O N - L I N E M A N U A L
Copyright 1982 - 1999 by ERDAS, Inc. All rights reserved.
2801 Buford Highway, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30329-2137 USA
Phone: 404/248-9000
Fax: 404/248-9400
User Support: 404/248-9777
All information in this document, as well as the software to which it pertains, is proprietary material of ERDAS, Inc., and is
subject to an ERDAS license and non-disclosure agreement. Neither the software nor the documentation may be reproduced in
any manner without the prior written permission of ERDAS, Inc.
ERDAS is a trade name of ERDAS, Inc. ERDAS and ERDAS IMAGINE are registered trademarks of ERDAS, Inc. Model
Maker, CellArray, ERDAS Field Guide, and ERDAS Tour Guides are trademarks of ERDAS, Inc. Other brands and product
names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Preferences On-Line Manual
Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Batch Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Image Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
DataView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DEM Exporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
DOQ Exporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
FIT Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
GCP Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
ImageDrape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
ImageInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Knowledge Engineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Preferences On-Line Manual
Map Legends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Map Composer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Map Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Spatial Modeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Movie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
OrthoBASE Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Raster Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Viewshed Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
VirtualGIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
These preferences affect annotation.
Annotation Text Units Enter the default units to use to measure text. Choose from
inches, centimeters, or points.
Annotation Text Height Enter the default text size in the units selected above.
The default is 10.000.
Text Fill Order Enter the order to use when filling text. Select either Fill-First or Fill-Last.
Fill-First means fill then outline and Fill-Last means outline then fill.
Annotation Symbol Units Enter the units used to specify the annotation symbol size
above. Valid options are inches, centimeters, and points.
Enable Labeling All Grid/Ticks Enable labeling of all geographic grid/ticks regardless
of how they intersect the frame edges.
Batch Processing
Batch Processing
Batch processing allows you to process one or more files with one or more commands at any
time from one minute to many years in the future. This is useful if you have a process that
requires a long time to run and you want to run it when your system is at minimum utilization (e.g.,
during the night).
➲ Under Windows NT, a job cannot be scheduled beyond the end of the current month.
Run Batch Commands in Record Mode - Run commands as they are inserted into
the Batch record dialog. This is used when running through a multiple step process which will
need the outputs of the earlier processes as input to the following steps.
Line Termination for Output Batch Files - Determine the type of line termination to
use for output command (.bcf) and namelist (.bls) files. The batch system itself is not sensitive
to the line termination type. This is provided so that the batch files that are created may be
used with text editors which may not be flexible enough to deal with differing line termination.
View Batch Queue Update Interval - Time (in seconds) between updates of the Batch
queue view window. The batch queue window scans the batch queue directory periodically
to determine the state of the existing batch jobs. Setting this to a small number (1 second) will
keep the list of batch jobs up to date, but it will cause a lot of directory scanning. The default
of 10 is a good compromise.
Show Status Bar On Batch Queue Dialog - Display a status bar on the Batch Status
Queue dialog. This is provided as a cosmetic preference, some users may not want the
status bar taking up space on the Batch Queue Dialog.
Batch Job Directory - The directory where the batch job files will be placed. This
directory will contain a subdirectory for each of the host computers on which batch has been
run. Within each of these directories there will a subdirectory for each user that has used
batch on that machine.
Batch Processing
Show Status Bar On Batch Wizard - Displays a status bar on the batch wizard
dialog.This is provided as a cosmetic preference, some users may not want the status bar
taking up space on the Batch Wizard.
Startup Batch Command File - The batch command file to include in offline
processing. This is a command file that is run just prior to the batch commands them selves.
On Windows this should be a .bat file and on UNIX it is a shell script file. The purpose is to
allow things like disk remounts to happen.
There is no default.
Show jobs in Scheduled Tasks folder - This preference is displayed under Windows
only. Selecting this option makes the job visible in the Scheduled Tasks folder in the Explorer.
However, when the job runs, the Task Scheduler displays a DOS command shell window
while the job is running. If this window is not desired, then deselect this option. Deselecting
this option also makes the job invisible in the Scheduled Tasks folder. If you want this to be
disabled by default, change this preference to no.
Image Catalog
Image Catalog
These preferences affect the Image Catalog.
Default Catalog Enter the name of the catalog to open when the Image Catalog is first
Canvas Directory Enter the path where the vector backdrops are stored.
Canvas Backdrop Enter the name of the vector backdrop that is opened when the
graphical viewer is first invoked.
Archive Media Enter default media device to use in archiving images as either
tape_8mm, tape_9_track, tk_device, or tape_exabyte.
Water Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for water in the
graphical viewer.
Land Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for land in the
graphical viewer.
Border Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to use for borders in the
graphical viewer.
Line Style Right-hold the color patch to select the color to use for lines in the graphical
Image Catalog
Point Symbol Select the symbol to be used for points in the graphical viewer. Choose
either a cross-hair or a point.
Symbol Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for point symbols.
The default is black (0, 0, 0).
Symbol Size Enter the point size of point symbols. The minimum is 1.0.
The default is 10.0
Footprint Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for image
Footprint Selected Color Right hold the color patch to select the color to be used for
selected image footprints.
Footprint Fill Style Select the style used to fill image footprints. Choose unfilled, 50%
fill, or hatch pattern.
Show Map Grid Indicate whether to control the display of the map grid at startup.
The default is yes.
Grid Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for the Latitude/
Longitude grid.
Show Grid Labels Indicate whether to control the display of the text grid labels.
The default is yes.
Grid Label Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for map grid
text labels.
Image Catalog
Level of Detail Select the maximum level of detail to be used when displaying maps.
Choose global, regional, subregional, or local.
Show Map Outlines Select yes or no to display the map outlines at startup.
The default is no.
Map Outline Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color to be used for the map
Map Outline Style Select the line style to be used for the map outlines. Choose solid
lines or dashed lines.
Restore Directory Enter the path of the directory into which images are restored.
The default is ‘.’ (the current directory - the ERDAS IMAGINE start-up directory indicated at
the top of the Session Log).
These preferences control the DataView application.
Maximum Line Length Select the maximum line length for displaying record contents.
The minimum is 10.
User Interface & Session
Default Data Directory Enter the path for input data. This directory will be the default
in all dialogs that require an input file.
Default Output Directory Enter the path for output files. This will be the default
directory in all dialogs that require an output file.
The default is ‘.’ (the current directory - the ERDAS IMAGINE start-up directory indicated at
the top of the Session Log).
Default Icon Directory Enter the path for the icons used in the ERDAS IMAGINE
graphical interface.
Icon Panel Orientation Select whether the ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel should
display horizontally across the top of the screen or vertically down the left side of the screen
when ERDAS IMAGINE is started.
Icon Panel Display Options Select the size of the icons to use in the ERDAS
IMAGINE icon panel, or to use the ERDAS IMAGINE tool bar without icons.
File History Maximum Select the maximum number of entries in the file names history.
The minimum is 10; the maximum is 1000.
File History Scope Select the scope for the retention of file names. User names will be
retained from session to session. Session names will be retained only for the current session.
Application names will be retained only for each application.
Double Click Interval This preference sets the maximum length of time in milliseconds
between two clicks for the clicks to be considered a double-click.
User Interface & Session
Application Timeout Utilities like Text Editor, Image Info, Vector Info, HfaView, etc.,
remain available after all documents are closed for faster response. These programs will
terminate after the time specified.
Positive Rotation Direction Enter the positive rotation direction to be used for rotating
annotation elements, such as arcs, ellipses, rectangles, text, and symbols. The valid options
are Clockwise and Counter-Clockwise.
Unix Printer Command (UNIX only) Enter the command to use to send output to a
PostScript printer.
CellArray 3D Appearance Indicate whether you want the column titles and row
numbers in CellArrays to have a three-dimensional appearance.
Use Flat Look For Tools (PC only) IMAGINE 8.4 for Windows now supports the flat
appearance for buttons in toolbars and tool palettes. If the previous raised appearence is
desired, this can be turned off.
Panel Background Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select a
background color for windows.
Menu Text Font (UNIX only) Select the font style for the menus. Choose normal, bold,
normal italic, or bold italic.
Menu Text Color (UNIX only) Select the color for the text in the menus.
The default is black (0, 0, 0).
Menu Color (UNIX only) Select the default color for menus.
User Interface & Session
Title Text Font (UNIX only) Select the font style for the label text. Choose normal, bold,
normal italic, or bold italic.
Title Text Color (UNIX only) Select the color for title text.
The default color is black (0, 0, 0).
Text Font (UNIX only) Select the font style for the text in the text entry and selection areas.
Choose normal, bold, normal italic, bold italic.
Text Font Color (UINIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the color for the font
in the text entry and selection areas.
Text Background Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select a background
color to use for all dialog parts where text is entered.
Indicator Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the color for enable
Selection Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the background color
for selected text.
Selection Secondary Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this colorpatch to select the
background color for the secondary selected text.
Selection Overlap Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the
background color for the overlap of primary and secondary selections.
User Interface & Session
Slider Thumb Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the color for the
drag control in sliders.
Slider Background Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the
background color in sliders.
Status Text Font (UNIX only) Select the font to be used for status text. Choose normal,
bold, normal italic, or bold italic.
Status Text Color (UNIX only) Right-hold this color patch to select the color to be used
for status text.
Move cursor to cancel button Choose to have the cursor automatically move to the
Cancel or Close button when a dialog is opened.
Use Bubble Help Specify whether or not to have bubble Help display as your cursor
moves across IMAGINE dialogs. This information is the same as the Status Bar Help, but is
opened directly under your cursor.
Bubble Help Delay Specify the length of time, in seconds, that the cursor must remain
on an icon before the bubble Help will display.
Focus Behavior (UNIX only) Automatically select text when your cursor is moved to a
text or number part (select) or have the cursor go the beginning of the field (noselect).
Dialogs Follow Parent (UNIX only) Indicate whether dialogs will minimize and close
with the parent frame.
User Interface & Session
Use Preference Editor Dialog Select the preference editor you prefer. The default
(checked) is the newer style. Uncheck the checkbox to revert to the older style.
☞ Be sure to close any children dialogs before toggling the borders of a parent frame. Children
dialogs could close and become inaccessible if left open when the borders of a parent frame
are toggled.
Enable Script Debugging Turn this option on if you are debugging EML scripts to
provide more feedback in the Session Log when scripts are run. This option should be off
while you are running ERDAS IMAGINE.
Open Log on Startup Specify whether or not to have the Session Log automatically
open when ERDAS IMAGINE is started.
Log File Directory and Template Enter the file in which to save Session Log files.
History File Directory and Template Enter the path of the command history file.
Delete Session Log on Exit Specify whether or not the Session Log file should be
deleted when you exit ERDAS IMAGINE.
Delete History File on Exit Indicate whether the command history file should
automatically be deleted upon terminating an ERDAS IMAGINE session.
Keep Job Status Box Specify whether to display the Job Status dialog until the user
clicks OK (yes) or to automatically close upon job termination (no).
User Interface & Session
Log Message level Specify the level of detail about IMAGINE processes that is
reported in the Session Log. The options are verbose (very detailed) and terse (less detailed).
To view the stderr or stdout output of an EML “system” built-in command or “system” built-in
function, the preference must be set to verbose.
Session Log Printing Specify whether to always print the Session Log upon
terminating an IMAGINE session, query the user about printing, or to never print the Session
Log Message time format Enter the format in which time is recorded in the Session
Temporary File Directory Enter the temporary file directory. This should be set to a
directory with plenty of disk space. If a non-directory file or a non-existent directory is
specified, the default will be used.
Override colormap Install (UNIX only) Override window manager colormap install.
The default is no.
Colors other apps can access (UNIX only) Number of static colors.
The valid options are 0, 64, and 125.
The default is 0.
Beep after Job finished Indicate whether or not you want the system to beep when
a job is finished.
AVHRR Red Band Default Enter the band to be read into the red color gun when
NOAA AVHRR data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000,
4.000, and 5.000.
User Interface & Session
AVHRR Green Band Default Enter the band to be read into the green color gun when
NOAA AVHRR data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000,
4.000, and 5.000.
AVHRR Blue Band Default Enter the band to be read into the blue color gun when
NOAA AVHRR data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000,
4.000, and 5.000.
MSS Red Band Default Enter the band to be read into the red color gun when Landsat
MSS data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, and 4.000.
MSS Green Band Default Enter the band to be read into the green color gun when
Landsat MSS data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, and
MSS Blue Band Default Enter the band to be read into the blue color gun when
Landsat MSS data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, and
Spot Red Band Default Enter the band to read into the red color gun when SPOT XS
data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, and 3.000.
Spot Green Band Default Enter the band to be read into the green color gun when
SPOT XS data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, and 3.000.
Spot Blue Band Default Enter the band to be read into the blue color gun when SPOT
XS data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, and 3.000.
User Interface & Session
TM Red Band Default Enter the band to be read into the red color gun when Landsat
TM data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000,
6.000, and 7.000.
TM Green Band Default Enter the band to be read into the green color gun when
Landsat TM data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000,
4.000, 5.000, 6.000, and 7.000.
TM Blue Band Default Enter the band to read into the blue color gun when Landsat
TM data are displayed in the Viewer. The valid options are 1.000, 2.000, 3.000, 4.000, 5.000,
6.000, and 7.000.
Image Chip Work Effort Set the work effort for displaying image chips. Options are
listed in decreasing speed, with Ignore as the fastest level.
Quick Compute Display up-to-date .chp files and compute chips if pyramid layers
Default plotter for map compositions (UNIX only) Enter the default printer/plotter
for map composition output.
Perform fast directory scans when possible? (UNIX only) Indicate whether,
when possible, to use simple filename pattern matching, rather than full verification.
DEM Exporter
DEM Exporter
These preferences provide default information that is used when you export .img files to DEM
Alaska Dem Type Select the geographic (not UTM) DEM type of latitudes above 50
degrees North. Choose Alaska 15 Minute, Alaska 7.5 Minute, 30 Minute, or 1 Degree.
Regular DEM Type Select the geographic (not UTM) DEM type for latitudes below 50
degrees North. Choose 30 Minute, 1 Degree, Alaska 15 Minute, or Alaska 7.5 Minute.
Free Format Text Select the length of the free format descriptor field.
There is no default.
CTOG - DLG/Hypsography Was DLG2DEM (includes any DLG type process such as
DEM Exporter
DEM Level Code Select the code for the DEM level. Choose 1, 2, 3, 4; the minimum is 0.
The default is 1.
Elevation Pattern Code Indicate the elevation pattern. Random is reserved for future
Ground Distance Units Select the preferred units for distances measured on the
ground. Choose none (specify every time), feet, or meters.
Geographic Angle Units Select the preferred units for latitude and longitude
measurements. Choose none (specify every time), radians, or arc-seconds.
Elevation Units Select the preferred units for elevation measurements. Choose none
(specify every time), feet, or meters.
Data Validation Flag These flags indicate the type of validation(s) performed. Consult
DEM documentation.
TESDEM (no DES) RMSE computed from test points (record C added); no edit or
WBE/TESDEM Batch process water body edit and RMSE computed from test points.
DES/WBE (no TESDEM) Review and edit, including water edit. No RMSE computed
from test points.
DES Level 1 Level 1 DEMs reviewed and edited, including WBE. RMSE from test points.
DES/TESDEM Levels 2/3 Level 2 and 3 DEMs reviewed and edited, including
DEM Exporter
Void Pixel Minimum Value The minimum input pixel value that will be treated as void
Void Pixel Maximum Value The maximum input pixel value that will be treated as void
Vertical Datum Code Select the Vertical Datum to be specified for elevation values.
Choose None (specify every time), Local Mean Sea Level, NGVD 29, or NAVD 88.
DOQ Exporter
DOQ Exporter
These preferences provide default information that is used when you export .img files to DOQ
State 1 Enter the primary state of the source image using its two-letter abbreviation (e.g.,
GA for Georgia, MN for Minnesota).
County 1 Enter the three-digit code of the primary county of the source image.
Producer Code Enter the production mapping center code. This number identifies the
mapping center responsible for creating the digital orthophoto.
Production System Enter the hardware and software systems used to create the digital
Focal Length Focal length, in millimeters, of the camera used to make the orthophoto.
The default is 152.4 mm.
DOQ Exporter
SDTS Raster Exporter
Data Structure Describe the internal structure or organization of the data (e.g. \”DEM\”)”;
Pixel Label A label (e.g. \”ELEVATION\”, \”INTENSITY\”) describing the value each pixel
Scale Scale of corresponding paper map, if applicable (e.g. 100000 means 100,000:1).
The minimum is 0.0.
Logical Consistency Describe the fidelity of relationships encoded in the digital data,
including the tests performed and their results.
Completeness Describe selection criteria, definitions used, and other relevant mapping
SDTS Raster Exporter
Image Files (General)
Pyramid Layers External Indicate whether to allow pyramid layer disk space to be
reclaimed upon deletion.
Pyramid Layer Computation Kernel Specify the kernel size to use when pyramid
layers are created. Valid options are 2X2 and 4X4.
Initial pyramid layer number Indicate the largest pyramid layer you want computed
for new and imported images. This allows you to discard the largest pyramid layer(s), saving
disk space at the expense of time spent reducing the image by zooming out.
The pyramid layers of an image layer are numbered starting at 1, and increase by 1 for every
reduction by 2 of the previous pyramid layer. Pyramid layer computation ceases when the
resulting pyramid layer is as small or smaller than the default block size of 64 X64. A
1024X1024 image would have pyramid layers numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4, representing a
reduction of the original image layer by 2, 4, 8, and 16, respectively.
In both of these examples, assume that the Continuous Statistics Coverage Percentage is
set to10 percent and the Continuous Statistics Minimum Limit is set to10,000.
Example 1: A 1000X1000 image. This image contains 1,000,000 pixels. 10 percent of that is
100,000 which is larger than 10,000, so 100,000 pixels would be used for statistics
Example 2: A 200X200 image. In this case, the image contains 40,000 pixels. Since 10% of
that is 4,000 which is less than 10,000, 10,000 pixels would be used for statistics calculation.
Image Files (General)
The default is 0.00 percent. This means the Continuous Statistics Minimum Limit is used.
Continuous Statistics Minimum Limit Specify the minimum number of data file
values to use for the statistics computation of new and imported continuous images. The
actual selection of the data file values is determined by the system. See examples in the
above Continuous Statistics Coverage Percent.
A time trade-off occurs when processes in IMAGINE do not process an image layer in a block
by block fashion or if they are dealing with an input and output with different block sizes. For
instance, if a 100 band image that is essentially BIL is processed to an output image that has
the default 64X64 block size, and the processing occurs according to the input block size,
writing each line of the output is going to result in all W of the output blocks being read and
written (where W is the image width / 64). As a result, there will be about 64 * W reads and
writes to write the first row of blocks to the output whereas there would have only been W
writes if the output had not been considered hyperspectral.
Table Row Maximum The table row maximum limits the size of image descriptor table
columns that must be converted to a direct bin function from a table that contains one row of
data per unique pixel value. This currently only happens when accessing GRID, STK, and
GRID Stack data sets.
Image Files (General)
For example, if a GRID coverage contains the pixel values 1, 3, and 5, IMAGINE will simulate
a direct bin function to access the descriptor data that will make the table appear to have five
rows (even though only three exist). For five rows of data this does not cause a problem. If,
however, the GRID coverage contains the pixel values 0, 1, 2, and 2 million, simulation of a
direct bin function on this data set, although it contains only four unique values, will result in
a table with 2 million rows of data. This preference allows a reasonable limit to be imposed
so that performance is not adversely affected for applications that have no particular interest
in the descriptor data.
FIT Files
FIT Files
The FIT format is a legacy image format from Silicon Graphics (SGI).
Use Memory Mapping with FIT Files - Use Memory Mapping to get an increase in I/
O speed.
The memory mapping with FIT files should be on if you are using small FIT files as it speeds
up the display of the images in the IMAGINE Viewer, and when used as input for other image
processing. However, if using larger FIT images or a large number of FIT images
simultaneously, then the preference should be off because it will consume a large amount of
Gallium Font Server
Name of the TrueType and PostScript FontServer Select the name of the configuration
file for TrueType and PostScript Type 1 files.
GCP Editor
GCP Editor
This preference affects the GCP Editor
Selector Text Font Select font name for GCP tool graphics.
The default is 6 x 12.
Selector Color Right-hold the color patch to select the color for GCP tool graphics.
The default is white (255, 255, 255).
GCP Tool Automatic Startup Indicate whether to start GCP tool if necessary for
model solution.
Use Chip Viewer(s) Indicate whether to set GCP tool Chip Viewer(s).
The default is true.
Fully Automatic Edit Mode Indicate whether to set GCP tool Automatic Mode.
The default is true.
Source for Reference GCPs Select source for collecting reference GCPs. Choose
Query User, Existing Viewer, Image Layer, Vector Layer, Annotation Layer, GCP File, ASCII
File, Digitizing Tablet (Current), Digitizing Tablet (New), or Keyboard Only.
GCP Editor
Rectify Outside Convex Hull of GCPs Rectify the outside area of GCPs for rubber
GRID Image Files
Maximum Table Range Maximum number of rows for descriptor tables of 32-bit data
Perform Rigorous Permission Check If enabled, all GRID directories, files, and
info directory files are checked prior to opening image.
Recode Integer NODATA If enabled, recodes NODATA values to the minimum of the
integer data range selected for GRID access.
Recode Float NODATA If enabled, recodes NODATA values to the minimum value of
the dataset.
These preferences affect the ImageDrape applications.
Update From Linked Position Select when to update display from the Linked
Position Selector in the Viewer.
Eye/Target Colors Right-hold this color patch to select the color for Eye/Target icons
displayed in the Viewer.
Use Four Bit Textures Indicate whether to use fewer colors when displaying
images. If available, will allow for a faster display.
Always Render Elevation Model Indicate whether to display Elevation Model when
overlaying images, including those that do not cover the entire DEM. The areas not
covered will be displayed.
Color of Saved Positions Right-hold this color patch to select the color of spheres
displayed when showing saved positions.
This preference affects the ImageInfo applications.
Compute Statistics for All Layers Specify whether to set the default value for
computing statistics on all layers.
IMAGINE Image Files (Native)
Memory Map File Size Limit Enter the file size (in bytes) which to memory map the
entire file. The minimum is 0 (zero).
Memory Map Segment Height Enter the target number of pixels-high a memory
mapped layer segment should be. The minimum is 0 (zero).
Reserved Non-raster Space The .img format is currently capable of storing up to 4GB
of data (although operating system restrictions may impose a lower limit). A temporary work-
around to this limitation has been introduced that allows raster layers that would cause the
.img file to exceed the 4GB (or lower) limit to overflow into an external generic binary data file.
The overflow will be triggered if the space currently occupied by raster data plus the Reserved
Non-raster Space, plus the new raster to be added would exceed the 4GB limit. Therefore, by
adjusting the Reserved Non-raster Space limit, the user can control when this overflow
For example, if this limit is set to 4GB, all raster data will overflow into the external generic
binary file. If it is set to 0 (zero), as much raster data as possible will be placed in the .img file.
Note, however, that this runs the risk of being unable to save computed statistics, add image
descriptor data, etc., once all of the raster data are written. The default reserved space
(25MB) should reasonably accommodate non-raster data in all but the most extraordinary
Raster Import (General)
Ignore Zeros Specify whether or not to ignore zeros when computing statistics.
Preview Image Size Indicate the image size for previews of imported data. Valid options
are 512 (for 512 x 512 previews) and 1024 (for 1024 x 1024 previews).
Default Decimation Type Specify the default decimation method to use for previews.
Valid options are Average and Nearest.
Default Options File Path Enter the path to use for files that store generic importing
Knowledge Engineer
Knowledge Engineer
Number of Best Classes Per Pixel - Default number of classes to compute per pixel.
The default is 1.
Map Legends
Map Legends
These preferences affect legends in map compositions.
Default Legend Title Enter the title to place at the top of legends.
Default Legend Units Enter the units to use in measuring legend positioning options
below. The valid options are Inches, Centimeters, and Points.
Title/Underline Gap Enter the space between the title and the underline.
Title/Legend Gap Enter the space between the title and the legend.
Title Alignment Indicate how the legend title should be aligned with the main portion of
the legend. The valid options are Left-Justified, Centered, and Right-Justified.
Use Multiple Columns Specify whether the legend should be in one column or in
multiple columns.
Entries per Column If you have specified multiple columns above, enter the maximum
number of entries in a single column.
Gap Between Columns Specify the amount of space to put between columns.
Map Legends
Heading/First Entry Gap Specify the space between the heading and the first item in
the legend.
Vertically Stack Descriptor Text Specify whether or not you want to place descriptor
text vertically.
Place Patch Left of Text Indicate whether you want to place the color patch to the left
of the text.
Place Patch Right of Text Indicate whether you want to place the color patch to the
right of the text.
Outline Color/ Fill Patch Specify whether the color patch should have an outline.
Patch/Text Gap Specify the amount of space between the color patch and the text.
Map Legends
Patch/Text Alignment Indicate how the text associated with each color patch is to be
aligned with the patch. The valid options are Top-Justified, Centered, Bottom-Justified.
Map Composer
Map Composer
These preferences affect Map Composer.
Default Map Directory Specify the default directory for map compositions. This
directory will display in the Open Map Composition dialog.
The default is ‘.’ (the current directory - the ERDAS IMAGINE start-up directory indicated at
the top of the Session Log).
Default Plot Directory Under UNIX enter the path for plot files (.plt extension) that are
created from map compositions.
The default is ‘.’ (the current directory - the ERDAS IMAGINE start-up directory indicated at
the top of the Session Log).
The default is ‘.’ (the current directory - the ERDAS IMAGINE start-up directory indicated at
the top of the Session Log).
Map Printing
Map Printing
These preferences affect Windows Map Printing.
Strip Height Map are rendered in strips to improve performance. A strip height of 64 pixels
is typically used.
Printing Data Transfer Compression Raster data transfer compression factor. Map
printing can rely on the ability of the print device to scale data as a way to reduce the amount
of data that must be sent to the device. The options are:
none This option produces the highest resolution output. Any necessary data scaling
will happen on the computer side.
low This option produces good quality results and only requires one fourth of the amount
of data as the “none” selection. The printer will scale raster data by 2.
medium This option produces a better quality draft mode output. The printer will scale
raster data by 4.
high This option produces the lowest quality output of the choices and should be used
as a draft mode printing. The printer will scale raster data by 8.
Under UNIX these preferences affect the External Memory Management system.
This is a system that the Viewer uses for managing large blocks of memory. A “large” block is
any allocated piece of memory which is equal to or greater than 4,096 bytes. This system places
these large blocks of memory in an area which is separate from the normal memory
management system. The External Memory Management system is necessary because when
software mixes the allocation of large blocks of memory with small blocks, memory fragmentation
occurs. Memory fragmentation results in more memory being used than is necessary, and
placing the large blocks of memory into a separate area greatly reduces this problem. The
separate memory area is associated with a file in a user-defined directory. The default directory
is /tmp.
The External Memory Management system is completely configurable and can be controlled
through these preferences.
♦ Enter the file size in the Total Size of External Memory in Megabytes preference.
♦ Define the directory where the large blocks of memory will be placed in the Directory for the
External Memory File preference. This directory must have enough space to contain the file
size specified in the first step.
Directory for the External Memory File This preference defines the directory where
the External Memory Management file will be created. When the file is created, it is given the
following name in the defined directory:
Once the file is created and associated with the memory manager, its entry is deleted from
the directory. This is done so that the space will be automatically returned to the system when
the Viewer is exited.
This directory should be on a local disk. Placing the directory on a network will degrade
The default size 2.000, which is two megabytes. It is two megabytes because the /tmp
directory (the default directory) often contains only three to four megabytes of space. After
you define a larger directory for the External Memory Management file, you should set this
number to about 10.000, which is ten megabytes. A value of 0.000 will disable the External
Memory Management system.
Spatial Modeler
Spatial Modeler
These preferences affect Spatial Modeler (Model Maker and the Spatial Modeler Language). A
majority of Image Interpreter functions are also affected by these preferences.
Model Maker Backup Font Enter the font to use if the selected font does not exist.
Data Compression Specify the type of data compression to use on output files. Valid
options are None and Run Length.
Window Rule Specify whether models will operate on the Union or Intersection of the
input files.
Cellsize Rule Specify whether to use the Minimum or Maximum cell size of the input
files when operating on images that have differing resolutions.
Stats computation option When statistics are calculated you can opt to Use all file
values or to Ignore specified value.
Value to ignore in stats If you selected to ignore a specific value above, you must
enter that value here.
Spatial Modeler
Edge Extension Specify how to handle pixels outside the edge of files. Valid options are
Fill with background and Reflect.
Tile Size Enter the tile size for model processing. The minimum is 1; the maximum is
Vector Tile Size Enter the tile size for rendering vector data to temp file. The minimum
is 1; the maximum is 1000000.
Origin for Tables Enter the default origin to use for all table objects.
Origin for Matrices Enter the default origin to use for all matrix objects.
Origin for Rasters Enter the default origin to use for all raster layer stacks.
Binary File Type Enter the default file type to create for binary raster variables. The valid
options are:
Spatial Modeler
Integer File Type Enter the default file type to create for integer raster variables. The
valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Float File Type Enter the default file type to create for floating point raster variables. The
valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Complex File Type Enter the default file type to create for complex raster variables.
The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Signed types only implies that all unsigned integer types default to thematic.
Binary Temp Type Enter the default file type to create for temporary binary raster
variables. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Integer Temp Type Enter the default file type to create for temporary integer raster
variables. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Spatial Modeler
Float Temp Type Enter the default file type to create for temporary floating point raster
variables. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Complex Temp Type Enter the default file type to create for temporary complex raster
variables. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Binary Intermediate Type Enter the default file type to create for intermediate binary
files. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Integer Intermediate Type Enter the default file type to create for intermediate integer
files. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Float Intermediate Type Enter the default file type to create for intermediate floating
point files. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type preference.
Complex Intermediate Type Enter the default file type to create for intermediate
complex files. The valid options are the same as those listed for the Binary File Type
This preference affects the Movie sequence application.
Store Movie Frames In This preference specifies where the memory is allocated for
the frames of a Movie sequence. When X Server is specified, all frames are stored in the X
server as pixmaps. If there are a large number of frames (greater than 20), the X server could
grow to a fairly large size. However, this option will provide the best performance.
The Application option will allow the Movie application to store all of the frames. This option
will cause the Movie to run slower, but will use less system memory. The memory preference
category is used by this application when Application is selected. See the memory preference
for more information.
Start Movie Using Depth Specify the display depth to use for the Movie Viewer. Select
default, 24-bit, or 8-bit.
X-Windows Display Visual The preference determines the color characteristics of the
screen. It is useful for systems that support multiple colormaps of different depths
simultaneously. The valid options are default, PseudoColor, TrueColor, and DirectColor.
Start Movie On Screen This preference controls on which screen Movies display. This
preference is useful only with a multi-headed system (that is, on a computer with multiple
CRTs that are all controlled by the same X server). The valid options are default, .0, .1, .2,
and .3.
OrthoBASE Preferences
OrthoBASE Preferences
The Preference Editor enables you to specify system defaults and set many parameters that
affect the operation of OrthoBASE. Most of these preferences can be overwritten in the actual
dialogs that perform the operation. These are simply the default settings that display when the
process is initiated.
This document describes the preferences added to the Preference Editor dialog when
OrthoBASE is installed. To access them, select OrthoBASE from the Category: popup list.
They are listed here in the order in which they display in the Preference Editor.
Graphic Status Background Color - displays the background color for the graphic
display field.
Graphic Status Footprint Color - displays the footprint color for the graphic display
Graphic Status Point Color - displays the point color used by the graphic display
Graphic Status Residual Color - displays the point residual color used by the
graphic display dialog.
Selector Icon - displays the icon used to indicate where to place a point.
Selector Color - displays the color of the points selected in the Viewers.
Status On Color - displays the color used to indicate a positive status in the
OrthoBASE and Point Measurement CellArrays.
Status Off Color - displays the color used to indicate a negative status in the
OrthoBASE and Point Measurement CellArrays.
OrthoBASE Preferences
Resampling Method for DEM - allows you to select either Nearest Neighbor or
Bilinear as the method for resampling the DEM.
☞ When you change any settings in a particular category, you must select File | Save To
V8Preference from the Preference Editor menu bar to set those parameters before moving
on to the next category.
Max Surface Width The Maximum sample width for surface profile.
Max Surface Height The maximum surface height for surface profile.
Raster Processing
Raster Processing
These preferences are used through the system to contol various aspects of raster resampling
for which there is no other user interface. Most notably these will affect the way that “Reprojection
on the fly” is handled in the Viewer and in the Modeler.
The default is 2.
Raw Image Files
Byte Order - Byte order of 16, 32 and 64-bit pixels. The choices are:
Native - Same as native byte order of machine.
Pixel Interleaving - Arrangement of pixels for multiband images. The choices are:
BIL - Band Interleaved by Line
BIP - Band Interleaved by Pixel
TILED - Tiled
RPF Image Files
TIFF Image Files
CCITT (1D) Standard facsimile transmission compression adapted for disk storage.
CCITT Group 3 Standard facsimile transmission compression adapted for disk storage.
LZW General purpose compression scheme. Requires additional license due to patent
LZW General purpose compression scheme. Requires additional license due to patent
LZW General purpose compression scheme. Requires additional license due to patent
Edits Allowed
TIFF Image Files
The “Edits Allowed” preference determines whether or not you can edit a TIFF file. If you allow
yourself to edit TIFF files, keep in mind that any TIFF tags that are not part of the Baseline
TIFF specification may be purged from the file as the TIFF specification directs.
Create Tiled Images The “Create Tiled Images” preference determines whether newly
created TIFF files will be tiled or not. Tiled images, particularly very large ones, usually
perform better in a graphical environment. Note that applications that cannot handle TIFF
revision 6.0 may not be able to access tiled TIFF images. If the image is not tiled, it will be
stored in strips the width of the image.
These preferences affect vector processing and can be overridden using the vector Options
dialog. These preferences are read each time a vector coverage is displayed.
Use Node Snap Distance Enable this option to use the default node snap distance
stored with the vector layer you are using. When enabled, new and edited lines that do not
terminate at existing nodes will be automatically snapped to the nearest node, if there is a
node within the set snap distance.
Use Arc Snap Distance Enable this option to use the default arc snap distance stored
with the vector layer you are using. When enabled, new and edited lines that do not terminate
at existing nodes will be automatically snapped to the nearest line if there is a line within the
set snap distance. A node will be created at this new intersection.
Use Weed Tolerance Value Enable this option to use the default weed tolerance
stored with the vector layer you are using. When enabled, vertices must be at least the weed
distance apart to be retained.
Selection Method Indicate how features will be selected when using the marquee tools
in the Vector Tools dialog. You can either select all features that intersect the marquee or
select only those features that are completely contained within the marquee. The valid
options are intersect and contained_in.
Scratch File Directory Specify a directory to which IMAGINE can write temporary files
during an editing session, or other processing for which a significant amount of temporary
files will be generated (e.g.importing TIGER, or clean). These files have a prefix of "xx" and
are automatically removed after the processing is finished.
These preferences affect the Viewer.
New View Windows Appear On Under UNIX this preference controls on which
screen the ERDAS IMAGINE Viewers display. It does not affect where the icon panel or
dialogs display. This preference is useful only with a multi-headed system (that is, on a
computer with multiple CRTs that are all controlled by the same X server).
The ERDAS IMAGINE icon panel is opened on the default screen, which is usually the CRT
where IMAGINE was started. By using this preference, the IMAGINE Viewer can be told to
start on another screen (or by default the same screen as the icon panel). The valid options
are default, .0, .1, .2, and .3.
Display Card Depth Under UNIX this preference tells the IMAGINE Viewer what display
depth it should use when displaying images. It is useful only on displays that support multiple
depths. For example, most 24-bit cards support 8-bit depth as well as 24-bit depth. This
preference is used primarily on systems that support multiple hardware colormaps of different
depths simultaneously, in which case it is best to start the window system with an 8-bit
PseudoColor visual and tell the IMAGINE Viewer to use a 24-bit DirectColor visual. The valid
options are default, 8, 12, and 24.
X-Windows Display Visual Under UNIX the preference works in conjunction with the
previous one, Display Card Depth, to determine the color characteristics of the screen. It is
useful for systems that support multiple colormaps of different depths simultaneously. The
valid options are default by depth, default visual, PseudoColor, TrueColor, and DirectColor.
The default by depth option causes the IMAGINE Viewer to choose which visual to use based
upon the depth specified by the Display Card Depth preference above. The option default
visual causes the windowing system default visual to be used. The other three options
explicitly declare what type of visual to use.
Use Private Colormap Under Unix this preference, when enabled, tells the IMAGINE
Viewer to use a virtual colormap. When using a virtual colormap, the colors on the screen will
shift whenever an image window is entered or exited by the mouse. This preference is used
to allow other programs to gain access to colors when they cannot get the colors in any other
way. This preference can also be used to assure that IMAGINE gets as many colors as
Tool Palette Size Specify whether to use small or big tool palettes for annotation, AOI,
vector, Model Maker and other tools.
Combine Tools and Commands Specify whether to include command icons in tool
Automatically Show Tool Palette Specify whether to automatically show tool palette
when creating a new Annotation or Vector Layer, or Map Composition.
Default Break Point Directory Enter the default directory to be used by the Contrast
Default Symbology File When you display a vector layer, you have the option to use
a symbology file (.evs extension). If an associated .evs file does not exist, then you can use
the Choose Symbology dialog to specify an .evs file. This preference is used to define the
default symbology file for the Choose Symbology and Open Vector Layer dialogs.
There is no default.
Allow server to do polygon fill Under UNIX indicate whether you want filled
annotation objects and vector polygons/attributes to be filled using fill functions in the X
Server or the ERDAS IMAGINE C Programmers’ Toolkit fill algorithm. In general, the server
fill is faster but the IMAGINE fill does a better job. If your annotation/vector text on the screen
seems to be missing pixels, or if you experience problems with filled polygons, try setting this
preference to no.
Default Viewer X Size This preference, in conjunction with the Default Viewer Y Size
preference, determines the size of the IMAGINE Viewer window when it first is opened after
IMAGINE is started and when you click the Start Viewer icon on the icon panel.
Default Viewer Y Size This preference, in conjunction with the Default Viewer X Size
preference, determines the size of the IMAGINE Viewer window when it first is opened after
IMAGINE is started and when you click the Start Viewer icon on the icon panel.
Clear Display The preference determines the default method in which a new file is added
into a Viewer. If enabled, the Viewer clears a window before loading a new file for viewing.
If disabled, the Viewer does not, by default, clear the window when a new image is loaded. If
the Viewer window is not cleared when a new image is loaded, the old image may be
completely obscured by the new one (i.e., you cannot see it to know it is there). When both
images are in the Viewer, each will require colorcells (a valuable resource with an 8-bit
visual), and each image will need to be redrawn whenever one of them needs to be redrawn
(scrolling to a new region of the image, scaling, changing resampling methods, etc.).
Annotation Clear Display This preference performs the same task as the Clear
Display preference, but with a slight difference. It applies only to the default option of how
annotation layers are added to a Viewer window. Annotation layers are typically loaded on top
of images, and do not obscure the underlying image.
It is recommended that you accept the default of no due to the unique nature of annotation
Show Menu Bar This preference controls whether or not a menu bar is displayed in a
new Viewer window by default (the right mouse button menu, the Quick View menu, in the
Viewer will let you override this option). It is recommended that you leave this preference
Show Scroll Bars This preference controls whether or not scroll bars are displayed in
a new Viewer by default (the right mouse button menu, the Quick View menu, in the Viewer
will let you override this option). It is recommended that you leave this preference enabled.
Show Borders Establish whether to make window manager borders visible on viewer
Show Tool Bar This preference controls whether or not the tool bar is displayed in a new
Viewer by default (the right mouse button menu, the Quick View menu, in the Viewer will let
you override this option). It is recommended that you leave this preference enabled.
Show Status Bar This preference controls whether or not the status bar is displayed in
a new Viewer by default (the right mouse button menu, the Quick View menu, in the Viewer
will let you override this option). It is recommended that you leave this preference enabled.
Maximum Y Backing Store This preference controls the same behavior as the
Maximum X Backing Store, except that it affects the vertical component of the Viewer.
Render Outside of View Views will be drawn to the maximum backing store when they
are displayed for quick scrolling. This option requires large amounts of memory if your
Maximum X and Y Backing Stores are large.
Use Image Block Size for Rendering This preference determines what tile size to
use for rendering. You should leave it set to no unless you are consistently displaying very
large files (greater then 10,000 pixels in width or height). For these files, setting this option to
yes will speed up rendering. The block size in the file is used as the tile size in the Viewer.
Move Mouse on Zoom This preference controls whether or not the cursor will stay in
the same location when you zoom an image.
Histogram Tool Layout Specify whether the Histogram Tool should be vertical or
Use Transparency in Swipe/Flicker Tools for: Specify whether the top layer
should be transparent. When this option is enabled, the top layer will be modified without
affecting the other layer, no matter how they are overlaid or what type of clipping they have.
Depending upon your operating system, this options can be slow depending on the size of
your Viewer.
When this preference is disabled, the top layer will completely cover all other layers whether
they are inside or outside the extent of the top layer. All areas that use opacity will become
black. This option is used only if the layers completely overlay each other and there is no
Use Fast Selectors: (UNIX only) When this preference is enabled (the default), selected
elements may be less visible in the viewer but also require less memory.
When this preference is disabled, selected elements may be more visible in the viewer but
you may run out of memory if many elements are selected as with a Select All operation in
a CellArray.
North Arrow Select the style of the default North arrow. The options are:
1 (North Arrow 1)
2 (North Arrow 2)
3 (North Arrow 3)
4 (North Arrow 4)
5 (North Arrow 5)
6 (North Arrow 6)
The default is 1.
Pixel Size of North Arrow Set the default size of the North arrow in pixels. The
acceptable range is 10 to 500.
Pixel Size of Scale Bar Set the default size of the scale bar in pixels. The acceptable
range is 10 to 500.
Show Coordinates As Set the default viewer coordinate system. The options are Map
or Lat/Lon.
Inquire Cursor/Box Color Select the default color for the inquire cursor and the inquire
Enable Animated Zoom Enable the animated zoom feature. When enabled, this
feature animates the zoom in by 2 or zoom out by 2 functions and .
Enable Box Zoom Enable the zoom to/from box feature. When enabled, this feature
allows you to drag a box inside the viewer that is used as the boundary for zooming. When
the Zoom In Re-center tool is selected and a box is dragged, the image bounded by the
box is enlarged to fit within the current viewer. When the Zoom Out Re-center tool is
selected and a box is dragged, the image is reduced so that the area currently displayed in
the viewer fits within the box.
Hide Cursor on Inquire By default, the mouse cursor is hidden while the inquire cursor
is moved. Under certain conditions, you may want to see the position of the mouse cursor as
you as you move the inquire cursor. In these cases, set this preference to false (unchecked).
Viewshed Analysis
Viewshed Analysis
These preferences affect the default values and colors to use with the Viewshed Analysis Tool.
Output Type - displays the type of viewshed analysis to appear when you start the
Viewshed Analysis Tool. The default is Single Viewshed.
Position Units - displays the units for positioning an observer in the image displayed in
the Viewer. The default is Meters.
Height Units - displays the height units for the terrain elevation of the image displayed in
the Viewer. The default is Meters.
Distance Units - displays the units used for the maximum height within a viewshed area
and for the range of the viewshed. The default is Meters.
Maxima Search - allows you to set the observer so it automatically jumps to the highest
point within the viewshed area where you have placed the marker. The default is 0.000.
Spokes - allows you set the number of spokes to extend from the center of the viewshed
area. They will be spread over the full 360 degrees of the circle. The default is 0.000.
Use Earth Curvature - allows you to set whether or not to use the curve of the Earth
into account when making calculations. The default is off.
Number of Intervals - displays the number of divisions between heights when using
AGL or ASL output types. The default is 5.000.
Interval Height - displays the elevation of each interval when using AGL or ASL output
types. The default is 100.000.
Starting Elevation - displays the base elevation for the intervals of height used with AGL
or ASL output types. The default is 0.000.
Observer AGL Height - displays the distance above average ground level of the
observer. The default is 30.000.
Observer Maximum Range - displays the range of the viewshed analysis area. The
default is 2000.000.
Observer Azimuth - displays the observer’s angle, around which the field of view is
drawn. The default is 0.000.
Viewshed Analysis
Observer View Cone - displays the observer’s field of view within the viewshed area.
The default is 360.000.
Out of Bounds Value - displays the distance outside of the image to calculate when
creating a viewshed layer near the edge of an image. The default is 0.000.
These preferences affect the default values, colors, and viewing preferences for the VirtualGIS
New Windows Appear On - defines the screen on which the VirtualGIS window is
displayed. The default is default, so the window is displayed on the screen where IMAGINE
is displayed.
Navigation Mode — sets the default mode of movement for VirtualGIS. The default is
Use Backing Store — allows only the part of the scene obstructed, such as by a menu,
to be refreshed when the obstruction is removed. On faster graphics systems, this preference
should be turned off. The default is off.
Collision Detection — prevents collisions with the terrain while navigating through
VirtualGIS. The performance of VirtualGIS is increased when this preference is off. This
option can be changed in the Scene Properties dialog. The default is on.
Default Symbology File — allows you to enter the default symbology path and file to
use when displaying vector coverages. There is no default.
Show Coordinates As — specifies what type of coordinates to use when the observer’s
position is displayed in the Position Editor, the Position Recorder, and the Flight Path Editor.
The default is Map.
Color of Saved Positions in Recorder — specifies the color of the position markers
displayed in VirtualGIS when saved in the Positions Recorder. The default is red.
Color of Flight Path — specifies the color of the flight path line displayed in VirtualGIS
when created in the Flight Path Editor. The default is red.
Always Render Elevation Model — allows you to select whether or not the DEM is
always visible under raster layers in VirtualGIS. This option can be changed in the Scene
Properties dialog. The default is off.
Heads-Up-Display Color — specifies the color to be used with the Heads Up Display in
VirtualGIS. The default is red.
Background Display Type — specifies the default background for display behind a
VirtualGIS scene. The default is solid.
Solid Background Color — specifies the color to be used when a solid background is
selected. The default is black.
Faded Background Start Color — specifies the color to use at the horizon when a
faded background is selected. The default is white.
Faded Background End Color — specifies the color to use above the horizon when a
faded background is selected. The default is light blue.
Faded Background Ground Color — specifies the color to use for the ground color
when a faded background is selected. The default is dark green.
Use Ground Color in Faded Background — allows you to select whether to use a
ground color when using a faded background. The default is off.
Fade Ground Color Into Horizon — allows you to select whether to fade the selected
ground color into the horizon when using a faded background. The default is on.
Faded Background Range (in Degrees) — allows you to select the range to use with
a faded background. The default is 20 degrees.
Image Background Filename — allows you to enter the default .img file to use when
displaying the background with an image. There is no default.
Invert Movies on NT — allows you to automatically counteract when AVI movies created
on Windows NT display upside down. The default is on.
Invert Movies on 95 — allows you to automatically counteract when AVI movies created
on Windows 95 display upside down. The default is off.
Allow Stretched Scene — allows you to change the size of your VirtualGIS window
without warping your 3D scene. The default is off.
i Imagery in VirtualGIS 8.4 and later may appear to have a different exaggeration than the
same imagery in VirtualGIS 8.3 and earlier because VirtualGIS no longer stretchs the scene
to fit the VirtualGIS Viewer by default. Turn on the Allow Stretched Scene preference if you
prefer to stretch the scene to fit in the VirtualGIS Viewer by default.
Distance from Point to Seek — allows you to select how far away from the selected
point to move in units when using the Move To Selected options. The default is 300.
Percentage of Distance to Seek — allows you to select how far to move by percentage
of distance toward the selected point when using the Move To Selected options. The default
is 75.
Seek Using Distance — allows you to specify to use distance units (rather than
percentage of distance) when using the Move To Selected options. The default is off.
Intervisibility Observer Range — allows you set the default viewing distance for an
observer in file pixels. The observer’s intervisibility dome will be this size. The default is 200.
Intervisibility Observer Size — allows you to set the default size in file pixels of
observers when they are added to a scene. The size is rendered in whole file pixels, based
on the resolution of the DEM. The default is 20.
Intervisibility Dome Density — allows you to set the density of the dome’s wire frame
when using the Both or Wire Frame options to display the dome. The default is 100.
Report Motion Performance Information — allows you to select whether or not the
number of frames generated and the time to create those frames are displayed in the
IMAGINE Session Log after completing a flight through a VirtualGIS scene. The number of
frames per second possible on a system can be calculated with these numbers. The default
is off.
Raster Tiling Quality — defines the quality of the seams between the tiled segments of
a Virtual World displayed in a VirtualGIS scene. The higher the quality, the lower the
rendering speed. The default is Best.
Allow Color Fallback Mode — allows you use Color Shaded Fallback mode. This option
will increase the memory usage of VirtualGIS. If memory consumption is a concern, or you
will not be using fallback modes, then this preference should be turned off. The default is on.
Use Multi-Threading — allows you to specify whether or not VirtualGIS uses multiple
threads to handle the file I/O and graphics I/O separately. The default is on.
Use Display List Rendering — allows an increase in rendering speed for single-
resolution scenes, i.e. all displays that are not Virtual Worlds. The default is off.
Resample Textures Using — allows you select whether to resample the images loaded
into VirtualGIS with Bilinear interpolation or Nearest Neighbor interpolation. On some
systems, Nearest Neighbor will resample faster, but degrade the quality of the imagery. The
default is Bilinear.
Vector Line Width — defines the width of vectors displayed in VirtualGIS. The smaller the
line width, the lower the visual quality of the vector when displayed. The default is 2.000.
Use Texture Mipmapping — allows VirtualGIS to create multiple levels of detail for
imagery. This preference enhances the visual quality of the display, but increases the amount
of memory used for rendering. The default is off.
i When using the Texture Mipmapping preference with Virtual Worlds, the imagery may show
some black areas around the edge of the image. If this occurs, disable the Texture Mipmap-
ping preference.
Use Stencil Buffer For Draping — allows rendering of draped lines and polygons with
a stencil buffer. For systems that support stencil buffers, the visual quality of the rendered
lines and polygons is improved. This preference is useful when used with the Polygon Offset
preferences. The default is on.
Use Polygon Offset For Draping — allows rendering of draped lines and polygons
with the offset feature of OpenGL. For systems that support the polygon offset feature, the
visual quality of the rendered lines and polygons is improved. However, on some systems,
this preference can reduce performance. This preference is useful when used with the Stencil
Buffer preference, and the other Polygon Offset preferences. The default is on.
Polygon Offset Factor — applies a depth exaggeration factor to draped data based upon
each object’s orientation and distance. This value should be negative to reduce the depth of
the object. This preference works well with the Polygon Offset Bias Units preference. The
default is -10.000.
Polygon Offset Bias Units — adds to the offset factor in terms of the binning of the
depth buffer to handle round-off errors inherent in graphics hardware devices that use a lower
resolution for representing depth values.This value should be negative to reduce the depth of
the object. This preference works well with the Polygon Offset Factor preference. The default
is -5.000.
Use Elevation Angle LOD — allows VirtualGIS to use lower resolutions of the terrain
when viewing Virtual Worlds from an orthogonal direction. This preference increases
performance. The default is off.
Maximum Allowed Elevation Error — allows you to set the elevation error allowed
when viewing a Virtual World. The higher the elevation error, the better the performance.
However, a high elevation error also degrades the visual quality of the DEM. The default is
Disable Extensions — allows you to enable or disable VirtualGIS to use some OpenGL
extensions (the preferences listed below). Not all systems will support all extensions. This
preference checkbox disables all the preferences below it. The default is off.
Use Four Bit Texture Extension — an OpenGL extension, this allows VirtualGIS to
use four bits per RGB. The resulting image uses fewer colors than normal eight-bit images. It
also uses less texture memory, and could increase performance. It can be disabled
individually, or with the Disable Extensions preference. The default is off.
Use Color Table Extension — an OpenGL extension, this allows Contrast Tools in
VirtualGIS to automatically affect images with the AutoApply enabled. It can be disabled
individually, or with the Disable Extensions preference. The default is off.
Use Filtering Extension — an OpenGL extension, this allows the process of applying
convolution filters to VirtualGIS images to be optimized. It can be disabled individually, or with
the Disable Extension preference. The default is off.
Virtual World Editor
Sector View Background Color - displays the color to use for the background in the
Sector View Tool.
Sector View Grid Color - displays the color to use for the grid in the Sector View Tool.
The default is dark green.
Sector View Text Color - displays the color to use for the text in the Sector View Tool.
The default is black.
Sector View Uncomputable Color - displays the color to use for the uncomputable
areas of data in the Sector View Tool.
Sector View Sector Color - displays the color to use for a single sector in the Sector
View Tool.
Sector View Selected Sector Color - displays the color to use for a single selected
sector in the Sector View Tool.
Sector View DEM Color - displays the color to use for the DEMs in the Sector View Tool.
The default is bright green.
Sector View Selected DEM Color - displays the color to use for a selected DEM in
the Sector View Tool.
Sector View Raster Overlay Color - displays the color to use for the raster overlays
in the Sector View Tool.
Virtual World Editor
Sector View Selected Raster Overlay Color - displays the color to use for selected
raster overlays in the Sector View Tool.
Sector View Vector Color - displays the color to use for the vector layers in the Sector
View Tool.
Sector View Selected Vector Color - displays the color to use for a selected vector
layer in the Sector View Tool.
Sector View Annotation Color - displays the color to use for the annotation layers in
the Sector View Tool.
Sector View Selected Annotation Color - displays the color to use for selected
annotation layers in the Sector View Tool.