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Applied Science

Ingenieurbüro Dieter Scholz

Seevering 53
D - 21629 Neu Wulmstorf

Aircraft Fire Protection

Dieter Scholz

April 2006


prepared for

Minimax GmbH & Co KG

Industriestraße 10/12
D - 23840 Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 2

Table of Contents
Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ 4

1 Setting the Scene ........................................................................................................ 5

2 Introduction to Aircraft Systems ............................................................................ 7

2.1 Aircraft Systems General ............................................................................................ 7
2.2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Breakdown ................................................................................................................ 10
2.4 Certification .............................................................................................................. 12
2.5 Safety and Reliability ............................................................................................... 13
2.6 Mass .......................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Power ........................................................................................................................ 21
2.8 Costs and Trade-Off Studies ..................................................................................... 23
2.9 Documentation of Aircraft Systems ......................................................................... 24

3 Aircraft Fire Protection Fundamentals ................................................................ 25

3.1 Definition .................................................................................................................. 25
3.2 Detection Fundamentals ........................................................................................... 25
3.3 Overheat Detection ................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Smoke Detection ....................................................................................................... 29
3.5 Extinguishing Fundamentals .................................................................................... 31
3.6 Engine and APU Extinguishing ................................................................................ 32
3.7 Cargo Extinguishing and Inerting ............................................................................. 33
3.8 Passenger Compartment Extinguishing .................................................................... 34

4 A321 Fire Protection ............................................................................................... 35

4.1 Fire Protection General ............................................................................................. 35
4.2 Engine Fire Detection and Extinguishing ................................................................. 36
4.3 APU Fire Detection and Extinguishing .................................................................... 44
4.4 Avionic Smoke Detection ......................................................................................... 48
4.5 Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection and Extinguishing ....................................... 52
4.6 Lavatory Smoke Detection and Extinguishing ......................................................... 57

5 Selected Issues in Aircraft Fire Protection ........................................................... 60

5.1 Detailed ATA Breakdown for Fire Protection Systems ........................................... 60
5.2 Companies in the Field of Aircraft Fire Protection .................................................. 60
5.3 Operational Requirements on Fire Protection .......................................................... 62
5.4 Flight / Cabin Crew Rest Compartments .................................................................. 64
5.5 Tank Inerting ............................................................................................................ 65

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Aircraft Fire Protection 3

References ................................................................................................................................... 67

Bibliography to "Introduction to Aircraft Systems" ............................................................. 67

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Aircraft Fire Protection 4

AC Advisory Circulars
ACJ Advisory Circular Joint
AMJ Advisory Material Joint
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ATA Air Transport Association of America
BITE Built-In Test Equipment
CCF Common Cause Failures
CS Certification Specifications
DMC Direct Maintenance Costs
DOC Direct Operating Costs
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECS Environmental Control System
ETOPS Extended range Twin-engine OPerationS
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FAR Federal Airworthiness Requirements
FH Flight Hour
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis
FTA Fault Tree Analysis
FTRR Failure To Removal Ratio
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAR Joint Aviation Requirements
LED Light Emitting Diode
MDO Multidisciplinary Design Optimization
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTBUR Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
OEW Operational Empty Weight
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RBD Reliability Block Diagram
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
ZSA Zonal Safety Analysis

More abbreviations and abbreviations specific to Airbus aircraft are provided in


Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 5

1 Setting the Scene

This report tries to give an introduction to the topic fire protection (Feuerschutzanlagen) on air-

Already in the beginning of flight, aircraft got lost through fires. Possible causes of a fire were
mostly the fuel system or the electrical system. In 1925 most aircraft were equipped with some
kind of fire protection equipment. Fire protection equipment was – for obvious reasons – of spe-
cial importance for the air forces. In Germany, also Minimax of Neuruppin was one of the sup-
pliers to the German Luftwaffe (Ruff 1989).

Fire protection on aircraft is of particular importance, because once the aircraft is airborne, any
fire needs to be taken care of with on board equipment. Particularly during flights over remote
areas, a fire needs to be kept under control for a relatively long time before an emergency land-
ing on an alternate airport may be achieved. Furthermore, an aircraft includes areas that are not
accessible during flight. In these areas of the aircraft, remote sensing and (semi-)automatic
equipment is required.

Fire protection on aircraft is broken down into

 detection (Feuerwarnung) and
 extinguishing (Feuerlöschung).

Main areas of fire protection on an aircraft are

 the engines (Triebwerke)
 the auxiliary power unit (Hilfstriebwerk)
(mostly installed in the tail cone of aircraft, the cargo compartment).

Other areas of the aircraft that may be equipped with a fire protection system are
 the cargo compartment (Frachtraum)
 the landing gear bay (also called: wheel well) (Fahrwerksschacht)
 the avionic compartment
 areas that are exposed to bleed air (Zapfluft) from the engines for anti icing (Enteisung) or
heating purposes
 areas of the aircraft cabin including
o lavatories (Toiletten)
o crew rest compartments.

This introduction only takes account of fire protection on civil transport aircraft. "Fire Protec-
tion" is one of many systems on the aircraft.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 6

Layout of the Report

Chapter 2 gives an introduction to aircraft systems in general. The aim of this Chapter is
to make the reader familiar with the basic concepts of aircraft systems: safe-
ty/reliability, certification, maintainability, mass, power, costs and documenta-
Chapter 3 provides aircraft fire protection fundamentals.
Chapter 4 shows some more details of fire detection and extinguishing using the Airbus
A321 as an example.
Chapter 5 addresses some special issues that are of interest for Minimax in 2006.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 7

2 Introduction to Aircraft Systems

2.1 Aircraft Systems General

What are Aircraft Systems?

Broadly speaking, an aircraft can be subdivided into three categories:
1. the airframe (the aircraft structure)
2. the power plant (the engines)
3. the aircraft systems (the equipment).
This section deals with the last of these categories. Aircraft systems comprise thus all these many
mechanical, electrical, and electronic items, devices and components, which are installed in an
aircraft for the various purposes.

People usually take well account of the airframe and the power plant: The airframe provides the
aircraft with its (relative) rigidity. Furthermore it enables the generation of lift through its aero-
dynamic shape. With a glider you can get away without a power plant. But in order to maintain
(weather independent) sustained level flight, a power plant is necessary to produces thrust to
overcome the drag.

The uninitiated observer might conclude that with airframe and power plant we already have all
we need. This however is not true. Even the earliest aircraft needed more. Necessary were some
means to steer the aircraft (flight controls) and to handle it on the ground (landing gear). This
explains, why these aircraft systems also today play a key role among the many aircraft systems
and have to be considered already in the very early stages in aircraft design. Obviously also a
fuel system was needed from the beginning of the history of powered flight. With aircraft flying
longer distances navigation and communication systems became important; with aircraft flying
higher and taking passengers on board, cabin systems like air conditioning and oxygen systems
were introduced.

Those readers who have not been familiar with the term "aircraft systems" should by now have
an idea what aircraft systems are. For the insider a much more rigorous definition of the term is
necessary and will be provided further down.

Significance of Aircraft Systems

The mass of the aircraft systems accounts for 1/3 of the aircraft's empty mass. Similarly, aircraft
systems have a high economical impact: More than one third of the development and production
costs of a medium range civil transport can be allocated to aircraft systems – and this ratio can
even be higher in case of military aircraft. In the same proportion, the price of the aircraft is
driven by aircraft systems. Aircraft systems account roughly for one third of the Direct Operating
Costs (DOC) and the Direct Maintenance Costs (DMC).

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Aircraft Fire Protection 8

Historical Trends
Since the 1960th stability in aircraft silhouettes and general design concepts can be observed.
Nevertheless, remarkable progress has been achieved since that time: In the same way as aero-
dynamics, structures, and power plants have been optimized, also aircraft systems have been
gradually improved in economics, reliability, and safety. This has been made possible by a con-
stant evolution and optimization through in service experience, research, and development and
also by employing new technologies.

Probably the most important impact to the changes has been made by digital data processing.
Today, computers are part of almost every aircraft system of larger aircraft. Furthermore, com-
puters play a key role in the design and manufacturing process of aircraft systems. Looking at
current developments, it can be concluded that the evolution of aircraft systems has not come to
an end yet. Modern achievements in computer technology will further make their way into the

Striving for improved safety, economics, and passenger comfort will demand even more sophis-
ticated technologies and complexity. The airlines show some reluctance to accept the ever-
increasing complexity for the reason that trouble shooting the aircraft does not get easier. Avia-
tion industry has taken on an approach that technology has to "buy its way onto the aircraft" –
i.e. only if new technologies can prove their overall benefit they will be a candidate in a new
aircraft design.

It should also be noted that the separate tasks of the structure, the engines, and the systems are
being more and more integrated to handle the tasks together. Here are some examples:
 Electronic flight control systems stabilize a fighter aircraft with an unstable layout or stabi-
lize aircraft structural or rigid body modes.
 A gust load alleviation system as part of the flight control systems helps to reduce the design
loads for the wing structure.
 A highly reliable yaw damper system enables the aircraft to be built with a fin, which is
smaller than would otherwise be required.
 Engine parameters are changed in accordance with air conditioning demands.
To achieve an overall optimum in aircraft design it is no longer possible to look at the structure,
the engines, and the aircraft systems separately. Today's challenge lies in the task to optimize the
aircraft as a whole by means of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO).

The Industry
Aircraft systems are defined by the aircraft manufacturer. This takes commonly place in joined
teams with engineers from specialized subcontractors. The subcontractors work on the final de-
sign, manufacture the system or component and deliver their parts to the aircraft manufacturer's
final assembly line. The trend is for aircraft manufacturers to select major subcontractors who
are made responsible for designing and manufacturing a complete aircraft system. These subcon-
tractors may even become risk sharing partners in the aircraft program. Aircraft are maintained
Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 9

by dedicated maintenance organizations. Maintenance is done on aircraft and off aircraft. Off
aircraft maintenance is performed on aircraft components in specialized shops.

2.2 Definitions

The term system is frequently used in engineering sciences. In thermodynamics e.g. a system is
characterized by its defined boundary. The definition of the term system with respect to aircraft
is a little more specific. The World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary (WATOG) defines:

System: A combination of inter-related items arranged to perform a specific func-

tion. (WATOG 1992)

Subsystem: A major functional portion of a system, which contributes to operational

completeness of the system. (WATOG 1992)

The World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary also gives an example together with further
subdivisions of the system and subsystem:
 system : auxiliary power unit
 subsystem : power generator
 component : fuel control unit
 subassembly : valve
 part : seal

Note that these definitions are taken out of the connotation of civil aircraft. With respect to mili-
tary aircraft, people rather talk about aircraft subsystems. In the example above, the auxiliary
power unit would hence be considered a subsystem.

When dealing with aircraft systems all categories of aircraft would need to be considered. ICAO

Aircraft: Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reaction
of the air. (ICAO Annex 2)

Aircraft category: Classification of aircraft according to specified basic characteristics, e.g.

aeroplane, glider, rotorcraft, free balloon. (ICAO Annex 1)

Combining the above definitions, a definition for aircraft systems may read:

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Aircraft Fire Protection 10

Aircraft System: A combination of inter-related items arranged to perform a specific func-

tion on an aircraft.

This section specifically deals with aircraft systems on powered heavier-than-air aircraft i.e. on
aeroplanes. Although aircraft systems of gliders, rotorcrafts, and free balloons have to take ac-
count of the specifics of the aircraft category in question, they are otherwise not fundamentally
different from aircraft systems on aeroplanes.

2.3 Breakdown

Aircraft systems are distinguished by their function. It was common practice in civil aviation to
group aircraft systems according to Specification 100 of the Air Transport Association of Ameri-
ca (ATA) (ATA 100). Recently ATA 100 has become part of the new ATA iSpec 2200
(ATA 2200). This has introduced also minor changes and updates to the definitions of aircraft
systems. Both specification's aim is to thoroughly structure aircraft documentation. Accordingly,
aircraft equipment is identified by an equipment identifier consisting of three elements of two
digits each. The identifier 29-31-03 points to system 29, subsystem 31 and unit 03. The aircraft
systems – or in ATA-terms: airframe systems – are listed in Table 12.1.1 together with their sys-
tem identifiers. It is common practice to refer just to the system identifier ATA 28 instead of re-
ferring to the "fuel system". Furthermore it is often referred to Chapter 28 because chapter 28 is
allocated to the fuel system in any aircraft documentation showing ATA-conformity.

Autopilot, communications, navigation, and indicating/recording systems (ATA 22, 23, 34, 31
[44, 45, 46] ) are electronic systems, know in aviation as avionic systems and are characterized
by processing information (compare with SAE 1998).

Other systems provide fuel, power, and essential comfort to crew and passengers. These non-
avionic systems are the general or utility systems. Today, there is an increase in the number of
electronic control units within the utility systems; nevertheless, the primary purpose of these
systems remains some kind of energy transfer. (Moir 2001)

Secondary power systems comprise the non-propulsive power generation and transmission. They
include electrical power, hydraulic power, pneumatic, and auxiliary power (SAE 1998) (ATA
24, 29, 36, 49). Secondary power systems provide power to other aircraft systems.

The environmental control system (ECS) is an engineering system, which will maintain the im-
mediate environment of an organism within defined limits of temperature, pressure, and gaseous
composition suitable for continuance of comfort and efficiency (AGARD 1980). The air condi-
tioning system and the oxygen system (ATA 21, 35) are assigned to these tasks.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 11

Table 2.1 Aircraft systems (ATA 2200)

identifier name of system
21 air conditioning
22 auto flight
23 communications
24 electrical power
25 equipment / furnishings
26 fire protection
27 flight controls
28 fuel
29 hydraulic power
30 ice & rain protection
31 indicating / recording systems
32 landing gear
33 lights
34 navigation
35 oxygen
36 pneumatic
38 water / waste
44 cabin systems
46 information systems
49 airborne auxiliary power
50 cargo and accessory compartments
a Aircraft systems newly defined in ATA 2200.

Also other terms are loosely coined. Examples are these:

Hydraulic systems comprise all systems that apply hydraulic power. In general, these are hydrau-
lic power, flight controls, and landing gear (ATA 29, 27, 32).

Electric systems comprise all systems that apply electric power. In general, these are electric
power (ATA 24) and all systems with major electrical consumers. Electrical systems are charac-
terized by electrical power generation, distribution and consumption and have to be distinguished
from avionic systems.

Pneumatic systems comprise all systems that apply pneumatic power. In general, these are
pneumatic and other systems with pneumatic components (ATA 36, 21, 30).

According to a general understanding at Airbus, cabin systems comprise all systems with an im-
pact on the cabin of the aircraft and hence with an influence on the passenger (ATA 21, 25, 35,
38 and partially 23, 26, 31, 33). Note: Following ATA 2200, "Cabin Systems (ATA 44)" are
defined as "Those units and components which furnish means of entertaining the passengers and
providing communication within the aircraft and between the aircraft cabin and ground stations.
Includes voice, data, music and video transmissions..."

These groupings depend to a certain extend also on the system technologies applied in the air-
craft being considered.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 12

2.4 Certification

After one or several prototype aircraft are designed and manufactured they go through a series of
certification tests in order to show compliance with the certification requirements. Compliance
with the requirements may be shown by analysis, ground, or flight test – depending on the re-
quirements or negotiations with the aviation administration. System test allocate a substantial
part in the certification program. In Europe, certification of large aeroplanes is based on the Joint
Aviation Requirements (JAR-25) or now: certification standards CS-25 of the EASA, in the
USA it is based on the Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Airplanes (FAR Part 25).
Large aeroplanes are basically those aircraft with a maximum takeoff mass of more than
5700 kg. JAR/CS and FAR are very similar, because the basic code for JAR-25/CS-25 is
FAR Part 25 – further harmonization of the requirements is in progress. The certification of one
or several prototype aircraft leads to a type certificate being issued. Aircraft in series production
have to show airworthiness and conformity with the prototype aircraft. In service the aircraft
have to be maintained according to an agreed maintenance schedule to prove continuous air-

JAR-25/CS-25 and FAR Part 25 are grouped into several Subparts:

Subpart F "Equipment" contains requirements for aircraft systems:

 § 1301 ... General
§ 1307: Miscellaneous Equipment (incl. Rain Protection)
§ 1309: safety requirements, loads, environmental conditions
 § 1302 ... Instruments and Navigation
§ 1329 and § 1335: Auto Flight
 § 1351 ... Electrical System
 § 1381 ... Lights
also § 812: Emergency Lighting
 § 1411 ... Safety Equipment
§ 1416 ... : Ice Protection
 § 1431 ... Miscellaneous Equipment (incl. Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Recorder)
§ 1435 : Hydraulic Power
§ 1436 ... : Pneumatics
§ 1439 ... : Oxygen
Subpart E "Power Plant" also contains requirements for power plant related systems:
 § 951 ... Fuel System
 § 1195 ... Fire Protection (detection and extinguishing related to the power plant)

Subpart D "Design and Construction" contains requirements for aircraft systems:

 § 651 ... Flight Control
 § 721 ... Landing Gear
 § 771 ... Equipment / Furnishings (personnel and cargo accommodations)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 13

extended in "Safety Equipment" § 1411...

§ 799 : Water System
 § 831 ... Air Conditioning (ventilation, heating, pressurization)
 § 851 ... Fire Protection (detection and extinguishing related to the cabin)

Subpart J Gas Turbine Auxiliary Power Unit Installation contains requirements for airborne aux-
iliary power – i.e. the auxiliary power unit (APU). This subpart also includes further:
 § A1181 ... Fire Protection (detection and extinguishing related to the APU)

Interpretative material to most paragraphs is provided:

 FAR: Advisory Circulars (AC) (especially in AC 25-17 and AC 25-22)
 JAR: Advisory Circular Joint (ACJ) (ACJ-25) and
Advisory Material Joint (AMJ) (AMJ-25)

2.5 Safety and Reliability

On the one hand, the safety and reliability considerations of the aircraft systems are an integral
part of the safety and reliability considerations of the whole aircraft. On the other hand, modern
sophisticated aircraft depend very much on the proper functioning of their aircraft systems, so
that safety and reliability considerations of aircraft systems have become of high importance in
their own right. For this reason an aircraft systems specific approach to the topic is presented.

Safety is a state in which the risk is lower than a permissible risk. The risk is defined by the
probability of a failure and the expected effect.

The effect of a failure describes the consequences of the failure (damage or injury).

The probability of failure, F(t) is equal to the number of failures within a given period of time
divided by the total number of parts in a test.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 14

Table 2.2 Safety requirements for large aeroplane's systems ACJ No. 1 to 25.1309 (ACJ-25)
effect on normal nuisance operating limita- significant large reduction in multiple deaths,
aircraft tions reduction in safety margins usually with loss
and safety margins of aircraft
occupants emergency crew extended
procedures difficult for crew because of work-
to cope with load or environ-
adverse condi- mental conditions
serious injury or
passenger death of small
injuries number of occu-
category of minor minor minor major hazardous catastrophe
probability of frequent frequent reasonably remote extremely remote extremely im-
a failure probable probable
according to 100 ... 10-2 10-2 ... 10-3 10-3 ... 10-5 10-5 ... 10-7 10-7 ... 10-9 < 10-9
JAR 25
(per flight hour)

The safety requirements for aircraft systems are stated in § 1309 of the certification requirements
JAR-25/CS-25 and FAR Part 25 and are listed here in Table 2.2. The probability of a failure in
a system increases with the time period of operation and is specified for an operation time of one
flight hour (FH). Obviously, the higher the effect of a failure is on aircraft operation, passengers,
and the aircraft itself, the lower the permissible probability of such a failure has to be.

The reliability is the probability of survival R(t). It is an item's ability to fulfill defined require-
ments for a specific period of time under specified conditions. A statement referring to the relia-
bility of a system can only be made if the failure criteria are precisely defined.

The reliability or probability of survival, R(t) can also be defined as the number of parts surviv-
ing within a given period of time divided by the total number of parts in a test.

R(t )  F (t )  1

Although referring to the reliability R(t), mostly the value of the probability of failure F(t) is giv-
en (10-7) because the reliability yields values more difficult to handle (0.9999999).

The hazard rate function, z(t) is a measure of the probability that a component will fail in the
next time interval, given that it has survived up to the beginning of that time interval. If the haz-
ard rate function is constant (which is often assumed), it is called the failure rate . Failure rates
of mechanical components are listed in Rome 1985, failure rates for electric and electronic
equipment can be estimated using MIL-HDBK-217. The failure rate has units of 1 per flight
hour (1/FH). The inverse of the failure rate is called the mean time between failures (MTBF) is
often used in reliability and maintenance circles.

MTBF  1/ 

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Aircraft Fire Protection 15

The failure to removal ratio (FTRR) is a maintenance quantity. It shows the ratio of faults found
in a component during a shop visit divided by the number of component removals. Unfortunate-
ly, the FTRR is especially low in case of electrical components (0.6 ... 0.7) and electronic com-
ponents (0.3 ... 0.4). Hydraulic components (0.8 ... 0.9) and mechanical components (1.0) show
better values. The product of MTBF and FTRR yields the maintenance cost driver, the mean time
between unscheduled removals (MTBUR).


The reliability and the probability of failure can be calculated from the failure rate

R(t )  e  t , F (t ) 1  e  t .

For low failure rates as they are common in aviation, the probability of failure calculated for a
period of one hour (F(t)/FH) equals almost exactly the failure rate .

Systems are a combination of many components either in parallel, in series, or a combination of

both. The reliability of a series system is equal to the product of is component values.

RS (t )  R1 (t ) R2 (t ) R3 (t ) ...

The failure rate of a series system is approximately the sum of the failure rates of its (reliable)
 S  1   2   3 ...

The probability of failure of a parallel system is equal to the product of is component values.

FP (t )  F1 (t ) F2 (t ) F3 (t ) ...

The failure rate of a parallel system is approximately the product of is (reliable) component val-

 P  1  2  3 ...

Systems can be depicted by reliability block diagrams (RBD). The analysis of large systems is
carried out in successive stages. At each stage a small number of components connected either in
parallel or in series is combined with equations as shown above. In this way the complexity of
the system can be reduced step by step. The fault tree analysis (FTA) is an alternative method to
deal with complex systems. Parallel system are combined by an OR gate symbol. Series systems
are combined by an AND gate symbol. Top events are shown in a rectangle and basic failure
causes are shown in circles. Software tools exist that support a FTA or the analysis of a RBD.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 16

Systems might show cross-linkages so that some units are in more than one subsystem. One way
of dealing with this problem is to use a theorem on conditional probability or to apply a truth
table (Davidson 1988).

These approximate equations for series and parallel systems are quite useful in day-to-day busi-
ness. The last equation also shows the ability of parallel systems to achieve low failure rates and
thus high reliability. E.g. three components combined in parallel with a failure rate of 10-3 1/FH
each, yield an overall failure rate of 10-9 1/FH. This is a failure rate that could not have achieved
by a single component no matter how careful this component would have been manufactured and
tested. This thought leads us to the concept of redundancy that is so typical in safety critical air-
craft systems.

Redundancy is the existence of more means for accomplishing a given function than would
simply be necessary. It is distinguished between
 homogeneous redundancy (the multiple means are identical) and
 inhomogeneous redundancy (the multiple means are of different type) also called: dissimilar
redundancy or diversitary redundancy.

Safety critical aircraft systems often show triplex subsystems. The system architecture of safety
critical computers may be even of quadruplex or duo duplex type.

The subsystems of a system with built in redundancy may all work together. If one subsystem
fails, the others will just have to cope with a somewhat higher load. These systems are called
active-active systems. Other systems may be of the active-standby type and need to perform a
changeover in case of a failure. If the standby subsystem is constantly waiting for being activat-
ed, it is on hot standby otherwise on cold standby. The changeover should not be dependent on a
changeover unit because this unit with its own limited reliability might fail and prevent the
changeover. If an active-standby concept is applied, the subsystems should take turn in doing the
job. This could be achieved with a planned changeover before every take-off. If the same subsys-
tem stays in standby all the time, it might show an (undetected) dormant failure and hence would
not be able to take up the job in case of failure of the first subsystem. Systems with a potential of
dormant failures need regular maintenance checks and should be avoided.

An assumption has been made in the calculation of parallel systems that the failures of individual
subsystems are independent of each other. That is that two or more subsystems do not fail simul-
taneously from precisely the same cause (except purely by chance). However, most systems have
the potential of having more than one failure due to a common cause. These failures are called
common cause failures (CCF). They tend to arise from errors made during design, manufacture,
maintenance, operation, or environmental effects. For example, loss of power supply could cause
both a running and a standby pump to fail (design error) or an empty fuel tank could cause all
engines to quit (error in operation). Because these failure modes may appear to be outside the
system being assessed, they can easily be overlooked, leading to too-optimistic assessments.
Methods to avoid common cause failures in the design stage are the application of

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Aircraft Fire Protection 17

 inhomogeneous redundancy (see above)

 segregation in the rooting of redundant wires, pipes, and ducts.
 separation of redundant components
 placing safety critical components in safe areas
 design of redundant components or software programs by independent teams with different
(software) tools.

An aircraft should not only be safe to fly, it should also show very few errors that need the atten-
tion of maintenance personnel. In this respect we face a problem with high safety requirements.
High safety requirements lead to the application of redundancy and hence more subsystems. The
probability of a failure leading to the loss of the overall function can be reduced by redundancy,
but the probability for the occurrence of any failure anywhere in the system is increased. Two
subsystems with a failure rate of 10-3 1/FH each yield an overall probability of failure of about
10-6 and a probability of any failure of 2.10-3 (based on a one hour operation). Three subsystems
yield an overall probability of failure of 10-9 and a probability of any failure of already 3.10-3.
The level of safety during flight can only be achieved if all subsystems work properly before
take-off, but – as we have seen – the probability for any failure increases with an increased num-
ber of subsystems. These thoughts lead to what is called availability and dispatch reliability.

The steady state availability is defined as the probability that a system will be available when
required, or as the proportion of total time that the system is available for use. Therefore, the
availability of a system is a function of its failure rate  and of its repair rate  = 1/MTTR,
where MTTR is the mean time to repair

ASS   .
MTBF  MTTR   

The instantaneous availability, or probability that the system will be available at time t is

 
AI   e  (   ) t .
 

Often it is more revealing to consider system unavailability U = 1 – A . The instantaneous avail-

ability of an aircraft at the moment of dispatch from the gate is called dispatch reliability. Dis-
patch reliability for technical reasons primarily depends on the combined dispatch reliability of
the aircraft systems. The airlines monitor their fleets dispatch reliability very carefully because
high dispatch unreliability leads to delays and cancellations of flights and incurs delay and can-
cellation costs (see below). Dispatch reliability depends on the maturity of an aircraft program
and is in the order of 0.99. A method to increase dispatch reliability is the introduction of built-in
test equipment (BITE) into electronic systems. Though this adds complexity and might result in
spurious failure indications, it can greatly reduce maintenance times by providing an instantane-
ous indication of failure location. Another method is to provide extra redundancy above the level

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Aircraft Fire Protection 18

required for safety reasons. This would than allow to dispatch with one subsystem inoperative.
Components that are not needed for take-off may be known as flying spares. The pilot gets a
clear indication about which subsystems or components need to be available at take-off from the
minimum equipment list (MEL) written by the airline on the basis of the master minimum equip-
ment list (MMEL) provided by the manufacturer and approved by the authorities.

The reliability assurance during the aircraft system design applies a couple of different methods.
Some of them are listed here:
 Drawing a fault tree for a fault tree analysis (FTA) (see above) starts from consideration of
system failure effects, referred to as top event. The analysis proceeds by determining how
these can be caused by lower level failures. In this way it is a top-down approach.
 The reliability apportionment breaks an overall system reliability requirement down to indi-
vidual subsystem reliabilities. This is common in large systems when different design teams
of subcontractors are involved. Clearly it follows a top-down approach.
 In contrast, the failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) (US MIL-STD-1629)
follows a bottom-up approach. It considers each mode of failure of every component of a
system to ascertain the effects on system operation and defines a failure mode criticality
 The zonal safety analysis (ZSA) looks at an aircraft not from a functional point of view, but
rather looks at the components location. The ZSA checks installation rules, checks the effects
of events originating within the zone, in other zones, or on the outside.

Software defies the above calculations and methods. However information can be drawn from
RTCA/DO-178B that deals with software considerations in airborne systems and equipment.
Environmental conditions for airborne equipment are presented in RTCA/DO-160D.

2.6 Mass

Mass estimation of aircraft systems is part of the mass (or weight) estimation of the whole air-
craft. The mass of all the aircraft systems mSYS amounts to 23% ... 40% of the aircraft's empty
mass mOE , where mOE is the mass related to the Operational Empty Weight, OEW. The figure
23% is true in case of a modern long-range airliner, whereas 40% is about right for a smaller
aircraft like a business jet. Hence for civil jet transport we may write

 0.23 ... 0.4 .

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Aircraft Fire Protection 19

On average this ratio comes to 1/3 and that is what has been stated above. Taking into account
the ratio of the aircraft empty mass mOE and the maximum takeoff mass mMTO ( mMTO is the
mass related to the Maximum Takeoff Weight, MTOW)

 0.11 ... 0.23 .


mass of aircraft systems


in kg






0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000
maximum takeoff mass
in kg

Figure 2.1 Mass of aircraft systems of selected civil jet aircraft plotted against their maximum takeoff

Figure 2.1 shows the mass of aircraft systems of selected civil jet aircraft as a function of their
maximum takeoff mass. We follow a top down approach and fit a curve to this data to obtain

mSYS  0.92 mMTO for mSYS and mMTO in kg .

This function is shown in Figure 2.1. The average relative mass of the individual systems of civil
jet aircraft is given in Table 2.3.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 20

Table 2.3 Average relative mass of aircraft systems of civil jets

identifier name of system average relative
mass of system
21 air conditioning 6%
22 auto flight 1%
23 communications 2%
24 electrical power 10%
25 equipment / furnishings 24%
26 fire protection 1%
27 flight controls 8%
28 fuel 3%
29 hydraulic power 7%
30 ice & rain protection < 1%
31 indicating / recording systems < 1%
32 landing gear 27%
33 lights 2%
34 navigation 3%
35 oxygen 1%
36 pneumatic 2%
38 water / waste 1%
49 airborne auxiliary power 2%

Some aircraft systems, like the landing gear system (ATA 32) and the equipment and furnishings
(ATA 25) account for a large percentage of the total aircraft system mass. The avionic system
relative mass is 6% on average, but this figure depends on aircraft size, because the amount of
avionics needed in jet aircraft tends to be nearly constant. For this reason, the relative mass of
avionic systems of business aircraft may be as high as 14% and may be as low as 5% in case of a
large civil transport. As can be seen in Table 2.3, a number of systems are of minor importance
for aircraft system mass predictions. This is also true for the fire protection system.

A bottom up approach follows statistical techniques. It uses system parameters to predict the
mass of the system. Equations are given in Raymer 1992, Roskam 1989, or Torenbeek 1988.
In addition, the knowledge gathered in papers from the Society of Allied Weight Engineers
should be taped. See SAWE 2002.

Statistics of aircraft system mass have to take as many aircraft into account as possible in order
to broaden the statistical base. This however is really possible only, if mass data is based on
comparable and detailed mass breakdowns. Unfortunately, there are many quite different break-
downs in use and it is found that system boundaries overlap from one method to another or are
not well defined in the first place. So in the present situation, it is very difficult to use and com-
pare mass data and mass equations based on one of these breakdowns in another setting. This
situation adds to the difficulties that exist with statistical methods anyhow and explains why sta-
tistical mass equations for systems or subsystems do not provide particularly reliable data.

Boeing has used a breakdown format called Weight Research Data 1 (WRD1). In the literature
breakdowns very similar to WRD1 can be found. Airbus uses so called Weight Chapters. Anoth-

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Aircraft Fire Protection 21

er approach is given with MIL-STD-1374. Above we have used a mass breakdown according to
the ATA 100 Chapter numbering. ATA 100 also includes a widely accepted mass breakdown for
weight and balance manuals. This breakdown, however, provides only as much detail as needed
in aircraft operation but not enough detail for aircraft system design. Detailed system mass pre-
dictions are also necessary for Center of Gravity (CG) calculation for the aircraft.

Practical mass predictions will look like this: In the early design stage, statistical methods are
used. The aircraft manufacturer can also use the information contained in the mass database of
older aircraft for the new design. In a later design stage a subcontractor will offer a system or an
item of equipment. The subcontractor has probably quite a good idea what the item's mass will
be from a comparison with similar items already built. If the required size of equipment is differ-
ent from an older one, a mass estimate may be obtained from scaling. In the final development
stage, mass accounting can be based on the actual mass of components that are already delivered
to the manufacturer.

There is another virtue in mass predictions: The system mass has been used for rough cost calcu-
lations. This is possible when from statistics costs per unit mass are known and costs are as-
sumed to be proportional with mass. Evidently, the concept of calculating costs from mass fails,
if expensive mass reduction programs are being applied. The concept also fails, if highly sophis-
ticated technologies are applied to reduce mass that are not considered in the established cost per
unit mass.

2.7 Power

Gliders use the energy of up-currents, solar powered vehicles use the energy from the sun. Also
human powered flight has been demonstrated. Propulsive power for any other "down to earth"
flying depends on fuel. This fuel is used in the aircraft main engines. Secondary power systems
(hydraulic power, electrical power, pneumatic power) in turn draw on engine power to supply
their client systems with non-propulsive power in all those cases where functions are not directly
actuated by the pilot's muscles. This is the simple picture of the aircraft power management.
However, there is more to it, due to safety requirements and the need for autonomous operation
of the aircraft on the ground with engines shut down.

Various secondary power sources are available in the air and on the ground. Secondary power
loads may be grouped into two major categories. Power conversion transforms secondary power
from one form into another.

An auxiliary power unit (APU) is used to produce power from fuel independent of the main
engines. An APU is a gas turbine engine. Most often it produces electrical power and pneumatic
power. A ram air turbine (RAT) is used to produce hydraulic or electrical power from the ki-

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Aircraft Fire Protection 22

netic energy of the air passing by the aircraft. This is possible even without fuel and without the
main engines running – at least as long as the aircraft soars down consuming its potential energy.
Except from the pilot's own energy, the aircraft batteries are the last and very limited source of
energy on board.

Ground power may be available on the apron or in the hangar. The aircraft may directly be sup-
plied with electricity, high-pressure hydraulic fluid, pressurized air, and/or air conditioned air.
Human power could work a hand pump in the hydraulic system. If only electrical ground power
is available, the aircraft depends on its secondary power conversion capabilities to activate also
the hydraulic and pneumatic system. Without ground equipment and with engines shut down, the
aircraft may operate autonomously if it is equipped with an auxiliary power unit (APU).

First of all, secondary power loads may be grouped into

 technical loads consumed by equipment required to operate the aircraft safely
 commercial loads consumed by equipment required to increase passenger comfort and satis-
faction, and the airlines needs to provide these services.

Power conversion among different secondary power systems is used to increase overall system
reliability. If we consider electrical power, hydraulic power, and pneumatics:
 Six different unidirectional conversions are possible. Examples are:
o electrical to hydraulic power conversion: electric motor driven pump
o pneumatic to hydraulic power conversion: air turbine motor driven pump
o hydraulic to electrical power conversion: hydraulic motor driven generator.
 Three different bidirectional conversions are possibilities that allow a two way power con-
version among two different secondary power systems within one conversion unit.

For many years, hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical power supply in commercial aircraft had
been sufficient to meet the demands from technical and commercial loads. System design had
laid an emphasis on reliable, lightweight solutions. From fuel input to system output, very low
overall efficiencies had been accepted in exchange.

In recent years it has been observed that aircraft face increasing technical loads. Also market
trends together with increasing flight durations have resulted in higher commercial loads caused
for example by today's standards in inflight entertainment. Possibilities for power off-takes do
not increase proportional with aircraft size. Large modern civil aircraft are therefore likely to
face limitations of cost effectiveness, geometry, or weight with present day technologies in an
attempt to meet these new power load levels. The aerospace industry has identified a potential
deadlock, where power needs will exceed the maximum available power supply.

In the future, a move towards electrical power as a single source to meet secondary power de-
mands is expected to be a solution to the problem. The last aircraft generation has brought steer-
ing by wire. The next generation of aircraft might bring power by wire.

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2.8 Costs and Trade-Off Studies

Trade-off studies play an important roll in the aircraft system design. Trade-off studies try to find
the best among several system design proposals. Safety aspects allow no compromise because
certification regulations have to be closely followed. Also performance aspects do not leave
much room, for the reason that usually only as much performance as necessary to do the job will
be allowed for. More powerful aircraft systems will unnecessarily produce costs – costs that add
to the overall costs of the aircraft. Clearly, costs need to be reduced as much as possible to come
up with a viable product. Therefore, it is the costs aspect that mostly decides in trade-off studies
which system design will get on board the aircraft.

At the aircraft system level, evaluations are done in the early design stage by looking separately
at various aspects:
 mass
 maintainability
 reliability
 system price
 other specific criteria depending on the aircraft system in question.
Based on these separate evaluations, the simplest way to come up with one single figure of merit
for a proposal is to subjectively define a weighted sum of the results based on the individual cri-

In contrast to the above approach, at the aircraft level an evaluation is traditionally based primar-
ily on one single figure: the Direct Operating Costs, DOC. Also DOC take account of criteria
like mass, maintainability, and aircraft price, but DOC combine these separate parameters unam-
biguously by calculating their economical implications. Subjective manipulations of the results
are largely avoided in this way.

Unfortunately, aircraft DOC-methods cannot be taken "as is" to apply this advantage to an air-
craft system evaluation. In contrast to aircraft DOC methods, a DOC method on the systems lev-
el must incorporate many system-specific parameters. Therefore, a DOC method for aircraft
systems called DOCSYS has been developed (Scholz 1998) which follows the principles of air-
craft DOC methods as closely as possible, while taking aircraft system peculiarities into account
as much as necessary.


C DEP depreciation of the system (a function of system price)

CF fuel costs caused by the system
CM direct maintenance costs caused by the system

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Aircraft Fire Protection 24

C DEL delay and cancellation costs caused by the system

C SH capital costs caused by necessary system spare parts on stock (spare holding)

The fuel costs C F are due to:

 transportation of the systems mass (being fixed or variable during flight)
(taking into account the lift-to-drag ratio of the aircraft and the specific fuel consumption
of the engines)
 power off-takes from the engines
(by electrical generators or hydraulic pumps)
 bleed air off-takes
(for the pneumatic system)
 ram air off-takes
(e.g. for the air conditioning system)
 additional drag caused by the presents of aircraft systems, subsystems, or single parts
(e.g. due to drain masts).

In contrast to Scholz 1998 who combines various system aspects to US$, Shustrov 1999 com-
bines system mass effects and effects related to the system's energy consumption to a quantity
called starting mass.

Proprietary methods for the evaluation of aircraft systems are in use at aircraft manufacturers and

2.9 Documentation of Aircraft Systems

Documentation requirements are laid down in ATA iSpec 2200 (ATA 2200). Scholz 2002 gives
an introduction to standards related to aircraft documentation with an emphasis on the ATA
iSpec 2200.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 25

3 Aircraft Fire Protection Fundamentals

3.1 Definition

Those fixed and portable units and components which detect and indicate fire or smoke and store and
distribute fire extinguishing agent to all protected areas of the aircraft; including bottles, valves, tub-
ing, etc. (ATA 100)

3.2 Detection Fundamentals

Fire detection comprises that part of the fire protection system, which is used to sense and indi-
cate the presence of overheat, smoke, or fire (ATA 100).

There are various ways in detecting a fire, including:

 direct observation by cockpit & cabin crew (optical indication, sensing of heat or smell)
 overheat detector
 smoke detector
 rate-of-temperature-rise detector
 inspection by video camera
 fiber-optic detectors
 thermal imaging devices
 radiation sensing devices
 ultraviolet aircraft fire detection system
 detection of combustion gases like CO or CO2

Designated fire zones must be equipped with fire detection and extinguishing equipment. Desig-
nated fire zones are (JAR-25/CS-25, FAR Part 25):
 power plant compartment (§ 1181)
 auxiliary power unit (APU) compartment (§ A1181)
 combustion heater chamber (§ 859)

Fire detection and extinguishing equipment is required for cargo compartments according to the
cargo compartment classification (§ 857, JAR-25/CS-25, FAR Part 25):
 Class A compartments are accessible in flight. A fire in the compartment would be easily
discovered by a crewmember while at his station.
 Class B compartments provide access in flight to enable a crewmember to use a hand fire
extinguisher. The compartments are equipped with a smoke or fire detector.
 Class C compartments are equipped with a smoke or fire detector and a built-in fire extin-
guishing system.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 26

 Class D compartments are able to completely confine a fire without endangering the safety
of the aircraft.

Lavatories must be equipped with a smoke detector system, and lavatories must be equipped
with a built-in fire extinguisher for each disposal receptacle for towels, paper, or waste, located
within the lavatory (§ 854, JAR-25/CS-25, FAR Part 25).

Other areas equipped with fire detectors may be the avionic compartment or the landing gear

fire detector
├───>overheat detector
│ ├───>point detector
│ │ ├───>thermal switch
│ │ │ ├──>spot detector
│ │ │ └──>bimetallic thermostat
│ │ └────>thermocouple
│ └───>continuous-loop detector
│ ├───>electric
│ │ ├──>averaging
│ │ └──>discrete
│ └───>pneumatic
├───>smoke detector
│ ├───>ionization type
│ └───>photoelectric type

Figure 3.1 Roadmap to the most widely used detection devices

Fire detectors are generally either overheat detectors or smoke detectors. From the beginnings
until today, these and other fire detection devices for aircraft have evolved from only a few US
companies: Walter Kidde, Fenwal, and Systron-Donner. Their component designs will be pre-
sented here (Hillman 2001). The roadmap to the following discussion of the most widely used
detection devices is presented in Figure 3.1.

3.3 Overheat Detection

In the 1940's overheat detection coverage in the engine nacelle was done with thermal switches
or thermocouples. Several of these switches were positioned in parallel at different places around
the engine. A fire alarm was activated, if one of the switches was triggered. However, it was rec-
ognized that these point detectors were very limited with regard to area of coverage. So, the
placement of the point detector became the most critical factor of how successful the detection
system would be.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 27

In the early and mid 1950’s continuous-loop detectors were introduced to the aircraft industry.
This technology became the most popular detection approach for aircraft engines and has re-
mained so to this day. There are electric continuous-loop detectors and pneumatic continuous-
loop detectors. The electric continuous-loop detectors are of either averaging type or discrete
type (Figure 3.2).

porous aluminum thermistor

oxide ceramic material inert helium gas
inconel stainless metal
tube steel tube tape

solid wire conductors titanium gasabsorption

eutectic nickel material with hydrogen
salt gas
discrete electric averaging electric pneumatic
continuous-loop continuous-loop continuous-loop

Figure 3.2 Cross section of continuous-loop detectors

Some versions of the electric continuous-loop detectors are dependent on the amount of element
heated to reach their alarm threshold level and have been termed averaging electrical continu-
ous-loop detectors. Their alarm threshold averages the temperature over its entire length. These
detectors monitor either changing electrical resistance alone, or resistance and capacitance in
conjunction with each other The electrical based continuous sensing elements have one or two
internal wire conductors embedded in a ceramic-like thermistor material that are contained in a
metallic outer tube. As the surrounding temperature increases, the resistance between the inner
conductor and the outer tube conductor decreases, while the capacitance increases. When two
internal wire conductors are embedded in the sensing element, the resistance change between
these two wires is typically measured. When the resistance between the internal conductor and
the external sensing element tube drops to some pre-determined level (and/or the capacitance
increases), which corresponds to the desired alarm temperature, a monitoring control unit issues
a hazard signal. When the hazard condition is eliminated and the temperature returns to normal,
the resistance increases and the capacitance decreases, thereby canceling the alarm. Multiple trip
resistance / capacitance settings can be used when multiple thresholds are pursued to indicate fire
versus overheat.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 28

Shortly after the first averaging type detection systems, also discrete electrical continuous-loop
detectors were introduced (Figure 3.3). The discrete system utilizes sensing elements that are
essentially independent of the length of element heated to achieve its alarm threshold. These sys-
tems employ a sensing element which, like the electrical based averaging systems, have either
one or two internal wire conductors embedded in a ceramic-like core material, surrounded by a
metallic outer tube. The ceramic core is impregnated with eutectic salt. The salt melts at its eu-
tectic melt temperature, even when only a very short length of element is heated. When this oc-
curs, the electrical resistance between the inner conductor and the outer tube very rapidly breaks
down (also the capacitance increases), and a monitoring control unit signals a fire or overheat,
whichever is appropriate for the intended application. The characteristics of the discrete type are
paramount for reliable, early warning of small, discrete overheat events, such as bleed air duct
failures. By its nature, the discrete type cannot provide multiple alarm thresholds or any kind of
analog temperature trend information.

Figure 3.3 Discrete electric continuous-loop detector. Pneumatic system, leak detection
(AMM A321 ATA 36)

Pneumatic based continuous-loop detectors rely on increasing gas pressure to achieve the
alarm threshold. These sensing elements have a hydrogen charged core surrounded by helium
gas, contained in a metallic outer tube. As the surrounding temperature increases, the helium gas
pressure increases, closing a pressure switch, thereby issuing an alarm. As the temperature re-
turns to normal, the pressure decreases and the alarm is canceled. If a localized, high temperature
event is present, the hydrogen core also out-gasses its hydrogen gas, increasing the internal pres-
sure and closing the pressure switch. As the sensing element cools, the hydrogen absorbs back
into the core so that the internal pressure decreases, removing the alarm output. A leak in the
detector can be discovered with an integrity switch opening due to a loss of pressure. (Fig-
ure 3.4)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 29

ready state alarm state (due to overheat)

fault state (due to leak of detector) alarm state (due to local fire)
Figure 3.4 Principle of pneumatic continuous-loop detector (GEN FAM A321 ATA 26)

Overheat detection may be applied in areas of the engine, auxiliary power unit (APU), bleed air
ducts, and in the landing gear bay.

3.4 Smoke Detection

Smoke detection systems are the primary means of fire detection used in cargo compartments.
This has not changed much over the last 50 years. While solid state electronics and new optics
and new processing algorithms have been introduced, the basic mechanism that these detectors
operate under has remained the same. There are two basic designs of smoke detectors: ionization
and photoelectric.

Ionization type smoke detectors monitor ionized combustion by-products as they pass through
a charged electrical field. Photoelectric detectors measure light attenuation, reflection, refraction,
and/or absorption of certain wavebands. Ionization smoke detectors were used from the early
years. The typical approach was to use a radioactive isotope as the source to charge the combus-
tion products (Figure 3.5). However, this source may also charge everything else, including dust
and fine water droplets and can make ionization type detectors unreliable. Ionization type smoke

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Aircraft Fire Protection 30

detectors have been used, primarily by the commercial aviation community, in lavatories and
cargo compartments.

Figure 3.5 Principle of ionization type smoke detector (GEN FAM A321 ATA 26)

Photoelectric type smoke detectors have become the industry standard for smoke detectors.
This is not to imply that photoelectric based detectors were overly impressive with respect to
freedom from false alarms. These types of detectors, too, have been quite troublesome over the
years. Most cargo compartment applications use aerospace quality photoelectric type smoke de-
tectors that rely on scattered or reflected light radiation caused by a particulate matter between a
radiation emitting source and a detector device. Solid-state photoelectric smoke detectors use a
long-life light emitting diode (LED) as its source of light.

There are still many limitations associated with smoke detector applications. Their operational
success depends highly on the placement of these devices with respect to where a fire event is.
But there are also problems with other detectors. Since one cannot count on a visual line-of-
sight of a cargo bay fire, future cargo detection technologies cannot rely on the use of video
camera or thermal imaging devices. Deep seated fires and/or fires inside LD3 containers will still
be hidden. This makes also stand-alone thermal based systems impractical. While combustion
gases, such as CO or CO2, could be monitored, these gases could have been introduced from
sources other than fires.

Smoke detection may be applied in the cargo compartment, lavatories, galleys, and avionic

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Aircraft Fire Protection 31

3.5 Extinguishing Fundamentals

Fire extinguishing comprises that part of the fire protection system with those fixed of portable
systems used to extinguish a fire (ATA 100).

A fire classification includes three types of fire relevant to aircraft application:

 Class A:
Fires involving ordinary combustible solid materials, such as wood, paper, rubber and many
 Class B:
Fire involving flammable liquids, oils, greases, paints, lacquers and flammable gases
 Class C:
Fires involving energized electrical equipment.

Each of these types of fires requires its own suitable type of extinguisher:
 Water extinguishers are used on Class A fires only. Water must never be used on Class C
fires and can be counter-productive on Class B fires.
 CO2 extinguishers are specifically used to combat Class C fires. A hand-held CO2 extin-
guisher includes a megaphone-shaped nozzle that permits discharge of the CO2 close to the
fire. Be aware that excessive use of CO2 extinguishers robs a closed area of oxygen. In an
aircraft, this could affect passengers.
 Dry chemical fire extinguishers can be used on Class A, B, and C fires. Use of this extin-
guisher on the flight deck could lead to temporary severe visibility restrictions. In addition,
because the agent is nonconductive, it is possible that it might interfere with electrical con-
tacts of surrounding equipment.
 Halon has almost exclusively been in use in portable aircraft fire extinguishers.

In the late 1940’s time frame, the very effective halogenated hydrocarbon (later termed halon)
fire extinguishing agents were introduced. The primary agents used for fixed fire extinguishing
systems were methylbromide (Halon 1001) and bromochloromethane (Halon 1011). Halon 1011
agent eventually displaced Halon 1001 for engine extinguishing systems primarily because of
lower toxicity and corrosion.

The halons that were introduced in the early 1950’s were less toxic than Halon 1011. Over the
next 30 years, the higher vapor pressure bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301) essentially dis-
placed most of the Halon 1011. Because of the high vapor pressure of Halon 1301, the use of
elaborate spray nozzles and spray bars was no longer required. The new Halon 1301 extinguisher
systems were designed to discharge at a very high rate. This concept was called the high rate
discharge (HRD) concept. The high rate discharge systems utilized halon that was pressurized to
600 psig (40 bar).

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Aircraft Fire Protection 32

Hand-held dibromoflouromethane (Halon 1211) and/or water extinguishers have been the ap-
proved approach for accessible fire fighting.

In recent years, due to international agreement to ban the production and use of ozone depleting
substances, including all the halons, the need for alternate extinguishing agents to the halons
has arisen. However, the use of halons is still permitted for essential applications, such as air-
craft, until a "suitable" replacement agent can be developed, approved, and certified for aircraft
use. Until that time comes, existing stocks of halon, recovered from decommissioned fire protec-
tion systems, are sufficient to support many years of aircraft production and use. Upon review of
alternative agents, it is evident that there is no clear winner with respect to a replacement for
Halon 1301 in fire suppression systems that will use similar hardware and architecture. Each
candidate has at least one characteristic that makes it inferior to Halon 1301.

3.6 Engine and APU Extinguishing

First step: the engine is shut down and combustible fluid entry (jet fuel, hydraulic fluid, and
engine oil) into the engine compartment is stopped. This is necessary in order for the engine ex-
tinguisher to be effective. If the engine were not shut off, the fire would probably just relight
after the extinguishing agent dissipated. Because of this practice, only multi-engine aircraft uti-
lize extinguishing systems.

Second step: the extinguishing agent flows from a pressure vessel through rigid pipes and is
sprayed in the engine-protected zones.

Third step: If after some time (30 s) the fire warning still remains on, extinguishing agent from
a second pressure vessel (if still available for that engine) may be used for further fire extin-

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Aircraft Fire Protection 33

Figure 3.6 Fire extinguishing bottle (GEN FAM A321 ATA 26)

The extinguishing agent is stored in high-pressure vessels commonly called bottles. A spherical
shaped pressure vessel design represents the most weight and volume efficient geometrical con-
figuration for containing the most amount of agent. In addition, it is also the optimum shape with
respect to stress levels in the vessel's material. The spherical pressure vessel is the most popular
design (Figure 3.6). Other details of the design are stated in § 1199 of JAR-25 and FAR
Part 25.

APU fire extinguishing is technically similar to engine fire extinguishing, however, the APU
may only be equipped with one bottle.

3.7 Cargo Extinguishing and Inerting

Cargo compartments have traditionally been protected with hand-held fire extinguishers if the
compartment was accessible and with a fixed Halon 1301 fire extinguishing/inerting system if
the compartment was not accessible.

Like engine extinguishing systems, a cargo compartment suppression system is required to pro-
vide an initial peak volumetric agent concentration to "knock-down" the fire. Since complete fire
extinction cannot be assured, a cargo suppression system is required to maintain a lower concen-

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Aircraft Fire Protection 34

tration for some extended period of time. The compartment is thus inerted to prevent the fire
from re-igniting or growing. The typical time period for keeping the compartment inert against
flaming combustion is 60 minutes. In case of extended range twin-engine operations (ETOPS)
inerting periods are much higher.

A typical cargo fire suppression system will consist of two fire extinguishers connected to single
or multiple cargo compartments by distribution plumbing. The “knock-down” or high rate dis-
charge (HRD) extinguisher provides the initial high volumetric concentration and the second low
rate discharge (LRD) extinguisher provides the metered lower inerting concentration.

3.8 Passenger Compartment Extinguishing

Fires that could occur in an aircraft cockpit or cabin are Class A, B, and C. The number of hand-
held fire extinguishers to be carried in an aircraft is determined by § 851 of the certification regu-
lations (JAR-25/CS-25, FAR Part 25).

For aeroplanes with a passenger capacity of 20 or more, each lavatory must be equipped with a
built-in fire extinguisher for each disposal receptacle for towels, paper, or waste, located within
the lavatory. The extinguisher must be designed to discharge automatically into each disposal
receptacle upon occurrence of a fire in that receptacle (§ 854 JAR-25/CS-25, FAR Part 25).

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4 A321 Fire Protection

4.1 Fire Protection General

The Aircraft fire protection system comprises:

 fire and overheat detection and extinguishing system for
 the engines,
 the Auxiliary Power Unit (APU),
 smoke detection and extinguishing for
 the cargo compartment (optional system),
 the lavatories,
 smoke detection for
 the avionic bay, Figure 4.1
 portable fire extinguishers for Portable fire extinguisher
 the flight compartment,
 the passenger cabin.

Figure 4.2 The fire protection system: component locations (AMM A321 ATA 26-00)

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Figure 4.3 Engine and APU fire overhead panel (AMM A321 ATA 26-12)

4.2 Engine Fire Detection and Extinguishing

Fire Detection System

General: A fire can be due to excessive overheat or flammable fluid leaks and can endanger the
aircraft safety. For this reason, thermo-sensitive elements are installed that can detect both: a fire
and an overheat conditions. The fire detection system is of the electro-pneumatic type.

The engine fire detection system comprises for each engine:

 on the ENG/APU FIRE panel:
 one ENG 1(2) FIRE push button switch,
 one TEST push button switch,
 a Fire Detection Unit (FDU),
 two fire detection loops with three fire and overheat detectors.

Principle: On each engine, there are two continuous fire detection loops for fire and overheat
detection. The loops are connected to a Fire Detection Unit (FDU) which monitors the fire de-
tection loops. The connection is made through an AND logic. This means that both loops have to
report a fire before a fire warning is issued. In this way, spurious fire warnings are avoided. In
case of failure of one loop, the AND logic becomes an OR logic. This means that a reported fire

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Aircraft Fire Protection 37

situation of one remaining loop is now enough to issue a fire warning. The aircraft can be re-
leased for flight in this configuration. The FDU indicates the loss of a fire detection loop to the
crew members through the Flight Warning System (FWS).

The Fire Detection Unit (FDU) processes for each engine the signals received from the two fire
detection loops in channel A respectively channel B.

A fire detection loop on an engine

 comprises three fire and overheat detectors connected in parallel which are installed in dif-
ferent fire zones in the nacelle and pylon,
 is connected to either channel A or channel B of the FDU,
 is connected through the related channel, to the lamps in a red warning light in the ENG 1
respectively ENG 2 FIRE push button switch located on the ENG/APU FIRE panel on the
overhead panel.

Each fire and overheat detector has a sensing element and responder assembly.

A sensing element is a tube 1.6 mm in outer diameter and 0.46 mm in thickness. It contains a
hydrogen-charged titanium core with a spiral wound around it. This spiral is made of a material
which has a special property: 1.) it can generate a hydrogen gas when exposed to high tempera-
tures 2.) it can absorb the gas when cooled. The gap between the sensing-element outer-tube wall
and the core is filled with helium, an inert gas that does not take part in the process of generating
and absorbing the hydrogen. The initial pressure of the helium is related to the pre-set tempera-
ture threshold selected for each sensing element. The sensing element reacts according to the
ideal gas law. This means that the gas pressure increases a) as the temperature in the sensing
element increases (overheat detection) or b) as gas is generated by the spiral (fire detection). One
end of the sensing element is hermetically soldered and the other one is connected to a 25.4 mm
diameter body called responder.

The responder experiences the gas pressure from the sensing element. It contains a chamber
connected to two pressure switches: an ALARM switch and a MONITOR switch. The free end
of the responder is connected to the aircraft electrical circuit. The detector has two sensing func-
tions. It responds a) to an overall "average" temperature increase above a defined threshold or b)
to a highly localized "discrete" temperature caused by impinging flame or hot gases. (Note: "a)"
and "b)" correspond to the physical phenomena explained above.) This results in the ALARM
switch closure. The "average" and "discrete" temperatures cannot be adjusted. The "average" and
"discrete" functions are reversible. When the sensor tube has cooled, the average gas pressure
decreases and the core material absorbs the hydrogen gas. If the detector leaks, the gas pressure
decrease causes the MONITOR switch to open and generates a detector fault signal. The system
then does not operate during test.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 38

Figure 4.4 The fire detection loops with sensing element and responder in alarm and fault state
(Technical Definition A320 ATA26)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 39

Figure 4.5 Engine fire detection logic (FCOM A320 ATA 26)

The ENG/APU FIRE panel includes the ENG 1(2) FIRE push button switch and a TEST push
button switch for each engine.

The ENG 1(2) FIRE pushbutton switch can be pushed only if the safety guard is open. Each
push button switch has three main functions:
 indicate the FIRE warning generated by the Fire Detection Unit,
 activate the micro switches involved in the extinguishing procedure, and
 arm the discharge function for bottles 1 and 2.

TEST push button switch checks the condition of the:

 fire detectors (loops A and B), Fire Detection Unit (FDU), indications, warnings and associat-
ed wirings (loop test),
 percussion cartridge filaments of the fire extinguisher bottles and associated wiring (squib

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Aircraft Fire Protection 40

Figure 4.6 Engine fire indications and controls (AMM A321 ATA 26-00)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 41

Fire Extinguishing System

General: The fire extinguishing system is activated when fire is detected by the fire and overheat
detection system (see above). The system has two main functions:
 to extinguish at its early stage any fire occurring in the nacelle protected zones.
 to prevent engine fire from spreading: the engine is isolated from the rest of the aircraft; the
various supplies such as hot air, fuel, hydraulics, electrical power are closed for this purpose.

The engine fire extinguishing system comprises for each engine:

 on the ENG/APU FIRE panel:
 one ENG 1(2) FIRE push button switch,
 two AGENT push buttons (AGENT 1 and AGENT 2) with a white integral light SQUIB
and an amber light DISCH,
 one TEST push button switch,
 two fire extinguisher bottles located in the engine pylon,
 the fire extinguishing distribution system consisting of the extinguishing lines routed in the
pylon and leading to the nacelle and the outlet nozzles.

Principle: For each engine, two fire extinguisher bottles contain fire extinguishing agent. The
fire extinguisher bottles located in the aft section of the engine pylon are connected to the extin-
guishing lines. This system is routed in the pylon and leading to the nacelle. The fire extinguish-
er bottles are controlled from the cockpit. Their firing is possible only if the ENG 1(2) FIRE
push button switch is already pushed in. During the extinguishing procedure, the extinguishing
agent flows into the rigid pipes and is sprayed in the engine protected zones: the fan and the core
compartments. Thirty seconds after the first bottle discharged (if the fire is still present) the pilot
fires the second bottle. The fire extinguishing procedure is given by the ECAM display unit.

The fire extinguisher bottle is made up of

 a spherical container with extinguishing agent
 a discharge head
 a cartridge.

The spherical container:

 number of outlet ports: 1,
 volume: 6230 cm³,
 filling pressure: 41,4 bars at 21°C

In the spherical container there is a fire extinguishing agent

 type: Halon 1301 (bromotrifluoromethane, CF3 Br),
 quantity: 5 kg,
 pressurized by nitrogen (N2), quantity 0.20 kg.
On the spherical container there is

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Aircraft Fire Protection 42

 a pressure switch
 a filling fitting
 an outlet port with a frangible disc.

Figure 4.7 A fire extinguisher bottle (AMM A321 ATA 26-21)

The outlet port of the spherical container is located in the lower section of the container. The
pressure switch monitors when the bottle is discharged or has a leakage. The pressure switch is
electrically connected to the ENG/APU FIRE panel which generates a discharge signal to the
DISCH light. The pressure switch fitted on the fire extinguisher bottle can be tested manually.
The fire extinguisher bottle can be filled through the filling fitting assembly. Firing of the car-
tridge causes rupture of the frangible disc (a calibrated metallic membrane) installed on the out-
let port. The fire extinguishing agent is then discharged into the fire extinguishing distribution
system. The frangible disc also functions as an overpressure device in case of excessive pressure
in the fire extinguisher bottle. The electro-pyrotechnic cartridge contains 400 mg of explosive
powder. The powder is fired by two filaments supplied with 28V DC. Each filament can supply
the electrical power necessary to the firing if the other filament fails.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 43

Figure 4.8 The engine fire extinguishing distribution system (AMM A321 ATA 26-21)

The fire extinguishing distribution system for each engine consists of the extinguishing lines
and the outlet nozzels. The spherical containers are connected to a stainless steel rigid pipe. The
fire extinguishing line is routed in the primary structural box of the engine pylon up to rib 1.
From rib 1 the line is divided into two segments directed to the engine core and fan compart-
ments. The end of the fire extinguishing line in the core compartment (above the combustion
chamber) has a two outlet nozzles which sprays the core compartment. From rib 1, the fan seg-

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ment is routed below the upper spar of the engine pylon up to the upper section of the fan frame.
The end of the fire extinguishing line has four outlet nozzles which spray the fan compartment.

Engine fire extinguishing procedure: The list of actions to be done during the fire extinguish-
ing procedure comes into view automatically on the ECAM display unit at the same time as the
FIRE warnings. As soon as the required actions are done, the corresponding line is canceled au-
tomatically on the ECAM display unit. The following procedure must be applied:

THR LEVER 1 ................................ IDLE Throttle control lever in the Idle position
ENG MASTER 1 ............................. OFF ENG/MASTER switch in the OFF position
ENG 1 FIRE P/B ............................. PUSH Push the ENG/FIRE push button switch
AGENT 1 AFTER 10 S ................... DISCH Wait 10 seconds for optimum extinguishing procedure
AGENT 1 ........................................ DISCH Squib the fire extinguisher bottle 1
ATC ................................................ NOTIFY Send a distress signal to Air Traffic Control (ATC)
IF FIRE AFTER 30 S: AGENT 2 .... DISH The second fire extinguisher bottle is fired, if the FIRE
legend is still ON

4.3 APU Fire Detection and Extinguishing

General: The APU fire detection system operates on the pneumatic principle. It detects and indi-
cates a fire or overheat condition in the APU compartment with two independent fire detection
loops. The APU fire extinguishing system extinguishes fires detected in the APU compartment.
In flight, the crew must operate the system manually from the cockpit. On the ground, the fire
and overheat detection system activates the extinguishing system automatically. One fire extin-
guisher bottle contains the fire extinguishing agent.

The APU fire detection and extinguishing system follows the principles of the engine fire detec-
tion and extinguishing system. Therefore, details common to both systems are omitted here, but
differences to the engine fire detection and extinguishing will be elaborated.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 45

Figure 4.9 The APU fire indications and controls on the overhead panel (AMM A321 ATA 26-00)

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Figure 4.10 The APU fire indications and controls at the nose landing gear
(AMM A321 ATA 26-00)

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Figure 4.11 The APU fire extinguishing system.

(DLH Technical Training Manual A319/A320/A321 Level 3 ATA 26, p.84)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 48

The APU detection system comprises two identical (electrically independent) fire detection
loops (A and B). They are installed in the APU compartment adjacent to critical components as
 fuel lines,
 starter generator,
 fuel control unit (FCU),
 ignition box,
 turbine plenum.
The middle part of the ENG/APU FIRE panel on the cockpit overhead panel is related to the
APU fire detection and includes
 an APU FIRE guarded push button with a red integral warning light,
 a TEST push button for a manual system test,
 an AGENT push button with a white integral light SQUIB and an amber light DISCH.

APU fire warnings on the ground appear

 on the fire control panel: the red light in the APU FIRE push button switch flashes,
 on the glareshield panels: the red light in the two MASTER WARNING push buttons flash,
 on the ECAM upper display unit the APU fire extinguishing procedure is shown:
APU FIRE P/B ........................... PUSH
MASTER SW ............................. OFF
 outside the aircraft: a horn sounds,
 in the flight compartment: a continuous repetitive chime (CRC) sounds.

The APU fire extinguishing system is activated when the fire and overheat detection system
detects a fire. For the APU, the fire extinguishing agent is contained in one fire extinguisher bot-
tle. During the extinguishing procedure, the extinguishing agent flows in rigid pipes and is im-
mediately sprayed in the APU compartment. In flight, the extinguishing system is manually acti-
vated from the cockpit. On the ground, the fire and overheat detection system activates the extin-
guishing system automatically (if there is no action from the cockpit).

4.4 Avionic Smoke Detection

There are two types of smoke detection

 the direct detection by the crew,
 the secondary detection by a smoke detector.
The avionic smoke detection system with a smoke detector - which is explained here - is only
supporting the awareness of the crew and confirms that there is smoke in the avionics compart-

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Aircraft Fire Protection 49

The avionics-compartment smoke detection system includes one smoke detector installed on
the air extraction duct. The smoke detector triggers the smoke warnings to the cockpit when the
alarm threshold is reached. When there is smoke, pneumatic and electrical procedures are start-

Figure 4.12 The avionic smoke detection system schematic (FCOM A320 ATA 26)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 50

The smoke detector includes:

 a protective box with air inlets and electrical connectors,
 a measuring chamber with a detection cell (which contains a radio-active source and elec-
trodes) and an electronic circuit board which analysis the information from the measuring

The air entering the measuring chamber between two electrodes is ionized by a source of ex-
tremely low radioactivity. When smoke gas gets between the electrodes, it causes a variation of
the current in the circuit as depicted in the Figure.

Figure 4.13 Smoke detection principle (AMM A321 ATA 26-17)

When the smoke concentration is above the alarm threshold, the smoke detector triggers the
smoke warnings in the cockpit:
 on the EMER ELEC PWR section of the panel the SMOKE light illuminates,
 on the VENTILATION overhead panel the BLOWER FAULT and EXTRACT FAULT light
 the MASTER CAUT lights illuminate on the glareshield,
 a warning message is shown on the upper ECAM display unit (i.e. the E/WD),
 the aural warning sounds with a single chime.

When this happens, you must push the VENTILATION/BLOWER push button switch and the
VENTILATION/EXTRACT push button switch: the OVRD legends come on. This causes the
blower fan to stop, opens the air conditioning inlet valve and opens the skin air outlet valve not
fully. All other valves close and the air goes overboard through the skin air outlet valve. The
extract fan stays energized.

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Figure 4.14 Avionic compartment smoke detection and controls (AMM A321 ATA 26-00)

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Avionics compartment smoke procedure: The list of the necessary actions during the smoke
procedure comes into view automatically on the lower ECAM display unit while the SMOKE
warnings are triggered. When these actions are completed, the related lines are canceled auto-
matically on the lower ECAM display unit. The procedure below must be applied:

OXY MASK/GOGGLES .................. ON
CAB FANS...................................... OFF to keep smoke off the cockpit and cabin
BLOWER ........................................ OVRD (see above)
EXTRACT ....................................... OVRD (see above)

An electrical procedure is applied to eliminate the cause of the smoke if the smoke emission per-
sists more than 5 minutes.


GEN 1 LINE ............................... OFF on EMER ELEC PWR overhead panel
EMER ELEC PWR .................... MAN ON on EMER ELEC PWR overhead panel:
Ram Air Turbine extension

4.5 Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection and Extinguishing

General: The cargo compartment smoke detection system gives a visual and aural warning in
the cockpit, if smoke or fire is in the compartment. It is a dual loop system to prevent incorrect
warnings. Four smoke detectors are installed in the FWD compartment and six smoke detectors
in the AFT, with an AND-logic. The cargo compartment fire extinguishing system is a single-
shot system with one extinguisher bottle for both FWD and AFT cargo compartments.

Smoke Detection System

The cargo compartment smoke detection system comprises:
 the smoke detectors,
 Smoke Detection Control Unit (SDCU),
 the smoke annunciator lights and a TEST push button switch.

The smoke detectors ionize the air particles that pass between two electrodes. When smoke gas
gets between the electrodes, it causes a variation of the current in the circuit. At a certain level of
smoke, the detector transmit a warning signal to the SDCU.

The Smoke Detection Control Unit (SDCU) controls the lavatory and cargo-compartment
smoke-detection system. The SDCU has two channels, which make it a fail-safe unit. The system
will operate normally if one channel fails. The Built In Test Equipment (BITE) detects and iso-
lates failures in the SDCU. It also makes sure that the smoke detectors function correctly. Most

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Aircraft Fire Protection 53

of the system functions are monitored continuously. Information of faulty equipment is signaled
to the CFDS.

A FWD SMOKE annunciator light and an AFT SMOKE annunciator light are installed on the
cargo smoke panel. Upon signal from the SDCU, the related SMOKE annunciator light comes

The Press-to-Test (PTT) push button switch together with the SDCU, permits a functional test
of the cargo smoke detection system. The (PTT) push button switch is installed between the
smoke annunciator lights on the cargo smoke panel.

Figure 4.15 The cargo compartment smoke indications and controls on the overhead panel
(AMM A321 ATA 26-00)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 54

Figure 4.16 Cargo compartment smoke detection system schematic (AMM A321 ATA 26-16)

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Figure 4.17 Cargo compartment smoke detection and extinguishing component location
(AMM A321 ATA 26-16)

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Operation: Smoke detected in the cargo compartment will cause:

 the respective SMOKE warning light to come on,
 the red light in the MASTER WARNING pushbutton switch to flash,
 the aural repetetive chime to sound,
 the ECAM upper display unit to show the messages:
 ISOL VALVE (of affected compartment) ... OFF (if not automatically closed)
In the case of a smoke warning the isolation valves of the cargo-compartment ventilation system
close automatically. They remain closed independently of the smoke warning signals.

Extinguishing System
The cargo compartment fire extinguishing system comprises
 one fire extinguisher bottle
 two cartridges
 two fire extinguisher pipes
 two push button switches to activate the system,
 two SMOKE/DISCH indication lights,
 one Smoke Detection Control Unit (SDCU).

Principle: The cargo-compartment fire-extinguishing system has one fire extinguisher bottle for
the FWD and AFT cargo-compartments. One cartridge is installed for the FWD cargo-
compartment and one for the AFT cargo-compartment. Electrically-detonated cartridges fire the
extinguisher bottle. A pressure switch is attached to the bottle. It monitors the discharge of the
bottle. A safety relief device is attached to the bottle to prevent a pressure increase. One fire ex-
tinguisher pipe connects the bottle with the FWD discharge nozzle and one pipe with the two
nozzles in the AFT cargo-compartment.

Operation: If a smoke warning occurs, you have to lift the guard and to push the related DISCH
push button switch. The cartridge at the bottle outlet detonates and the agent discharges into the
applicable cargo compartment. The contacts of the bottle pressure switch open and give a signal
to the SDCU and the relay. The relay opens and closes a contact to the related DISCH indicator
light. The light comes on. The SDCU also gives a signal to the Flight Warning Computer (FWC)
and CFDS. The FWC changes the ECAM upper display to AGENT DISCH. The CFDS stores
the low-pressure data.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 57

4.6 Lavatory Smoke Detection and Extinguishing

General: A lavatory smoke detection system is installed to detect smoke and/or fire in the
lavatories. If smoke is detected, the system gives a visual and aural warning to the crew and in
the cabin. The lavatory fire-extinguishing system is installed in each lavatory service cabinet.
Each lavatory fire-extinguishing system has an extinguisher bottle which is self-actuated. The
bottle discharges its agent automatically when heat activates it. An inert gas floods the lavatory
service cabinet and extinguishes the fire. Any fire in the waste is kept within the confines of the
metal waste-paper bin.

Smoke Detection System

The lavatory smoke detection system is made-up of
 one smoke detector for each lavatory,
 the Smoke Detection Control Unit (SDCU).

The smoke detectors ionize the air particles that pass between two electrodes. When smoke gas
gets between the electrodes, it causes a variation of the current in the circuit. At a certain level of
smoke, the detector transmit a warning signal to the SDCU.

Smoke Detection Control Unit (SDCU) is a common unit for the cargo compartment and lava-
tory. For details see: "cargo smoke detection and extinguishing".

Smoke or fire in one of the lavatories causes a detector to signal the SDCU. The SDCU sends
signals to the Centralized Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) and the Flight Warning
Computer (FWC). Smoke warnings are given in the cockpit and the cabin.
The cockpit warnings are:
 a repetitive chime,
 a red master warning light,
 a smoke warning indication on the ECAM upper display unit.
The cabin warnings are:
 a triple chime from all cabin loudspeakers with a repetitive time of approx. 30 s,
 an amber flashing light on the respective Area Call Panel (ACP),
 a common red lavatory smoke indicator on the FWD attendant panel.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 58

Figure 4.18 Lavatory smoke detection components and location (AMM A321 ATA26-17)

Extinguishing System
The lavatory fire-extinguishing system is completely automatic and self-contained. A fire or
overheat condition opens the release mechanism. When the temperature in the wastepaper bin
area is approx. 79°C, the fusible material in the tip of the discharge tube melts. The lavatory fire
extinguisher then discharges completely within 3 to 15 s. Each unit weighs 0.450 kg. It stores
and discharges 100 to 130 g of Halon 1301 into the wastepaper bin to extinguish the fire.

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Aircraft Fire Protection 59

Each fire extinguisher comprises

 a spherical container (60 mm in diameter),
 a fill port with a fill valve,
 a discharge tube with a fusible plug,
 a pressure gage.

Figure 4.19 Lavatory fire extinguishing components and location

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Aircraft Fire Protection 60

5 Selected Issues in Aircraft Fire Protection

5.1 Detailed ATA Breakdown for Fire Protection Systems

The ATA iSpec 2200 (ATA 2200) includes a breakdown and definitions for the fire protection
system and its subsystems:

Those fixed and portable units and components which detect and indicate fire
or smoke and store and distribute fire extinguishing agent to all protected
areas of the aircraft; including bottles, valves, tubing, etc.

-00 General

-10 Detection
That portion of the system which is used to sense and indicate the presence
of overheat, smoke, or fire.

-20 Extinguishing
That portion of those fixed or portable systems which is used to extinguish

-30 Explosion Suppression

That portion of the system which is used to sense, indicate and extinguish a
flame propagating into the fuel vent or scoop to prevent an explosion in the
fuel system.

5.2 Companies in the Field of Aircraft Fire Protection

Kidde Aerospace and Defense Companies


Kidde Aerospace / Fenwal Safety Systems.

Fenwal was recently consolidated with Kidde Aerospace in Wilson, NC.
Phone: 252-237-7004
Fax: 252-246-7181
Email: salesinfo@kiddeaerospace.com

Kidde Graviner in London England

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Kidde Dual Spectrum in Goleta,CA

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Email: Sales.info@dualspectrum.com

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Pacific Scientific

AOA Apparatebau Gauting GmbH

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Mail: info@aoa-gauting.de

"Unentbehrlich für die Sicherheit der Passagiere in Flugzeugen und Schienenfahrzeugen sind die
Rauchmeldesysteme von AOA. Unsere Ionisationsrauchmelder und unsere optischen
Rauchmelder sind mikroprozessorgesteuert. Die Rauchmeldesysteme sind auf dem neuesten
Stand der Technik."

5.3 Operational Requirements on Fire Protection

In addition to the certification requirements JAR-25/CS-25 and FAR Part 25 (see Chapter 2)
also requirements for flight operation provide some details on fire protection.

FAR Part 125

FAR Part 125 (http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov) gives details about:

§125.119 Fire precautions

§125.151 Powerplant fire protection
§125.161 Fire-extinguishing systems
§125.163 Fire-extinguishing agents
§125.165 Extinguishing agent container pressure relief
§125.167 Extinguishing agent container compartment temperature
§125.169 Fire-extinguishing system materials
§125.171 Fire-detector systems
§125.173 Fire detectors

§125.163 Fire-extinguishing agents is reproduced here:

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 63

Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)


e-CFR Data is current as of April 6, 2006

Title 14: Aeronautics and Space

Subpart E—Special Airworthiness Requirements

§ 125.163 Fire-extinguishing agents.

Only methyl bromide, carbon dioxide, or another agent that has been shown to provide equiva-
lent extinguishing action may be used as a fire-extinguishing agent. If methyl bromide or any
other toxic extinguishing agent is used, provisions must be made to prevent harmful concentra-
tions of fluid or fluid vapors from entering any personnel compartment either because of leakage
during normal operation of the airplane or because of discharging the fire extinguisher on the
ground or in flight when there is a defect in the extinguishing system. If a methyl bromide sys-
tem is used, the containers must be charged with dry agent and sealed by the fire-extinguisher
manufacturer or some other person using satisfactory recharging equipment. If carbon dioxide is
used, it must not be possible to discharge enough gas into the personnel compartments to create a
danger of suffocating the occupants.

JAR-OPS 1 - Commercial Air Transportation (Aeroplanes)

JAR-OPS 1.790 Hand fire extinguishers
(See AMC OPS 1.790)

An operator shall not operate an aeroplane unless hand fire extinguishers are provided for use in
crew, passenger and, as applicable, cargo compartments and galleys in accordance with the fol-
(a) The type and quantity of extinguishing agent must be suitable for the kinds of fires likely to
occur in the compartment where the extinguisher is intended to be used and, for personnel com-
partments, must minimise the hazard of toxic gas
(b) At least one hand fire extinguisher, containing Halon 1211 (bromochlorodifluoromethane,
CBrCIF2), or equivalent as the extinguishing agent, must be conveniently located on the flight
deck for use by the flight crew;
(c) At least one hand fire extinguisher must be located in, or readily accessible for use in, each
galley not located on the main passenger deck;
(d) At least one readily accessible hand fire extinguisher must be available for use in each Class
A or Class B cargo or baggage compartment and in each Class E cargo compartment that is ac-
cessible to crew members in flight; and

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 64

(e) At least the following number of hand fire extinguishers must be conveniently located in the
passenger compartment(s):

When two or more extinguishers are required, they must be evenly distributed in the passenger
(f) At least one of the required fire extinguishers located in the passenger compartment of an
aeroplane with a maximum approved passenger seating configuration of at least 31, and not more
than 60, and at least two of the fire extinguishers
located in the passenger compartment of an aeroplane with a maximum approved passenger seat-
ing configuration of 61 or more must contain Halon 1211 (bromochlorodi-fluoromethane,
CBrCIF2), or equivalent as the extinguishing agent.

ETOPS Requires Additional Fire Protection

On extended range twin-engine operations (ETOPS) flights (JAR - OPS 1.245) a cargo smoke
detection and extinguishing system is required (see: Ebel 1999).

5.4 Flight/ Cabin Crew Rest Compartments (FCRC/ CCRC)

Langstreckenflugzeuge, wie z. B. der Airbus A330, A340 und A380 mit Reichweiten von bis zu
14000 Kilometern, werden aufgrund der Flugdauer und der damit verbundenen Arbeitsbelastung
für Piloten und Kabinencrew mit einer zweiten Crew vorgesehen. Um ihnen eine möglichst
ungestörte Ruhepause zu ermöglichen, werden in Langstreckenflugzeugenflugzeugen
sogenannte Crew Rest Compartments eingebaut. Es sind nach einer Airbus-internen Vorschrift
sind mindestens für die Hälfte der Besatzung Schlaf- und Ruheräume, auf Langstreckenflügen
vorzusehen. Diese Compartments befinden sich an den Stellen in der Flugzeugkabine, wo keine
Sitze bzw. wenige Sitzplätze verdrängt werden. Direkt hinter dem Cockpit befinden sind die

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 65

Ruheräume der Piloten, in der Größenordnung der A380 FCRC. Im Falle eines Notfalles wären
die Piloten somit in Cockpitnähe. Ein FCRC ist für eine zweite mitgeführte Cockpitcrew
vorgesehen. Sie umfasst im allgemeinen 2 Ruheplätze für Pilot und Co- Pilot. Ein CCRC ist für
die Kabinenbesatzung vorgesehen und hat je nach betreibender Fluggesellschaft unterschiedliche

Layout principles for crew rest compartments (CRC) are defined in SAE ARP 4101/3. Accord-
ing to this specification, a smoke detector shall be provided in a CRC. Additional items of emer-
gency equipment will be required if not immediately available in close proximity to the crew rest
facility. These required items could be
 smoke hood
 protective breathing equipment
 BCF extinguisher
 fire gloves

5.5 Tank Inerting

Tank inerting or tank flammability reduction are methods to prevent fuel tank explosions. Flight
International reports in the Boeing 737 flammability reduction system (FRS) in its December 6-
12 issue:

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 66

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 67

Ebel 1999 EBEL, Stefan: Extended Range Operations with Two-Engined Aero-
planes. Fachhochschule Hamburg, Fachbereich Fahrzeugtechnik,
Theoretische Arbeit, 1999. – Available from:

Ruff 1989 RUFF, Siegfried; RUCK, Martin, SEDLMYR, Gerhard: Sicherheit und
Rettung in der Luftfahrt. Koblenz : Bernard & Graefe, 1989

Scholz 2002 SCHOLZ, Dieter: Standards als Mittel zur unternehmensübergreifenden

Zusammenarbeit in der Luftfahrt-Industrie : Dokumentation nach ATA
iSpec 2200. In: SCHOLZ, Dieter (Ed.): Fit für die ATA iSpec 2200
(Forum: Fit für die ATA iSpec 2200 – Technische Dokumentation in der
Luftfahrt-Industrie, TANNER AG, Lindau, 30. April 2002). Bonn :
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2002. - DGLR-Bericht
2002-01, ISBN: 3-932182-25-1 – Available from: https://www.fzt.haw-

Bibliography to "Introduction to Aircraft Systems"

Aircraft Systems General

Moir 2001 MOIR, Ian; SEABRIDGE, Allan: Aircraft Systems : Mechanical, Electrical,
and Avionics Subsystems Integration. Washington D.C. : AIAA, 2001
(AIAA Education Series)


Grundlagen der Luftfahrzeugtechnik in Theorie und Praxis. Bd. II:
Flugwerk. Köln : TÜV Rheinland, 1980

CUNDY, Dale R.; BROWN, Rick S.: Introduction to Avionics. Upper Sad-
dle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1997


TION: Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics Airframe Handbook. FAA,
1976 (AC 65-15A). – 609 pages, available online from

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Aircraft Fire Protection 68

KINNISON, Harry A.: Aviation Maintenance Management. New York :

McGraw-Hill, 2004

KROES, Michael J.; WATKINS, William A.; DELP, Frank: Aircraft

Maintenance and Repair. Singapore : McGraw-Hill, 1993

LOMBARDO, David: Advanced Aircraft Systems. New York : TAB Books,

McGraw-Hill, 1993

MIDDLETON, Donald H. (Ed.): Avionic Systems. Harlow, GB :

Longmann, 1989

ROSKAM, Jan: Airplane Design. Vol. 4 : Layout Design of Landing Gear

and Systems. Ottawa, KA : Roskam Aviation and Engineering Corpora-
tion, 1989. – Available from DARcorporation (http://www.darcorp.com)

WILD, Thomas W.: Transport Category Aircraft Systems. Casper,

WY : IAP, 1990

WILKINSON, Ray: Aircraft Structures and Systems. Harlow,

GB : Addison Wesley Longman, 1996

Definitions and Breakdown

AGARD 1980 AGARD: Multilingual Aeronautical Dictionary. Neuilly sur

Seine, F : Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development,
1980. – Available online from NATO's Research & Technology Organi-
sation http://www.rta.nato.int

AIR 171 SAE: Glossary of Technical and Physiological Terms Related to Aero-
space Oxygen Systems. Warrendale, PA : Society of Automotive Engi-
neers, 2000 (AIR171D). – Available from SAE (http://www.sae.org)

SAE: Aerospace Landing Gear Systems Terminology.

Warrendale, PA : Society of Automotive Engineers, 1994 (AIR 1489)

SAE: Nomenclature, Aircraft Air Conditioning Equipment.

Warrendale, PA : Society of Automotive Engineers, 1978 (ARP147C). –
Available from SAE (http://www.sae.org)

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Aircraft Fire Protection 69

SAE: Terminology and Definitions for Aerospace Fluid Power, Actua-

tion, and Control Technologies. Warrendale, PA : Society of Automotive
Engineers, 1994 (ARP 4386)


Data (ATA Spec 100). Washington : ATA, 1999. – Available from ATA


Aviation Maintenance (ATA iSpec 2200). Washington : ATA, 2001

ICAO Annex 1 ICAO: Convention on International Civil Aviation, Annex 1: Personnel

Licensing. 9th Ed. Montreal : International Civil Aviation Organization,
2001. – Available from ICAO (http://www.icao.int)

ICAO Annex 2 ICAO: Convention on International Civil Aviation, Annex 1: Rules of the
Air. 9th Ed. Montreal : International Civil Aviation Organization, 1990

SAE 1998 TOMSIC, Joal L. (Ed.): SAE Dictionary of Aerospace Engineering.

Warrendale, PA : Society of Automotive Engineers, 1998


World Airlines Technical Operations Glossary (WATOG). Washington :
ATA, 1992. – Available from ATA (http://www.airlines.org)



TION: Transport Airplane Cabin Interiors Crashworthiness Handbook,
1991 (AC 25-17). – Available online from http://www.faa.gov


TION: Certification of Transport Airplane Mechanical Systems, 2000
(AC 25-22)

ACJ-25 JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES: Joint Aviation Requirements for Large

Aeroplanes (JAR-25), Section 2, Acceptable Means of Compliance and
Interpretations (ACJ). – Available from the JAA (see: http://www.jaa.nl)

AMJ-25 JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES: Joint Aviation Requirements for Large

Aeroplanes (JAR-25), Section 3, Advisory Material Joint (AMJ). –
Available from the JAA (see: http://www.jaa.nl)

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe
Aircraft Fire Protection 70

CS-25 European Aviation Safety Agency: Certification Specifications For Large

Aeroplanes (CS-25). – Available online from

JAR-1 JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES: Definitions and Abbreviations (JAR-1). –

Available from the JAA (see: http://www.jaa.nl)

JAR-25 JOINT AVIATION AUTHORITIES: Joint Aviation Requirements for Large

Aeroplanes (JAR-25), Section 1, Requirements. – Available online from


TION: Part 25 – Airworthiness Standards: Transport Category Airplanes.
– Available online from http://www.faa.gov


TION: Advisory Circular Checklist. FAA, 2000 (AC 00-2.13)

Safety and Reliability

Davidson 1988 DAVIDSON, John: The Reliability of Mechanical Systems. London : Me-
chanical Engineering Publications, 1988

MIL-HDBK-217 ROME AIR DEVELPMENT CENTER: Reliability Prediction for Electronic

Systems. 1985 (ADA 163900). – Available from the National Technical
Information Service (http://www.ntis.gov)

MIL-STD-1629 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode,

Effects and Criticality Analysis. 1980 (MIL-STD-1629A). – Available
from the National Technical Information Service (http://www.ntis.gov)

O'Connor 1991 O'CONNOR, Patrick D.T.: Practical Reliability Engineering. Chichester :

John Wiley, 1991


Nonelectronic Reliability Notebook, Revision B. 1985 (ADA 163900). –
Available from the National Technical Information Service


ditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment. Washington :

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Aircraft Fire Protection 71

RTCA, 2001 (RTCA/DO-160D Change 2). – RTCA, Inc., 1140 Connect-

icut Avenue, N. W., Suite 1020, Washington, D. C. 20036
(http://www.rtca.org). Document also available from the National Tech-
nical Information Service (http://www.ntis.gov)


tions in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification. Washington :
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TION: System Design and Analysis. FAA, 1988 (AC 25.1309-1A). –
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Raymer 1992 RAYMER, Daniel P.: Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach. Washing-
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Aircraft Fire Protection 72

Costs and Trade-Off Studies

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203. – See: http://www.elsevier.com

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online from http://www.ProfScholz.de

Applied Science, Seevering 53, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf for Minimax GmbH & Co KG, Bad Oldesloe

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