NURS141 Infomation 6
NURS141 Infomation 6
NURS141 Infomation 6
a. !True
b. False
4. What is the main CPU is the Sega Mega Drive Sega Genesis?
a. !Motorola 68000
b. Intel 8088
c. Zilog Z80
d. Yamaha YM2612
8. What is the name given to layer 4 of the Open Systems Interconnection ISO model?
a. Data link
b. Session
c. Network
d. !Transport
11. How many bits make up the significand portion of a single precision floating
point number?
a. 53
b. !23
c. 15
d. 8
2. quot;The Big Bang Theoryquot; was first theorized by a priest of what religious
a. Christian
b. Jewish
c. !Catholic
d. Islamic
3. The biggest distinction between a eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell is:
a. The overall size
b. !The presence or absence of a nucleus
c. The mode of reproduction
d. The presence or absence of certain organelles
4. Which of the following plastic is commonly used for window frames, gutters and
drain pipes?
a. !Polyvinylchloride PVC
b. Polystyrene PS
c. Polyethylene PE
d. Polypropylene PP
5. What stage of development do the majority of eukaryotic cells remain in for most
of their life?
a. !Interphase
b. Prophase
c. Telophase
d. Stasis
11. In human biology, a circadium rhythm relates to a period of roughly how many
a. 8
b. 16
c. !24
d. 32
12. What are the smallest blood vessels in the human body?
a. Lymphatics
b. !Capillaries
c. Arterioles
d. Veinules
4. quot;Number 16 Bus Shelterquot; was a child039;s name that was approved by the
New Zealand government.
a. False
b. !True
5. How long did it take the motorized window washers of the original World Trade
Center to clean the entire exterior of the building?
a. 2 Months
b. !1 Month
c. 3 Weeks
d. 1 Week
8. Terry Gilliam was an animator that worked with which British comedy group?
a. The Goodieslrm;
b. !Monty Python
c. The League of Gentlemenlrm;
d. The Penny Dreadfuls