Explo Self Assessment 20223-24
Explo Self Assessment 20223-24
Explo Self Assessment 20223-24
Self- Assessment
Name: “I’m just getting “I get some of it.” “I get it.” “I have a sophisticated
started.” “I am beginning to do more “I can do it on my own.” understanding, and go
“I learn best with and more on my own.” beyond what is expected of
help.” me.”
“I can teach it to a friend.”
Prepares -I handled the instruments with
-I can tune my instrument by myself
-I begin each class and activity
with an open mind and attitude.
Collaborates A student meets the bullets below
90% of the time or more:
-I listen and follow instructions
-I work together with my peers
-I support my peers and group
-I respect my peers and group
Participates -I was a willing participant in all
*Note: the ‘learning zone’ can (group performances, solo
be uncomfortable at times. performances, games etc.)
You may feel awkward and -I participated and worked through
unsure of yourself, you may the ‘learning zone’*
make mistakes, etc!
Reveals Using your answers on the reverse
side of this sheet, Mr. Abramzik will
assess your end of course ‘reveal!’
What have you tried now that you hadn’t tried before?
What can you DO now, that you couldn’t do before? Or what have you learned?
What are your strengths in Music/Guitar exploration (what are you best at)?
What are your stretches in Music/Guitar education (what things you are still working to improve)?
Have you acquired a new interest or curiosity? If so, explain. If not, what do you wish we did instead in Music/Guitar? (you can’t just
say more YouTube videos, ha!)