Competence 6 10

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OIC - EW: COMPETENCE 6 Operate Electrical, 9 How is the frequency output of an operating 16 If the voltage and the current

the voltage and the current developed in an

Electronic and Control Systems alternator controlled? AC circuit reach their peak values at the same time
A. relative speed of the rotating magnets (with a phase angle difference of zero), what is the
1 Ammeters and voltmeters used in sinusoidal AC B. number of turns of wire in the armature power factor considered to be?
power systems indicate which of the following coil A. lagging
values of the waveforms measured? C. strength of the magnets used B. leading
A. Peak value D. output voltage C. unity (1.0)
B. Root-mean-square value
C. Average value 10 How is the speed of the propeller shaft directly 17 In a diesel electric plant, raising the generator’s
D. Maximum value coupled to an AC synchronous drive motor changed field excitation current will have what effect on the
when powered by either a dedicated or integrated DC propulsion motor speed?
2 An accidental path of low resistance which by constant frequency alternator in an AC diesel- A. increase in speed
passes the intended resistance and passes an electric drive system? B. decrease in speed
abnormal amount of current is known as what? A. Varying the generator speed C. affect generator speed only
A. polarized ground B. Varying the number of motor poles D. affect main motor speed if done in
B. short circuit ground C. Varying the field strength of the conjunction with higher generator
C. reference point generator engine speeds
D. open circuit D. Varying the output frequency of the
power converter 18 In a logic circuit, what statement is true
3 Besides voltage and frequency, what other factor concerning how the NOR and NAND logic gates
must be the same when alternators are operating 11 How will a molded-case circuit breaker with a function?
in parallel? thermal trip unit react immediately after it has A. Both the NOR and NAND logic gates
A. kilowatt load division tripped, as a result of an overloaded motor circuit? must be used together in a logic circuit
B. amperage load division A. The breaker cannot be reset to the ON and cannot be used individually.
C. reactive load division position until the thermal element cools B. Given the same inputs, the NOR and
D. phases in synchronism down. NAND logic gates are the opposite of
B. The breaker handle will lock in the OFF each other in terms of outputs.
4 By what means is the division of the reactive kVAR position. C. Given the same inputs, the NOR logic
load between paralleled AC generators C. The breaker handle will lock in the gate has the opposite output from the
automatically controlled? TRIPPED position. OR logic gate and similarly the NAND
A. prime mover governors D. The thermal element must be replaced logic gate has the opposite output from
B. voltage regulators after an overload trip has occurred the AND logic gate.
C. phase balance relay before it can be restored into service. D. The NOR and NAND logic gates can be
D. proportioner used interchangeably.
12 Humming or buzzing of electric contacts is a
5 By what mechanism does a reverse-power relay symptom of what condition? 19 In a shunt-wound DC generator, with what
prevent AC generator motorization? A. low voltage on the operating coil generator component are the shunt field windings
A. automatically redirecting the load B. power failure to the operating coil connected in parallel with?
B. automatically speeding up the prime C. a control circuit ground A. the interpoles
mover D. a control circuit overload B. the armature circuit
C. tripping the panel board main switch C. the compensating windings
D. tripping the generator circuit breaker 13 If all three ground-detection lamps continue to D. the series field winding
burn at equal intensity after the test button is
6 Compared to the original wire, what will be the depressed and released, which of the listed 20 In an alternating current circuit, what factor of a
resistance of a replacement wire having twice the conditions is indicated? circuit will cause the inductive reactance to vary?
length and one-half the cross-sectional area of the A. No grounds exist A. resistance ofthe circuit
original? B. All three phases are grounded B. frequency of the circuit
A. four times that of the original wire C. The test switch is faulty T C. voltage of the circuit
B. twice that of the original wire D. the current transformers are shorted out D. current of the circuit
C. the same as that of the original wire
D. one-half that of the original wire 14 If the centrifugal switch or relay used for cutting 21 In an inductive-resistive circuit, what is the unit
out the starting winding of a split-phase induction of measure for power associated with just the
7 Diesel generators #1 and #2 are operating in parallel motor fails to open once the motor is in operation, inductive aspects of the load?
at near full load capacity. Diesel generator #1 suddenly what will be the result? A. kilovolt amps (kVA)
trips out mechanically due to low lube oil pressure. A. the motor will over speed B. kilovolt amps reactive (kVAR)
The reverse power relay functions properly and trips B. the starting winding will burn out C. kilovolts (kV)
generator #1 electrically off the board. Which of the C. the motor will immediately stall under D. kilowatts (kW)
following actions should you carry out FIRST?
A. Start the emergency generator
D. the motor torque will be above normal 22 A capacitor is to be tested with a digital
B. Ascertain cause of the low lube oil
at rated speed multimeter set up to measure ohms. If the meter is
connected to a shorted capacitor, how would the
C. Strip the board of all non vital circuits. 15 If the field current of a paralleled AC generator meter display respond?
D. Secure alarms, reset reverse power relay,
is increased above normal, what will be the net A. immediately display a value of OL which
and restart #1 engine. result to the VAR’s and power factor? remains at OL
A. VAR’s will decrease and the power factor B. immediately display a very low
8 How are AC and DC generators are similar? will be more leading resistance value which remains low
A. They both internally generate
B. VAR’s will increase and the power factor C. immediately display a value of OL with
alternating current voltages. will be more leading the value then continuously dropping to
B. They both rectify the voltage before
C. VAR’s will decrease and the power factor a low value
delivery will be more lagging D. immediately display a very low
C. They both operate at 60 cycles.
D. VAR’s will increase and the power factor resistance with the value then
D. They both supply three- phase power. will be more lagging continuously rising to a value of OL
23 A current-carrying conductor making electrical 29 An insulation resistance test is performed on a 35 D.C. propulsion motor brush pressure depends on
contact with a wiring conduit will be indicated by a particular piece of electric equipment. In addition the brush grade used. In practice with what device is
change on the switchboard from the norm. to the resistance reading and date of test, what the proper brush pressure established?
Assuming that the distribution system is an information listed below should be entered in the A. multi meter
ungrounded system, what will change? electrical log? B. manometer
A. higher switch board wattmeter reading A. The maximum al allowable operating C. spring scale
than normal temperature of the machine. D. compound gauge
B. totally dark switch board ground B. The temperature of the machine at the 36 During discharge of a lead-acid storage battery,
detecting light time the resistance reading was taken. which of the following actions occurs?
C. lower switch board wattmeter reading C. The normal temperature rise of the A. The acid becomes stronger.
than normal machine. B. Both plates change chemically to
D. higher volt meter reading than normal D. The complete name plate data from the ammonium chloride.
resistance test instrument used to obtain C. The acid becomes weaker
24 A single-phase capacitor-start induction motor the reading. D. Hydrogen gas is liberated.
starts, comes up to about 75% rated speed, slows
down to a lower speed, and accelerates again. 30 At high discharge rates, why are nickel-cadmium 37 For what purpose are thermal strip heaters
Where is the problem most likely to be? storage batteries superior to lead-acid batteries? provided in DC main propulsion motors?
A. starting winding A. they require fewer cells for the same A. prevent moisture buildup in windings
B. running winding voltage and less mounting space when motor is idle
C. starting capacitor B. they are able to produce higher voltages B. maintain a relatively constant
D. running centrifugal switch and do not have to be charged as often temperature in the motor enclosure
C. they can be charged and discharged C. prevent the rotor from warping while in
25 A thermal-magnetic circuit breaker for a 300 KW many times without much damage operation
alternator is rated at 500 amperes at full D. they have no individual cells to replace at D. provide an additional means of starting
continuous load. Which of the following conditions the end of useful life resistance
will trip the breaker?
A. Sustained current draw of 450 amperes 31 By what means does a molded-case circuit 38 How are the number of cycles per second
for 2 hours. breaker provides protection against short circuits? developed by the alternator aboard your vessel
B. Sustained current draw of 500 amperes A. use of a magnetic trip unit determined?
for 10 minutes. B. use of a shading coil A. the speed of the engine driving the
C. Momentary current draw of 1000 C. use of an arc quencher alternator
amperes for 3 seconds. D. use of a bimetallic strip B. the resistance applied to the field rheostat
D. Instantaneous current draw of 5,000 C. the synchronous speed of induction
D. the adjustments made to the voltage
amperes. 32 By what means is the rotation of a three-phase
induction motor reversed?
26 According to 46 CFR, Subchapter J(Electrical A. interchanging any two of the three line
39 How is the power factor of an AC generator
Engineering), the type of control circuit logic leads to the stator
operating singularly determined?
associated with auxiliaries vital to the operation of B. disconnecting one of the three line leads
A. the connected load
propulsion equipment, where automatic restart to the stator
B. prime mover speed
after a voltage failure would not create a hazard, is C. switching the shunt field coil leads
C. the ground current
termed what? D. permanently disconnecting any twoof
D. the generator’s rated voltage
A. low voltage protection the three line leads to the stator
B. high amperage protection
40 How many possible states does a binary logic
C. low voltage release 33 Compared to conventional alternators,
circuit have?
D. high amperage release brushless alternators are designed to operate
A. One
without the use of what?
B. Two
27 An AC generator produces 60 Hz at1800 RPM. If A. slip rings and commutators
C. Three
the generator speed is increased to 1830 RPM, B. exciters
D. Four
what will happen to the frequency in Hz? C. voltage regulators
A. decrease to 59 Hz D. rectifiers
41 How would a DC ammeter designed to directly
B. remain at 60 Hz
measure current be connected?
C. increase to 61 Hz 34 Consider a series circuit employing two resistors.
A. in series with a circuit
D. increase to 63 Hz What is true about the resistance value of the
B. in parallel with a circuit
second resistor compared to the first when the
C. with internal shunts only
28 An electro-magnetic relay is most commonly voltage drop across the first resistor is one half the
D. without regard to polarity
used for what purpose? source voltage?
A. provide inductive power to a circuit A. the second resistor has a resistance
42 If a DC motor runs faster than designed, with all
B. remotely open and close contacts by value equal to that of the first
other conditions being normal, what could be the
action of a coil B. the second resistor has a resistance
possible cause?
C. provide transformer secondary winding value that is half ofthe first
A. open shunt field coil
over current protection C. the second resistor has a resistance
B. open armature coil
D. provide capacitance to a circuit value double that of the first
C. reversed commutating pole
D. the second resistor has a resistance
D. overload
value relative to that of the first which
cannot be determined
43 If a magnetic controller relay fails to drop out
when the coil voltage is removed from the relay,
what is the probable cause?
A. excessive spring tension
B. over voltage
C. excessive current
D. welded contacts
44 If an unloaded DC compound motor’s shunt field 52 A circuit that has a conductor in electrical 59 According to the 46 CFR, Subchapter J (Electrical
were weakened by excessive rheostat resistance or contact with the hull of a ship is called what? Engineering) requires which ofthe listed features to
by an open circuit, how would the motor respond? A. grounded circuit open the power circuit to a motor due to low
A. over speed due to reduced CEMF B. short circuit voltage and re-close automatically when the
B. stop because of low flux C. series circuit voltage is restored to normal?
C. continue to run at base speed D. closed circuit A. Low voltage protection
D. slow down and overheat B. 6 volt non-renewable link fuse
53 A generator has been exposed to water and C. 12 volt renewable link fuse
45 If many turns of an alternating current coil for a needs to be checked before it can be operated D. Low voltage release
contactor become short circuited, what will happen safely. After performing the necessary procedures
to the coil? for drying the generator, what test needs to be 60 An AC generator operating in parallel loses its
A. it will have a higher resistance value performed before safe operation can resume? excitation without tripping the circuit breaker.
B. it will probably burnout immediately A. check for shorted coils with a growler What will be the result?
C. it will operate on reduced current B. take moisture readings with a A. It will not affect the faulty generator due
D. it will experience a temperature will drop hydrometer to the compensation of the other
C. test insulation values with a megger generators.
D. ground the commutator, or slip rings and B. It will cause the slip rings to melt.
46 If the excitation of an alternator operating in run it at half load for 12 hours C. It will increase the output amperage
parallel is decreased below normal and the other between the armature and the bus.
above normal, what will be the result on the 54 A main switchboard for an AC electrical D. It will cause high currents to be induced
alternator with the excitation decreased below distribution system is different from a main in the field and stator windings.
normal? switchboard for a DC distribution system in that it
A. power factor will change in the lagging will be provided with which of the following 61 An accidental ground in a motor can be defined
direction meters? as an electrical connection between the wiring of
B. power factor will change in the leading A. Frequency meter the motor and what other aspect of the motor
direction B. Ammeter installation?
C. ampere load will be greatly increased C. Voltmeter A. supply fuses
D. kilowatt load will be greatly decreased D. Kilowatt meter B. circuit breaker
C. metal framework
47 Impressed current cathodic hull protection 55 A single-phase split-phase induction motor will D. contactor
systems are commonly used on modern vessels. only start if you spin the rotor rapidly with the line
What are these systems designed to replace or switch closed. After starting, its speed fluctuates 62 An accidental path oflow resistance by passing
reduce? between very slow and half speed. What motor the intended path and allowing passage of an
A. electroplating of the hull component most likely is faulty? abnormally high amount of current is known as
B. repeated painting of the hull A. starting winding what?
C. sacrificial zinc anodes B. centrifugal mechanism A. open circuit
D. vacuum tube degaussing systems C. centrifugal switch B. short circuit
D. running winding C. polarized ground
48 In a logic circuit, how does a NOT gate function? D. ground reference point
A. it does not alter the input logic condition 56 An electrical connection between the wiring of
B. it serves to amplify a given signal level an electric motor and its metal frame is known as 63 An increase in which of the listed conditions will
C. it serves to attenuate a given signal level what? increase the speed of a synchronous electric
D. it reverses the input logic condition A. eddy current motor?
B. ground A. Frequency
49 In a three-phase, wye-wye connected C. impedance B. Voltage
transformer, what is the relationship between line D. flux leakage C. Armature current
current and phase current? D. Inductance
A. the line current is equal to the phase 57 A voltage amplifier has a calculated voltage gain
current of 10. Which statement correctly states the gain? 64 As load is added to an AC generator provided
B. the line current is three times the phase A. If the input changes 1 volt, the output with constant field excitation, the prime mover
current changes 10 volts. slows down. What immediate effect will this have
C. the line current is equal to the sum of B. If the input changes 5 volts, the output on frequency and voltage?
any two phase currents changes1/2 volt. A. lowering frequency and lowering
D. the line current is equal to the difference C. If the input changes 5 volts, the output generated voltage
of any two phase currents changes 15 volts. B. increasing frequency and increasing
D. If the input changes 10 volts, the output generated voltage
50 In the flow of one cycle of single phase alternating changes25 volts. C. increasing frequency and lowering
current past any given point in a circuit, how many generated voltage
times will the current peak to a maximum? 58 AC circuits can possess characteristics of D. lowering frequency and increasing
A. one time resistance, inductance, and capacitance. In terms generated voltage
B. two times of units of measure, how is the capacitive reactance
C. three times of the circuit expressed? 65 Besides voltage regulation, what is a function of
D. four times A. ohms the voltage regulators used with AC generators?
B. mhos A. To cut out generators when they are no
51 A capacitive AC circuit has fixed capacitors C. henrys longer required.
connected in series. If the line voltage remains
D. farads B. To cut in additional generators
constant, what factor can allow the capacitive
automatically as required.
reactance of the circuit to be varied?
C. To divide the kW load equally between
A. line frequency
B. resistance of the capacitors generators operating in parallel.
C. order of the capacitors D. To divide the kVAR load equally between
D. polarity of the capacitors generators operating in parallel.
66 By what means is a constant output voltage from 74 DC generator circuits are protected against 81 How is the full-load (rated) torque of an
an AC generator maintained? malfunctions due to prime mover power loss by the induction motor defined?
A. prime mover governor use of what device (or devices)? a. minimum torque developed by the
B. exciter generator A. main bus disconnect links motor accelerating from rest to the
C. voltage regulator B. a separate battery backup speed at which breakdown torque
D. reverse power relay C. reverse current relays occurs
D. reverse power relays b. torque developed by the motor
67 By what means is the frequency of an alternator operating at rated horsepower, speed,
adjusted from the main switchboard? 75 Due to the operating characteristics of the and frequency
A. frequency meter system, time lag fuses (or dual- element fuses) are c. maximum torque developed by an
B. voltage regulator necessary for use in what types of circuits? overloaded motor with rated voltage
C. governor control A. main lighting circuits and frequency with appreciable drop in
D. sychroscope switch B. motor starting circuit speed
C. emergency lighting circuits d. torque developed by the motor at the
68 By what means is the voltage of an operating AC D. general alarm circuits instant voltage is applied to the motor at
turbo generator raised or lowered? startup
A. exciter generator governor controls 76 Electrical wire in general, when used aboard
B. synchronizing switch vessels must meet minimum requirements. Which 82 How is the output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz,
C. phase sequence switch of the following statements is/are correct? AC generator controlled?
D. generator field exciter A. Each wire must be14 AWG or larger, a. varying the prime mover speed
regardless of locations and use. b. varying the strength of the excitation
69 Capacitance is the property of an electric circuit B. Wire must be of the stranded copper field
opposing a change in what value of a circuit? type. c. varying the load on the alternator
A. current in the circuit C. Wire must be of the solid copper type. d. varying the number of poles
B. voltage in the circuit D. Wire need not be in an enclosure nor e.
C. inductance in the circuit component insulated. 83 How is the rated temperature rise of an electric
D. resistance in the circuit motor defined?
77 How are AC and DC generators are similar? a. average temperature at any given
70 Capacitors can be used in electric distribution A. They both internally generate latitude
systems to improve power factor. This is alternating current voltages. b. normal temperature rise above the
accomplished by seesawing energy between the B. They both rectify the current before standard ambient temperature at rated
capacitor and what device or devices? delivery. load
A. generator C. They are both constructed at the same c. average temperature rise due to
B. inductive loads physical size for the same kilowatt rating. resistance at 10% overload
C. resistive loads D. They both internally produce three- d. permissible difference in the ambient
D. capacitive loads phase power. temperature of the motor due to existing
weather conditions
71 Compared to the fuse being replaced, what 78 How are fuses rated?
should be the characteristic of the replacement A. voltage and amperage only 84 How many cells are within a twelve volt lead acid
fuse for a fuse that blows often? B. amperage only battery?
A. the recommended current and voltage C. interrupting capacity only a. one cell
rating D. voltage, amperage, and interrupting b. three cells
B. higher current and voltage rating than capacity c. six cells
the fuse being replaced d. twelve cells
C. higher current and lower voltage rating 79 How are the field windings of a DC shunt
than the fuse being replaced generator connected? 85 How should the shunt of a DC ammeter be
D. lower current and higher voltage rating A. in series with the series windings connected?
than the fuse being replaced B. in parallel with the field rheostat A. in series with the load and in parallel
C. in series with the armature windings with the meter movement
72 Consider a series circuit employing two resistors. D. in parallel with the armature windings B. in parallel with the load and in series
What is true about the resistance value of the second with the meter movement in parallel
resistor compared to the first when the voltage drop 80 How are the line losses in a distribution circuit with the load and
across the first resistor is one halfthe source voltage? kept to a minimum? C. in parallel with the meter movement in
A. the second resistor has a resistance value A. adding rubber insulation conductors to series with the load and
equal to that of the first the circuit D. in series with the meter movement
B. the second resistor has a resistance value B. using higher current and lower voltage
that is half of the first
C. increasing the number of thermal relays 86 How will the value of the output frequency
C. the second resistor has a resistance value
in the circuit change if the load is removed from a turbo
double that of the first
D. using higher voltage and lower current generator having a governor speed droop setting of
D. the second resistor has a resistance value
relative to that of the first which cannot be 3%?
determined A. It will remain unchanged
B. It will decrease by approximately 3%.
73 Consider a three-phase squirrel cage induction C. It will become variable.
motor rated at 450 VAC and60 Hz. What would D. It will increase.
happen to the motor if the line frequency dropped
from the normally supplied 60 Hz to 55 Hz and the 87 How would you increase the frequency of an
voltage remained normal at 450 VAC. operating AC generator?
A. run at a slower speed A. increase the field excitation
B. operate at a lower current B. decrease the field excitation
C. vibrate excessively C. increase the number of magnetic poles
D. trip off the line D. increase the speed of the prime mover
88 Hysteresis is one cause of electrical power loss 95 If you hear a loud buzzing noise coming from a 102 In addition to testing the calibration of a circuit
associated with electricity generation equipment. magnetic motor controller, what should you do? breaker, what additional maintenance should be
What phenomenon results in hysteresis? A. assume that the motor is operating at a routinely performed?
A. arcing at the brushes full load A. changing out of magnetic elements
B. pulsating terminal current B. assume that the controller is operating yearly as appropriate
C. heat generated by magnetic polarity normally B. changing out of bimetallic elements
reversals C. notify the electrician or watch engineer yearly as appropriate
D. excessive field current of the problem C. performing an external visual inspection
D. feel the outside of the casing with your D. complete disassembly to perform an
89 If a magnetic controller contact fails to pick up hand to see if it is hot internal inspection
when the operating coil is energized, what could be
one possible cause? 96 In a basic AC induction motor, by what means 103 In an impressed current cathodic protection
A. low spring pressure are rotor currents induced in the rotor? system, concerning the anodes associated with the
B. low applied voltage to the coil A. a bridge rectifier hull, what statement is true?
C. residual magnetism of the contact faces B. an armature and brushes A. The anodes are connected to the hull
D. dirty contact faces C. magnetically by the rotating stator field and waste away with time.
90 If a short circuit in the armature of a DC motor D. external variable resistors B. The anodes are insulated from the hull
occurs what would be the result? and do not waste away with time.
A. run fast 97 In a dual element time-delay cartridge-type C. The anodes are connected to the hull
B. hum when energized fuse, what type of protection is provided for motor and do not waste away with time.
C. spark at the brushes applications? D. The anodes are insulated from the hull
D. fail to start A. short-circuit protection using a fusible and waste away with time.
link only
91 If an electric motor fails to start, what should B. sustained overload protection using a 104 In general, why are nickel-cadmium storage
you check FIRST? spring loaded soldered joint only batteries superior to lead-acid batteries?
A. phase sequence C. short-circuit protection using a spring A. they put out higher voltages and require
B. motor winding loaded soldered joint AND sustained no maintenance
C. resistances fuses or circuit breaker as overload protection using a fusible link B. they can remain idle and keep a full
applicable D. short-circuit protection using a fusible charge for a long time
D. line frequency link AND sustained overload protection C. they need fewer cells in series and use
using a spring loaded soldered joint less mounting space
92 If field excitation is suddenly lost to an alternator D. they are less costly to replace
operating in parallel with another alternator, what 98 In a rectified DC diesel electric plant, raising the
will happen to the alternator that has experienced AC generator’s field excitation current will have
a loss of field excitation? what effect on the DC propulsion motor?
A. It will supply excessive current to the A. increase in speed
bus. B. decrease in speed
B. It will operate at the same load, but with C. operate with a lower power factor
reduced voltage. D. operate with a higher power factor
C. It will lose its load and tend to over
speed. 99 In a series circuit what is the total applied
D. It will become overloaded and slow voltage equal to?
down. A. the sum of the individual voltage drops
B. the total resistance divided by the total
93 If the contacts of a motor starter or controller current
fail to drop out when the ’stop’ button is depressed, C. the sum of the individual currents
what could be the cause? multiplied by the number of resistors
A. stop contacts are carrying insufficient D. the total current divided by the total
current resistance
B. stop contacts have become welded
together 100 In a short-shunt cumulatively compound
C. starter shading coil is broken wound DC motor, how is the shunt field connected?
D. starter shading coil is loose A. in parallel with the armature
B. in parallel with the armature and series
94 If the field excitation is increased to one of two field
alternators operating in parallel and decreased on C. in series with the armature
the other, what will be the result on the alternator D. in series with the armature and series
with the field excitation increased? field
A. the power factor will change in the
lagging direction 101 In a single element cartridge-type fuse, what
B. the power factor will change in the type of protection is provided for lighting and
leading direction general power applications?
C. the kilowatt load will be greatly A. sustained overload protection using a
increased fusible link
D. the ampere load will be greatly B. sustained overload protection using a
decreased spring loaded soldered joint
C. short-circuit protection using a fusible
D. short-circuit protection using a spring
loaded soldered joint
OIC - EW: COMPETENCE 7 Maintenance and Repair 8 How is the speed of the propeller shaft directly 16 A single-phase capacitor-start induction motor
of Electronic and Electrical Equipment coupled to an AC synchronous drive motor changed starts, comes up to about 75% rated speed, slows
when powered by either a dedicated or integrated down to a lower speed, and accelerates again.
1 An electro-magnetic relay is most commonly used constant frequency alternator in an AC diesel- Where is the problem most likely to be?
for what purpose? electric drive system? A. starting winding
A. provide inductive power to a circuit A. Varying the generator speed B. running winding
B. remotely open and close contacts by B. Varying the number of motor poles C. starting capacitor
action of a coil C. Varying the field strength of the D. running centrifugal switch
C. provide transformer secondary winding generator
over current protection D. Varying the output frequency of the 17 A voltage amplifier has a calculated voltage gain
D. provide capacitance to a circuit power converter of 10. Which statement correctly states the gain?
A. If the input changes 1 volt, the output
2 As load is added to an AC generator provided with 9 How would a DC ammeter designed to directly changes 10 volts.
constant field excitation, the prime mover slows measure current be connected? B. If the input changes 5 volts, the output
down. What immediate effect will this have on A. in series with a circuit changes1/2 volt.
frequency and voltage? B. in parallel with a circuit C. If the input changes 5 volts, the output
A. lowering frequency and lowering C. with internal shunts only changes 15 volts.
generated voltage D. without regard to polarity D. If the input changes 10 volts, the output
B. lowering frequency and lowering changes25 volts.
generated voltage 10 If a magnetic controller contact fails to pick up
C. increasing frequency and lowering when the operating coil is energized, what could be 18 According to 46 CFR, Subchapter J(Electrical
generated voltage one possible cause? Engineering), the type of control circuit logic
D. lowering frequency and increasing A. low spring pressure associated with auxiliaries vital to the operation of
generated voltage B. low applied voltage to the coil propulsion equipment, where automatic restart
C. residual magnetism of the contact faces after a voltage failure would not create a hazard, is
3 By what means is the division of the reactive kVAR D. dirty contact faces termed what?
load between paralleled AC generators A. low voltage protection
automatically controlled? 11 If many turns of an alternating current coil for a B. high amperage protection
A. prime mover governors contactor become short circuited, what will happen C. low voltage release
B. voltage regulators to the coil? D. high amperage release
C. phase balance relay A. it will have a higher resistance value
D. proportioner B. it will probably burnout immediately 19 An AC generator produces 60 Hz at1800 RPM. If
C. it will operate on reduced current the generator speed is increased to 1830 RPM,
4 Compared to the fuse being replaced, what D. it will experience a temperature will drop what will happen to the frequency in Hz?
should be the characteristic ofthe replacement fuse A. decrease to 59 Hz
for a fuse that blows often? 12 If you hear a loud buzzing noise coming from a B. remain at 60 Hz
A. the recommended current and voltage magnetic motor controller, what should you do? C. increase to 61 Hz
rating A. assume that the motor is operating at a D. increase to 63 Hz
B. higher current and voltage rating than full load
the fuse being replaced B. assume that the controller is operating 20 An accidental path oflow resistance by passing
C. higher current and lower voltage rating normally the intended path and allowing passage of an
than the fuse being replaced C. notify the electrician or watch engineer abnormally high amount of current is known as
D. lower current and higher voltage rating of the problem what?
than the fuse being replaced D. feel the outside of the casing with your A. open circuit
hand to see if it is hot B. short circuit
5 Consider a three-phase squirrel cage induction C. polarized ground
motor rated at 450 VAC and60 Hz. What would 13 In a logic circuit, how does a NOT gate function? D. ground reference point
happen to the motor if the line frequency dropped A. it does not alter the input logic condition
from the normally supplied 60 Hz to 55 Hz and the B. it serves to amplify a given signal level 21 Besides voltage and frequency, what other
voltage remained normal at 450 VAC. C. it serves to attenuate a given signal level factor must be the same when alternators are
A. run at a slower speed D. it reverses the input logic condition operating in parallel?
B. operate at a lower current A. kilowatt load division
C. vibrate excessively 14 In a shunt-wound DC generator, with what B. amperage load division
D. trip of fthe line generator component are the shunt field windings C. reactive load division
connected in parallel with? D. phases in synchronism
6 For what purpose are thermal strip heaters provided A. the interpoles
in DC main propulsion motors? B. the armature circuit 22 By what means is the voltage of an operating AC
A. prevent moisture buildup in windings when C. the compensating windings turbo generator raised or lowered?
motor is idle D. the series field winding A. exciter generator governor controls
B. maintain a relatively constant temperature B. synchronizing switch
in the motor enclosure 15 In an inductive-resistive circuit, what is the unit C. phase sequence switch
C. prevent the rotor from warping while in of measure for power associated with just the D. generator field exciter
inductive aspects of the load?
D. provide an additional means of starting
A. kilovolt amps (kVA) 23 Capacitors can be used in electric distribution
B. kilovolt amps reactive (kVAR) systems to improve power factor. This is
C. kilovolts (kV) accomplished by seesawing energy between the
7 How is the frequency output of an operating
D. kilowatts (kW) capacitor and what device or devices?
alternator controlled?
A. relative speed of the rotating magnets A. generator
B. number of turns of wire in the armature B. inductive loads
coil C. resistive loads
C. strength of the magnets used D. capacitive loads
D. output voltage
24 Consider a series circuit employing two resistors. 31 How is the rated temperature rise of an electric 39 If the field excitation is increased to one of two
What is true about the resistance value of the second motor defined? alternators operating in parallel and decreased on
resistor compared to the first when the voltage drop A. average temperature at any given the other, what will be the result on the alternator
across the first resistor is one half the source voltage? latitude with the field excitation increased?
A. the second resistor has a resistance value B. normal temperature rise above the A. the power factor will change in the
equal to that of the first standard ambient temperature at rated lagging direction
B. the second resistor has a resistance value
load B. the power factor will change in the
that is half of the first
C. average temperature rise due to leading direction
C. the second resistor has a resistance value
resistance at 10% overload C. the kilowatt load will be greatly
double that of the first
D. the second resistor has a resistance value D. permissible difference in the ambient increased
relative to that of the first which cannot be temperature of the motor due to existing D. the ampere load will be greatly
determined weather conditions decreased

25 DC generator circuits are protected against 32 How many possible states does a binary logic 40 In a basic AC induction motor, by what means
malfunctions due to prime mover power loss by the circuit have? are rotor currents induced in the rotor?
use of what device (or devices)? A. One A. a bridge rectifier
A. main bus disconnect links B. Two B. an armature and brushes
B. a separate battery backup C. Three C. magnetically by the rotating stator field
C. reverse current relays D. Four D. external variable resistors
D. reverse power relays
33 How will the value of the output frequency 41 In a dual element time-delay cartridge-type
26 Due to the operating characteristics of the change if the load is removed from a turbo fuse, what type of protection is provided for motor
system, time lag fuses (or dual-element fuses) are generator having a governor speed droop setting of applications?
necessary for use in what types of circuits? 3%? A. short-circuit protection using a fusible
A. main lighting circuits A. It will remain unchanged link only
B. motor starting circuit B. It will decrease by approximately 3%. B. sustained overload protection using a
C. emergency lighting circuits C. It will become variable. spring loaded soldered joint only
D. general alarm circuits D. It will increase. C. short-circuit protection using a spring
loaded soldered joint AND sustained
27 Electrical wire in general, when used aboard 34 Humming or buzzing of electric contacts is a overload protection using a fusible link
vessels must meet minimum requirements. Which symptom of what condition? D. short-circuit protection using a fusible
of the following statements is/are correct? A. low voltage on the operating coil link AND sustained overload protection
A. Each wire must be14 AWG or larger, B. power failure to the operating coil using a spring loaded soldered joint
regardless of locations and use. C. a control circuit ground
B. Wire must be of the stranded copper D. a control circuit overload 42 In a short-shunt cumulatively compound wound
type. DC motor, how is the shuntfield connected?
C. Wire must be of the solid copper type. 35 If a short circuit in the armature of a DC motor A. in parallel with the armature
D. Wire need not be in an enclosure nor occurs what would be the result? B. in parallel with the armature and series
component insulated. A. run fast field
B. hum when energized C. in series with the armature
C. spark at the brushes D. in series with the armature and series
28 How are AC and DC generators are similar? D. fail to start field
A. They both internally generate
alternating current voltages. 36 If an electric motor fails to start, what should 43 In a three-phase, wye-wye connected
B. They both rectify the voltage before you check FIRST? transformer, what is the relationship between line
delivery A. phase sequence current and phase current?
C. They both operate eat 60 cycles. B. motor winding resistances A. the line current is equal to the phase
D. They both supply three- phase power. C. fuses or circuit breaker as applicable current
D. line frequency B. the line current is three times the phase
29 How are the line losses in a distribution circuit current
kept to a minimum? 37 If field excitation is suddenly lost to an alternator C. the line current is equal to the sum of
A. adding rubber insulation conductors to operating in parallel with another alternator, what any two phase currents
the circuit will happen to the alternator that has experienced D. the line current is equal to the difference
B. using higher current and lower voltage a loss of field excitation? of any two phase currents
C. increasing the number of thermal relays A. It will supply excessive current to the
in the circuit bus. 44 In an impressed current cathodic protection
D. using higher voltage and lower current B. It will operate at the same load, but with system, concerning the anodes associated with the
reduced voltage. hull, what statement is true?
30 How is the full-load (rated) torque of an induction C. It will lose its load and tend to over The anodes are connected to the hull and waste
motor defined? speed. away with time.
A. minimum torque developed by the motor D. It will become overloaded and slow A. The anodes are insulated from the hull
accelerating from rest to the speed at down. and do not waste away with time.
which breakdown torque occurs B. The anodes are connected to the hull
B. torque developed by the motor operating 38 If the contacts of a motor starter or controller and do not waste away with time.
at rated horsepower, speed, and frequency fail to drop out when the ’stop’ button is depressed, C. The anodes are insulated from the hull
C. maximum torque developed by an what could be the cause? and waste away with time.
overloaded motor with rated voltage and A. stop contacts are carrying insufficient
frequency with appreciable drop in speed current
D. torque developed by the motor at the
B. stop contacts have become welded
instant voltage is applied to the motor at
C. starter shading coil is broken
D. starter shading coil is loose
45 In the flow of one cycle of single phase 52 By what means is the rotation of a three-phase 59 An insulation resistance test is performed on a
alternating current past any given point in a circuit, induction motor reversed? particular piece of electric equipment. In addition
how many times will the current peak to a A. interchanging any two of the three line to the resistance reading and date oftest, what
maximum? leads to the stator information listed below should be entered in the
A. one time B. disconnecting one of the three line leads electrical log?
B. two times to the stator A. The maximum al allowable operating
C. three times C. switching the shunt field coil leads temperature of the machine.
D. four times D. permanently disconnecting any two of B. The temperature of the machine at the
the three line leads to the stator time the resistance reading was taken.
46 A main switchboard for an AC electrical C. The normal temperature rise of the
distribution system is different from a main 53 How many cells are within a twelve volt lead acid machine.
switchboard for a DC distribution system in that it battery? D. The complete name plate data from the
will be provided with which of the following A. one cell resistance test instrument used to obtain
meters? B. three cells the reading.
A. Frequency meter C. six cells
B. Ammeter D. twelve cells 60 At high discharge rates, why are nickel-cadmium
C. Voltmeter storage batteries superior to lead-acid batteries?
D. Kilowatt meter 54 According to the 46 CFR, Subchapter J (Electrical A. they require fewer cells for the same
Engineering) requires which ofthe listed features to voltage and less mounting space
47 A single-phase split-phase induction motor will open the power circuit to a motor due to low B. they are able to produce higher voltages
only start if you spin the rotor rapidly with the line voltage and re-close automatically when the and do not have to be charged as often
switch closed. After starting, its speed fluctuates voltage is restored to normal? C. they can be charged and discharged
between very slow and halfspeed. What motor A. Low voltage protection many times without much damage
component most likely is faulty? B. 6 volt non-renewable link fuse D. they have no individual cells to replace at
A. starting winding C. 12 volt renewable link fuse the end of useful life
B. centrifugal mechanism D. Low voltage release
C. centrifugal switch 61 Besides voltage regulation, what is a function of
D. running winding 55 An AC generator operating in parallel loses its the voltage regulators used with AC generators?
excitation without tripping the circuit breaker. A. To cut out generators when they are no
48 A thermal-magnetic circuit breaker for a 300 KW What will be the result? longer required.
alternator is rated at 500 amperes at full A. It will not affect the faulty generator due B. To cut in additional generators
continuous load. Which of the following conditions to the compensation of the other automatically as required.
will trip the breaker? generators. C. To divide the kW load equally between
A. Sustained current draw of 450 amperes B. It will cause the slip rings to melt. It will generators operating in parallel.
for 2 hours. increase the output amperage between D. To divide the kVAR load equally between
B. Sustained current draw of 500 amperes the armature and the bus. generators operating in parallel.
for 10 minutes. C. It will cause high currents to be induced
C. Momentary current draw of 1000 in the field and stator windings. 62 By what means does a molded-case circuit
amperes for 3 seconds. breaker provides protection against short circuits?
D. Instantaneous current draw of 5,000 56 An accidental ground in a motor can be defined A. use of a magnetic trip unit
amperes. as an electrical connection between the wiring of B. use of a shading coil
the motor and what other aspect of the motor C. use of an arc quencher
49 AC circuits can possess characteristics of installation? D. use of a bimetallic strip
resistance, inductance, and capacitance. In terms A. supply fuses
of units of measure, how is the capacitive reactance B. circuit breaker 63 By what means is a constant output voltage from
of the circuit expressed? C. metal framework an AC generator maintained?
A. ohms D. contactor A. prime mover governor
B. mhos B. exciter generator
C. henrys 57 An accidental path oflow resistance which by C. voltage regulator
D. farads passes the intended resistance and passes an D. reverse power relay
abnormal amount of current is known as what?
50 Ammeters and voltmeters used in sinusoidal AC A. polarized ground 64 By what means is the frequency of an alternator
power systems indicate which ofthe following B. short circuit adjusted from the main switchboard?
values ofthe waveforms measured? C. ground reference point A. frequency meter
A. Peak value D. open circuit B. voltage regulator
B. Root-mean-square value C. governor control
C. Average value 58 An increase in which of the listed conditions will D. sychroscope switch
D. Maximum value increase the speed of a synchronous electric
motor? 65 By what mechanism does a reverse-power relay
51 An electrical connection between the wiring of A. Frequency prevent AC generator motorization?
an electric motor and its metal frame is known as B. Voltage A. automatically redirecting the load
what? C. Armature current B. automatically speeding up the prime
A. eddy current D. Inductance mover
B. ground C. tripping the panel board main switch
C. impedance D. tripping the generator circuit breaker
D. flux leakage
66 Capacitance is the property of an electric circuit
opposing a change in what value of a circuit?
A. current in the circuit
B. voltage in the circuit
C. inductance in the circuit
D. resistance in the circuit
67 Compared to conventional alternators, 74 How are fuses rated? 82 Hysteresis is one cause of electrical power loss
brushless alternators are designed to operate A. voltage and amperage only associated with electricity generation equipment.
without the use of what? B. amperage only What phenomenon results in hysteresis?
A. slip rings and commutators C. interrupting capacity only A. arcing at the brushes
B. exciters D. voltage, amperage, and interrupting B. pulsating terminal current
C. voltage regulators capacity C. heat generated by magnetic polarity
D. rectifiers reversals
75 How are the field windings of a DC shunt D. excessive field current
68 Compared to the original wire, what will be the generator connected?
resistance of a replacement wire having twice the A. in series with the series windings 83 If a DC motor runs faster than designed, with all
length and one-halfthe cross-sectional area of the B. in parallel with the field rheostat other conditions being normal, what could be the
original? C. in series with the armature windings possible cause?
A. four times that of the original wire D. in parallel with the armature windings A. open shunt field coil
B. twice that of the original wire B. open armature coil
C. the same as that of the original wire 76 How are the number of cycles per second C. reversed commutating pole
D. one-half that of the original wire developed by the alternator aboard your vessel D. overload.
69 Consider a series circuit employing two resistors. A. the speed of the engine driving the 84 If a magnetic controller relay fails to drop out
What is true about the resistance value of the alternator when the coil voltage is removed from the relay,
second resistor compared to the first when the B. the resistance applied to the field what is the probable cause?
voltage drop across the first resistor is one halfthe rheostat A. excessive spring
source voltage? C. the synchronous speed of induction B. tension over voltage
A. the second resistor has a resistance D. the adjustments made to the voltage C. excessive current
value equal to that of the first regulator D. welded contacts
B. the second resistor has a resistance
value that is half of the first 77 How is the output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, 85 If all three ground-detection lamps continue to
C. the second resistor has a resistance AC generator controlled? burn at equal intensity after the test button is
value double that of the first varying the prime mover speed depressed and released, which of the listed
D. the second resistor has a resistance varying the strength ofthe excitation field conditions is indicated?
value relative to that of the first which varying the load on the alternator A. No grounds exist
cannot be determined varying the number of poles B. All three phases are grounded
C. The test switch is faulty
70 D.C. propulsion motor brush pressure depends 78 How is the power factor of an AC generator D. The current transformers are shorted
on the brush grade used. In practice with what operating singularly determined? out
device is the proper brush pressure established? A. the connected load
A. multi meter B. prime mover speed 86 If an unloaded DC compound motor’s shunt field
B. manometer C. the ground current were weakened by excessive rheostat resistance or
C. spring scale D. the generator’s rated voltage by an open circuit, how would the motor respond?
D. compound gauge A. over speed due to reduced CEMF
79 How should the shunt of a DC ammeter be B. stop because of low flux
71 Diesel generators #1 and #2 are operating in connected? C. continue to run at base speed
parallel at near full load capacity. Diesel generator A. in series with the load and in parallel D. slow down and overheat
#1 suddenly trips out mechanically due to low lube with the meter movement 87 If the centrifugal switch or relay used for cutting
oil pressure. The reverse power relay functions B. in parallel with the load and in series out the starting winding of a split-phase induction
properly and trips generator #1 electrically off the with the meter movement motor fails to open once the motor is in operation,
board. Which of the following actions should you C. in parallel with the load and in parallel what will be the result?
carry out FIRST? with the meter movement A. the motor will over speed
A. Start the emergency generator D. in series with the load and in series with B. the starting winding will burn out
B. Ascertain cause of the low lube oil the meter movement C. the motor will immediately stall under
pressure. load
C. Strip the board of all non vital circuits. 80 How will a molded-case circuit breaker with a D. the motor torque will be above normal
D. Secure alarms, reset reverse power relay, thermal trip unit react immediately after it has at rated speed
and restart #1 engine. tripped, as a result of an overloaded motor circuit?
A. The breaker cannot be reset to the ON 88 If the excitation of an alternator operating in
72 During discharge of a lead-acid storage battery, position until the thermal element cools parallel is decreased below normal and the other
which of the following actions occurs? down. above normal, what will be the result on the
A. The acid becomes stronger. B. The breaker handle will lock in the OFF alternator with the excitation decreased below
B. Both plates change chemically to position. normal?
ammonium chloride. C. The breaker handle will lock in the A. power factor will change in the lagging
C. The acid becomes weaker TRIPPED position. direction
D. Hydrogen gas is liberated. D. The thermal element must be replaced B. power factor will change in the leading
after an overload trip has occurred direction
73 How are AC and DC generators are similar? before it can be restored into service. C. ampere load will be greatly increased
A. They both internally generate D. kilowatt load will be greatly decreased
alternating current voltages. 81 How would you increase the frequency of an
B. They both rectify the current before operating AC generator?
delivery. A. increase the field excitation
C. They are both constructed at the same B. decrease the field excitation
physical size for the same kilowatt rating. C. increase the number of magnetic poles
D. They both internally produce three- D. increase the speed of the prime mover
phase power.
89 If the field current of a paralleled AC generator 95 In a series circuit what is the total applied
is increased above normal, what will be the net voltage equal to?
result to the VAR’s and power factor? A. the sum of the individual voltage drops
A. VAR’s will decrease and the power factor B. the total resistance divided by the total
will be more leading current
B. VAR’s will increase and the power factor C. the sum of the individual currents
will be more leading multiplied by the number of resistors
C. VAR’s will decrease and the power factor D. the total current divided by the total
will be more lagging resistance
D. VAR’s will increase and the power factor
will be more lagging 96 In a single element cartridge-type fuse, what
type of protection is provided for lighting and
90 If the voltage and the current developed in an general power applications?
AC circuit reach their peak values at the same time A. sustained overload protection using a
(with a phase angle difference of zero), what is the fusible link
power factor considered to be? B. sustained overload protection using a
A. lagging spring loaded soldered joint
B. leading C. short-circuit protection using a fusible
C. unity (1.0) link
D. infinity D. short-circuit protection using a spring
loaded soldered joint
91 Impressed current cathodic hull protection
systems are commonly used on modern vessels. 97 In addition to testing the calibration of a circuit
What are these systems designed to replace or breaker, what additional maintenance should be
reduce? routinely performed?
A. electroplating of the hull A. changing out of magnetic elements
B. repeated painting of the hull yearly as appropriate
C. sacrificial zinc anodes B. changing out of bimetallic elements
D. vacuum tube degaussing systems yearly as appropriate
C. performing an external visual inspection
92 In a diesel electric plant, raising the generator’s D. complete disassembly to perform an
field excitation current will have what effect on the internal inspection
DC propulsion motor speed?
A. increase in speed 98 In an alternating current circuit, what factor of a
B. decrease in speed circuit will cause the inductive reactance to vary?
C. affect generator speed only A. resistance of the circuit
D. affect main motor speed if done in B. frequency of the circuit
conjunction with higher generator C. voltage of the circuit
engine speeds D. current of the circuit

93 In a logic circuit, what statement is true 99 In general, why are nickel-cadmium storage
concerning how the NOR and NAND logic gates batteries superior to lead-acid batteries?
function? A. they put out higher voltages and require
A. Both the NOR and NAND logic gates no maintenance
must be used together in a logic circuit B. they can remain idle and keep a full
and cannot be used individually. charge for a long time
B. Given the same inputs, the NOR and C. they need fewer cells in series and use
NAND logic gates are the opposite of less mounting space
each other in terms of outputs. D. they are less costly to replace
C. Given the same inputs, the NOR logic
gate has the opposite output from the
OR logic gate and similarly the NAND
logic gate has the opposite output from
the AND logic gate.
D. The NOR and NAND logic gates can be
used interchangeably.

94 In a rectified DC diesel electric plant, raising the

AC generator’s field excitation current will have
what effect on the DC propulsion motor?
A. increase in speed
B. decrease in speed
C. operate with a lower power factor
D. operate with a higher power factor
OIC - EW: COMPETENCE 8 Appropriate Use of Hand 9 What is the theoretical lift of a pump handling 18 A roller bearing should normally be filled to what
Tools, Machine Tools and Measuring Instruments fresh water at atmospheric pressure? fraction of its space cavity?
for Fabrication and Repair on Board A. 10.35 m A. Less than 1/4
B. 101.35 m B. 1/3 to 1/2
1 An increase in the pressure drop between the C. 14.7 m C. 1/2 to 3/4
inlet and outlet of the feed water heater waterside, D. 1.02 m D. More than 3/4
not due to a waterside obstruction, would indicate:
A. insufficient water velocity through the 10 When knurling a piece of work on a lathe, it is 19 A wear resulting from the grinding action of
heater important to: abrasive contaminants on the oil:
B. water flow rate higher than feed water A. operate the lathe at the slowest speed A. Corrosive
heater design limits B. use plenty of oil B. Adhesive
C. fouling of the heater steam side C. mount the knurling tool securely in the C. Cohesive
D. an accumulation of noncondensable tool post D. Abrasive
gases in the steam circuit D. all of the above
20 An 8" diameter wheel is driving a 20" diameter
2 Ferrous metals are metals containing: 11 When using a hand held hacksaw the correct wheel via a pair of belts The power input is supplied
A. a large percentage of copper maximum rate of speed for cutting should be: by a 5 HP motor rotating the driving wheel at 300
B. a large percentage of aluminum A. 10 to 20 strokes per minute RPM. If the efficiency of the supplied by a 5 HP
C. a large percentage of iron B. 80 to 100 strokes per minute motor rotating the driving wheel at 300 RPM. If the
D. no iron C. 40 to 50 strokes per minute efficiency of the transmission is 80%, what RPM
D. 70 to 80 strokes per minute and torque is delivered to the driven wheel.
3 If your ship burns 3 tons of fuel per hour at 19 A. 120 RPM at 4 HP
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 15 12 Which drill size would you use to machine and B. 160 RPM at 4 HP
knots? tap a 3/4 -10 National Coarse internal thread? C. 220 RPM at 4.5 HP
A. 1.5 tons A. 27/64 inches D. 220 RPM at 4.8 HP
B. 1.9 tons B. 31/64 inches
C. 2.4 tons C. 21/32 inches 21 Be in accordance with the engine load and the
D. 5.3 tons D. 25/32 inches same quantity of fuel must be delivered to each
cylinder for each power stroke at that load. Which
4 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 13 Which of the following problems is the main of the following statements describes this
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 21 source of fuel pump and injection system requirement?
knots? malfunctions? A. Accurate metering
A. 20.3 tons A. Improper lubrication B. An orifice
B. 22.0 tons B. Air in the fuel system C. excessive pressure in the seawater feed
C. 26.1 tons C. Coated fuel lines heater
D. 29.4 tons D. Excessive vibration D. A worn or damaged stern tube seal

5 In terms of linear measurement, approximately 14 Which of the listed tools should be used to 22 Boiler tube failures can result from:
how many “inches” equal one “meter”? remove a tapered roller bearing from a shaft? A. corrosion
A. 29.4 A. An arbor press B. Overheating
B. 39.4 B. A steel drift pin and hammer C. mechanical stress
C. 49.4 C. An acetylene torch and hammer D. all of the above
D. 59.4 D. A tapered „comea- long‟
23 For mild steel and general work, the correct
6 The blade for a power hacksaw should be 15 Which practices should be followed at all times angle of a drill point is degrees.
installed with the teeth: when using an electric bench grinding machine? A. 118
A. pointing either toward or away from the A. Wear goggles or face shield. B. 119
motor end of the machine B. Replace grinding wheels that are C. 120
B. pointing away from the motor end of the chipped or unbalanced. D. 121
machine C. Keep the support rest clearance properly
C. pointing toward the motor if using a 4 or adjusted to the wheel. 24 If a centrifugal pump vibrates and is noisy when
6 tooth blade and D. All of the above operating, the cause could be:
D. pointing either toward or away from the A. reversed pump coupling
motor end of the machine 16 A ballast pump, with a capacity of 200 gpm, B. worn gland sealing shaft
takes suction on a tank containing 300 long tons of C. worn wearing rings
7 The seat of a butterfly valve will most likely be sea water ballast. How much ballast F3 – 2 will D. a bent shaft
constructed of: remain in the tank after pumping for one hour?
A. Monel A. 45.83 long tons 25 If a stateroom has a 6" by 12" opening through
B. Satellite B. 91.66 long tons which air travels at 100 feet per minute, what is the
C. A resident material C. 183.32 long tons volume of air being supplied to the stateroom?
D. Admiralty metal D. 254.17 long tons A. 36 cu ft/min
B. 50 cu ft/min
8 Tubing is sized by: 17 A reading of 0.250 on a micrometer with a 1 to C. 72 cu ft/min
A. nominal outside diameter 2 inch range is equal to: D. 100 cu ft/min
B. allowed working pressure A. 1/4 inch
C. nominal inside diameter B. 1/2 inch 26 If the thimble of a micrometer were turned
D. cross-section area C. 1 1/4 inches through one complete revolution, the micrometer
D. 2 1/4 inches would open or close by a linear distance of:
A. 001 inch
B. 010 inch
C. 025 inch
D. 100 inch
27 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 36 When working around deck machinery it is a 45 A piece of tapered round stock 36 inches long, 4
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18 good safety practice to avoid standing in a „bright‟ inches in diameter at the large end and 2 1/2 inches
knots? of a rope because: in diameter at the small end. What tailstock set
A. 13.8 tons A. a sudden yank on the line may trap your over was used to machine the taper?
B. 11.5 tons B. it doesn‟t allow for proper faking of the A. 0.375 inch
C. 10.7 tons line B. 0.750 inch
D. 9.5 tons C. the coil may become tangled and C. 1.500 inch
difficult to manage D. 2.500 inch
28 If your vessel burns 4 tons offuel per hour at 21 D. your work shoes may cause damage to
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 16 the rope 46 A reading of 0.625 inch on a micrometer with a
knots? 2 to 3 inch range would be equal to:
A. 3.0 tons 37 Which of the files listed can be used for A. 2 5/8 inches
B. 5.3 tons sharpening a tool? B. 2 7/16 inches
C. 2.3 tons A. A triple cut file. C. 3 1/8 inches
D. 1.8 tons B. A single cut file. D. 3 9/16 inches
C. Any bastard cut file.
29 If your vessel burns 8 tons offuel per hour at 15 D. Only a double bastard cut file. 47 A ship travels is 5472 miles in 26 days 12 hours
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 19 and 24 minutes. Find the average speed for the
knots? 38 Which of the following problems is the main engine voyage.
A. 12.8 tons source of fuel pump and injection system A. 8.74 knots
B. 16.3 tons malfunctions? B. 8.60 knots
C. 10.6 tons A. Improper lubrication C. 8.63 knots
D. 10.1 tons B. Air in the fuel system D. 8.68 knots
C. Coated fuel lines
30 Lube oil contamination will increase due to D. Excessive vibration 48 A wrench that completely surrounds a nut, or
normal wear of engine components as a result of: bolt head is a/an:
A. abrasive particles 39 Which of the listed metals can usually be drilled A. adjustable wrench
B. metallic oxides without lubrication? B. open end wrench
C. corrosive acids A. Tungsten C. tappet wrench
D. any or all of the above B. Steel D. box wrench
C. Monel
31 The chemical analysis of an oil sample taken D. Brass 49 Air leaks through the inner or outer casing of a
form the main propulsion machinery indicates a boiler could result in:
report of an increase neutralization number, you 40 Which pipe listed has the largest outside A. high superheater outlet temperature
should be aware that: diameter? B. low superheater outlet temperature
A. acidity has increase A. A 3/4" pipe with a standard wall C. higher fuel consumption for normal
B. viscosity has increased thickness. steaming conditions
C. demulsibility has improved B. A 3/4" pipe with an extra strong wall D. all of the above
D. foaming is certain to occur thickness.
C. A 3/4" pipe with a double extra strong 50 An eight cylinder,four stroke/cycle, single acting
32 The open end wrench size for a 3/4 inch American wall thickness. diesel engine has a 650 mm bore and a 1400 mm
National Standard hex head machine bolt is: D. All have the same outside diameter. stroke. What will be the developed indicated metric
A. 3/4 inch horsepower if the average mean effective pressure
B. 7/8 inch 41 A “thirty pound” steel plate would be: is 30 kg/cm2 at a speed of 100 RPM?
C. 1 1/4 inches A. 3/8" thick A. 1689 kW
D. 1 1/2 inches B. 1/2" thick B. 9,111 kW
C. 3/4" thick C. 12,388 kW
33 The purpose of an oil mist detector in a main
D. 1" thick D. 24,776 kW
propulsion diesel engine is to warn of:
A. A possibility of an overheated bearing
42 A diesel engine exposed to widely varying 51 Bluish smoke in the exhaust of an operating
B. 50 hours in a 7 day period
C. excessive pressure in the seawater feed ambient temperatures should use a lubricating oil diesel engine can be caused by:
heater with: A. an overheated engine
D. a dirty strainer in the saltwater feed pump A. a high viscosity index B. a scored cylinder liner
suction line B. a low viscosity index C. water leaking into a cylinder
C. extreme pressure additives D. low combustion temperature
34 The welding symbol reference line using the D. no additives
inverted “V”, indicates: 52 Diesel engine piston seizure can be caused by.
A. a “V” groove weld is to be made 43 A diesel engine is warmed up and white vapor is A. poor cooling of cylinder walls
B. the arrow side of the weld is to be surface noted in the exhaust, this could indicate: B. improper cooling of the piston
finished A. excessive cylinder lubrication C. insufficient piston lubrication
C. the opposite side of the weld is to be B. a lugging engine D. all of the above
surface C. a leaking cylinder liner
D. a “V” groove weld is to be made D. overloading of one cylinder 53 For cutting thin tubing or sheet metal, the
proper hacksaw blade should have:
35 To prevent vibration damage to the fuel supply line
44 A micrometer screw has a pitch of: A. the teeth pointing towards the handle
of a diesel engine, you may use:
A. 40 threads per inch B. the blade and teeth of „all-hard‟ quality
A. a short length of heavy duty clear plastic
B. 50 threads per inch C. 14 teeth per inch
B. a length of approved flexible nonmetallic C. 75 threads per inch D. 32 teeth per inch
hose D. 100 threads per inch
C. welded flange connections for all joints
D. aluminum piping with expansion loops
54 How many BTUs must be added to one pound of 63 Safety valve gags should only be installed hand 73 Which of the following listed pressures is the
water at 32°F to raise the temperature to 212°F? tight in order to prevent: maximum acetylene gas pressure that can be safely
A. 16 BTU‟s A. compression of the valve spring used in gas welding?
B. 144 BTU‟s B. bending of the valve stem A. 10 psi
C. 180 BTU‟s C. mage to the gag B. 15 psi
D. 970 BTU‟s D. over pressurizing the valve body C. 25 psi
D. 35 psi
55 If the main propulsion diesel governor works 64 Tapping threads into a blind hole should be
irregularly with a jerking motion, a possible cause finished by using a: 74 Which of the following problems may occur if
can be: A. short tap the clearance between a piston and cylinder liner is
A. A sticking fuel control linkage B. taper tap insufficient?
B. 95 degrees Celsius C. plug tap A. Excessive wear
C. excessive pressure in the seawater feed D. bottoming tap B. Scuffing of the liner
heater C. Piston seizure
D. A constant quantity regulating valve 65 The characteristic of a good quality lubricating D. All of the above
oil for use in any machinery should be:
56 If your ship burns 5 tons of fuel per hour at 23 A. acid free 75 Which of the listed devices could be used as a
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18 B. capable of emulsifying ring groove cleaning tool during preparation for the
knots? C. rapid oxidizer installation of new rings if a piston ring cleaning
A. 1.9 tons D. additive free tool was not available?
B. 2.4 tons A. Steel brush
C. 3.1 tons 66 The number of screw threads per inch for a B. Fine emery cloth or steel wool
D. 3.3 tons Standard National Coarse 1/2 inch bolt is: C. A section of the removed compression
A. 13 ring
57 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 B. 16 D. A case hardened scraper
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 19 C. 18
knots? D. 20 76 Which of the listed numeric values represents
A. 10.1 tons the smallest size drill?
B. 12.8 tons 67 The open-end wrench size for a standard 3/4 A. #0
C. 16.3 tons inch American National hex head bolt is: B. #1
D. 19.1 tons A. 10/24 inch C. #60
B. 3/4 inch D. #80
58 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 C. 1 1/4 inches
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 20 D. 1 1/2 inches 77 Which of the wrenches listed is least likely to slip
knots? off a bolt head or nut?
A. 19.0 tons 68 The steam coils in a high pressure evaporator A. Open end wrench
B. 21.7 tons used for saltwater service should be descaled with: B. Box end wrench
C. 22.4 tons A. a wire brush C. Crescent wrench
D. 27.0 tons B. a needle gun D. Spanner wrench
C. a chipping hammer
59 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 D. soap and water
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 22
knots? 69 To obtain a 1/2 inch per foot taper on an 18 inch
A. 11.7 tons work piece, the tailstock of the lathe must be set
B. 14.2 tons over:
C. 17.2 tons A. 3/8 inch
D. 25.2 tons B. 1/2 inch
C. 3/4 inch
60 If your vessel burns 6 tons offuel per hour at 22 D. 7/8 inch
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 17
knots? 70 When welding or burning with an oxygen-
A. 4.6 tons acetylene working pressure must not:
B. 3.9 tons A. 1 kg/cm2
C. 2.8 tons B. 0.25 kg/cm2
D. 1.7 tons C. 0.50 kg/cm2
D. 2 kg/cm2
61 Leakage over the ends of the blade tips, as a
result of the pressure differential between each 71 Which material can be drilled at the highest
row of blades in a reaction turbine, can be reduced speed?
with a blade design known as. A. Aluminum
A. thin tipping B. Medium cast iron
B. end-tightening C. Copper
C. seal stripping D. High carbon steel
D. Any of the above
72 Which of the files listed will have coarsely
62 Persistent knocking in one cylinder of an eight spaced teeth?
cylinder diesel engine would MOST likely be caused A. Second cut
by. B. Dead smooth cut
A. using fuel oil with low cetane number C. Bastard cut
B. a badly worn piston pin D. Smooth cut
C. a loose flywheel key
D. a loose bed plate bolt
OIC - EW: COMPETENCE 9 Maintenance and Repair 10 Why is it necessary to have a relief valve protect 19 If your ship burns 5 tons of fuel per hour at 23
of Shipboard Machinery and Equipment the deaerating feed tank from internal pressure? knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18
A. Because the tank receives auxiliary knots?
1 Excessive lube oil consumption can result from exhaust. A. 1.9 tons
worn or broken: B. Because the tank receives high pressure B. 2.4 tons
A. piston rings drains. C. 3.1 tons
B. valve guides C. Because the tank receives large amounts D. 3.3 tons
C. valve seals of water.
D. all of the above D. Because the tank drains to the main 20 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15
condenser. knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 20
2 If the main propulsion diesel governor works knots?
irregularly with a jerking motion, a possible cause 11 A diesel engine exposed to widely varying A. 19.0 tons
can be: ambient temperatures should use a lubricating oil B. 21.7 tons
A. A sticking fuel control linkage with: C. 22.4 tons
B. 95 degrees Celsius A. a high viscosity index D. 27.0 tons
C. excessive pressure in the seawater feed B. a low viscosity index
heater C. extreme pressure additives 21 If your vessel burns 8 tons offuel per hour at 15
D. A constant quantity regulating valve D. no additives knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 19
3 If your vessel burns 4 tons offuel per hour at 21 12 A roller bearing should normally be filled to what A. 12.8 tons
knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 16 fraction of its space cavity? B. 16.3 tons
knots? A. Less than 1/4 C. 10.6 tons
A. 3.0 tons B. 1/3 to 1/2 D. 10.1 tons
B. 5.3 tons C. 1/2 to 3/4
C. 2.3 tons D. More than 3/4 22 Lube oil contamination will increase due to
D. 1.8 tons normal wear of engine components as a result of:
13 A wrench that completely surrounds a nut, or A. abrasive particles
4 It is the amount of heat released by a substance bolt head is a/an: B. metallic oxides
during complete combustion of unit of mass of that A. adjustable wrench C. corrosive acids
said substance: B. open end wrench D. any or all of the above
A. enthalpy value C. tappet wrench
B. thermal value D. box wrench 23 The purpose of an oil mist detector in a main
C. calorific value propulsion diesel engine is to warn of:
D. entropy value 14 Air leaks through the inner or outer casing of a A. A possibility of an overheated bearing
boiler could result in: B. 50 hours in a 7 day period
5 It is the tendency of a material to suddenly break A. high superheater outlet temperature C. excessive pressure in the seawater feed
with little or no prior deformation: B. low superheater outlet temperature heater
A. Brittleness C. higher fuel consumption for normal D. a dirty strainer in the saltwater feed
B. Strength steaming conditions pump suction line
C. Toughness D. all of the above
D. Malleability 24 What is the theoretical lift of a pump handling
15 Babbitt is a metal alloy commonly used for fresh water at atmospheric pressure?
6 Persistent knocking in one cylinder of an eight lining: A. 10.35 m
cylinder diesel engine would MOST likely be caused A. bearings B. 101.35 m
by. B. cylinder liners C. 14.7 m
A. using fuel oil with low cetane number C. bearing journals D. 1.02 m
B. a badly worn piston pin D. saltwater piping
C. a loose flywheel key 25 Which of the following listed pressures is the
D. a loose bed plate bolt 16 Before doing any work on a hydraulic system maximum acetylene gas pressure that can be safely
equipped with accumulators, you should: used in gas welding?
7 Tapping threads into a blind hole should be A. bleed off all stored energy from the A. 10 psi
finished by using a: accumulators B. 15 psi
A. short tap B. drain the accumulators and purge with C. 25 psi
B. taper tap oxygen D. 35 psi
C. plug tap C. completely charge the accumulators to
D. bottoming tap prevent system energy loss 26 A ballast pump, with a capacity of 200 gpm,
D. pump the hydraulic fluid into the takes suction on a tank containing 300 long tons of
8 When inspecting piston rings through the ports of accumulators to prevent fluid loss sea water ballast. How much ballast will remain in
a two- stroke/cycle diesel engine, what indicates the tank after pumping for one hour?
black areas on the sealing surfaces. 17 Boiler tube failures can result from: A. 45.83 long tons
A. Blow-by A. corrosion B. 91.66 long tons
B. improper piston cooling B. overheating C. 183.32 long tons
C. The intake valve opening is advanced C. mechanical stress D. 254.17 long tons
and the exhaust valve closing is retarded. D. all of the above
D. insufficient lubrication 27 A diesel engine is warmed up and white vapor is
18 If a centrifugal pump vibrates and is noisy when noted in the exhaust, this could indicate:
9 Which of the following problems is the main source operating, the cause could be: A. excessive cylinder lubrication
of fuel pump and injection system malfunctions? A. reversed pump coupling B. a lugging engine
A. Improper lubrication B. worn gland sealing shaft C. a leaking cylinder liner
B. Air in the fuel system C. worn wearing rings D. overloading of one cylinder
C. Coated fuel lines D. a bent shaft
D. Excessive vibration
28 A refrigeration system compressor crankcase is 37 If your ship burns 3 tons of fuel per hour at 19 46 Prior to relieving the watch you should first
sweating or unusually cold. This is an indication of: knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 15 check the fire room status by verifying the boiler
A. air in the system knots? water level and:
B. a shortage of oil in the crankcase A. 1.5 tons A. prepare to blow tubes
C. a shortage of refrigerant in the system B. 1.9 tons B. economizer inlet temperature
D. an accumulation of liquid refrigerant in C. 2.4 tons C. boiler steam pressure
the crankcase. D. 5.3 tons D. port and starboard settling tanks

29 A work piece has been mounted between 38 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 47 Safety valve gags should only be installed hand
centers and a test cut machined at each end to knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 18 tight in order to prevent:
check alignment of the lathe centers. If the test cut knots? A. compression of the valve spring
on the tailstock end is deeper than the test cut on A. 13.8 tons B. bending of the valve stem
the headstock end, the tailstock must be moved: B. 11.5 tons C. mage to the gag
A. away from you to correct alignment C. 10.7 tons D. over pressurizing the valve body
B. toward you to correct alignment D. 9.5 tons
C. closer to the headstock to reduce the 48 The best type of chisel to use for cutting a
amount of offset 39 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 keyway is the:
D. away from the headstock to decrease knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 19 A. round nose chisel
the misalignment knots? B. flat cold chisel
A. 10.1 tons C. diamond point
30 Advances in metallurgy and improved methods B. 12.8 tons D. chisel cape chisel
of boiler tube fabrication has led to lighter tubes C. 16.3 tons
with wall thicknesses in the vicinity of 0.1 inches. A D. 19.1 tons 49 To obtain a 1/2 inch per foot taper on an 18 inch
characteristic of these thin walled tubes is: work piece, the tailstock of the lathe must be set
A. low tube metal temperatures 40 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 over:
B. decreased probability of tube failure knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 21 A. 3/8 inch
during normal operating conditions knots? B. 1/2 inch
C. better heat transfer characteristics A. 20.3 tons C. 3/4 inch
D. All of the options B. 22.0 tons D. 7/8 inch
C. 26.1 tons
31 An advantage of aluminum pistons, when D. 29.4 tons 50 What could be the possible cause why a diesel
compared to cast iron piston is: generator engine freely turns over but fails to ignite
A. greater high temperature strength 41 If your ship burns 8 tons of fuel per hour at 15 properly?
B. better heat conductivity knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 22 A. Air in the fuel line
C. greater weight per cubic inch knots? B. Cold lube oil
D. increased resistance to wear A. 11.7 tons C. Water in the starting air system
B. 14.2 tons D. Late fuel injection
32 Bluish smoke in the exhaust of an operating C. 17.2 tons
diesel engine can be caused by: D. 25.2 tons 51 Which of the files listed will have coarsely
A. an overheated engine spaced teeth?
B. a scored cylinder liner 42 If your vessel burns 6 tons offuel per hour at 22 A. Second cut
C. water leaking into a cylinder knots, how many tons per hour will it burn at 17 B. Dead smooth cut
D. low combustion temperature knots? C. Bastard cut
A. 4.6 tons D. Smooth cut
33 Diesel engine piston seizure can be caused by. B. 3.9 tons
A. poor cooling of cylinder walls C. 2.8 tons 52 Which of the listed metals can usually be drilled
B. improper cooling of the piston D. 1.7 tons without lubrication?
C. insufficient piston lubrication A. Tungsten
D. all of the above 43 In the case of a variable speed centrifugal pump: B. Steel
A. capacity varies directly as the speed C. Monel
34 Fuel oil day tanks for diesel engines must be B. capacity varies as the diameter D. Brass
checked and cleaned at regular intervals in order to C. head varies as the square of the
remove. diameter 53 Which of the wrenches listed is least likely to slip
A. sludge D. power varies as the cube of the diameter off a bolt head or nut?
B. water A. Open end wrench
C. micro-organism growth 44 It is the physical or chemical property of the fuel B. Box end wrench
D. all of the above or diesel oil which contain the amount of heat C. Crescent wrench
released by the combustion of a mass offuel? D. Spanner wrench
35 How many BTUs must be added to one pound of A. Specific gravity
water at 32°F to raise the temperature to 212°F? B. Pour point 54 Hydraulic pumps most commonly used in
A. 16 BTU’s C. Calorific value steering systems are of the:
B. 144 BTU’s D. Flash point A. volute type
C. 180 BTU’s B. axial piston type
D. 970 BTU’s 45 Leakage over the ends of the blade tips, as a C. lobe type
result of the pressure differential between each D. screw type
36 If a stateroom has a 6" by 12" opening through row of blades in a reaction turbine, can be reduced
which air travels at 100 feet per minute, what is the with a blade design known as.
volume of air being supplied to the stateroom? A. thin tipping
A. 36 cu ft/min B. end-tightening
B. 50 cu ft/min C. seal stripping
C. 72 cu ft/min D. Any of the above
D. 100 cu ft/min
OIC - EW: COMPETENCE 10 Ensure Compliance 9 The term for all types of food and waste 17 A ship designed to carry either oil or solid
with Pollution-Prevention Requirements generated in living spaces on board ship is . cargoes in bulk is known as .
A. domestic waste A. general cargo vessel
1 Annex II of Marpol 73/78 applies to regulations B. material waste B. combination carrier
for the . C. living waste C. special vessel
A. prevention of pollution by harmful D. noxious waste D. oil tanker
B. control of pollution by noxious liquid 10 Under what conditions would the oily-water 18 A tank which has been sealed for a long time can
substances separator system fail to effectively process a be dangerous for human entry because .
C. prevention of pollution by oil mixture of oily-water? A. Steel surfaces consumes oxygen by
D. prevention of pollution by sewage A. When the oilywater mixture is an rusting
emulsion the effectiveness of the B. Sealed tank usually form a vacuum
2 Any spoiled or unspoiled victual substances, such separator is greatly reduced C. Moisture displaces oxygen
as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, poultry B. Without detergents the effectiveness of D. Tank coatings gives off toxic fumes
products and all other materials contaminated as the separator is greatly reduced
waste is called . C. When there are small air leaks, in the 19 All types of food wastes generated in the living
A. spoilage discharge piping, the effectiveness of the spaces on board the ship are known as :
B. garbage separator will greatly reduced A. domestic waste
C. food waste D. When the oilywater separator is in the B. matter waste
D. food emulsification process mode it will effectively handle C. living waste
emulsion D. noxious waste
3 Each completed page of the Oil Record Book must
be signed by the . 11 What are the possible consequences of 20 An ocean going ship of 400 gross tons and above
A. Engineer on watch shipboard operations that is a risk to environment? must be fitted with a standard discharge shore
B. Chief Engineer A. Explosion connection. What is the size of the bolt circle
C. Chief mate B. Marine pollution diameter of the shore connection required to
D. Master C. Fire transfer only ballast to a shore side reception
D. Sinking facility?
4 In ship construction, which of the listed A. 125 mm
strengthening members act to support the decks? 12 What is the probable cause ifthere is an B. 183 mm
A. Pillars indication of low vacuum while the oily-water C. 215 mm
B. Girders separator is operating in processing mode? D. It depends on outside pipe diameter
C. Bulkheads A. The bilge suction is completely flooded
D. All of the above B. The coalescer is severely fouled 21 Annex IV Regulations for the Prevention of
C. The flow control value Pollution by Sewage from Ships entry into force on
5 Mandatory on the shipboard oil pollution D. The bilge suction is completely flooded what date?
emergency plan is . A. 27 September 2003
A. Reporting requirements 13 What would the crew do in case of an oil fire on B. 2 October 1983
B. Removal equipment list deck ? C. 31 December 1988
C. Plan exercises A. Get water on deck D. 19 May 2005
D. Safety of Life at Sea Certificate B. Open steam or CO2 smothering system
to cargo holds 22 Comminuted or ground garbage which will be
6 The discharge of waste in any form from toilets, C. Close off all ventilation, blowers, doors, discharged into the sea must be able to pass
urinals and scuppers is called . etc. through a screen with a mesh size no larger than:
A. wastage D. All of these choices A. 25 millimeters
B. sewage B. 50 millimeters
C. garbage 14 When there is sufficient reason that the relieving C. 75 millimeters
D. emission officer is NOT capable of watch keeping duties, the D. 100 millimeters
outgoing in charge ofthe engineering watch should
7 The most frequent accidents of tanker pollution . 23 During discharging of oil cargo, your vessel
occurring during tanker operations is A. Notify the chief engineer officer started to surge badly along the dock, what would
A. Due to collisions B. Stop the main engine immediately you do?
B. routine discharge of oil C. At the poop deck and waitfor the call of A. Slack off the mooring lines
C. Loading and discharging the able seaman B. Place warning signs in vicinity
D. grounding D. In a ship compartment that has an alarm C. Stop discharging operation, attend
mooring lines
8 The Pollution Prevention Regulations (33 CFR) 15 Which of the following refers to a mixture with D. Abandon ship
requires that no person may transfer oil to or from any oil content?
a vessel unless: A. Oily bilge 24 If you discovered oil around your vessel, you are
A. all necessary components of the transfer B. Oily waste obliged to .
system are lined up before the transfer C. Oily mixture A. notify the bridge
begins D. Oily water B. notify the coast guard
B. all unnecessary parts ofthe transfer C. shut down the transfer operation
system are open and drained 16 Which of the following substances, if introduced immediately
C. the transfer system is connected to a into the sea, is liable to create hazards to human D. close all oil valve
flexible overflow fuel hose health and marine life?
D. the transfer system is connected to an A. Dunnage
automatic back pressure shutoff nozzle B. Oil products
C. Noxious liquid
D. Oil noxious
25 In the regulations implementing MARPOL, a 33 To do in the event of a small bunker oil spill on 41 Which of the following types of ships log books
vessel is obligated to have an International Oil deck while fueling is . where entries of the loading and unloading
Pollution Prevention (IOOP) certificate when the A. Wash down the area immediately with a operation of noxious liquid substances should be
ship . fire hose recorded?
A. Is drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf B. Cover the area with saw dust A. The log Book
B. Moves to new drilling location in U.S. C. Leave the UMS selector switch to UMS B. A cargo record book
waters mode C. The ship’s manual
C. Engages in a voyage to a port of another D. The operating water tank is full of water D. The oil record book
country which is a party of MARPOL
D. Check for serious burns on the body 34 Water drains from toilet is commonly known as? 42 Which of the following vessels is NOT exempt
A. Gray water from mandatory requirements on ballast water
26 Oil Pollution Regulations (33 CFR) require any B. Bilge water management for control of non- indigenous species
transfer or discharge of oil or oily mixtures to be C. Black water in waters of the United States?
recorded in the_______. D. Toilet water A. United States Navy frigate.
A. bridge log B. A vessel engaged in the foreign export of
B. master's log 35 What kind of vessel is allowed to carry oil or Alaskan North Slop Crude Oil.
C. Engine room log product oil, or both simultaneously? C. A passenger vessel equipped with a
D. oil record book A. Mineral oil carrier USCG approved system designed to kill
B. Crude oil/product carrier aquatic organisms in ballast water.
27 Scuppers on deck during bunkering should be C. Ore carrier D. A crude oil tanker engaged in the
plugged . D. General product carrier coastwise trade.
A. Only if fixed containment drains are
open 36 What will cause the throughout of oily-water 43 Why is it important for double bottom fuel oil
B. Whenever the vessel is being fueled separator to decreased when operating in the tanks not to be topped off when loading fuel at cold
C. Extinguisher will need to be recharged processing mode? temperatures?
D. Powder conducts electricity back to the A. A decreased in the processing ability A. Increased viscosity of the product needs
fire fighter may be cause by a worn pump internals higher loading pressure, which increases
B. The throughput of the separator varies the chances of a spill.
28 The grounding of Exxon Valdez off Alaska Coast while in the processing mode as B. Air pockets may cause the fuel to bubble
lead to the creation of . determined by the quantity of oil in the out of the ullage hole.
A. OPA 90 emulsion C. A temperature rise of the fuel will cause
B. Marpol C. The flow control valve is open an overflow from the tank vent.
C. IOPP excessively wide and permitting an D. Fueling valve may become stuck closed
D. ISM excessive amount of bilge water to enter and cause the fuel oil to spill before the
the separator, resulting in an overload valve can be opened.
29 The Oil Record Book must be kept on board ship D. The throughout of the separator may be
for at least _____. reduced ifthe inlet valve remains open 44 A Crude Oil Wash (COW) system is considered
A. 6 months and then submitted to the during processing mode as:
nearest Marine Safety Office A. a water operated Butterworth system
B. after An annual inspection 37 When making entries in the Oil Record Book, all B. a mechanism which filters and purifies
C. not less than 3 years and readily quantities should be . crude oil
available for inspection A. record as cubic meters with a conversion to C. a Butterworth system using crude oil
D. five years barrels instead of water as the cleaning medium
B. consistently recorded through the Oil D. a cleanup for pump room bilges
30 The Pollution Prevention Regulation state that a Record Book in one specified unit (gallons,
ship’s oil bilge may be pumped out in port only if it barrels, cubic meters) 45 A solid material which contains synthetic
C. verified by the Chief Engineer
is . polymers is called .
D. record directly from the oil discharge
A. permitted by port authorities A. glass
B. discharged to a slop barge or shore tank B. asbestos
C. inspected by local pollution inspector C. plastic
38 Which is the best way to ensure adequate oxygen
D. approved by master or chief engineer D. hose plastic
is present for safe entry into a seldom used cargo tank?
A. Test tank atmosphere using a combustible
31 The Pollution Prevention Regulations (33 CFR) gas indicator 46 After chemically cleaning a fuel oil tank aboard
requires an emergency means of stopping the flow B. Check for rust inside the tank ship in port, you should dispose of waste oil to the
of oil during oil transfer operations. The emergency C. Open the air vent prior to entry .
means must be operable from the . D. Ventilate the tank with fresh air and test A. sewer connection
A. bridge with an oxygen indicator B. oil and water separator
B. engine room C. slop barge or holding tank
C. emergency operating station of the 39 Which of the following can be considered as a D. reclaiming the oil tank
personin- charge cargo- associated waste and maintenance waste cargo
D. usual operating station of the personin- residues? 47 An event involving the actual or probable
charge A. Domestic waste discharge into the sea of a harmful substance, or
B. Operational waste effluents containing such substance is termed as .
32 The sections of an Oil Record Book preceding the C. Emitted waste A. accident
log pages contain a . D. Waste oil B. discharging
A. damage control plan for isolating C. incident
fireman values 40 Which of the following is used as fuel in D. pollution
B. list of machinery space operation items connection with the machinery propulsion?
C. complete classification of hazardous A. Fuel oil
materials B. Coal
D. detailed listing of all organizations to call C. Crude oil
in the event of an accidental oil spill D. Bunker oil
48 Annex III Regulations for the Prevention of 56 When operating an oily-water separator, why is 64 Annex V Regulations for the Prevention of
Pollution by Harmful Substances carried by Sea in it necessary to avoid detergents mixing with the Pollution by Garbage from Ships entry into force on
Package Form entry into force on what date? bilge water? what date?
A. 1 July 1992 A. The detergent may cause the oil and A. 31 December 1988
B. 6 April 1987 water to become an emulsion which this B. 27 September 2003
C. 27 September 2003 unitis not capable of separating C. 2 October 1983
D. 2 October 1983 B. The detergent will foam causing the D. 1 July 1992
main bilge pump to become air bound
49 Annex VI Regulations for the Prevention of Air C. The detergent will agitate within the 65 Any tank adjacent to the side shell plating of a
Pollution from Ships entry into force on what date? separator and cause it to explode vessel is known as .
A. 19 May 2005 D. The detergent will damage the special A. access tank
B. 6 April 1987 protective coating in the inside ofthe B. base tank
C. 27 September 2003 unit C. wing tank
D. 1 July 1992 D. crude tank
57 A ship constructed or adopted primarily to carry
50 Before you become in charge of oil transferring oil in bulk, its cargo spaces includes combination 66 December 1988 Annex V Presentation of
operation on board a self propelled tank vessel, you carriers of . Pollution by garbage from ship was entered into
must . A. bulk carrier force.
A. Would be 30 years old B. automobile carrier A. 31
B. Hold a valid officer’s license for tanker C. oil tanker B. 30
vessels D. general cargo vessel C. 13
C. letter from the company indicating that D. 3
he is qualified 58 A ship is required to carry an Oil Record Book to
D. Be a certificated tanker man log entries in the book regarding the . 67 During loading the cargo hose joint or coupling
A. sounding levels of all fuel tanks on a daily starts to leak badly what would you do ?
51 If the flow control valve indicates an unusually basis A. Reduce pumping pressure and wrap leak
high vacuum while the oily-water separator is in B. grade and specific gravity of all fuel oil securely
operation, what is the most probable cause? carried B. Shut down transfers and make repairs
A. It indicates a restriction in the inlet C. discharge of ballast or cleaning water C. Soak spills with sawdust and reduce
piping from fuel pumping pressure
B. It is the result of the flow control valve D. tanks D. Wash deck immediately and close tank
being excessively throttled tops
C. The result of the coalesce beds being 59 A tank for the collection and storage of sewage
installed in reverse order is . 68 If a cup of oil is spilled during fueling & causes a
D. This type of oilywater separator always A. settling tank sheen upon the water it .
operates with an unusually high vacuum B. holding tank A. must be reported to the fire department
C. sludge tank B. must be reported to the coast guard
52 In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of straw and D. general service tank C. must be reported to the harbor master
reclaimed paper fibers would be an example of D. need not be reported since the spill was
what kind of oil removal? 60 According to Pollution Prevention Regulations less than 250 barrels
A. Chemical agent removal (33 CFR), no person may connect or disconnect an
B. Mechanical removal oil transfer hose or engage in any other critical oil 69 In cleaning up an oil spill, the use of chemical
C. Absorbent removal transfer operation on a tank vessel unless . agents would_____.
D. None of the above A. that person holds a tankerman A. Absorb the oil for easy removal
endorsement B. Remove the oil from water
53 It is NOT a mandatory requirement of the B. that person holds a valid port security C. Disperse or dissolve the oil in the water
shipboard oil pollution emergency plan. card D. Not affect the oil
A. Diagrams C. designated personin- charge supervises
B. Steps to control a discharge D. that procedure that person holds a 70 In the Oil Record Book a comprehensive list of
C. National and local coordination license as master, mate operational items are grouped into operational
D. Reporting requirement section codified by a/an
61 All victual, domestic and operation waste such A. abbreviation
54 The term “discharge” as it applies to the as fresh fish and parts thereof is known as . B. Letter
pollution regulations, means: A. pollutant C. number
A. spilling B. sewage D. all of these choices
B. leaking C. garbage
C. pumping D. left over 71 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP)
D. All of the above Certificates are required for oil tanker at or above:
62 Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of A. 100 gross registered tons
55 What is the possible problem if a gurgling noise Pollution by Oil entry to force on what date? B. 150 gross registered tons
is heard at the cargo tank when discharging cargo? A. 6 April 1987 C. 300 gross registered tons
A. Pump is sucking air B. 2 October 1983 D. 400 gross registered tons
B. Tank foot valve is partially clogged C. 1 July 1992
C. Tank liquid is too viscous D. 27 September 2003 71 Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations states that a
D. Pump discharge pressure is excessive ship’s oil bilge slops may be pumped in port only if .
63 Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution A. Discharge is led to a slop barge or shore
by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk entry to force tank
on what date? B. Local port authority gives permission
A. 2 October 1983 C. Engineer on watch has signed the
declaration of inspection
B. 6 April 1987
D. Local port authority has completed the
C. 31 December 1988
required pollution inspection
D. 19 May 2005
72 Passenger vessels shall maintain an Oil Record 80 The practice to be done when a vessel is in port 89 What kind of garbage collected from living
Book, if the vessel is . and necessary to pump bilges is to pump only . quarters & accommodation?
A. 100 gross tons A. If the discharge is led to a shore tank or A. Living
B. 200 gross tons barge B. Domestic
C. 300 gross tons B. During the hours of darkness C. Noxious
D. 400 gross tons and above C. As much as necessary D. Crude
D. None of the above
73 Records of garbage disposal are required to be 90 What makes the Oil Pollution Act of 1990(OPA
maintained . 81 The tank or space used to accumulate sewage 1990) different from other International recognized
A. until each quadrennial coast guard onboard . Law?
inspection A. holding tank A. Possibility of limited liability
B. until the end of each voyage B. collecting tank B. Federal responsibility for response
C. for a minimum of one year C. bilge tank C. Possibility of unlimited liability
D. for a minimum of 2 years D. slop tank D. federal (National) responsibility for
cleaning up.
74 The drainage from laundry, bathroom and 82 The term "oil" as defined in the Pollution
washbasin drains but does not include drainage Prevention Regulation means . 91 What term is used to a vessel allowed to carry
from toilets, urinals, hospital and animal spaces is A. Petroleum in any form crude oil but is prohibited from carrying product
called . B. Animal or vegetable based oil oil?
A. blue water C. Noxious liquid substances designated A. Crude oil tanker
B. dishwater under Annex II of Marpol 73/78 B. Natural gas carrier
C. greywater D. All of the above C. Product gas carrier
D. cutwater D. Ore carrier
83 The validity of Nuclear Passenger Ship Safety
75 The most common type of containment device certificates and nuclear cargo ship safety 92 When a fuel oil tank is being topped off during
for spilled oil on the water is the use of certificates shall not be more than . bunkering operations, the tank valve should be
A. booms A. 6 months closed:
B. straw B. 12 months A. slowly to prevent surge stresses
C. skimmers C. 36 months B. to prevent gas from escaping through
D. chemical dispersants D. 24 months the pressure-vacuum relief valves
C. after the shore pumps are stopped
76 The most critical time for preventing an 84 Tiny droplets of fuel particles attract to one D. rapidly to prevent overflow
accidental oil spill during bunkering is when the . another to form a large diameter is .
A. Tanks are being topped-off A. Sedimentation 93 When making entries in the Oil Record Book, the
B. Fuel begin to enter tank B. Coalescence date, operational code, and item number shall be
C. Hoses are being disconnected C. Fluctuation inserted in the appropriate columns. Furthermore,
D. Hoses are being blown D. Floatation the required particulars shall be .
A. record only for accidental oil discharge
77 The noxious substance which should remain on 85 Under MARPOL 73/78 Annex 1 of oil pollution B. recorded only for operations involving
board until it can be disposed in a reception facility prevention oily mixtures from the cargo tank discharge of oily wastes
ashore is called _ . should only be conducted when . C. recorded chronologically in the blank
A. sludge A. oil discharge monitoring and control space
B. pollutant system is operational D. signed by the oiler who enters them in
C. residue B. it will be discharged to the engine room the oil record book
D. emulsion fuel tank
C. transfer pump has automatic cut-out 94 When oily water ballast has been pumped
78 The oily-water separator has just been internally D. oil discharge separator motor is overboard an entry must be made in the .
cleaned and an inspection was carried out and the operational A. deck log book
unit found to be lined up although the compound B. engine log oil
gauge indicates an unusually high vacuum, what is 86 Waste oilfrom engine lube oil pumps should be C. record book
your next step? collected in the . D. bridge logbook
A. Close off control valve A. oil recovery tank
B. Check the bilge water inlet strainer B. slop tank 95 Which is not included in the special areas?
C. Reseat the relief valve C. engine room bilges A. Arabian Sea
D. Retighten all the cap screws on the lid D. oily bilge tank B. North Sea
C. Mediterranean
79 The pollution prevention regulation state that 87 What does VRP mean? D. Sea Baltic Sea
liquid waste collected in drip pans, buckets, or A. Vessel response Procurement
tanks should be disposed by . B. VesselResponse Plan 96 Which of the circumstances listed is an
A. discharging ashore into the sewer C. Vessel Report Plan exception to the garbage discharge requirements in
system D. Vessel Report Procurement Annex V to MARPOL 73/78?
B. sealing in disposable plastic barrels A. The garbage to be discharged will sink.
aboard ship 88 What is the condition ofthe oily-bilge separator, B. Garbage accumulate ion onboard has
C. transferring to the local port authority if the compound gauge indicates a slight vacuum exceeded storage space.
incinerator while the unit is in discharge mode? C. A person falls overboard, and a plastic
D. discharging into slop barge or shore tank A. Fouled and needs cleaning ice chest is thrown for flotation.
B. Operating correctly, but requires the D. The destination port or terminal cannot
gauge to be replaced receive garbage.
C. Operating correctly without the need for
any modification
D. Not operating correctly and also needs
the gage to be replaced
97 Which of the following ballast in a tank which
was used to load crude oil in the past and if it were
discharge from a ship would not produce visible oil
on the furnace with water or adjoining shoreline?
A. Oily water
B. Segregated
C. Clean
D. Raw water

98 Which of the following is a liquid hydrocarbon

mixture occurring naturally in the earth?
A. Crude oil
B. Mineral oil
C. Natural oil
D. Linseed oil

99 Which of the following officers shall sign entries

in the oil record book?
A. Master and chief engineer
B. 1st Assistant Engineer and Chief Mate
C. Chief Engineer, Master and officer who
conducted the transfer operations
D. Engineer On watch and Deck Officer on

100 Which of the following tank is considered as

permanent and only clean sea water is admitted for
trimming of ship?
A. Clean ballast hold
B. Segregated ballast tank
C. Tracer tank
D. Return tank

101 Which of the following vessel is designed to

carry either oil or solid cargoes in bulk?
A. Reserved
C. Shipping
D. Training

102 Which types of vessel does OPA-90 apply?

All types of vessel
A. Vessel carrying more than 10,000
galloon of oil, irrespective of whether
cargo or bunker
B. Tanker vessel whether carrying oil or
other dangerous cargo
C. All types of tanker vessel

103 Who should inspect before use, to ensure that

a welding and flame cutting equipment is in a
serviceable condition?
A. Master
B. Chief engineer
C. Fitter
D. Competent person

104 You should immediately leave a newly entered

tank when you .
A. Smell an unusual odor
B. Eyes and throat get irritated
C. Experienced bodily sensation
D. All of these choices

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