Riddles For Kids

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Riddles for Kids


The riddles (and the answers) in this list are suitable for children. Some of them are easy and funny.
But there are also some hard riddles for kids.

1. Precious stones in a pack of cards.

2. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

3. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

4. What 11-letter English word is always pronounced incorrectly?

5. I have eighty-eight keys but cannot open a single door.

What am I?

6. Lighter than what I'm made of, more of me is hidden than is seen.
What am I?

7. I have an eye but cannot see.

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I'm faster than any man alive and have no limbs.
What am I?

8. What has black spots and a white face, is fat not thin, and helps you to
win, but tumbles all over the place?

9. I am seen in the water and in the sky. I am in the rainbow and a jay's
feather. What am I?

10. What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are

11. What type of dress can never be worn?

12. I can be as thin as a picture frame but my insides have many things
you can see.

13. What's that 7 letter word with thousands of letters in it?

14. What five-letter word, no matter how you pronounce it, is always
pronounced wrong?

15. What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

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16. He's small but he can climb a tower.

17. What heavy seven letter word can you take two away from and be left
with eight?

18. I'm where yesterday follows today and tomorrow is in the middle.
What am I?

19. When I point up it's bright, but when I point down it's dark. What am I?

20. Forwards I am heavy, but backwards I am not.

What am I?

21. I can be long, or I can be short.

I can be grown, and I can be bought.
I can be painted, or left bare.
I can be round, or square.

What am I?

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22. What has one eye but cannot see?

23. I have a pet, his body is full of coins.

24. A father's child, a mother's child, yet no one's son.

25. What starts with the letter T, is filled with T and ends in T?

26. What has 4 eyes but can't see?

27. What is all over a house?

28. What has 4 fingers and a thumb, but is not living?

29. Everyone has me but nobody can lose me.

What am I?

30. I have four legs, a back, but no head. What am I?

31. Although I'm far from the point, I'm not a mistake. I fix yours. What am

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32. I love to dance and twist and prance,

I shake my tail, as away I sail,
wingless I fly into the sky.
What am I?

33. I defend without weapons, stand without legs, wound without force,
and I am harder to fight than to kill. What am I?

34. What always goes to bed with its shoes on?

35. Which side of a cat has the most fur?

36. What type of house weighs the least?

37. What goes up and down without moving?

38. We are five little objects of an everyday sort,

You will find us all in a tennis court.

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39. Shorter than my four siblings, but easily the strongest,
Sometimes I wear a funny hat.

40. With head without hair. With mouth without tooth.

41. What flies around all day but never goes anywhere?

42. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

43. What is so delicate that even mentioning it breaks it?

44. What has to be broken before you can use it?

45. Thirty white horses on a red hill,

First they champ,
Then they stamp,
Then they stand still.

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46. I stare at you, you stare at me.

I have three eyes, yet can't see.
Every time I blink, I give you commands.
You do as you are told, with your feet and hands.
What am I?

47. I am something that floats. But after a period of time I fall.

48. What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?

49. Two birds, trying to balance in one twig.

50. Tall when seated, short when standing.

51. One simple click, one simple flash.

Preserving a memory, for years I will last.
What am I?

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52. What's always coming, but never arrives?

53. Always well dressed, but I never fly.

Black and white, sometimes in a tie.
I swim and slide, and dance and glide,
With one person by my side.
What am I?

54. I am a seed, three letters in the name,

Take away two and I sound quite the same.
What am I?

55. What's as small as a mouse but guards a house like a lion?

56. What loses its head every morning only to get it back every night?

57. What is red and smells like blue paint?

58. What gets whiter the dirtier that it gets?

59. Which bow can't be tied?

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60. I'm named after nothing, though I'm awfully clamorous.

And when I'm not working, your house is less glamorous.
What am I?

61. A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father, my son is the cool
stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed,
the earth my final resting place, and I'm the torment of man.

62. What makes a loud noise when changing its jacket, becomes larger but
weighs less?

63. What has ten letters and starts with gas?

64. When it was young, it had a tail. When it grew up, it had knees.

65. This on this.

That on that.

Growing tall,

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But never fat.
What am I?

66. What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you
take away four of its five letters?

67. What demands an answer, but asks no question?

68. The more you take from me, the bigger I get. What am I?

69. All about, but cannot be seen,

Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
Who am I?

70. The more you have of me, the less you see.
Who am I?

71. A box without hinges, lock or key, yet golden treasure lies within.
Who am I?

72. I give milk and have a horn but I'm not a cow. Who am I?

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73. What is used by man, tossed by trees, everywhere but unseen?

74. More rare today than long ago. There's a salutation from friends
written below. What am I?

75. I am longer than a decade and shorter than a millennium. What am I?

76. Feed me and I live, yet give me a drink and I die. What am I?

77. What has a ring but no fingers?

78. What's large on Saturday and Sunday. Small on Tuesday, Wednesday,

and Thursday, and disappears on Monday and Friday?

79. What is never eaten before lunch?

80. What follows a dog wherever it goes?

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81. A king without a crown.

82. I fly away as soon as you set me loose. People around you may slowly
move away once they sense my presence. What am I?

83. You fill it and it empties,

A metaphor for plenty,
Depending on what half you see,
It's either full or empty.

84. It speaks without a tongue, and listens without ears.

85. You can break it or drink water from it.

86. Don't forget to do this before blowing out the candles.

87. I am very afraid of doing scary activities. What am I?

88. Sitting down you have it, Standing up you don't.

89. It's real until the trick is revealed.

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90. What has holes on each side, but can still can hold water?

91. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

92. One time every year, there is a very special day. Little have the same,
everyone party a different way.

93. I produce wool and spit a lot. What am I?

94. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

95. I will disappear every time you say my name.

What am I?

96. This is the most famous bank where children keep their assets.

97. I have one, you have one. If you remove the first letter, a bit remains. If

you remove the second, bit still remains. If you remove the third, it still

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98. What kind of dog chases anything red?

99. I am the state when a person is holding a person inside. What am I?

100. I am pinched by grandmas. What am I?

101. I am a ship that can be made to ride the greatest waves. I am not built
by objects, but built by minds. What am I?

102. Canine children. What am I?

103. What has a bottom right at the top?

104. What has two spines and a lot of ribs, and carries much but never

105. I'm a green veggie that looks like a tiny tree.

106. I contain words about words, some of which you've never heard. What
am I?

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107. I can only be played on a windy day. What am I?

108. Which vehicle is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

109. I weaken all men for hours each day.

I show you strange visions while you are away.
I take you by night, by day take you back.
None suffer to have me, but do from my lack.

110. I am constantly overlooked by everyone but everyone has me. What

am I?

111. I dance on one feet and knows only one shape. Someone with same
name as me is very good with directions. What am I?

112. I have roads but no pavement, rivers but no water, and cities but no
buildings. What am I?

I dance and sing in the breeze, but I have neither voice nor feet. What

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am I?

114. You do this into someone's ear when you want to be discreet.

115. What do you call a witch that lives in the sand?

116. I keep things green and keep kids happy during summer time. What
am I?

117. What is seen in the water and in the sky? It is part of the rainbow and
can be in your eye.

118. I'm white, perfect for cutting and grinding. For most animals I am a
useful tool. What am I?

119. Humans have two that shrink in the light and expand in the dark.

120. What flowers have two lips?

121. A gentleman whose offspring have successfully produced offspring of

their own.

122. Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?

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123. We are all around, yet to us you are half blind.

Sunlight makes us invisible, and difficult to find.

124. What is filled with air and sometimes a gas, tied to a string and often
seen on your birthday?

125. I hop around and deliver eggs at Easter. What am I?

126. Kids love this bouncy, sugary, treat. It's like colorful rubber that you
can eat.

127. What does someone else have to take before you can get?

128. Despite having long teeth, every bit of food it grabs gets taken from it.

129. Not my sister nor my brother but still the child of my mother and
father. Who am I?

130. When you are inside me, you will be encouraged to slam other cars.

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What am I?

131. I help you carry your books. What am I?

132. Though I wander the earth, I am no longer here.

I am pale and I chill everyone near.
Who am I?

133. I have every color, but no gold. What am I?

134. What kind of nail can be grown?

135. Seven brothers, five work all day,

The other two, just play or pray.

136. It is a cat but not a kitty,

You'll never catch on in a city.
Its fangs are huge and so its claws,
A death machine with paws and jaws.
In its own way a royal fellow,
Striped with black and clothed in yellow.

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137. The more I dry the wetter I get. What am I?

138. I run distances, often making many turns, yet I never move one foot.
What am I?

139. It's voice is like a burp,

Will swallow with a slurp,
You'll never hear it chirp.
Kiss it with a wince,
Might turn into a prince.

140. Cold head and feet; Round as a ball; Always turning around itself.

141. What time of day, when written in capital letters, is the same forwards,
backwards, and upside down?

142. In the fields a frightful thing. Watch it and you will find, it has a

pitchfork in the front, and a broom back behind.

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143. Has its teeth on your head but doesn't bite.

144. What doesn't get any wetter, no matter how much rain falls on it?

145. I am green but not a tree. You can see me and sit on me and I grow
around the world. What am I?

146. I have a heart of gold and I smell when I'm old. What am I?

147. What do you call the mother-in-law of your sister's husband?

148. It moves around in circles.

We see it as we turn.
It keeps us always warm.
Always alive and always dying,
Across the sky we see it flying,
But touch it and we burn.

149. I pass before the sun, yet make no shadow. What am I?

150. The distance from the top of your head to the floor –standing up
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151. It rows quickly with four oars but never comes out from under his own
roof. What is it?

152. What is the saddest fruit?

153. When we stand up it lies flat. When we lie back it stands up.

154. What was was, before was was was?

155. Passed from father to son and shared between brothers,

its importance is unquestioned though it is used more by others.

156. I cannot be used until I have been broken. What am I?

157. In the middle of night, I surround the gong.

In the middle of sight, I end the song.

158. I am gentle enough to soothe your skin, light enough to fly in the sky,

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strong enough to crack rocks. What am I?

159. I can be found on fingers, in toolboxes and in snails. What am I?

160. I am partially baked. I am not completely lit. I am a portion of the

moon. I am lesser than full wit. I am a divider of the hour. I am not a
total lie. I am a sibling through one parent.

161. I am sometimes yellow and sometimes white. Half of me is dark and

the other is light. What am I?

162. Without what would everyone lose their head?

163. What animal would you get crossed a duck, a beaver, and an otter?

164. I'm a food made of flour, water, and yeast or another leavening agent,
mixed together and baked. You need me to make a sandwich.

165. Men walk over me but boats go under me. What am I?

166. Take one royal word in the plural and make it singular by adding one

167. What divides by uniting and by dividing?

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168. I belong to you but others use me more often than you do. What am I?

169. I have cities with no people, forests with no trees, and oceans with no
water. What am I?

170. It doesn't live within a house, nor does it live without.

Most will use it when they come in, and again when they go out.

171. I have a tail. I can fly. I'm covered in colorful feathers. I can whistle
and I can talk.

172. It is yellow and you can serve it but not eat. What is it?

173. When one does not know what it is, then it is something; but when one
knows what it is, then it is nothing.

174. You take my clothes off when you put your clothes on. What am I?

175. This dish is usually consumed at breakfast time with milk.

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176. Fatherless and motherless. Born without sin, roared when it came into
the world. And never spoke again.

177. I can wake you up in the morning but I require no electricity or

winding. What am I?

178. I'm a pie, but I come with peperoni and cheese.

179. I am a sound made by felines when petted. What am I?

180. A container holding water but not a cup. If you want to find me, look
up. What am I?

181. What invention lets you look right through a wall?

182. Sugar on a stick. The kids love licking them.

183. What bird can lift the heaviest weight?

184. Tomorrow's yesterday. Yesterday's tomorrow. What is it?

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185. My body is timber and I am a boy among men.

I have a nose without end and an insect for a friend.
Who am I?

186. What has a green top, red on its belly, seeds on the outside, and tastes
great in jelly?

187. You feel this sensation when you are dehydrated.

188. I stink up your breath and fights evil vampires. What am I?

189. It is something you will never see again.

190. I am often sold by children entrepreneurs in summer time. What am I?

191. What's at the head of an elephant and at the tail of a squirrel?

192. Taking this from a baby is said to be quite easy.

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193. A locked sphere without hinges or key. Break me open and golden
treasures you'll see

194. What has fingers and a thumb but no hand?

195. I am quick when I'm thin. I am slow when I'm fat. Wind is my worst
nightmare. What am I?

196. Mom and dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother.
How many people are in the family?

197. The cloud is my mother, my father the wind. The lake is my son and
the rainbow my bed. What am I?

198. Often found in doctor's offices and pirate flags.

199. Your mother's brother's only brother-in-law is asleep on your couch.

Who is asleep on your couch?

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200. I spin and hum,

I'm your summer tool.
Just flip the switch,
and I serve to cool.
What am I?

201. What is made of wood and metal and must be buried before it works?

202. What do you get when you cross an automobile with a household

203. Hide me from your parents if you have done bad academically this
year. What am I?

204. A celebrity under the sea.

205. I am pronounced as one letter, written with three. I come in blue, black,

brown, or grey. Reverse me and I read the same either way. What am I?

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206. What goes up and down the stairs without moving?

207. I am a nut with a hole. What am I?

208. When a doctor hits you with a hammer he is testing this.

209. I only exist when you are here. Where you never were, I can never be.
What am I?

210. What can be played with no rules and no winners or losers?

211. What must be looked through in order to see?

212. This is a plant named after a light source. What is it?

213. What is a witch's favorite school subject?

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214. They make no sense at all,

In them you either fly or fall.
They make you do it all.
Their need is biologic,
but they are most illogic.
They are not real but still can be achieved,
If they are just believed.

215. Looks like a hippo crossed with a unicorn.

216. I come without being fetched at night, hides away as soon as daylight
strikes. Although I may look small, I am much mightier than what you
can imagine. What am I?

217. What word has three syllables and twenty six letters?

218. What is an astronaut's favorite snack?

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219. U always follow me but I am rarely seen. What am I?

220. I can be found in seconds, minutes and centuries, but not in days,
years or decades.

221. What breaks in the water but never on land?

222. Proof you've done your time in school.

223. I go in hard, come out soft. Blow me hard and I'll make a pop. What am

224. I am full of holes but still holds water.

What am I?

225. A close relative of ketchup that people often spread on their dog.

226. Agile on my feet, I drive dogs mad.

I flick my tail when I'm angry and hum when I'm glad.
What am I?

227. What comes once a day but leaves every morning?

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228. What instrument can make any sound and be heard but not touched or

229. When it comes in,

From sea to shore,
Twenty paces you'll see,
No less, no more.

230. I am your mother's brother's only brother in law. Who am I?

231. What hangs in the sky by day but at night goes away?

232. What has a neck and no head, two arms but no hands?

233. The faster you run, the harder it is to catch me. What am I?

234. Often cooked as fillet, this meat comes from an animal that swims


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235. What has thirteen hearts But no body or soul?

236. It's only good if people laugh at it.

237. What goes up when rain comes down?

238. I have wheels and flies, yet I am not an aircraft. What am I?

239. I have a neck but no head. I have a body but no arm. I have a bottom
but no leg. What am I?

240. I am like thunder in your cranium. What am I?

241. I am a portal to another world which you cannot enter. Only you can
see me but I can't see you. What am I?

242. I am at your hand when it is dark and hidden away in the light. What
am I?

243. You can drop me from the tallest building and I'll be fine, but if you
drop me in water I die.
What am I?
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244. This orange vegetable is a favorite of Bugs Bunny.

245. I can be red, blue, purple, and green.

No one can reach me, not even the queen.
What am I?

246. Born in the ocean and white as snow. When I fall back to water I
disappear without a trace. What am I?

247. I am known for my natural tuxedo and marching. What am I?

248. It is the transportation of choice for princesses to attend balls.

249. What's an insect's favourite sport?

250. By Moon or by Sun, I shall be found.

Yet I am undone, if there's no light around.

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251. Bumpy form of transportation in desert cultures.

252. Be sure to shout for its answers are weak, but there is no language it
cannot speak.

253. What has four legs, but can't walk?

254. When filled I can point the way. But when empty unmoving I stay.
What am I?

255. Tickle with your fingers and a song it will sing. Be careful, though, you
may break a string. What is it?

256. I go around and in the house, but never touches the house. What am I?

257. I usually wear a yellow coat. I usually have a dark head. I make marks
wherever I go.

258. I invade your home once a year... but only if you've been good. What
am I?

259. I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but no
head. I cannot see, and I help keep your house neat and tidy. What am
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260. A weighty currency.

261. Add me to myself and multiply by 4.

Divide me by 8 and you will have me once more.
What number am I?

262. White fat and fluffy,

May even look like a puppy.
Seems heavy but is light,
Floats about without a worry,
But if it turns dark you have to hurry!

263. I go from house to house, a messenger small and tight.

Weather it rains or snows. I sleep outside at night.
What am I?

264. I am always in front of you, but you will never see me.

What am I?

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265. I have many letters, And though it's strange to say, I stay the same no
matter how many I give away.

266. Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?

267. I have a head, tail, but no arms and legs. What am I?

268. A king wears one on his head.

269. What is it that has a power socket on one end and a corkscrew on the

270. What type of drink is usually added to cereal in the morning?

271. If you're stealing honey, be prepared to receive vengeance in this form.

272. What is far behind us, and can be seen without looking at it?

273. What day, within a week of today, does not end in "Y"?

274. Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?

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275. How many seconds are in a year?

276. If you say my name i no longer exist. What am i?

277. If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got
me. What am i?

278. You are a bus driver, 8 people get on, 2 people get off, 2 more people get
on and another 1 get off. Finally, 3 more people get on and 2 get off
again. How old is the bus driver?

279. What lives when it eats and dies when it drinks?

280. What stays where it is when it goes off?

281. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving?

282. You can see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?

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283. A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree.
Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?

284. What is in the middle of the sky?

285. How does a dog cross a river without getting wet?

286. I am a bird, I am a fruit and I am a person. What am I?

287. What fruit never ever wants to be alone?

288. What fruit can you use to sip water?

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1. diamonds 29. shadow

2. penny 30. chair
3. stamp 31. eraser
4. incorrectly 32. kite
5. piano 33. wall
6. iceberg 34. horse
7. hurricane 35. outside
8. dice 36. lighthouse
9. blue 37. stairs
10. stone 38. vowels
11. address 39. thumb

selddiR eroM yalP
12. television 40. bottle
13. mailbox 41. flag
14. wrong 42. towel
15. noon 43. silence
16. ant 44. egg
17. weights 45. teeth
18. dictionary 46. traffic light
19. light switch 47. balloon
20. ton 48. kangaroo
21. fingernails 49. earrings
22. needle 50. dog
23. piggy bank 51. photograph
24. daughter 52. tomorrow
25. teapot 53. penguin
26. Mississippi 54. pea
27. roof 55. lock
28. glove 56. pillow
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Riddles for Kids

57. red paint 86. wish

58. chalkboard 87. chicken
59. rainbow 88. lap
60. vacuum cleaner 89. magic
61. rain 90. sponge
62. popcorn 91. carrot
63. automobile 92. birthday
64. frog 93. llama
65. stack 94. bugs bunny
66. queue 95. silence
67. telephone 96. piggy bank
68. hole 97. habit

69. wind 98. bulldog

selddiR eroM yalP

70. darkness 99. pregnant
71. egg 100. cheeks
72. milk truck 101. friendship
73. air 102. puppy
74. letter 103. leg
75. century 104. train tracks
76. fre 105. broccoli
77. telephone 106. dictionary
78. S 107. kite
79. dinner 108. racecar
80. tail 109. sleep
81. lion 110. nose
82. fart 111. compass
83. cup 112. map
84. phone 113. tree
85. glass 114. whisper
© Brainzilla.com Solve More Riddles MORE
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Riddles for Kids

115. sandwich 144. water

116. sprinkler 145. grass
117. blue 146. egg
118. teeth 147. mother
119. pupil 148. sun
120. tulips 149. wind
121. grandpa 150. height
122. R 151. turtle
123. stars 152. blueberry
124. balloon 153. foot
125. bunny 154. is
126. jello 155. surname

127. photograph 156. egg

selddiR eroM yalP

128. fork 157. G
129. myself 158. water
130. bumper car 159. nail
131. backpack 160. half
132. ghost 161. moon
133. rainbow 162. neck
134. fngernail 163. platypus
135. week 164. bread
136. tiger 165. bridge
137. towel 166. princes
138. watch 167. scissors
139. frog 168. name
140. earth 169. map
141. noon 170. door
142. bull 171. parrot
143. comb 172. tennis ball
© Brainzilla.com Solve More Riddles MORE
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use only (home, schools, libraries and churches)
Riddles for Kids

173. riddle 202. carpet

174. hanger 203. report card
175. cereal 204. starfish
176. thunder 205. eye
177. rooster 206. carpet
178. pizza 207. donut
179. purr 208. reflex
180. coconut 209. reflection
181. window 210. instruments
182. lollipop 211. glasses
183. crane 212. sunflower
184. today 213. spelling

185. Pinocchio 214. dreams

selddiR eroM yalP

186. strawberry 215. rhino
187. thirsty 216. star
188. garlic 217. alphabet
189. yesterday 218. space chips
190. lemonade 219. Q
191. el 220. N
192. candy 221. wave
193. egg 222. diploma
194. glove 223. gum
195. candle 224. sponge
196. seven 225. mustard
197. rain 226. cat
198. skeleton 227. night
199. dad 228. voice
200. fan 229. fog
201. shovel 230. father
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Riddles for Kids

231. sun 260. pound

232. shirt 261. Any number.
233. breath 262. cloud
234. fsh 263. road
235. deck 264. future
236. joke 265. mailman
237. umbrella 266. C
238. garbage truck 267. coin
239. bottle 268. crown
240. headache 269. pig
241. television 270. milk
242. fashlight 271. sting

243. paper 272. The past

selddiR eroM yalP

244. carrot 273. tomorrow
245. rainbow 274. fre
246. salt 275. 12 of them: January 2nd, February 2nd,
March 2nd, etc.
247. penguin
276. silence
248. carriage
277. secret
249. cricket
278. Whatever your are (you're the driver).
250. shadow
279. fre
251. camel
280. Alarm clock
252. echo
281. In the dictionary.
253. table
282. reflection
254. glove
283. None of them, because you can't get a
255. guitar
banana from a coconut tree.
256. Sun
284. The letter "k"
257. pencil
285. The river is frozen.
258. Santa Claus
286. kiwi
259. broom
287. A pear.
© Brainzilla.com Solve More Riddles MORE
Free for printing and distribution for non-commercial COGNITIVE
brainzilla.com/x/riddles CALISTHENICS
use only (home, schools, libraries and churches)
Riddles for Kids

288. straw-berry

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Free for printing and distribution for non-commercial COGNITIVE
brainzilla.com/x/riddles CALISTHENICS
use only (home, schools, libraries and churches)

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