QM Fall 2022 Final-2
QM Fall 2022 Final-2
QM Fall 2022 Final-2
(a) Please type your answers in English and put down your ref-
erences. (b) Please turn in your answers through the NTU COOL
course website, just like we did with the homework.
(1) (35 points: 30 points for (a), 5 points for (b)) We have learned in the
class that the gyromagnetic ratio of the electron was known to very high preci-
sion (in units of Bohr magneton).
(a) (6 pages maximum) Try to figure out and explain in your own words how
this electron g value was measured to 13 significant digits and how the first 12
digits agree with the theory prediction. The article in
is a good starting point. There is lots of physics involved in this story. See
how far you can go.
(b) (1 page maximum) After you have worked hard to finish part (a), you
(a) Construct the 2 × 2 Hamiltonian matrix with H = −γB · S (Eq. 4.158 of
the textbook), where
S is the spin operator.
(b) If χ(t) = is the spin state at time t, show that
i i
ȧ = (Ωeiωt b + ω0 a) ; ḃ = (Ωe−iωt a − ω0 b), (2)
2 2
where Ω = γBrf is related to the strength of the rf field.
(c) Solve for a(t) and b(t).
(d) If the particle starts out with spin up (i.e. a(0) = 1, b(0) = 0), show the
probability of a transition to spin down, as a function of time, is
Ω2 ω0 t
P (t) = 2 2
sin2 , (3)
(ω − ω0 ) + Ω 2
where ω 0 = (ω − ω0 )2 + Ω2 .
Now, if B0 Brf , then the spin state is the ground state. When
ω = ω0 , the transition from the ground state to the exited state can reach
100%. This transition can be detected when the state de-excites to the ground
state and emits a photon.
(e) After understanding the working principle of NMR, now write about its ap-
plications. You might want to start with reading
as well as the wikipedia page of MRI. Also, NMR is used to construct q-bits in
quantum computing as well.