2017 12 14 GFSFNF Lesson Plan
2017 12 14 GFSFNF Lesson Plan
2017 12 14 GFSFNF Lesson Plan
1. Wear your Give Me 5 A Day! Apron, if you have one. Invite children into
room by showing them the cover to the Go Fish!, Some Fish!, No Fish!
3. The teacher shows the children the cover of the book and says “What do
you think this story is about?” “Yes, it is about fish.” “Let’s see what the
book has to say.”
4. The teacher then reads the title of the book “Go Fish!, Some Fish!, No
Fish!” and reads the book aloud to the children.
Exploring Activity
The teacher says; “What are your favorite GO fish in the book?” “Where can we
find fish?” (store, restaurants, ocean)
For older children: Have a mixture of GO and NO Fish. Once they catch their
fish, have them put it into the GO pond or the No pond.
2. Matching Go Fish
Have two sets of laminated pictures of GO Fish. Give each child one picture to
hold. The teacher then puts the other set of the pictures into the “ocean” (a small
paper bag – color it blue). The teacher then says “I am going fishing and pulls
out one of the fish from the bag, holds it up and says who is also holding “GO
Fish - Salmon”? Child holds up their fish and participants clap for the child.
Child gives the fish to the teacher and she/he gives the child the GO Fish book
and they sit down while the other students play the game. As soon as the game
is finished the teacher passes out crayons and asks the children to find and color
the GO Fish in the book. While children are coloring the teacher can start Share
Time with Parents.
Share Time with Parents
Share time is when you share nutrition information from the story with the parents
while the children are working on their craft project. Keep the tone
conversational. The nutritionist should be listening more and the parents talking
more. For more information on facilitated dialogues, go to:
Pass out a handout that has the “GO” fish listed on one side. Ask
participants to circle the fish that they buy for their family and regularly eat
at home.
Then ask “Can anyone share a favorite family fish dish that uses “GO”
fish?” Or “Can anyone share which “GO” fish you buy at the store?”
Fish is high in protein and low in saturated fat. The fish with heart next to
their names are also high in good fats called omega-3 fatty acids. These
good fats may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke and are also
good for brain development in unborn babies.
Then have participants turn handout over and circle the “NO fish” that they
regularly eat at home
Ask “If you have circled some of the NO Fish, can you think of a GO fish
that you can substitute it with?” “Does anyone want to share?”
“NO Fish” have excessive mercury can pass through the placenta or
mother’s milk and harm your baby. It can also be harmful to young
children. Do not eat fish from the high mercury category.
Some other points to add as they come up naturally in the discussion are:
• Never eat shark, swordfish, tilefish or king mackerel. These fish are
highest in mercury.
• Also, don’t eat raw fish, raw oysters or refrigerated smoked fish.
• Eat a variety of other fish.
• Limit amounts eaten each week.
• Eat only the filet of the fish. Throw away the head, guts, kidneys, liver, fat,
and skin.
• Broil, grill, bake or steam fish on a rack. Throw away the drippings or juice.
Don’t use them for gravy or sauces.
• Choose chunk light tuna. It has less mercury than white or albacore
canned tuna or tuna steaks.
(used with permission from the California WIC Program)
Remind parents that the most important thing they can do to help their children
learn to read is to read to them.
Ask parents to complete the behavioral change question.
Movement Time
Have children stand and sing with them the GO Fish song. Show the children
how they can put their hands together and move them like a fish. Encourage
children to move, sway and dance with the song.