Grease Appearance
Grease Appearance
Grease Appearance
The critical properties of a lubricating grease hence, the color does not necessarily indicate a
thickener depends on the application, but consistency particular application. While red greases are often
(hardness/softness), dropping point, corrosion and used in automobile chassis points, electric motors,
wear protection, water resistance, and protection or even wind turbines, it is important to confirm by
from extreme pressure and shock loads are common reviewing the label or product data sheet.
considerations. It is important to understand that
As the major components of the grease formulation,
no specific color ever reflects any of these critical
the base oils used at grease production facilities are
properties just mentioned.
secured locally when possible. There is color variability
within base fluids from different refineries, even those
Grease Color having the same properties. Therefore, the same
Lubricating greases are available to consumers in a grease product from two different manufacturing
variety of different colors, shades and opacities. These locations can show differences in color intensity or
colors are achieved by the addition of an appropriate tone. This can be seen in greases that contain dye
dye that does not affect the lubricating properties of but is especially true of greases that do not. The color
the grease. The principal reason for adding color to differences of base oils and grease products yielding
a grease is for easy identification by the end user; the same properties can be seen in Figure I and II.
Figure I Two different Group I Base Fluids Figure II The same grease from two different
manufacturing locations
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