of the building and cleaning of the
rooftop and clearing obstruction material from rain
lets to avoid water logging.
 Maintenance and operation of pumps, sanitary
ngs &plumbing installations at contractor’s cost, at the
nch premises as stated above.
 Cleaning &maintenance of existing garden, lawns,
amental fish pond/Aquarium, indoor &outdoor seasonal
ted plants, trimming of trees inside the campus by
engaging Mali ((Gardener) for maintenance of garden
Branch premises as stated above.
 Undertaking necessary minor repair work and
placement of parts pertaining to sanitary fittings,
doors/windows, windows panes etc. materials cost shall be
reimbursed on production of bills with no extra labour and or
vice charges.


1) Please note that at Bank House all the housekeeping services required to be provided as
2) All the cleaning materials/ Product to be used with ecofriendly/ Green certified brands only.

S No Br Code Branch Centre
5 3228 RANJHI MAIN BR. 3 B
7 4505 OFK 1 B
8 4677 K.U. MANDI 2 B
10 4801 GEC 2 B
11 4908 GARHA 1 B
12 5348 I.E. ADHARTAL 2 B
13 6038 MARHATAL 2 B
14 7208 RIDGE ROAD 2 B
15 7665 KAMLA NEHRU 2 B
16 7934 NAYAGAON 2 B
17 8051 GCF 2 B
18 8937 MADAN MAHAL 2 B
19 9285 COMM. BR. 2 B
20 10466 GRC 1 B
21 10530 KATANGA 1 B
22 10531 01 STC 1 B
23 10532 SHAKTI NAGAR 1 B
24 12270 GWARIGHAT 1 B
25 12271 BILHARI 2 B
26 14455 KARMETA 1 B
28 14803 SCAB 2 B
29 17724 GHAMAPUR 1 B
30 18770 BELKHEDA 1 B
31 30140 GORAKHPUR 1 B
32 30200 M C RANJHI 1 B
33 30454 PBB CANT SADAR 1 B
34 50701 NAPIER TOWN 1 B
35 61105 TILWARA ROAD 1 B
36 61133 MAHARAJPUR 1 B
37 61550 CMM 1 B
38 64302 Sanjivani Nagar 1 B
39 64373 Tilheri 1 B
40 13493 RBO1 2 B
41 487 SIHORA 3 C
42 1834 ADB SHAHPURA 3 C
43 2830 BARGI 2 C
44 4806 GOSALPUR 1 C
45 4875 PANAGAR 1 C
46 5546 PATAN 3 C
47 5863 BARGINAGAR 1 C
48 7207 BHEDAGHAT 1 C
49 7716 IMLAI 1 C
50 7717 CHOURAI 1 C
51 7718 PONDA 1 C
52 9254 KHINNI 1 C
53 10824 BARELA 1 C
54 12164 KATANGI 1 C
55 12166 MAJHOLI 2 C
56 13647 MAJHGAWAN 1 C
57 13648 KUNDAM 1 C
58 15021 BELKHADU 1 C
59 62618 RACC SIHORA 1 C

(Site specific draft agreement shall be approved by the SBI prior to its execution)

This AGREEMENT is made at Jabalpur on this ______________ day of ________________by and


State Bank of India, a body corporate constituted under State Bank of India Act 1955, having its
Corporate Centre at Madame Cama Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai- 400021 and having one of its
Regional Business Office at Vijaynagar, Jabalpur (hereinafter referred to as the "SBI”), which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context, mean and include its successors and permitted
assigns of the FIRST PART (hereinafter called “the Employer”)


_____________________a company/partnership/proprietorship/LLP having its registered Office at

___________________________represented by Shri_________________ who is authorized to
enter into this agreement through the _________(board resolution number and date in case of a
company) which expression unless repugnant to the context shall mean and include its successors,
executor and permitted assigns of the SECOND PART(hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor”).

AND WHEREAS the Employer has intention of engaging a contractor to provide Integrated Facility
Management Services for housekeeping and cleaning services at
…………………………………………………………………………………………. situated at

AND WHEREAS the Employer had called for Tenders from eligible contractors to provide Integrated
Facility Management Services for housekeeping and cleaning services at
…………………………………….. situated at ……………………... as indicated in the scope of work
and other documents attached to the Tender.

AND WHEREAS the Contractor and others submitted the Tenders and the Employer has awarded
the contract relating to provide Integrated Facility Management Services for housekeeping and
cleaning services at …………………………………….. Situated at …………………., as stated in the
scope of work attached to the Tender Document to the Contractor.

AND WHEREAS both the parties to this agreement are desirous of recording the terms and
conditions upon which the said services are to be rendered by the Contractor.


a) This agreement will come into effect from ___________ and will remain in force up to
_________ or unless it is terminated as per the terms hereinafter contained.

b) In consideration of the Contract Amount (as per attached price schedule accepted and
approved by the SBI) to be paid at the times and in the manner set forth in the said
Conditions, the Contractor shall upon and subject to the said Conditions execute and
complete the work shown upon and described in the said Specifications and the priced
Schedule of Quantities.
c) The Employer shall pay to the Contractor the said Contract Amount, or such other sum as
shall become payable, at the times and in the manner specified in the said Conditions as per
accepted Tender, covering the cost of manpower, materials/consumables etc. for efficient
rendering of the maintenance services. Such sums/dues shall be payable on monthly basis
subject to submission of bill / invoice. The specified materials / fittings/ fixtures not covered
within the scope of work, shall be arranged by the contractor and actual cost thereof shall be
reimbursed by the Bank at prevailing market Rates or any approved rates of the Bank subject
to production of GST paid Invoice/Bills duly authenticated by the Officer/Engineer-in-Charge
of SBI. The contractor has to take necessary approval of rates, make and model of various
maintenance material / items from the SBIs prior to its use in the work and Official payment
thereon will be made after the same is duly certified by the Bank’s officials to the effect that
the maintenance services have been provided satisfactorily, including use of material, if any,
subject to statutory deductions.

d) The above charges do not include Goods & Service Tax, but inclusive of all other
taxes/duties/levies, whether existing or levied in future by the Central Government or the
State Government or any local authority.

e) The contractor shall be responsible for providing services on regular basis as per the scope
of work and terms and conditions of the contract.


The contractor shall:

i. Ensure submission of police verification certificates for all the personnel deployed in the
Bank’s premises.
ii. Ensure that he deploys trained and competent persons who are physically fit (i.e. between
age 18 year to 50 years for workmen and up to age of 55 year for supervisor) and are not
suffering from any chronic or contagious diseases for carrying out the works.
iii. Be responsible and liable for payment of salaries, statutory minimum wages and other legal
dues to the persons who are employed by him for the purpose of rendering the services
required by the Bank / employer under the agreement.
iv. The Contractor shall ensure timely payment of wages/salary to the persons employed by him
directly in their Bank accounts or through account payee cheques and a certificate to the
effect that the salaries/wages are being paid regularly shall be furnished to the Employer
every month. Further, the Contractor shall furnish a certificate every month to the effect that
all the obligations under the various Labour Laws and the Contact Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970, are complied with, by him.
v. Ensure that all persons employed by him, for the purpose of rendering the services required
by the Bank under this agreement, are insured with Government of India recognized
insurance companies, for which no extra payment will be made by the Bank. The contractor
shall be solely responsible for any injury or damages to any persons, animals or any other
vi. Ensure that his employees, while in the premises of the Bank or while carrying out their
obligations under this agreement, observe the standards of cleanliness, decorum, safety,
good behavior and general discipline laid down by the Bank or its authorized agents and the
Bank/ employer shall be the sole judge as to whether or not the contractor and/ or his
employees have observed the same.
vii. Personally, and exclusively supervise the work of his employees so as to ensure that the
services rendered under this agreement are carried out to the satisfaction of the Bank.
viii. Ensure that no employees of the contractor will enter or remain on the Bank’s premises
beyond the specified time limits unless and absolutely necessary for fulfilling contractor’s
ix. Be liable for any damages/losses caused to the Bank by way of damages to the Bank’s
premises or any part thereof or to any fixtures or fittings thereof or any property of the Bank
and therein by any act, omission, default or negligence of the contractor or his employees or
x. Supply and install biometric access attendance system in each colony/office and provide
identity cards to his / her employees or agents who shall be doing the subject job at the
Bank’s premises at their own cost. All the employees and agents should bear the identity
card at all times, while they are working in the Bank’s premises.
xi. The Contractor agrees and undertakes that they will make it clear to all persons
employed/engaged by them to perform the obligations under this agreement that they are
employees of the Contractor and that they shall have no claim against the Employer and the
Employer shall not be liable to pay wages, salary or any other type of compensation to
execute the contract or provide any other statutory benefits under the Labour Law and/or any
other legislation and the Contractor shall be solely responsible for providing all such
amenities to their employees admissible under the relevant Law/Rules/Service conditions.
xii. The Contractor shall obtain license, if any, required under the Madhya Pradesh State
Government Law or Central Government Law as applicable in case of the services covered
under this contract.
xiii. Wherever warranted, as per the Scope of work, the Contractor shall provide skilled workmen
staff having appropriate and valid licenses.
xiv. All staff deployed by the contractor in the Banks’ premises shall be provided with uniform
bearing Company’s badge and safety shoes / footwear etc., once in a year.


(a) SBI shall be at liberty to terminate the contract by issuing one month’s notice to the
contractor without assigning any reason whatsoever. Bank shall not pay any claim
/compensation by Contractor for such termination of Contract.
(b) Without prejudice to what is contained hereinabove, the SBI shall, at its sole and absolute
discretion, be entitled to terminate this agreement immediately by written notice without
assigning any reason(s) and without payment of any compensation, if:

I. In the opinion of the SBI(which shall not be called in question by the contractor and
shall be binding on the contractor), the contractor fails or refuses to implement this
agreement to the Bank’s satisfaction. And/ or
II. The contractor commits a breach of any terms and conditions of this agreement. And
III. or any reason whatsoever, the contractor becomes disentitled in law to perform his
obligations under this agreement. And/or
IV. There is any variation in the ownership/partnership or management of the contractor
or his business without the prior approval in writing of the bank to such variation. And/
V. If any receiver/ liquidator is appointed in connection with the business of contractor or
contractor transfers substantial assets in favour of its creditors or any
orders/directions are issued by any authority/regulator which has the effect of
suspension of the business of the contractor. And/ or
VI. If Contractor applies to the court or passes a resolution of the voluntary winding up of
or any other creditor/ person files a petition for winding up or dissolution of contractor.
And/ or
VII. If any acts of commission or omission on the part of the contractor or its agents,
employees, sub-contractors or representatives, in the reasonable opinion of the bank
tantamount to fraud or prejudicial to the interest of the society or its employee(s). And/
VIII. Any document, information, data or statement submitted by the contractor in
response to tender, based on which the service provider was considered eligible or
successful, is found to be false, incorrect or misleading. And/ or
IX. The Bank may, at any time, terminate the contract by giving written notice to the
selected contractor, if the selected agency becomes bankrupt or insolvent or any
application for bankruptcy, insolvency or winding up has been filed against it by any
person. In this event, termination will be without compensation to the selected
agency, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of action
or remedy, which has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Bank. And/ or
X. The Contractor is involved in wrongful billing. In addition hereto wrongful billing shall
also result in the organization being debarred from participating in any other tender of
the Bank. And/ or
XI. For any reason whatsoever, the Contractor becomes disentitled in law to perform his
obligations under this agreement. And/ or
XII. If any charge sheet is filed against the agency/company or the contractor is convicted
by a criminal court on the grounds of moral turpitude.
XIII. If the contract is terminated under any termination clause, the Contractor shall
handover all documents/executable/Bank’s data or any other relevant information to
the bank in timely manner and in proper format as per scope of the Tender and shall
also support the orderly transition to another vendor or to the Bank. And/ or
XIV. The Bank’s right to terminate the services will be in addition to the penalties/liquidated
damages and other actions as deemed fit.
XV. In the event of termination of this agreement for any reason whatsoever, the
contractor/ or persons employed by him or his/ her agents shall not be entitled for any
sum or sums whatsoever from the Bank by way of compensation, damages or
otherwise and the Bank shall be at liberty to rearrange the work through other
agencies at Contractor’s risk, cost and consequences and under such circumstances,
the security deposit paid by the contractor shall stand forfeited, besides any other
action deemed fit including de-paneling the contractor or debarring them in future
tendering process.
XVI. As regards unsatisfactory performance or non-compliance with any of the terms and
conditions of the contract by the contractor or abandoning the work, SBI shall have
the right to terminate the contract as aforementioned and rearrange the work through
other agencies at Contractor’s risk, cost and consequences and under such
circumstances, the security deposit paid by the contractor shall stand forfeited,
besides any other action deemed fit including de-paneling the contractor or debarring
them in future tendering process.


The contractor shall bear all the expenses pertaining to execution of the agreement, including the
stamp duty and the registration charges. The Original copy of the agreement shall be retained by the
SBI on the original of this agreement, which shall be executed in duplicate, and the SBI shall retain
the original and the contractor shall be provided with a Certified / Notarized copy for their record.

E. The contractor shall ensure payment of statutory minimum wages to the workmen employed by
him/ her/ them during currency of contract.
F. The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the SBI against all losses and claims,
damages or compensation for breach of any provisions of this Agreement and of applicable law,
including without limitation, the payment of wages Act, 1936, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Contract
Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 or any other labour law/ statute in force in this regard.
The contractor only shall be responsible for liabilities, if any, in this regard.

G. The several parts of this contract have been read by the contractor and fully understood by the

H. The Contractor shall not disclose directly or indirectly any information, materials and details of the
Bank's infrastructure/systems/equipment’s etc., which may come to the possession or knowledge of
the Contractor during the course of discharging the contractual obligations in connection with this
agreement, to any third party and shall at all times hold the same in strictest confidence. The
Contractor shall treat the details of the contract as private and confidential, except to the extent
necessary to carry out the obligations under it or to comply with applicable laws. The Contractor
shall not publish, permit to be published, or disclose any particulars of the works in any trade or
technical paper or elsewhere without the previous written consent of the Employer. The Contractor
shall indemnify the Employer for any loss suffered by the Employer as a result of disclosure of any
confidential information. Failure to observe the above shall be treated as breach of contract on the
part of the Contractor and the Employer shall be entitled to claim damages and pursue legal
remedies, including termination of the contract.

I. The Contractor shall take all appropriate actions with respect to his employees to ensure that the
obligations of non-disclosure of confidential information under this agreement are fully satisfied. The
Contractor's obligations with respect to non-disclosure and confidentiality will survive the expiry or
termination of this agreement for whatever reason.

J. The Employer reserves the right, without prejudice to the terms and conditions of this agreement,
to alter the specifications and nature of the work by adding to or omitting any item of work or portions
of the work/s being carried out at any time during the currency of contract, by issuing a letter to this
effect to the Contractor.

K. All payments by the Employer under this Contract will be made only at Jabalpur.

L. In consideration of the said Contract amount to be paid at the times and in the manner set forth in
the said conditions, the Contractor shall, upon and subject to the said conditions execute and
complete the work shown upon the said specifications and the schedule of quantities.

M. The employer shall pay the contractor the said contract amount or such other sum as shall
become payable at the times and in the manner specified in the said conditions.

O. The said Conditions and Annexures thereto shall be read and construed as forming part of this
agreement and the parties hereto shall respectively abide by, submit themselves to the said
conditions and perform the agreements on their part respectively in the said conditions contained.
The agreement and documents mentioned herein shall form the basis of this Contract.

P. The Contractor / Agency shall comply with the provisions of “the Sexual Harassment of women at
work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013”.

Q. The terms and conditions provided under “FACILITY MANAGEMENT CONTRACT FOR
OF REGIONAL BUSINESS OFFICE – 1, JABALPUR” dated________shall form part and parcel of
this Agreement and should be read along with this agreement. The same is annexed herein as

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Employer (through its duly authorized official) and the Contractor (with
common seal to be affixed hereunto in case of Company) have set their respective hands to these
presents and two duplicates hereof, the day and year first hereinabove written.

Signed and delivered by SBI, RBO-1, Jabalpur

(Name and Designation)

In the presence of:



2. ____________________________________________________________



The Contractor by the hand of
Shri ____________________________________
And duly constituted attorney.

Note: If the party is a Partnership firm or individual, should be signed by all or on behalf of all the

(Name and Designation)

In the presence of:



2. ____________________________________________________________



THE COMMON SEAL OF ___________________

was hereunto affixed pursuant to the resolutions passed by its Board of
Directors at the meeting held on __________________ in the presence of
Directors, who have signed these presents in token thereof in the presence of

(To be submitted duly typed, signed with stamped by the Authorized Signatory on the Letter Head of
the Bidder in Original along with Technical Bid document.)

The Regional Manager,

State Bank of India,
Regional Business Office-1



Dear Sir,

Having examined the terms & conditions, schedule of requirements, scope of work etc. of the tender
for the captioned work and examined the site of the works specified in the said memorandum and
having acquired the requisite information relating thereto and affecting the tender. I/We hereby offer
to provide specified services in the said memorandum on the minimum manpower including
consumable etc. basis mentioned in the attached schedule and in accordance in all respect with the
schedule of instructions, scope of work and instruction in writing referred to in conditions of Tender,
the articles of agreement, conditions of contract and with such conditions so far as they may be


b Earnest Money Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Only)
c Validity of Contract For an initial period of 1 (one) year from the date of commencement
of work subject to the renewal for two year of one block each after
expiry of initial period subject to satisfactory performance.

2. Should this tender be accepted, I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfil the terms and provisions
of the said conditions of Contract annexed hereto so far as they may be applicable or in default
thereof to forfeit and pay to SBI, RBO-1, Jabalpur the amount mentioned in the said conditions.

3. I/we have deposited Demand Draft for a sum of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakh Only) as
Earnest Money Deposit with Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional Business Office-1,
Jabalpur. Should I/We do fail to execute the contract when called upon to do so, I/We hereby agree
that this sum shall be forfeited by me/us to Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional
Business Office-1, Jabalpur.

4. We understand that as per terms of this tender, the SBI may consider accepting our tender in part
or whole or may entrust the work of housekeeping for proposed building. We, therefore, undertake
that we shall not raise any claim / compensation in the eventuality of Bank deciding to drop any of
the scope of work of this tender at any stage during the contract period. Further, we also undertake
to execute the work entrusted to us on our approved rates and within the stipulated time limit without
any extra claim for price escalation as provided for in clause 47 of Terms & Conditions of this tender.

5. We, hereby, also undertake that, we will not raise any claim for any escalation in the prices of any
of the material and manpower during the currency of contract/execution/completion period.

6. We, hereby, agree that the Quality of services shall be strictly adhered by us. In case of any
deviation, we, hereby, authorize SBI to recover a penalty of Rs.5000/- per instance from our
Bills/dues. We further undertake that in case, more than 3 such instances are recorded/reported
during the contract period, the SBI shall be free to debarred us from participation in future tenders.

8. Further, we confirm that we are eligible to quote this tender. In case rates quoted by us are
unrealistic or any information is found incorrect at any subsequent point of time, our tender may be
annulled / rejected by SBI, including taking any action including debarring from the list and any
against shall be initiated as deemed fit.

We have read and understood all the

Terms & conditions, schedule of requirement
and scope of work of the tender and accept
the same.

Signature of the Tenderer

With Seal
(Site specific format shall be approved by the SBI prior to its execution)

THIS DEED OF INDEMNITY BOND executed at Jabalpur on this _____day of

_______month of year --------------------- By M/s duly represented by proprietor / one of its
partners Shri , aged years, son of Shri_________________________, residing
at____________________________________________(hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”)

In favour of Regional Manager, State Bank of India, Regional Business Offcice -1, Jabalpur
Whereas State Bank of India has invited open bid tenders from the contractors for providing
Housekeeping services at ……………………… situated at ……………..

The Contractor has become successful in securing the subject work through competitive tendering
and the work specified in the tender documents has been awarded in favour of Contractor by SBI their

And whereas as per tender documents, the Contractor has to enter into a Contract Agreement with
SBI and execute an Indemnity Bond before starting the work. The Contractor has entered into
Contract Agreement with SBI ______________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the

In consideration of SBI having awarded the above said Contract, the Contractor hereby undertake to
indemnify and keep harmless the SBI from any damages, prosecution, other legal suits and claims
arising out of any mishaps occurring at the site due to faulty work, faulty construction and for
violating rules and regulations, any possible damage to the building and members of public in course
of execution of the work for which Contractor shall be solely responsible.

Further, Contactor hereby indemnifies and keep SBI indemnified for any loss or damages incurred or
suffered or to be incurred or to be suffered by State Bank of India on account of breach of the terms
and conditions of the Contract by the Contractor.

Signature of Contractor with seal

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